Item - 2015.EX5.4
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on May 5, 6 and 7, 2015 without amendments and without debate.
- This item was considered by Executive Committee on April 22, 2015 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on May 5, 6 and 7, 2015.
EX5.4 - Terms of Public Appointments to City Corporations
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted on Consent
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on May 5, 6 and 7, 2015, adopted the following:
1. City Council amend the Public Appointments Policy and any affected Shareholder Directions and Declarations to require that a full recruitment process for public members on boards of City corporations is conducted every two years.
2. City Council request Boards of City corporations to amend procedure by-laws to align with Part 1 above, as required.
3. City Council extend the term of office for the current citizen directors of Toronto Hydro to end on October 31, 2015 or until their successors are appointed, instead of April 14, 2015.
4. City Council direct staff to commence a recruitment process for citizen directors of the Boards of Build Toronto and Invest Toronto as follows:
a. Build Toronto - for members whose term will commence at the end of the two-year term expiring on June 23, 2015; and
b. Invest Toronto - for members whose term will commence at the end of the two-year term expiring on March 16, 2016;
with current and new appointments to continue until their successors are appointed.
5. City Council request that, when considering appointments to the City's corporations,
the applicable panels give consideration to the staggering of appointments so that the boards have a mix of new and returning directors.
Background Information (Committee)
EX5.4 - Terms of Public Appointments to City Corporations
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Committee Recommendations
The Executive Committee recommends that:
1. City Council amend the Public Appointments Policy and any affected Shareholder Directions and Declarations to require that a full recruitment process for public members on boards of City corporations is conducted every two years.
2. City Council request Boards of City corporations to amend procedure bylaws to align with Recommendation 1 above, as required.
3. City Council extend the term of office for the current citizen directors of Toronto Hydro to end on October 31, 2015 or until their successors are appointed, instead of April 14, 2015.
4. City Council direct staff to commence a recruitment process for citizen directors of the Boards of Build Toronto and Invest Toronto as follows:
a. Build Toronto - for members whose term will commence at the end of the two-year term expiring on June 23, 2015; and
b. Invest Toronto - for members whose term will commence at the end of the two-year term expiring on March 16, 2016;
with current and new appointments to continue until their successors are appointed.
5. City Council request that, when considering appointments to the City's corporations, the applicable panels give consideration to the staggering of appointments so that the boards have a mix of new and returning directors.
The purpose of this report is to adjust the term of appointment for public members serving on boards of City corporations to require a public recruitment process every two years in order to be consistent with best practices and the Business Corporations Act of Ontario (OBCA). This would discontinue the City practice of reappointing incumbents for a renewal period of an additional two years without a recruitment process. As a result of this policy change, the Clerk will conduct a recruitment process where public appointments were made for two-year terms expiring in 2015 and 2016. The City Clerk would initiate recruitments to City corporations as required.
Background Information
That City Council request that, when considering appointments to the City's corporations, the applicable panels give consideration to the staggering of appointments so that the boards have a mix of new and returning directors.