Item - 2013.PG25.2
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on July 16, 17, 18 and 19, 2013 without amendments and without debate.
- This item was considered by Planning and Growth Management Committee on June 20, 2013 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on July 16, 17, 18 and 19, 2013.
PG25.2 - Eglinton Planning Study Status Report No. 2
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted on Consent
- Wards:
- 11 - York South-Weston, 12 - York South-Weston, 15 - Eglinton-Lawrence, 16 - Eglinton-Lawrence, 17 - Davenport, 21 - St. Paul's, 22 - St. Paul's, 25 - Don Valley West, 26 - Don Valley West, 34 - Don Valley East, 35 - Scarborough Southwest, 37 - Scarborough Centre
City Council Decision
City Council on July 16, 17, 18 and 19, 2013, adopted the following:
1. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to share with Metrolinx the work done by City staff on the environmental and streetscaping benefits of a "planted/green trackway" for the at-grade section of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT, which runs from Leslie Street to Kennedy Station and to work with Metrolinx to overcome any obstacles to inclusion of a "green trackway" in the plans for the LRT.
2. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in conjunction with local councillors, Business Improvement Areas and Metrolinx to explore co-ordinating Economic Development, Public Space and intensification opportunities for the Dufferin and Eglinton node.
3. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with appropriate officials, to explore mandatory minimums on all sites to ensure a healthy mix of commercial, retail and residential uses, including strategies and policies to ensure affordable housing is also achieved.
4. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report to the September 12, 2013 meeting of the Planning and Growth Management Committee on the desirability and feasibility of an Amendment to the Official Plan to require future higher order transit stations throughout the City of Toronto to be integrated into Mixed Use or Commercial developments as appropriate to the Land Use Designation of Transit Stations sites under the Official Plan.
Background Information (Committee)
(June 20, 2013) Presentation from City Planning Division on Eglinton Connects, City of Toronto Planning Study
Communications (Committee)
PG25.2 - Eglinton Planning Study Status Report No. 2
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- 11 - York South-Weston, 12 - York South-Weston, 15 - Eglinton-Lawrence, 16 - Eglinton-Lawrence, 17 - Davenport, 21 - St. Paul's, 22 - St. Paul's, 25 - Don Valley West, 26 - Don Valley West, 34 - Don Valley East, 35 - Scarborough Southwest, 37 - Scarborough Centre
Committee Recommendations
The Planning and Growth Management Committee recommends that:
1. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to share with Metrolinx the work done by City staff on the environmental and streetscaping benefits of a "planted/green trackway" for the at-grade section of the Eglinton Crosstown LRT, which runs from Leslie Street to Kennedy Station and to work with Metrolinx to overcome any obstacles to inclusion of a "green trackway" in the plans for the LRT.
2. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in conjunction with local councillors, BIAs and Metrolinx to explore co-ordinating Economic Development, Public Space and intensification opportunities for the Dufferin and Eglinton node.
3. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with appropriate officials, to explore mandatory minimums on all sites to ensure a healthy mix of commercial, retail and residential uses, including strategies and policies to ensure affordable housing is also achieved.
4. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report to the Planning and Growth Management Committee on September 12, 2013 on the desirability and feasibility of an Amendment to the Official Plan to require future higher order transit stations throughout the City of Toronto to be integrated into Mixed Use or Commercial developments as appropriate to the Land Use Designation of Transit Stations sites under the Official Plan.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Program Manager, Eglinton Planning Study and the Director, Urban Design, City Planning made a presentation to the Committee.
The purpose of this report is to update the members of Planning and Growth Management Committee (PGMC) and the public on the status of the Eglinton Planning Study (Eglinton Connects). The Study covers the 19 kilometres of Eglinton Avenue between Jane Street and Kennedy Road that will undergo significant transformation over the next decades, due in large part to the implementation of the Eglinton Crosstown Light Rail Transit project (LRT).
Eglinton Connects is a comprehensive study that incorporates the following:
- An Avenue study, including a vision for Eglinton Avenue that will guide decisions about private development and public investment. The Study identifies
- options for reallocating space between different modes of transportation,
- potential for intensified development in the form of mid-rise buildings,
- locations that could support higher density development,
- heritage resources and strategies for protection of these resources
- a public realm and streetscape plan.
- A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment (EA) that will make recommendations regarding the reconfiguration of the right-of-way along the portion of Eglinton Avenue where the Eglinton Crosstown LRT is underground (Black Creek Drive to Brentcliffe Road); and
- Site Plan review of the LRT stations and at-grade section as submitted by Metrolinx.
The background analysis has been largely completed and planning directions have been identified. To date, three of the four rounds of public consultation have been completed. The Final Report with recommendations for implementation will be presented to City Council in the first quarter of 2014.
Background Information
(June 20, 2013) Presentation from City Planning Division on Eglinton Connects, City of Toronto Planning Study
Councillor John Parker
Councillor Shelley Carroll
Councillor Josh Matlow
That City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to share with Metrolinx the work done by City staff on the environmental and streetscaping benefits of a "planted/green trackway" for the at-grade section of the Eglinton Crossown LRT, which runs from Leslie Street to Kennedy Station and to work with Metrolinx to overcome any obstacles to inclusion of a "green trackway" in the plans for the LRT.
That the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in conjunction with local councillors, BIAs and Metrolinx explore co-ordinating Economic Development, Public Space and intensification opportunities for the Dufferin and Eglinton node.
That City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report to the next meeting of the Planning and Growth Management Committee on the desirability and feasibility of an Amendment to the Official Plan to require future higher order transit stations throughout the City of Toronto to be integrated into Mixed Use or Commercial developments as appropriate to the Land Use Designation of Transit Stations sites under the Official Plan.