Item - 2017.BU39.1
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Budget Committee on December 12,14,15 and 18, 2017. The Budget Committee postponed consideration of this item. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the deferral.
BU39.1 - 2018 Capital and Operating Budgets
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Deferred
- Wards:
- All
Public Notice Given
Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege; and labour relations or employee negotiations
Committee Decision
The Budget Committee:
1. Deferred the consideration of item BU39.1 to the January 12, 2018 meeting of the Budget Committee.
2. Requested budget briefing notes as follows:
1. The City Manager on the number of temporary and permanent part-time and full-time staff by division and commentary on how to renew the public service given current and future turnaround and retirements.
2. The Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services on the Counter Service Review and any budget provisions for the review in the 2018 budget.
Auditor General
3. The Auditor General on:
a. An explanation of the $8 million annual recurring savings referred to on page 7 of Auditor General's presentation (December 14, 2017), including how these savings were determined and if they have been verified as 2017 savings; and
b. An explanation of the $9.4 million in one-time savings in the real-estate services division, referred on page 7 of the Auditor General's presentation (December 14, 2017), including how these savings have been quantified and verified.
Children's Services
4. The General Manager, Children's Services on the 2018 allocation of provincial monies specifically devoted to targeted fee subsidies versus overall affordability.
City Council
5. The City Clerk on:
a. The number of Councillors that rent constituency offices outside of Civic Centres and the rent costs associated with these offices.
b. The number of Councillors that rent constituency offices inside of Civic Centres and the rent costs associated with these offices.
Economic Development and Culture
The General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on:
6. Provide a list of the eleven trade missions in 2017 related to "Toronto Global" and provide the following information for each trade mission:
a. Indicate the goal of each mission and provide hyperlinks to each report on each Economic Development website;
b. Describe the composition of each trade mission delegation and composition of the advance team;
c. Indicate the costs borne by the City, including any advance travel conducted in preparation for a mission;
d. Indicate costs borne by City partners and non-City delegates; and,
e. Indicate City costs covered by partners and non-City delegates.
7. A summary of the 2018 budget request for City-specific travel for the purposes of trade and Foreign Direct Investment, including:
a. An indication of additional costs that will be borne by the City, over and above the annual contribution to "Toronto Global", if the City participates in their missions.
8. Provide a summary of the total expenses in 2017 associated with travel and the planned travel budget for 2018.
Engineering and Construction Services
9. The Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services on the additional costs incurred by relying on outside contractors for engineering services due to a lack of internal staff capacity in 2017 and possible strategies to address this issue in 2018 and beyond.
Toronto Fire Services
The Fire Chief and General Manager, Toronto Fire Services on:
10. A strategy outlining a recommended course of action to address the concerns regarding the recent fire safety issues involving Toronto Community Housing Corporation buildings.
11. The impact of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and presumptive illness.
12. Sick time analysis.
13. Toronto Island Fire Protection service level, including total cost of service and cost per person to provide service compared to City-wide service cost per person.
14. An update on the Transformation Plan.
Municipal Licensing and Standards
15. The Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards on a breakdown of the revenue generated by Personal Vehicle Company (PVC) fees in 2017, including licences and per kilometre revenue.
Parks, Forestry and Recreation
16. The General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation on the revised amounts required in 2018 to fund Council approved plans to address unmet demands for recreation programs and Swim to Survive Program.
Toronto Public Health
17. The Medical Officer of Health on:
a. The number of secondary Schools that are part of the Student Nutrition Program;
b. The number of elementary Schools are part of the Student Nutrition program;
c. The number of Toronto District School Board (TDSB) schools that are part of the program;
d. The number of Toronto Catholic School Board (TCSB) schools that are part of this Program; and
e. Where the schools that take part in the Program are in regards to the Learning Opportunity Index.
Social Development, Finance and Administration
The Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on:
18. Advancing the development of the Social Procurement Policy, an initiative of the Toronto Poverty Reduction Strategy, and the staff resources required to undertake this work.
19. Cost implications to Community Partnership and Investment Program recipients of Bill 148 and possible strategies to resolve.
Toronto Police Service
20. The Toronto Police Services Board, and the Chief, Toronto Police Service, on the uniform establishment and deployment history broken down by Police Division for the period 2013 – 2017 and projection for 2018, including the average number of officers on patrol at any given time.
Toronto Public Library
The City Librarian on:
21. Operating Funds necessary to fully implement Toronto Public Library's "Open Hours Plan" phased in over a 4-year period from 2019 to 2022.
22. Numbers of people utilizing the library system on Sundays, with a break down for individual libraries.
23. The number of Youth Hubs in the City of Toronto, their locations, hours of operation, staffing costs and attendance per site.
Toronto Transit Commission
24. The Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission on:
a. Options to address bus overcrowding, noting costs and ridership/crowding benefits.
b. The adequacy of the current bus fleet and garages to accommodate modest ridership growth and to address overcrowding.
Office of the Treasurer
25. The Treasurer on the impact on the counter and customer service functions of any proposed reductions in the Office of the Treasurer's 2018 budget.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Budget Committee recessed its public session to meet in closed session as the item relates to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege; and labour relations or employee negotiations.
December 12, 2017
The Deputy City Manager, Cluster A gave a presentation on Cluster A 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018 - 2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan.
The Medical Officer of Health gave a presentation on Toronto Public Health 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018 -2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan.
December 14, 2017
The Chief Executive Officer, the Incoming Interim Chief Executive Officer, the Acting Chief Financial Officer, and the Head of Finance and Treasurer gave a presentation on Toronto Transit Commission 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan.
The Auditor General, and the Assistant Auditor General gave a presentation on Auditor General's Office 2018 Operating Budget.
The Integrity Commissioner gave a presentation on Office of the Integrity Commissioner 2018 Operating Budget.
The Lobbyist Registrar gave a presentation on Office of the Lobbyist Registrar 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan.
The Ombudsman gave a presentation on 2018 Budget Recommendation - Ombudsman Toronto.
The Deputy City Manager, Cluster B gave a presentation on Cluster B 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018 - 2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan.
December 15, 2017
The Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services gave a presentation on Internal Corporate Services 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan.
The Transition Lead, Toronto Realty Agency gave a presentation on 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget.
The Acting Chief Financial Officer gave a presentation on 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan.
December 18, 2017
The City Librarian gave a presentation on Toronto Public Library - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan.
The Police Chief, the Chair, Police Services Board, and the Chief Administrative Officer, Toronto Police Service gave a presentation on Toronto Police Service, Parking Enforcement and Police Services Board - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan.
The Budget Committee will consider and make recommendations to the Executive Committee on the 2018 Capital and Operating Budgets.
The following schedule has been established for the consideration of the 2018 Preliminary Capital and Operating Budgets:
Tuesday December 12, 2017:
- Citizen Centred Services "A"
Toronto Paramedic Services
Court Services
Economic Development and Culture
Long-Term Care Homes and Services
Toronto Employment and Social Services
Parks, Forestry and Recreation
Shelter, Support and Housing Administration - TCHC
Affordable Housing Office
Children's Services
Social Development, Finance and Administration
- Toronto Public Health
Thursday December 14, 2017:
- Accountability Offices
- Auditor General's Office
- Office of the Integrity Commissioner
- Office of the Lobbyist Registrar
- Office of the Ombudsman
- Citizen Centred Services "B"
City Planning
Waterfront Revitalization Initiative (Capital only)
Engineering and Construction Services
Fire Services
Municipal Licensing and Standards
Policy, Planning, Finance and Administration
Toronto Building
Transportation Services
- Toronto Transit Commission
Friday December 15, 2017:
- Internal Corporate Services
311 Toronto
Facilities, Real Estate, Environment and Energy
Fleet Services
Information and Technology
- Toronto Realty Agency
- Chief Financial Officer
Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Financial Services (Capital only)
Office of the Treasurer
Questions and answers only - no presentations
- Other City Programs
City Manager's Office
Legal Services
Monday December 18, 2017:
Toronto Public Library
Questions and answers only - no presentations
- Other City Programs
City Clerk's Office
City Council
Office of the Mayor
- Arena Boards of Management
- Association of Community Centres
- Yonge-Dundas Square
- Civic Theatres Toronto
- Toronto Atmospheric Fund
- Toronto Zoo
- Exhibition Place
- Heritage Toronto
- Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
- Toronto Police Service
- Toronto Police Services Board
- Parking Tag Enforcement and Operations
Background Information
(December 1, 2017) Notice of Public Meeting - 2018 Proposed Changes to User Fees
(December 5, 2017) Revised Presentation from the City Manager on 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Capital Budget and Plan
(November 30, 2017) Presentation from the City Manager on 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Capital Budget and Plan
(December 5, 2017) Revised Appendices 1-4 - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Budget and Plan
(December 1, 2017) Revised Appendices 1-4 - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Budget and Plan
(December 12, 2017) Presentation from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster A on Cluster A 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018 -2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan
(December 12, 2017) Presentation from the Medical Officer of Health on Toronto Public Health 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018 -2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan
(December 14, 2017) Presentation from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B on Cluster B 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018 - 2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan
(December 14, 2017) Presentation from the Ombudsman on 2018 Budget Recommendation - Ombudsman Toronto
(December 14, 2017) Presentation from the Integrity Commissioner on 2018 Operating Budget - Office of the Integrity Commissioner
(December 14, 2017) Presentation from the Lobbyist Registrar on Office of the Lobbyist Registrar 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan
(December 14, 2017) Presentation from the Auditor General on Auditor General’s Office - 2018 Operating Budget
(December 14, 2017) Presentation form Toronto Transit Commission on Toronto Transit Commission 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan
Presentation from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services, on Internal Corporate Services - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018 -2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan
Presentation from the Transition Lead, Toronto Realty Agency, on Toronto Realty Agency - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget
(December 15, 2017) Revised - Presentation from the Interim Chief Financial Officer on Chief Financial Officer - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018 -2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan
(December 18, 2017) Presentation from the City Librarian on Toronto Public Library - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan
(December 18, 2017) Presentation from Toronto Police Service, Parking Enforcement and Police Services Board, 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget and 2018-2027 Preliminary Capital Budget and Plan
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - 311 Toronto
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - 311 Toronto
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Accountability Officers
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Accountability Officers
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Arena Boards of Management
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Association of Community Centres
(December 4, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Affordable Housing Office
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Children's Services
(December 4, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Children's Services
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - City Clerk's Office
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - City Clerk's Office
Confidential Attachment - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - City Clerk's Office
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - City Council
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - City Manager's Office
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - City Planning
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - City Planning
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Civic Theatres Toronto
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Sony Centre for the Performing Arts
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Court Services
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Economic Development and Culture
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Economic Development and Culture
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Engineering and Construction Services
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Exhibition Place
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes (Version 3)- Exhibition Place
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Facilities, Real Estate, Environment and Energy
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Facilities, Real Estate, Environment and Energy
Confidential Attachment - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Facilities, Real Estate, Environment and Energy
(December 5, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Financial Services
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Fleet Services
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Fleet Services
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Heritage Toronto
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Information and Technolgoy
(December 5, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Information and Technology
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Legal Services
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Long-Term Care Homes and Services
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Long-Term Care Homes and Services
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Municipal Licensing and Standards
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Office of the Chief Financial Officer
(December 5, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Office of the Treasurer
Confidential Attachment - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Office of the Treasurer
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Office of the Mayor
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Parks, Forestry and Recreation
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Parks, Forestry and Recreation
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Policy, Planning, Finance and Administration
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Shelter, Support and Housing Administration
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Shelter, Support Housing and Administration
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Social Development, Finance and Administration
(December 6, 2017) 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Atmospheric Fund
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Building
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Toronto Employment and Social Services
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Employment and Social Services
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Toronto Fire Services
(December 4, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Fire Services
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Toronto Paramedic Services
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Paramedic Services
(December 6, 2017) 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Toronto Police Service
(December 6, 2017) 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Police Service
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Parking Tags Operations and Enforcement
(December 6, 2017) 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Police Services Board
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Toronto Public Health
(December 4, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Public Health
Confidential Attachment - 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Public Health
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Toronto Public Library
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Public Library
(December 5, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Realty Agency
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Toronto Transit Commission
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Transit Commission
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Toronto Zoo
2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Toronto Zoo
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Transportation Services
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Transportation Services
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Waterfront Revitalization Initiative
2018 Preliminary Capital Budget Notes - Yonge-Dundas Square
(December 6, 2017) Revised 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget Notes - Yonge-Dundas Square
(December 12, 2017) 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #2 and Appendix 1 - Economic Factors
(December 12, 2017) 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #3 and Appendix 1 - 2018 Gapping Levels
(December 12, 2017) 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #4 - Changes to Existing User Fees and New User Fees in the 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget
Appendices A to D to 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #4 - Changes to Existing User Fees and New User Fees in the 2018 Preliminary Operating Budget
(December 12, 2017) 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #5 - Contributions to and Withdrawals from Reserves/Reserve Funds
Appendices 1 - 2 to 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #5 - Contributions to and Withdrawals from Reserves/Reserve Funds
(December 12, 2017) 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #6 - Equity Impacts of Changes in the 2018 Operating Budget
Attachment A to 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #6 - Equity Impacts of Changes in the 2018 Operating Budget
Attachment B to 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #6 - Equity Impacts of Changes in the 2018 Operating Budget
Attachment C to 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #6 - Equity Impacts of Changes in the 2018 Operating Budget
Attachment D to 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #6 - Equity Impacts of Changes in the 2018 Operating Budget
Attachment E to 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #6 - Equity Impacts of Changes in the 2018 Operating Budget
(December 12, 2017) 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #7 - Assessment of Staffing Complement for Enforcement of Holistic Centres and Body Rub Parlours
(December 12, 2017) 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #8 - Staff Resources for the Enforcement of Illegal Third Party Election Advertising
(December 13, 2017) Revised 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #9 - Toronto Poverty Reduction Strategy
(December 15, 2017) 2018 Operating Budget Briefing Note #10 - TransformTO 2018 Operating Budget Request
(December 12, 2017) 2018 Capital Budget Briefing Note #6 - State of Good Repair (SOGR) Backlog
That the Budget Committee recess its public session to meet in closed session as the item relates to personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; the receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege; and labour relations or employee negotiations.
That the City Manager provide a budget briefing note on the number of temporary and permanent part-time and full-time staff by division and commentary on how to renew the public service given current and future turnaround and retirements.
That the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services provide briefing note on the Counter Service Review and any budget provisions for the review in the 2018 budget.
Auditor General
That the Auditor General provide a budget briefing note on the following:
1. An explanation of the $8 million annual recurring savings referred to on page 7 of Auditor General's presentation (December 14, 2017), including how these savings were determined and if they have been verified as 2017 savings; and
2. An explanation of the $9.4 million in one-time savings in the real-estate services division, referred on page 7 of the Auditor General's presentation (December 14, 2017), including how these savings have been quantified and verified.
Children's Services
That the General Manager, Children's Services provide a budget briefing note identifying the 2018 allocation of provincial monies specifically devoted to targeted fee subsidies versus overall affordability.
City Council
That the City Clerk provide a briefing note on the following:
1. the number of Councillors that rent constituency offices outside of Civic Centres and the rent costs associated with these offices.
2. the number of Councillors that rent constituency offices inside of Civic Centres and the rent costs associated with these offices.
Economic Development and Culture
That the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture provide budget briefing notes on the following:
1. Provide a list of the eleven trade missions in 2017 related to "Toronto Global" and provide the following information for each trade mission:
a. Indicate the goal of each mission and provide hyperlinks to each report on each Economic Development website;
b. Describe the composition of each trade mission delegation and composition of the advance team;
c. Indicate the costs borne by the City, including any advance travel conducted in preparation for a mission;
d. Indicate costs borne by City partners and non-City delegates; and,
e. Indicate City costs covered by partners and non-City delegates.
2. Summarize the 2018 budget request for City-specific travel for the purposes of trade and Foreign Direct Investment, including:
a. Indicate additional costs that will be borne by the City, over and above the annual contribution to "Toronto Global", if we participate in their missions.
3. Provide a summary of the total expenses in 2017 associated with travel and the planned travel budget for 2018.
Engineering and Construction Services
That the Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services provide a briefing note on the additional costs incurred by relying on outside contractors for engineering services due to a lack of internal staff capacity in 2017 and possible strategies to address this issue in 2018 and beyond.
Toronto Fire Services
That the Fire Chief and General Manager, Toronto Fire Services provide budget briefing notes on the following:
1. A strategy outlining a recommended course of action to address the concerns regarding the recent fire safety issues involving Toronto Community Housing Corporation buildings.
2. The impact of Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) and presumptive illness.
3. Sick time analysis.
4. Toronto Island Fire Protection service level, including total cost of service and cost per person to provide service compared to City-wide service cost per person.
5. An update on the Transformation Plan.
Municipal Licensing and Standards
That the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards provide a budget briefing note with a breakdown of the revenue generated by Personal Vehicle Company (PVC) fees in 2017, including licences and per kilometre revenue.
Parks, Forestry and Recreation
That the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation provide a budget briefing note on the revised amounts required in 2018 to fund Council approved plans to address unmet demands for recreation programs and Swim to Survive Program.
Toronto Public Health
That the Medical Officer of Health provide a budget briefing note on the following:
1. The number of secondary Schools that are part of the Student Nutrition Program;
2. The number of elementary Schools are part of the Student Nutrition program;
3. The number of Toronto District School Board (TDSB) schools that are part of the program;
4. The number of Toronto Catholic School Board (TCSB) schools that are part of this Program; and
5. Where the schools that take part in the Program are in regards to the Learning Opportunity Index.
Social Development, Finance and Administration
That the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration provide budget briefing notes on the following:
1. advancing the development of the Social Procurement Policy, an initiative of the Toronto Poverty Reduction Strategy, and the staff resources required to undertake this work.
2. Cost implications to Community Partnership and Investment Program recipients of Bill 148 and
possible strategies to resolve.
Toronto Police Service
That the Toronto Police Services Board, and the Chief, Toronto Police Service, provide a budget briefing note on the uniform establishment and deployment history broken down by Police Division for the period 2013 – 2017 and projection for 2018, including the average number of officers on patrol at any given time.
Toronto Public Library
That the City Librarian provide budget briefing notes on the following:
1. Operating Funds necessary to fully implement Toronto Public Library's "Open Hours Plan" phased in over a 4-year period from 2019 to 2022.
2. Numbers of people utilizing the library system on Sundays, with a break down for individual libraries.
3. The number of Youth Hubs in the City of Toronto, their locations, hours of operation, staffing costs and attendance per site.
Toronto Transit Commission
That the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission provide a budget briefing note on the following:
1. Options to address bus overcrowding, noting costs and ridership/crowding benefits.
2. The adequacy of the current bus fleet and garages to accommodate modest ridership growth and to address overcrowding.
Office of the Treasurer
That the Treasurer provide a briefing note on the impact on the counter and customer service functions of any proposed reductions in the Office of the Treasurer's 2018 budget.
That consideration of the item be deferred until January 12, 2018.
1a - Auditor General’s Office - 2018 Operating Budget
This report provides information relating to the 2018 Operating Budget for the Auditor General’s Office.
On February 15 and 16, 2017, City Council approved the 2017 Budget Committee Recommended Operating Budget for the Accountability Offices. At that time, City Council approved the "temporary increase of $1.0 million, as reflected in the Auditor General's 2017 Budget Committee Recommended Operating Budget to provide additional capacity to undertake value for money audits and investigations, subject to a report back to Audit and Executive Committees from the Auditor General on a revised audit work plan, and that temporary planned increases of up to $1.5 million in 2018 and an additional $1.4 million in 2019 be subject to consideration in future year budget processes together with revised audit work plans." (Recommendation 250)
The Auditor General's 2018 Operating Budget request is $7.445 million. The $1.5 million increase from the approved adjusted 2017 operating budget of $5.903 million reflects City Council's 2017 decision (EX22.2) to provide the Auditor General with additional capacity to undertake value for money audits and investigations.
Background Information
(October 13, 2017) Report from the Auditor General - Auditor General’s Office - 2018 Operating Budget
Attachment 1 - Auditor General’s Office - 2018 Operating Budget
(October 27, 2017) Presentation material submitted by the Auditor General
2018 Operating Budget - Accountability Officers
1b - Office of the Integrity Commissioner - 2018 Operating Budget
This report details information related to the 2018 Operating Budget for the Office of the Integrity Commissioner (the "Office" or the "OIC") and recommends a full-year 2018 budget of $866.9 thousand gross and net for consideration by the Budget Committee. This includes base budget pressures of $5 thousand and enhancements of $355.2 thousand.
Background Information
Attachment 1 - 2018 Operating Budget - Accountability Officers
1c - Office of Lobbyist Registrar - 2018-2027 Capital Budget and Plan
This report seeks Budget Committee's recommendation for City Council to approve the Office of Lobbyist Registrar's 2018-2027 Capital Budget and Plan. This 10-Year Capital Budget and Plan enables the Office of the Lobbyist Registrar (OLR) to continue to provide and maintain an accessible, publicly available online lobbyist registry as required by the City of Toronto Act, 2006, s. 165. The Capital Budget and Plan, which totals $0.7 million, is 100 percent for the Lobbyist Registry State of Good Repair Project (SOGR).
Background Information
Attachment 1 - 2018-2027 Capital Plan - Accountability Officers Budget Request Overview
1d - Office of the Lobbyist Registrar - 2018 Operating Budget Request
This report seeks Budget Committee's recommendation for City Council to approve the Office of the Lobbyist Registrar's 2018 Operating Budget Request of $1,644.0 thousand gross and net.
Background Information
Attachment 1 - 2018 Operating Budget - Accountability Officers Budget Request Overview
1e - Office of Ombudsman Toronto - 2018-2027 Capital Plan
This report requests that Budget Committee recommend that City Council approve the 2018 - 2027 Capital Budget and Plan of Ombudsman Toronto. The plan includes a requirement of $0.700 million over the 10-year period for state of good repair replacement of the case management system.
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Accountability Officers: 2018-2027 Capital Budget and Plan - Budget Overview
1f - Ombudsman Toronto - 2018 Operating Budget
This report provides detailed information about the 2018 operating budget for Ombudsman Toronto, including a recommended full-year 2018 operating budget of $1,985.2 thousand net for approval by City Council.
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Accountability Officers - 2018 Operating Budget Overview
1g - 2018 Implementation Costs for Various Approved Service Plans
City Council on May 24, 25 and 26, 2017, adopted as amended Item EX25.18 on 2018 Budget Process - Budget Directions and Schedule, and has forwarded the supplementary report (May 23, 2017) from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer (EX25.18c) on 2018 Implementation Costs for Various Approved Service Plans to the Budget Committee for consideration with other priorities during the 2018 Budget Process.
Background Information
(May 23, 2017) Report and Appendix 1 from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer on 2018 Implementation Costs for Various Approved Service Plans
1h - 2018 Toronto Police Services and Toronto Police Services Board Budget Estimates
The purpose of this report is to provide the Budget Committee with the 2018 operating budget request for the Toronto Police Service, the Toronto Police Service 2018-2027 Capital Program, the Toronto Police Service Parking Enforcement Unit and the Toronto Police Services Board (‘the Board’).
Background Information
1i - Toronto Public Health 2018 - 2027 Capital Budget and Plan Request
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Board of Health forwarded the report (September 6, 2017) from the Medical Officer of Health to the Budget Committee for its consideration during the 2018 budget process.
The Board of Health considered Items HL21.3, HL21.4, and HL21.6 together.
At its meeting on September 25, 2017, the Board of Health considered item HL21.6 - Toronto Public Health 2018 - 2027 Capital Budget and Plan Request.
Background Information
(September 20, 2017) Letter from the Board of Health Budget Committee on Toronto Public Health 2018 - 2027 Capital Budget and Plan Request
(September 6, 2017) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Toronto Public Health 2018 - 2027 Capital Budget and Plan Request
Attachment 1 - Toronto Public Health Capital Budget and Plan Request
1j - Toronto Public Health 2018 Operating Budget Request
Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees, and labour relations and employee negotiations.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Board of Health also:
1. Requested the Medical Officer of Health to report on the full range of impacts that staffing constraints over the last six years, both in the approved complement and the level of gapping and vacancies, have had on service levels and employee working conditions at Toronto Public Health.
2. Directed that the Confidential Attachment 3 to the report (September 11, 2017) from the Medical Officer of Health remain confidential in its entirety, as it relates to personal matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees, and labour relations and employee negotiations.
3. Directed that the Confidential Budget Briefing Note dated September 22, 2017 from the Medical Officer of Health remain confidential in its entirety, as it relates to personal matters about identifiable individuals, including municipal or local board employees, and labour relations and employee negotiations.
4. Forwarded the report (September 11, 2017) from the Medical Officer of Health to the City's Budget Committee for its consideration during the 2018 budget process.
The Medical Officer of Health gave a presentation on the Toronto Public Health 2018 Operating Budget Request and 2018 - 2027 Capital Budget and Plan Request.
The Board of Health considered Items HL21.3, HL21.4, and HL21.6 together.
At its meeting on September 25, 2017, the Board of Health considered item HL21.3 - Toronto Public Health 2018 Operating Budget Request.
Background Information
(September 6, 2017) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Toronto Public Health 2018 Operating Budget Request
Attachment 1 - Toronto Public Health 2018 Operating Budget Submission
Attachment 2 - Summary of Reduction Options
Confidential Attachment - Summary of Confidential Reduction Options
(September 25, 2017) Presentation from the Medical Officer of Health on Toronto Public Health 2018 Operating Budget Request and 2018-2027 Capital Budget and Plan Request
1k - Student Nutrition Program - 2018 Operating Budget Request and Program Update
Confidential Attachment - The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Board of Health also:
1. Recognized that all schools in Toronto should be eligible for consideration for municipal funding for student nutrition programs based on need.
2. Approved the use of socio-demographic data to assess need in independent schools interested in student nutrition program funding, by linking student postal code to neighbourhood household income in order to achieve objective results comparable to assessments of need in public schools.
3. Reiterated its request to the federal government to provide core funding for a national student nutrition program.
4. Forwarded the report (September 11, 2017) from the Medical Officer of Health to the Premier of Ontario, the Ontario Ministers of Children and Youth Services (MCYS), Health and Long-Term Care and Education, the Federal Minister of Health, the Toronto District School Board, the Toronto Catholic District School Board, le Conseil scolaire Viamonde, le Conseil scolaire de district catholique Centre-Sud, the Toronto Foundation for Student Success, the Angel Foundation for Learning, FoodShare Toronto and Student Nutrition Toronto.
5. Forwarded the report (September 11, 2017) from the Medical Officer of Health to the Budget Committee with the Toronto Public Health 2018 Operating Budget request for consideration.
6. Directed that the confidential information contained in Confidential Attachment 1 of the report (September 11, 2017) from the City Solicitor [Item HU13.3] remain confidential in its entirety, as it contains advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.
The Board of Health considered items HL21.3, HL21.4, and HL21.6 together.
At its meeting on September 25, 2017, the Board of Health considered item HL21.4 - Toronto Public Health 2018 - 2027 Capital Budget and Plan Request.
Background Information
(September 11, 2017) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Student Nutrition Program: 2018 Operating Budget Request and Program Update
Appendix 1 - Toronto Student Nutrition Programs - Summary of Municipal and Provincial Funding 1998-2017
(September 11, 2017) Report from the City Solicitor on Legal Opinion from the City Solicitor - Student Nutrition Program
(September 11, 2017) Confidential Attachment 1 to report from the City Solicitor - Legal Opinion from the City Solicitor on Student Nutrition Program
1l - Requests for Increased Funding and Focused Funding for Priority Populations - Toronto Urban Health Fund
At its meeting on June 12, 2017, the Board of Health considered item HL20.9 - Requests for Increased Funding and Focused Funding for Priority Populations - Toronto Urban Health Fund.
Background Information
1m - Tree Protection Enforcement
City Council on October 2, 3 and 4, 2017, in adopting Item EX27.21 on Tree Protection Enforcement, referred the creation of seven permanent full-time positions to address the need for tree protection enforcement under the Municipal Tree Protection By-Laws to the Budget Committee for consideration in the 2018 Operating Budget Process.
Background Information
(September 5, 2017) Letter from the Budget Committee on Tree Protection Enforcement
(August 25, 2017) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation on Tree Protection Enforcement
1n - Massey Hall Revitalization
City Council on March 28 and 29, 2017, in adopting MM27.39 on Massey Hall Revitalization, has requested the Budget Committee to consider financial support for Phase 2 of the Massey Hall Revitalization Project in the 2018 budget process.
City Council has adopted MM27.39 on Massey Hall Revitalization and in so doing, has expressed support of the Massey Hall Revitalization Project. City Council has also requested the Budget Committee to consider financial support for Phase 2 of the Massey Hall Revitalization Project in the 2018 budget process.
The Corporation of Massey Hall and Roy Thomson hall has embarked on a major revitalization of the iconic Massey Hall that involves both an extensive restoration of this heritage building combined with significant new construction elements, and a significant strategic evolution in how this renewed asset is to be operated. This project is about building self-sustaining digital infrastructure that will help grow our music industry in an increasingly important and competitive global market.
The full scope of the Massey Hall Revitalization will be undertaken in 2018. The Massey Hall Revitalization team has set out the case for the $110 million Phase 2 Massey Hall Revitalization to all levels of government. They have requested $34 million from each of the federal and provincial governments, as well as meaningful support from the City of Toronto and expect to raise over $40 million in private sector contributions.
As 2018 approaches it is critical that the support and commitment of public sector partners is secured. The federal and provincial governments' initial investment of $8 million each in Phase 1 allowed progress on the Massey Hall Revitalization, the first major renovation in over 70 years. To complete the job it is necessary to move forward to Phase 2 to capitalize on the full potential of this national cultural institution.
The economic and social impact study undertaken as part of the Revitalization shows that it will contribute in measurable long-term growth in jobs and for our economy. When complete the impact will be:
- 300 Full Time Equivalent jobs a year
- $26.8 million contribution to Gross Domestic Product
- $8.3 million contribution to the tax base
Massey Hall will continue to operate without public operating grants from any level of government. A public sector capital commitment to Massey Hall, spread over four of five years, is a realistic investment that will reap long term benefits for the City of Toronto, the performing arts sector, and the local economy for many years going forward.
Background Information
(March 21, 2017) Notice of Motion from Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam and Councillor Mike Layton on Massey Hall Revitalization
1o - Vision Zero Road Safety Plan (2017-2021) Update
The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on November 29, 2017 considered a report (November 24, 2017) from the General Manager, Transportation Services on Vision Zero Road Safety Plan (2017-2021) Update.
Background Information
(November 24, 2017) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services on Vision Zero Road Safety Plan (2017-2021) Update
(September 27, 2017) Decision Letter from the City School Boards Advisory Committee on Vision Zero Road Safety Plan: Safe School Zones Program
(September 27, 2017) Presentation from the Manager, Traffic Safety Unit and the Green Projects Team Leader, Sustainability Office, Toronto District School Board on Vision Zero Road Safety Plan: Safe School Zones Program
1p - Multi-Use Trail Centennial College Progress Campus and Military Trail Road
The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee:
1. Referred the item to the Budget Committee for consideration in the 2018 budget process.
Background Information
(November 7, 2017) Letter from Councillor Paul Ainslie and Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker on Multi-Use Trail Centennial College Progress Campus and Military Trail Road
1q - Toronto Realty Agency 2018 Operating Budget Request
At its meeting on November 27, 2017, the Toronto Realty Agency considered item RA6.3 - Toronto Realty Agency 2018 Operating Budget Request.
Background Information
(November 13, 2017) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services on Toronto Realty Agency 2018 Operating Budget Request
(November 27, 2017) Presentation from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services on the Toronto Realty Agency 2018 Budget Presentation
1r - Update and Next Steps on the Potential Relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre
City Council on November 7, 8 and 9, 2017, adopted, as amended, Item EX28.12 on Update and Next Steps on the Potential Relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre. In so doing City Council has referred the request of $3.5 million ($3.0 million in 2018, $0.5 million in 2019) to provide funding to the Toronto Realty Agency through Facilities, Real Estate, Environment and Energy's 2018-2027 Capital Budget and Plan for the work required to the Budget Committee for consideration in the 2018 Budget process.
Background Information
(October 16, 2017) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Internal Corporate Services and the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Update and Next Steps on the Potential Relocation of the Etobicoke Civic Centre
Attachments 1-3
1s - 2018-2027 Toronto Transit Commission Capital Budget and Plan
At its meeting on Tuesday, November 28, 2017 the Toronto Transit Commission Board considered the attached report entitled "2018-2027 Toronto Transit Commission Capital Budget and Plan".
The Board adopted the recommendations in the staff report, as follows:
"It is recommended that the Board:
1. Approve the 2018-2027 Toronto Transit Commission Capital Budget and Plan of $10.252 billion (including the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension, Scarborough Subway Extension, Relief Line and Waterfront Transit expansion projects) as outlined in Appendix A of this report;
2. Direct the Toronto Transit Commission's Chief Financial Officer to consult with the Toronto City Manager and Chief Financial Officer on the development of a financing strategy to address the $2.702 billion in unfunded base capital requirements for consideration as part of the 2019 Budget process; and
3. Provide authority to proceed with the procurement of bicycle parking at an additional 9 Toronto Transit Commission stations at a cost of $0.130 million, enabling staff to amend the 2018 Capital Budget through delegated authority provided to PTIF eligible projects.
4. Forward this report to the City Budget Committee and the City Manager as the official 2018-2027 Capital Budget and Plan submission for the Toronto Transit Commission."
The Board also adopted the following motion:
i. Direct Toronto Transit Commission staff to work with the City's Transportation Services Division on the remaining 20 stations to develop a plan and a funding strategy for the 2019 Budget and to report back mid-2018 if any jurisdictional difficulties present themselves.
The foregoing is submitted for your further handling.
Background Information
(November 28, 2017) Attachment - 2018-2027 Toronto Transit Commission Capital Budget and Plan
1t - 2018 Toronto Transit Commission and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets
At its meeting on Tuesday, November 28, 2017 the Toronto Transit Commission Board considered the attached report entitled "2018 Toronto Transit Commission and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets".
The Board approved the recommendations in the staff report, amended as a result of the approval of a two-hour transfer policy and member motions, as follows:
"1. Approve the 2018 Toronto Transit Commission Recommended Operating Budget as detailed in this report and amended to include the implementation of a 2 hour time based transfer policy, with revised gross expenditures of $1.825 billion, revenues of $1.244 billion and net subsidy requirement of $580.8 million, reflecting an additional $34.0 million operating subsidy requirement for TTC Conventional Service over the 2017 budgeted level.
2. Approve the 2018 Wheel-Trans Budget as detailed in this report, with gross expenditures of $152.0 million, revenues of $8.6 million and net subsidy requirement of $143.4 million, reflecting an additional $0.7 million subsidy requirement for WheelTrans service over the 2017 budgeted level;
3. Approve a 2018 year-end workforce complement of 14,984 positions as described in
Appendix E; and
4. Forward this report to the City Budget Committee and the City Manager as the official 2018 Operating Budget submission for the Toronto Transit Commission."
The Board also approved the following motions:
i. Amend the 2018 Operating Budget to include a draw from the Toronto Transit Commission Stabilization Reserve in the amount of $14 million to be applied to the 2018 Toronto Transit Commission Operating Budget.
ii. Toronto Transit Commission request the Province to develop a strategy to fund the operating deficit of the Toronto Transit Commission most particularly in 2018, the Two-Hour Transfer and the Fare Equity Strategy, and;
iii. Toronto Transit Commission request Council and the Province to support revenue tools to support the operating costs of the Toronto Transit Commission.
iv. Direct staff to adhere as much as is possible to the Toronto Transit Commission's loading standard with a net zero budget impact:
a. in the off-peak hours;
b. in the peak hours using every available vehicle; and
v. To report quarterly on adherence to the loading standard through the Chief Executive Officer's report.
The foregoing is submitted for your further handling.
Background Information
(November 28, 2017) Attachment - 2018 Toronto Transit Commission and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets
1u - Introducing a Two-Hour Transfer Policy
At its meeting on Tuesday, November 28, 2017 the Toronto Transit Commission Board considered the attached report entitled "Introducing a Two-Hour Transfer Policy".
The Board approved the recommendations in the staff report, as amended and as follows:
"It is recommended that the Board:
1. Approve the Toronto Transit Commission fare policy change to adopt a Two-hour Transfer on PRESTO from August, 2018 or sooner.
2. Approve the addition of off-peak service hours from September 2018 and in subsequent years to support the estimated ridership increase resulting from recommendation 1.
3. Amend the Toronto Transit Commission's 2018 Operating Budget endorsed by the Toronto Transit Commission Budget Committee to include a new/enhanced request to adopt a Two-hour Transfer on PRESTO from August, 2018 or sooner with an increased 2018 subsidy requirement of $11.1 million and additional incremental impacts of $9.4 million in 2019 and a further $0.4 million in 2020."
The foregoing is submitted for your further handling.
Background Information
(November 28, 2017) Attachment - Report from the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission on Introducing a Two-Hour Transfer Policy
1v - Fire Prevention in High-Rise Buildings
The Executive Committee referred the item to the Budget Committee for consideration.
At is meeting of October 13, 2017, the Tenant Issues Committee considered a presentation from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services and the Deputy Fire Chief, Fire Prevention, Fire Services on Fire Prevention in High-Rise Buildings.
Background Information
(October 13, 2017) Letter from the Tenant Issues Committee on Fire Prevention in High-Rise Buildings
(October 13, 2017) Presentation from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services on Fire Prevention in High-Rise Buildings
1w - Port Lands Flood Protection
This report provides further details associated with the funding of the Port Lands Flood Protection project, which is included in the City's recommended 2018 to 2027 Capital Budget and Plan. In addition, this report seeks City Council authority to enter into a Contribution Agreement with the Federal and Provincial governments and Waterfront Toronto.
The Port Lands Flood Protection project will enable the redevelopment of the Port Lands and the South of Eastern areas, including the Unilever Precinct. The project will provide flood protection to the level of the regulatory storm event (the equivalent of Hurricane Hazel), a precondition for revitalization in the Port Lands and South of Eastern areas.
On November 8, 2016, City Council directed the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B, and Chief Financial Officer to identify funding for the City's one-third share of Port Lands Flood Protection, and to make the necessary cost sharing funding requests to the Federal and Provincial governments. In addition, Council approved funding for the Cherry Street Stormwater and Lakefilling project, a "quick-start" component of Port Lands Flood Protection. Subsequently, through the 2017 to 2026 Capital Budget and Plan, Council approved the City’s share of funding for the full project, with a related cash flow.
On June 28, 2017, the Prime Minister, Premier and Mayor announced funding for the full Port Lands Flood Protection project. The announcement followed Federal and Provincial Treasury Board approvals for two-thirds of the funding for the overall $1.25 billion dollar project. The Federal and Provincial governments have thus matched the City's one-third share of funding.
Changes are required to the project cash flow that was approved by Council in the 2017 to 2026 Capital Budget and Plan. These changes are the result of negotiations between the government partners around the timing of Federal and Provincial funding contributions. Under the finalized cash flow, City funding will be required between 2017 and 2020, while Federal and Provincial funding will be provided between 2018 and 2023.
City staff require Council authority to enter into a Contribution Agreement with the Federal and Provincial governments and Waterfront Toronto. Attachment 1 summarizes the key terms of a Contribution Agreement that City staff will advance as part of ongoing negotiations between the three governments and Waterfront Toronto.
Background Information