Item - 2008.TE12.7

Tracking Status

TE12.7 - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - South of Eastern Planning Study - Bounded by Eastern Avenue, Don Valley, Lake Shore Boulevard East and the east side of Woodfield Road

Decision Type:
30 - Toronto-Danforth, 32 - Beaches-East York

City Council Decision

City Council on January 29 and 30, 2008, adopted the following motions:


1.         City Council amend the Official Plan substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment No. 1 to the supplementary report (January 29, 2008) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE12.7b), which includes repealing OPA No. 5, By-law No. 879-2006.


2.         City Council amend the former City of Toronto Official Plan substantially in accordance with Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment No. 2 to the supplementary report (January 29, 2008) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE12.7b).


3.         City Council amend the Zoning By-law for the former City of Toronto substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment No. 3 to the supplementary report (January 29, 2008) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (TE12.7b).


4.         City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendments and draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


5.         City Council direct the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend the Ontario Municipal Board, if required, in support of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments.


6.         Staff be instructed to meet with representatives of Loblaws Properties Limited, Talisker (Sunlight) G.P. Inc., the applicants/appellants in the proceedings before the OMB (SmartCentres Inc., Toronto Film Studios Inc., Eastern Avenue Developments Limited and Rose Eastern Strata Inc.) and Canada Metals (2006199 Ontario Inc.) and 30 Booth Avenue (109744 Ontario Ltd.) regarding their submissions to Toronto East York Community Council.


7.         City Council direct staff to bring forward Urban Design Guidelines for the South of Eastern Employment District by the second quarter of 2008.


8.         City Council request that:


a.         the Director of Community Planning, Toronto and East York District report back to Toronto and East York Community Council on the option to rezone the Parks and Open Space Areas on the north side of Lake Shore Boulevard East between the Don Valley and Coxwell Avenue “G”; and


b.         the Director of Community Planning and the Director Transportation for Toronto and East York, in consultation with Parks, Forestry and Recreation, report back to Toronto and East York Community Council on the options of greening the median on Lake Shore Boulevard East, east of the Don River and creating a “Grand Boulevard” along this corridor.


9.         No further notice be given with respect to the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By‑law Amendments.


10.       City Council direct the Mayor to request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to declare a Provincial Interest in the appeals of Toronto Film Studio before the Ontario Municipal Board, and take any other action necessary to support the protection and enhancement of the South of Eastern Employment District and any subsequent appeals on these matters.


11.       City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to take such necessary steps to implement the foregoing.

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Background Information (Community Council)

(January 15, 2008) Supplementary Report and Attachments 1-3 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - South of Eastern Planning Study - Bounded by Eastern Avenue, Don Valley, Lake Shore Boulevard East and the east side of Woodfield Road

Background Information (City Council)

(January 29, 2008) Supplementary report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division on the South of Eastern Avenue Planning Study (TE12.7b)

Communications (Community Council)

(December 28, 2007) E-mail from Peter Crawford (TE.Main.12.7.1)
(January 13, 2008) E-mail from Doug Green (TE.Main.12.7.2)
(January 14, 2008) Letter from Dennis Wood (TE.Main.12.7.3)
(January 14, 2008) Letter from Dalton Shipway (TE.Main.12.7.4)
(January 14, 2008) Letter from Mark R. Flowers, Davies Howe Partners (TE.Main.12.7.5)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from Mary Flynn-Guglietti (TE.Main.12.7.6)
(January 14, 2008) Letter from Alexandra Hooper (TE.Main.12.7.7)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from Lori A. Kiefer (TE.Main.12.7.8)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from Tom Halinski, Aird & Berlis (TE.Main.12.7.9)
(December 6, 2007) Letter from Toronto Film Board (TE.Main.12.7.10)
(January 15, 2008) Member Motion from Councillor Fletcher (TE.Main.12.7.11)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from Joe Lobko (TE.Main.12.7.12)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from Michael Rosenberg (TE.Main.12.7.13)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from East Toronto Community Coalition (TE.Main.12.7.14)

Communications (City Council)

(January 17, 2008) E-mail from Leesa Butler, Executive Producer, The F-List (CC.Main.TE12.7.15)
(January 15, 2008) E-mail from Lesley Ballantyne-Smith (CC.Main.TE12.7.16)
(January 21, 2008) E-mail from Mary Cranston (CC.Main.TE12.7.17)
(January 28, 2008) Letter from Dennis H. Wood, Wood Bull LLP, Barristers and Solicitors (CC.New.TE12.7.18)
(January 29, 2008) E-mail from Brian Astl (CC.New.TE12.7.19)

7a - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - South of Eastern Planning Study - bounded by Eastern Avenue, Don Valley, Lake Shore Boulevard East and the east side of Woodfield Road - Final Report

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
Background Information (Community Council)
(December 18, 2007) Final Report and Attachments 1-11 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - South of Eastern Planning Study - bounded by Eastern Avenue, Don Valley, Lake Shore Boulevard East and the east side of Woodfield Road

TE12.7 - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - South of Eastern Planning Study - Bounded by Eastern Avenue, Don Valley, Lake Shore Boulevard East and the east side of Woodfield Road

Decision Type:
30 - Toronto-Danforth, 32 - Beaches-East York

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990

Community Council Recommendations

The Toronto and East York Community Council recommends that City Council:


1.         Amend the Official Plan substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment No. 1. of the report (January 15, 2008) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District;


2.         Authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendments and draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required;


3.         Direct the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing, if required, in support of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments;


4.         Direct the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to bring forward Urban Design Guidelines for the South of Eastern Employment District by the second quarter of 2008;


5.         Request that:


a.         the Director of Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, report back to Toronto and East York Community Council on the option to rezone the Parks and Open Space Areas on the north side of Lake Shore Boulevard East between the Don Valley and Coxwell Avenue "G";


b.         the Director of Community Planning and the Director of Transportation for Toronto and East York, in consultation with Parks, Forestry and Recreation, report back to Toronto and East York Community Council on the options of greening the median on Lake Shore Boulevard East, east of the Don River and creating a "Grand Boulevard" along this corridor;


6.         Direct the Mayor to request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to declare a Provincial Interest in the appeals of Toronto Film Studio before the Ontario Municipal Board, and take any other action necessary to support the protection and enhancement of the South of Eastern Employment District and any subsequent appeals on these matters;


7.         Authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to take such necessary steps to implement the foregoing.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Toronto and East York Community Council:


1.         Directed the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report to the January 29th, 2008 meeting of City Council with the changes to the draft amendment to the former City of Toronto Official Plan, Attachment No. 2 and the draft Zoning By-law Attachment, No.3 of report (January 15, 2008) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District to incorporate the revisions to reflect the revised Secondary Plan;


2.         Requested the Economic Development Committee to consider designating the Eastern Avenue Employment District as a priority location for pursuing the City’s Green Economic Development Strategy; and


3.         Requested the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to assist the residents to identify locations in the vicinity of the South of Eastern Employment District where a range of residential and retail uses are permitted.


The Toronto and East York Community Council held a statutory public meeting on January 15, 2008 and notice was given in accordance with the Planning Act.


(January 15, 2008) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


This report is supplementary to the staff report dated December 18, 2007. The report outlines and responds to the comments received at and preceding the January 10, 2008 Community Consultation meeting, refines the proposed Official Plan Amendments to clarify that consideration of retail uses will be limited in this Employment District and recommends further revisions to the site specific amendment for 629, 633 and 675 Eastern Avenue and for the implementing zoning by-law. This report also further clarifies how OPA 5 (the ‘power centre’ opa) fits with the proposed Official Plan Amendments.

Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information

(January 15, 2008) Supplementary Report and Attachments 1-3 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - South of Eastern Planning Study - Bounded by Eastern Avenue, Don Valley, Lake Shore Boulevard East and the east side of Woodfield Road


(December 28, 2007) E-mail from Peter Crawford (TE.Main.12.7.1)
(January 13, 2008) E-mail from Doug Green (TE.Main.12.7.2)
(January 14, 2008) Letter from Dennis Wood (TE.Main.12.7.3)
(January 14, 2008) Letter from Dalton Shipway (TE.Main.12.7.4)
(January 14, 2008) Letter from Mark R. Flowers, Davies Howe Partners (TE.Main.12.7.5)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from Mary Flynn-Guglietti (TE.Main.12.7.6)
(January 14, 2008) Letter from Alexandra Hooper (TE.Main.12.7.7)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from Lori A. Kiefer (TE.Main.12.7.8)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from Tom Halinski, Aird & Berlis (TE.Main.12.7.9)
(December 6, 2007) Letter from Toronto Film Board (TE.Main.12.7.10)
(January 15, 2008) Member Motion from Councillor Fletcher (TE.Main.12.7.11)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from Joe Lobko (TE.Main.12.7.12)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from Michael Rosenberg (TE.Main.12.7.13)
(January 15, 2008) Letter from East Toronto Community Coalition (TE.Main.12.7.14)


Dalton Shipway, Watersheds United
Nicholas Brooks, Greening of Eastern
Julius Deutsch, Good Jobs Alliance
Joe Lobko
Paul Young, South Riverdale Community Health Centre
Tammy Hines
David Gravett
Peter Crawford
Joe Fraser, JATSE Local 873
Nancy Hawley
Michael Rosenberg
John Kiru, Toronto Association of BIAs
Pamela Ewen
Kelly Carmichael, East of Toronto Community Coalition

7a - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - South of Eastern Planning Study - bounded by Eastern Avenue, Don Valley, Lake Shore Boulevard East and the east side of Woodfield Road - Final Report

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
(December 18, 2007) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District
The recommended amendments are City-initiated and subject to the new provisions of the Planning Act and the City of Toronto Act, 2006.

This report makes recommendations for the lands bounded by Sunlight Park Road, Eastern Avenue, the Don Valley, Lake Shore Boulevard East and the properties fronting on the east side of Woodfield Road – the South of Eastern Employment District. The recommendation is to amend the new City of Toronto Official Plan and the zoning by-law for these lands. Also recommended is an amendment to the Official Plan for the former City of Toronto for 629, 633 and 675 Eastern Avenue.

A site specific Official Plan Amendment (OPA) and Zoning By-law Amendment (ZBA) to permit a variety of uses including office, retail, hotel and residential uses at 629, 633 and 675 Eastern Avenue is currently before the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB). Further prehearing conferences are scheduled for January 21, 2008 and March 5, 6, 25 and 26, 2008, with the hearing scheduled to start on May 5, 2008 for 12 weeks.

The purpose of this report is to bring forward official plan amendments (a Secondary Plan in the new Official Plan and a site specific policy for lands covered by the Official Plan for the former City of Toronto) and zoning by-law amendment, to seek further directions from Council with respect to this matter and to provide status reports on the continuing Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) hearing for the Toronto Film Studios appeal and on the “power centre” appeal. This will conclude the Part II Planning Study for the South of Eastern District.

This report reviews and recommends approval of the attached draft amendments to the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.

The City Solicitor advises that it is urgent that this report be considered and the by-laws be passed by Council at the January, 2008 meeting in order that the staff have instructions and the appeal period can commence and be complete prior to the OMB ordered prehearing conference for consideration of the Secondary Plan scheduled for March 25th and 26th, 2008.
Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information
(December 18, 2007) Final Report and Attachments 1-11 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments - South of Eastern Planning Study - bounded by Eastern Avenue, Don Valley, Lake Shore Boulevard East and the east side of Woodfield Road
Source: Toronto City Clerk at