Item - 2015.ED3.1

Tracking Status

  • City Council adopted this item on May 5, 2015 without amendments.
  • This item was considered by the Economic Development Committee on April 16, 2015 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on May 5, 2015.

ED3.1 - Work-Based Learning Works: An Action Plan for Youth Employment in Toronto

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on May 5, 6 and 7, 2015, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the Acting Deputy City Manager, Cluster A, to engage appropriate City divisions to:


a.  work with Corporate Human Resources and Toronto Employment and Social Services to increase youth access to existing City positions, including seasonal, temporary and summer positions, by developing outreach plans that target unemployed youth in receipt of Ontario Works, youth connected to other youth programs and youth in Neighbourhood Improvement Areas;


b.  increase the number of City apprenticeship positions in a variety of occupations for unemployed youth;


c.  expand the number of work-based learning opportunities for youth in the Toronto Public Service, including the development of a City of Toronto pilot internship program; and


d.  increase the number of City Job Incentive Program opportunities for youth in receipt of Ontario Works.


2.  City Council direct the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the Acting Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to identify opportunities to expand the range of employer- and sector-specific work-based learning initiatives for unemployed youth.


3.  City Council direct the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services and the Acting Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, in conjunction with other appropriate divisions, to work with the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to increase access for youth in receipt of Ontario Works and youth living in Neighbourhood Improvement Areas to entrepreneurship programming, including the repurposing of an existing Toronto Employment and Social Services (TESS) Employment Centre.


4.  City Council direct the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the Acting Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, to provide the Economic Development Committee with a report in Fall 2015 that includes:


a.  a status update on completed actions and any subsequent measures needed to fully address Parts 1 to 3 above, including any resource requirements;


b.  a common process for tracking outcomes for City youth employment initiatives; and


c.  practices to better align work and support the replication and scaling up of promising  approaches over the long term based on consultations with internal and external stakeholders, including other orders of government, business, community, labour, education and labour market experts.

Background Information (Committee)

Report from the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the Acting Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Work-Based Learning Works: An Action Plan for Youth Employment in Toronto
Attachment 1: Overview of Toronto Employment and Social Services' Purchase of Employment Services
Presentation from Pat Walcott, General Manager, Employment and Social Services, Mike Williams, General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and Iqbal Ali, Social Development, Finance, and Administration on Work-Based Learning Works: An Action Plan for Youth Employment in Toronto

Communications (Committee)

(April 16, 2015) Letter from Danielle Olsen, Executive Director, Hospitality Workers Training Centre - On File with City Clerk (ED.New.ED3.1.1)

Motions (City Council)

Motion to Adopt Item (Carried)

Vote (Adopt Item) May-06-2015 7:35 PM

Result: Carried Majority Required - ED3.1 - Adopt the item
Total members that voted Yes: 35 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Christin Carmichael Greb, Shelley Carroll, Raymond Cho, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mary Fragedakis, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Norman Kelly, Josh Matlow, Pam McConnell, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Ron Moeser, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, David Shiner, Michael Thompson, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Total members that voted No: 0 Members that voted No are
Total members that were Absent: 10 Members that were absent are Ana Bailão, Michelle Berardinetti, Justin J. Di Ciano, Rob Ford, Mike Layton, Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Joe Mihevc, James Pasternak, John Tory

ED3.1 - Work-Based Learning Works: An Action Plan for Youth Employment in Toronto

Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Economic Development Committee recommends that:


1.  City Council request that the Acting Deputy City Manager, Cluster A, engage appropriate City Divisions to:


a.  Work with Corporate Human Resources and Toronto Employment and Social Services to increase youth access to existing City positions, including seasonal, temporary and summer positions, by developing outreach plans that target unemployed youth in receipt of Ontario Works, youth connected to other youth programs and youth in Neighbourhood Improvement Areas;

b.  Increase the number of City apprenticeship positions in a variety of occupations for unemployed youth;

c.  Expand the number of work-based learning opportunities for youth in the Toronto Public Service, including the development of a City of Toronto pilot internship program; and

d.  Increase the number of City Job Incentive Program opportunities for youth in receipt of Ontario Works.


2.  City Council direct the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the Acting Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to identify opportunities to expand the range of employer- and sector-specific work-based learning initiatives for unemployed youth.


3.  City Council direct the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services and the Acting Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, in conjunction with other appropriate divisions, to work with the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to increase access for youth in receipt of Ontario Works and youth living in Neighbourhood Improvement Areas to entrepreneurship programming, including the repurposing of an existing Toronto Employment and Social Services (TESS) Employment Centre.


4.  City Council direct the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the Acting Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, to provide Economic Development Committee with a report in Fall 2015 that includes:


a.  a status update on completed actions and any subsequent measures needed to fully address recommendations 1-3, including any resource requirements;

b.  a common process for tracking outcomes for City youth employment initiatives; and

c.  practices to better align work and support the replication and scaling up of promising  approaches over the long term based on consultations with internal and external stakeholders, including other orders of government, business, community, labour, education and labour market experts.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the Acting Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration gave a presentation to the Committee. Danielle Olsen, Executive Director, Hospitality Workers Training Centre, Phil Viger, Vice President Technical Services, Irving Tissue, and  Rahim Ammad, Primary Care Paramedic Training Program Alumnae also presented to the Committee.


(March 31, 2015) Report from the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the Acting Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration


At 18 percent, the youth unemployment rate (15-24) in the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area is nearly triple the overall rate and is consistently higher than the rates for Ontario and Canada. There are significant variations between different groups of youth. For example, 28 percent of youth aged 15-19 are unemployed, compared to 35 percent and 31 percent of Aboriginal and newcomer youth in the same age range. There are also significant variations across Toronto's neighbourhoods, with one quarter experiencing a youth unemployment rate higher than 18 percent.


After briefly describing important labour market changes which are driving these high levels of youth unemployment, this report notes the important role of work-based learning in successful responses. It describes the City’s current work in this area and highlights a number of promising models and practices that the City can build on to connect more unemployed youth with jobs, career pathways and a wider range of work-based learning opportunities.


Based on best practices and the local context, the report focuses on short-term actions that leverage the City's role as an employer, capitalize on existing connections with employer and sector partners, increase support to youth entrepreneurs and support youth who are more distant from the labour market. Moving forward, the City will seek feedback from internal and external stakeholders on ways to better align this work and support the replication and scaling up of promising approaches.

Background Information

Report from the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the Acting Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Work-Based Learning Works: An Action Plan for Youth Employment in Toronto
Attachment 1: Overview of Toronto Employment and Social Services' Purchase of Employment Services
Presentation from Pat Walcott, General Manager, Employment and Social Services, Mike Williams, General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and Iqbal Ali, Social Development, Finance, and Administration on Work-Based Learning Works: An Action Plan for Youth Employment in Toronto


(April 16, 2015) Letter from Danielle Olsen, Executive Director, Hospitality Workers Training Centre - On File with City Clerk (ED.New.ED3.1.1)


Nation Cheong, United Way Toronto


Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Michael Thompson (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at