Item - 2011.PG7.1
Tracking Status
- This item was considered by Planning and Growth Management Committee on July 27, 2011 and was adopted with amendments.
PG7.1 - Core Service Review
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
Committee Decision
The Planning and Growth Management Committee on July 27, 2011, recommended to the Executive Committee that:
1. The Executive Committee consider the opportunities contained in Appendix A, Part 2, of the KPMG Standing Committee Summary for Planning and Growth Management.
Decision Advice and Other Information
The Planning and Growth Management Committee:
1. Requested the City Manager to review the List of Opportunities to ensure service efficiencies are maximized to meet the 2012 budget targets and multi-year service and financial planning objectives and report directly to the Executive Committee.
2. Requested the City Manager to include in his report to the Executive Committee for its meeting on September 19, 2011:
a. a mechanism to efficiently manage the developer financed one percent for Public Art Programs; and
b. an efficient provision of heritage resources through the greater use of partnerships between the City, Heritage Toronto and linking Heritage Grants and Heritage Tax Credits to such partnerships.
The following gave presentations to the Planning and Growth Management Committee:
- City Manager
- Craig Fossay, Partner, Advisory Services, KPMG
- Glen Sloutsky, Senior Manager, Advisory Services, Performance & Technology Services, KPMG
- Brian V. Bourns, Advisory Services, Public Sector, KPMG
The purpose of this report is to transmit the Core Service Review Summary and Service Profiles prepared by KPMG LLP and the results of the public consultation, for consideration by Standing Committees at special meetings scheduled between July 18, 2011 and July 28, 2011. Service Profiles of the City's governance functions and the City's agencies will be considered by Executive Committee on July 28, 2011. The City Manager will report further on the Core Service Review to the Executive Committee at its September 19, 2011 meeting, including providing comments on recommendations coming forward from the Special Standing Committee meetings.
The Service Review Program includes: a Core Service Review that examines which services the City should be delivering, Service Efficiency Studies that examine service levels and how specific City services are delivered to ensure the most efficient and cost-effective service delivery, and a User Fee Review that examines all user fees currently in place to determine the extent to which they are fair and collect the full cost of providing the service.
The Service Review Program is being undertaken in 2011 in preparation for the 2012 Budget Process. In 2011, the City will set the foundation for its services and service levels to establish the basis for multi-year planning and service delivery to meet its budgetary objectives in 2012 and beyond.
Background Information
(July 7, 2011) Appendix A Part 1 - KPMG Final Report to the City Manager
(July 20, 2011) Appendix A Part 2 - Standing Committee Summary, Planning and Growth Management Committee
(July 20, 2011) Appendix B - Core Service Review, Public Consultation
(July 27, 2011) City Manager's Presentation
(July 27, 2011) KPMG Presentation
(July 22, 2011) E-mail from Amy Cameron (PG.New.PG7.1.2)
(July 25, 2011) E-mail from Brian Johnston, President, Monarch Corporation (PG.New.PG7.1.3)
(July 25, 2011) E-mail from David G. Mills (PG.New.PG7.1.4)
(July 25, 2011) E-mail from Peter Clewes, Principal, architectsAlliance (PG.New.PG7.1.5)
(July 26, 2011) E-mail from Cyrus Mosun, Soheil Mosun Limited (PG.New.PG7.1.6)
(July 26, 2011) E-mail from Dennis Bryant, Bryant Renovations (PG.New.PG7.1.7)
(July 26, 2011) E-mail from Karen Mills, Public Art Management (PG.New.PG7.1.8)
(July 25, 2011) E-mail from David Anselmi, Chair, Toronto Public Art Commission (PG.New.PG7.1.9)
(July 27, 2011) E-mail from Meghan Joy, Toronto Women's City Alliance (PG.New.PG7.1.10)
(July 26, 2011) E-mail from Douglas Coupland (PG.New.PG7.1.11)
(July 26, 2011) E-mail from David Mirvish, Mirvish Productions (PG.New.PG7.1.12)
(July 27, 2011) Submission from Mary T. Hynes (PG.New.PG7.1.13)
(July 27, 2011) E-mail from Mark Sterling, Sweeny Sterling Finlayson & Co. Architects Inc. (PG.New.PG7.1.14)
(July 27, 2011) Submission from Michelle St-Amour, Toronto Coalition for Active Transportation (PG.New.PG7.1.15)
(July 27, 2011) Submission from Mary T. Hynes (PG.New.PG7.1.16)
(July 27, 2011) Submission from Edward Milhalcin (PG.New.PG7.1.17)
(July 27, 2011) Letter from Ann Dembinski, President, CUPE Local 79 (PG.New.PG7.1.18)
Edward Mihalcin, Director, Edward's Wine & Spirits (Submission Filed)
Karen Mills, Managing Director, Public Art Management
Paul R. Codd
Cyrus B. Mosun, Soheil Mosun Limited
Just Cole, General Manager, Sign Association of Canada
Michelle St-Amour, Civics and Environment Commissioner, Graduate Students' Union, University of Toronto (Submission Filed)
1. The City Manager be requested to report to the Executive Committee for its meeting on September 19, 2011 on a mechanism to efficiently manage the developer financed one percent for Public Art Programs.
1. The City Manager be requested to report to the Executive Committee for its meeting on September 19, 2011 on the efficient provision of heritage resources through the greater use of partnerships between the City, Heritage Toronto and linking Heritage Grants and Heritage Tax Credits to such partnerships.
That the Planning and Growth Management Committee:
1. Recommend to the Executive Committee that it consider the opportunities contained in Appendix A, Part 2, of the KPMG Standing Committee summary for Planning and Growth Management Committee.
2. Request the City Manager to review the List of Opportunities to ensure service efficiencies are maximized to meet the 2012 budget targets and multi-year service and financial planning objectives and report directly to the Executive Committee.
That the item be adopted, as amended.