Item - 2017.CD22.4

Tracking Status

CD22.4 - Expanding Indigenous-led Early Years Programs and Services

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on October 2, 3 and 4, 2017, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the General Manager, Children's Services to provide a presentation to the Aboriginal Affairs Committee on the needs assessment and planning process to ensure that the number of culturally relevant child care spaces and expanded access to child and family programs for Indigenous families is being considered and integrated with the Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centre implementation.

Background Information (Committee)

(August 18, 2017) Report from the General Manager, Children's Services on Expanding Indigenous-led Early Years Programs and Services

CD22.4 - Expanding Indigenous-led Early Years Programs and Services

Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Community Development and Recreation Committee recommends that:


1.  City Council request the General Manager, Children's Services to provide a presentation to the Aboriginal Affairs Committee on the needs assessment and planning process to ensure that the number of culturally relevant child care spaces and expanded access to child and family programs for Indigenous families is being considered and integrated with the Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centre implementation.


(August 18, 2017) Report from the General Manager, Children's Services


This report seeks to inform the Community Development and Recreation Committee of a community planning process intended to lead to an increase in the number of culturally relevant child care spaces and expand access to child and family programs for Indigenous children and families in Toronto.


Children’s Services is working in partnership with the Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council (TASSC) to complete a community needs assessment that will inform project proposals to be submitted to the Ministry of Education (MEDU) for consideration under the 'Journey Together' initiative. Children's Services will report back to the Community Development and Recreation Committee on what proposals have been approved and funded by Ministry of Education once the division is informed of any outcomes.

Background Information

(August 18, 2017) Report from the General Manager, Children's Services on Expanding Indigenous-led Early Years Programs and Services


Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (Carried)



1.  City Council request the General Manager, Children's Services to provide a presentation to the Aboriginal Affairs Committee on the needs assessment and planning process to ensure that the number of culturally relevant child care spaces and expanded access to child and family programs for Indigenous families is being considered and integrated with the Ontario Early Years Child and Family Centre implementation.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at