Item - 2013.PG22.1
Tracking Status
- City Council considered this item on April 3, 2013 and referred this item to an official or another committee or body. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the referral.
- This item was considered by Planning and Growth Management Committee on February 28, 2013 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on April 3, 2013.
- See also By-law 1018-2013
PG22.1 - Official Plan Review - Official Plan Amendment to Adopt New Section 37 Policies Related to Affordable Housing
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Referred
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on April 3 and 4, 2013, referred Item PG22.1 to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, for report to the June 11 and 12, 2013 meeting of City Council, in consultation with the Director, Affordable Housing Office, on:
1. the implications of removing the following matters from the proposed Official Plan Amendment:
i. allowing a maximum of 20 individual affordable rental units in a registered condominium; and
ii. securing rental tenure for at least 50 years;
2. the results of consultation with the individuals who submitted correspondence on this Item and other stakeholders in the development of the requested report; and
3. addressing the creation of a definition of affordable ownership housing.
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Committee)
(January 18, 2013) Notice of Public Meeting on Proposed Revisions to the Toronto Official Plan Regarding Section 37 Policies Related to Affordable Housing
Communications (Committee)
(February 20, 2013) E-mail from Condominium Owners at Waterpark City (PG.New.PG22.1.2)
(February 24, 2013) E-mail from James Russell, Co-Chair, York Quay Neighbourhood Association (YQNA) (PG.New.PG22.1.3)
(February 23, 2013) E-mail from Geoff Kettel and Peter Baker, Co-Chairs, Federation of North Toronto Residents' Association (PG.New.PG22.1.4)
(February 26, 2013) E-mail from Pina Romano, Roman Group Properties (PG.New.PG22.1.5)
(February 26, 2013) E-mail from Larry Colle, Greenhills Community Association (PG.New.PG22.1.6)
(February 26, 2013) E-mail from Vince Cuda, Cuda Investments Inc. (PG.New.PG22.3.7)
(February 27, 2013) E-mail from Mary Todorow, Research/Policy Analyst, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (PG.New.PG22.1.8)
(February 27, 2013) E-mail from Sharon Younger (PG.New.PG22.1.9)
(February 27, 2013) E-mail from Ceta Ramkhalawansing, Honorary Chair, Grange Community Association (PG.New.PG22.1.10)
(February 15, 2013) Fax from Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation 2097 (PG.New.PG22.1.11)
(February 28, 2013) Submission from Nancy Singer, Executive Director, Kehilla Residential Programme (PG.New.PG22.1.12)
(February 28, 2013) Submission from Mary Todorow, Research/Policy Analyst, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (PG.New.PG22.1.13)
(February 28, 2013) E-mail from Frank Varacalli (PG.New.PG22.1.14)
Communications (City Council)
(March 30, 2013) E-mail from Joseph R. (Joe) Lawson (CC.Supp.PG22.1.16)
(March 27, 2013) Letter from Cynthia Wilkey, Chair, West Don Lands Committee (CC.Supp.PG22.1.17)
(April 2, 2013) Letter from Brian F.C. Smith, President and CEO, WoodGreen Community Services (CC.New.PG22.1.18)
(April 2, 2013) Letter from Mary Todorow, Research/Policy Analyst, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (CC.New.PG22.1.19)
(March 30, 2013) E-mail from Frank Peters, President, ARECA (Avenue Road Eglinton Community Association) (CC.New.PG22.1.20)
Motions (City Council)
That City Council refer the item to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, for report to the June 11 and 12, 2013 meeting of City Council, in consultation with the Director, Affordable Housing Office, on:
1. the implications of removing the following matters from the proposed Official Plan Amendment:
i. allowing a maximum of 20 individual affordable rental units in a registered condominium;
ii. securing rental tenure for at least 50 years;
2. the results of consultation with the individuals who submitted correspondence on this Item and other stakeholders in the development of the requested report; and
3. addressing the creation of a definition of affordable ownership housing.
Vote (Refer Item) Apr-04-2013 6:21 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - PG22.1 - Milczyn - motion 1 - Refer the item |
Total members that voted Yes: 36 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Maria Augimeri, Ana Bailão, Michelle Berardinetti, Shelley Carroll, Raymond Cho, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Mike Del Grande, Frank Di Giorgio, Sarah Doucette, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mary Fragedakis, Norman Kelly, Mike Layton, Chin Lee, Gloria Lindsay Luby, Josh Matlow, Pam McConnell, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Joe Mihevc, Peter Milczyn, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Ron Moeser, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Karen Stintz, Adam Vaughan, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 4 | Members that voted No are Doug Ford, Rob Ford, Doug Holyday, David Shiner |
Total members that were Absent: 5 | Members that were absent are Vincent Crisanti, Mark Grimes, Giorgio Mammoliti, John Parker, Michael Thompson |
PG22.1 - Official Plan Review - Official Plan Amendment to Adopt New Section 37 Policies Related to Affordable Housing
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Committee Recommendations
The Planning and Growth Management Committee recommends that:
1. City Council amend Attachment 1 of the report (January 30, 2013) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to include a definition of "assisted home ownership" to provide for home ownership maximum price threshold ceilings consistent with federal/provincial home ownership assistance programs.
2. City Council amend Section 6.j of Attachment 1 of the report (January 30, 2013) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning by deleting "and rental tenure for at least 50 years".
3. City Council amend the Official Plan substantially in accordance with the proposed Official Plan Amendment appended as Attachment 1 of the report (January 30, 2013) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, as amended by Recommendations 1 and 2.
4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the proposed Official Plan Amendment as may be required.
5. City Council declare by resolution to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing that this Official Plan Amendment:
a. conforms with Provincial Plans or does not conflict with them;
b. has regard to the matters of Provincial Interest listed in Section 2 of the Planning Act; and
c. is consistent with policy statements issued under subsection 3(1) of the Planning Act.
6. City Council direct the Director, Affordable Housing Office to convene a Working Group of stakeholders, not-for-profit housing providers and development industry representatives to identify further guidelines for implementation.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Planning and Growth Management Committee held a statutory public meeting on February 28, 2013, and notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act.
This report recommends the adoption of an amendment to the Official Plan to add new Section 37 policies related to affordable housing. The proposed amendment will allow, as a Section 37 community benefit, condominium-registered units to be conveyed to a non-profit housing provider as affordable rental units, and will explicitly authorize affordable ownership housing as an eligible Section 37 community benefit.
The amendment is one of a number of proposed amendments to the Official Plan that staff will be bringing forward for Council's consideration which will provide a framework for new affordable housing to be created. Further changes on additional housing policy matters, including a revised definition of “affordable ownership housing”, are proposed to be brought forward later in 2013.
The proposed policies Council endorsed for consultation on October 2, 3, and 4, 2012 have been modified slightly with the one substantive change being the exclusion of rental replacement units in condominium-registered form as an eligible Section 37 community benefit.
Background Information
(January 18, 2013) Notice of Public Meeting on Proposed Revisions to the Toronto Official Plan Regarding Section 37 Policies Related to Affordable Housing
(February 20, 2013) E-mail from Condominium Owners at Waterpark City (PG.New.PG22.1.2)
(February 24, 2013) E-mail from James Russell, Co-Chair, York Quay Neighbourhood Association (YQNA) (PG.New.PG22.1.3)
(February 23, 2013) E-mail from Geoff Kettel and Peter Baker, Co-Chairs, Federation of North Toronto Residents' Association (PG.New.PG22.1.4)
(February 26, 2013) E-mail from Pina Romano, Roman Group Properties (PG.New.PG22.1.5)
(February 26, 2013) E-mail from Larry Colle, Greenhills Community Association (PG.New.PG22.1.6)
(February 26, 2013) E-mail from Vince Cuda, Cuda Investments Inc. (PG.New.PG22.3.7)
(February 27, 2013) E-mail from Mary Todorow, Research/Policy Analyst, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (PG.New.PG22.1.8)
(February 27, 2013) E-mail from Sharon Younger (PG.New.PG22.1.9)
(February 27, 2013) E-mail from Ceta Ramkhalawansing, Honorary Chair, Grange Community Association (PG.New.PG22.1.10)
(February 15, 2013) Fax from Toronto Standard Condominium Corporation 2097 (PG.New.PG22.1.11)
(February 28, 2013) Submission from Nancy Singer, Executive Director, Kehilla Residential Programme (PG.New.PG22.1.12)
(February 28, 2013) Submission from Mary Todorow, Research/Policy Analyst, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (PG.New.PG22.1.13)
(February 28, 2013) E-mail from Frank Varacalli (PG.New.PG22.1.14)
Nancy Singer, Executive Director, Kehilla Residential Programme (Submission Filed)
Bruce Johnson, Chief Financial Officer and Acting CEO, Habitat for Humanity, Toronto
Julie Beddoes, Gooderham & Worts Neighbourhood Association
Nancy Hawley, President, Neighbourhood Concepts
Keith Ward, Chief Executive Officer, Home Ownership Alternatives
Ulla Coldgrass, Planning Committee, York Quay Neighbourhood Association
Kathryn Holder, Baycloverhill Community Association
Nicholas Volk, Vice-President, Vince de Paul Homes Corp
Mary Todorow, Research/Policy Analyst, Advocacy Centre for Tenants Ontario (Submission Filed)
Councillor Ana Bailão, Ward 18, Davenport
That City Council amend Attachment 1 of the report (January 30, 2013) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to include a definition of "assisted home ownership" to provide for home ownership maximum price threshold ceilings consistent with federal/provincial home ownership assistance programs.
That the Director, Affordable Housing Office convene a Working Group of stakeholders, not-for-profit housing providers and development industry representatives to identify further guidelines for implementation.