Item - 2012.PE17.3

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Parks and Environment Committee on November 9, 2012. The Parks and Environment Committee postponed consideration of this item. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the deferral.

PE17.3 - Toronto's Future Climate: Study Outcomes

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Parks and Environment Committee deferred consideration of this item until the next meeting on January 29, 2013 for discussion.


(October 26, 2012) Report from Deputy City Manager, Cluster B


In 2005, Toronto was severely impacted by a one-hour rainstorm that cost the City of Toronto $47 million in repairs to its infrastructure (including the washout and re-construction of Finch Avenue at Black Creek and damage to the trunk sewer in the Highland Creek valley) and cost the insurance industry $600 million in payments to clients for damages to personal property.  The 2005 storm is one of many record weather events that have impacted Toronto over recent years.


Faced with impacts of this magnitude and billion dollar projections for expenditure in public transit, roads, energy and public works infrastructure, a study was commissioned to specifically examine the projected climate conditions Toronto would experience in the  period 2040-2049 .  The purpose of the study is to provide a window on the conditions that our public infrastructure will be operating in over the course of its service life.


In particular, a focus was given to extreme weather events – including rainfall and heat waves – that are key concerns in connection with the need to maintain public infrastructure and service provision responsibilities.


This staff report describes the outcomes of the climate modelling study undertaken by the Toronto Environment Office with SENES Consultants Ltd.

Background Information

(October 26, 2012) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Cluster B - Toronto's Future Climate: Study Outcomes
(November 1, 2012) Summary of the SENES Consultants Ltd. Toronto's Future Weather and Climate Driver Study: Outcomes Report by Toronto Environment Office, October 30, 2012
(October 30, 2012) Attachment 2 - Part 1 - Toronto's Future Weather and Climate Driver Study Volume 1 - Overview by SENES Consultants Ltd. - December 2011
(October 30, 2012) Attachment 2 - Part 2 - Toronto's Future Weather and Climate Driver Study Volume 1 - Overview by SENES Consultants Ltd. - December 2011
(October 30, 2012) Attachment 2 - Part 3 - Toronto's Future Weather and Climate Driver Study Volume 1 - Overview by SENES Consultants Ltd. - December 2011
(October 30, 2012) Attachment 2 - Part 4 - Toronto's Future Weather and Climate Driver Study Volume 1 - Overview by SENES Consultants Ltd. - December 2011


(November 9, 2012) E-mail from Franz Hartmann, Executive Director, Toronto Environmental Alliance (PE.New.17.3.1)


Motion to Defer Item moved by Councillor Raymond Cho (Carried)
That consideration of the item be deferred until the next meeting of the Parks and Environment committee for discussion.
Source: Toronto City Clerk at