Item - 2016.CD10.9
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Community Development and Recreation Committee on March 7, 2016. The Community Development and Recreation Committee has referred this item to an official or other body without making a decision. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the referral.
CD10.9 - Toronto Paramedic Services Open Data
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Referred
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Community Development and Recreation Committee:
1. Referred the item to the Chief and General Manager, Toronto Paramedic Services, in consultation with the City Solicitor, to investigate an open data format for the daily incident responses and associated data on the City of Toronto Website and report to the June 23, 2016 Community Development and Recreation Committee meeting; and
2. Requested that the report examine options to implement the following:
a. Release of Toronto Paramedics LiveCAD History (*Equivalent) as OpenData.
b. Adoption and enforcement of the OPEN BY DEFAULT standard.
c. Making Open Data deliverables part of all RFPs for Software and Services.
d. Making OpenData part of 911 standards.
e. An annual report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee in the first quarter of each year outlining the data sets released for the previous year.
Toronto Paramedic Services is held at a high esteem by our City of Toronto residents who honour the work in keeping neighbourhoods safe and respect their due diligence to ensure that the services they provide meet the needs of communities across our city.
Acknowledging the importance of community safety, residents often request information on the Toronto Paramedic Services response times for medical emergencies in an effort to be assured the response time standards are being met.
Background Information
Councillor Shelley Carroll
Councillor Paul Ainslie
1. The item be referred to the Chief and General Manager, Toronto Paramedic Services, in consultation with the City Solicitor, to investigate an open data format for the daily incident responses and associated data on the City of Toronto Website and report to the June 23, 2016 Community Development and Recreation Committee meeting; and
2. The report examine options to implement the following:
a. Release of Toronto Paramedics LiveCAD History (*Equivalent) as OpenData.
b. Adoption and enforcement of the OPEN BY DEFAULT standard.
c. Making Open Data deliverables part of all RFPs for Software and Services.
d. Making OpenData part of 911 standards.
e. An annual report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee in the first quarter of each year outlining the data sets released for the previous year.