Item - 2016.EX15.26
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Executive Committee on May 24, 2016. The Executive Committee has referred this item to an official or other body without making a decision. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the referral.
EX15.26 - Term Limits for Council Member Appointments to Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Corporations
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Referred
- Wards:
- All
Public Notice Given
Committee Decision
The Executive Committee:
1. Referred the item to the City Manager with the request that he report on the rules and practices in other large Canadian jurisdictions with respect to the length of time Council Members are permitted to serve on Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Corporations.
Under Council's public appointments policy, public members of agencies, boards and committees are limited to two consecutive 4-year terms to a maximum of 8 years, or in the case of business corporations, four 2-year terms to a maximum of 8 years. There are no such limits for Council Member appointments.
In the case of appointments to agencies and other external bodies at least, City Council should consider establishing a limit on the number of consecutive terms to promote the rotation of Members amongst these bodies.
Establishing term limits would bring diversity to the decision making process. I request that City Council amend the Council procedures to limit the terms of office of Members of Council appointed to agencies and other external organizations.
Background Information
Public Notice - Term Limits for Council Member Appointments to Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Corporations
1. That speaking time for deputants be limited to three minutes.
2. That questions of the deputants by Members of Council be limited to three minutes.
3. That questions of staff by Members of Council be limited to three minutes.
4. That speaking time by Members of Council be limited to three minutes.
That the item be referred to the City Manager with the request that he report on the rules and practices in other large Canadian jurisdictions with respect to the length of time Council Members are permitted to serve on Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Corporations.