Item - 2017.EY23.6
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Etobicoke York Community Council on June 13, 2017 and was adopted with amendments.
EY23.6 - Preliminary Report - 555 Rexdale Boulevard - Zoning By-law Amendment Applications and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Ward:
- 2 - Etobicoke North
Community Council Decision
Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Directed staff to schedule a community consultation meeting for the lands at 555 Rexdale Boulevard together with the Ward Councillor.
2. Directed that Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site, and expanded to include the catchment area as illustrated in the Map attached to the motion by Councillor Michael Ford, with the additional cost to be borne by the applicant.
3. Directed that Notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations of the Planning Act.
Woodbine Entertainment Group (WEG) has submitted two applications to amend the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code to permit expanded gaming on the Woodbine Racetrack lands: one for the existing grandstand building; and one for a new Gaming District to be located to the northeast of the existing grandstand. These applications propose amendments to existing site specific Zoning By-law 864-2007 to add live gaming as a permitted use at 555 Rexdale Boulevard. All other permitted land uses and zoning performance standards are to remain unaltered. No new development is proposed through these applications.
In addition to the two rezoning applications, a Draft Plan of Subdivision application has also been submitted. The Draft Plan of Subdivision would establish a framework for public roads and services and would create development blocks for WEG's Phase 1 and 2 lands to facilitate the development of the Gaming District and associated uses and an integrated entertainment complex, as well as other uses.
This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted applications and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the applications and on the community consultation process.
A community consultation meeting scheduled by staff, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, is targeted to be held in the third quarter of 2017. A Final Report and statutory public meeting under the Planning Act to consider the applications is targeted for the first quarter of 2018. This target assumes the applicant will provide all required information in a timely manner.
Background Information
Map of Expanded Notice Area attached to motion by Councillor Michael Ford
That Etobicoke York Community Council adopt the recommendations contained in the report (May 25, 2017) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District, with Recommendation 2 amended to read as follows:
2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site, and expanded to include the catchment area as illustrated in the Map attached to this motion, with the additional cost to be borne by the applicant.