Item - 2013.TE24.62

Tracking Status

TE24.62 - Parking Regulations - Bayview Avenue, Lower River Street and Lawren Harris Square

Decision Type:
Schedule Type:
28 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale

Community Council Decision

The Toronto and East York Community Council:


1.         Prohibited stopping at all times on the east side of Bayview Avenue, between King Street East and Lawren Harris Square (north leg).


2.         Prohibited stopping at all times, on the west side of Bayview Avenue, between King Street East and a point 21 metres south of King Street East, and between a point 106 metres south of King Street East and Lawren Harris Square (north leg).


3.         Prohibited stopping at all times, on the west side of Lower River Street, between King Street East and Lawren Harris Square (west leg).


4.         Prohibited stopping at all times on the south side of Lawren Harris Square (north leg), between Lawren Harris Square (west leg) and Bayview Avenue.


5.         Prohibited stopping at all times, on the east side of Lower River Street, between King Street East and a point 66 metres south, and between a point 114 metres south of King Street East and Lawren Harris Square (west leg).


6.         Prohibited stopping at all times, on the north side of Lawren Harris Square (north leg), between Lawren Harris Square (west leg) and a point 21 metres east, and between a point 54 metres east of Lawren Harris Square (west leg) and Bayview Avenue.


7.         Allowed parking for a maximum period of 1 hour at all times, on the north side of Lawren Harris Square (north leg), between a point 21 metres east of Lawren Harris Square (west leg), and a point 33 metres further east.


8.         Enacted Stop control for southbound traffic on Bayview Avenue at Lawren Harris Square (north leg) and for eastbound traffic on Lawren Harris Square (north leg) at Bayview Avenue.


9.         Enacted Stop control for southbound traffic on Lower River Street and westbound traffic on Lawren Harris Square (north leg) at Lawren Harris Square (west leg).


10.       Enacted a 40 km/h maximum speed limit on Bayview Avenue, between King Street East and Lawren Harris Square (north leg).


11.       Amended the existing 40 km/h maximum speed limit in effect on River Street, between Queen Street East and Gerrard Street East, to be in effect between King Street East and Gerrard Street East.


12.       Enacted a 40 km/h maximum speed limit on Lower River Street, between King Street East and Lawren Harris Square (north leg)/Lawren Harris Square (west leg).


13.       Enacted a 40 km/h maximum speed limit on Lawren Harris Square (north leg), between Lawren Harris Square (west leg) and Bayview Avenue.


14.       Prohibited eastbound right turns at all times, bicycles excepted, from Lawren Harris Square (north leg) to Bayview Avenue.


15.       Designated the westerly southbound lane on Bayview Avenue, from Lawren Harris Square (north leg) to a point 100 metres north, for right-turns only.


16.       Rescinded the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times, on the east side of Bayview Avenue, between Queen Street East and a point 152.5 metres south.


17.       Rescinded the existing parking prohibition in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Mon. to Fri., except public holidays, on the east side of Bayview Avenue, between Eastern Avenue and a point 152.5 metres south of Queen Street East.


(April 17, 2013) Report from the Acting Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District


This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.


Transportation Services is requesting approval to introduce parking regulations and speed limits on the newly constructed sections of Bayview Avenue, Lower River Street and Lawren Harris Square.  The proposed regulations will allow for the safe and efficient movement of two-way traffic.

Background Information

(April 17, 2013) Revised Report from the Acting Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District - Parking Regulations - Bayview Avenue, Lower River Street and Lawren Harris Square
Drawing No. 421G-1078 - Parking Regulations - Bayview Avenue, Lower River Street and Lawren Harris Square


1 - Motion to Adopt Item moved by Councillor Pam McConnell (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at