Item - 2016.PW14.2

Tracking Status

PW14.2 - Final Long Term Waste Management Strategy

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 12, 13, 14 and 15, 2016, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the Long Term Waste Management Strategy, including recommended options and implementation plan, as presented in Attachment 1 to the report (June 2, 2016) from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services.


2.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to negotiate and enter into any and all agreements and amending agreements necessary, subject to available funding, to implement the first five years of the Long Term Waste Management Strategy, as adopted by Council, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council endorse a 70 percent waste diversion rate target by Year 10 (2026) for City- managed residential customers.


4.  City Council endorse a goal of 70 per cent diversion of materials collected (Green Bin organics, Blue Bin recycling, garbage) by Year 10 (2026) from Industrial, Commercial and Institutional customers that receive City collection services.


5.  City Council endorse an aspirational goal to work towards a circular economy and zero waste future to align with the Provincial goal as part of the new Waste Free Ontario Act.


6.  City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to work with the Director, Environment and Energy on the feasibility of developing a new Waste Diversion Community Investment Program for outreach and educational programming, funded as part of the Waste Strategy.


7.  City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to develop a plan to phase out the use of the extra large garbage bin for single family homes and report back to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on the phase-out plan and implementation schedule.


8.  City Council direct the General Manager of Solid Waste Management Services to report to Public Works and Infrastructure Committee, as part of the Long Term Waste Management Strategy implementation, with a plan to divert Construction, Renovation, and Demolition waste including:


a.  development of an educational pamphlet outlining opportunities to recycle or reuse construction materials provided to all applicants of any demolition, renovation or building permits; and


b.  feasibility and opportunities to partner with the architectural, development and construction salvage industries including education, promotion and opportunities to co-ordination of collection of salvageable materials at City of Toronto facilities.


9.  City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services and the Director, Purchasing and Materials Management to explore the possibility of utilizing the services of community agencies and non-profit organizations to communicate and educate residents regarding waste reduction, reuse and recycling.


10.  City Council request the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to review and to report back in 2017 on the programmatic, financial and schedule implications of adopting a target of zero organics found in residential garbage and in the garbage stream from all Divisions, Agencies, and Corporations.


11.  City Council request the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to consult with external stakeholders and to report back in 2017, on the feasibility of requiring all Multi-residential and Industrial, Commercial and Institutional buildings, regardless of collection provider, to develop and implement waste diversion programs that correspond with all waste diversion programs provided to customers serviced by the City of Toronto.


12.  City Council support the Solid Waste Management Services and the Municipal Licensing and Standards Divisions working with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change to develop a joint enforcement plan that would include Provincial compensation for City of Toronto Municipal By-law Officers to enforce Provincial waste regulations that require properties to provide waste diversion program services.


13.  City Council request the City Manager to form a cross-divisional Circular Economy Working Group, including Solid Waste Management Services, Environment and Energy, Toronto Water, Purchasing and Material Management and Facilities Management, among others, to develop a strategy and policy framework to make the City of Toronto the first municipality in the Province of Ontario with a circular economy and to align with the Provincial goal as part of the new Waste Free Ontario Act.


14.  City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, to include in the Waste Strategy's annual report card:


a.  percentage of divertible waste found in the garbage stream (as assessed through waste audits);


b.  waste diversion for non-residential City customers;


c.  review of public education, awareness campaigns and outreach conducted; and


d.  review of enforcement actions taken, classified by by-law and/or violation type.


15.  City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, as part of the Long Term Waste Management Strategy implementation, to create a Communications Advisory Group that would be used as a source of input and feedback on Solid Waste Management related waste reduction and diversion promotional, educational and communication (including multi-lingual) materials.


16.  City Council request that as part of the Strategy for a Waste Free Ontario: Building The Circular Economy, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change update the Strategy to include language committing to a thorough review of the 3 R's regulations and revise these accordingly to take into considerations of new tools and a prioritization of waste diversion from the institutional, commercial and industrial sector including:


a.  changes to the Urban Form to facilitate better diversion, for example, including consideration of dedicated plans for logistical waste diversion management requirements as part of Ontario's Building Code for Institutional, Commercial and Industrial (including multi-residential properties) buildings;


b.  tackling organics in the Institutional, Commercial and Industrial Sector, as organic waste that is not recovered for diversion from landfill not only contributes to greenhouse gas emissions from transport to landfill, but is also a significant contributor to methane production in landfills; and


c.  addressing diversion of Construction, Renovation and Demolition waste in the institutional, commercial and industrial sector through revision of regulations to support waste reduction and diversion in this sector so consumers and taxpayers have the opportunity to minimize and divert waste through the purchase of goods (i.e. options for reusable packaging, return to retail) and services.

Background Information (Committee)

(June 2, 2016) Report from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services on Final Long Term Waste Management Strategy
Attachment 1: Final Long Term Waste Management Strategy
Attachment 2: Phase 3 Public Consultation and Engagement Overview and Record

Communications (Committee)

(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Richard Reinert (PW.New.PW14.2.1)
(June 15, 2016) Letter from Linda Makarchuk (PW.New.PW14.2.2)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Don Ferguson (PW.New.PW14.2.3)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Gil Broza (PW.New.PW14.2.4)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Gwen Harris (PW.New.PW14.2.5)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Jack Derricourt (PW.New.PW14.2.6)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from John Sheard (PW.New.PW14.2.7)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Deanna Ford (PW.New.PW14.2.8)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Michael Keating (PW.New.PW14.2.9)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Naomi Overend (PW.New.PW14.2.10)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Dinny Biggs (PW.New.PW14.2.11)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Roger Mason (PW.New.PW14.2.12)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Larisa Kalins (PW.New.PW14.2.13)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Richard Snyder (PW.New.PW14.2.14)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Barb McLean (PW.New.PW14.2.15)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Martin Mostert (PW.New.PW14.2.16)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Janet Kerr (PW.New.PW14.2.17)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Elaine Danyer (PW.New.PW14.2.18)
(June 16, 2016) E-mail from Jim O'Reilly (PW.New.PW14.2.19)
(June 16, 2016) E-mail from Phyllis Creighton (PW.New.PW14.2.20)
(June 16, 2016) E-mail from Harry Coupland (PW.New.PW14.2.21)
(June 16, 2016) E-mail from David Simmons (PW.New.PW14.2.22)
(June 17, 2016) E-mail from Jessica Rudolph (PW.New.PW14.2.23)
(June 17, 2016) Letter from Debra Lawson, Executive Director, Second Harvest (Submitted by Cori MacPhee) (PW.New.PW14.2.24)
(June 20, 2016) E-mail from approximately 397 interested persons submitting identical communications (On file in the City Clerk's Office) (PW.New.PW14.2.25)
(June 17, 2016) Letter from Franz Hartmann, Toronto Environmental Alliance, with attached identical letters from approximately 71 interested persons (On file in the City Clerk's Office) (PW.New.PW14.2.26)
(June 17, 2016) Letter from Bryan Purcell, Director of Policy and Programs, Toronto Atmospheric Fund (PW.New.PW14.2.27)
(June 18, 2016) Letter from Geordie Dent, Executive Director, Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations (PW.New.PW14.2.28)
(June 18, 2016) E-mail from Sally Haydock (PW.New.PW14.2.29)
(June 19, 2016) E-mail from Rajul Singh (PW.New.PW14.2.30)
(June 19, 2016) E-mail from Karen Buck, President, Citizens for a Safe Environment (PW.New.PW14.2.31)
(June 15, 2016) Letter from Tony O'Donohue (PW.New.PW14.2.32)
(June 13, 2016) Letter from Stephanie Thorson, Canadian Biogas Association (PW.New.PW14.2.33)
(June 20, 2016) Submission from Mayor Ted Comiskey, Town of Ingersoll, Ontario and attachments on file in the City Clerk's Office (PW.New.PW14.2.34)
(June 20, 2016) Letter from Frances Darwin, Sales and Marketing Manager, ZooShare Biogas Co-operative Inc (PW.New.PW14.2.35)
(June 20, 2016) Submission from Emily J Alfred, Toronto Environmental Alliance (PW.New.PW14.2.36)
(June 20, 2016) Submission from Emily J Alfred, Toronto Environmental Alliance, submitted identical letters from approximately 35 interested persons (On file in the City Clerk's Office) (PW.New.PW14.2.37)

Motions (City Council)

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

PW14.2 - Final Long Term Waste Management Strategy

Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee recommends that:


1.  City Council approve the Long Term Waste Management Strategy, including recommended options and implementation plan, as presented in Attachment 1 to the report (June 2, 2016) from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services.


2.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, to negotiate and enter into any and all agreements and amending agreements necessary, subject to available funding, to implement the first five years of the Long Term Waste Management Strategy, as adopted by Council, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council endorse a 70 per cent waste diversion rate target by Year 10 (2026) for City- managed residential customers.


4.  City Council endorse a goal of 70 per cent diversion of materials collected (Green Bin organics, Blue Bin recycling, garbage) by Year 10 (2026) from Industrial, Commercial and Institutional customers that receive City collection services.


5.  City Council endorse an aspirational goal to work towards a circular economy and zero waste future to align with the Provincial goal as part of the new Waste Free Ontario Act.


6.  City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to work with the Director of the Environment and Energy Division on the feasibility of developing a new Waste Diversion Community Investment Program for outreach and educational programming, funded as part of the Waste Strategy.


7.  City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to develop a plan to phase out the use of the extra large garbage bin for single family homes and report back to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on the phase-out plan and implementation schedule.


8.  City Council direct the General Manager of Solid Waste Management Services to report to Public Works and Infrastructure Committee, as part of the Long Term Waste Management Strategy implementation, with a plan to divert Construction, Renovation, and Demolition waste including:


a. Development of an educational pamphlet outlining opportunities to recycle or reuse construction materials provided to all applicants of any demolition, renovation or building permits; and


b. Feasibility and opportunities to partner with the architectural, development and construction salvage industries including education, promotion and opportunities to co-ordination of collection of salvageable materials at City of Toronto facilities.


9.  City Council direct the General Manager of Solid Waste and the Director of the Purchasing and Materials Management Division to explore the possibility of utilizing the services of community agencies and non-profit organizations to communicate and educate residents regarding waste reduction, reuse and recycling.


10.  City Council request the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, to review and report back in 2017, on the programmatic, financial and schedule implications of adopting a target of zero organics found in residential garbage and in the garbage stream from all Divisions, Agencies, and Corporations (DACs).


11.  City Council request the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to consult with external stakeholders and report back in 2017, on the feasibility of requiring all Multi-residential and Industrial, Commercial and Institutional buildings, regardless of collection provider, to develop and implement waste diversion programs that correspond with all waste diversion programs provided to customers serviced by the City of Toronto.


12.  City Council support Solid Waste Management Services and Municipal Licensing and Standards Divisions to work with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change to develop a joint enforcement plan that would include Provincial compensation for City of Toronto Municipal By-law Officers to enforce Provincial waste regulations that require properties to provide waste diversion program services.


13.  City Council request the City Manager to form a cross-divisional Circular Economy Working Group, including Solid Waste Management Services, Environment and Energy, Toronto Water, Purchasing and Material Management and Facilities Management, among others, to develop a strategy and policy framework to make the City of Toronto the first municipality in the Province of Ontario with a circular economy and to align with the Provincial goal as part of the new Waste Free Ontario Act.


14.  City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, to include in the Waste Strategy's annual report card:


a.  Percentage of divertible waste found in the garbage stream (as assessed through waste audits);


b.  Waste diversion for non-residential City customers;


c.  Review of public education, awareness campaigns and outreach conducted; and


d.  Review of enforcement actions taken, classified by by-law and/or violation type.


15.  City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, as part of the Long Term Waste Management Strategy implementation, to create a Communications Advisory Group that would be used as a source of input and feedback on Solid Waste Management related waste reduction and diversion promotional, educational and communication (including multi-lingual) materials.


16.  City Council request that as part of the Strategy for a Waste Free Ontario: Building The Circular Economy ('the Strategy"), the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change update the Strategy to include language committing to a thorough review of the 3 R's regulations and revise these accordingly to take into considerations of new tools and a prioritization of waste diversion from the institutional, commercial and industrial sector including:


a.  Changes to the Urban Form to facilitate better diversion, for example, including consideration of dedicated plans for logistical waste diversion management requirements as part of Ontario's Building Code for Institutional, Commercial and Industrial (including multi-residential properties) buildings;


b.  Tackling Organics in the Institutional, Commercial and industrial Sector, as organic waste that is not recovered for diversion from landfill not only contributes to greenhouse gas emissions from transport to landfill, but is also a significant contributor to methane production in landfills; and


c.  Addressing diversion of Construction, Renovation and Demolition waste in the institutional, commercial and industrial sector through revision of regulations to support waste reduction and diversion in this sector so consumers and taxpayers have the opportunity to minimize and divert waste through the purchase of goods (i.e. options for reusable packaging, return to retail) and services.


(June 2, 2016) Report from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services


The purpose of this report is to present the final Long Term Waste Management Strategy (Attachment 1) to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee and City Council for consideration and approval.  The final Long Term Waste Management Strategy (“Waste Strategy”) consists of the following elements:


-  Policy, program and facility recommendations and an implementation plan;

-  Key Performance Indicators and targets; and,

-  Financial implications required to fund the recommendations.


The Waste Strategy is recommending program and facility options as well as implementation tools within the next 10 years at a total capital and operating cost of approximately $144 million. Accompanying the Waste Strategy are sustainable rate model scenarios that have been developed to generate the necessary revenue to sustainably fund Solid Waste Management Services existing programs, services and required reserve contributions for the next 10 years and to support the Waste Strategy implementation.


In response to feedback received during Phase 3 consultations (occurring from March 29 to April 27, 2016), many 3Rs options are being recommended for implementation sooner than originally planned.  As a result, implementation planning for many of the 3Rs options will begin in 2016.  The Waste Strategy, as proposed in its entirety, is anticipated to divert an additional 200,000 tonnes of material by 2026 from all City serviced and non-City serviced sources (both residential and non-residential).  Based on current projections, this will extend the life of Green Lane Landfill until approximately 2040.


The final Waste Strategy recommends the inclusion of a new aspirational goal to work towards a circular economy and zero waste future, which will be measured by a new key performance indicator: waste generation rate per capita.  A circular economy shifts the way waste management is viewed and approached, looking to prevent waste generation and maximize resource recovery.


This report also provides public consultation details/feedback received on the draft Waste Strategy (Attachment 2). All Waste Strategy Technical Memorandums and Public Consultation Reports are available on the project website:

Background Information

(June 2, 2016) Report from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services on Final Long Term Waste Management Strategy
Attachment 1: Final Long Term Waste Management Strategy
Attachment 2: Phase 3 Public Consultation and Engagement Overview and Record


(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Richard Reinert (PW.New.PW14.2.1)
(June 15, 2016) Letter from Linda Makarchuk (PW.New.PW14.2.2)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Don Ferguson (PW.New.PW14.2.3)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Gil Broza (PW.New.PW14.2.4)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Gwen Harris (PW.New.PW14.2.5)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Jack Derricourt (PW.New.PW14.2.6)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from John Sheard (PW.New.PW14.2.7)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Deanna Ford (PW.New.PW14.2.8)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Michael Keating (PW.New.PW14.2.9)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Naomi Overend (PW.New.PW14.2.10)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Dinny Biggs (PW.New.PW14.2.11)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Roger Mason (PW.New.PW14.2.12)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Larisa Kalins (PW.New.PW14.2.13)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Richard Snyder (PW.New.PW14.2.14)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Barb McLean (PW.New.PW14.2.15)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Martin Mostert (PW.New.PW14.2.16)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Janet Kerr (PW.New.PW14.2.17)
(June 15, 2016) E-mail from Elaine Danyer (PW.New.PW14.2.18)
(June 16, 2016) E-mail from Jim O'Reilly (PW.New.PW14.2.19)
(June 16, 2016) E-mail from Phyllis Creighton (PW.New.PW14.2.20)
(June 16, 2016) E-mail from Harry Coupland (PW.New.PW14.2.21)
(June 16, 2016) E-mail from David Simmons (PW.New.PW14.2.22)
(June 17, 2016) E-mail from Jessica Rudolph (PW.New.PW14.2.23)
(June 17, 2016) Letter from Debra Lawson, Executive Director, Second Harvest (Submitted by Cori MacPhee) (PW.New.PW14.2.24)
(June 20, 2016) E-mail from approximately 397 interested persons submitting identical communications (On file in the City Clerk's Office) (PW.New.PW14.2.25)
(June 17, 2016) Letter from Franz Hartmann, Toronto Environmental Alliance, with attached identical letters from approximately 71 interested persons (On file in the City Clerk's Office) (PW.New.PW14.2.26)
(June 17, 2016) Letter from Bryan Purcell, Director of Policy and Programs, Toronto Atmospheric Fund (PW.New.PW14.2.27)
(June 18, 2016) Letter from Geordie Dent, Executive Director, Federation of Metro Tenants' Associations (PW.New.PW14.2.28)
(June 18, 2016) E-mail from Sally Haydock (PW.New.PW14.2.29)
(June 19, 2016) E-mail from Rajul Singh (PW.New.PW14.2.30)
(June 19, 2016) E-mail from Karen Buck, President, Citizens for a Safe Environment (PW.New.PW14.2.31)
(June 15, 2016) Letter from Tony O'Donohue (PW.New.PW14.2.32)
(June 13, 2016) Letter from Stephanie Thorson, Canadian Biogas Association (PW.New.PW14.2.33)
(June 20, 2016) Submission from Mayor Ted Comiskey, Town of Ingersoll, Ontario and attachments on file in the City Clerk's Office (PW.New.PW14.2.34)
(June 20, 2016) Letter from Frances Darwin, Sales and Marketing Manager, ZooShare Biogas Co-operative Inc (PW.New.PW14.2.35)
(June 20, 2016) Submission from Emily J Alfred, Toronto Environmental Alliance (PW.New.PW14.2.36)
(June 20, 2016) Submission from Emily J Alfred, Toronto Environmental Alliance, submitted identical letters from approximately 35 interested persons (On file in the City Clerk's Office) (PW.New.PW14.2.37)


Mayor Ted Comiskey, Town of Ingersoll, Ontario
Malaz Sebai, Partners in Project Green
Vincent Schutt, Enviromentum, A Project of Tides Canada
Emily J. Alfred, Waste Campaigner, Toronto Environmental Alliance
Rod Muir, Waste Diversion and Sustainability Chair, Sierra Club Canada Foundation
David Mayberry, The Warden of Oxford County, County of Oxford
Matthew Chikaonda
Frances Darwin, Sales and Marketing Manager, ZooShare
Debra Lawson, Executive Director, Second Harvest
Tony O'Donohue
Bogha Virk
Councillor Mike Layton


1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon (Carried)

1.  That City Council direct the General Manager of Solid Waste Management Services to report to Public Works and Infrastructure Committee, as part of the Long Term Waste Management Strategy implementation, with a plan to divert Construction, Renovation, and Demolition waste including:


a. Development of an educational pamphlet outlining opportunities to recycle or reuse construction materials provided to all applicants of any demolition, renovation or building permits; and


b. Feasibility and opportunities to partner with the architectural, development and construction salvage industries including education, promotion and opportunities to co-ordination of collection of salvageable materials at City of Toronto facilities.


2.  That City Council direct the General Manager of Solid Waste and the Director of the Purchasing and Materials Management Division to explore the possibility of utilizing the services of community agencies and non-profit organizations to communicate and educate residents regarding waste reduction, reuse and recycling. 

2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Jaye Robinson (Carried)

1.  That City Council request the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, to review and report back in 2017 on the programmatic, financial and schedule implications of adopting a target of zero organics found in residential garbage and in the garbage stream from all Divisions, Agencies, and Corporations (DACs).


2.  That City Council request the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, to consult with external stakeholders and report back in 2017 on the feasibility of requiring all Multi-residential and Industrial, Commercial and Institutional buildings, regardless of collection provider, to develop and implement waste diversion programs that correspond with all waste diversion programs provided to customers serviced by the City of Toronto.


3.  That City Council support Solid Waste Management Services and Municipal Licensing and Standards to work with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change to develop a joint enforcement plan that would include Provincial compensation for City of Toronto Municipal By-law Officers to enforce Provincial waste regulations that require properties to provide waste diversion program services.


4.  That City Council request the City Manager to form a cross-divisional Circular Economy Working Group, including Solid Waste Management Services, Environment and Energy, Toronto Water, Purchasing & Material Management and Facilities Management, among others, to develop a strategy and policy framework to make the City of Toronto the first municipality in the Province of Ontario with a circular economy and to align with the Provincial goal as part of the new Waste Free Ontario Act.


5.  That City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, to include in the Waste Strategy's annual report card:


a.  Percentage of divertible waste found in the garbage stream (as assessed through waste audits);

b.  Waste diversion for non-residential City customers;

c.  Review of public education, awareness campaigns and outreach conducted; and

d.  Review of enforcement actions taken, classified by by-law and/or violation type.


6.  That City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to, as part of the Long Term Waste Management Strategy implementation, create a Communications Advisory Group that would be used as a source of input and feedback on Solid Waste Management related waste reduction and diversion promotional, educational and communication (including multi-lingual) materials.


7.  That City Council request that as part of the Strategy for a Waste Free Ontario: Building The Circular Economy ('the Strategy") the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change update the Strategy to include language committing to a thorough review of the 3 R's regulations and revise these accordingly to take into considerations of new tools and a prioritization of waste diversion from the institutional, commercial and industrial sector including:


a.  Changes to the Urban Form to facilitate better diversion.


For example, the Province, as part of Ontario's Building Code for Institutional, Commercial and Industrial (including multi-residential properties) buildings could include consideration of dedicated plans for logistical waste diversion management requirements;


b.  Tackling Organics in the Institutional, Commercial and industrial Sector.


Organic waste that is not recovered for diversion from landfill not only contributes to greenhouse gas emissions from transport to landfill, but is also a significant contributor to methane production in landfills; and


c.  Addressing diversion of Construction, Renovation and Demolition waste in the institutional, commercial and industrial sector through revision of regulations to support waste reduction and diversion in this sector so consumers and taxpayers have the opportunity to minimize and divert waste through the purchase of goods (i.e. options for reusable packaging, return to retail) and services.


Councillor Holyday requested that Part 7 of the Motion 2 be voted on separately, and the Chair agreed to the request.

3 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Councillor Jaye Robinson (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at