Item - 2012.EX23.1
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Executive Committee on October 9, 2012 and was adopted with amendments.
EX23.1 - Long Term Transportation Plan and Funding (Investment) Strategy
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
Committee Decision
The Executive Committee:
1. amended the List of Revenue Generation Options set out in Appendix B attached to the report (September 24, 2012) from the City Manager by adding:
a. P3 Partnership Funding Options, including the Canadian Council on Public Private Partnerships and Infrastructure Ontario;
b. High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes or Express lanes on GTHA Freeways;
c. Utility Bill Levy;
d. Central Area (CA) Congestion Levy on private vehicles entering Planning District 1 from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday;
e. Employer Payroll Tax in areas with higher order transit service
f. HST Revenue from Gas/Diesel Sales Tax (revenue dedicated partially or fully to GTHA transit)
g. Value Capture Levy (Provides revenue from higher property values/taxes in areas served by higher order transit)
h. Property tax uplift (Current Value Assessment) into a dedicated transit fund.
2. authorized the City Manager to undertake public consultations seeking input from the citizens of Toronto on transportation infrastructure funding options using the following documents attached to the report (September 24, 2012) from the City Manager, as background.
a. Appendix A—Report dated August 29, 2012 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director headed "Official Plan Review: Transportation Planning Policy in Support of a Comprehensive Transit Plan", considered on September 13, 2012 by the Planning and Growth Management Committee as item PG17.17.
b. Appendix B—Discussion paper headed 'Transportation Funding Strategy" prepared by the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, dated September 24, 2012, as amended by Part 1 above.
3. requested the City Manager to provide an analysis of the estimated recent and future fiscal impacts to each order of government associated with transit investment and resultant land use intensification investment, and that such analysis be brought forward as part of the public consultation process.
4. requested the City Manager to analyze, as part of the consultation process, the true annual cost of each of the Revenue Generation Options on the average family in Toronto, and the true annual cost on the average family of not implementing the transportation strategy.
5. requested the City Manager to ensure the local Member of Parliament and Member of Provincial Parliament and local School Trustees are invited to the public consultations.
6. directed the City Manager to report back to Executive Committee in Spring 2013 on the results of the public consultation and a recommended City position on funding tools for Council's endorsement and submission to Metrolinx.
7. requested the City Manager to report back to Executive Committee in Spring 2013 on options to establish a Rapid Transit Planning Office with a mandate to assess and co-ordinate Toronto's ongoing rapid transit needs, assign priorities, develop plans, lead and manage the ongoing expansion of rapid transit infrastructure in order to help reduce congestion and commuting times in Toronto. The Office will work cooperatively with City of Toronto Finance, Planning and Transportation Departments, the Toronto Transit Commission, Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario and Public Private Partnerships Canada, and other potential partners.
8. requested the City Manager to request the Emery Village BIA to share the findings of its consultants' report on the Finch LRT, and that the City Manager incorporate these findings as part of his report back to the Executive Committee in June 2013.
This report outlines the approach to developing a long-term transportation plan and funding (investment) strategy to address the city's comprehensive transportation needs in the context of the City's Official Plan 5-Year Review process.
Recent decisions by Toronto City Council and Metrolinx will see the investment of $8.7 billion dollars to expand Toronto's transit system with four new light rail transit lines scheduled for completion by 2020. The extension of the University/Spadina subway, construction of the Pearson Airport Air-Rail Link, and revitalization of Union Station, will further integrate the City's transit system with the regional transportation system.
Despite significant recent investment, Toronto's transportation infrastructure requires continued expansion and upgrading to support transit ridership demand, relieve congestion, and develop a comprehensive transportation network that improves accessibility and mobility city-wide. The Official Plan provides the policy framework for undertaking a comprehensive review of transportation and its role in supporting growth in the city. The Official Plan 5-year review will include the development of a long term transportation plan focussing primarily on the next phase of transit expansion (2020 to 2031), as well as on other broad transportation policies for goods movement, pedestrians, cyclists, and public roads.
The current economic climate and fiscal positions of all orders of government require renewed focus on dedicated funding tools for transportation network expansion. Re-examining the roles and responsibilities of municipal, provincial and federal governments in funding transportation infrastructure is also required. Council directed the development of a funding (investment) strategy in order to achieve a realistic and sustainable approach to future investment in transportation infrastructure.
Background Information
(August 29, 2012) Appendix A - Report addressed to the Planning and Growth Management Committee from the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division on Official Plan Review - Transportation Planning Policy in Support of a Comprehensive Transit Plan
(September 24, 2012) Appendix B - Transportation Funding (Investment) Strategy
(October 5, 2012) E-mail from Julie Gazzola (EX.New.EX23.1.2)
(October 5, 2012) E-mail from Peter Clarke (EX.New.EX23.1.3)
(October 6, 2012) E-mail from John Borda (EX.New.EX23.1.4)
(October 8, 2012) Submission from Gordon Chong (EX.New.EX23.1.5)
Joe Drew
Franz Hartmann, Executive Director, Toronto Environmental Alliance
Councillor Shelley Carroll
Councillor Doug Ford
Councillor Josh Matlow
Councillor Margaret McMahon
Councillor Joe Mihevc
Councillor Frances Nunziata
Councillor Anthony Perruzza
Councillor Karen Stintz
Councillor Adam Vaughan
That the City Manager to report back to Executive Committee in Spring 2013 on options to establish a Rapid Transit Planning Office with a mandate to assess and co-ordinate Toronto's ongoing rapid transit needs, assign priorities, develop plans, lead and manage the ongoing expansion of rapid transit infrastructure in order to help reduce congestion and commuting times in Toronto. The Office will work cooperatively with City of Toronto Finance, Planning and Transportation Departments, the Toronto Transit Commission, Metrolinx, Infrastructure Ontario and Public Private Partnerships Canada, and other potential partners.
That the List of Revenue Generation Options set out in Appendix B be amended to add the following:
P3 Partnership Funding Options, including the Canadian Council on Public Private Partnerships and Infrastructure Ontario
That the City Manager ensure the local Member of Parliament and Member of Provincial Parliament and local School Trustees are invited to the public consultations.
That the City Manager request the Emery Village BIA to share the findings of its consultants' report on the Finch LRT with the City Manager and that the City Manager incorporate these findings as part of his report back to the Executive Committee in June 2013.
That the List of Revenue Generation Options set out in Appendix B be amended to add the following:
1. High Occupancy Toll (HOT) Lanes or Express lanes on GTHA Freeways
2. Utility Bill Levy
3. Central Area (CA) Congestion Levy on private vehicles entering Planning District 1 from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday
4. Employer Payroll Tax in areas with higher order transit service
5. HST Revenue from Gas/Diesel Sales Tax (revenue dedicated partially or fully to GTHA transit)
6. Value Capture Levy (Provides revenue from higher property values/taxes in areas served by higher order transit)
7. Property tax uplift (Current Value Assessment) into a dedicated transit fund.
Vote (Amend Item (Additional)) Oct-09-2012
Result: Carried | Majority Required - EX23.1 - Ainslie - Motion 5 |
Total members that voted Yes: 9 | Members that voted Yes are Paul Ainslie, Michelle Berardinetti, Mike Del Grande, Rob Ford (Chair), Norman Kelly, Peter Milczyn, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Cesar Palacio, Jaye Robinson |
Total members that voted No: 4 | Members that voted No are Doug Holyday, Giorgio Mammoliti, David Shiner, Michael Thompson |
Total members that were Absent: 0 | Members that were absent are |
That the City Manager provide an analysis of the estimated recent and future fiscal impacts to each order of government associated with transit investment and resultant land use intensification investment, and that such analysis be brought forward as part of the public consultation process.
That the City Manager analyze, as part of the consultation process, the true annual cost of each of the Revenue Generation Options on the average family in Toronto, and the true annual cost on the average family of not implementing the transportation strategy.
1a - Official Plan Review: Transportation Planning Policy in Support of a Comprehensive Transit Plan (Item PG17.17)
The Planning and Growth Management Committee, among other things:
1. Forwarded the report (August 29, 2012) from the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to the Executive Committee for consideration with the forthcoming report from the City Manager on the Long Term Transportation Plan and Investment Strategy.
The Planning and Growth Management Committee on September 13, 2012, considered the report (August 29, 2012) from the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, on "Official Plan Review: Transportation Planning Policy in Support of a Comprehensive Transit Plan".
Background Information
(August 29, 2012) Report with Appendices 1 to 15, from the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division on Official Plan Review: Transportation Planning Policy in Support of a Comprehensive Transit Plan (Item PG17.17)