Item - 2016.TE17.10

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on July 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2016 with amendments.
  • This item was considered by Toronto and East York Community Council on June 14, 2016. It is being forwarded to City Council without recommendations. It will be considered by City Council on July 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2016.

TE17.10 - Final Report - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application

Decision Type:
27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2016, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the Confidential Recommendation contained in Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 14, 2016) from the Interim City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the Confidential Recommendation and Appendix 1 to Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 14, 2016) from the Interim City Solicitor and City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 14, 2016) from the Interim City Solicitor remain confidential.


The following confidential recommendation contained in Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 14, 2016) from the Interim City Solicitor was adopted by City Council and is now public:


1.  City Council accept the July 14, 2016 Settlement Offer from the owner, attached as Appendix 1 to Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 14, 2016) from the Interim City Solicitor, and direct the City Solicitor, and other appropriate staff to attend at the Ontario Municipal Board in support of the proposal described in the reports from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, (April 22, 2016) "Final Report - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application", (May 9, 2016) "Supplementary Report - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768 Yonge Street and 760762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application" and (June 13, 2016) Request for Direction report, all as amended by Appendix 1 to Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 14, 2016) from the Interim City Solicitor, and all to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


Confidential Appendix 1 to Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 14, 2016) from the Interim City Solicitor is now public and can be accessed under Background Information (City Council).


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 14, 2016) from the Interim City Solicitor remains confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it pertains to litigation or potential litigation that affects the City or one of its agencies, boards, and commissions and it contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City or one of its agencies, boards, and commissions and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege

Background Information (Community Council)

(April 22, 2016) Report and Attachments 1-16 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report

Background Information (City Council)

(July 14, 2016) Supplementary report from the Interim City Solicitor on 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street Zoning Amendment - Request for Direction Report (TE17.10c)
Confidential Attachment 1
Appendix 1 to Confidential Attachment 1 - made public on July 22, 2016

Communications (Community Council)

(May 6, 2016) Letter from Barnet H. Kussner, WeirFoulds LLP, on behalf of Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2208 (TE.Main.TE17.10.1)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Brenda Singer (TE.Main.TE17.10.2)
(May 6, 2016) Letter from Rick Whitten-Stovall, President, Bay Cloverhill Community Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.3)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Linda A. Brett, President, Bloor Street East Neighbourhood Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.4)
(May 7, 2016) Letter from Rick Whitten-Stovall, President, Bay Cloverhill Community Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.5)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Robert B. Statton (TE.Main.TE17.10.6)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Michael R. Landry, President, The Greater Yorkville Residents' Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.7)
(May 6, 2016) Letter from Briar de Lange, Bloor-Yorkville Business Improvement Area (TE.Main.TE17.10.8)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Pamela Kalsner, Property Director, Manulife Centre (TE.Main.TE17.10.9)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Andrew Horberry, President, Church Wellesley Neighbourhood Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.10)
(May 10, 2016) Letter from Ian Carmichael and John Caliendo, Co-Presidents, ABC Residents' Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.11)
(May 10, 2016) Letter from Signe Leisk, Cassels Brock and Blackwell LLP, on behalf of Altavista Properties Inc. (TE.Main.TE17.10.12)
(May 10, 2016) Submission from Stanley Shenkman, copy of submission with City Clerk's Office (TE.Main.TE17.10.13)
(June 8, 2016) E-mail from Stephen W. Ayers (TE.Supp.TE17.10.14)
(June 10, 2016) Letter from Barnet H. Kussner, WeirFoulds LLP, on behalf of the Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2208 (TE.Supp.TE17.10.15)
(June 14, 2016) Letter from Signe Leisk, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP, on behalf of Altavista Properties Inc. (TE.Supp.TE17.10.16)

Communications (City Council)

(July 8, 2016) Letter from Brenda Singer (CC.Supp.TE17.10.17)
(July 10, 2016) Letter from Barnet H. Kussner, WeirFoulds LLP, Barristers and Solicitors (CC.New.TE17.10.18)

Motions (City Council)

1 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (Carried)

That City Council adopt the following recommendation contained in the supplementary report (July 14, 2016) from the Interim City Solicitor [TE17.10c]:


1.  City Council adopt the Recommendation contained in Confidential Attachment 1 to this report and, if such Recommendation is adopted, authorize the public release of the Confidential Recommendation and Appendix 1, with the balance of the report to remain confidential.

10a - Supplementary Report - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application

Background Information (Community Council)
(May 9, 2016) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - Supplementary Report - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application

10b - Request for Direction Report - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment

Background Information (Community Council)
(June 13, 2016) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment - Request for Direction Report

TE17.10 - Final Report - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application

Decision Type:
Without Recs
27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Community Council Recommendations

The Toronto and East York Community Council submits the Item to City Council without recommendation.


(April 22, 2016) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


A new 80-storey (304-metre) mixed-use building is proposed with commercial uses on the concourse level and first 9 storeys, and a residential tower with 416 dwelling units and mechanical floors, at 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street. The proposal conserves, alters and integrates an existing heritage building at 774-776 Yonge Street which is designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.


A total of 312 vehicular parking spaces are proposed in 4 underground levels (below the concourse level) and 530 bicycle parking spaces are proposed on the P1 level. All vehicles are proposed to access the site via a two-way U-shaped public lane from Balmuto Street. The loading area is proposed to be located on the ground floor adjacent to the public lane.


The proposal is consistent with relevant policies of the Official Plan, the Bloor-Yorkville/North Midtown Urban Design Guidelines and the Tall Building Guidelines.


This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the applicable Zoning By-laws.

Background Information

(April 22, 2016) Report and Attachments 1-16 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report


(May 6, 2016) Letter from Barnet H. Kussner, WeirFoulds LLP, on behalf of Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2208 (TE.Main.TE17.10.1)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Brenda Singer (TE.Main.TE17.10.2)
(May 6, 2016) Letter from Rick Whitten-Stovall, President, Bay Cloverhill Community Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.3)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Linda A. Brett, President, Bloor Street East Neighbourhood Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.4)
(May 7, 2016) Letter from Rick Whitten-Stovall, President, Bay Cloverhill Community Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.5)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Robert B. Statton (TE.Main.TE17.10.6)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Michael R. Landry, President, The Greater Yorkville Residents' Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.7)
(May 6, 2016) Letter from Briar de Lange, Bloor-Yorkville Business Improvement Area (TE.Main.TE17.10.8)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Pamela Kalsner, Property Director, Manulife Centre (TE.Main.TE17.10.9)
(May 9, 2016) Letter from Andrew Horberry, President, Church Wellesley Neighbourhood Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.10)
(May 10, 2016) Letter from Ian Carmichael and John Caliendo, Co-Presidents, ABC Residents' Association (TE.Main.TE17.10.11)
(May 10, 2016) Letter from Signe Leisk, Cassels Brock and Blackwell LLP, on behalf of Altavista Properties Inc. (TE.Main.TE17.10.12)
(May 10, 2016) Submission from Stanley Shenkman, copy of submission with City Clerk's Office (TE.Main.TE17.10.13)
(June 8, 2016) E-mail from Stephen W. Ayers (TE.Supp.TE17.10.14)
(June 10, 2016) Letter from Barnet H. Kussner, WeirFoulds LLP, on behalf of the Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation No. 2208 (TE.Supp.TE17.10.15)
(June 14, 2016) Letter from Signe Leisk, Cassels Brock & Blackwell LLP, on behalf of Altavista Properties Inc. (TE.Supp.TE17.10.16)


(May 10, 2016) Brenda Singer
(May 10, 2016) Michael Landry, Greater Yorkville Residents’ Association
(May 10, 2016) Adam Brown, Sherman Brown
Ian Carmichael, Co-President, ABC Residents Association
Rahim Suleman, Toronto Standard Condominium Corp. #2128
Paul Chronis, Senior Planner, WeirFoulds LLP
John Tersigni
Craig White, Managing Editor, Urban Toronto
Jamie Sarner, Sales Representative
Eric Kuzian, President, PSR Brokerage


Motion to forward item Without Recommendations moved by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (Carried)

That the Toronto and East York Community Council submit the Item to City Council without recommendation.

10a - Supplementary Report - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application

(May 9, 2016) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

The staff report from the City Planning Division dated April 22, 2016 recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-laws at 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street with a number of conditions including entering into a Section 37 Agreement securing community benefits for the increase in height and density.  Following the completion of the Final Report, a fifth working group meeting was held and further comments have been provided by a number of resident groups.


This supplementary report provides further information on these matters and provides additional recommendations in addition to those in the Final Report the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, dated April 22, 2016, titled "1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report."

Background Information
(May 9, 2016) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - Supplementary Report - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application

10b - Request for Direction Report - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment

(June 13, 2016) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

On May 16, 2016, the owner of the property at 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street appealed its applications for Zoning By-law Amendment (15 128261 STE 27 OZ) and Site Plan Control (15 128257 STE 27 SA) to the Ontario Municipal Board due to Council's failure to enact the requested amendments and grant site plan approval within the time allotted by the Planning Act.


The purpose of this report is to seek City Council's direction with respect to the position of the City at the Ontario Municipal Board hearing. The applicant's proposed alteration to the heritage building within the site (774-776 Yonge Street) is not subject to the applicant's appeal.


This report recommends that Council direct the City Solicitor, together with appropriate City staff, to support the proposal at the Ontario Municipal Board, subject to a number of conditions.

This report provides modified recommendations, which are consistent with the recommendations provided in the Community Planning and Heritage Preservation Staff Reports before Toronto and East York Community Council on May 10, 2016.


This report also provides information regarding further community and stakeholder consultations including a stakeholder meeting regarding a potential pedestrian tunnel connection to 2 Bloor Street West held on May 18, 2016, and the sixth working group meeting held on June 2, 2016.

Background Information
(June 13, 2016) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 1-11 Bloor Street West, 768-784 Yonge Street and 760-762 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment - Request for Direction Report
Source: Toronto City Clerk at