Item - 2018.ED29.8

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on May 22, 23 and 24, 2018 with amendments.
  • This item was considered by the Economic Development Committee on May 10, 2018 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on May 22, 23 and 24, 2018.

ED29.8 - Major Cultural Organizations 2018 Allocations

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on May 22, 23 and 24, 2018, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the allocations of Major Cultural Organizations program funding of $9,230,235 in 2018 to the following organizations:




Art Gallery of Ontario

$ 684,000

Canada's National Ballet School

$ 225,000

Canadian Opera Company

$ 1,500,000

Festival Management Committee (Toronto Caribbean Carnival)

$ 625,000

Harbourfront Centre

$ 1,315,500

National Ballet of Canada

$ 1,390,000

Pride Toronto

$ 260,000

Toronto Artscape Inc.                                  

$ 415,000

Toronto Festival of Arts, Culture and Creativity (Luminato)                                  

$ 400,000

Toronto International Film Festival Inc.

$ 1,195,735

Toronto Symphony Orchestra                      

$ 1,220,000


$ 9,230,235


2. City Council approve the balance of the 2018 instalment payments to the Art Gallery of Ontario, Canadian Opera Company, Festival Management Committee, Harbourfront Centre, National Ballet of Canada, Toronto Artscape Inc., Toronto International Film Festival Inc., and Toronto Symphony Orchestra to be made as one payment following the adoption of the recommended allocations by City Council, and that monthly instalments to these organizations resume in January 2019.


3. City Council authorize the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to enter into a contribution agreement with Harbourfront Centre, subject to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Interim Chief Financial Officer, to govern the use of program funds.


4.  City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to investigate ways to support festivals that draw 100,000 to 500,000 attendees in various parts of the City and to report back to City Council in the first quarter of 2019.

Background Information (Committee)

(April 23, 2018) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Major Cultural Organizations 2018 Allocations
Attachment 1 - Summary of 2018 Major Cultural Organizations Recipient Organizations

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Neethan Shan (Carried)

That City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to investigate ways to support festivals that draw 100,000 to 500,000 attendees in various parts of the City and report back to City Council in the first quarter of 2019.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional)) May-23-2018 7:22 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - ED29.8 - Shan - motion 1
Total members that voted Yes: 34 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Christin Carmichael Greb, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Justin J. Di Ciano, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Jim Hart, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Norman Kelly, Mike Layton, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Joe Mihevc, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Neethan Shan, David Shiner, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Lucy Troisi, Jonathan Tsao, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 0 Members that voted No are
Total members that were Absent: 10 Members that were absent are Ana Bailão, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Josh Colle, Vincent Crisanti, Mary Fragedakis, Michelle Holland, Giorgio Mammoliti, Josh Matlow, Denzil Minnan-Wong

2 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Deputy Mayor Stephen Holyday (Withdrawn)

1. City Council direct that the payment of $260,000 in City of Toronto funding for Pride Toronto be conditional upon the matter of Toronto Police participation in the Pride Parade being settled to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture.

Motion to Withdraw a Motion moved by Deputy Mayor Stephen Holyday (Carried)

That Deputy Mayor Holyday be permitted to withdraw his motion 2.

Vote (Withdraw a Motion) May-23-2018 7:20 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - ED29.8 - Holyday - Withdraw motion 2
Total members that voted Yes: 34 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Christin Carmichael Greb, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Justin J. Di Ciano, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Jim Hart, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Norman Kelly, Mike Layton, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Joe Mihevc, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Neethan Shan, David Shiner, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Lucy Troisi, Jonathan Tsao, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 0 Members that voted No are
Total members that were Absent: 10 Members that were absent are Ana Bailão, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Josh Colle, Vincent Crisanti, Mary Fragedakis, Michelle Holland, Giorgio Mammoliti, Josh Matlow, Denzil Minnan-Wong

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) May-23-2018 7:23 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - ED29.8 - Adopt the item as amended
Total members that voted Yes: 33 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Christin Carmichael Greb, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Justin J. Di Ciano, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Jim Hart, Jim Karygiannis, Norman Kelly, Mike Layton, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Joe Mihevc, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Neethan Shan, David Shiner, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Lucy Troisi, Jonathan Tsao, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 1 Members that voted No are Stephen Holyday
Total members that were Absent: 10 Members that were absent are Ana Bailão, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Josh Colle, Vincent Crisanti, Mary Fragedakis, Michelle Holland, Giorgio Mammoliti, Josh Matlow, Denzil Minnan-Wong

ED29.8 - Major Cultural Organizations 2018 Allocations

Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1. City Council approve the allocations of Major Cultural Organizations program funding of $9,230,235 in 2018 to the following organizations:




Art Gallery of Ontario

$ 684,000

Canada's National Ballet School

$ 225,000

Canadian Opera Company

$ 1,500,000

Festival Management Committee (Toronto Caribbean Carnival)

$ 625,000

Harbourfront Centre

$ 1,315,500

National Ballet of Canada

$ 1,390,000

Pride Toronto

$ 260,000

Toronto Artscape Inc.                                  

$ 415,000

Toronto Festival of Arts, Culture and Creativity (Luminato)                                  

$ 400,000

Toronto International Film Festival Inc.

$ 1,195,735

Toronto Symphony Orchestra                      

$ 1,220,000


$ 9,230,235


2. City Council approve the balance of the 2018 instalment payments to the Art Gallery of Ontario, Canadian Opera Company, Festival Management Committee, Harbourfront Centre, National Ballet of Canada, Toronto Artscape Inc., Toronto International Film Festival Inc., and Toronto Symphony Orchestra be made as one payment following the adoption of the recommended allocations by City Council, and that monthly instalments to these organizations resume in January 2019.


3. City Council authorize the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to enter into a contribution agreement with Harbourfront Centre, subject to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Interim Chief Financial Officer, to govern the use of program funds.


(April 23, 2018) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture


This report recommends allocations to eleven not-for-profit organizations that have applied for funding through the Major Cultural Organizations (MCO) program administered by the Economic Development and Culture Division (EDC) for 2018. Recipient organizations deliver unique cultural programming that strengthens Toronto's economy, liveability, and international profile. These organizations have significant social and economic impact: they attract visitors, lead community initiatives and are critical elements of Toronto's position as an international cultural tourism destination.


The total program funding available for these allocations is $9,230,235 as approved by City Council as part of the 2018 Operating Budget. Allocation recommendations presented in this report are based on the review by Economic Development and Culture Division's Arts and Culture Services staff and an external peer advisory panel. All recipients are subject to the City of Toronto's Community Grants Policy.

Background Information

(April 23, 2018) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Major Cultural Organizations 2018 Allocations
Attachment 1 - Summary of 2018 Major Cultural Organizations Recipient Organizations


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Mary Fragedakis (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at