Item - 2018.EX30.11
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on January 31 and March 1, 2018 without amendments and without debate.
- This item was considered by Executive Committee on January 24, 2018 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on January 31 and March 1, 2018.
EX30.11 - Site Selection for a New Consolidated Police Station - 54/55 Division
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted on Consent
- Wards:
- 29 - Toronto-Danforth, 30 - Toronto-Danforth, 31 - Beaches-East York, 32 - Beaches-East York
City Council Decision
City Council on January 31 and February 1, 2018, adopted the following:
1. City Council approve the preferred site – the current Toronto Transit Commission's Danforth Garage, located at 1627 Danforth Avenue – for the location of a new consolidated 54 and 55 Police District facility.
2. City Council reaffirm Guiding Principle 3 of the report (January 10, 2018) from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, that the Site Selection Process be informed by a community vision.
3. City Council reaffirm Draft Principle 2 of the report (January 10, 2018) from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, that a multi-functional site will be created that will be home to various civic and employment-generating uses.
4. City Council amend Draft Principle 8 of the report (January 10, 2018) from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to read:
"Principle 8: Appropriately integrate design within the existing neighbourhood context and follow a design intent that ensures the siting and massing of the buildings provide sufficient area and prominence for the public and community uses."
5. City Council approve the draft principles found in the Comments section of the report (January 10, 2018) from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, as amended by Part 4 above, to guide the future development of the preferred site, and City Council direct City Planning to consult on, and finalize, the draft principles.
6. City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to:
a. convene an interdivisional working group to undertake a Master Plan for the site, which will include community consultations, technical studies, confirmation of required Toronto Transit Commission uses to be included on the site, the exploration of other potential partners and uses, and conceptual site plans. The working group will include staff from the following Agencies and Divisions, with additional participants as determined through the master planning process:
1. City Planning;
2. Real Estate Services;
3. Toronto Realty Agency;
4. Toronto Transit Commission;
5. Toronto Police Service;
6. Toronto Public Library;
7. Economic Development and Culture; and
8. Affordable Housing Office;
b. report to the Executive Committee with a progress report on the master planning process, identified redevelopment partners and a phasing strategy in the second quarter of 2018; the phasing strategy will outline the individual timeline requirements of each partner, including the Toronto Transit Commission and Toronto Police Service, with a plan to meet these timelines; and this includes the commencement of design planning in 2018 and construction in 2019 for a new consolidated 54 and 55 Police District facility;
c. report to the Executive Committee with a business case, including funding strategies in the first quarter of 2019, to include funding plans for site redevelopment in addition to the new consolidated 54 and 55 Police District facility, for which funding is included in the 2018 -2027 Capital Budget and Plan; and
d. establish a Community Stakeholder Group to provide ongoing input into the Master Planning Process.
7. City Council request the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report to the Executive Committee in the second quarter of 2018 indicating if future funding requirements will be needed to ensure multi-functions on the site, and to report as well on the opportunity for a residential hospice in conjunction with the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network.
8. City Council request the Director, Real Estate Services to report to the Executive Committee on the process to determine future uses for current station locations.
Background Information (Committee)
(January 10, 2018) Appendix A - Site Selection for a New Consolidated Police Station - 54/55 Division
Communications (Committee)
(January 24, 2018) Letter from Councillor Paula Fletcher, Councillor Mary Fragedakis, Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon and Councillor Janet Davis (EX.New.EX30.11.2)
EX30.11 - Site Selection for a New Consolidated Police Station - 54/55 Division
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- 29 - Toronto-Danforth, 30 - Toronto-Danforth, 31 - Beaches-East York, 32 - Beaches-East York
Committee Recommendations
The Executive Committee recommends that:
1. City Council approve the preferred site – the current Toronto Transit Commission's (TTC) Danforth Garage, located at 1627 Danforth Avenue – for the location of a new consolidated 54 and 55 Police District facility.
2. City Council reaffirm Guiding Principle 3 of the report (January 10, 2018) from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planning, that the Site Selection Process be informed by a community vision;
3. City Council reaffirm Draft Principle 2 of the report (January 10, 2018) from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planning, that a multi-functional site will be created that will be home to various civic and employment-generating uses.
4. City Council amend Draft Principle 8 of the report (January 10, 2018) from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planning to read:
"Principle 8: Appropriately integrate design within the existing neighbourhood context and follow a design intent that ensures the siting and massing of the buildings provide sufficient area and prominence for the public and community uses."
5. City Council approve the draft principles found in the Comments section of the report (January 10, 2018) from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, as amended, to guide the future development of the preferred site, and direct the City Planning Division to consult on, and finalize, the draft principles.
6. City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to:
a. Convene an interdivisional working group to undertake a master plan for the site, which will include community consultations, technical studies, confirmation of required Toronto Transit Commission uses to be included on the site, the exploration of other potential partners and uses, and conceptual site plans. The working group will include staff from the following Agencies and Divisions, with additional participants as determined through the master planning process:
1. City Planning;
2. Real Estate Services;
3. Toronto Realty Agency;
4. Toronto Transit Commission;
5. Toronto Police Service;
6. Toronto Public Library;
7. Economic Development and Culture; and
8. Affordable Housing Office
b. Report to the Executive Committee with a progress report on the master planning process, identified redevelopment partners and a phasing strategy in the second quarter of 2018. The phasing strategy will outline the individual timeline requirements of each partner, including the Toronto Transit Commission and Toronto Police Service, with a plan to meet these timelines. This includes the commencement of design planning in 2018 and construction in 2019 for a new consolidated 54 and 55 Police District facility; and
c. Report to the Executive Committee with a business case, including funding strategies in the first quarter of 2019, to include funding plans for site redevelopment in addition to the new consolidated 54 and 55 Police District facility, for which funding is included in the 2018 -2027 Capital Budget and Plan.
d. Establish a Community Stakeholder Group to provide ongoing input into the Master Planning Process.
7. City Council request the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report to the Executive Committee in the second quarter indicating if future funding requirements will be needed to ensure multi-functions on the site, and reporting as well on the opportunity for a residential hospice in conjunction with the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (LHIN).
8. City Council request the Director, Real Estate Services to report to the Executive Committee on the process to determine future uses for current station locations.
The Toronto Police Service (TPS) previously identified their 54 and 55 Divisions as priority buildings for replacement. 54 Division is located at 41 Cranfield Road, and 55 Division is located at 101 Coxwell Avenue. Capital funding for the replacement of 54 Division and renovation of 55 Division has been approved since 2012. The projects were previously deferred by the Toronto Police Services Board (TPSB) to explore opportunities to consolidate the two Divisions. The TPS determined that consolidation was feasible and began the process of exploring potential sites, for which they requested Real Estate Services (RES) assistance.
The Toronto Police Service's Transformational Task Force (TTF), was created with a mandate to 'propose a modernized policing model for the City of Toronto that is innovative, sustainable and affordable'. Their final report 'Action Plan: The Way Forward', reaffirmed the need to consolidate the two Divisions. In addition to aligning with the Transformational Task Force report, the consolidation of 54 and 55 Divisions aligns with the City's real estate goals seeking to co-ordinate, modernize and maximize the value of City assets.
The purpose of this report is to inform City Council of the work done by Real Estate Services, City Planning and the Toronto Police Service, in consultation with other City stakeholders, including local Councillors (Wards 29, 30, 31, 32), the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) and the Toronto Realty Agency (TRA), on the site selection process and to recommend a preferred site for a consolidated police station for 54 and 55 Divisions. Council is asked to approve a set of draft principles to guide the development of the recommended site. These principles were developed by City Planning staff in consultation with the four (4) local councillors, are based on feedback received from the public consultations, and will be further refined in consultation with the local community.
Background Information
(January 10, 2018) Appendix A - Site Selection for a New Consolidated Police Station - 54/55 Division
(January 24, 2018) Letter from Councillor Paula Fletcher, Councillor Mary Fragedakis, Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon and Councillor Janet Davis (EX.New.EX30.11.2)
That Recommendation 3 be amended so that it reads as follows:
"3. City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to:
a. Convene an interdivisional working group to undertake a master plan for the site, which will include community consultations, technical studies, confirmation of required Toronto Transit Commission uses to be included on the site, the exploration of other potential partners and uses, and conceptual site plans. The working group will include staff from the following Agencies and Divisions, with additional participants as determined through the master planning process:
i. City Planning;
ii. Real Estate Services;
iii. Toronto Realty Agency;
iv. Toronto Transit Commission;
v. Toronto Police Service;
vi. Toronto Public Library;
vii. Economic Development and Culture; and
viii. Affordable Housing Office
b. Report to the Executive Committee with a progress report on the master planning process, identified redevelopment partners and a phasing strategy in the second quarter of 2018. The phasing strategy will outline the individual timeline requirements of each partner, including the Toronto Transit Commission and Toronto Police Service, with a plan to meet these timelines. This includes the commencement of design planning in 2018 and construction in 2019 for a new consolidated 54 and 55 Police District facility; and
c. Report to the Executive Committee with a business case, including funding strategies in the first quarter of 2019, to include funding plans for site redevelopment in addition to the new consolidated 54 and 55 Police District facility, for which funding is included in the 2018 -2027 Capital Budget and Plan.
d. Establish a Community Stakeholder Group to provide ongoing input into the Master Planning Process."
That City Council reaffirm:
1. Guiding Principle 3 that the Site Selection Process be informed by a community vision;
2. Draft Principle 2 that a multi-functional site will be created that will be home to various civic and employment-generating uses.
That Draft Principle 8 be amended to read:
Principle 8: Appropriately integrate design within the existing neighbourhood context and follow a design intent that ensures the siting and massing of the buildings provide sufficient area and prominence for the public and community uses.
1. That the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report to the Executive Committee in the second quarter indicating if future funding requirements will be needed to ensure multi-functions on the site, and reporting as well on the opportunity for a residential hospice in conjunction with the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network (LHIN).
2. That the Director, Real Estate Services report to the Executive Committee on the process to determine future uses for current station locations.