Item - 2008.AU9.8

Tracking Status

  • This item was considered by Audit Committee on November 4, 2008 and was adopted without amendment.

AU9.8 - Auditor General's Office - 2009 Budget

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Audit Committee recommended to the Budget Committee, approval of the attached 2009 budget for the Auditor General's Office.


(October 14, 2008) Report from the Auditor General


This report provides information relating to the 2008 budget for the Auditor General’s Office and a recommended budget for approval by the Audit Committee.


The Auditor General’s 2009 budget request is for $4,336,074 which is $66,445, (1.6 per cent) greater than the Office’s 2008 Council approved budget. 

Financial Impact

The 2009 budget request for the Auditor General’s Office is $4,336,074 which is $66,445 in excess of the 2008 final budget of $4,269,629.  The proposed budget contains audit fees in the amount of $440,755 relating to the external financial audit.  The Auditor General has no control over the external audit fees paid to the external audit firms as the amount is pre-determined based on the Council approved two-year contract extension for fiscal years 2008 and 2009.


An analysis of the budget request is as follows:



2009 Budget Request

2008 Approved Budget

Increase           %




$66,445            1.6    


The majority of the Auditor General’s 2009 budget request consists of salaries and benefits.  If the amount of $440,755 for external audit fees is excluded from the budget of the Auditor General’s Office, the percentage of the salaries and benefits to the total budget is just over 96 per cent.

Background Information

(October 14, 2008) Report from the Auditor General - Auditor General's Office - 2009 Budget
Appendix 1 - Auditor General's Office 2009 Budget
Attachment 1 - The Auditor General's Office - Organizational Chart and Workforce as of December 31, 2007 and 2008
Attachment 2, headed External Quality Control Review of the Auditor General's Office, and Attachment 3, letter from the National Association of Local Government Auditors
Source: Toronto City Clerk at