Item - 2018.ED31.3

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on July 23,24,25,26,27 and 30, 2018 without amendments.
  • This item was considered by Economic Development Committee on July 9, 2018 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on July 23,24,25,26,27 and 30, 2018.

ED31.3 - Deaccessioning and Transfer of the City of Toronto's Lancaster Bomber

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 23, 24, 25, 26, 27 and 30, 2018, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the deaccessioning of the City of Toronto's Lancaster bomber FM104 from the Historical Collection.


2.  City Council approve the transfer of Lancaster bomber FM104 to the British Columbia Aviation Museum for continued restoration and public display, on condition that should the Aviation Museum decide to deaccession the Lancaster, it shall keep FM104 in the public domain by offering it by donation to the City of Toronto in the first instance, then to an appropriate Canadian museum.


3.  Should negotiations to transfer the Lancaster bomber to the British Columbia Aviation Museum fail, City Council approve the transfer of FM104 to the Edenvale Aviation Heritage Foundation for continued restoration and display, on condition that should the Foundation decide to deaccession the Lancaster, it shall keep FM104 in the public domain by offering it by donation to the City of Toronto in the first instance, then to an appropriate Canadian museum.


4.  City Council direct staff to investigate ways to memorialize the Lancaster bomber FM104 at Coronation Park.

Background Information (Committee)

(March 16, 2018) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Deaccessioning and Transfer of the City of Toronto's Lancaster Bomber

Communications (Committee)

(November 13, 2017) Presentation from Dan Grant, SaveLancaster FM104 Group (ED.Main.ED31.3.1)
(April 13, 2018) Submission from Murray Conley, Edenvale Aviation Heritage Foundation (ED.Main.ED31.3.2)
(July 9, 2018) E-mail from K.Dawn Evans (ED.New.ED31.3.3)

Communications (City Council)

(July 18, 2018) Submission from Murray Conley on behalf of the Edenvale Aviation Heritage Foundation (CC.Supp.ED31.3.4)
(July 19, 2018) Submission from Brian Munro (CC.New.ED31.3.5)
(July 22, 2018) Letter from Brian Munro (CC.New.ED31.3.6)

Motions (City Council)

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item) Jul-24-2018 9:47 AM

Result: Carried Majority Required - ED31.3 - Adopt the item
Total members that voted Yes: 30 Members that voted Yes are John Campbell, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Frank Di Giorgio, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mark Grimes, Jim Hart, Michelle Holland, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Norman Kelly, Mike Layton, Giorgio Mammoliti, Josh Matlow, Miganoush Megardichian, Joe Mihevc, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, Gord Perks, Neethan Shan, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Lucy Troisi, Jonathan Tsao, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 5 Members that voted No are Maria Augimeri, Josh Colle, Sarah Doucette, Michael Ford, James Pasternak
Total members that were Absent: 10 Members that were absent are Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Jon Burnside, Christin Carmichael Greb, Justin J. Di Ciano, Mary Fragedakis, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, David Shiner

3a - Review of Proposal by #SaveLancasterFM104 regarding the City of Toronto's Lancaster Bomber

Background Information (Committee)
(July 3, 2018) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Review of Proposal by #SaveLancasterFM104 regarding the City of Toronto's Lancaster Bomber

ED31.3 - Deaccessioning and Transfer of the City of Toronto's Lancaster Bomber

Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.  City Council approve the deaccessioning of the City of Toronto's Lancaster bomber FM104 from the Historical Collection.


2.  City Council approve the transfer of Lancaster bomber FM104 to the British Columbia Aviation Museum for continued restoration and public display, on condition that should the Aviation Museum decide to deaccession the Lancaster, it shall keep FM104 in the public domain by offering it by donation to the City of Toronto in the first instance, then to an appropriate Canadian museum.


3.  Should negotiations to transfer the Lancaster bomber to the British Columbia Aviation Museum fail, City Council approve the transfer of FM104 to the Edenvale Aviation Heritage Foundation for continued restoration and display, on condition that should the Foundation decide to deaccession the Lancaster, it shall keep FM104 in the public domain by offering it by donation to the City of Toronto in the first instance, then to an appropriate Canadian museum.


4.  City Council direct staff to investigate ways to memorialize the Lancaster bomber FM104 at Coronation Park.


(March 16, 2018) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture


The purpose of this report is to recommend that the City of Toronto's Lancaster bomber be deaccessioned from the Historical Collection and transferred, with conditions, to the British Columbia Aviation Museum in Sidney, British Columbia.


Council’s approval is necessary because the value of the artifact exceeds the delegated signing authority of the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture.

Background Information

(March 16, 2018) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Deaccessioning and Transfer of the City of Toronto's Lancaster Bomber


(November 13, 2017) Presentation from Dan Grant, SaveLancaster FM104 Group (ED.Main.ED31.3.1)
(April 13, 2018) Submission from Murray Conley, Edenvale Aviation Heritage Foundation (ED.Main.ED31.3.2)
(July 9, 2018) E-mail from K.Dawn Evans (ED.New.ED31.3.3)


Brian Munro
Jane Mitchell, Save Lancaster#FM 104
Murray Conley, Edenvale Aviation Heritage Foundation
Ronald Ball, Edenvale Aviation Heritage Foundation
David Snedden, Edenvale Aviation Heritage Foundation
Lynn Berry, Save Lancaster Group
John Lewis, British Columbia Aviation Museum


Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Mary Fragedakis (Carried)



1.  City Council direct staff to investigate ways to memorialize the Lancaster bomber FM104 at Coronation Park.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Mary Fragedakis (Carried)

3a - Review of Proposal by #SaveLancasterFM104 regarding the City of Toronto's Lancaster Bomber

(July 3, 2018) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

On April 13, 2018, the Economic Development Committee referred Item ED28.7 back to staff for further review due to issues raised in a deputation by #SaveLancasterFM104. This report summarizes the subsequent review process. Staff return with the same recommendation as before, namely to deaccession Lancaster bomber FM104 from the City's artifact collection and transfer it to the British Columbia Aviation Museum.

Background Information
(July 3, 2018) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Review of Proposal by #SaveLancasterFM104 regarding the City of Toronto's Lancaster Bomber
Source: Toronto City Clerk at