Item - 2009.TE29.9
Tracking Status
- City Council adopted this item on November 30, 2009 without amendments and without debate.
- This item was considered by Toronto and East York Community Council on November 10, 2009 and was adopted with amendments. It will be considered by City Council on November 30, 2009.
- See also By-laws 597-2010, 598-2010, 599-2010, 600-2010, 602-2010
TE29.9 - Alteration to a Heritage Property and Intention to Designate, Part IV, Section 29, Ontario Heritage Act - 606-618 Yonge Street, 5-9 St. Joseph Street, and 15-25 St. Nicholas Street
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Adopted on Consent
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
City Council Decision
City Council on November 30, December 1, 2, 4 and 7, 2009, adopted the following:
1. City Council approve the alterations to the heritage properties at 606-618 Yonge Street, 5-9 St. Joseph Street and 15-25 St. Nicholas Street, substantially in accordance with the plans and drawings prepared by ERA Architects dated September 15, 2009, and on file with the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services subject to the following conditions:
a. Prior to Zoning By-Law Amendment approval, the owner shall:
- submit a Conservation Plan to include drawings, to the satisfaction of the Manager of Heritage Preservation Services that provide “blow-up” elevations and sections of all heritage building façades at 1:50 scale including, but not limited to, the following: (1) storefront design; (2) window specifications for all heritage facade elevations; (3) reconstruction plan for roof dormer/parapet/cornice details; (4) return side wall details, etc.
b. Prior to Site Plan approval, the owner shall:
- provide additional information to be submitted, based on the proposed Conservation Strategy, to include documentation substantially in accordance with that outlined within Section 8.0 (page 44) of the submitted Heritage Impact Statement. Specifically, a detailed plan shall also be submitted to outline mitigations measures that address construction impacts relative to the on-site heritage structures;
- enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement for the properties at 606-618 Yonge Street with the City;
- amend the existing Heritage Easement Agreement registered on the site, Instrument No. E171218 dated June 1, 1998, at 5 St. Joseph Street and 9- 15 St Nicholas Streets, to address the proposed construction and permitted alterations.
c. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, including a permit for the demolition, excavation, and/or shoring on the subject property, the owner shall:
- provide a Letter of Credit in a form and in an amount satisfactory to the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure all work included in the Conservation Plan; and
- provide final plans satisfactory to the Manager of Heritage Preservation Services.
d. Prior to the release of the Letter of Credit the applicant shall:
- provide evidence and documentation that the project scheme has been implemented, per approved Conservation Plan, satisfactory to the Manager of Heritage Preservation Services.
2. City Council include the following properties on the City of Toronto’s Inventory of Heritage Properties:
a. 606 Yonge Street
b. 608 Yonge Street
c. 614 Yonge Street
d. 616 Yonge Street
e. 618 Yonge Street.
3. City Council state its intention to designate the following properties under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act. (Please note 610 and 612 Yonge Street are listed on the City of Toronto’s Inventory of Heritage Properties):
a. 606 Yonge Street
b. 608 Yonge Street
c. 610 Yonge Street
d. 612 Yonge Street
e. 614 Yonge Street
f. 616 Yonge Street
g. 618 Yonge Street.
4. If there are no objections to the designations in accordance with Section 29(6) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the Solicitor to introduce the Bills in Council designating the properties under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.
5. If there are any objections in accordance with Section 29(7) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the proposed designations to the Conservation Review Board.
6. City Council grant authority for the execution of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owners of the following properties:
a. 606 Yonge Street
b. 608 Yonge Street
c. 610 Yonge Street
d. 612 Yonge Street
e. 614 Yonge Street
f. 616 Yonge Street
g. 618 Yonge Street.
7. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill in Council authorizing the entering into a Heritage Easement Agreement.
8. City Council grant authority for the necessary amendments to the Existing Heritage Easement Agreement (Instrument No. E171218).
Background Information (Community Council)
Communications (Community Council)
(October 30, 2009) E-mail from David Sym (TE.New.TE29.9.2)
(November 2, 2009) E-mail from Hana Havlicek (TE.New.TE29.9.3)
(November 9, 2009) E-mail from Philip Ottenbrite (TE.New.TE29.9.4)
(November 7, 2009) E-mail from Kathryn A. Holden (TE.New.TE29.9.5)
(November 7, 2009) E-mail from Theresa Paredes (TE.New.TE29.9.6)
(May 27, 2009) E-mail from James L. Robinson, Executive Director, Downtown Yonge BIA (TE.New.TE29.9.7)
(November 10, 2009) Letter from David Walsh, Seeds of Hope Foundation (TE.New.TE29.9.8)
9a - Alteration to a Heritage Property and Intention to Designate, Part IV, Section 29, Ontario Heritage Act 606-618 Yonge Street, 5-9 St. Joseph Street, and 15-25 St. Nicholas Street
Background Information (Community Council)
TE29.9 - Alteration to a Heritage Property and Intention to Designate, Part IV, Section 29, Ontario Heritage Act - 606-618 Yonge Street, 5-9 St. Joseph Street, and 15-25 St. Nicholas Street
- Decision Type:
- Status:
- Amended
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Community Council Recommendations
The Toronto and East York Community Council recommends that:
1. City Council approve the alterations to the heritage properties at 606-618 Yonge Street, 5-9 St. Joseph Street and 15-25 St. Nicholas Street, substantially in accordance with the plans and drawings prepared by ERA Architects dated September 15, 2009, and on file with the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services subject to the following conditions:
a. Prior to Zoning By-Law Amendment approval, the owner shall:
- submit a Conservation Plan to include drawings, to the satisfaction of the Manager of Heritage Preservation Services that provide “blow-up” elevations and sections of all heritage building façades at 1:50 scale including, but not limited to, the following: (1) storefront design; (2) window specifications for all heritage facade elevations; (3) reconstruction plan for roof dormer/parapet/cornice details; (4) return side wall details, etc.
b. Prior to Site Plan approval, the owner shall:
- provide additional information to be submitted, based on the proposed Conservation Strategy, to include documentation substantially in accordance with that outlined within Section 8.0 (page 44) of the submitted Heritage Impact Statement. Specifically, a detailed plan shall also be submitted to outline mitigations measures that address construction impacts relative to the on-site heritage structures;
- enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement for the properties at 606-618 Yonge Street with the City;
- amend the existing Heritage Easement Agreement registered on the site, Instrument No. E171218 dated June 1, 1998, at 5 St. Joseph Street and 9- 15 St Nicholas Streets, to address the proposed construction and permitted alterations.
c. Prior to the issuance of any building permit, including a permit for the demolition, excavation, and/or shoring on the subject property, the owner shall:
- provide a Letter of Credit in a form and in an amount satisfactory to the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure all work included in the Conservation Plan; and
- provide final plans satisfactory to the Manager of Heritage Preservation Services.
d. Prior to the release of the Letter of Credit the applicant shall:
- provide evidence and documentation that the project scheme has been implemented, per approved Conservation Plan, satisfactory to the Manager of Heritage Preservation Services.
2. City Council include the following properties on the City of Toronto’s Inventory of Heritage Properties:
a. 606 Yonge Street
b. 608 Yonge Street
c. 614 Yonge Street
d. 616 Yonge Street
e. 618 Yonge Street.
3. City Council state its intention to designate the following properties under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act. (Please note 610 and 612 Yonge Street are listed on the City of Toronto’s Inventory of Heritage Properties):
a. 606 Yonge Street
b. 608 Yonge Street
c. 610 Yonge Street
d. 612 Yonge Street
e. 614 Yonge Street
f. 616 Yonge Street
g. 618 Yonge Street.
4. If there are no objections to the designations in accordance with Section 29(6) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the Solicitor to introduce the Bills in Council designating the properties under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.
5. If there are any objections in accordance with Section 29(7) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the proposed designations to the Conservation Review Board.
6. City Council grant authority for the execution of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owners of the following properties:
a. 606 Yonge Street
b. 608 Yonge Street
c. 610 Yonge Street
d. 612 Yonge Street
e. 614 Yonge Street
f. 616 Yonge Street
g. 618 Yonge Street.
7. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill in Council authorizing the entering into a Heritage Easement Agreement.
8. City Council grant authority for the necessary amendments to the Existing Heritage Easement Agreement (Instrument No. E171218).
This report addresses an application to permit a 45-storey mixed use development containing approximately 38,775 square metres of residential gross floor area and approximately 2,800 square metres of non-residential gross floor area on a 0.267 hectare site located on the south side of St. Joseph Street between Yonge Street and St. Nicholas Street. The site is municipally known as 606-618 Yonge Street, 5-9 St. Joseph Street, and 15-25 St. Nicholas Street.
This report recommends that City Council approve the proposed alterations to the heritage properties at 606-618 Yonge Street, 5-9 St. Joseph Street; and 15-25 St. Nicholas Street and designate seven properties at 606, 608, 610, 612, 614, 616 and 618 Yonge Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act for their cultural heritage value as contributing to a historic and contextual streetscape that has defined Toronto’s primary commercial street since the late 19th century.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report. The public Notice of Intention to Designate will be advertised on the City’s web site in accordance with the City of Toronto Act provisions.
Background Information
(October 30, 2009) E-mail from David Sym (TE.New.TE29.9.2)
(November 2, 2009) E-mail from Hana Havlicek (TE.New.TE29.9.3)
(November 9, 2009) E-mail from Philip Ottenbrite (TE.New.TE29.9.4)
(November 7, 2009) E-mail from Kathryn A. Holden (TE.New.TE29.9.5)
(November 7, 2009) E-mail from Theresa Paredes (TE.New.TE29.9.6)
(May 27, 2009) E-mail from James L. Robinson, Executive Director, Downtown Yonge BIA (TE.New.TE29.9.7)
(November 10, 2009) Letter from David Walsh, Seeds of Hope Foundation (TE.New.TE29.9.8)
Hana Havlicek
James Robinson, Executive Director, Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area
Mark Citron, Historic Yonge Street Business Association
David Walsh, Seeds of Hope Foundation (Submission Filed)
John Anderson, Historic Yonge Street Business Association
Kathryn Holden, Bay Corridor Community Association
Norman Waite, President, Bay Corridor Community Association
Paul Farrelly
George Giaouris, Historic Yonge Street Business Association
Shawn Tracy, Bay Corridor Community Association
Andrea Belanger
Peter Rex
Steve Diamond, Diamond Corp.
9a - Alteration to a Heritage Property and Intention to Designate, Part IV, Section 29, Ontario Heritage Act 606-618 Yonge Street, 5-9 St. Joseph Street, and 15-25 St. Nicholas Street
Background Information