Item - 2015.PG8.10

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Planning and Growth Management Committee on November 16, 2015. The Planning and Growth Management Committee postponed consideration of this item. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the deferral.

PG8.10 - Mimico-Judson Regeneration Area Study - Directions Report

Decision Type:
6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore

Committee Decision

The Planning and Growth Management Committee deferred consideration of the item until its January 20, 2016 meeting.


(October 28, 2015) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning


This report presents the findings of the Mimico-Judson Regeneration Area Study.  The Regeneration Area Study affects lands in South Etobicoke, generally located on either side of Royal York Road, south of Judson Street abutting the Metrolinx Lakeshore West Rail Corridor and south of Portland Street on the east side of Royal York Road.  Through the adoption of Official Plan Amendment No. 231 (OPA 231), the lands within the study area were redesignated as Regeneration Areas.  Site and Area Specific Policies 433 and 434 were adopted providing for additional direction to guide for future change.


The Mimico-Judson Regeneration Area Study was undertaken over two years from 2013 to 2015 to establish a detailed policy framework for the lands within the study area.  The study included an extensive consultation process involving broad stakeholder and community engagement on issues related to land use, urban design, movement, community services and facilities in addition to an examination of the economic trends and opportunities in the area.  Consultants were retained to examine these matters as well as noise and vibration impacts and their findings and conclusions provided direction for a development framework intended to guide the area's revitalization with a mix of land uses.


The study is completed.  This report summarizes the study process, including stakeholder input and feedback as well as the findings and conclusions of the consultant studies.  In addition, this report presents a draft Official Plan Amendment (OPA) that proposes to redesignate lands within the study area from Regeneration Areas to Employment Areas and Mixed Use Areas.  The proposed OPA includes a Secondary Plan that set out a draft policy framework that provides flexibility to promote business expansion and retention, protects existing operations and expansion opportunities at the adjacent Willowbrook Rail Yard, unlocks underutilized lands for transit supportive development and fosters a reconnected and complete community.  The draft OPA proposes to repeal SASP 433 and 434 as these existing policies have been incorporated into the proposed Secondary Plan.


This report recommends that a Statutory Public Meeting under the Planning Act be scheduled to consider the proposed Mimico-Judson Secondary Plan at the February 2016 meeting of the Planning and Growth Management Committee.

Background Information

(October 28, 2015) Report and Attachments 1 - 4 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Mimico-Judson Regeneration Area Study - Directions Report


(November 9, 2015) Letter from Leslie Woo, Chief Planning Officer, Metrolinx (PG.New.PG8.10.1)
(November 13, 2015) Letter from Peter Smith, Bousfields Inc., representing Freed Development Corp. (PG.New.PG8.10.2)
(November 13, 2015) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes (PG.New.PG8.10.3)
(November 13, 2015) Letter from Peter Jakovcic, Director of Land Development, Dunpar Homes (PG.New.PG8.10.4)
(November 13, 2015) E-mail from Chris Moore (PG.New.PG8.10.5)
(November 14, 2015) E-mail from John Cary President, Mimico Residents Association (PG.New.PG8.10.6)


Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor John Campbell (Carried)

That consideration of the item be deferred until the January 20, 2016  Planning and Growth Management meeting.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at