Item - 2018.DI19.10

Tracking Status

DI19.10 - Wheel-Trans Appeals Process

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee recommends to the Executive Committee that:


1.  City Council request the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) to make a presentation to the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee on information on the Wheel-Trans appeals process, specifically, information regarding the amount of money spent by the TTC and partner organizations (for example, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre) on Wheel-Trans appeals on an annual basis, average wait times for appeals to be heard, as well as how many appeals for Wheel-Trans are successful annually.


(April 13, 2018) Letter from Terri-Lynn Langdon, Member, Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee


Given that there are limited funds for accessible transit in Toronto as well as many accessibility targets that have not yet been met in the accessibility plans to date, the Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee requests Information on the Wheel-Trans appeals process from the TTC. Specifically, we are requesting information regarding the amount of money spent by the TTC and partner organizations (i.e. Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre) on Wheel-Trans appeals on an annual basis. We also request average wait times for appeals to be heard, as well as how many appeals for Wheel-Trans are successful annually.


We request this in the form of a presentation for the next Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee meeting.

Background Information

(April 13, 2018) Letter from Terri-Lynn Langdon, Member, Toronto Accessibility Advisory Committee on Wheel-Trans Appeals Process


1 - Motion to Add New Business at Committee moved by Wendy Porch (Carried)

2 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Yin Brown (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at