Item - 2016.TX1.2
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Exhibition Place Official Plan Amendment Subcommittee on November 30, 2016 and was adopted with amendments.
TX1.2 - Exhibition Place - Status Report on Ongoing Studies and Initiatives
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- 14 - Parkdale-High Park, 19 - Trinity-Spadina
Subcommittee Decision
The Exhibition Place Official Plan Amendment Subcommittee:
1. Requested the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back to the Exhibition Place Official Plan Amendment Subcommittee, at the appropriate time, on the following:
a. the results of the Exhibition Place 2017-2019 Strategic Plan;
b. the outcome of Provincial negotiations and opportunities for joint planning the future of the Ontario Place/Exhibition Place precinct; and
c. the results of the City-initiated Exhibition Place Cultural Heritage Assessment to be completed in 2017.
2. Requested the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to establish a public working group, including local residents' associations, Exhibition Place users and any members of the public and other stakeholders as appropriate; requested the first meeting of the Working Group to take place once all relevant policy documents, background material and studies are available that are necessary to inform the review of the proposed Official Plan Amendment; and, to report back to the Subcommittee as appropriate.
This report addresses the request from Toronto and East York Community Council that the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District in consultation with the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Executive Director, Exhibition Place submit a report to the Exhibition Place Official Plan Amendment Subcommittee on all studies, reports, and plans relevant to Exhibition Place.
Background Information
That the Exhibition Place Official Plan Amendment Subcommittee request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, report back to the Exhibition Place Official Plan Amendment Subcommittee, at the appropriate time, on the following:
a. the results of the Exhibition Place 2017-2019 strategic plan;
b. the outcome of provincial negotiations and opportunities for joint planning the future of the Ontario Place/Exhibition Place precinct; and
c. the results of the city initiated Exhibition Place Cultural Heritage Assessment to be completed in 2017.
That the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, establish a public working group, including local residents' associations, Exhibition Place users and any members of the public and other stakeholders as appropriate; and that the first meeting of the Working Group take place once all relevant policy documents, background material and studies are available that are necessary to inform the review of the proposed Official Plan Amendment, and to report back as appropriate.