Item - 2014.EX39.1
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on April 1,2 and 3, 2014 without amendments and without debate.
- This item was considered by the Executive Committee on March 19, 2014 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on April 1,2 and 3, 2014.
EX39.1 - Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. - Shareholder Matters and Operating Agreement
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted on Consent
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on April 1, 2 and 3, 2014, adopted the following:
1. City Council approve, ratify and confirm By-law No. 1 of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. (TPASC Inc.), as approved by the Board of Directors of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. at its meeting on February 10, 2014, and forming Appendix A to the report (March 3, 2014) from the City Manager, and authorize the City Manager to execute a Shareholder resolution to this effect.
2. City Council delegate to the City Manager authority to negotiate, approve, execute, and amend as and when necessary, an Operating Agreement and any ancillary agreements and documents among the City of Toronto, Governing Council of the University of Toronto and Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. with respect to operational and occupancy matters, including but not limited to the matters set out in Appendix B to the report (March 3, 2014) from the City Manager, on such terms and conditions as may be satisfactory to the City Manager and City Solicitor.
3. City Council delegate to the City Manager authority to approve, on behalf of the City acting as Shareholder, the appointment of the auditor for Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. upon the recommendation of the Board of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. based on a competitive procurement process, and execute a Shareholder resolution to this effect.
4. City Council:
a. amend the composition of the Board of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. to replace 2 of the Directors appointed by the City (the Director, Management Services in Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture or his or her designate) with 2 citizen members, effective on January 2, 2016, such that the composition of the 5 Directors of the Board of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. appointed by the City shall be:
i. 2 citizen members;
ii. the Director, Community Recreation in Parks, Forestry and Recreation;
iii. the Director, Accounting Services in the Office of the Treasurer; and
iv. the Director, Facilities Operations in Facilities Management;
b. amend the City’s Policy on Board Governance Structures to revise the Board composition as set out in Part 4a above and to revise the eligibility criteria, qualifications and appointment process with respect to the appointment by the City of citizen members as Directors of the Board of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc., as set out in Appendix C to the report (March 3, 2014) from the City Manager; and
c. request the City Clerk to initiate in 2015 the process to recruit citizen members for Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. with recommendations on citizen member appointees to be reported to City Council in November 2015.
5. City Council authorize and direct the appropriate City officials to take the necessary actions to give effect to Council's decision.
Background Information (Committee)
(March 3, 2014) Appendix A - By-law No. 1 of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. (as approved by the Board on February 10, 2014)
(March 3, 2014) Appendix B - Major Terms of Operating Agreement Among the City, University and Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc.
(March 3, 2014) Appendix C - Policy on Board Governance Structures: Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. Board Of Directors
EX39.1 - Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. - Shareholder Matters and Operating Agreement
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Wards:
- All
Committee Recommendations
The Executive Committee recommends that:
1. City Council approve, ratify and confirm By-law No. 1 of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. (TPASC Inc.), as approved by the Board of Directors of TPASC Inc. at its meeting on February 10, 2014, and forming Appendix A to the report (March 3, 2014) from the City Manager, and authorize the City Manager to execute a Shareholder resolution to this effect.
2. City Council delegate to the City Manager authority to negotiate, approve, execute, and amend as and when necessary, an Operating Agreement and any ancillary agreements and documents among the City of Toronto, Governing Council of the University of Toronto and Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. with respect to operational and occupancy matters, including but not limited to the matters set out in Appendix B to the report (March 3, 2014) from the City Manager, on such terms and conditions as may be satisfactory to the City Manager and City Solicitor.
3. City Council delegate to the City Manager authority to approve, on behalf of the City acting as Shareholder, the appointment of the auditor for Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. (TPASC Inc.) upon the recommendation of the Board of TPASC Inc. based on a competitive procurement process, and execute a Shareholder resolution to this effect.
4. City Council:
a. amend the composition of the Board of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. (TPASC Inc.) to replace 2 of the Directors appointed by the City (the Director of Management Services in Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the General Manager of Economic Development and Culture or his/her designate) with 2 citizen members, effective on January 2, 2016, such that the composition of the 5 Directors of the Board of TPASC Inc. appointed by the City shall be:
i. 2 citizen members;
ii. the Director of Community Recreation in Parks, Forestry and Recreation;
iii. the Director of Accounting Services in the Office of the Treasurer;
iv. the Director of Facilities Operations in Facilities Management; and
b. amend the City’s Policy on Board Governance Structures to revise the Board composition as set out in Recommendation 4a and to revise the eligibility criteria, qualifications and appointment process with respect to the appointment by the City of citizen members as Directors of the Board of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc., as set out in Appendix C to the report (March 3, 2014) from the City Manager; and
c. request the City Clerk to initiate in 2015 the process to recruit citizen members for Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. with recommendations on citizen member appointees to be reported to City Council in November 2015.
5. City Council authorize and direct the appropriate City officials to take the necessary actions to give effect thereto.
In October 2013, City Council approved the establishment of a corporation to operate the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre (the “Facility”), jointly owned by the City of Toronto and the Governing Council of the University of Toronto (the “University”). A Co-ownership Agreement and Unanimous Shareholders’ Agreement are in place and the Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. (“TPASC Inc.”) was incorporated on December 18, 2013. A number of implementation activities flow from the establishment of TPASC Inc., including matters that require approval by the Shareholders:
1. By-law No. 1: The Board of TPASC Inc. approved TPASC Inc. By-law No. 1, relating generally to the transaction of the business and affairs of the corporation. This report presents By-law No. 1 for approval by City Council, acting as Shareholder, pursuant to the Business Corporations Act (Ontario). The University has already provided its approval of By-law No. 1.
2. Operating Agreement: This report provides authority for the City Manager to negotiate, approve and execute an Operating Agreement among the City, University and TPASC Inc. to formalize operational matters with respect to the Facility’s occupants including the City.
3. Appointment of Auditor: This report provides authority for the City Manager to provide approval by the City, acting as Shareholder, of the appointment of the auditor for TPASC Inc. pursuant to the Business Corporations Act (Ontario).
4. Composition of the Board: As requested by City Council, this report proposes an amendment to the composition of the Board of TPASC Inc. with respect to the City’s appointees to the Board and a process and timeline for City Council to appoint 2 citizen members as Directors following the 2015 Games.
Background Information
(March 3, 2014) Appendix A - By-law No. 1 of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. (as approved by the Board on February 10, 2014)
(March 3, 2014) Appendix B - Major Terms of Operating Agreement Among the City, University and Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc.
(March 3, 2014) Appendix C - Policy on Board Governance Structures: Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. Board Of Directors