Item - 2017.EX28.12

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on November 7,8 and 9, 2017 with amendments.
  • This item was considered by Executive Committee on October 24, 2017 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on November 7,8 and 9, 2017.

EX28.12 - Update and Next Steps on the Potential Relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre

Decision Type:
1 - Etobicoke North, 2 - Etobicoke North, 3 - Etobicoke Centre, 4 - Etobicoke Centre, 5 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore, 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore, 7 - York West, 11 - York South-Weston, 12 - York South-Weston, 13 - Parkdale-High Park, 17 - Davenport

City Council Decision

City Council on November 7, 8 and 9, 2017, adopted the following:


1.  City Council accept the decision of the Etobicoke Civic Centre Building Design Competition jury's selection of Adamson Associates Architects, Henning Larsen Architects and PMA Landscape Architects as the winning submission of the Etobicoke Civic Centre Design Competition.


2.  City Council request the Toronto Realty Agency, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services, to undertake the necessary due diligence required to proceed with Phase Two of the Major Capital Project Approval Process – Site Investigations, Schematic Design and Design Development.


3.  City Council request the Toronto Realty Agency to enter into agreements with consultants, including Adamson Associates Architects, Henning Larsen Architects and PMA Landscape Architects, winners of the Etobicoke Civic Centre Design Competition, on terms satisfactory to the Transition Lead for the Toronto Realty Agency and the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services, to:


a.  complete a detailed building program review to be conducted in consultation with City stakeholders;


b.  complete a site investigation, schematic design and design development for a new Etobicoke Civic Centre at the Westwood Theatre Lands;


c.  initiate the Site Plan Approval pre-application process;


d.  complete a Class C cost estimate and project budget schedule; and


e.  identify a project procurement and delivery methodology.


4.  City Council refer the request of $3.5 million ($3.0 million in 2018, $0.5 million in 2019) to provide funding to the Toronto Realty Agency through Facilities, Real Estate, Environment and Energy's 2018 – 2027 Capital Budget and Plan for the work required to the Budget Committee for consideration in the 2018 Budget process.


5.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in collaboration with the Toronto Realty Agency, to report to City Council in the first quarter of 2019 respecting the results of Phase Two of the Major Capital Project Approval Process for the potential relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre.


6.  City Council request the Toronto Realty Agency and the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Director, Affordable Housing Office, to ensure that the detailed building program provides for a mixed income ownership and rental community, maximizing the development of a range of housing options, with a goal of achieving up to 20 percent affordable rental housing and report to the Executive Committee in the first quarter of 2019.


7.  City Council direct the Chief Financial Officer to include eligible components of the Etobicoke Civic Centre and Community Hub project costs in the City's development charges bylaw review currently underway.


8.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to facilitate robust staff and community engagement for all proposed programs: public services, affordable housing, development form and employment uses, relative to the relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre and the lands at Bloor/Islington, Six Points and the current Etobicoke York Civic Centre.

Background Information (Committee)

(October 16, 2017) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Update and Next Steps on the Potential Relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre
Attachment 1 - Westwood Theatre Lands - Precinct Plan; Attachment 2 - Adamson | Henning Larson | PMA Landscape Architects Winning Proposal; and Attachment 3 - Options and Project Assumptions

Communications (Committee)

(October 24, 2017) Presentation from Gabriella Sicheri, Director, Development, Build Toronto (EX.New.EX28.12.1)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Stephen Holyday (Carried)

That City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to facilitate robust staff and community engagement for all proposed programs: public services, affordable housing, development form and employment uses, relative to the relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre and the lands at Bloor/Islington, Six Points and the current Etobicoke York Civic Centre.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional)) Nov-08-2017 9:48 AM

Result: Carried Majority Required - EX28.12 - Holyday - motion 1
Total members that voted Yes: 34 Members that voted Yes are Maria Augimeri, Ana Bailão, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Shelley Carroll, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Justin J. Di Ciano, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Jim Hart, Stephen Holyday, Norman Kelly, Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Josh Matlow, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Joe Mihevc, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Jaye Robinson, Neethan Shan, David Shiner, John Tory, Lucy Troisi, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 0 Members that voted No are
Total members that were Absent: 11 Members that were absent are Paul Ainslie, Christin Carmichael Greb, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, John Filion, Mary Fragedakis, Michelle Holland, Jim Karygiannis, Mike Layton, Anthony Perruzza, Michael Thompson

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) Nov-08-2017 9:49 AM

Result: Carried Majority Required - EX28.12 - Adopt the item as amended
Total members that voted Yes: 34 Members that voted Yes are Maria Augimeri, Ana Bailão, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Shelley Carroll, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Justin J. Di Ciano, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Jim Hart, Stephen Holyday, Norman Kelly, Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Josh Matlow, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Joe Mihevc, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Jaye Robinson, Neethan Shan, David Shiner, John Tory, Lucy Troisi, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 0 Members that voted No are
Total members that were Absent: 11 Members that were absent are Paul Ainslie, Christin Carmichael Greb, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, John Filion, Mary Fragedakis, Michelle Holland, Jim Karygiannis, Mike Layton, Anthony Perruzza, Michael Thompson

EX28.12 - Update and Next Steps on the Potential Relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre

Decision Type:
1 - Etobicoke North, 2 - Etobicoke North, 3 - Etobicoke Centre, 4 - Etobicoke Centre, 5 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore, 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore, 7 - York West, 11 - York South-Weston, 12 - York South-Weston, 13 - Parkdale-High Park, 17 - Davenport

Committee Recommendations

The Executive Committee recommends that:


1.  City Council accept the decision of the Etobicoke Civic Centre Building Design Competition jury's selection of Adamson Associates Architects, Henning Larsen Architects and PMA Landscape Architects as the winning submission of the Etobicoke Civic Centre Design Competition.


2.  City Council request that Toronto Realty Agency, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services, undertake the necessary due diligence required to proceed with Phase Two of the Major Capital Project Approval Process – Site Investigations, Schematic Design and Design Development.


3.  City Council request that Toronto Realty Agency enter into agreements with consultants, including Adamson Associates Architects, Henning Larsen Architects and PMA Landscape Architects, winners of the Etobicoke Civic Centre Design Competition, on terms satisfactory to the Transition Lead for Toronto Realty Agency and the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services, to:


a.  complete a detailed building program review to be conducted in consultation with City stakeholders;


b.  complete a of site investigation, schematic design and design development for a new Etobicoke Civic Centre at the Westwood Theatre Lands;


c.  initiate the Site Plan Approval pre-application process;


d.  complete a Class C cost estimate and project budget schedule; and


e.  identify a project procurement and delivery methodology.


4.  City Council refer the request of $3.5 million ($3.0 million in 2018, $0.5 million in 2019) to provide funding to Toronto Realty Agency through Facilities, Real Estate, Environment and Energy's 2018 – 2027 Capital Budget and Plan for the work required to the Budget Committee for consideration in the 2018 Budget process.


5.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in collaboration with Toronto Realty Agency, to report to City Council in the first quarter of 2019 respecting the results of Phase Two of the Major Capital Project Approval Process for the potential relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre.


6.  City Council request the Toronto Realty Agency and Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services, in consultation with the Acting Chief Planner and the Director of the Affordable Housing Office, to ensure that the detailed building program provides for a mixed income ownership and rental community, maximizing the development of a range of housing options, with a goal of achieving up to 20 percent affordable rental housing and report to the Executive Committee in the first quarter of 2019


7.  City Council direct the Acting Chief Financial Officer to include eligible components of the Etobicoke Civic Centre and Community Hub project costs in the City's development charges bylaw review currently underway.


(October 16, 2017) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning


In 2016, City Council supported the City-owned Westwood Theatre Lands ("WTL") (Kipling/Bloor) as the preferred location for the relocated Etobicoke Civic Centre ("ECC") and directed staff to report back with a business case. The purpose of this report is to provide City Council with the results of the design competition, present recommendations from the business case and to seek approval to undertake Phase Two in the Major Capital Project Approval Process - Site Investigation, Schematic Design and Design Development ("Phase Two").


The relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre to the Westwood Theatre Lands is an integral component to set the future direction of City-owned lands in the West District. The new development will integrate municipal offices, an outdoor civic square, a community recreation centre, a childcare centre, an opportunity for a Toronto Public Library district branch, and underground parking in order to create a civic heart in the centre of Etobicoke. The project aims to maximize value, support planning policies, improve long term office accommodation, as well as support the following strategic actions for the City:


- Strategic Action #1-3: City Building – Direct employment and residential growth to the WTL, identified as part of "Etobicoke Centre" in the Official Plan.


- Strategic Action #4 and 5: Economic Vitality – Provide a catalyst for revitalization and economic activity in the West District.


- Strategic Action #6 Environmental Sustainability – Plan the Etobicoke Civic Centre Precinct ("ECC Precinct") as a Net-Zero community.


- Strategic Action #8 Support Affordable Housing – Provide residents access to a range of housing opportunities, allocating approximately 20 percent of residential units as affordable housing.


- Strategic Action #19 Improve Customer Service - Improve resident access to City services and new programming.


- Strategic Action #23-26- Fiscal Sustainability – Unlock financial value at three (3) City owned assets and reallocate capital backlog to the construction of a new facility.


Build Toronto, Real Estate Services and City Planning, pursuant to the City's Major Capital Project Approval Process, have completed the following tasks as part of Phase One - Feasibility and Concept Design:


- development of a preliminary building program;


- development of a design concept as established by the New Etobicoke Civic Centre Design Competition process with the selection of the winning submission by Adamson | Henning Larsen | PMA Landscape Architects;


- a Class D Cost Estimate and Project Schedule; and


- project feasibility: a preliminary assessment established through the business case analysis


For the complete business case and additional information on the design competition for the Etobicoke Civic Centre please visit


Upon City Council's adoption of this report, the next phase in the evaluation of a new Etobicoke Civic Centre will be to proceed with site investigation, schematic design and design development. Toronto Realty Agency ("TRA"), inclusive of Build Toronto and in consultation with City staff, will proceed with Phase Two, and report back to City Council in the First Quarter, 2019 with the results.

Background Information

(October 16, 2017) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Update and Next Steps on the Potential Relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre
Attachment 1 - Westwood Theatre Lands - Precinct Plan; Attachment 2 - Adamson | Henning Larson | PMA Landscape Architects Winning Proposal; and Attachment 3 - Options and Project Assumptions


(October 24, 2017) Presentation from Gabriella Sicheri, Director, Development, Build Toronto (EX.New.EX28.12.1)


Councillor Justin J. Di Ciano


Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Ana Bailão (Carried)

That City Council request the Toronto Realty Agency and Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services, in consultation with the Acting Chief Planner and the Director of the Affordable Housing Office, to ensure that the detailed building program provides for a mixed income ownership and rental community, maximizing the development of a range of housing options, with a goal of achieving up to 20 percent affordable rental housing and report to the Executive Committee in the first quarter of 2019.

Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Ana Bailão (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at