Item - 2017.LS21.1
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on October 2, 3 and 4, 2017 with amendments.
- This item was considered by Licensing and Standards Committee on September 18, 2017 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on October 2, 3 and 4, 2017.
- See also By-law 1238-2017
LS21.1 - Tow Truck Industry Review and Recommendations
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on October 2, 3 and 4, 2017, adopted the following:
Tow Truck Owners and Drivers
Towing Rates
Private Property Towing Rate
1. City Council delete the current private property towing rate and replace it with the private property towing rates found in the Toronto Police Service Towing Contract.
2. City Council delete the current 'release on scene fee' of $37.50, which permits tow truck owners and drivers to charge for releasing a vehicle on scene after it has been attached to a tow truck, and replace it with the 'release on scene fees' found in the Toronto Police Service Towing Contract.
Private Property Storage Rate
3. City Council delete the current 'storage fee' of $20, which tow truck owners and drivers may charge per day, for storing a vehicle towed from private property, and replace it with the 'storage fees' found in the Toronto Police Service Storage Contract.
Accident Towing Rate
4. City Council remove differentiated towing rates for the towing of vehicles from City streets (currently $166) and from highways (currently $188), and set a harmonized accident towing rate of $250 (plus applicable taxes), inclusive of all services that may be performed in relation to the tow, with the exception of any additional fees for recovery services and mileage, where required.
Automatic Annual Inflation Adjustment
5. City Council direct that the accident towing rates shall automatically increase, annually, based on the Consumer Price Index for the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area.
Recovery Services
6. City Council permit tow truck owners and drivers to charge a fee of $100 (plus applicable taxes) should the performance of recovery services be required when towing a vehicle from an accident scene on a City street or highway.
7. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers be required to take a minimum of two clear photographs to justify charging for recovery services.
8. City Council add a definition of "recovery services” to mean: "A service carried out to relocate or reposition a vehicle that involves the use of a winch or a specialized extraction device and that must be performed to prepare a vehicle for attachment or towing, but does not include the use of a hoisting device, a hook, a dolly, a flat bed, or other standard equipment used in the towing of a vehicle."
9. City Council delete the section that permits tow truck owners to charge and include a fee on their schedule of rates (which must be filed with Municipal Licensing and Standards) for the uprighting of an overturned vehicle and winching, as these services are included in the City's proposed regulated rate for recovery services.
Second Tow from a Collision Reporting Centre
10. City Council delete the current restriction on re-tows and permit tow truck owners and drivers to charge a fee for towing a vehicle from a collision reporting centre to a destination as directed by a consumer, provided that the fee is agreed upon in advance by the consumer.
11. City Council permit tow truck owners and drivers to charge a fee of $3.25 per kilometre (plus applicable taxes), for each kilometre of travel outside the City, when directed by a consumer to tow their vehicle from an accident scene to a final destination more than 5 kilometres outside City limits.
Schedule of Rates
12. City Council direct that the schedule of rates that tow truck owners must file with Municipal Licensing and Standards, list maximum charges for specific towing and storage services, rather than listing ranges containing a minimum and maximum charge, and that towing rates set by the City of Toronto need not be filed.
13. City Council direct that tow truck owners be required to file a current and up-to-date schedule of rates with Municipal Licensing and Standards, when any changes occur or upon licence renewal.
Vehicle Weight
14. City Council add a definition of "Manufacturer's Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)" to mean: "The maximum total vehicle rated capacity, as rated by the manufacturer specification stamp on the vehicle, which includes the weight of the vehicle's chassis, body, engine, engine fluids, fuel, accessories, driver, passengers and cargo."
15. City Council increase the vehicle weight to which regulated accident towing rates apply from 6,000 pounds to 3,175 kilograms (7,000 pounds), to ensure that the majority of passenger vehicles involved in accidents are subject to regulated rates.
16. City Council amend all weights specified in the Chapter, from imperial units to metric units.
17. City Council clarify the current tow truck insurance requirements, to align with provincial amendments to the Consumer Protection Act, by:
a. requiring that tow truck owners obtain coverage in the amount of at least $100,000 against liability for damage to a customer's vehicle; and
b. deleting the requirement that tow truck owners obtain a separate comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amount of $100,000.
Written Authorization
18. City Council direct that:
a. tow truck owners and drivers receive written authorization from a consumer or someone acting on the consumer’s behalf before providing or charging for towing and storage services; which authorization must include:
1. information explaining the roles, rights and responsibilities of the tow truck owner/driver and the consumer;
2. the date/time the tow truck arrived on scene;
3. the origin/location of the tow;
4. the final destination of the tow as directed by the consumer (or where applicable, a police officer);
5. the name and contact information of the towing company;
6. the tow truck operator's Municipal Licensing and Standards tow truck driver licence number and Municipal Licensing and Standards tow truck number plate;
7. information of the vehicle being towed (make, model, year, Vehicle Identification Number, licence plate);
8. the name and contact information of the consumer;
9. the name, badge number, and detachment of the police officer leading the accident investigation (where applicable);
10. an itemized bill listing services provided, the cost for each service and the total cost charges (and any estimated charges);
11. the signature of the consumer (or the police officer in charge of the accident investigation) giving consent to perform the listed towing services; and
12. the signature of the tow truck owner or driver;
b. the written authorization be completed in duplicate, with one copy provided to the consumer and the other copy retained by the tow truck owner;
c. tow truck owners and drivers be prohibited from altering any information on the written authorization, once the tow truck owner or driver and consumer have agreed upon and signed-off on the written authorization; and
d. in the event that the agreed upon final destination is not able to accept a consumer's vehicle, that the tow truck owner or driver obtain authorization from the consumer (or someone acting on the consumer's behalf) for an alternate destination.
Deviation in Final Bill of Services
19. City Council prohibit tow truck owners and drivers from charging an amount more than 10 percent above the estimated amount authorized by a consumer, to align with provincial amendments to the Consumer Protection Act, and delete the current provision which prohibits tow truck owners and drivers from charging an amount that exceeds the amount indicated in their filed schedule of rates, or, the original estimate amount plus 15 percent (whichever is less).
Payment Methods
20. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers accept credit/debit card payments, in addition to cash.
Stops during Towing Service
21. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers be prohibited from making any intermediate stops when towing a vehicle to a collision reporting centre or specified location, as directed by a consumer or a police officer.
Consumer Access to Personal Property in Vehicle
22. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers be required to permit a consumer access to their vehicle to remove personal property, at no additional cost or fee.
Procedure for Dropping a Vehicle at a Collision Reporting Centre
23. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers dropping or depositing a vehicle at a collision reporting centre, be required to:
a. park the vehicle in the designated area of the collision reporting centre;
b secure the vehicle (e.g., doors are locked, windows closed, lights and hazards are off, etc., as applicable);
c. immediately return the vehicle's keys to the consumer or to collision reporting centre staff if the consumer is not present;
d. present proof of a valid Municipal Licensing and Standards tow truck owner or driver licence to collision reporting centre staff, in order to receive payment for depositing/dropping a vehicle; and
e. collect payment and exit the premises as soon as the vehicle has been deposited/dropped according to the above requirements.
Tow Truck Vehicle Weight
24. City Council direct that tow truck owners and/or drivers must ensure that the tow truck is appropriately sized for the type of vehicle being towed.
Tow Truck Equipment
25. City Council direct that tow truck owners be required to maintain the following equipment in every tow truck owned by them:
1. a functional digital camera or a mobile phone with functional camera (for use in justifying the performance of recovery services); and
2. a high visibility florescent safety vest, to be used/worn by tow truck owners and drivers when working on a City street or highway.
26. City Council require tow truck operators to wear personal protective equipment while performing a recovery on any municipal road or highway.
Record Keeping
27. City Council direct that tow truck owners be permitted to keep records electronically or in hard copy.
28. City Council delete restrictions that prohibit an owner or driver of a tow truck or a tow truck broker to demand and/or receive a payment of a drop fee or commission in return for towing a vehicle to a particular place, to align with provincial amendments to the Consumer Protection Act.
Other Amendments
Tow Truck Vehicle Inspections
29. City Council authorize Municipal Licensing and Standards to suspend a tow truck owner's licence for failing to have their tow truck examined by a designated mechanic, or, when a mechanical inspection certificate is not provided.
Use of Hoisting Devices
30. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers be required to ensure that hoisting devices are lowered at all times when a tow truck is in motion, except when a vehicle is being towed.
Referral of Billing Disputes to Police
31. City Council delete the section that directs tow truck owners and drivers to refer disputes with consumers related to amounts and rates to be paid to the Police.
Stylistic Amendments
32. City Council amend Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 545, Licensing, Article VI, Owners and Drivers of Tow Trucks, to reflect City Council's decision and City Council authorize the City Solicitor and Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, to restructure, consolidate and simplify all existing requirements to improve the readability of the Chapter.
Public Garages
Schedule of Rates
33. City Council direct that all vehicle storage providers be required to file a schedule of rates containing their charge(s) or fee(s) for storage; with requirements consistent with the schedule of rates required to be filed by vehicle repair facilities and collision reporting centres.
Written Authorization
34. City Council direct that all vehicle repair and storage providers be required to receive written authorization from a consumer or someone acting on the consumer’s behalf before providing or charging for repair and storage services.
Consumer Access to Personal Property in Vehicle
35. City Council direct that vehicle repair facilities and storage providers be required to permit a consumer access to their vehicle to remove personal property, at no additional cost or fee, if access is requested during regular business hours.
Deviation in Final Bill of Services
36. City Council direct that vehicle repair and storage providers be prohibited from charging an amount more than 10 percent above the estimated payment amount authorized by a consumer, to align with provincial amendments to the Consumer Protection Act.
37. City Council delete the restriction that prohibits the operator of a public garage from paying a tow truck owner, driver or broker a drop fee or commission for towing a vehicle to their public garage or any other particular place, to align with provincial amendments to the Consumer Protection Act.
Technical/Stylistic Amendments
38. City Council amend Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 545, Licensing, Article XXII, Public Garages, to reflect City Council's decision, subject to such technical and stylistic amendments as required by the City Solicitor and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.
Review of Collision Reporting Centres
39. City Council direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to undertake a review of the City's collision reporting centres to ensure consumer protection, in consultation with the Toronto Police Service, and report back on any further recommendations to the Licensing and Standards Committee.
40. City Council direct that the changes to Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 545, Licensing, Article VI, Owners and Drivers of Tow Trucks and Article XXII, Tow Trucks and Public Garages, come into force on November 1, 2017.
41. City Council direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to review towing rates in one year time and report back to the Licensing and Standards Committee with recommendations.
Public Notice Given
Background Information (Committee)
(September 6, 2017) Public Notice on Tow Truck Industry Review and Recommendations
(September 18, 2017) Presentation from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, on Tow Truck Industry Review and Recommendations
Background Information (City Council)
Attachment 1 - Toronto Police Service Towing and Storage Contract Rates and Boundaries
Communications (Committee)
(September 15, 2017) Letter from Raymond Chan, Government Relations Specialist, Canadian Automobile Association South Central Ontario (CAASCO) (LS.New.LS21.1.2)
(September 18, 2017) Letter from Aris Marinos (LS.New.LS21.1.3)
(September 14, 2017) E-mail from D. G. (Doug) Nelson, Executive Director, Provincial Towing Association (Ontario) Inc. (PTAO) and Ontario Recovery Group (ORG Inc.) (LS.New.LS21.1.4)
Communications (City Council)
(October 2, 2017) Letter from Aris Marinos, Toronto Director, NAAAP (TD) (CC.New.LS21.1.6)
Motions (City Council)
That City Council adopt the following recommendations contained in the supplementary report (September 29, 2017) from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards:
Tow Truck Owners and Drivers
Private Property Towing Rate
1. City Council delete Licensing and Standards Committee recommendation 1 in LS21.1 and adopt instead the following:
City Council delete the current private property towing rate and replace it with the private property towing rates found in the Toronto Police Service Towing Contract.
2. City Council delete the current 'release on scene fee' of $37.50, which permits tow truck owners and drivers to charge for releasing a vehicle on scene after it has been attached to a tow truck, and replace it with the 'release on scene fees' found in the Toronto Police Service Towing Contract.
Private Property Storage Rate
3. City Council delete the current 'storage fee' of $20, which tow truck owners and drivers may charge per day, for storing a vehicle towed from private property, and replace it with the 'storage fees' found in the Toronto Police Service Storage Contract.
Automatic Annual Inflation Adjustment
4. City Council delete the words "private property and" from Licensing and Standards Committee recommendation 3 in LS21.1, so that private property towing rates stay consistent with the Toronto Police Service Towing Contract rates.
Vehicle Weight
5. City Council delete Licensing and Standards Committee recommendation 13 in LS21.1, so that the Toronto Police Service Towing and Storage Contract vehicle weights shall apply to the private property towing and storage rates, and adopt instead the following:
6. City Council increase the vehicle weight to which regulated accident towing rates apply from 6,000 lb to 3,175 kg (7,000 lb), to ensure that the majority of passenger vehicles involved in accidents are subject to regulated rates.
7. City Council clarify the current tow truck insurance requirements, to align with provincial amendments to the Consumer Protection Act, by:
a. requiring that tow truck owners obtain coverage in the amount of at least $100,000 against liability for damage to a customer's vehicle; and
b. deleting the requirement that tow truck owners obtain a separate comprehensive general liability insurance policy in the amount of $100,000.
7. City Council direct that these changes to Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 545, Licensing, Article VI, Owners and Drivers of Tow Trucks, come into force on November 1, 2017.
Vote (Amend Item) Oct-04-2017 10:42 AM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - LS21.1 - Palacio - motion 1a |
Total members that voted Yes: 39 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Ana Bailão, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Christin Carmichael Greb, Shelley Carroll, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Justin J. Di Ciano, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mary Fragedakis, Mark Grimes, Jim Hart, Michelle Holland, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Norman Kelly, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Joe Mihevc, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Jaye Robinson, Neethan Shan, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 0 | Members that voted No are |
Total members that were Absent: 5 | Members that were absent are Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Anthony Perruzza, David Shiner |
1. City Council delete Licencing and Standards Committee Recommendation 21.
Recommendation to be deleted:
21. City Council direct that all tow trucks have a minimum Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 4,536 kg and be registered with the Ministry of Transportation for their weight rating.
and adopt instead the following new recommendation:
21. City Council direct that tow truck owners and/or drivers must ensure that the tow truck is appropriately sized for the type of vehicle being towed.
2. City Council direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to review towing rates in one year time and report back to the Licensing and Standards Committee with recommendations.
Vote (Amend Item) Oct-04-2017 10:43 AM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - LS21.1 - Palacio - motion 1b |
Total members that voted Yes: 37 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Ana Bailão, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Christin Carmichael Greb, Shelley Carroll, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Justin J. Di Ciano, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Michael Ford, Mary Fragedakis, Mark Grimes, Jim Hart, Michelle Holland, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Norman Kelly, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Joe Mihevc, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, Jaye Robinson, Neethan Shan, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 1 | Members that voted No are Gord Perks |
Total members that were Absent: 6 | Members that were absent are Paula Fletcher, Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Anthony Perruzza, David Shiner |
LS21.1 - Tow Truck Industry Review and Recommendations
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Public Notice Given
Committee Recommendations
The Licensing and Standards Committee recommends that:
Tow Truck Owners and Drivers
Towing Rates
Private Property Towing Rate
1. City Council increase the private property towing rate from $88 to $108 (plus applicable taxes), inclusive of all services that may be performed in relation to the tow.
Accident Towing Rate
2. City Council remove differentiated towing rates for the towing of vehicles from City streets (currently $166) and from highways (currently $188), and set a harmonized accident towing rate of $250 (plus applicable taxes), inclusive of all services that may be performed in relation to the tow, with the exception of any additional fees for recovery services and mileage, where required.
3. City Council direct that the private property and accident towing rates shall automatically increase, annually, based on the Consumer Price Index for the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area.
Recovery Services
4. City Council permit tow truck owners and drivers to charge a fee of $100 (plus applicable taxes) should the performance of recovery services be required when towing a vehicle from an accident scene on a City street or highway.
5. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers be required to take a minimum of two clear photographs to justify charging for recovery services.
6. City Council add a definition of "recovery services” to mean: "A service carried out to relocate or reposition a vehicle that involves the use of a winch or a specialized extraction device and that must be performed to prepare a vehicle for attachment or towing, but does not include the use of a hoisting device, a hook, a dolly, a flat bed, or other standard equipment used in the towing of a vehicle."
7. City Council delete the section that permits tow truck owners to charge and include a fee on their schedule of rates (which must be filed with Municipal Licensing and Standards) for the uprighting of an overturned vehicle and winching, as these services are included in the City's proposed regulated rate for recovery services.
Second Tow from a Collision Reporting Centre
8. City Council delete the current restriction on re-tows and permit tow truck owners and drivers to charge a fee for towing a vehicle from a collision reporting centre to a destination as directed by a consumer, provided that the fee is agreed upon in advance by the consumer.
9. City Council permit tow truck owners and drivers to charge a fee of $3.25 per kilometer (plus applicable taxes), for each kilometre of travel outside the City, when directed by a consumer to tow his or her vehicle from an accident scene to a final destination more than 5 km outside City limits.
Schedule of Rates
10. City Council direct that the schedule of rates that tow truck owners must file with Municipal Licensing and Standards, list maximum charges for specific towing and storage services, rather than listing ranges containing a minimum and maximum charge, and that towing rates set by the City of Toronto need not be filed.
11. City Council direct that tow truck owners be required to file a current and up-to-date schedule of rates with Municipal Licensing and Standards, when any changes occur or upon licence renewal.
Vehicle Weight
12. City Council add a definition of "Manufacturer's Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR)" to mean: "The maximum total vehicle rated capacity, as rated by the manufacturer specification stamp on the vehicle, which includes the weight of the vehicle's chassis, body, engine, engine fluids, fuel, accessories, driver, passengers and cargo."
13. City Council increase the regulated vehicle weight to which regulated towing rates apply from 6,000 lb to 3,175 kg (7,000 lb), to ensure that the majority of passenger vehicles are subject to regulated rates for private property and accident towing.
14. City Council amend all weights specified in the bylaw, from imperial units to metric units.
Written Authorization
15. City Council direct that:
a. tow truck owners and drivers receive written authorization from a consumer or someone acting on the consumer’s behalf before providing or charging for towing and storage services; which authorization must include:
1. information explaining the roles, rights and responsibilities of the tow truck owner/driver and the consumer;
2. the date/time the tow truck arrived on scene;
3. the origin/location of the tow;
4. the final destination of the tow as directed by the consumer (or where applicable, a police officer);
5. the name and contact information of the towing company;
6. the tow truck operator's ML&S tow truck driver licence number and ML&S tow truck number plate;
7. information of the vehicle being towed (make, model, year, VIN #, licence plate);
8. the name and contact information of the consumer;
9. the name, badge number, and detachment of the police officer leading the accident investigation (where applicable);
10. an itemized bill listing services provided, the cost for each service and the total cost charges (and any estimated charges);
11. the signature of the consumer (or the police officer in charge of the accident investigation) giving consent to perform the listed towing services; and
12. the signature of the tow truck owner or driver.
b. the written authorization be completed in duplicate, with one copy provided to the consumer and the other copy retained by the tow truck owner;
c. tow truck owners and drivers be prohibited from altering any information on the written authorization, once the tow truck owner or driver and consumer have agreed upon and signed-off on the written authorization; and
d. in the event that the agreed upon final destination is not able to accept a consumer's vehicle, that the tow truck owner or driver obtain authorization from the consumer (or someone acting on the consumer's behalf) for an alternate destination.
Deviation in Final Bill of Services
16. City Council prohibit tow truck owners and drivers from charging an amount more than 10% above the estimated amount authorized by a consumer, to align with provincial amendments to the Consumer Protection Act, and delete the current provision which prohibits tow truck owners and drivers from charging an amount that exceeds the amount indicated in their filed schedule of rates, or, the original estimate amount plus 15% (whichever is less).
Payment Methods
17. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers accept credit/debit card payments, in addition to cash.
Stops during Towing Service
18. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers be prohibited from making any intermediate stops when towing a vehicle to a collision reporting centre or specified location, as directed by a consumer or a police officer.
Consumer Access to Personal Property in Vehicle
19. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers be required to permit a consumer access to his or her vehicle to remove personal property, at no additional cost or fee.
Procedure for Dropping a Vehicle at a Collision Reporting Centre
20. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers dropping or depositing a vehicle at a collision reporting centre, be required to:
a. park the vehicle in the designated area of the collision reporting centre;
b secure the vehicle (e.g., doors are locked, windows closed, lights and hazards are off, etc., as applicable);
c. immediately return the vehicle's keys to the consumer or to collision reporting centre staff if the consumer is not present;
d. present proof of a valid ML&S tow truck owner or driver licence to collision reporting centre staff, in order to receive payment for depositing/dropping a vehicle; and
e. collect payment and exit the premises as soon as the vehicle has been deposited/dropped according to the above requirements.
Tow Truck Vehicle Weight
21. City Council direct that all tow trucks have a minimum Gross Vehicle Weight Rating (GVWR) of 4,536 kg and be registered with the Ministry of Transportation for their weight rating.
Tow Truck Equipment
22. City Council direct that tow truck owners be required to maintain the following equipment in every tow truck owned by him or her:
1. a functional digital camera or a mobile phone with functional camera (for use in justifying the performance of recovery services); and
2. a high visibility florescent safety vest, to be used/worn by tow truck owners and drivers when working on a City street or highway.
23. City Council require tow truck operators to wear personal protective equipment while performing a recovery on any municipal road or highway.
Record Keeping
24. City Council direct that tow truck owners be permitted to keep records electronically or in hard copy.
25. City Council delete restrictions that prohibit an owner or driver of a tow truck or a tow truck broker to demand and/or receive a payment of a drop fee or commission in return for towing a vehicle to a particular place, to align with provincial amendments to the Consumer Protection Act.
Other Amendments
Tow Truck Vehicle Inspections
26. City Council authorize Municipal Licensing and Standards to suspend a tow truck owner's licence for failing to have their tow truck examined by a designated mechanic, or, when a mechanical inspection certificate is not provided.
Use of Hoisting Devices
27. City Council direct that tow truck owners and drivers be required to ensure that hoisting devices are lowered at all times when a tow truck is in motion, except when a vehicle is being towed.
Referral of Billing Disputes to Police
28. City Council delete the section that directs tow truck owners and drivers to refer disputes with consumers related to amounts and rates to be paid to the Police.
Stylistic Amendments
29. City Council approve amendments to Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 545, Licensing, Article VI, Owners and Drivers of Tow Trucks, to reflect the recommendations and authorize the City Solicitor and Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, to re-structure, consolidate and simplify all existing requirements to improve the readability of the Bylaw.
Public Garages
Schedule of Rates
30. City Council direct that all vehicle storage providers be required to file a schedule of rates containing their charge(s) or fee(s) for storage; with requirements consistent with the schedule of rates required to be filed by vehicle repair facilities and collision reporting centres.
Written Authorization
31. City Council direct that all vehicle repair and storage providers be required to receive written authorization from a consumer or someone acting on the consumer’s behalf before providing or charging for repair and storage services.
Consumer Access to Personal Property in Vehicle
32. City Council direct that vehicle repair facilities and storage providers be required to permit a consumer access to his or her vehicle to remove personal property, at no additional cost or fee, if access is requested during regular business hours.
Deviation in Final Bill of Services
33. City Council direct that vehicle repair and storage providers be prohibited from charging an amount more than 10% above the estimated payment amount authorized by a consumer, to align with provincial amendments to the Consumer Protection Act.
34. City Council delete the restriction that prohibits the operator of a public garage from paying a tow truck owner, driver or broker a drop fee or commission for towing a vehicle to their public garage or any other particular place, to align with provincial amendments to the Consumer Protection Act.
Technical/Stylistic Amendments
35. City Council approve amendments to Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 545, Licensing, Article XXII, Public Garages, to reflect the recommendations, subject to such technical and stylistic amendments as required by the City Solicitor and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.
Review of Collision Reporting Centres
36. City Council direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to undertake a review of the City's collision reporting centres to ensure consumer protection, in consultation with the Toronto Police Service, and report back on any further recommendations to the Licensing and Standards Committee.
37. City Council direct that the changes to Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 545, Licensing, Article XXII, Tow Trucks and Public Garages, come into force on November 1, 2017.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Licensing and Standards Committee requested:
1. The Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to review the deputations and submissions received at the Licensing and Standards Committee meeting on September 18, 2017 and report directly to City Council on October 2, 2017 on any possible amendments to the original staff recommendations in the report (September 6, 2017) from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, if necessary.
2. The Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to give additional consideration to private property tows, the recovery rate, and waiting times at collision reporting centres with a view to potentially recommending greater compensation and report directly to City Council on October 2, 2017.
3. The Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to report back to the Licensing and Standards Committee, in the first quarter of 2018, on a requirement to request tow truck operators to have reflective protective measures on their vehicles.
The Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards gave a presentation on the Tow Truck Industry Review and Recommendations.
As directed by City Council and Licensing and Standards Committee, this report recommends a number of amendments to Toronto Municipal Code (TMC) Chapter 545, Licensing, Article VI, Owners and Drivers of Tow Trucks, and Article XXII, Public Garages, following the completion of a comprehensive Tow Truck Industry Review. The proposed amendments respond to public complaints and issues raised by the industry.
In 2014, the Province of Ontario concluded a review of the towing industry that the City of Toronto participated in. Based on the results of that review, the Province enacted new requirements under the Consumer Protection Act, Highway Traffic Act and Repair and Storage Liens Act pertaining to towing and vehicle storage.
Building upon the new Provincial legislation, staff have reviewed Toronto's Tow Truck Industry regulations. The Tow Truck Review has engaged more than 400 stakeholders through 11 formal consultation sessions, various stakeholder meetings, 5 issues-based surveys tailored to specific towing stakeholder groups, and the posting of draft proposals. Staff have also reviewed emails, phone calls, letters and written proposals containing issues and recommendations as a part of the review.
Collectively, the proposed amendments aim to improve Toronto's towing industry, balancing the need to protect consumers and the public interest with the need to ensure a sustainable tow truck industry.
Key amendments include:
Increasing Towing Rates:
- increasing the private property towing rate to $108 (currently $88);
- eliminating the current distinction between an accident tow from a City street (currently $166) and an accident tow from a highway (currently $188), and establishing a new, harmonized rate of $250;
- permitting tow truck owners and drivers to charge a fee of $100 for recovery services;
- permitting tow truck owners and drivers to charge a separate fee for a second tow from a collision reporting centre, provided that the fee is agreed upon in advance by the consumer;
- permitting tow truck owners and drivers to charge $3.25/km for each kilometre of travel beyond 5 km outside City limits, when directed by a consumer to tow a vehicle from an accident scene directly to a final destination (in situations where a visit to the CRC is not required);
- building in an automatic annual inflation adjustment on the regulated accident and private property towing rates.
Strengthening Consumer Awareness/Protection:
- increasing the regulated vehicle weight from 6,000 lb to 3,175 kg (7,000 lb), to ensure that the majority of passenger vehicles are protected and subject to regulated rates for private property and accident towing;
- requiring tow truck owners and drivers, vehicle repair and storage providers to obtain written authorization from a consumer before providing or charging for any services;
- requiring tow truck owners and drivers to accept credit card payments;
- prohibiting tow truck owners and drivers from making any intermediate stops when bringing a vehicle to a collision reporting centre or to a final destination as directed by a customer or the police; and
- requiring tow truck owners and drivers, vehicle repair and storage providers to allow a consumer access to personal contents in their vehicles.
The Toronto Police Service and Legal Services were consulted in the preparation of this report.
Background Information
(September 6, 2017) Public Notice on Tow Truck Industry Review and Recommendations
(September 18, 2017) Presentation from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, on Tow Truck Industry Review and Recommendations
(September 15, 2017) Letter from Raymond Chan, Government Relations Specialist, Canadian Automobile Association South Central Ontario (CAASCO) (LS.New.LS21.1.2)
(September 18, 2017) Letter from Aris Marinos (LS.New.LS21.1.3)
(September 14, 2017) E-mail from D. G. (Doug) Nelson, Executive Director, Provincial Towing Association (Ontario) Inc. (PTAO) and Ontario Recovery Group (ORG Inc.) (LS.New.LS21.1.4)
John Parsons, Volunteer Advisor
Aris Marinos, Toronto Director, North American Auto Accident Pictures Towing Division (NAAAP-TD)
Lawrence Gold
Candace Cullen, Toronto Police Service
Raymond Chan, Canadian Automobile Association South Central Ontario (CAASCO)
Joey Gagne, Abrams Towing
That the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards be requested to review the deputations and submissions received at the Licensing and Standards Committee meeting on September 18, 2017 and report directly to City Council on any possible amendments to the original staff recommendations in the report (September 6, 2017) , if necessary.
That City Council require tow truck operators to wear personal protective equipment while performing a recovery on any municipal road or highway.
That Recommendation 9 be amended to delete the words "beyond 5 km" so that Recommendation 9 reads as follows:
9. City Council permit tow truck owners and drivers to charge a fee of $3.25 per kilometer (plus applicable taxes), for each kilometre of travel outside the City, when directed by a consumer to tow his or her vehicle from an accident scene to a final destination more than 5 km outside City limits.
That Recommendation 17 be amended to replace the words "credit card payments" with "credit/debit card payments."
That the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards give additional consideration to private property tows, the recovery rate, and waiting times at collision reporting centres with a view to potentially recommending greater compensation, as part of the Supplementary Report to City Council on October 2, 2017.
That the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards be requested to report back to Licensing and Standards Committee in the first quarter of 2018 on a requirement to request tow truck operators to have reflective protective measures on their vehicles.