Item - 2016.TE16.66
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Toronto and East York Community Council on May 10, 2016 and was adopted without amendment. City Council has delegated authority for this matter to the Toronto and East York Community Council and therefore, the decision is final.
TE16.66 - Kensington Market Heritage Conservation District Study - Study Area Boundaries
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
Community Council Decision
The Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Requested the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to expand the Kensington Market Heritage Conservation District Study Area to the area bounded by Spadina Avenue, Dundas Street West, Bathurst Street and College Street.
Kensington Market is an important historic neighbourhood – significant in the hearts and minds for not only Torontonians, but Canadians through its designation as a National Historic Site.
Since initiating the Kensington Market Heritage Conservation District Study, feedback from an initial community consultation meeting, hosted by my office on March 15, 2016, has raised concern with the current study area boundary. Stakeholders have raised the concerns that the boundary does not adequately address the balance of the long-standing live-work tradition in the area because it excludes a significant residential component of the neighbourhood.
Expanding the Study Area to reflect a broader understanding of Kensington Market, bounded by Spadina Avenue, Dundas Street West, Bathurst Street and College Street, would allow the City Planning Division to take into consideration the important relationship between the residential and commercial characters of Kensington Market.
I have discussed this matter with staff from Heritage Preservation Services and they concur with this approach.
Background Information