Item - 2017.PW19.3

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on February 28, 2017. The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee has referred this item to an official or other body without making a decision. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the referral.

PW19.3 - Complete Streets Guidelines

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee:


1.  Referred the item to the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B with a request that he report further on: 


a.  The establishment of additional street types including unencumbered residential streets which prohibit long term or overnight parking and have a rural (ditch) or curb cross section and may or may not have sidewalks;


b.  Details on the relative share of city streets as a percentage of each of the street types;


c.  A city map overlay of street types and identification of locations where there is potential for change;


d.  An overview of the existing decision making process, delegated authority, exception granting authority and guidance on consultations including the role of the community, councillors, city staff, BIA's and other stakeholders. This includes the provision of a decision matrix such as a "RACI - Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed" and considers different project situations including the removal of traffic lanes, creating bicycle lanes, removing or relocating parking and installing above-base materials or fixtures;


e.  Guidance on a prioritization process where the relative modal demands and other demands are proportionately, partially, or not accommodated in situations where space is constrained within the road right of way;


f.  Guidance on how to establish design priorities, a decision making framework and metrics which protects the silent majority of users and provides a balance between localized needs and desires, and those of the street as a whole, and those of the entirety of the road transportation network;


g.  A city map overlay of the location of trucking and heavy vehicle routes and additional guidance on the impact of those routes on complete streets; and


h.  Guidance on where recessed bus bays may be installed.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The General Manager, Transportation Services and the Manager, Public Realm, Pedestrian Projects gave a presentation to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.


(February 13, 2017) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B


Complete streets are designed to be safe for all users, such as people who walk, bicycle, take transit or drive, and people of varying ages and levels of ability. Given the many demands placed upon our city's streets, this resource is necessary to help manage the complex nature of street planning, design, operations and maintenance.


Responding to Council direction, Transportation Services in partnership with City Planning, Toronto Water, Engineering and Construction Services and many other city and public stakeholders, have developed Toronto's Complete Streets Guidelines.


The Guidelines, with their emphasis on safety of the most vulnerable - children, seniors and people with disabilities, will be an important tool for the implementation of the City's Vision Zero Road Safety Plan.  As well, the Guidelines introduce green infrastructure principles as an important consideration in the design of City streets. The Guidelines provide a common starting point for street design discussions and upfront planning.


This report will provide an overview of the Complete Street Guidelines that have been developed, as well as:


-  The consultation steps undertaken during the production of the Guidelines; and

-  A discussion of next steps including a proposed implementation program and demonstration projects.

Background Information

(February 13, 2017) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B on Complete Streets Guidelines
Attachment 1 - Toronto's Complete Streets Guidelines - Part 1
Attachment 1 - Toronto's Complete Streets Guidelines - Part 2
Attachment 1 - Toronto's Complete Streets Guidelines - Part 3
Presentation from the General Manager, Transportation Services on Complete Streets Guidelines


John J. Kiru, Executive Director, Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas
Councillor Janet Davis


Motion to Refer Item moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)



1.  The item be referred back to the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B with a request that he report further on: 


a.  The establishment of additional street types including unencumbered residential streets which prohibit long term or overnight parking and have a rural (ditch) or curb cross section and may or may not have sidewalks.


b.  Details on the relative share of city streets as a percentage of each of the street types.


c.  A city map overlay of street types and identification of locations where there is potential for change.


d.  An overview of the existing decision making process, delegated authority, exception granting authority and guidance on consultations including the role of the community, councillors, city staff, BIA's and other stakeholders. This includes the provision of a decision matrix such as a "RACI - Responsible, Accountable, Consulted, Informed" and considers different project situations including the removal of traffic lanes, creating bicycle lanes, removing or relocating parking and installing above-base materials or fixtures.


e. Guidance on a prioritization process where the relative modal demands and other demands are proportionately, partially, or not accommodated in situations where space is constrained within the road right of way.


f.  Guidance on how to establish design priorities, a decision making framework and metrics which protects the silent majority of users and provides a balance between localized needs and desires, and those of the street as a whole, and those of the entirety of the road transportation network.


g.  A city map overlay of the location of trucking and heavy vehicle routes and additional guidance on the impact of those routes on complete streets.


h.  Guidance on where recessed bus bays may be installed. 



Vote (Refer Item) Feb-28-2017

Result: Carried Majority Required
Total members that voted Yes: 5 Members that voted Yes are Christin Carmichael Greb, Stephen Holyday, Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Jaye Robinson (Chair)
Total members that voted No: 1 Members that voted No are Anthony Perruzza
Total members that were Absent: 0 Members that were absent are

Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti (Redundant)

That the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B, be requested to conduct an independent economic impact study on the impact of the implementation of the Complete Streets Guidelines on businesses.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at