Item - 2014.SC31.17

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Scarborough Community Council on April 8, 2014. The Scarborough Community Council has referred this item to an official or other body without making a decision. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the referral.

SC31.17 - Parking and Traffic Regulations on Bonspiel Drive, Tams Road and Schmirler Terrace

Decision Type:
43 - Scarborough East

Community Council Decision

Scarborough Community Council:


1.         Requested the Director, Transportation Services, Scarborough District to report to Scarborough Community Council on June 17, 2014, on the canvassed parking and traffic issues referred to in Councillor Ainslie's letter.


(March 21, 2014) Letter from Councillor Ainslie, Ward 43 - Scarborough East


Request to approve the installation of traffic signs to limit parking on Bonspiel Drive, Tams Road and Schmirler Terrace in Ward 43.

Background Information

(March 21, 2014) Letter from Councillor Ainslie - Parking and Traffic Regulations on Bonspiel Drive, Tams Road and Schmirler Terrace


Motion to Refer Item moved by Councillor Glenn De Baeremaeker (Carried)

That the Director, Transportation Services, Scarborough District be requested to report to Scarborough Community Council on June 17, 2014, on the canvassed parking and traffic issues referred to in Councillor Ainslie's letter.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at