Item - 2015.PG6.3
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Planning and Growth Management Committee on September 16, 2015 and was adopted with amendments.
- See also PG3.6
PG6.3 - Official Plan Five Year Review: Amendments to the Healthy Neighbourhoods, Neighbourhoods and Apartment Neighbourhoods Sections of the Official Plan - Final Recommendation Report
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Planning and Growth Management Committee:
1. Directed that the proposed Official Plan Amendment appended to the report (August 18, 2015) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, as Attachment 2 be amended by adding the following new wording to Section 2.3.1 Healthy Neighbourhoods, paragraph 7:
'Gardens for growing food are encouraged on underutilized lands, particularly in Apartment Neighbourhoods.'
2. Directed that the report (August 18, 2015) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, containing proposed amendments to the Official Plan for Healthy Neighbourhoods, Neighbourhoods and Apartment Neighbourhoods policies, as amended, be distributed to the public and considered at a special statutory public meeting to be held on November 16, 2015, as per Council's previous instructions.
This report presents the revised recommended policies for the Healthy Neighbourhoods, Neighbourhoods and Apartment Neighbourhoods sections of the Official Plan. The proposed policy changes are the result of extensive consultations with various stakeholders which included community associations, the general public, the development industry and City divisions and agencies, all which have helped to further refine the proposed policies to provide enhanced clarity and direction.
The proposed Official Plan amendment appended to this report as Attachment 1 incorporates specific changes to clarify, strengthen and refine the existing policies as they apply to residential lands. Attachment 2 illustrates how the Official Plan would read if the amendments proposed in Attachment 1 were adopted. These changes support the Official Plan's goals to protect and enhance existing neighbourhoods and allow limited infill on underutilised apartment sites within Neighbourhoods and Apartment Neighbourhoods.
The proposed Official Plan Amendment implements the City's Tower Renewal Program by promoting the renewal and retrofitting of older residential apartment buildings. The revised policies encourage small scale retail, institutional uses and community facilities at grade in apartment buildings to better serve area residents, particularly on sites that are not within walking distance of such facilities. Community gardens are also encouraged on apartment sites that are distant from shopping facilities offering fresh produce.
On June 16, 2015, the statutory Open House to consider the proposed policies was held pursuant to Section 26 of the Planning Act, and in accordance with Council direction at its May 5, 6 and 7, 2015 meeting. This report and the proposed Official Plan Amendment, to be tabled at the Committee's September 16, 2015 meeting, will be brought back for consideration at a statutory Public Meeting of the Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting on November 16, 2015.
Background Information
(September 14, 2015) E-mail from Karen Buck - On File with City Clerk's Office (PG.New.PG6.3.2)
(September 15, 2015) E-mail from John Meijer, President, Swansea Area Ratepayers Association/Swansea Area Ratepayers Group (PG.New.PG6.3.3)
1. The proposed Official Plan Amendment appended to the report as Attachment 2 be amended by adding in the following new wording to Section 2.3.1 Healthy Neighbourhoods, paragraph 7:
"Gardens for growing food are encouraged on underutilized lands, particularly in Apartment Neighbourhoods."
That Recommendation 1 in the staff report be adopted.