Item - 2016.NY13.35

Tracking Status

NY13.35 - Preliminary Report - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications - 5840, 5868, and 5870 Yonge Street

Decision Type:
23 - Willowdale

Community Council Decision

North York Community Council directed that:


1. City Planning staff schedule a community consultation meeting for the lands at 5840, 5868, and 5870 Yonge Street together with the Ward Councillor.


2. City Planning staff give notice for the community consultation meeting to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site, and that the notice area of the community consultation meeting be extended to include, in addition to the 120 metre radius notice area, all landowners and residents residing within a 200 metre radius to the east of the site and all landowners and residents residing in the area bounded along Moore Park Avenue to the north, Cactus Avenue and Carney Road to the west and Hendon Avenue to the south; and that the applicant pay the City for the costs associated with extending the notice area.


3. City Clerk's staff give notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act, according to the regulations of the Planning Act.


4. Given that construction of a subway station at Yonge and Cummer/Drewry may be years away, in reviewing the application, Planning staff  be cognizant of the potential timing of the construction of the proposed Cummer subway station as it relates to possible density on the site.


5. In reviewing the application, Planning staff be cognizant of the concerns and direction of North York Community Council with regard to the consultant's report on the Yonge Street North Planning Study and that neither this report nor the draft implementation plan presented to the community in May 2014 have been endorsed by North York Community Council or Council.


6. City Planning staff report to the North York Community Council and Council a minimum of three months prior to any Ontario Municipal Board prehearing or hearing.



(March 15, 2016) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District


This application proposes to amend the Official Plan and former City of North York Zoning By-law for the properties at 5840, 5868, and 5870 Yonge Street to permit a 29-storey residential building that includes an L-shaped 8 to 12-storey base building.  The proposed building contains 518 residential dwelling units and 374 square metres of retail and service uses located on the ground floor. The applicant is proposing 477 parking spaces in a 4-level underground parking garage. In addition to the residential building, the application proposes a separate building with a total area of 3,577.8 square metres that would contain a car dealership.


This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted applications and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the applications and on the community consultation process.


This report recommends that a community consultation meeting be scheduled by City Planning staff in consultation with the Ward Councillor.


A final report and public meeting under the Planning Act will be scheduled following community consultation and the resolution of the outstanding issues, and provided the applicant provides all required information in a timely manner.

Background Information

Preliminary Report and Attachments 1 to 7 from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications at 5840, 5865, and 5870 Yonge Street


Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor John Filion (Carried)

That North York Community Council:


1. Adopt the staff recommendations in the Recommendations Section of the report (March 15, 2016) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District, with Recommendation 2 being amended to include the following:


"That the notice area of the community consultation meeting be extended to include, in addition to the 120 metre radius notice area, all landowners and residents residing within a 200 metre radius to the east of the site and all landowners and residents residing in the area bounded along Moore Park Avenue to the north, Cactus Avenue and Carney Road to the west and Hendon Avenue to the south; and that the applicant pay the City for the costs associated with extending the notice area."


2.  Given that construction of a subway station at Yonge and Cummer/Drewry may be years away, in reviewing the application, direct that Planning staff be cognizant of the potential timing of the construction of the proposed Cummer subway station as it relates to possible density on the site.


3.  In reviewing the application, direct that Planning staff be cognizant of the concerns and direction of North York Community Council with regard to the consultant's report on the Yonge Street North Planning Study and that neither this report nor the draft implementation plan presented to the community in May 2014 have been endorsed by North York Community Council or Council.


4. Direct that Planning staff report to the North York Community Council and Council a minimum of three months prior to any Ontario Municipal Board prehearing or hearing.


Source: Toronto City Clerk at