Item - 2016.PY2.1
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Parks and Environment Subcommittee on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation on November 14, 2016 and was adopted with amendments.
- See also Item PE15.1
PY2.1 - TransformTO: Climate Action for a Healthy, Equitable and Prosperous Toronto
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Subcommittee Decision
The Parks and Environment Subcommittee on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation recommends that:
1. City Council approve the TransformTO Short-term Strategies, as presented in Attachment A to the report (November 2, 2016) from the Chief Corporate Officer.
2. City Council direct City Divisions, Agencies and Corporations with support from the Chief Corporate Officer, to develop business cases as part of the 2018 budget process to support the implementation of the strategies outlined in the TransformTO Short-term Strategies.
3. City Council direct the City Manager to advocate to the Provincial and Federal governments for program funding, co-delivery opportunities and related policy and regulatory supports necessary to implement the TransformTO Short-term Strategies and prepare the City for success in achieving the 2050 target.
4. City Council authorize the City Manager or his/her designate to negotiate and enter into all necessary agreements, including funding agreements, to support the implementation of the TransformTO Short-term Strategies in forms satisfactory to the City Solicitor.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Parks and Environment Subcommittee on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation:
1. Directed the Chief Corporate Officer to submit the expected second report on TransformTO to the Parks and Environment Committee no later than May 2017 and include as part of the second report, as possible additions to the short-term strategies and an evaluation of:
a. A ban or restrictions on gas powered lawn and garden equipment;
b. By-law changes to encourage urban agriculture in new development;
c. Move to zero carbon district energy option;
d. Policies to reduce construction waste;
e. Feasibility of installing renewable energy on parking facilities; and
f. Requiring climate change warning labels at gas stations in Toronto, under the City of Toronto Act.
The following gave a presentation on TransformTO: Climate Action for a Healthy, Equitable and Prosperous Toronto:
- the Director, Environment and Energy; and
- the Senior Environmental Planner, Implementation and Support, Environment and Energy.
Initiated in 2015, TransformTO is a community-wide, cross-corporate initiative designed to engage residents, experts, stakeholders and all City Divisions, Agencies and Corporations on how Toronto can achieve a low-carbon future that meets the needs of all Torontonians. In March 2015 the Parks and Environment Subcommittee on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation was created to guide and support the project. TransformTO is co-managed by the Environment and Energy Division and the Toronto Atmospheric Fund.
Between March 2015 and July 2016 over 2000 Torontonians participated in TransformTO conversations about our low-carbon future. TransformTO is undertaking comprehensive technical analysis of strategies and actions to get Toronto to our long-term low-carbon target of reducing emissions by 80 percent from 1990 levels by 2050.
Toronto will not meet Council's 2050 goal without significant action and investment. There is a 8.7 million tonne gap between our projected GHG emissions in 2050 and our low-carbon target. Over the next 34 years transformative changes to the City’s core urban systems - transportation, building design and operation, energy systems and waste management - will be necessary.
In 2007 City Council adopted the progressive Climate Change and Clean Air Action Plan, positioning Toronto as a leader and innovator in climate action. The programs and policies developed and championed here are emulated across North America and internationally. Many of the programs and policies from the 2007 Climate Change and Clean Air Action Plan and the 2009 Sustainable Energy Strategy continue to reduce GHG emissions, however we will need to aggressively expand and enhance these while adding others over the intervening 33 years to meet the 2050 goal established by Council. To date, GHG emissions in Toronto have dropped by over 24 percent since 1990. TransformTO is the next step along Toronto's climate action path.
This report presents a package of short-term strategies to expand and accelerate our existing innovative programs and policies to maximize their emission reduction potential to 2020. In the short-term we need to exceed our 2020 target to put us closer to the necessary trajectory to Council's 2050 low-carbon target. This report also identifies the building blocks of our long-term low-carbon strategy as Council needs to align its decisions today with Toronto's long-term low-carbon goals.
Successful implementation of the proposed package of Short-term Strategies in Attachment A will lead to between 455,000 and 857,000 tonnes of additional GHG reductions by 2020, beyond the emission reductions already anticipated from Toronto's existing programs and policies (see Figure 1).
For further information see Figure 1 in staff report: Toronto's measured and projected GHG emissions to 2050 and impact of proposed TransformTO Short-term Strategies.
Background Information
Attachment A: TransformTO Short-term Strategies
Attachment B: Transform TO Phase 1 Community Engagement Report - Part 1
Attachment B: TransformTO Phase 1 Community Engagement Report - Part 2
Attachment C: TransformTO Technical Backgrounder
(November 14, 2016) Presentation by the Director, Environment and Energy and the Senior Environmental Planner, Implementation and Support, Environment and Energy on TransformTO: Climate Action for a Healthy, Equitable and Prosperous Toronto
(November 14, 2016) Submission from Lee Adamson (PY.New.PY2.1.2)
(November 14, 2016) E-mail from Sandra McCallum (PY.New.PY2.1.3)
(November 14, 2016) Letter from Geraldine Dempsey (PY.New.PY2.1.4)
(November 14, 2016) Letter from Sylvia Grady (PY.New.PY2.1.5)
(November 14, 2016) Submission from Paul Antze (PY.New.PY2.1.6)
(November 14, 2016) Submission from Matias Marin (PY.New.PY2.1.7)
(November 14, 2016) Submission from Harold B. Smith (PY.New.PY2.1.8)
(November 14, 2016) Submission from Dusha Sritharan, Campaigner, Toronto Environmental Alliance (PY.New.PY2.1.9)
(November 14, 2016) Submission from Hamish Wilson (PY.New.PY2.1.10)
(November 14, 2016) Submission from Kathryn Tait (PY.New.PY2.1.11)
(November 14, 2016) Letter from John Paul Morgan (PY.New.PY2.1.12)
(November 14, 2016) Submission from Shawn Khan (PY.New.PY2.1.13)
(October 6, 2016) Submission from Robert Shirkey, Executive Director, Our Horizon (PY.New.PY2.1.14)
Paul Antze
Matias Marin
Dusha Sritharan, Campaigner, Toronto Environmental Alliance
Paul Mero, Green 13
Lyn Adamson
Hamish Wilson
Kathryn Tait
John Paul Morgan, Morgan Solar Inc.
Shawn Khan
Rosemary Boissonneau
Sharon Howarth, on behalf of Patricia Warwick
Sharon Howarth
Priyan De Silva
Chris Winter, Climate Action Canada
Chaitanya Kalevar, Planetry Patriot - Just One World
Michael Rosenberg
Sandra McCallum
Halyna Zalucky
Robert Shirkey, Executive Director, Our Horizon
Daryl Mahabir
John Bacher
Sheila Zurbrigg, Green Neighbours 21
Annie Antonenko
Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon
1. The Chief Corporate Officer include as part of the second report on TransformTO, as possible additions to the short-term strategies and an evaluation of:
a. A ban or restrictions on gas powered lawn and garden equipment;
b. By-law changes to encourage urban agriculture in new development;
c. Move to zero carbon district energy option;
d. Policies to reduce construction waste;
e. Feasibility of installing renewable energy on parking facilities; and
f. Requiring climate change warning labels at gas stations in Toronto, under the City of Toronto Act.
Vote (Amend Item (Additional)) Nov-14-2016
Result: Carried | Majority Required - Layton - Motion 1 |
Total members that voted Yes: 3 | Members that voted Yes are Joe Cressy, Mike Layton, Gord Perks (Chair) |
Total members that voted No: 0 | Members that voted No are |
Total members that were Absent: 1 | Members that were absent are Sarah Doucette |
1. The Chief Corporate Officer submit the expected second report on TransformTO to the Parks and Environment Committee no later than May 2017.
Vote (Amend Item (Additional)) Nov-14-2016
Result: Carried | Majority Required - Perks - Motion 2 |
Total members that voted Yes: 3 | Members that voted Yes are Joe Cressy, Mike Layton, Gord Perks (Chair) |
Total members that voted No: 0 | Members that voted No are |
Total members that were Absent: 1 | Members that were absent are Sarah Doucette |
Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) Nov-14-2016
Result: Carried | Majority Required |
Total members that voted Yes: 3 | Members that voted Yes are Joe Cressy, Mike Layton, Gord Perks (Chair) |
Total members that voted No: 0 | Members that voted No are |
Total members that were Absent: 1 | Members that were absent are Sarah Doucette |
1a - Presentation from Toronto Youth Environmental Council - Toronto’s Climate Report Card
At its meeting on September 9, 2016 the Parks and Environment Committee forwarded Item PE13.1 - Presentation from Toronto Youth Environmental Council - Toronto’s Climate Report Card to the Parks and Environment Subcommittee on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, for consideration of a zero emissions climate action plan and youth involvement in the Transform TO project.
Background Information
(October 24, 2016) Letter from Councillor Michelle Holland on Presentation from Toronto Youth Environmental Council - Toronto’s Climate Report Card
Attachment 1 - Submission from the Toronto Youth Environmental Council on Toronto's Climate Report Card
1b - Climate Change and Health Strategy for Toronto
At its meeting on June 29, 2015, the Toronto Board of Health forwarded the report (June 12, 2015) from the Toronto Medical Officer of Health on Climate Change and Health Strategy for Toronto to the Parks and Environment Subcommittee on Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation for their information.
Background Information
(June 12, 2015) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Climate Change and Health Strategy for Toronto
Attachment 1 - A Climate of Concern: Climate Change and Health Strategy for Toronto
Presentation by the Medical Officer of Health on A Climate of Concern: Climate Change and Health Strategy for Toronto