Item - 2011.EX9.15

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Executive Committee on September 6, 2011. The Executive Committee has referred this item to an official or other body without making a decision. Consult the text of the decision for further information on the referral.

EX9.15 - Request for Moratorium on Wind Turbines and Removal of Anemometer on Lake Ontario

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Executive Committee referred the item, together with the following motions by Councillor Ainslie, to the City Manager for report back to the Executive Committee on November 1, 2011.


"1.        That the Shareholder Direction to Toronto Hydro Corporation be amended to:


a.          address the appropriateness of the current shareholder direction requiring Toronto Hydro to generate electricity.


b.          direct Toronto Hydro to remove, or cause the removal by its subsidiary, the anemometer from Lake Ontario by November 30, 2011.


c.          direct Toronto Hydro and any subsidiary not to renew its current contract with respect to the anemometer in Lake Ontario, or to initiate any other study with respect to wind energy generation on Lake Ontario.


2.         That the City Manager report directly to Council on the implementation of the recommendations of the Executive Committee."


(August 19, 2011) Letter from Councillor Paul Ainslie


The Toronto Region Conservation Authority on September 19, 2010 supported my motion for a moratorium of construction of wind turbines on Lake Ontario on February 11, 2011 the Province of Ontario announced a moratorium on all offshore wind projects. It is now time for the City of Toronto to do the same.


The Province of Ontario proposed a 5 km setback for wind turbines on Lake Ontario from residential dwellings followed by their announcement on a moratorium on all offshore wind projects.  Residents who reside along Lake Ontario have voiced their rejection of having wind turbines installed on Lake Ontario just kilometres from their homes. It is my stand that governments should not be forcing projects on communities.  Residents along the Toronto waterfront community have been working with me for the past few years to enforce a moratorium on the construction of wind turbines on Lake Ontario the TRCA has supported me and the residents in this pursuit. I am requesting that the City of Toronto represent the residents as well.


An anemometer was installed on Lake Ontario by Toronto Hydro to measure the wind for this project. In light of the Province of Ontario's current position and the TRCA's moratorium on construction of wind turbines on Lake Ontario I am requesting that the anemometer on Lake Ontario be removed.


I believe that it would be in the best interest of the communities who reside along the Toronto waterfront to have Toronto Hydro remove the anemometer this Fall. Residents and stakeholders have cited the lack of scientific information in placing wind turbines in their drinking water from the onset they have also voiced their concerns with the lack of public consultation well before projects are put in place.

Background Information

(August 19, 2011) Letter from Councillor Paul Ainslie - Moratorium on Wind Turbines and Removal of Anemometer on Lake Ontario


(August 30, 2011) E-mail from Patricia Spindel (EX.Supp.EX9.15.1)
(August 30, 2011) E-mail from Sherri Lange, Founding Director, Toronto Wind Action (EX.Supp.EX9.15.2)
(August 31, 2011) E-mail from Kelly Trumpour, Associate Broker, HUM International Ontario Limited (EX.Supp.EX9.15.3)
(September 1, 2011) E-mail from Anita Jo (EX.Supp.EX9.15.4)
(September 1, 2011) E-mail from Nonnie Griffin (EX.Supp.EX9.15.5)
(September 1, 2011) E-mail from Andrea Woloszczuk (EX.New.EX9.15.6)
(September 1, 2011) E-mail from Barbara Woloszczuk (EX.New.EX9.15.7)
(September 1, 2011) E-mail from Brenda Fawcett (EX.New.EX9.15.8)
(September 1, 2011) E-mail from Oliver Terry (EX.New.EX9.15.9)
(September 2, 2011) E-mail from Deborah Symington (EX.New.EX9.15.10)
(August 31, 2011) E-mail from Roy Wright, President, Save the Toronto Bluffs (EX.New.EX9.15.11)
(September 2, 2011) E-mail from Jacques Lupien (EX.New.EX9.15.12)
(September 1, 2011) E-mail from L.P. Lombardi (EX.New.EX9.15.13)
(September 2, 2011) E-mail from Joseph Hickey (EX.New.EX9.15.14)
(September 3, 2011) E-mail from Mara James (EX.New.EX9.15.15)
(September 3, 2011) E-mail from Mara James (EX.New.EX9.15.16)
(September 5, 2011) E-mail from Thomas, Gloria and Roswitha Haddrath (EX.New.EX9.15.17)


1 - Motion to Amend Item moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Referred)

That the Shareholder Direction to Toronto Hydro Corporation be amended to:


1.  address the appropriateness of the current shareholder direction requiring Toronto Hydro to generate electricity.


2.  direct Toronto Hydro to remove, or cause the removal by its subsidiary, the anemometer from Lake Ontario by November 30, 2011.


3.  direct Toronto Hydro and any subsidiary not to renew its current contract with respect to the anemometer in Lake Ontario, or to initiate any other study with respect to wind energy generation on Lake Ontario.

2 - Motion to Amend Item (Additional) moved by Councillor Paul Ainslie (Referred)
That the City Manager report directly to Council on the implementation of the recommendations of the Executive Committee. 

3 - Motion to Refer Item moved by Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong (Carried)

That the item, together with the motions by Councillor Ainslie, be referred to the City Manager for report back to the Executive Committee on November 1, 2011.

Vote (Refer Item) Sep-06-2011

Result: Carried Majority Required
Total members that voted Yes: 8 Members that voted Yes are Michelle Berardinetti, Doug Holyday (Chair), Norman Kelly, Peter Milczyn, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Cesar Palacio, David Shiner, Michael Thompson
Total members that voted No: 3 Members that voted No are Paul Ainslie, Mike Del Grande, Rob Ford
Total members that were Absent: 2 Members that were absent are Giorgio Mammoliti, Jaye Robinson
Source: Toronto City Clerk at