Item - 2013.EA13.1
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Compliance Audit Committee on February 25, 2013 and was adopted with amendments.
EA13.1 - Compliance Audit Report for the City of Toronto Re: Rob Ford
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Statutory - Municipal Elections Act, SO 1996
Committee Decision
The Compliance Audit Committee accepted the report of the auditor without commencing proceedings against the candidate Rob Ford.
Decision Advice and Other Information
Bruce Armstrong, Managing Director, FCA, CFE, Froese Forensic Partners Ltd., gave a presentation to the Compliance Audit Committee on the Compliance Audit Report for the City of Toronto Re: Rob Ford.
Final Compliance Audit Report dated February 1, 2013 from Froese Forensic Partners Ltd. for the Candidate Rob Ford.
Background Information
(February 25, 2013) Presentation from Froese Forensic Partners Ltd. titled "City of Toronto - Compliance Audit Report Re: Rob Ford"
(February 22, 2013) Submission from Tom Barlow, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP, on behalf of candidate Rob Ford (EA.New.EA13.1.2)
W. Thomas Barlow, Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP
That the Compliance Audit Committee:
1. Commence legal proceedings against Rob Ford for all of the apparent contraventions of the Municipal Elections Act outlined in the auditor's report.
2. Direct the City Clerk to work with the appropriate City staff and counsel to implement this decision.
3. Direct the City Solicitor, should she deem it appropriate, to retain external legal counsel for the purpose of the legal proceeding, with the counsel to have all of the usual power and authority of a prosecutor.
That the Compliance Audit Committee accept the report of the auditor without commencing proceedings against the candidate Rob Ford.