Item - 2015.BU6.4
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Budget Committee on February 20, 2015 and was adopted with amendments.
- See also BU2.1 - 2015 Capital and Operating Budget Launch
- See also 2015 Budget Website maintained by the Financial Planning Division
- See also EX3.4
BU6.4 - 2015 Capital and Operating Budgets
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Public Notice Given
Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees, labour relations or employee negotiations, and security of the property of the municipality or local board.
Committee Decision
The Budget Committee:
1. Requested the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer submit corporate reports to the March 2, 2015 meeting of the Executive Committee outlining the 2015 Capital Budget and 2016-2024 Capital Plan as recommended by the Budget Committee and the 2015 Operating Budget as recommended by the Budget Committee, including the following amendments:
a. The 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget for City Planning be reduced by $0.525 million gross and net and 8.0 positions to reflect the deletion of new positions planned to enhance Area Studies; Heritage Conservation District (HDC) Plans / Studies; and the Strategic Initiatives, Policy & Analysis unit.
b. Subject to approval of the above adjustment to the City Planning 2015 Operating Budget (Recommendation 1a), that the Capital from Current (CFC) funding be increased by $0.525 million gross and net.
c. In maintaining the 2014 level of service for Heritage Conservation District Plans / Studies, that the City Planning 2015 – 2024 Capital Budget and Plan be reduced by $5.0 million gross and $4.635 million in debt funding over the 10-year period, reflecting an annual decrease of $0.5 million to the Heritage Conservation District Studies capital project (from $1.0 million per year to $0.5 million per year).
d. The new requests from Office of the Ombudsman of $0.440 million for 6 positions and one-time office setup costs to address the increased caseloads of investigations of complaints in Items BU6.4f and BU6.4g and the new requests from the Office of the Integrity Commissioner of $0.299 million for 2 positions, external legal and investigative support and one-time office setup costs to respond to increased volumes of work in Item BU6.4e not be approved and that the total savings in the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget of $0.739 million be reallocated to the following:
1. Legal Services - $0.160 million to re-instate funding for the recommended deletion of a Solicitor position that supports and attends Ontario Municipal Board hearings and liquor license hearings included the 2015 Recommended Operating Budget; and
2. Toronto Public Health - $0.579 million to the Student Nutrition Program.
e. Amend Recommendation 2a in the report (February 12, 2015) from City Manager and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer entitled "Loss of Toronto Pooling Compensation for Social Housing - Budget Strategy" [Item BU6.4x] by deleting "Childrens' Services by $150,000 gross and net" and add $150,000 to "Non Program Revenues - Parking" so it now reads, "Non program Revenues $4.150 million net and gross"
f. Amend the 2015 Recommended Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget to increase the capital sub-project known as Anthony Road Park Improvements in the amount of $195,000 to a total of $455,000. The project increase is to be funded as follows: $127,745.29 from the Ward 9 Reserve Fund XR2212 and $67,254.71 from the Section 42 Alternative Rate Cash-in-lieu from 855 Wilson Avenue (source account XR2213-4200613). These additional funds are required to supplement the sub-project in the 2015 Parks, Forestry and Recreation Recommended Capital Budget.
g. Increase the Economic Development and Culture Capital Budget by increasing the project cost of the previously approved Toronto Centre of the Arts Main Stage Reconfiguration Project by $1.5 million gross, $0.0 net, fully funded from capital reserves ($0.6 million from XQ1060, and $0.9 million from XR3007) for a total project budget of $8.425 million gross, $3.4625 million net.
h. Approve the following adjustments to the 2015 – 2024 Recommended Capital Budget and Plan for Transportation Services reflecting the need to address an increasing number of requests for high priority and large-scale transportation studies in addition to the existing backlog of requested studies:
1. Increase funding for Engineering Studies by $1.830 million to $4.5 million in 2015 offset by reallocations of 2015 funding from Facility Improvements of $1.100 million; Salt Management of $0.200 million; and Laneways of $0.530 million.
These adjustments will not change the Transportation Services 2015 Recommended Capital Budget.
i. Approve 25 temporary positions at a cost of $1.750 million gross, zero net be added to the 2015 Recommended Operating Budget for Toronto Employment and Social Services to support the continued implementation and impact of the provincial Social Assistance Management System (SAMS) in Toronto Employment Social Services and Social Development Finance and Administration Divisions. These positions will be cost shared 50/50 with the province, with the City's $0.875 million share funded from the Ontario Works reserve fund.
j. Adjust the 2015 Operating Budget for Policy Program Finance and Administration to reflect an increase of $0.140 million gross and $0 net to the Office of Emergency Management Budget, from a contribution from the Ontario Power Generation Inc, to further assist in the development, implementation and maintenance of a nuclear emergency management program.
k. Amend Recommendation 2a.ii.a and 2a.ii.b in the report (February 12, 2015) from City Manager and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer entitled "Loss of Toronto Pooling Compensation for Social Housing - Budget Strategy" [Item BU6.4x] to reflect the recommended adjustments by the Toronto Transit Commission in Operating Budget briefing note #46 and the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board in Item BU6.4ad so that it reads:
"a. Toronto Transit Commission by 5 million gross and 5 million net.
b. Toronto Police Services by 4.1 million gross and 5 million net."
l. Adjust the $5 million gross and net budget adjustment to the TTC 2015 Operating Budget recommended in the report (February 12, 2015) from City Manager and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer entitled "Loss of Toronto Pooling Compensation for Social Housing - Budget Strategy" [Item BU6.4x] to be comprise the adjustments identified in the Operating Budget briefing note #46 "Specific Actions to Meet $5 Million TTC Budget Reduction Target" from the TTC, as follows:
1. Reduce WSIB expenditures by $1.6 million to reflect lower than anticipated payouts experienced in 2014;
2. Gapping to increase by 0.4% (from 2.6% to 3.0%) to reflect anticipated staffing levels, resulting in savings of $1.0 million;
3. Reallocate $1.4 million of expenditures appropriately to the Capital Budget for the replacement and improvement of streetcar road infrastructure; and
4. Reduce 40 positions from the recommended new and enhanced service priorities, resulting in $1.0 million in savings, including:
a. 20 Proof-of-Payment (POP) inspectors on streetcar routes; and
b. 20 Operator positions associated with the leased bus facility that will accommodate 50 new buses to facilitate the introduction of new peak period express service and reduce peak period wait times and crowding.
m. Reduce the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget for Economic Development and Culture by $0.500 million gross and $0.500 million revenue for $0 net, by eliminating the 2015 contribution, as well as future contributions, from the Design Exchange Reserve Fund (XR3012) and the associated expenditures, as this Reserve Fund will be receiving no further funding from the developer of the Toronto Stock Exchange site.
n. Increase the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget for Economic Development and Culture by $1.000 million gross and $1.000 million in revenues to reflect a $1.000 million increase in Provincial contributions to a total $2.000 million, for costs associated with the Pan Am Nathan Phillips Square Cultural Celebration events.
o. Amend the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget for Toronto Public Library of $187.890 million gross and $171.555 million net, representing a 2.3% net increase, in accordance with the Toronto Public Library Board's recommendation in Item BU6.4p as follows:
1. Reverse the Staff recommended service changes (total savings of $0.506 million gross and net) comprised of:
a. reduction in the library collections budget by $0.216 million gross and net; and
b. standardization of service hours in Neighbourhood Branches for savings of $0.290 million gross and net; and
2. Replace with the Toronto Public Library Board's recommended reductions (total savings of $0.200 million gross and $0.506 million net) comprised of:
a. an additional withdrawal from the Development Charge Reserve of $0 gross, $0.306 million net; and
b. a further reduction in the security guard budget of $0.200 million gross and net.
p. Amend the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget to provide funding for several Poverty Reduction Initiatives as follows:
1. Reduce the Non Program Budget by $2.200 million gross and net.
2. Increase the 2015 Recommended Operating Budgets for the following City Programs and Agencies
a. Parks, Forestry and Recreation by $0.533 million gross and net and 9.2 new permanent positions comprised of:
1. $0.130 million gross and net and 2 new permanent positions in 2015 with incremental funding of $0.016 million in 2016 for Youth Worker Expansion; and,
2. $0.403 million gross and net and 7.2 positions in 2015 with incremental funding of $0.134 million in 2016 for Youth Lounges at 3 new sites;
b. Shelter, Support and Housing Administration by $0.075 million gross and net for Enhanced Tenant Supports;
c. Social Development, Finance and Administration by $0.554 million gross and net comprised of:
1. $0.204 million gross and net in one-time funding for the Neighbourhood Improvement Area Resident Engagement;
2. $0.200 million gross and net for the Youth Arts Employment and Training program; and,
3. $0.150 million gross and net in one-time funding for the Seniors Community Transportation Pilot program.
d. Toronto Employment and Social Services by $0.226 million gross and net comprised of:
1. $0.026 million gross and net towards an inflationary increase for Hardship Fund; and,
2. $0.200 million gross and net for the Employment Program for Single Parents
e. Toronto Public Health by $0.437 million gross and net comprised of:
1. $0.356 million gross and net to extend municipal funding for up to 27 new student nutrition programs to open in publically funded schools in higher need communities; and
2. $0.081 million gross and net for the Mobile Good Food Market with incremental funding of $0.007 million in 2016
f. Toronto Public Library by $0.375 million gross and net comprised of:
1. $0.175 million gross and net for Library Access-Fine Forgiveness Pilot project; and,
2. $0.200 million gross and net for Youth Hubs expansion in 4 new sites with incremental funding of $0.200 million in 2016
q. Approve the new request of $0.192 million gross and $0.048 million net to begin the Day Nursery Immunization Program in the report (February 17, 2015) from the Medical Officer of Health [BU6.4aa] and that the City's cost-share be absorbed within the Toronto Public Health's 2015 staff recommended Operating Budget; and that Financial Planning staff work with the Medical Officer of Health to ensure any annualized cost for this new program is included in the 2016 Budget.
r. Allocate $44,000 of the Council General Expense Budget to a fund to be used by Councillors for the provision of accessibility services to meet the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act during meetings or events.
2. Recommends to the Executive Committee that City Council:
a. Request the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation report to the May 19, 2015 Parks and Environment Committee meeting on the viability of extending the 2015-2016 outdoor artificial ice rink season, such report to include:
1. participation statistics for the current 2014-2015 outdoor artificial ice rink season; and
2. all viable options and associated costs related to extending the 2015 - 2016 outdoor artificial ice rink season.
b. Amend the Entitlement related to the meeting of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) in the Constituency Services and Office Budget Policy so that use of the $44,000 fund in Recommendation 1r above replaces the current entitlement of up to $1,000 per Councillor and provides that:
1. use of this fund will be based on a first-come first-served basis;
2. there is no limit per Councillor; and
3. Councillors wishing to use this pooled fund must first contact the City Clerk's Office to ensure that funds are available.
c. Direct that Confidential Operating Budget Briefing Note #20 remain confidential as it pertains to the security of the property of the municipality or local board.
3. Recommends that the Executive Committee request the City Manager, prior to the 2016 Budget process, to report on provincial funding shortfalls to municipal projects and programs including shortfalls to:
a. TTC operating and capital projects
b. Housing
c. Social Assistance
and to develop and submit for Council's consideration an advocacy campaign for fair and equitable municipal taxation reform based on the findings of this report.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Budget Committee:
1. Requested the General Manager, Transportation Services to prepare a list of environmental assessments for transportation initiatives (including the estimated cost of each) that have not been funded in the current 2015-2024 capital plan, along with a recommended set of criteria to identify priority for funding and report through Public Works and Infrastructure Committee and subsequently through Budget Committee for consideration during the 2016 Budget process.
2. Received 2015 Capital Briefing Notes 9, 10, and 12.
3. Received 2015 Operating Briefing Notes 41, 42, 43, 45, 24(a), 40, 44 and 46.
Deputy Mayor Pam McConnell gave a presentation on Toronto Poverty Reduction Strategy - Allocation of Strategic Initiatives.
The Budget Committee, at its meeting on February 13, 2015:
1. Deferred final consideration of the 2015 Capital and Operating Budgets, until the February 20, 2015 meeting of the Budget Committee along with the following motions:
Motion 1 by Councillor Shelley Carroll
1. Recommendation 220 be deleted:
220. City Council adopt the following change in policy such that City Council will no longer request the City Solicitor to:
a. provide services associated with liquor licences, including liquor licence applications; and
b. attend Ontario Municipal Board hearings resulting from the appeals of Committee of Adjustment decisions, unless:
i. the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has advised that City Planning staff are willing to support City Council’s position; and/or
ii. the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has advised City Council that the decision of the Committee of Adjustment could undermine the City’s Official Plan if the City did not attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
2. The Legal Services gapping rate be increased by 0.4%, from 2.1% to 2.5%."
Motion 2 by Councillor Mike Layton:
"That City Council:
1. Allocate $45,000 of the Council General Expense Budget to a fund to be used by Councillors for the provision of accessibility services to meet the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act during meetings or events.
2. Amend the Entitlement related to the meeting of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) in the Constituency Services and Office Budget Policy so that use of this fund replaces the current entitlement of up to $1,000 per Councillor and provides that:
a. use of this fund will be based on a first-come first-served basis;
b. there is no limit per Councillor; and
c. Councillors wishing to use this pooled fund must first contact the City Clerk's Office to ensure that funds are available."
Motion 3 by Councillor Gary Crawford
"That City Council approve 25 temporary positions at a cost of $1.750 million gross, zero net be added to the 2015 Recommended Operating Budget for Toronto Employment and Social Services to support the continued implementation and impact of the provincial Social Assistance Management System (SAMS) in Toronto Employment Social Services and Social Development Finance & Administration Divisions. These positions will be cost shared 50/50 with the province, with the City's $0.875 million share funded from the Ontario Works reserve fund."
Motion 4 by Councillor Gary Crawford
"That City Council grant approval to amend the 2015 Recommended Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget to increase the capital sub-project known as Anthony Road Park Improvements in the amount of $195,000 to a total of $455,000. The project increase is to be funded as follows: $127,745.29 from the Ward 9 Reserve Fund XR2212 and $67,254.71 from the Section 42 Alternative Rate Cash-in-lieu from 855 Wilson Avenue (source account XR2213-4200613). These additional funds are required to supplement the sub-project in the 2015 Parks, Forestry & Recreation Recommended Capital Budget."
Motion 5 by Councillor Gary Crawford
"That City Council increase the Economic Development and Culture Capital Budget by increasing the project cost of the previously approved Toronto Centre of the Arts Main Stage Reconfiguration Project by $1.5 million gross, $0.0 net, fully funded from capital reserves ($0.6 million from XQ1060, and $0.9 million from XR3007) for a total project budget of $8.425 million gross, $3.4625 million net."
Motion 6 by Councillor Gary Crawford
"That Executive Committee request the City Manager, prior to the 2016 Budget process:
1. Report on provincial funding shortfalls to municipal projects and programs including shortfalls to:
a. TTC operating and capital projects
b. Housing
c. Social Assistance
2. Develop and submit for Council's consideration an advocacy campaign for fair and equitable municipal taxation reform based on the findings of this report."
Motion 7 by Councillor Gary Crawford
"That Executive Committee request the City Manager to report, prior to the 2016 Budget Process, on the full range of revenue tools available to Toronto City Council since the passing of the City of Toronto Act and include options to raise funds for transit and infrastructure and the potential annual revenue for each tool, where possible."
2. Requested the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer to report to the Budget Committee Final Wrap-up meeting on February 20, 2015 on strategies to fund the shortfall for the third installment of the Student Nutrition Program.
3. Requested Legal Services to provide a more complete answer to the questions raised in the request for Operating Budget Briefing Note #24, in particular question "c".
Background Information
(January 23, 2015) Notice of Public Meeting - 2015 Proposed Changes to User Fees
(January 27, 2015) Notice of Public Meeting - 2015 Proposed Changes to User Fees - Appendix A - Recommended User Fee Changes
(January 27, 2015) Notice of Public Meeting - 2015 Proposed Changes to User Fees - Appendix B -Recommended New User Fees
(January 26, 2015) Presentation from the Deputy City Manager Cluster A, on Staff Recommended 2015 Operating Budget and 2015 - 2024 Capital Budget and Plan
(January 26, 2015) Presentation from Toronto Public Health - City Manager Recommended 2015 Operating Budget and 2015 - 2024 Capital Budget and Plan
(January 26, 2015) Presentation from Toronto Public Library on Staff Recommended 2015 Operating Budget and 2015 - 2024 Capital Budget and Plan
(January 27, 2015) Presentation from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B on Staff Recommended 2015 Operating Budget and 2015 - 2024 Capital Budget and Plan
(January 27, 2015) Presentation from the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority on Staff Recommended 2015 Operating Budget and 2015 - 2024 Capital Budget and Plan
(January 28, 2015) Presentation from the Toronto Transit Commmission on Staff Recommended 2015 Operating Budget and 2015 - 2024 Capital Budget and Plan
(January 28, 2015) Presentation from the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer on Internal Services Staff Recommended 2015 Operating Budget and 2015 - 2024 Capital Budget and Plan
(January 29, 2015) Presentation from the Toronto Police Service (including Parking and Board budgets) on Staff Recommended 2015 Operating Budget and 2015 - 2024 Capital Budget and Plan
(January 29, 2015) Presentation from the Auditor General on the 2015 Operating Budget Request and 2015 - 2024 Capital Request and Plan
(January 29, 2015) Presentation from the City Manager and Deputy City Manager on Loss of Toronto Pooling Compensation for Social Housing - Budget Strategy
(January 29, 2015) Presentation from the Integrity Commissioner on the 2015 Operating Budget
(January 29, 2015) Presentation from the Lobbyist Registrar on the 2015 Operating Budget and 2015 - 2024 Capital Budget and Plan
(January 29, 2015) Presentation from the Toronto Ombudsman on the 2015 Operating Budget
(January 29, 2015) Presentation from Toronto 2015 Pan Am / Parapan Am Games on Staff Recommended 2015 Operating Budget and 2015 Capital Budget
(January 29, 2015) Presentation from the City Manager on the City Manager’s Office - Staff Recommended 2015 Operating Budget
(January 29, 2015) Presentation from Legal Services on Staff Recommended 2015 Operating Budget and Plan
(January 29, 2015) Presentation from the City Clerk’s Office on Staff Recommended 2015 Operating Budget and 2015 - 2024 Capital Budget and Plan
(February 4, 2015) Presentation from the City Manager on 2015 Participatory Budgeting (PB) Pilot
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - 311 Toronto (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - 311 Toronto (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan Budget Request Overview - Accountability Officers
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Request Overview - Accountablity Officers
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Affordable Housing Office (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Arena Boards of Management (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Association of Community Centres (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Children's Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Children's Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - City Clerk's Office (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - City Clerk's Office (Analyst Notes)
(January 29, 2015) Revised 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - City Council (Analyst Notes)
(January 28, 2015) Revised 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - City Manager's Office (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - City Planning (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - City Planning (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Court Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Economic Development and Culture (Analyst Notes)
(January 26, 2015) Revised 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Economic Development and Culture (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Engineering and Construction Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Exhibition Place (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Exhibition Place (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Facilities Management and Real Estate Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 23, 2015) Revised 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Facilities Management, Real Estate Services, and Environment and Energy Office (Analyst Notes)
Confidential Attachment 1 to 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Facilities Management, Real Estate Services, and Environment and Energy Office (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Financial Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Fire Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Fire Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Fleet Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Fleet Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Heritage Toronto (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Information and Technology (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Information and Technology (Analyst Notes)
(January 28, 2015) Revised with Revised Recommendations -2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Legal Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Long-Term Care Homes and Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Long-Term Care Homes and Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Municipal Licensing and Standards (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Office of the Chief Financial Officer (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Office of the Mayor (Analyst Notes)
(January 26, 2015) Revised 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Office of the Treasurer (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Pan/Parapan American Games (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Parking Tags Enforcement and Operations (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Parks, Forestry and Recreation (Analyst Notes)
(February 19, 2015) Revised with Revised Recommendations - 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Parks, Forestry and Recreation (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Policy, Planning, Finance and Administration (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Shelter Support and Housing Administration (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Social Development, Finance and Administration (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Sony Centre for the Performing Arts (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Sustainable Energy Plan (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Theatres (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Atmospheric Fund (Analyst Notes)
(January 23, 2015) Revised 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget -Toronto Building (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Employment and Social Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Paramedic Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Paramedic Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Police Service (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Police Service (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Police Services Board (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Public Health (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Public Health (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Public Library (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Public Library (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Transit Commission (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Transit Commission (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Toronto Zoo (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Toronto Zoo (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Transportation Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 20, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Transportation Services (Analyst Notes)
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget - Waterfront Revitalization Initiative
(January 19, 2015) 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget - Yonge-Dundas Square (Analyst Notes)
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #1 - Staff Recommended Gapping
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #2 - 2015 -2018 Revenue Projections for Third Party Sign Tax
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Revised Briefing Note #3 - Close the Housing Gap Campaign 2015
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #4 - Equity Targets and Child Care Expansion Reserve Fund (CCER)
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Capital/Operating Budget Briefing Note #5 - Children's Services: Let's Talk Child Care Campaign
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #6 - Court Services - Revenue, Costs and Court Processes
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #7 - Meals on Wheels Costs and Fees
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #8 - Funding for Implementation of the Parks Service Plan in 2015 and 2016
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #9 - Tree Planting Program
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #10 - Ice and Pool Provision Service Profile Reporting Changes
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #11 - City Planning - Policy Staff Working on Transit Related and Social Planning Initiatives
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #12 - Impacts Arising from 2014 Budget Reductions
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #13 - Impacts of Gapping and Attrition on Response Time
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #14 - Vertical Response Times
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #15 - Staff Recommended Position Changes
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #16 - 2015 Funding related to Report EX37.1, Clause 228 entitled "2014 Capital and Operating Budgets"
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #17 - Service Charges and User Fees - Municipal Licensing and Standards
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #18 - Categorization of Municipal Licensing and Standards Service Levels in 2014 and 2015
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #19 - Plan to Achieve a Service Level of 80% of Calls Answered Within 75 Seconds for 311 Toronto
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Confidential Operating Budget Briefing Note #20 - Enhanced Security Measures at City Hall
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #21 - Cost to Provide Wi-Fi Services to Committee Rooms in Civic Centres
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #22 - Unpaid Provincial Offences Fines
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #23 - Tax Increment Equivalent Grant (TIEG) Programs
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #24 - Information Regarding Ontario Municipal Board Hearings
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #25 - Accessibility of Council, Committee and Other City Meetings
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #26 - Meeting Accessibility and AODA Compliance
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #27 - The Toronto Local Appeal Body
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #28 - Future Budget Pressures On Wheel-Trans Due To Toronto's Aging Population
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #29 - Wheel-Trans Users That Could Use TTC Conventional Services If All Stations Were Accessible
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #30 - Annualized Budget Costs for Toronto Transit Commission Special Constables and Fare Enforcement
(February 13, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #39 - Changes to Existing User Fees and New User Fees in the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Capital Budget Briefing Note #3 - Cost for Parks, Forestry and Recreation to Undertake 20 Additional Playground Replacements Per Year Over the Ten-Year Capital Plan
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Capital Budget Briefing Note #4 - Federal Gas Tax Fund
(February 12, 2015) 2015 Capital Budget Briefing Note #5 - Long-Term Peak Headway Projections for Streetcar Routes
(February 13, 2015) 2015 Recommended Operating Budget Tax Supported Programs and Agencies Wrap-Up Notes for February 13, 2015
(February 13, 2015) 2015 - 2024 Budget Committee Recommended Capital Budget and Plan Tax Supported Program and Agencies Wrap-Up Notes for February 13, 2015
(February 13, 2015) Presentation from the City Manager on Loss of Toronto Pooling Compensation for Social Housing - Budget Strategy Follow Up
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #24(a) - 2015 - Addendum to Briefing Note #24 Information Regarding Ontario Municipal Board Hearings
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #40 - Contributions to and Withdraws from Reserves/Reserve Funds
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #41 - Swim to Survive Expansion
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #42 - Toronto Youth Equity Strategy Implementation
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #43 - Council Approved City Strategies - Financial Implications
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #44 - Itemized Budget Allocations Across Divisions for Urban Agricultural Initiatives
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #45 - Program for Maintenance of Surplus Properties
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Operating Budget Briefing Note #46 Specific Actions to Meet $5 Million TTC Budget Reduction Target
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Capital Budget Briefing Note #9 - Status of Bloor Street - Dupont Street Bikeway Study
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Capital Budget Briefing Note #10 - Funding for Corridor Signal Coordination Studies of Additional 500 Traffic Signals
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Capital Budget Briefing Note #11 - Bike Share Capital Funding
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Capital Budget Briefing Note #12 - Eglinton Crosstown LRT Extension
(February 20, 2015) 2015 - 2024 Budget Committee Recommended Capital Budget and Plan Tax Supported Program and Agencies Wrap-Up Notes for February 20, 2015
(February 20, 2015) 2015 Recommended Operating Budget Rate Supported Programs and Agencies Wrap-Up Notes for February 20, 2015
(February 20, 2015) Presentation from Deputy Mayor Pam McConnell on TO Prosperity - Toronto Poverty Reduction Strategy - Allocation of Strategic Initiatives
(January 20, 2015) E-mail from Lynn Waters-Monteiro (BU.Main.BU6.4.2)
(January 20, 2015) E-mail from Keshav Chandra (BU.Main.BU6.4.3)
(January 20, 2015) E-mail from Rosemary J. Ibronyi (BU.Main.BU6.4.4)
(January 25, 2015) E-mail from Ying Huang (BU.Main.BU6.4.5)
(January 22, 2015) E-mail from Richard Longley (BU.Main.BU6.4.6)
(January 22, 2015) E-mail from Max Moore, Community Commonwealth Association (BU.Main.BU6.4.7)
(January 23, 2015) E-mail from Richard Longley (BU.Main.BU6.4.8)
(January 23, 2015) E-mail from Bruna Nota (BU.Main.BU6.4.9)
(January 22, 2015) E-mail from Judy Love (BU.Main.BU6.4.10)
(January 25, 2015) E-mail from Anna Tomassini (BU.Main.BU6.4.11)
(January 27, 2015) E-mail from B. Taurozzi (BU.Main.BU6.4.12)
(January 29, 2015) E-mail from Miguel Avila (BU.Main.BU6.4.13)
(January 28, 2015) E-mail from Noorjahan Jahangeer, PhD (BU.Main.BU6.4.14)
(January 29, 2015) E-mail from Robert Zaichkowski and Laura Pin, Cycle Toronto Ward 14 (BU.Main.BU6.4.15)
(January 29, 2015) E-mail from Gabriel Obanda (BU.Main.BU6.4.16)
(January 28, 2015) E-mail from Tim Rourke (BU.Main.BU6.4.17)
(February 3, 2015) E-mail from Albert Thompson (BU.Main.BU6.4.18)
(January 30, 2015) E-mail from Stella Kargiannakis (BU.Main.BU6.4.19)
(January 30, 2015) E-mail from Elis Ziegler (BU.Main.BU6.4.20)
(January 30, 2015) E-mail from Lynda S. Ryder, Director, National Silicates (BU.Main.BU6.4.21)
(February 2, 2015) E-mail from Denise Harris, Chair, Etobicoke-York Community Preservation Panel (BU.Main.BU6.4.22)
(January 30, 2015) E-mail from Plamen Petkov, Vice-President, Ontario and Nicole Troster, Director, Provincial Affairs, Canadian Federation of Independent Business (CFIB) (BU.Main.BU6.4.23)
(February 2, 2015) E-mail from Michelle Belaire (BU.Main.BU6.4.24)
(February 2, 2015) E-mail from Jamie Ibister (BU.Main.BU6.4.25)
(February 2, 2015) E-mail from Sharon McPherson (BU.Main.BU6.4.26)
(February 2, 2015) E-mail from Louise Bark (BU.Main.BU6.4.27)
(February 2, 2015) E-mail from Liz Forsberg, Managing Director, Art Starts (BU.Main.BU6.4.28)
(February 2, 2015) E-mail from Tim Maguire, President, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 79 (BU.Main.BU6.4.29)
(February 3, 2015) E-mail from Brad Dickson (BU.Main.BU6.4.30)
(February 3, 2015) E-mail from Sharon Yetman (BU.Main.BU6.4.31)
(February 3, 2015) E-mail from Tony Araujo (BU.Main.BU6.4.32)
(February 4, 2015) E-mail from Dave Harvey, Executive Director, Park People, Toronto Alliance for Better Parks (BU.Main.BU6.4.33)
(February 4, 2015) E-mail from Dave Hewitt, Toronto Civic Employees Union (CUPE 416) Local 416 (BU.Main.BU6.4.34)
(February 6, 2015) E-mail from Patricia Sinclair (BU.Main.BU6.4.35)
(February 6, 2015) Letter from Shirley Hoy (BU.Main.BU6.4.36)
(February 2, 2015) E-mail from M. Goldkind (BU.Main.BU6.4.37)
(February 10, 2015) E-mail from Councillor Maria Augimeri (BU.Main.BU6.4.38)
(February 13, 2015) E-mail from Peter Clarke (BU.Main.BU6.4.39)
(February 13, 2015) E-mail from Tim Maguire, President, Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) Local 79 (BU.Main.BU6.4.40)
(February 13, 2015) E-mail from Sharon Yetman (BU.Main.BU6.4.41)
(February 14, 2015) E-mail from Bob Topp (BU.Main.BU6.4.42)
(February 17, 2015) E-mail from Karen Duong (BU.Supp.BU6.4.43)
(February 18, 2015) E-mail from Jessica Brunette (BU.Supp.BU6.4.44)
(February 17, 2015) E-mail from Deputy Mayor Pam McConnell (BU.Supp.BU6.4.45)
(February 19, 2015) E-mail from G. Turner (BU.Supp.Bu6.4.46)
(February 19, 2015) E-mail from Brandon Quigley (BU.Supp.BU6.4.47)
Councillor Janet Davis
Councillor Joe Cressy
Councillor Paula Fletcher
Councillor Pam McConnell
1. Recommendation 220 be deleted
220. City Council adopt the following change in policy such that City Council will no longer request the City Solicitor to:
a. provide services associated with liquor licences, including liquor licence applications; and
b. attend Ontario Municipal Board hearings resulting from the appeals of Committee of Adjustment decisions, unless:
i. the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has advised that City Planning staff are willing to support City Council’s position; and/or
ii. the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has advised City Council that the decision of the Committee of Adjustment could undermine the City’s Official Plan if the City did not attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing.
2. the Legal Services gapping rate be increased by 0.4%, from 2.1% to 2.5%.
That City Council:
1. Allocate $44,000 of the Council General Expense Budget to a fund to be used by Councillors for the provision of accessibility services to meet the requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act during meetings or events.
2. Amend the Entitlement related to the meeting of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) in the Constituency Services and Office Budget Policy so that use of this fund replaces the current entitlement of up to $1,000 per Councillor and provides that:
a. use of this fund will be based on a first-come first-served basis;
b. there is no limit per Councillor; and
c. Councillors wishing to use this pooled fund must first contact the City Clerk's Office to ensure that funds are available.
That the General Manager of Transportation Services be requested to prepare a list of environmental assessments for transportation initiatives (including the estimated cost of each) that have not been funded in the current 2015-2024 capital plan, along with a recommended set of criteria to identify priority for funding and that the General Manager report through Public Works and Infrastructure Committee and subsequently through Budget Committee for consideration during the 2016 budget process.
1. The 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget for City Planning be reduced by $0.525 million gross and net and 8.0 positions to reflect the deletion of new positions planned to enhance Area Studies; Heritage Conservation District (HDC) Plans / Studies; and the Strategic Initiatives, Policy & Analysis unit.
2. Subject to approval of the above adjustment to the City Planning 2015 Operating Budget, that the Capital from Current (CFC) funding be increased by $0.525 million gross and net.
3. In maintaining the 2014 level of service for HCD Plans / Studies, that the City Planning 2015 – 2024 Capital Budget and Plan be reduced by $5.0 million gross and $4.635 million in debt funding over the 10-year period, reflecting an annual decrease of $0.5 million to the Heritage Conservation District Studies capital project (from $1.0 million per year to $0.5 million per year).
Vote (Amend Item) Feb-20-2015
Result: Carried | Majority Required - BU6.4 - Berardinetti - motion 3b |
Total members that voted Yes: 4 | Members that voted Yes are Michelle Berardinetti, John Campbell, Gary Crawford (Chair), Justin J. Di Ciano |
Total members that voted No: 2 | Members that voted No are Shelley Carroll, Mike Layton |
Total members that were Absent: 1 | Members that were absent are James Pasternak |
That the new requests from Office of the Ombudsman of $0.440 million for 6 positions and one-time office setup costs to address the increased caseloads of investigations of complaints in Items BU6.4f and BU6.4g and the new requests from the Office of the Integrity Commissioner of $0.299 million for 2 positions, external legal and investigative support and one-time office setup costs to respond to increased volumes of work in Item BU6.4e not be approved and that the total savings in the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget of $0.739 million be reallocated to the following:
1. Legal Services - $0.160 million to re-instate funding for the recommended deletion of a Solicitor position that supports and attends Ontario Municipal Board hearings and liquor license hearings included the 2015 Recommended Operating Budget; and
2. Toronto Public Health - $0.579 million to the Student Nutrition Program.
That Recommendation 2a in Item BU6.4x be amended by deleting "Childrens' Services by $150,000 gross and net" and add $150,000 to "Non Program Revenues - Parking" so it now reads, "Non program Revenues $4.150 million net and gross"
1. City Council request the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation report to May 19, 2015 Parks and Environment Committee meeting on the viability of extending the 2015-2016 outdoor artificial ice rink season, such report to include:
a. participation statistics for the current 2014-2015 outdoor artificial ice rink season; and
b. all viable options and associated costs related to extending the 2015 - 2016 outdoor artificial ice rink season.
That City Council grant approval to amend the 2015 Recommended Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget to increase the capital sub-project known as Anthony Road Park Improvements in the amount of $195,000 to a total of $455,000. The project increase is to be funded as follows: $127,745.29 from the Ward 9 Reserve Fund XR2212 and $67,254.71 from the Section 42 Alternative Rate Cash-in-lieu from 855 Wilson Avenue (source account XR2213-4200613). These additional funds are required to supplement the sub-project in the 2015 Parks, Forestry & Recreation Recommended Capital Budget.
That City Council increase the Economic Development and Culture Capital Budget by increasing the project cost of the previously approved Toronto Centre of the Arts Main Stage Reconfiguration Project by $1.5 million gross, $0.0 net, fully funded from capital reserves ($0.6 million from XQ1060, and $0.9 million from XR3007) for a total project budget of $8.425 million gross, $3.4625 million net.
That City Council approve the following adjustments to the 2015 – 2024 Recommended Capital Budget and Plan for Transportation Services reflecting the need to address an increasing number of requests for high priority and large-scale transportation studies in addition to the existing backlog of requested studies:
a. Increase funding for Engineering Studies by $1.830 million to $4.5 million in 2015 offset by reallocations of 2015 funding from Facility Improvements of $1.100 million; Salt Management of $0.200 million; and Laneways of $0.530 million.
These adjustments will not change the Transportation Services 2015 Recommended Capital Budget.
That City Council approve 25 temporary positions at a cost of $1.750 million gross, zero net be added to the 2015 Recommended Operating Budget for Toronto Employment and Social Services to support the continued implementation and impact of the provincial Social Assistance Management System (SAMS) in Toronto Employment Social Services and Social Development Finance & Administration Divisions. These positions will be cost shared 50/50 with the province, with the City's $0.875 million share funded from the Ontario Works reserve fund.
That Executive Committee request the City Manager, prior to the 2016 Budget process:
1. Report on provincial funding shortfalls to municipal projects and programs including shortfalls to:
a. TTC operating and capital projects
b. Housing
c. Social Assistance
2. Develop and submit for Council's consideration an advocacy campaign for fair and equitable municipal taxation reform based on the findings of this report.
That the 2015 Operating Budget for Policy Program Finance and Administration be adjusted to reflect an increase of $0.140 million gross and $0 net to the Office of Emergency Management Budget, from a contribution from the Ontario Power Generation Inc, to further assist in the development, implementation and maintenance of a nuclear emergency management program.
That the $5 million gross and net budget adjustment to the TTC 2015 Operating Budget recommended in the report (February 12, 2015) from City Manager and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer entitled "Loss of Toronto Pooling Compensation for Social Housing - Budget Strategy" [BU6.4x] be comprised of the adjustments identified in Operating Budget Briefing Note #46 "Specific Actions to Meet $5 Million TTC Budget Reduction Target" from the Toronto Transit Commission, as follows:
a. Reduce WSIB expenditures by $1.6 million to reflect lower than anticipated payouts experienced in 2014;
b. Gapping to increase by 0.4% (from 2.6% to 3.0%) to reflect anticipated staffing levels, resulting in savings of $1.0 million;
c. Reallocate $1.4 million of expenditures appropriately to the Capital Budget for the replacement and improvement of streetcar road infrastructure; and
d. Reduce 40 positions from the recommended new and enhanced service priorities, resulting in $1.0 million in savings, including:
i. 20 Proof-of-Payment (POP) inspectors on streetcar routes; and
ii. 20 Operator positions associated with the leased bus facility that will accommodate 50 new buses to facilitate the introduction of new peak period express service and reduce peak period wait times and crowding.
That the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget for Economic Development and Culture be reduced by $0.500 million gross and $0.500 million revenue for $0 net, by eliminating the 2015 contribution, as well as future contributions, from the Design Exchange Reserve Fund (XR3012) and the associated expenditures, as this Reserve Fund will be receiving no further funding from the developer of the Toronto Stock Exchange site.
That the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget for Economic Development and Culture be increased by $1.000 million gross and $1.000 million in revenues to reflect a $1.000 million increase in Provincial contributions to a total $2.000 million, for costs associated with the Pan Am Nathan Phillips Square Cultural Celebration events.
That the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget for Toronto Public Library of $187.890 million gross and $171.555 million net, representing a 2.3% net increase, be amended in accordance with the Toronto Public Library Board's recommendation in Item BU6.4p as follows:
1. Reverse the Staff recommended service changes (total savings of $0.506 million gross and net) comprised of:
a. reduction in the library collections budget by $0.216 million gross and net;and
b. standardization of service hours in Neighbourhood Branches for savings of $0.290 million gross and net; and
2. Replace with the Toronto Public Library Board's recommended reductions (total savings of $0.200 million gross and $0.506 million net) comprised of:
a. an additional withdrawal from the Development Charge Reserve of $0 gross, $0.306 million net; and
b. a further reduction in the security guard budget of $0.200 million gross and net.
That the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget to provide funding for several Poverty Reduction Initiatives be amended as follows:
1. Reduce the Non Program Budget by $2.200 million gross and net.
2. Increase the 2015 Recommended Operating Budgets for the following City Programs and Agencies
a. Parks, Forestry and Recreation by $0.533 million gross and net and 9.2 new permanent positions comprised of:
i. $0.130 million gross and net and 2 new permanent positions in 2015 with incremental funding of $0.016 million in 2016 for Youth Worker Expansion; and,
ii. $0.403 million gross and net and 7.2 positions in 2015 with incremental funding of $0.134 million in 2016 for Youth Lounges at 3 new sites;
b. Shelter, Support & Housing Administration by $0.075 million gross and net for Enhanced Tenant Supports;
c. Social Development, Finance and Administration by $0.554 million gross and net comprised of:
i. $0.204 million gross and net in one-time funding for the Neighbourhood Improvement Area Resident Engagement;
ii. $0.200 million gross and net for the Youth Arts Employment & Training program; and,
iii. $0.150 million gross and net in one-time funding for the Seniors Community Transportation Pilot program.
d. Toronto Employment and Social Services by $0.226 million gross and net comprised of:
i. $0.026 million gross and net towards an inflationary increase for Hardship Fund; and,
ii. $0.200 million gross and net for the Employment Program for Single Parents
e. Toronto Public Health by $0.437 million gross and net comprised of:
i. $0.356 million gross and net to extend municipal funding for up to 27 new student nutrition programs to open in publically funded schools in higher need communities; and
ii. $0.081 million gross and net for the Mobile Good Food Market with incremental funding of $0.007 million in 2016
f. Toronto Public Library by $0.375 million gross and net comprised of:
i. $0.175 million gross and net for Library Access-Fine Forgiveness Pilot project; and,
ii. $0.200 million gross and net for Youth Hubs expansion in 4 new sites with incremental funding of $0.200 million in 2016
That City Council direct that Confidential Operating Budget Briefing Note #20 remain confidential as it pertains to the security of the property of the municipality or local board.
1. the new request of $0.192 million gross and $0.048 million net to begin the Day Nursery Immunization Program from the Medical Officer of Health in Item BU6.4aa be approved and that the City's cost-share be absorbed within the Toronto Public Health's 2015 staff recommended Operating Budget.
2. Financial Planning staff work with the Medical Officer of Health to ensure any annualized cost for this new program is included in the 2016 Budget.
That recommendation 2a) ii a. and b. in BU6.4x be amended to reflect the adjustments recommended by the Toronto Transit Commission in Operating Budget Briefing Note #46 and the Chair, Toronto Police Services Board in Item BU6.4ad so that it reads:
a. Toronto Transit Commission by 5 million gross and 5 million net.
b. Toronto Police Services by 4.1 million gross and 5 million net.
That the Budget Committee receive the following 2015 Capital Briefing Notes:
#9, #10, and #12.
That the Budget Committee receive the following 2015 Operating Briefing Notes:
#41, #42, #43, #45, #24(a), #40, #44 and #46.
That the recommendations in the 2015 Staff Recommended Capital Budget (Analysts' Notes) for Tax Support Programs and Agencies, as amended, be adopted.
That the recommendations in the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget (Analysts' Notes) for Tax Support Programs and Agencies, as amended, be adopted.
That the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Offier submit to Executive Committee at its meeting of March 2, 2015 a corporate reports outlining the 2015 Operating and Capital Budgets, as recommended by the Budget Committee.
That Item BU6.4 be reconsidered only as it relates to Motion 3c by Councillor Michelle Berardinetti and the adoption of the recommendations in the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget (Analysts' Notes) for Tax Support Programs and Agencies, as amended (Motion 8 by Councillor Gary Crawford).
That the new requests from Office of the Ombudsman of $0.440 million for 6 positions and one-time office setup costs to address the increased caseloads of investigations of complaints and the new requests from the Office of the Integrity Commissioner of $0.299 million for 2 positions, external legal and investigative support and one-time office setup costs to respond to increased volumes of work not be approved and that the total savings in the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget of $0.739 million be reallocated to the following:
1. Legal Services - $0.160 million to re-instate funding for the recommended deletion of a Solicitor position that supports and attends Ontario Municipal Board hearings and liquor license hearings included the 2015 Recommended Operating Budget; and
2. Toronto Public Health - $0.579 million to the Student Nutrition Program.
Vote (Amend Item) Feb-20-2015
Result: Carried | Majority Required - BU6.4 - Berardinetti - motion 11 |
Total members that voted Yes: 4 | Members that voted Yes are Michelle Berardinetti, John Campbell, Gary Crawford (Chair), Justin J. Di Ciano |
Total members that voted No: 2 | Members that voted No are Shelley Carroll, Mike Layton |
Total members that were Absent: 1 | Members that were absent are James Pasternak |
That the recommendations in the 2015 Staff Recommended Operating Budget (Analysts' Notes) for Tax Support Programs and Agencies, as amended, be adopted.
Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) Feb-20-2015
Result: Carried | Majority Required - BU6.4 - Crawford - motion 12 |
Total members that voted Yes: 4 | Members that voted Yes are Michelle Berardinetti, John Campbell, Gary Crawford (Chair), Justin J. Di Ciano |
Total members that voted No: 2 | Members that voted No are Shelley Carroll, Mike Layton |
Total members that were Absent: 1 | Members that were absent are James Pasternak |
4a - Auditor General's Office 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan
This report requests a Budget Committee recommendation for City Council to approve the Auditor General's Office 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan. The Auditor General has never submitted a capital request and it is anticipated that this will be the only capital request submitted during the Auditor General's seven-year term.
The Auditor General's request is for $695,000 over the 10 year period for the state of good repair of the complaint management system and for the implementation of new audit management software.
1. The plan includes a request for $565,000 to be funded over a two year period for the development of a replacement fraud and waste complaint management system for the Auditor General's Forensic Unit.
2. A new audit management software that will improve staff efficiency in completing audits and result in the ability for staff to conduct and complete more audits at a cost of $130,000.
The Forensic Unit is integral to the Auditor General's Office and the fraud and waste complaint management database is a key component to enabling the Unit to conduct its work. The current database is nearing the end of its useful life and has limited functionality. The Auditor General will leverage the database system used by the Toronto Ombudsman's Office and customize it to meet unique needs of the Office.
Customizing the existing Ombudsman's complaint management system is required to meet specific workflow and reporting requirements of the Auditor General's Office. The replacement system will provide a secure environment to track process and analyze fraud and waste allegations over the next 10 years.
In off-election years, the Auditor General's budget is usually submitted to the Audit Committee in November, prior to submission to the Budget Committee. The 2014 municipal election resulted in a compressed budget process time frame and as the first 2015 Audit Committee is scheduled for February 27, 2015 submission to the Audit Committee prior to the Budget Committee was not possible.
As a result, an approved budget will be submitted at the February Audit Committee for information along with the Audit Work Plan.
The Budget Committee Chair and the former Chair of the Audit Committee have been apprised of this change.
Background Information
Appendix 1 - 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan Budget Request Overview - Accountability Officers
4b - Auditor General's Office - 2015 Operating Budget
This report provides information relating to the 2015 budget for the Auditor General's Office and a recommended budget for approval by the Budget Committee.
The Auditor General's 2015 budget request is $4,716,600. This equates to a $31.5 thousand (0.67 per cent) increase over the 2014 Council approved budget.
In normal circumstances the budget of the Auditor General's Office would be tabled with the Audit Committee sometime in November, prior to submission to the Budget Committee. Due to the election and the compressed budget process time frame, this was not possible. The current process is consistent with the approach taken following the 2010 election.
Discussions were held with the City Clerk's Office and it was determined that a direct submission of the 2015 budget to Budget Committee would be appropriate.
The current Budget Chief and the former Chair of the Audit Committee have been updated on the approach being taken this year, and that is consistent in past practice.
Background Information
Appendix 4 - 2015 Operating Budget Request Overview - Accountablity Officers
4c - Office of Lobbyist Registrar - 2015 -2024 Capital Budget and Plan
This report seeks Budget Committee’s recommendation for City Council to approve the Office of Lobbyist Registrar’s 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan. This 10-Year Capital Budget and Plan enables the Office of the Lobbyist Registrar (OLR) to continue to provide and maintain an accessible, publicly available online lobbyist registry as required by the City of Toronto Act, 2006, s. 165. The Capital Budget and Plan totals $0.660 million over the period from 2015 to 2024 for a capital project for State of Good Repair and development of critical features of the Lobbyist Registry system.
Background Information
Attachment 1 - 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan Budget Request Overview - Accountability Officers
4d - Office of the Lobbyist Registrar - 2015 Operating Budget Request
This report seeks Budget Committee’s recommendation for City Council to approve the Office of the Lobbyist Registrar’s 2015 Operating Budget Request of $1,123.9 thousand net. The 2015 Operating Budget Request represents a 3.4 percent increase over the 2014 Approved Operating Budget. There is no change in approved staff positions as a result of the 2015 Operating Budget Request.
Background Information
Attachment 1 - 2015 Operating Budget Request Overview - Accountablity Officers
4e - Office of the Integrity Commissioner - 2015 Operating Budget
Background Information
Appendix 1 - Statistics
Attachment 1 - 2015 Operating Budget Request Overview - Accountablity Officers
4f - Office of the Ombudsman - 2015-2024 Capital Plan
This report requests that Budget Committee recommends that City Council approve the Office of the Ombudsman's 2015 - 2024 Capital Budget and Plan. The plan includes a requirement of $1.230 million over the 10-year period for state of good repair maintenance of the case management system.
Background Information
Attachment 1 - 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan Budget Request Overview - Accountability Officers
4g - Office of the Ombudsman - 2015 Operating Budget
This report details information about the 2015 operating budget for the Office of the Ombudsman, including a recommended full-year 2015 operating budget of $2,110.5 thousand gross and net for approval by City Council.
Background Information
Appendix I - 2015 Operating Budget Request Overview - Accountablity Officers
4h - Toronto Police Service - 2015 - 2024 Capital Program Request
The purpose of this report is to provide the Budget Committee with the 2015-2024 capital program request for the Toronto Police Service (the "Service").
Background Information
4i - Toronto Police Service - 2015 Operating Budget Request
The purpose of this report is to provide the Budget Committee with the 2015 operating budget request for the Toronto Police Service (the "Service").
Background Information
4j - Toronto Police Services Board - Proposed 2015 Net Operating Budget Request
The purpose of this report is to provide the Budget Committee with the proposed 2015 net operating budget for the Toronto Police Services Board ('the Board').
Background Information
4k - Toronto Police Service - Parking Enforcement Unit - 2015 Operating Budget Request
The purpose of this report is to provide the Budget Committee with the 2015 operating budget request for the Toronto Police Service - Parking Enforcement Unit.
Background Information
4l - Vehicle Capital Reserve Contributions Shortfalls
This report provides a status update on the recommendations outlined in the staff report titled Vehicle Capital Reserve Contribution Shortfalls, dated November 21, 2013. The report projected the City's Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Reserve will be in a deficit position of $5.004 million by 2017 and highlighted the potential growth to the City's vehicle replacement backlog and increase in age of the vehicles due to the lack of adequate funding.
Following the November 2013 Report, Fleet Services and Financial Planning have developed and began to implement a strategy consisting of three point action plan in order to attain a multi-year plan that will eliminate the backlog of vehicle replacements and fund each division's optimal vehicle replacements requirements.
The strategy has already yielded positive results. Overall, the deficit balance of the Reserves has improved from the forecasted deficit position of $5.004 million at the end of 2017, to the current forecasted deficit position of $0.698 million at the end of 2019. As the strategy continues to be implemented, it will address the forecasted deficit prior to 2019 by optimizing replacement requirements with lifecycles, change in business practices, and balancing contributions with optimal replacements.
Replacing vehicles and equipment based on optimum life is one of the key pillars of a good fleet optimization model. As an asset begins to reach high operating hours and/or kilometres, unscheduled downtime and associated maintenance costs can begin to escalate. Timing of the replacement of vehicles and equipment is impacted by vehicle type, and the nature and intensity of its use. Effective lifecycle analysis and timely replacement are important for controlling vehicle costs, availability, reliability and safety.
Background Information
Appendix 1 - 10 Year Vehicle Replacement Reserve Forecast (2014-2024)
4m - Student Nutrition Program - Five-Year Plan Status Update and 2015 Operating Budget Request
The Toronto Board of Health on November 17, 2014, considered a report (August 1, 2014) from the Medical Officer of on Student Nutrition Program: Five-Year Plan Status Update and 2015 Operating Budget Request.
Background Information
(August 1, 2014) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Student Nutrition Program: Five-Year Plan Status Update and 2015 Operating Budget Request
(August 1, 2014) Appendix 1 - Summary of Proposed Municipal Investment to Strengthen and Expand Student Nutrition Programs in Toronto
(August 1, 2014) Appendix 2 - Toronto Nutrition Programs - Summary of Municipal and Provincial Funding 1998-2014
4n - Toronto Public Health 2015 Operating Budget Request
This report outlines the Toronto Public Health (TPH) 2015 Operating Budget Request for consideration by the Board of Health. The TPH 2015 Operating Budget Request totals $250,816.4 thousand gross / $55,626.1 thousand net. This request is $3,255.6 thousand gross and $643.9 thousand net above the 2014 Operating Budget. The net increase of $643.9 thousand over the 2014 Operating Budget is comprised primarily of: base budget increases for the negotiated collective agreement, and non-payroll economic factors increases of $840.1 thousand net; reduction options of $313.2 thousand net; and, new and enhanced services of $117.0 thousand net.
Background Information
(November 7, 2014) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Toronto Public Health 2015 Operating Budget Request
(November 7, 2014) Attachment 1 - Toronto Public Health Operating Budget Request 2015
4o - Toronto Public Health 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan Request
This report provides an overview of the Toronto Public Health (TPH) 2015 Capital Budget and 2016-2024 Capital Plan and Forecast.
Toronto Public Health is submitting a 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan request of $29.895 million, including a 2015 Capital Budget of $3.579 million and future year commitments of $2.760 million and a 2016-2024 Capital Plan and Forecast of $23.556 million. The Debt Affordability Target provided by the City for TPH is $3.396 million in 2015, $3.392 million in 2016, $3.388 million in 2017, $3.363 million in 2018, $3.373 million in 2019 and, $12.800 million for 2020 to 2024 for a total of $29.712 million. TPH will receive 100 percent Provincial funding for one IT project (Infectious Disease Control Information System) for $0.183 million in 2015.
The 10-Year Capital Budget and Plan request will provide funding for seventeen Information and Technology (IT) projects that support improvement of service delivery with the development and enhancement of systems while complying with Provincial mandatory reporting requirements. There is no additional operating impact associated with these seventeen IT projects.
Background Information
(October 31, 2014) Report from the Medical Officer of Health on Toronto Public Health 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan Request
(October 31, 2014) Appendix 1 - Toronto Public Health 2015-2024 Capital Budget and Plan Request
4p - Toronto Public Library - Revised 2015 Operating Budget Request
At its meeting on January 19, 2015, the Library Board considered the 2015 operating budget being recommended by City staff representing a 2.3% increase, which includes a $0.216 million cut to the collections budget and a proposal to standardize service hours at neighbourhood branches, with 24 branches losing hours and 31 branches gaining hours for a net increase of 28 weekly hours, for a saving of $0.290 million.
At the meeting, the Library Board adopted the following recommendation:
1. reconfirms its rejection of the City staff-recommended cut to the collections budget of $0.216 million and changes to open hours at neighbourhood branches resulting in a savings of $0.290 million, and approves the following:
a. revises the further reduction to the security guard budget from $0.513 million to $0.200 million for a revised annual budget of $1.313 million; and
b. revises the increase in the draw from development charges reserve from $0.507 million to $0.306 million, for a revised annual draw of$3.476 million, to fund collections;
resulting in a revised 2015 operating budget request of$171.555 million net ($188.196 million gross), which maintains open hours and collections, and meets the City staff-recommended net budget increase of 2.3%.
As noted in the recommendation, the Board's revised budget represents a 2.3% increase, which is the same budget increase being recommended by City staff. Details of the Board revised 2015 budget are shown in the following table:
[See table in the letter (January 22, 2015)
from the City Librarian and Chair, Toronto Public Library Board]
Background Information
4q - Children's Services Amendment to 2015 Operating Budget to Reflect Increase in Provincial Contributions
This report seeks approval to amend the 2015 Recommended Operating Budget for Children's Services to reflect $28.411 million in additional provincial Funding. This additional funding is comprised of an additional $5.831 million for the annual provincial base funding increase, and additional funding of $22.580 million to deliver the new provincial Wage Enhancement program.
On January 13, 2015, the City received notification of its 2015 base funding allocation from the Ministry of Education, which will increase the base subsidy from $296.018 million to $304.809 million, an increase of $8.791 million, or 3%.
On January 20, 2015, the Province formally announced a new Provincial Wage Enhancement program to support the licensed child care sector. This program is a component of the Province's Poverty Reduction Strategy. As service system manager, the City will promote, implement and administer this program. Children's Services has also been allocated $2.052 million gross, $0 net, to administer the Wage Enhancement program, fully funded from provincial funding. This amount reflects 10 % of the City's 2015 allocation for Wage Enhancement, which is estimated to be up to $20.528 million.
The 2015 Recommended Operating Budget for Children's Services, developed prior to the provincial announcements, is $424.494 million gross, and includes a projected 1% increase in provincial funding of $2.960 million and a $13.220 million withdrawal from the Child Care Expansion Reserve Fund to maintain 2014 service levels.
This report recommends amendments to the 2015 Recommended Operating Budget for Children's Services that support the Council-approved Child Care Service Plan and maximizes provincial funding available to support children and families in Toronto. Recommended amendments will increase the Gross Budget to $452.405 million gross; reduce the draw for the Child Care Expansion Reserve Fund to $12.720 million.
Background Information
4r - Loss of Toronto Pooling Compensation for Social Housing - Budget Strategy
In 2008 the Province initiated a Toronto Pooling Compensation program to compensate the City for the termination of GTA Equalization ("pooling") payments and Ontario Municipal Partnership Fund (OMPF) grants formerly provided to mitigate the disproportionate cost of downloaded housing and social service costs borne by the City.
In June 2013 the Province unexpectedly announced the phase-out of Toronto Pooling Compensation over three years, from 2014 to 2016, creating a $129 million annual revenue shortfall by 2016. In 2014 the City funded the first $43 million shortfall with one time sources. In 2015 the shortfall is $86 million.
On January 19, 2015 the province indicated that it would facilitate a short term lending program to assist the City with the phasing-out of the grant. This report describes the results of discussions with the province, and how staff propose to address the situation.
Background Information
4s - 2015 Participatory Budgeting (PB) Pilot
Participatory Budgeting (PB) is a specific type of engagement process where city residents propose and vote on community investment projects, funded through a pre-determined portion of the municipal budget. PB is used across a range of jurisdictions around the world and continues to grow. The benefits of PB include greater transparency in government, increased civic engagement of residents, strengthened and empowered communities and local budget decisions.
This report recommends a Participatory Budgeting (PB) Pilot for Toronto in 2015 in three (3) areas of the City to allocate up to $150,000 of capital funding each for community improvement projects identified through a PB process. The three (3) pilot areas are: Ward 33 and two Neighbourhood Improvement Areas - Oakridge in the East District (in Ward 35) and Rustic in the West District (in Ward 12).
The PB pilot will follow the key elements for PB and use a range of outreach and engagement methods tailored to each pilot area. Standard education, communication and information materials will be developed and used across all pilot areas. Partners and local networks will also be leveraged for community outreach and engagement. Councillors from the PB pilot areas will play a key role with staff in the process including convening community meetings, supporting outreach and engagement and facilitating proposal development. The community-identified improvement projects will be reported out to City Council to confirm final funding sources for inclusion in the City's 2015 Capital Budget.
The timing for the PB pilot is:
- March 2015 – Council approval of PB Pilot,
- April/May 2015 – A series of community meetings to educate residents about PB, identify project ideas and identify community delegates; and
- May 2015 to September 2015 – Proposal development and community vote to select projects.
The PB pilot will be evaluated and the City Manager will report further to City Council on its results and recommendations for a Participatory Budgeting process for inclusion in the 2016 and future years' budget process.
Background Information
4t - 2015 Toronto Transit Commission and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets
At its meeting on Monday, February 2, 2015 the Toronto Transit Commission Board considered the attached report entitled “2015 TTC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets”.
The Board adopted the recommendation in the report, as follows:
“It is recommended that the Board:
1. Approve the 2015 TTC Operating Budget as detailed in this report and as summarized in Appendix A;
2. Approve the 2015 Wheel-Trans Operating Budget as detailed later in this report and as summarized in Appendix B;
3. Approve, effective March 1, 2015:
- a 10 cent increase in the price of a single adult token and a proportionate increase in all other fares (except for cash and children’s fares);
- a one-trip increase in the price of the Adult Metropass; and
- children aged 12 and under will ride for free
as detailed in this report and set out in Appendix C
4. Forward this report to the City of Toronto for submission into the City Budget process and for confirmation of the 2015 operating subsidy levels;
5. Forward this report to the Metrolinx Board; and
6. Forward this report to the Ontario Minister of Transportation”.
The Board also adopted the following ancillary motions:
i. That Staff report back by May 2015 on a more rigorous TTC budget process involving the TTC Board.
ii. That social service agencies that purchased bulk TTC tokens are offered tokens at the same cost in 2015 as in 2014; the maximum number of discounted tokens to be equal to the amount purchased in 2014.
iii. That the TTC with the City petition the Province to restore operating subsidies to the TTC to historic levels as part of its 2015 budget; and that the TTC work with the City to develop an advocacy plan in 2015 to that end.
iv. That the TTC reaffirm its commitment to discounted fares for low income residents and that TTC work with the City and outside stakeholders prior to the 2016 TTC budget with a plan within the context of a poverty reduction strategy.
v. That staff:
a. develop a draft campaign to achieve a Provincial Operating Subsidy on a per rider basis; and
b. consult with the City Manager's office before bringing the requested draft campaign to the TTC Board.
The foregoing is forwarded for submission into the City Budget process and for confirmation of the 2015 operating subsidy levels.
Background Information
(February 3, 2015) Attachment Report No. 3a on Toronto Transit Commission on 2015 Toronto TransitC and Wheel-Trans Operating Budgets
4u - 2015 - 2024 Toronto Transit Commission Capital Budget
At its meeting on Monday, February 2, 2015 the Toronto Transit Commission Board considered the attached report entitled “2015 – 2024 TTC Capital Budget”.
The Board adopted the recommendation in the report, as follows:
“It is recommended that the Board:
1. Approve the 2015-2024 TTC Capital Budget (including the Toronto-York Spadina Subway Extension and Scarborough Subway Extension) as summarized in Appendix A and detailed in this report and contained in Appendix B (the Blue Pages); noting that there are $2.4 billion of Unfunded Projects as shown on Appendix D;
2. Forward this report to the City of Toronto for submission to the City’s budget process;
3. Forward this report to the Metrolinx Board; and
4. Forward this report to the Ontario Minister of Transportation and to the Federal Minister of Transportation”.
The foregoing is forwarded for submission into the City Budget process.
Background Information
(February 3, 2015) Attachment Report 3b on Toronto Transit Commission on 2015 - 2024 Toronto Transit Commission Capital Budget
4v - Report from the Budget Subcommittee for City Hall and Scarborough Civic Centre Consultation
The Budget Subcommittee for City Hall and Scarborough Civic Centre Consultation received for information, the public presentations and the communications submitted by members of the public, at its meetings of:
February 2, 2015 (City Hall)
Meeting 1 - 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.; and
Meeting 2 - 6:00 p.m.
February 3, 2015 (Scarborough Civic Centre)
Meeting 3 - 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; and
Meeting 4 - 6:00 p.m.
Background Information
(February 9, 2015) Letter from Budget Subcommittee for City Hall and Scarborough Civic Centre Consultation on Meeting 2 (City Hall)
(February 9, 2015) Letter from Budget Subcommittee for City Hall and Scarborough Civic Centre Consultation on Meeting 3 (Scarborough Civic Centre)
(February 9, 2015) Letter from Budget Subcommittee for City Hall and Scarborough Civic Centre Consultation on Meeting 4 (Scarborough Civic Centre)
4w - Report from the Budget Subcommittee for Etobicoke Civic Centre and North York Civic Centre Consultation
The Budget Subcommittee for Etobicoke Civic Centre and North York Civic Centre Consultation received for information, the public presentations and the communications submitted by members of the public, at its meetings of:
February 2, 2015 (Etobicoke Civic Centre)
Meeting 1 - 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; and
Meeting 2 - 6:00 p.m.
February 3, 2015 (North York Civic Centre)
Meeting 3 - 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.; and
Meeting 4 - 6:00 p.m. onwards.
Background Information
(February 9, 2015) Letter from Budget Subcommittee for Etobicoke and North York Civic Centres Consultation on Meeting 2 (Etobicoke Civic Centre)
(February 9, 2015) Letter from Budget Subcommittee for Etobicoke and North York Civic Centres Consultation on Meeting 3 (North York Civic Centre)
(February 9, 2015) Letter from Budget Subcommittee for Etobicoke and North York Civic Centres Consultation on Meeting 4 (North York Civic Centre)
4x - Toronto Pooling Compensation for Social Housing - Budget Strategy Follow up
The purpose of this report is to respond to Budget Committee direction to recommend a short term financing strategy to replace the loss of Toronto Pooling Compensation (TPC) grants for Social Housing from the Province. At the same time, staff have recommended budget adjustments to begin to address the funding shortfall on a permanent basis in 2015.
The recommended strategy is based on spreading the budget impact of the TPC grants elimination over four years to allow time to identify budget adjustments to mitigate the revenue loss and a related increase in capital financing costs. The interim operating shortfall would be managed by temporarily reducing capital contributions in the operating budget by an aggregate of $130 million over three years, and commensurately increasing (short term) debt financed capital.
The recommended financing approach is to use internal borrowing rather than bank loans or public debenture issues, for reasons of administrative simplicity, cost and flexibility. The City's long term fiscal strategy would be maintained as the borrowing would be paid off within 6 years, Capital From Current funding fully restored, including scheduled increases, and, according to current forecasts, the debt service ratio maintained below the 15% of property tax revenues threshold. Nevertheless, staff propose to undertake a thorough review of the 2016-2025 capital plan to identify projects that might be deferred and report back to the Budget Committee early in the 2016 Budget process.
Background Information
4y - Sign By-Law Enforcement Resources
This report recommends reinstating two Sign Examiner-Inspector positions that were eliminated as part of the 2012 Operating Budget process. The positions would be dedicated to the proactive enforcement of Chapter 694 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code (the "Sign By-Law").
At the inception of the Sign By-Law Unit in 2010, a total of four positions were dedicated to proactive enforcement. In the 2011 Operating Budget process, one position was eliminated. As part of the Core Service Review and 2012 Operating Budget process, two additional positions were eliminated. The remaining position was reassigned to the collection and administration of the Third Party Sign Tax ("TPST").
The Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building is seeking to reinstate two positions in order to implement the enforcement strategy described in PG1.2 Enforcement Strategy for Chapter 694 of the Municipal Code presented at the Planning and Growth Management Committee meeting of January 8, 2015, for proactive inspections of all illegal signs in specific areas of the City.
The positions will be funded through the new enforcement strategy, subject to City Council approval, which will include the issuance of Certificates of Offence under the Provincial Offences Act ("Part 1 Tickets"). Revenue from tickets issued, subject to the volume of enforcement action taken and payment of fines, will offset the cost of the two positions recommended in this report, resulting in a net zero impact on the City's 2015 Recommended Operating Budget.
Background Information
4z - Ministry of Children and Youth Services Funding for the Development of a Youth Asset Mapping Tool
This report seeks approval to amend the 2015 Recommended Operating Budget for Social Development, Finance and Administration (SDFA) to receive a one-time Provincial grant for the development of a Youth Asset Mapping Tool.
The 2015 Recommended Operating Budget for SDFA prior to the announcement of the additional Provincial grant is $46.707 million gross and $30.416 million net. The incremental impact will increase the 2015 Recommended Operating Budget for SDFA by $0.130 million gross, $0 net, and increase the Recommended Staff Complement by 1 temporary position.
The development of a Youth Asset Mapping Tool will support improved planning and delivery of youth-serving programs and services, supporting the implementation of the Toronto Youth Equity Strategy.
Background Information
4aa - Day Nursery Immunization Program
The current outbreak of measles in Toronto is a reminder that the control of vaccine preventable diseases requires high levels of immunization in the population. The Ontario Public Health Standards require local boards of health to implement a number of vaccine preventable disease control programs, including measures, to ensure high levels of immunization in children attending day nurseries. There are approximately 950 day nurseries serving 40,000 non-school aged children in the City of Toronto.
Toronto Public Health does not currently have some of the key requirements of a comprehensive day nursery immunization program, including the ability to receive and assess immunization records for children in day care, and contact parents whose children have incomplete immunization records to ensure they are up-to-date. This program would also facilitate rapid assessment of immunization status when necessary for the control of outbreaks in day nurseries.
This report requests additional funding in the Toronto Public Health 2015 Operating budget to begin implementation of a day nursery immunization program in 2015 by hiring two permanent nurses to visit all 950 centres and provide day nursery operators with education, promotional materials, recommendations and tools to assist them in meeting their responsibilities with regards to immunizations and increasing their knowledge about their role for immunization under the Day Nurseries Act. The program would create additional promotional materials that day nursery operators can distribute to parents to increase compliance. This would allow TPH to meet four of the six requirements in the Ontario Public Health Standards, and would support planning to determine the most efficient way to transfer immunization records from Toronto day nurseries into the provincial electronic immunization database, Panorama.
Background Information
4ab - Student Nutrition Program - Adding Funding for 2015
At its meeting of February 13, 2015, the Budget Committee requested the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer to report to the Budget Committee final wrap-up meeting on February 20, 2015 on strategies to fund the shortfall for the third installment of the Student Nutrition Program. This report responds to the Committee's request.
The 2015 Recommended Operating Budget for Toronto Public Health includes additional funding for the inflationary increases in cost of food (COLA) of $381,879 gross and net. An additional $356,000 gross and net to extend municipal funding for up to 27 new student nutrition programs to open in publically funded schools in higher need communities in 2015 is being recommended as part of the Poverty Reduction Strategic Actions included in the communication entitled "Poverty Reduction Initiatives" from Deputy Mayor Pam McConnell which will be before Budget Committee for consideration on February 20th, 2015. This brings the total funding for the Student Nutrition Program in 2015 to $7,809,718 representing around 14% municipal investment as a percentage of overall Program costs.
Given the City's financial constraints, exacerbated by the loss in Provincial funding of $86 million for Social Housing, the additional funding of $963,658 to increase the City's investment rate to 16% for the existing Student Nutrition programs in 2015, as well as $199,542 for the expansion component to be at 16%, as requested by the Board of Health at its meeting of November 17, 2014 is not recommended. Any further enhancements to the Student Nutrition Program will be considered as part of future year budget processes.
Background Information
4ac - Scarborough Subway Extension Project - Metrolinx Sunk Costs
As a condition of its financial support for the Scarborough Subway Extension (SSE), the Province requires that it be reimbursed by the City for sunk costs relating to work undertaken on the Scarborough Light Rail Transit (LRT) (the "sunk costs"). As directed by Council, this report provides a summary of the amount of sunk costs that have been agreed upon by Metrolinx and the City. This amount will be incorporated into a subsequent SSE funding agreement, presently being negotiated between the City and the Province. It should be noted that the sunk costs dealt with in this report do not include any potential costs associated with the cancellation of the LRT vehicle supply contract. These costs, if any, are the subject of separate negotiations which have not been concluded.
Background Information
4ad - Toronto Police Service - 2015 Operating Budget - Revised Request
The purpose of this report is to provide the Budget Committee with the Toronto Police Service's revised 2015 operating budget request.
Background Information