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Councillors: Constituency Services & Office Expense Reporting

Each Councillor has a Constituency Services and Office Budget of $56,041.32 to pay for expenses that are allowable under the Constituency Services and Office Budget Policy.

The Mayor has an annual operating budget approved by Council. Expenses disclosed relate to non-salary expenditures from this budget.
Constituency Services & Office Expenses
Expenses charged to the Councillor's Constituency Services and Office Budget or the Mayor's Operating Budget by expense category including scanned copies of invoices.
Council General Expenses
The Constituency Services and Office Budget Policy approved by Toronto City Council on July 11, 12 and 13, 2012, the Parameters for Councillor Constituency Offices approved by Toronto City Council on October 30, 31 and November 1, 2012 and the Members of Council Operations Policy approved by Toronto City Council on December 13, 2023, provide:

- wireless devices and associated voice and data plans to Councillors as standard equipment funded from the Council General Expense Budget as well as roaming charges provided that the Councillor has notified the appropriate City staff and roaming plans have been set up for the Councillor, prior to leaving the City;

- a constituency office, within a civic centre (including City Hall) or within the Councillors' respective wards, to be funded from the Council General Expense budget;

- an amount equivalent to the cost of postage or delivery by other means of one newsletter to all households within the ward, based on the 2016 census information updated with Planning development information, and at a rate not to exceed the current Canada Post standard admail rate, paid for from the Council General Expense Budget; as part of CC1.1 "Recalibrating City Council's Governance System for 26 Members", City Council amended the newsletter entitlement to include both postage and production;

- $10,000 fund per year for expenses related to the meeting of Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) accessibility requirements for Councillor events or meetings based on a first-come first-served basis;

- up to $4,000 per year for a constituency management subscription.
Council Business Travel Expenses
Councillors who fulfill an official capacity with a municipal organization of which the City is a member are reimbursed from the Council Business Travel Budget for their travel costs related to Board and Committee meetings. The Mayor, or a Councillor designated by Mayor to attend meetings and conferences of mayoral membership organizations will have the costs paid from the Council Business Travel Budget. Councillors who are not Board or Committee members of the Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and incur travel costs associated with attending the FCM Annual Conference may be reimbursed from the Council Business Travel Budget.