Item - 2015.PW2.9
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Public Works and Infrastructure Committee on February 23, 2015. The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee has referred this item to an official or other body without making a decision. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the referral.
PW2.9 - Portia Street Storm Sewer Connection
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Referred
- Ward:
- 43 - Scarborough East
Committee Decision
The Public Works and Infrastructure Committee referred the item to the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B for consideration and report back to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.
Portia Street, located in Ward 43, was developed in accordance with the Sewer Use By-Law (Toronto Municipal Code - Chapter 681), requiring homes built after 2005 to have sub pumps installed to avoid stress on the City's storm water system. All of the homes in this particular sub division are not directly connected to a storm sewer and rely on sump pumps to discharge foundation drainage to the ground surface.
Water pooling onto sidewalks and the local road, resulting in winter ice build up, is being reported by the residents of Portia Street. If not managed appropriately, this situation can be hazardous for pedestrians and motorists alike.
I am requesting that Toronto Water make an exemption to allow the connection of these homes to the storm sewer, and consider the funding and implementation of the works required to resolve the private drainage system issues on the basis that the homes were allowed to be built, in this manner, by the City.
Background Information
(February 19, 2015) E-mail from Ryan Narhi (PW.New.2.9.2)
(February 19, 2015) E-mail from Donald B. Johnston (PW.New.2.9.3)
(February 19, 2015) E-mail from Aaron Soroka (PW.New.2.9.4)
(February 19, 2015) E-mail from Bob Mosher (PW.New.2.9.5)
(February 20, 2015) E-mail from Christopher, Tina, Richard and Jessie Colmer (PW.New.2.9.6)
(February 19, 2015) E-mail from Peter Frith (PW.New.2.9.7)
(February 19, 2015) E-mail from M. Amir Hossain (PW.New.2.9.8)
That the item be referred to the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B for consideration and report back to the Public Works and Infrastructure Committee.