Item - 2015.CD2.1
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on March 31, 2015 with amendments.
- This item was considered by Community Development and Recreation Committee on March 23, 2015 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on March 31, 2015.
CD2.1 - Toronto Fire Services - 2015 to 2019 Master Fire Plan
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on March 31, April 1 and 2, 2015, adopted the following:
1. City Council direct that the 2015-2019 Master Fire Plan be amended to include a strong commitment to equity hiring and a diverse workforce.
2. City Council adopt the 2015-2019 Master Fire Plan set out in Revised Attachment 1 to the report (February 27, 2015) from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, as amended by Part 1 above.
3. City Council request the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services to include in his report to the September 17, 2015 meeting of the Community Development and Recreation Committee the following:
a. vertical response time standards, including response standards from the lobby to the location of the emergency;
b. strategy for the re-assessment of overall placement of stations and firefighting apparatus due to the impact of vertical response times;
c. the development of a training plan specific to high-rise emergencies and a strategy to include this training in fire services training curricula;
d. a detailed plan outlining the "risk-based" proactive approach to Fire Prevention and Inspection Programs, including the deployment plan for the additional 65 Fire Prevention and Education Offices added to the staff complement in the 2013, 2014 and 2015 budgets;
e. the implementation plan for the new technologies including dynamic staging, predictive modelling, live interactive GPS and pre-amptive traffic light signalling; and
f. as part of his report on a 2015-2019 diversity employment strategy, the following:
a. a process to undertake an internal review to identify areas of possible bias;
b. identification of key metrics for tracking the results of interventions; and
c. a review of any areas which can create obstacles for subconscious prejudices on an ongoing basis.
Background Information (Committee)
(February 27, 2015) Attachment 1 - 2015 to 2019 Master Fire Plan
(February 27, 2015) Revised Attachment 1 - 2015 to 2019 Master Fire Plan
(March 23, 2015) Presentation from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, on Toronto Fire Services - 2015 - 2019 Master Fire Plan
Communications (Committee)
Motions (City Council)
That City Council request the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services to include in his report to the September 17, 2015 meeting of the Community Development and Recreation Committee the following:
a. vertical response time standards, including response standards from the lobby to the location of the emergency;
b. strategy for the re-assessment of overall placement of stations and firefighting apparatus due to the impact of vertical response times; and
c. the development of a training plan specific to high-rise emergencies and a strategy to include this training in fire services training curricula.
Amended by motion 3 by Councillor Davis.
Vote (Amend Item (Additional)) Apr-02-2015 5:02 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - CD2.1 - Cressy - motion 1 as amended, Part a |
Total members that voted Yes: 31 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Michelle Berardinetti, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Christin Carmichael Greb, Raymond Cho, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Justin J. Di Ciano, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mary Fragedakis, Mark Grimes, Norman Kelly, Josh Matlow, Pam McConnell, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Ron Moeser, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, David Shiner, Michael Thompson, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 1 | Members that voted No are Stephen Holyday |
Total members that were Absent: 13 | Members that were absent are Ana Bailão, Shelley Carroll, Rob Ford, Jim Karygiannis, Mike Layton, Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Joe Mihevc, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, John Tory |
Vote (Amend Item (Additional)) Apr-02-2015 5:03 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - CD2.1 - Cressy - motion 1 as amended, Parts b and c |
Total members that voted Yes: 31 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Michelle Berardinetti, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Christin Carmichael Greb, Raymond Cho, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Justin J. Di Ciano, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mary Fragedakis, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Norman Kelly, Pam McConnell, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, David Shiner, Michael Thompson, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 1 | Members that voted No are Ron Moeser |
Total members that were Absent: 13 | Members that were absent are Ana Bailão, Shelley Carroll, Rob Ford, Jim Karygiannis, Mike Layton, Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Josh Matlow, Joe Mihevc, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, John Tory |
That City Council request the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services be asked to include in his report on a 2015-2019 diversity employement strategy, the following:
a. a process to undertake an internal review to identify areas of possible bias;
b. identify key metrics for tracking the results of interventions; and
c. review any areas which can create obstacles for subconscious prejudices on an ongoing basis.
Vote (Amend Item) Apr-02-2015 5:04 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - Cd2.1 - Ainslie - motion 2 |
Total members that voted Yes: 33 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Michelle Berardinetti, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Christin Carmichael Greb, Raymond Cho, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Justin J. Di Ciano, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mary Fragedakis, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Norman Kelly, Josh Matlow, Pam McConnell, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Ron Moeser, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, David Shiner, Michael Thompson, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 0 | Members that voted No are |
Total members that were Absent: 12 | Members that were absent are Ana Bailão, Shelley Carroll, Rob Ford, Jim Karygiannis, Mike Layton, Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Joe Mihevc, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, John Tory |
That motion 1 by Councillor Joe Cressy be amended by adding the following:
d. a detailed plan outlining the "risk-based" pro-active approach to Fire Prevention and Inspection Programs, including the deployment plan for the additional 65 Fire Prevention and Education Offices added to the staff complement in the 2013, 2014 and 2015 budgets; and
e. the implementation plan for the new technologies including dynamic staging, predictive modelling, live interactive GPS and pre-amptive traffic light signalling.
Vote (Amend Motion) Apr-02-2015 4:59 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - CD2.1 - Davis - motion 3, as amended - Part d |
Total members that voted Yes: 22 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Michelle Berardinetti, Christin Carmichael Greb, Raymond Cho, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mary Fragedakis, Norman Kelly, Pam McConnell, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Michael Thompson, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 10 | Members that voted No are Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Justin J. Di Ciano, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Josh Matlow, Ron Moeser, Jaye Robinson |
Total members that were Absent: 13 | Members that were absent are Ana Bailão, Shelley Carroll, Rob Ford, Jim Karygiannis, Mike Layton, Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Joe Mihevc, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, David Shiner, John Tory |
Vote (Amend Motion) Apr-02-2015 5:01 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - Cd2.1 - Davis - motion 3, as amended - Part e |
Total members that voted Yes: 32 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Michelle Berardinetti, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Christin Carmichael Greb, Raymond Cho, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mary Fragedakis, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Norman Kelly, Josh Matlow, Pam McConnell, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Ron Moeser, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, David Shiner, Michael Thompson, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 1 | Members that voted No are Justin J. Di Ciano |
Total members that were Absent: 12 | Members that were absent are Ana Bailão, Shelley Carroll, Rob Ford, Jim Karygiannis, Mike Layton, Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Joe Mihevc, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, John Tory |
Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) Apr-02-2015 5:05 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - CD2.1 - Adopt the item as amended |
Total members that voted Yes: 33 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Michelle Berardinetti, Jon Burnside, John Campbell, Christin Carmichael Greb, Raymond Cho, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, Vincent Crisanti, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Justin J. Di Ciano, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mary Fragedakis, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Norman Kelly, Josh Matlow, Pam McConnell, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Ron Moeser, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, David Shiner, Michael Thompson, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 0 | Members that voted No are |
Total members that were Absent: 12 | Members that were absent are Ana Bailão, Shelley Carroll, Rob Ford, Jim Karygiannis, Mike Layton, Chin Lee, Giorgio Mammoliti, Joe Mihevc, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, John Tory |
CD2.1 - Toronto Fire Services - 2015 to 2019 Master Fire Plan
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Committee Recommendations
The Community Development and Recreation Committee recommends that:
1. City Council direct that the 2015-2019 Master Fire Plan be amended to include a strong commitment to equity hiring and a diverse workforce.
2. City Council adopt the 2015-2019 Master Fire Plan set out in Revised Attachment 1 of the report (February 27, 2015) from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, as amended by Recommendation 1 above.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Community Development and Recreation Committee requested the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services to report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee:
1. at its September 17, 2015 meeting on:
a. recommendations on addressing response delays for high rise buildings in preparation for the 2016 Budget;
b. infractions found as part of the Multi-Residential Apartment Building (MRAB) team including the type and number of violations and the number of prosecutions;
c. a 2015 - 2019 diversity employment strategy, such report to include, but not be limited to:
i. baseline employment date;
ii. annual hiring and recruitment goals;
iii. enhanced human resource strategies to achieve the goals;
iv. a regular reporting timetable to the Community Development and Recreation Committee; and
v. the education and training requirements to become a candidate for employment by Toronto Fire Services, such report to include a review of changes to the requirements in recent years, an analysis of the cost to potential candidates to meet the requirements, and the extent to which the costs present a barrier to achieving greater diversity in Toronto Fire Services.
2. in the first quarter of 2016 on the development of measurable and quantitative key performance indicators as part of the 2015 to 2019 Master Fire Plan.
3. on the status of the Exhibition Place Station and truck.
The Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, gave a presentation to the Community Development and Recreation Committee on Toronto Fire Services 2015 - 2019 Master Fire Plan.
The Toronto Fire Services (TFS) 2015-2019 Master Fire Plan supports the Division's ongoing efforts to increase fire safety and fire prevention through education and prevention mechanisms and to provide high quality, efficient, and effective emergency response such that life safety outcomes are improved for all residents across the city.
The Master Fire Plan provides strategic direction for TFS and outlines the critical initiatives that TFS will implement over the next five years in order to achieve its strategic objectives. The strategic objectives include keeping communities safe, empowering people, strengthening partnerships and improving performance.
The Master Fire Plan addresses a number of major issues which form the basis of the work to be carried out over the five year term of the plan. This includes technological improvements, accreditation through the Commission on Fire Accreditation International (CFAI) as well as a number of service priorities such as vertical growth, densification and congestion, diversity, fiscal sustainability, and the importance of fire prevention and public education.
Guiding divisional priorities and investments over the next five years and beyond, the Master Fire Plan is intended to align TFS service and priorities in preparation for the accreditation process and to prepare TFS for a commitment to continuous improvement. The Plan will act as the foundation and transition document to support TFS' upcoming application for accreditation through the CFAI.
Background Information
(February 27, 2015) Attachment 1 - 2015 to 2019 Master Fire Plan
(February 27, 2015) Revised Attachment 1 - 2015 to 2019 Master Fire Plan
(March 23, 2015) Presentation from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, on Toronto Fire Services - 2015 - 2019 Master Fire Plan
Miguel Avila
Frank Ramagnano, President, Toronto Professional Fire Fighters' Association
Councillor Mike Layton
Councillor Joe Cressy
Councillor Sarah Doucette
Councillor John Campbell
That the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee on the status of the Exhibition Place Station and truck.
That the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee with recommendations on addressing response delays for high rise buildings in preparation for the 2016 Budget.
1. City Council direct that the Master Plan be amended to include a strong commitment to equity hiring and a diverse workforce.
2. The Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, in collaboration with the Equity Diversity and Human Rights Office, report back to the September 17, 2015 Community Development and Recreation Committee meeting on a 2015 - 2019 diversity employment strategy, such report to include, but not be limited to:
a. baseline employment date;
b. annual hiring and recruitment goals;
c. enhanced human resource strategies to achieve the goals; and
d. a regular reporting timetable to the Community Development and Recreation Committee.
That the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee in the first quarter of 2016 on the development of measurable and quantitative key performance indicators as part of the 2015 to 2019 Master Fire Plan.
That the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee in September 2015 on the education and training requirements to become a candidate for employment by Toronto Fire Services Such report to include a review of changes to the requirements in recent years, an analysis of the cost to potential candidates to meet the requirements, and the extent to which the costs present a barrier to achieving greater diversity in Toronto Fire Services.
That the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee in September 2015 on infractions found as part of the Multi-Residential Apartment Building (MRAB) team including the type and number of violations and the number of prosecutions.
That City Council adopt revised Attachment 1 to the report (February 27, 2015) from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services.