Item - 2012.EX21.8
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on July 11, 12 and 13, 2012 with amendments.
- This item was considered by the Executive Committee on June 12, 2012 and adopted without amendment. It will be considered by City Council on July 11, 12 and 13, 2012.
EX21.8 - Outdoor Sports Field Provision, Maintenance Standards and Fee Structure
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Wards:
- All
City Council Decision
City Council on July 11, 12 and 13, 2012, adopted the following:
1. City Council approve the introduction of the proposed sports field permit fees for children and youth organizations to be phased in over two years, so that the rates for 2013 will be $3/hour for A fields, $2/hour for B fields, $1/hour for C fields; and the rates for 2014 will be $6/hr for A fields; $4/hour for B fields; $2/hour for C fields, conditional on implementation of the field improvement plan and achieving the field maintenance standards; and further, that dry pad permit fees remain at $0/hour until such time as the maintenance needs for these facilities are reviewed and reported to Council.
2. City Council request the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in co-operation with sports organizations, develop and communicate an implementation plan for the steps outlined in this report to strengthen the City's partnership with sports organizations and to improve the quality of sports fields: including the process and timelines for completion of the sports field classification and maintenance standards review, pre and post-season field condition audits, current utilization statistics and sports field capacity assessment, allocation of sports turf crews, clarifying roles, responsibilities and contributions of sports organizations, inclement weather and block booking policies, and the establishment of a Sport Organization Reference Group, and report back to Council after the 2013 season on the status of implementation, and to confirm fees for 2014.
3. City Council direct that the permit fees for 2015 be considered through the User Fee Review process, and that any increases be phased in over time, with appropriate consultation and in a manner that allows the sports groups to adjust their fees accordingly.
4. City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to consult with sports organizations, including the Toronto Sports Council, on the development of a long-term fields plan and capital financing strategy for sports fields, as approved by Council in April 2012, and report to the Parks and Environment Committee in the spring of 2013.
5. City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to review the divisional program and permit policies with respect to age of participants and report to the appropriate standing committee on recommended changes to the permit policies to reflect the City definition of "youth."
6. City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to establish a policy and criteria for partial or full waiving of permit fees, at the discretion of the General Manager, in the interest of ensuring affordable access to outdoor sport in all communities.
7. City Council request the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to include sufficient resources to implement the program in his 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information (Committee)
Attachment 2 - Toronto Sports Council Field Permit Meeting - Meeting Summary
Communications (Committee)
(June 11, 2012) E-mail from Jutta Mason (EX.New.EX21.8.2)
Communications (City Council)
(July 12, 2012) Letter from Karen Pitre, Chair, Toronto Sports Council (CC.New.EX21.8.4)
Motions (City Council)
That City Council delete Executive Committee Recommendations 1 to 4 and replace them with the following:
1. City Council approve the introduction of the proposed sports field permit fees for children and youth organizations to be phased in over two years, so that the rates for 2013 will be $3/hour for A fields, $2/hour for B fields, $1/hour for C fields; and the rates for 2014 will be $6/hr for A fields; $4/hour for B fields; $2/hour for C fields, conditional on implementation of the field improvement plan and achieving the field maintenance standards; and further, that dry pad permit fees remain at $0/hour until such time as the maintenance needs for these facilities are reviewed and reported to Council.
2. City Council request the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in cooperation with sports organizations, develop and communicate an implementation plan for the steps outlined in this report to strengthen the City's partnership with sports organizations and to improve the quality of sports fields: including the process and timelines for completion of the sports field classification and maintenance standards review, pre and post-season field condition audits, current utilization statistics and sports field capacity assessment, allocation of sports turf crews, clarifying roles, responsibilities and contributions of sports organizations, inclement weather and block booking policies, and the establishment of a Sport Organization Reference Group, and report back to Council after the 2013 season on the status of implementation, and to confirm fees for 2014.
3. City Council direct that the permit fees for 2015 be considered through the User Fee Review process, and that any increases be phased in over time, with appropriate consultation and in a manner that allows the sports groups to adjust their fees accordingly.
4. City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to consult with sports organizations, including the Toronto Sports Council, on the development of a long-term fields plan and capital financing strategy for sports fields, as approved by Council in April 2012, and report to the Parks and Environment Committee in the spring of 2013.
and add the following new Recommendations:
5. General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation review the divisional program and permit policies with respect of age of participants and report to the appropriate standing committee on recommended changes to the permit policies to reflect the City definition of "youth."
6. City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to establish a policy and criteria for partial or full waiving of permit fees, at the discretion of the General Manager, in the interest of ensuring affordable access to outdoor sport in all communities.
7. City Council request the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to include sufficient resources to implement the program in his 2013 Operating Budget.
Vote (Adopt Item as Amended) Jul-12-2012 5:10 PM
Result: Carried | Majority Required - EX21.8 - Davis - motion 1 |
Total members that voted Yes: 27 | Members that voted Yes are Maria Augimeri, Ana Bailão, Michelle Berardinetti, Shelley Carroll, Raymond Cho, Josh Colle, Gary Crawford, Vincent Crisanti, Janet Davis, Glenn De Baeremaeker, Sarah Doucette, Paula Fletcher, Mary Fragedakis, Mike Layton, Chin Lee, Gloria Lindsay Luby, Josh Matlow, Pam McConnell, Mary-Margaret McMahon, Frances Nunziata (Chair), Cesar Palacio, John Parker, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Jaye Robinson, Adam Vaughan, Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Total members that voted No: 9 | Members that voted No are Paul Ainslie, Mike Del Grande, Frank Di Giorgio, Doug Ford, Rob Ford, Doug Holyday, Norman Kelly, Giorgio Mammoliti, Peter Milczyn |
Total members that were Absent: 9 | Members that were absent are John Filion, Mark Grimes, Joe Mihevc, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Ron Moeser, Anthony Perruzza, David Shiner, Karen Stintz, Michael Thompson |
EX21.8 - Outdoor Sports Field Provision, Maintenance Standards and Fee Structure
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted
- Wards:
- All
Committee Recommendations
The Executive Committee recommends that:
1. City Council approve the introduction of sports field permit fees for children and youth organizations in 2013 at the following rates (including HST):
a. $6/hour for A fields;
b. $4/hour for B fields;
c. $2/hour for C fields; and
d. $2/hour for dry pads.
2. City Council request the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation to undertake the steps outlined in the report (May 29, 2012) from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to strengthen the City's partnership with sports organizations and to improve the quality of sports fields and report back to Council after the 2013 season.
3. City Council direct that the permit fees for 2014 be set through the User Fee Review process, and that any increases to the 2013 fees beyond the annual inflationary increases be phased in over time, with appropriate consultation and in a manner that allows the sports groups to adjust their fees accordingly.
4. City Council request the General Manager of Parks, Forestry, and Recreation to explore the option of creating a new fee for lit fields and facilities to recover a portion of the electricity costs for each lit field and report back through the User Fee Review process.
This report responds to Council's direction regarding establishing a fee structure for children and youth organizations permitting outdoor sports facilities. Additionally, this report provides a summary of the consultations held with sports organizations and the results of a comparison of Toronto's sports fields, fees, and policies with those in other municipalities.
Among other things, this report recommends the introduction of new, lower fees for the 2013 season. These new fees have been recommended at a lower rate than those introduced as part of the 2012 budget to respond to the concerns raised by many organizations about keeping children and youth sports affordable. These lower rates also acknowledge that there is work to be done to improve the quality of sports fields.
Charging a nominal fee complies with the Council-adopted User Fee Policy, which recommends a portion of the cost of a service be recovered by fees where the benefits accrue to an identifiable group and where it is possible to prevent someone from accessing the service. There has historically been a 100% subsidy for sports field permit fees for children and youth groups. This report recommends bringing that subsidy down from 100% to a level more in-line with the level of subsidy provided to children and youth groups who permit other facilities.
Charging fees has other benefits for the maintenance and utilization of sports fields as well. For example, it encourages permit holders to use these facilities efficiently, freeing up some time for other groups looking to use fields. The revenue generated from permit fees will help support the improved quality of the fields, which is a major benefit to the permit holders. Further, the City will benefit from the improved utilization data that will result when permits more accurately reflect the activity on the field.
This report also outlines several steps that will improve and strengthen the partnership between Parks, Forestry and Recreation and sports organizations who provide a valuable opportunity for children and youth to stay active and receive the benefit of sport, along with volunteering their time and resources to maintain City facilities. Parks, Forestry and Recreation will improve communication with these groups, and work with them as partners to develop a new field classification system, a new policy for dealing inclement weather, and to improve the quality of sports fields.
Background Information
Attachment 2 - Toronto Sports Council Field Permit Meeting - Meeting Summary
(June 11, 2012) E-mail from Jutta Mason (EX.New.EX21.8.2)
John Primeau
David Black, President, Toronto Baseball Association
Jutta Mason, Centre for Local Research into Public Space (CELOS)
Richard Helfrich, Annette Baseball Association and Toronto Playgrounds Rep Baseball
Andrew Pace, President, East York Baseball Association
Patrick McConnell, President, Bloordale Baseball Association
Karen Somerville, East York Soccer Club
Councillor Janet Davis
Councillor Paula Fletcher