Item - 2018.AH10.7
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Affordable Housing Committee on June 25, 2018 and was adopted without amendment.
- See also EX36.32
AH10.7 - Housing Opportunities Toronto Action Plan (2020-2030) Directions Report
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Affordable Housing Committee recommends to Executive Committee that:
1. City Council approve the direction and framework outlined in this report to develop the Housing Opportunities Toronto Action Plan 2020-2030 and to execute the framework outlined in this report, including strategic public consultations.
2. City Council request the Director, Affordable Housing Office, the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, and the General Manager, Long-Term Care Homes and Services to report before the end of 2019 with the final recommended Housing Opportunities Toronto Action Plan 2020-2030, together with an associated implementation strategy for Council consideration.
3. City Council request the Director, Affordable Housing Office and the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to provide a progress report on the implementation of the Housing Opportunities Toronto Action Plan 2010-2020 before the end of 2019.
4. City Council request the Director, Affordable Housing Office and the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to publish as part of the public engagement process and report to the Affordable Housing Committee in the first quarter of 2019 on the results of the Toronto housing market analysis.
5. City Council request the Director, Affordable Housing Office, the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, and the General Manager, Long-Term Care Homes and Services to identify, through the City’s 2019 budget process, any additional financial resources required to undertake technical studies and public consultations to develop the Housing Opportunities Toronto Action Plan 2020-2030 in 2018 and 2019.
This report outlines the process to develop the Housing Opportunities Toronto (HOT) Action Plan 2020-2030, the City's new long-term housing and homelessness action plan. Following completion of the work outlined in this directions report, staff will report on a new HOT Action Plan 2020-2030 for Council consideration and approval in fall 2019.
This directions report seeks Council approval on a framework and funding requirements for staff to undertake technical studies including a Toronto housing market analysis and public consultations to develop the new Action Plan. The outlined work plan also guides staff to undertake a review of the current HOT Action Plan 2010-2020, an analysis of new housing and homelessness data, and environmental scans of federal, provincial and local housing policies.
The HOT Action Plan 2020-2030 will be a comprehensive plan addressing challenges and pressures across the housing continuum: from the need for emergency shelter beds, safe and legal multi-tenant houses, long-term care homes, supportive, transitional, social and affordable rental housing, to market affordability challenges for first-time home buyers.
This work will ensure that the HOT Action Plan 2020-2030 will be grounded in meaningful and achievable goals and targets, include a robust implementation strategy, and strategically align with existing City, regional, provincial and national strategies. The new Action Plan will also meet the requirements of the Housing Services Act, 2011.
Over the past decade, by implementing actions recommended in the HOT Action Plan 2010-2020, Toronto has taken significant steps to address a range of housing challenges faced by residents across the housing spectrum. Toronto's ongoing housing advocacy has also contributed to the introduction of a 10-year National Housing Strategy by the federal government, the provincial 10-year Long-Term Housing Strategy, and Ontario’s Fair Housing Plan.
Despite the progress in ramping up measures to address our national, provincial and local housing challenges, residents continue to struggle to secure and maintain affordable, suitable and stable housing. Toronto will continue to grow at a faster pace over the next decade with its population anticipated to reach 3.1[1] - 3.4[2] million by 2030. The growing population of seniors is expected to accelerate by 2030 along with the demand for support services including long-term care homes.
To address the diverse housing needs of Toronto residents, the new Action Plan will look to achieve bold, high-impact outcomes by leveraging new federal and provincial resources, extending City investments, and strengthening partnerships with the non-profit and private sectors.
This report is prepared in consultation with staff from the Social Development, Finance & Administration, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Revenue Services, Real Estate Services, CreateTO, Chief Resilience Office, Toronto Public Health, City Planning, Long-Term Care Homes & Services, Toronto Employment and Social Services, and staff from the offices of Deputy City Manager, Cluster A, Cluster B and the Internal Corporate Services.
Background Information