Item - 2017.TE25.57
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Toronto and East York Community Council on June 13, 2017 and was adopted without amendment.
TE25.57 - Rail Corridor - Bathurst Street to Blue Jays Way - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments Application - Preliminary Report
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
Community Council Decision
The Toronto and East York Community Council directed that:
1. The Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, conduct consultation with the public and other stakeholders on proposed Official Plan Amendments and Zoning By-law Amendments for park uses over the rail corridor extending from Bathurst Street to Blue Jays Way, and from Front Street West to the southern boundary of the rail corridor and that notice be given in accordance with the Planning Act.
2. The Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District report back to the Toronto and East York Community Council in the Fall of 2017 on the results of the consultation process and any proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments and any other implementing documents for consideration at a statutory public hearing under the Planning Act.
This report describes the process, context, strategic considerations and preliminary findings for a comprehensive planning study currently underway to guide the City-initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendments for the Union Station Rail Corridor between Bathurst Street and Blue Jays Way ("Rail Corridor Site"). This study was directed through EX17.1 (Rail Deck Park - Work Plan for Official Plan Amendments and an Implementation Strategy), approved by Council in October 2016.
The planning study is being conducted separately from the Implementation Strategy for Rail Deck Park, which was also directed by Council through EX17.1. This report does not address the specific design, phasing or costing considerations for the Rail Deck Park proposal, which will be included in a report to Council in Q4 2017.
Comprehensive decking in the Rail Corridor Site will create a new large and contiguous parcel in one of the densest and fastest growing areas of Toronto. Given the location and size of the Rail Corridor Site, it provides a potentially transformative city-building opportunity. Council has requested that staff give consideration to park use as a part of the planning framework for the Rail Corridor Site.
The Rail Corridor Site lies within a broader area referred to as the Railway Lands, and is subject to the Railway Lands West and Railway Lands Central Secondary Plans. The planning study addresses a number of land use considerations both within and adjacent to the Rail Corridor Site including adjacent development patterns, residential and employment growth, parks and open space, other land uses, existing and future rail operations, and other planning considerations.
This report provides an overview of the preliminary findings and emerging directions for the Rail Corridor Site including the following:
- The Rail Corridor Site provides a unique opportunity for a high-profile, public use as a result of its scale, location and accessibility.
- The Rail Corridor Site is the last significant undeveloped area that can accommodate a major new park and open space (i.e., at least 3 hectares in size) in Downtown Toronto. Downtown is becoming a more dense urban environment, and park and open space needs must be addressed to serve the increasing number of residents, workers and visitors.
- Residential and/or non-residential development in the Rail Corridor Site is not required to meet provincial or City growth targets for Downtown Toronto and would potentially limit the opportunity for a high-profile, public use.
- The Railway Lands have supported a greater level of residential development than was anticipated when the Railway Lands West and Central Secondary Plans were approved in 1994 – 16,970 residential units have been built or approved in an area originally planned to accommodate less than half that number (6,700 units).
- The Railway Lands, adjacent local neighbourhoods and the broader Downtown Toronto area have experienced unprecedented residential and non-residential growth over the past two decades. Residents in these neighbourhoods have among the lowest levels of parkland provision in Toronto: 0.55 ha/1,000 residents in the Railway Lands and 0.4 ha/1,000 residents in the Downtown, well below the city-wide average of 2.8 ha/1,000 residents.
- An additional 10 hectares of new parkland would be required in the Railway Lands to serve current residents at a proportional level based on original development permissions (1.05 ha/1,000 residents).
- To serve projected Downtown population growth at just double the current rate (to 0.8 ha/1,000 residents) by 2041, an additional 250 to 300 hectares of new parkland would be required.
The preliminary findings from the planning study are consistent with Council direction to support a park use for the Rail Corridor Site.
Two public and stakeholder consultations will be held to provide input into the City-initiated Official Plan Amendment. The first will be held on June 13th and will provide an opportunity for further information and response to the information presented in this report. The second consultation, to be scheduled in the Fall, will provide an opportunity for the public to comment on the proposed Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law Amendments for the rail corridor.
Staff will report to Council with amendments to the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law in late 2017.
Background Information
(May 26, 2017) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - Rail Corridor - Bathurst Street to Blue Jays Way - City-Initiated Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - Preliminary Report - Notice of Pending Report