Item - 2013.EX33.18

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Executive Committee on July 3, 2013 and was adopted with amendments.

EX33.18 - Update on Request from Porter Airlines for Exemption to Commercial Jet Ban at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Executive Committee:


1.         Received the report (June 17, 2013) from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B for information.


2.         Requested the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B to expand the study area for the traffic study to incorporate the areas between the Jameson ramps and to York Street ramps to the Gardiner, north to Front Street with the cost covered by the Toronto Port Authority.


(June 17, 2013) Report from Deputy City Manager, Cluster B


This report provides an update on the review of the request by Porter Airlines to amend the 1983 Tripartite Agreement between the City of Toronto, the Government of Canada, and the Toronto Port Authority (TPA) to permit the landing of commercial jets at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport (BBTCA).


The request by Porter Airlines was considered by City Council at its meeting on May 7, 8, 9, 2013. City Council decided to proceed with the request in two phases. In Phase 1, City staff were directed to consider Porter Airlines' request in light of the economic, planning, environmental and other impacts to the City of Toronto. City Council allocated funding for staff to engage in Phase 1 of the study (and required the Toronto Port Authority to assume all consulting costs associated with Phase 1), which included the retention of consultants and a third party fairness monitor. City Council also directed that staff report back to Executive Committee on July 3, 2013 on the preliminary findings of the Phase 1 review. 


This report provides: (i) an update on the work undertaken by staff to date, including preliminary findings from the consultants; (ii) status of the overall Phase 1 workplan; and (iii) information concerning the next steps in the process.


It is anticipated that staff will provide a further report on the issues and concerns raised through the Phase 1 work in September 2013 and request further direction from City Council on whether to proceed with Phase 2 of the review.

Background Information

(June 17, 2013) Report with Attachments 1 and 2, from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B, on Update on Request from Porter Airlines for Exemption to Commercial Jet Ban at Billy Bishop Toronto City Airport


(April 16, 2013) E-mail from Michael Shelley (EX.Main.EX33.18.1)
(April 23, 2013) E-mail from Bob Rasmussen, Co-Chair, York Quay Neighbourhood Association (YQNA) (EX.Main.EX33.18.2)
(June 8, 2013) E-mail from Sasha Kovacs (EX.Main.EX33.18.3)
(June 7, 2013) E-mail from Shirley Bush (EX.Main.EX33.18.4)
(June 8, 2013) E-mail from Deborah Harriet Cherry (EX.Main.EX33.18.5)
(May 3, 2013) E-mail from Rosalind Ross (EX.Supp.EX33.18.6)
(May 20, 2013) E-mail from Gautam Malkani (EX.Supp.EX33.18.7)
(June 12, 2013) E-mail from T. Erlich and Family (EX.Supp.EX33.18.8)
(June 14, 2013) E-mail from Braz Menezes (EX.Supp.EX33.18.9)
(June 27, 2013) E-mail from Max Moore (EX.Supp.EX33.18.10)
(June 30, 2013) E-mail from Judith Parker (EX.Supp.EX33.18.11)
(July 1, 2013) E-mail from Dr. Colman Hogan (EX.Supp.EX33.18.12)
(July 2, 2013) E-mail from Ulla Colgrass, York Quay Neighbourhood Association (EX.Supp.EX33.18.13)
(July 3, 2013) Submission from Brenda Roman (EX.New.EX33.18.14)
(July 2, 2013) E-mail from Barbara McIvor (EX.New.EX33.18.15)
(July 2, 2013) E-mail from Zaki Husain (EX.New.EX33.18.16)
(July 2, 2013) E-mail from Gwen Fogel (EX.New.EX33.18.17)
(July 2, 2013) E-mail from Judi Wiechula (EX.New.EX33.18.18)
(July 3, 2013) E-mail from Nancy and Jim Palmer (EX.New.EX33.18.19)
(July 3, 2013) Submission from Elizabeth Littlejohn (EX.New.EX33.18.20)
(July 3, 2013) E-mail from Rosalind Ross (EX.New.EX33.18.21)
(July 3, 2013) E-mail from Margot Young (EX.New.EX33.18.22)
(July 2, 2013) E-mail from Michel Theoret (EX.New.EX33.18.23)
(July 2, 2013) E-mail from Braz Menezes, York Quay Neighbourhood Association (YQNA) (EX.New.EX33.18.24)
(July 3, 2013) E-mail from Diane Torlone (EX.New.EX33.18.25)
(July 3, 2013) E-mail from Roy Grinshpan (EX.New.EX33.18.26)
(July 3, 2013) Presentation from Brian Iler (EX.New.EX33.18.27)
(July 3, 2013) Submission from Lester Brown (EX.New.EX33.18.28)
(July 3, 2013) E-mail from Beverly Dywan (EX.New.EX33.18.29)


Brian Iler, Chair, CommunityAIR (Submission Filed)
Tamara Bernstein
Braz Menezes, York Quay Neighbourhood Association
Mike McNaney & Andy Gibbons, WestJet
William Molls, Bathurst Quay Neighbourhood Association
Anshul Kapoor
Max Moore, Harbourfront Community Association
Lester Brown, Gooderham & Worts Neighbourhood Association (Submission Filed)
Beverly Dywan
Elizabeth Littlejohn, Clean Train Coalition
Julie Beddoes, Member, CodeBlueTO
Barry Lipton, Vice Chair, CommunityAIR
Councillor Paula Fletcher
Councillor Adam Vaughan


1 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Michael Thompson (Carried)

That the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B expand the study area for the traffic study to incorporate the areas between the Jameson ramps and to York Street ramps to the Gardiner, north to Front Street with the cost covered by the Toronto Port Authority.

Vote (Amend Item (Additional)) Jul-03-2013

Result: Carried Majority Required
Total members that voted Yes: 7 Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Gary Crawford, Frank Di Giorgio, Peter Milczyn, Anthony Perruzza, David Shiner, Michael Thompson
Total members that voted No: 5 Members that voted No are Rob Ford (Chair), Doug Holyday, Norman Kelly, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Cesar Palacio
Total members that were Absent: 1 Members that were absent are Vincent Crisanti

2 - Motion to Adopt Item as Amended moved by Mayor Rob Ford (Carried)
Source: Toronto City Clerk at