Item - 2016.PG11.1
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Planning and Growth Management Committee on April 6, 2016. The Planning and Growth Management Committee postponed consideration of this item. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the deferral.
PG11.1 - Official Plan Five Year Review: Public Consultation and Implementation Regarding Amendment to Affordable Ownership Housing Definition - Final Recommendation Report
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Deferred
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Planning and Growth Management Committee:
1. Deferred consideration of the item and requested the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back to the Planning and Growth Management Committee in conjunction with the future report on Inclusionary Zoning anticipated to be considered by the Committee before the end of 2016.
At its meeting of June 18, 2015, the Planning and Growth Management Committee directed staff to hold a consultation open house on proposed revisions to the Affordable Ownership Housing definition of the City's Official Plan, and report back on the outcomes of the public consultation. The Committee also requested staff to report back on an approach and timing for implementing the proposed definition.
The public consultation open house was held on July 29, 2015. This report presents the results of the open house consultation and identifies the scope of implementation matters related to the revised definition. It is recommended that a statutory public meeting be scheduled on the proposed definition as required by Section 26 of the Planning Act.
The intent of the revised Affordable Ownership Housing definition is to support the provision of affordable ownership housing under the Official Plan Section 37 policies. The definition is one of a variety of housing initiatives delivered by various City Divisions that support the City's housing objectives, including the delivery of federal/provincial and City loan funding programs administered by the Affordable Housing Office.
Background Information
(February 24, 2016) Affordable Ownership Definition Presentation
(February 23, 2016) Letter from Heather Tremain, Chief Executive Officer, Options for Homes, Ene Underwood, Chief Executive Officer, Habitat for Humanity, Greater Toronto Area, Celia Smith, President, ARTSCAPE, and Nancy Singer, Executive Director, Kehilla Residential Programme (PG.Main.PG11.1.2)
That the Planning and Growth Management Committee defer consideration of the item and request that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning report back to Planning and Growth Management Committee in conjunction with the future report on Inclusionary Zoning anticipated to be considered by the committee before the end of 2016.
1a - Official Plan Five Year Review: Public Consultation and Implementation Regarding Amendment to Affordable Ownership Housing Definition - Supplementary Report
At its meeting of February 24, 2016, the Planning and Growth Management Committee deferred consideration of the Final Recommendation Report on the Affordable Housing Ownership Definition to its April 6, 2016 meeting in order to enable staff to meet with Build Toronto and other key non-profit affordable ownership organizations, following which staff would submit a supplementary report to address the concerns related to the proposed definition and planning and program implementation issues.
This report recommends that the Final Report on the Official Plan Five Year Review Affordable Ownership Definition be deferred to the May meeting of the Planning and Growth Management Committee to allow for continued discussion with stakeholders on the definition and matters related to its implementation.
Background Information