Item - 2013.ED20.4
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on April 3, 2013 without amendments and without debate.
- This item was considered by the Economic Development Committee on March 5, 2013 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on April 3, 2013.
ED20.4 - Collaborating For Competitiveness: Building Toronto's Incubation Network (Implementation Action 1)
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted on Consent
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on April 3 and 4, 2013, adopted the following:
1. City Council authorize the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to develop terms and conditions for the Business Incubation and Commercialization program substantially based on the framework presented in this report, with such terms, conditions, and revisions, in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor.
2. City Council request the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, to bring forward a recommended funding approach for the Business Incubation and Commercialization program for consideration in the 2014 budget cycle.
3. City Council support the growth and expansion of the Toronto Food Business Incubator and direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to consult with the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer on possible financial approaches to support the development of the Toronto Food Business Incubator and report to Executive Committee.
Background Information (Committee)
(February 22, 2013) Attachment 1 - Collaborative Innovation Network - List of Organizations
Communications (Committee)
(March 5, 2013) Submission from Frank Bajt, Vice President, Asset Management of Build Toronto (ED.New.ED20.4.2)
ED20.4 - Collaborating For Competitiveness: Building Toronto's Incubation Network (Implementation Action 1)
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Wards:
- All
Committee Recommendations
The Economic Development Committee recommends that:
1. City Council authorize the General Manager Economic Development and Culture to develop terms and conditions for the Business Incubation and Commercialization program substantially based on the framework presented in this report, with such terms and conditions, and revisions thereto, in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor.
2. City Council request the General Manager Economic Development and Culture, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, to bring forward a recommended funding approach for the Business Incubation and Commercialization program for consideration in the 2014 budget cycle.
3. City Council support the growth and expansion of the Toronto Food Business Incubator and direct the General Manager Economic Development and Culture to consult with the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer on possible financial approaches to support the development of the Toronto Food Business Incubator and report to Executive Committee.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Economic Development Committee:
a. Requested the General Manager of Economic Development and Culture or his/her designate to consult with provincial and regional agri-food stakeholders on a potential network of provincial commercialization centres and the role the Toronto Food Business Incubator and its proposed new facility could play in the Toronto region and Golden Horseshoe area.
b. Requested the General Manager of Economic Development and Culture to provide an annual report to the City's Economic Development Committee on the status of the Business Incubation and Commercialization program.
The recently adopted Economic Development Strategy, Collaborating for Competitiveness, identifies small business growth as one of the core strategies for advancing job growth in the City. This Report seeks to strengthen the City's programs directed at the incubation component of small business encouragement: better focussed support for the incubation network and approval in principle to help expand the Toronto Food Business Incubator beyond its pilot stage.
The Business Incubation and Commercialization (BIC) program supports small business success through community partners that offer an array of targeted entrepreneurial incubation programs, services, and resources. These include, among others, private office/ studio space, shared industrial equipment, business advisory/ mentoring services, product development support, market testing, access to capital, and networking opportunities. The city commissioned a consultant to undertake a review of the BIC Program to improve effectiveness, enhance flexibility, and build capacity for growth.
The Toronto Food Business Incubator (TFBI) currently plays a small but key role in the BIC program, providing entrepreneurs with food production space and business advisory support. TFBI is now at a critical juncture. Increasing demand for entry into the program, combined with a need by existing client companies to grow and expand operations, has created a challenge for this pilot incubator. TFBI must move to larger space to enable long term sustainability or close its doors to a growing number of start-up and early stage food entrepreneurs. A growth and investment strategy is required to facilitate this move and to ensure business incubation programs and services continue to be provided to accelerate the success of new and emerging food businesses in Toronto - one of the largest production centres in North America.
Background Information
(February 22, 2013) Attachment 1 - Collaborative Innovation Network - List of Organizations
(March 5, 2013) Submission from Frank Bajt, Vice President, Asset Management of Build Toronto (ED.New.ED20.4.2)
Chris Mihalicz, Three Point Turn
Lance Slack, Three Point Turn
Susan Langdon, Executive Director, Toronto Fashion Incubator
Frank J. Bajt, Director, Toronto Food Business Incubator (Submission Filed)