Toronto and East York Community Council
- Meeting No.:
- 28
- Contact:
- Rosalind Dyers, Committee Administrator
- Meeting Date:
- Tuesday, November 19, 2013
- Phone:
- 416-392-7033
- Start Time:
- 9:30 AM
- E-mail:
- Location:
- Committee Room 1, City Hall
- Chair:
- Councillor Paula Fletcher
Councillor Ana Bailão Councillor Janet Davis Councillor Paula Fletcher, Chair Councillor Mary Fragedakis | Councillor Mike Layton, Vice-Chair Councillor Josh Matlow Councillor Pam McConnell Councillor Mary-Margaret McMahon | Councillor Joe Mihevc Councillor Gord Perks Councillor Adam Vaughan Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam |
Members of Council and Staff: Please keep this agenda and the accompanying material until the City Council meeting dealing with these matters has ended.
Special Assistance for Members of the Public: City staff can arrange for special assistance with some advance notice. If you need special assistance, please call 416-392-7033, TTY 416-338-0889 or e-mail
Closed Meeting Requirements: If the Toronto and East York Community Council wants to meet in closed session (privately), a member of the committee must make a motion to do so and give the reason why the Committee has to meet privately. (City of Toronto Act, 2006).
Notice to people writing or making presentations to the Toronto and East York Community Council: The City of Toronto Act, 2006 and the City of Toronto Municipal Code authorize the City of Toronto to collect any personal information in your communication or presentation to City Council or its committees. The City collects this information to enable it to make informed decisions on the relevant issue(s). If you are submitting letters, faxes, e-mails, presentations or other communications to the City, you should be aware that your name and the fact that you communicated with the City will become part of the public record and will appear on the City’s website. The City will also make your communication and any personal information in it – such as your postal address, telephone number or e-mail address – available to the public, unless you expressly request the City to remove it.
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This agenda and any supplementary materials submitted to the City Clerk can be found online at Visit the website for access to all agendas, reports, decisions and minutes of City Council and its committees.
Schedule of Timed Items
10:00 a.m. - TE28.1 to TE28.5
11:00 a.m. - TE28.6 to TE28.10
11:30 a.m. - TE28.11 to TE28.17
1:30 p.m. - TE28.18 to TE28.24
2:00 p.m. - TE28.25 to TE28.31
Declarations of Interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act.
Confirmation of Minutes - October 17, 2013
Speakers/Presentations - A complete list will be distributed at the meeting
Introduction and Enactment of General Bills and Bill to Confirm the Proceedings of Community Council will be last items.
TE28.1 - Naming of Public Lanes in Area Bounded by Dupont Street, Bathurst Street, Bloor Street West and Christie Street
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:00 AM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
Public Notice Given
Statutory - City of Toronto Act, 2006
Engineering and Construction Services recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Approve the names "Poulter's Place" and "Vermouth Lane" for the two public lanes located in the area bounded by Vermont Avenue, Bathurst Street, Bloor Street West and Manning Avenue.
2. Authorize and direct the appropriate City Officials to take the necessary action to give effect thereto, including the introduction of naming by-laws.
This report recommends that two public lanes located in the area bounded by Vermont Avenue, Bathurst Street, Bloor Street West and Manning Avenue be named "Poulter's Place" and "Vermouth Lane" respectively.
Community Council has delegated authority to decide street naming matters which comply with the City of Toronto Honourific and Street Naming Policy.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
TE28.2 - Request for Direction - 266-270 King Street West and 274-322 King Street West - Zoning Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:00 AM
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council authorize the City Solicitor, together with City Planning staff and any other appropriate staff, to oppose the applicant’s appeal respecting the Zoning By-law Amendment application for 266-270 and 274-322 King Street West and attend the Ontario Municipal Board hearing in opposition to such appeal, and retain such experts as the City Solicitor may determine are appropriate in support of the position recommended in the report dated November 4, 2013 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to also advise the OMB that City Council’s position is that any redevelopment of the sites, if approved by the OMB, should secure such services, facilities or matters pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, as may be recommended by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, in consultation with the Ward Councillor.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and other City staff to take any necessary steps to implement the foregoing.
On June 18, 2013 the applicant appealed the Zoning By-law Amendment application for 266-270 and 274-322 King Street West to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) due to City Council’s failure to make a decision within the time period prescribed by the Planning Act. A pre-hearing conference has been scheduled for January 6, 2014.
The application has not been formally modified since its submission on November 9, 2012. Much of the background and detailed information in this report is identical to the Preliminary Report considered by the Toronto and East York Community Council on February 26, 2013, which can be viewed through the item link at:
The application proposes to redevelop two separate parcels, municipally known as 266-270 King Street West (east parcel) and 274-322 King Street West (west parcel) with a mixed use development on each.
The East Parcel would be developed with an 82-storey mixed use building complete
with a six-storey base. The West Parcel would be developed with two tower elements having total heights of 84 and 86 storeys from John Street to Ed Mirvish Way respectively, atop a six-storey base.
A total of approximately 22,220 m2 of non-residential gross floor area, 2,709 dwelling units and 311 parking spaces are proposed.
The development as proposed would result in the complete demolition of four (4) properties designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.
This application does not represent an appropriate redevelopment of these sites and does not conform to the goals and objectives of the Official Plan. The proposed density; tower height(s), base building height; tower floorplate ranges and tower separation distances result in a built form that is out of scale with the existing and planned context of the area. Further, the loss of four heritage designated building, with the lack of heritage conservation also does not represent an appropriate form of redevelopment or good planning.
The purpose of this report is to seek Council’s direction on the appeal of these applications to the OMB. Staff has offered to work with the applicant towards a more appropriate proposal which addresses the major issues of scale and heritage. In the absence of any revisions, it is staff's opinion that the proposed development is inappropriate and constitutes an over-intensification of these sites.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
(November 4, 2013) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 266-270 King Street West and 274-322 King Street West, Zoning Amendment Application - Request for Direction Report - Notice of Pending Report
(November 13, 2013) E-mail from Ahmad Atiya (TE.Supp.TE28.2.2)
(November 13, 2013) E-mail from Eric Adams (TE.Supp.TE28.2.3)
(November 13, 2013) E-mail from Jesse Audet (TE.Supp.TE28.2.4)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Kevin Allis (TE.Supp.TE28.2.5)
(November 15, 2013) Letter from David Mirvish (TE.Supp.TE28.2.6)
(November 15, 2013) Letter from Janice Solomon, Executive Director, Toronto Entertainment District BIA (TE.Supp.TE28.2.7)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from James Fraser (TE.Supp.TE28.2.8)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Brian Tavares (TE.Supp.TE28.2.9)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Tristan S (TE.Supp.TE28.2.10)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Brandon Williams (TE.Supp.TE28.2.11)
(November 19, 2013) Submission from Karin Joeveer (TE.Supp.TE23.2.12)
(November 19, 2013) Submission from Mary Cheng (TE.Supp.TE28.2.13)
TE28.3 - Demolition of Four Designated Heritage Properties - 266, 276, 284 and 322 King Street West
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:00 AM
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council refuse the proposed demolition of the designated heritage properties at 266, 276, 284 and 322 King Street West under Section 34 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
2. If the owner appeals City Council's decision to refuse the application for demolition under Section 34 of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to attend any hearing held by the Ontario Municipal Board in support of the Council position opposing such appeal.
This report recommends that City Council refuse the proposed demolition of four designated heritage properties at 266, 276, 284 and 322 King Street West as part of Zoning By-law amendment application 12 276890 STE 20 OZ.
The development application, which has been appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board for non-decision within required timeframes, proposes to redevelop two separate parcels, municipally known as 266-270 King Street West (east parcel) and 274-322 King Street West (west parcel) for the purpose of a mixed use development on each. A report from the Director, Community Planning will be considered at the November 19, 2013 meeting of Toronto and East York Community Council.
The East Parcel would be developed with an 82-storey mixed use building complete with a six storey base. The West Parcel would be developed with two tower elements having total heights of 84 and 86 storeys from John Street to Ed Mirvish Way respectively, including a six-storey base.
The proposed demolition of four designated buildings does not satisfy the requirements of the Planning Act, the associated Provincial Policy Statement and the City's Official Plan Heritage Policies. It also does not comply with the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Place in Canada, which was adopted by City Council.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from adoption of this report.
Background Information
(November 13, 2013) E-mail from Ahmad Atiya (TE.Supp.TE28.3.2)
(November 13, 2013) E-mail from Eric Adams (TE.Supp.TE28.3.3)
(November 13, 2013) E-mail from Jesse Audet (TE.Supp.TE28.3.4)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Kevin Allis (TE.Supp.TE28.3.5)
(November 15, 2013) Letter from David Mirvish (TE.Supp.TE28.3.6)
(November 15, 2013) Letter from Janice Solomon, Executive Director, Toronto Entertainment District BIA (TE.Supp.TE28.3.7)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from James Fraser (TE.Supp.TE28.3.8)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Brian Tavares (TE.Supp.TE28.3.9)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Tristan S (TE.Supp.TE28.3.10)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Brandon Williams (TE.Supp.TE28.3.11)
(November 19, 2013) Submission from Karin Joeveer (TE.Supp.TE28.3.12)
(November 19, 2013) Submission from Mary Cheng (TE.Supp.TE28.3.13)
3a - Demolition of Four Designated Heritage Properties - 266, 276, 284 and 322 King Street West
The Toronto Preservation Board deferred consideration of the report (October 22, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting "Demolition of Four Designated Heritage Properties - 266, 276, 284 and 322 King Street West" to its December 6, 2013 meeting and advised the Toronto and East York Community Council of the action taken.
The Toronto Preservation Board on November 5, 2013, considered the following:
1. (October 22, 2013) Report from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting Demolition of Four Designated Heritage Properties - 266, 276, 284 and 322 King Street West.
2. Communications:
(November 4, 2013) E-mail from Ceta Ramkhalawansingh (PB.Supp.PB26.12.1).
Background Information
TE28.4 - Final Report - 20-38 Gladstone Avenue - Zoning Amendment Application and Rental Housing Demolition
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:00 AM
- Ward:
- 18 - Davenport
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86, as amended, for the lands at 20-38 Gladstone Avenue substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment No. 8 to the report (October 25, 2013) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.
3. City Council direct that the cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication payment, that is above the first 5%, be directed towards the cost to construct the park at 405 Dufferin Street, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation.
4. City Council approve the application to demolish the existing residential buildings at 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38 Gladstone Avenue, including the 5 residential rental dwelling units, pursuant to Municipal Code Chapters 667 and 363.
5. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division to issue a preliminary approval of the application under Municipal Code Chapter 667 for the existing residential rental housing buildings when the following has occurred:
a. the zoning by-law amendment in Recommendations No. 1 has come into full force and effect; and
b. the issuance of the Notice of Approval Condition for site plan approval for the development by the Chief Planner and Executive Director City Planning Division or her designate, pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act, 1990.
6. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official to issue a Section 111 permit under Municipal Code Chapter 667 after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, has given the preliminary approval in Recommendation No. 5 for the existing rental housing buildings.
7. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official to issue a permit under Section 33 of the Planning Act for the demolition of the 10 residential buildings no earlier than the date of issuance of a building permit for the shoring and excavation for the residential development permitted by this zoning by-law amendment. This authorization is for the lands on which the existing rental buildings are situated, and after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division has given the preliminary approval in Recommendation No. 4 which permit may be included in the demolition permit for Chapter 667 under 363-11.1E, of the Municipal Code , on condition that:
a. the owner erect a residential building on site no later than four (4) years from the day demolition of the buildings is commenced; and
b. should the owner fail to complete the new building within the time specified in condition 7.a., the City Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collector’s roll, to be collected in a like manner as municipal taxes, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for each dwelling unit for which a demolition permit is issued, and that each sum shall, until payment, be a lien or charge upon the land for which the demolition permit is issued.
This report reviews and recommends approval of the application for a 7-storey residential condominium building at 20-38 Gladstone Avenue, and the demolition of 10 residential buildings that contain 5 existing residential rental housing units. The proposed building contains 128 residential units and 176 below-grade vehicular parking spaces. Parking is provided in three levels of underground parking for residents and visitors, and loading is shared with the building to the south at 8-14 Gladstone Avenue.
A Rental Housing Demolition application has been submitted with the rezoning application to demolish the 5 existing residential rental units located at 20, 22, 24 and 32 Gladstone Avenue.
This report also recommends approval under Municipal Code 667 of the rental housing demolition application with no replacement of the rental housing units.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
TE28.5 - Final Report - Ossington Avenue Between Queen Street West and Dundas Street West - City-Initiated Official Plan Amendment
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:00 AM
- Ward:
- 19 - Trinity-Spadina
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council amend the Official Plan, for the properties on Ossington Avenue between Queen Street West and Dundas Street West, substantially in accordance with the proposed Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment No. 4 to report (October 31, 2013) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment as may be required.
This is a City-initiated Official Plan Amendment to create an area-specific Official Plan policy for Ossington Avenue, between Queen Street West and Dundas Street West. The proposed policy is based on the findings and recommendations of the Ossington Avenue Planning Study that was brought forward to Toronto and East York Community Council at the meeting held on October 17, 2013.
In summary, the proposed policy reinforces the existing permissions while providing more emphasis on streetscape, heritage, character of the street, and transition to adjacent residential uses. While this report recommends a four-storey height limit for the majority of the street, it also identifies opportunity for height up to five storeys on a section of the east side of Ossington Avenue.
This report reviews and recommends approval of a City-initiated Official Plan Amendment to create an area-specific Official Plan policy (see Attachment 4).
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
(October 16, 2013) Letter from David Bronskill, Goodmans LLP, representing 109 Ossington Ltd. (TE.Supp.TE28.5.2)
TE28.6 - Final Report - 595 Bay Street and 306 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:00 AM
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86, for the lands at 595 Bay Street and 306 Yonge Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment No. 7 to the report ( October 21, 2013) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.
3. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the Owner to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act as follows:
a. The community benefits recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement are as follows:
i. Internalize the TTC Staircase at the northwest corner of Yonge Street and Dundas Street West to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Chief Executive Officer of the Toronto Transit Commission.
ii. Make improvements to Edward Street beyond the property line of 595 Bay Street and 306 Yonge Street substantially as shown in Attachment 1 of the report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, titled: "595 Bay Street and 306 Yonge Street - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report" and dated October 21, 2013.
iii. The provision of a financial contribution in the amount of $350,000 for streetscape improvements on the north side of Edward Street and area, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.
iv. Improve the below-grade entrance from Dundas Station to 595 Bay Street and 306 Yonge Street to make it accessible to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Chief Executive Officer of the Toronto Transit Commission.
v. Require that the cash amounts identified in Recommendation 3.a.iv. above shall be indexed upwardly in accordance with the Non-Residential Construction Price Index for the Toronto CMA, reported quarterly by Statistics Canada in Construction Price Statistics Publication No. 62-007-XPB, or its successor, calculated from the date of execution of the Section 37 Agreement to the date of submission of the funds by the Owner to the City.
This application proposes five-storey additions to both office towers at the Atrium on Bay known municipally as 595 Bay Street and 306 Yonge Street. The application further proposes an addition on Bay Street covering the exterior split stair that currently occupies that space.
The Official Plan calls for new residential development to be balanced with increased employment opportunities within the Downtown and Central Waterfront Areas of the Official Plan. This application represents an important opportunity to achieve the objectives of the Provincial Policy Statement, Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and the Official Plan in this regard. The applicant is also proposing many improvements to the public realm and internalizing the TTC staircase at Yonge Street and Dundas Street West.
This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-law.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
(November 18, 2013) Letter from Hondy Hung and Anthea Cheung (TE.Supp.TE28.6.2)
TE28.7 - Final Report - 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 Glen Road, 4, 6, 58, 60, 62, 64, 76 and 100 Howard Street, and 603, 605, 607, 609 and 611 Sherbourne Street - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Applications and Rental Housing Demolition - North St. James Town
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:00 AM
- Ward:
- 28 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council amend the Official Plan for the lands at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 Glen Road; 4, 6, 58, 60, 62, 64, 76 and 100 Howard Street; and 603, 605, 607, 609, and 611 Sherbourne Street substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment No. 8 to the report (November 4, 2013) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.
2. City Council amend former City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86, as amended for the lands at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 Glen Road; 4, 6, 58, 60, 62, 64, 76 and 100 Howard Street; and 603, 605, 607, 609, and 611 Sherbourne Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment No. 9 to the report (November 4, 2013) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment and draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.
4. City Council approve the Section 37 for facilities, services and matters as set out Schedule 1 to Attachment No. 9 to the report (November 4, 2013) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, and, before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act to the satisfaction of City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division for facilities, services and matters recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement as set out in Schedule 1 to Attachment 9.
5. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require that the owner provide a cash-in-lieu payment for the tree replacement requirement applicable to the significant private tree (tree 7818) being 24 new trees of 70mm calliper to be planted to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation.
6. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment and in connection with Blocks 1 and 3, City Council require the owner shall:
a. prepare and submit to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, a detailed sanitary analysis for Block 1 and Block 3 based on current conditions and make satisfactory arrangements with the City with respect to financial contributions or sewer upgrades that may be required by the City based on the increased flow contribution by the development; and
b. pay for all watermain upgrades that may be required to the satisfaction of Toronto Water in order to resolve static pressure in the area affecting Block 1 and Block 3 which is below required levels pursuant to the Fire Code as outlined in the hydrant flow test submitted by Corix Water Services, dated May 28, 2013.
7. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require that:
a. the required variances for the replacement rental building if proposed to be located off the subject lands on the north side of Howard Street between Glen Road and Edgedale Road immediately east of premises municipally known as 1 Glen Road, are final and binding; and
b. the owner file an application for Site Plan Control with Community Planning for the replacement rental building proposed on Howard Street.
8. City Council approve the application to demolish the 8 existing residential rental units located at 4 and 76 Howard Street, 603 Sherbourne Street and 16 Glen Road pursuant to Municipal Code Chapters 667 and 363, subject to the following conditions under Chapter 667 which provide for the replacement of rental housing as outlined in this report:
a. the owner shall provide and maintain eight (8) residential rental dwelling units either on the subject lands or in a new building, to be located on the north side of Howard Street between Glen Road and Edgedale Road, immediately east of premises municipally known as 1 Glen Road, as rental housing for a period of at least 20 years, comprising 7 one-bedroom units and 1 three-bedroom unit, all of which shall have affordable rents;
b. the owner shall provide tenant relocation assistance including the right to return to a replacement rental unit for the eligible tenants to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division;
c. the owner constructs the replacement rental units to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, either on the subject lands, or in a new rental apartment building located on Howard Street (as referred to in Recommendation 8.a.) substantially in accordance with the rental housing proposal dated October 28, 2013, with any revisions to be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division;
d. if the replacement rental units are being provided on the Howard Street location, the owner applies for and obtains all necessary planning approvals that provide for the construction of the new replacement rental building, as provided for in Recommendation 8.c.;
e. the owner shall obtain the necessary building permits for the new replacement rental building on the Howard Street location, or if the rental units are to be replaced on the subject lands, building permits for the building in which the replacement rental units are to be provided;
f. the owner shall enter into and register one or more Section 111 Agreement(s) on title to the lands subject to the zoning by-law and on the lands comprising the new location on Howard Street, to secure the conditions outlined in Recommendations 8.a-e. above and as described in the draft zoning by-law amendment (Attachment 9) to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division; and
g. the owner shall enter into and register on title to the subject lands and, as applicable, to the lands comprising the new location on Howard Street, a Section 118 Restriction under the Land Titles Act, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, agreeing not to transfer or charge any part of the lands against which the restriction is registered, without the written consent of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, or his or her designate, to assist with securing the Section 111 Agreement against future owners and encumbrances of the lands until such time as the City Solicitor determines that its registration on title to any part of the lands is no longer required to secure the provisions of the Section 111 Agreement; and
h. for the demolition of 4 Howard Street, the owner shall obtain the necessary building permits for the development on Block 1 as provided for in the zoning by-law amendment.
9. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division to issue preliminary approval for a Section 111 permit for demolition of the rental units for each of the 3 existing rental buildings at 4 and 76 Howard Street and 603 Sherbourne Street under Municipal Code Chapter 667 following satisfaction of the matters set out in Recommendation 9.a. through 9.d. below for 76 Howard Street and 603 Sherbourne Street and the matters set out in Recommendation 9.a. through 9.e. below for 4 Howard Street:
a. satisfaction of the conditions in Recommendation 8;
b. the Official Plan amendment and the Zoning By-law amendment for the subject lands has come into full force and effect;
c. if the replacement rental units are to be located on Howard Street (as referred to in Recommendation 8.a.), the owner has obtained any necessary variances and issuance of the Notice Of Approval Conditions for site plan approval for the building by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, or his or her designate, pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006;
d. the owner has obtained the first building permit for the foundation of the new replacement rental building on the Howard Street lands (as referred to in Recommendation 8.a.), or if the rental units are to be replaced within the subject lands, the first building permit for shoring and excavation of the building which will contain the replacement rental units; and
e. for 4 Howard Street, the issuance of the Notice Of Approval Conditions for site plan approval of Block 1 by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, or his or her designate, pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006.
10. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division to issue preliminary approval for a Section 111 permit for interior demolition of the rental units at 16 Glen Road no earlier than the issuance of the heritage permits required by the approved Conservation Plan.
11. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official to issue a Section 111 permit for each of the 4 rental buildings under Municipal Code Chapter 667 after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division has given the preliminary approval for each of the 4 rental buildings as appropriate, and as referred to in Recommendations 9 and 10, as appropriate.
12. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official to issue a permit under Section 33 of the Planning Act for 4 Howard Street no earlier than issuance of the first building permit for excavation and shoring of the development on Block 1, and after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division has given the preliminary approval referred to in Recommendation 11, which permit may be included in the demolition permit for Chapter 667 under 363-11.1, of the Municipal Code, on condition that:
a. the owner erect a residential building on site no later than three (3) years from the day demolition of the buildings is commenced; and
b. should the owner fail to complete the new building within the time specified in condition 12.a., the City Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collector’s roll, to be collected in a like manner as municipal taxes, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for each dwelling unit for which a demolition permit is issued, and that each sum shall, until payment, be a lien or charge upon the land for which the demolition permit is issued.
13. City Council authorize and direct that the value of above-base improvements to the proposed public park, to be undertaken by the owner and secured through the proposed Section 37 conditions at the owner's cost, to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation, be applied as a credit toward the Parks and Recreation component of the City’s development charges, such credit not to exceed the lesser of:
a. the final cost of the above-base condition as confirmed by the Parks, Forestry and Recreation staff and in an amount not exceeding $600,000; or
b. the Parks and Recreation component of the Development Charges paid with respect to Block 3 of this development.
14. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take such actions as are necessary to implement the foregoing, including execution of the Section 37 and Section 111 Agreements.
The application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law proposes a development consisting of: four residential towers with heights of 12, 37, 45 and 45 storeys; 3-storey townhouses; a low-rise mixed use base building; and retail uses at grade along Howard Street for the properties at 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 Glen Road; 4, 6, 58, 60, 62, 64, 76 and 100 Howard Street; and 603, 605, 607, 609, and 611 Sherbourne Street. The proposal also includes: the retention of several heritage buildings (6-16 Glen Road, 603 Sherbourne Street and 605-607 Sherbourne Street); the relocation and conservation of 76 Howard Street; the conveyance of a public park; and the demolition and replacement of 8 rental dwelling units with tenant relocation assistance.
This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, subject to conditions. It also recommends approval of the related application for Rental Housing Demolition.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Richard Warner (TE.Supp.TE28.7.2)
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Sheila Hill and Norma MacInnis (TE.Supp.TE28.7.3)
(November 17, 2013) Letter from Christopher and Cindy Allen (TE.Supp.TE28.7.4)
(November 15, 2013) Letter from Linda A. Brett (TE.Supp.TE28.7.5)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Brian and Susan Magee (TE.Supp.TE28.7.6)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Linda A. Brett, President, Bloor Street East Neighbourhood Association (TE.Supp.TE28.7.7)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Catherine Temelcoff (TE.Supp.TE28.7.8)
(November 18, 2013) Submission from Paula Vopni (TE.Supp.TE28.7.9)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Vickie Rennie (TE.Supp.TE28.7.10)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Ruth Hall, SRRA Member (TE.Supp.TE28.7.11)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Diane Parsons (TE.Supp.TE28.7.12)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Timon Shaw (TE.Supp.TE28.7.13)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Caroline Kaiser (TE.Supp.TE28.7.14)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Don Hogarth (TE.Supp.TE28.7.15)
(November 19, 2013) Submission from Valerie Rodrigues (TE.Supp.TE28.7.16)
(November 19, 2013) Submission from Dermot Sweeny (TE.Supp.TE28.7.17)
(November 19, 2013) Submission from David Moore (TE.Supp.TE28.7.18)
(July 17, 2012) E-mail from Alex Rafuse (TE.Supp.TE28.7.19)
(October 16, 2013) Petition from approximately 53 individuals in opposition to the application. (TE.Supp.TE28.7.20)
TE28.8 - Alterations to Heritage Property; Demolition of Heritage Property; Intention to Designate Under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act; Authority to Enter into Heritage Easement Agreements - 603, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road, 4 Howard Street, 76 Howard Street
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:00 AM
- Ward:
- 28 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council approve the proposed alterations to the heritage properties at 603, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road and 76 Howard Street substantially in accordance with the plans and drawings prepared by Architects Alliance dated July 5, 2013, date stamped received by the City Planning Division July 15, 2013, and on file with the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, and the Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA) prepared by ERA Architects Inc. for each of the above-noted properties with final revisions dated: 603 Sherbourne Street (December 20, 2012); 605-607 Sherbourne Street (June 10, 2013); 6-16 Glen Road (June 8, 2011); and 76 Howard Street (June 21, 2013), all on file with the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, subject to the following conditions:
a. That prior to the introduction of the bills in City Council for the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment the owner shall:
i. Provide a detailed Conservation Plan for each of the properties at 603, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road and 76 Howard Street detailing all conservation work required in accordance with the HIAs referenced in Recommendation 1 in the report (September 11, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, including a detailed estimate of costs associated with this conservation work, to be prepared by a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
ii. Execute a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for each of the properties at 603, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road, and 76 Howard Street to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
b. That prior to the issuance of any heritage permit for the properties referenced in Recommendation 1 in the report (September 11, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, the owner shall:
i. Provide full building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the rehabilitation, restoration and protective measures to be taken, keyed to the approved Conservation Plans referenced in Recommendation 1.a.i. in the report (September 11, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
ii. Provide a Letter of Credit in a form and amount satisfactory to the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure the conservation work included in the Conservation Plans referenced in Recommendation 1.a.i. in the report (September 11, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division.
iii. Provide full documentation of the existing heritage property at 4 Howard Street including two (2) printed sets of archival quality 8"x10" colour photographs with borders in a glossy or semi-gloss finish and one (1) digital set on a CD in tiff format and 600 dpi resolution keyed to a location map, elevations and measured drawings, and copies of all existing interior floor plans and original drawings as maybe available to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
c. That prior to the release of the Letter of Credit, the owner shall:
i. Provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs for the heritage properties referenced in Recommendation 1.a.ii. in the report (September 11, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
ii. Provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the conservation work has been completed in accordance with the approved Conservation Plans and that the work has maintained an appropriate standard of conservation to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
2. City Council grant authority for the execution of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owner for each of the heritage properties at 603 Sherbourne Street, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road, and 76 Howard Street.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce any necessary bill in Council authorizing the entering into of the Heritage Easement Agreements for the properties at 603 Sherbourne Street, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road, and 76 Howard Street.
4. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 76 Howard Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
5. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 605 Sherbourne Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
6. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 607 Sherbourne Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
7. If there are no objections to the designations in accordance with Section 29(6) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the bills in Council designating the properties under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
8. If there are objections in accordance with Section 29(7) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the designations to the Conservation Review Board.
9. If the designations are referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision on the designations of the properties.
This report recommends that City Council endorse the conservation strategies as generally described in this report, for the eleven heritage properties that are part of three development blocks comprising the subject development site in the North St. James Town neighbourhood.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Richard Warner (TE.Supp.TE28.8.2)
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Sheila Hill and Norma MacInnis (TE.Supp.TE28.8.3)
(November 17, 2013) Letter from Christopher and Cindy Allen (TE.Supp.TE28.8.4)
(November 15, 2013) Letter from Linda A. Brett (TE.Supp.TE28.8.5)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Brian and Susan Magee (TE.Supp.TE28.8.6)
(November 18, 2013) Letter from Linda A. Brett, President, Bloor Street East Neighbourhood Association (TE.Supp.TE28.8.7)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Catherine Temelcoff (TE.Supp.TE28.8.8)
(November 18, 2013) Submission from Paula Vopni (TE.Supp.TE28.8.9)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Vickie Rennie (TE.Supp.TE28.8.10)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Ruth Hall (TE.Supp.TE28.8.11)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Diane Parsons (TE.Supp.TE28.8.12)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Timon Shaw (TE.Supp.TE28.8.13)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Caroline Kaiser (TE.Supp.TE28.8.14)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Don Hogarth (TE.Supp.TE28.8.15)
(November 19, 2013) Submission from Valerie Rodrigues (TE.Supp.TE28.8.16)
(November 19, 2013) Submission from Dermot Sweeny (TE.Supp.TE28.8.17)
(November 19, 2013) Submission from David Moore (TE.Supp.TE28.8.18)
8a - Alterations to Heritage Property; Demolition of Heritage Property; Intention to Designate Under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act; Authority to Enter into Heritage Easement Agreements - 603, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road, 4 Howard Street, 76 Howard Street
The Toronto Preservation Board recommends to Toronto and East York Community Council that:
1. City Council approve the proposed alterations to the heritage properties at 603, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road and 76 Howard Street substantially in accordance with the plans and drawings prepared by Architects Alliance dated July 5, 2013, date stamped received by the City Planning Division July 15, 2013, and on file with the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, and the Heritage Impact Assessments (HIA) prepared by ERA Architects Inc. for each of the above-noted properties with final revisions dated: 603 Sherbourne Street (December 20, 2012); 605-607 Sherbourne Street (June 10, 2013); 6-16 Glen Road (June 8, 2011); and 76 Howard Street (June 21, 2013), all on file with the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, subject to the following conditions:
a. That prior to the introduction of the bills in City Council for the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment the owner shall:
i. Provide a detailed Conservation Plan for each of the properties at 603, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road and 76 Howard Street detailing all conservation work required in accordance with the HIAs referenced in Recommendation 1 in the report (September 11, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, including a detailed estimate of costs associated with this conservation work, to be prepared by a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
ii. Execute a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for each of the properties at 603, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road, and 76 Howard Street to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
b. That prior to the issuance of any heritage permit for the properties referenced in Recommendation 1 in the report (September 11, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, the owner shall:
i. Provide full building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the rehabilitation, restoration and protective measures to be taken, keyed to the approved Conservation Plans referenced in Recommendation 1.a. i. in the report (September 11, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
ii. Provide a Letter of Credit in a form and amount satisfactory to the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure the conservation work included in the Conservation Plans referenced in Recommendation 1. a. i. in the report (September 11, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division.
iii. Provide full documentation of the existing heritage property at 4 Howard Street including two (2) printed sets of archival quality 8"x10" colour photographs with borders in a glossy or semi-gloss finish and one (1) digital set on a CD in tiff format and 600 dpi resolution keyed to a location map, elevations and measured drawings, and copies of all existing interior floor plans and original drawings as maybe available to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
c. That prior to the release of the Letter of Credit, the owner shall:
i. Provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs for the heritage properties referenced in Recommendation 1.a. ii. in the report (September 11, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
ii. Provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the conservation work has been completed in accordance with the approved Conservation Plans and that the work has maintained an appropriate standard of conservation to the satisfaction of the Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.
2. City Council grant authority for the execution of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owner for each of the heritage properties at 603 Sherbourne Street, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road, and 76 Howard Street.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce any necessary bill in Council authorizing the entering into of the Heritage Easement Agreements for the properties at 603 Sherbourne Street, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road, and 76 Howard Street.
4. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 76 Howard Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
5. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 605 Sherbourne Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
6. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 607 Sherbourne Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
7. If there are no objections to the designations in accordance with Section 29(6) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the bills in Council designating the properties under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
8. If there are objections in accordance with Section 29(7) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the designations to the Conservation Review Board.
9. If the designations are referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision on the designations of the properties.
The Toronto Preservation Board on November 5, 2013, considered the following:
1. (September 11, 2013) Report from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting Alterations to Heritage Property; Demolition of Heritage Property; Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act; Authority to Enter into Heritage Easement Agreements – 603, 605-607 Sherbourne Street, 6-16 Glen Road, 4 Howard Street, 76 Howard Street (North St. James Town).
2. Communications:
(October 26, 2013) E-mail from Sally Gibson (PB.Supp.PB26.3.1)
(November 4, 2013) E-mail from Linda Brett, President, Bloor Street East Neighbourhood Association (PB.Supp.PB26.3.2)
The following persons addressed the Toronto Preservation Board:
- Scott Weir, ERA Architects Inc.
- Linda Warth, Director, Planning and Development, Lanterra Developments
- Linda Brett, President, Bloor Street East Neighbourhood Association
- Councillor Pam McConnell
Background Information
TE28.9 - Final Report - Local Area Study - Lands Along the CN Rail Tracks from Queen Street West to Dupont Street - Ward 18
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:00 AM
- Ward:
- 18 - Davenport
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council adopt the Study, entitled "Besides the Tracks: Knitting the Rail Corridor Back to the Community", attached at Attachment 1 to the report (November 4, 2013) from the Director, Community Planning Toronto and East York District.
2. City Council direct City Staff to use this framework to review development applications as well as infrastructure investment in the long-term for the lands within the Study Area.
3. City Council request the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, in consultation with appropriate City Divisions to report back in the first quarter of 2014 on an implementation strategy, including quick hits to move forward with elements of the "Besides the Tracks" Study.
In March 2011, Toronto and East York Community Council requested City Planning to conduct a review of lands abutting the CN railway, which form the western boundary of Ward 18. The Study did not look at land use as this was being considered through the Municipal Comprehensive Review, but focused on opportunities to improve this area and better connect it to the surrounding neighbourhood. The result will help the City to proactively respond to any development proposals in the area and plan for the long-term investment and revitalization of these lands. The Study responds to a unique combination of factors including relatively large industrial sites lacking local infrastructure immediately bounded by stable neighbourhoods. In addition, the area is under increasing development pressures.
City staff, the Ward Councillor and members of the community have worked together to develop a vision for new development and direct infrastructure investment within the Study Area. In addition, an inter-divisional staff team worked on the project and were involved in developing the recommendations. The Study outlines short-term and long-term recommendations pertaining to parks, the transportation network (including new roads, bikeways, parking and walkways), heritage buildings, urban design and community services and facilities.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
Attachment 1 - "Besides the Tracks: Knitting the Rail Corridor Back to the Community" - Final Report - Local Area Study - Lands Along the CN Rail Tracks from Queen Street West to Dupont Street - Ward 18 - Part 1
Attachment 1 - "Besides the Tracks: Knitting the Rail Corridor Back to the Community" - Final Report - Local Area Study - Lands Along the CN Rail Tracks from Queen Street West to Dupont Street - Ward 18 - Part 2
Attachment 1 - "Besides the Tracks: Knitting the Rail Corridor Back to the Community" - Final Report - Local Area Study - Lands Along the CN Rail Tracks from Queen Street West to Dupont Street - Ward 18 - Part 3
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Andrea Dawber (TE.Supp.TE28.9.2)
TE28.10 - Request for Directions Report - 2131 Yonge Street and 32 Hillsdale Avenue East - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:00 AM
- Ward:
- 22 - St. Paul's
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council refuse application 13 105888 STE 22 OZ for Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment at 2131 Yonge Street and 32 Hillsdale Avenue East for the following reasons:
a. the site is not within the Yonge-Eglinton Urban Growth Centre;
b. the proposal is not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, does not conform to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and is not consistent with the Official Plan;
c. the proposal is inconsistent with the Council-approved Tall Buildings Design Guidelines; and
d. the proposal represents an over-development of the site.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor together with City Planning and other appropriate staff to appear before the Ontario Municipal Board in support of City Council's decision to refuse the application.
3. City Council authorize City Planning in consultation with the Ward Councillor to secure services, facilities or matters pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act as may be required by the Chief Planner should the proposal be approved in some form by the Ontario Municipal Board.
This application proposes to redevelop the subject site at 2131 Yonge Street and 32 Hillsdale Avenue. The current use, a large retail store (The Art Shoppe), is to be demolished.
The proposed mixed commercial-residential redevelopment consists of a 38-storey (123.85 metres) north tower and a 29-storey (98.70 metres) south tower (excluding mechanical penthouses). The height in storeys of both towers includes a common 6-storey base. The north tower includes a proposed restaurant on the 38th floor.
A total of 693 residential units are proposed and 497 parking spaces plus 3 car-share spaces are provided in an underground garage. The total proposed gross floor area is approximately 9.0 times the lot area. The lot includes the parkette on Hillsdale Avenue East which is owned by the applicant and leased to the City.
The base consists of retail uses on floors 1 and 2, residential units on floors 3 to 5 and a residential amenity level on the 6th floor.
The applicant has appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board prior to Council making a decision on their request for Official Plan and zoning amendments. This report reviews and recommends refusal of the application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law.
The proposed development on a site outside of the Yonge-Eglinton Urban Growth Centre (UGC) is not consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement and neither does it conform to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe or the Official Plan.
The proposed massing and tower heights of 38 storeys (124 metres) and 29 storeys (99 metres) on a lot abutting a Neighbourhoods designated area does not fit its built or planned context. The proposal does not comply with the policies of the Official Plan, including Section 4.5 which requires transition between areas of different intensity and scale (by stepping down in height among other methods), particularly towards lower scale Neighbourhoods.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
TE28.11 - Authority for a Heritage Easement Agreement - 1 Austin Terrace
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:30 AM
- Ward:
- 22 - St. Paul's
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council grant authority for the execution of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the lessee of the property at 1 Austin Terrace.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill in Council authorizing the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement.
This report recommends that City Council grant authority for a Heritage Easement Agreement between the City of Toronto and the lessee of the property at 1 Austin Terrace. The site contains Casa Loma, which is owned by the City of Toronto and operated as a tourist attraction. The Heritage Easement Agreement will cover the exterior and interior of the building as well as the grounds.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
11a - Authority for a Heritage Easement Agreement - 1 Austin Terrace
The Toronto Preservation Board recommends to Toronto and East York Community Council that:
1. City Council grant authority for the execution of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the lessee of the property at 1 Austin Terrace.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill in Council authorizing the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement.
The Toronto Preservation Board on November 5, 2013, considered a report (October 22, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting Authority for a Heritage Easement Agreement - 1 Austin Terrace.
Background Information
TE28.12 - Inclusion on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties - 33 Avenue Road
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:30 AM
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council include the property at 33 Avenue Road (York Square) on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties.
This report recommends that City Council include the property at 33 Avenue Road on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties for its cultural heritage value. Located on the north east corner of Avenue Road and Yorkville Avenue, the property contains the building historically known as York Square (1968-9).
A nomination for the property to be included on the City's Inventory of Heritage Property was received in 2012. The local councillor in Ward 27 expressed interest in having the property evaluated for inclusion. Following research and evaluation, staff have determined that the property at 33 Avenue Road meets Ontario Regulation 9/06, the provincial criteria prescribed for municipal designation that is also used by the City when assessing properties for the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties. A nomination for 55 Avenue Road (Hazelton Lanes) was also received by staff. In the evaluation of 33 Avenue Road, 55 Avenue Road was also assessed and was deemed not to merit a formal evaluation report.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Gee Chung, President, The Greater Yorkville Residents' Association (TE.Supp.TE28.12.2)
12a - Inclusion on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties - 33 Avenue Road
The Toronto Preservation Board deferred consideration of the revised report (October 18, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting the "Inclusion on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties - 33 Avenue Road" to its December 6, 2013 meeting and advised the Toronto and East York Community Council of the action taken.
The Toronto Preservation Board on November 5, 2013, considered the following:
1. (October 18, 2013) Report from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting Inclusion on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties - 33 Avenue Road.
2. Communications:
(November 4, 2013) Letter from David Bronskill, Goodmans LLP (PB.Supp.PB26.6.1)
(November 5, 2013) Letter from Catherine Nasmith, President, Toronto Architectural Conservancy (PB.New.PB26.6.2)
The following persons addressed the Toronto Preservation Board:
- Catherine Nasmith, President, Toronto Architectural Conservancy (Submission Filed)
- Linda R. Lewis
- Amanda Kosloski, Armstrong Planning and Project Management
Background Information
TE28.13 - Request for Heritage Evaluation - 31, 33, 35, and 37 Dundonald Street
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:30 AM
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. The Heritage Evaluation for 31, 33, 35 and 37 Dundonald Street be received for information.
This report recommends the receipt of the heritage evaluation of the properties at 31, 33, 35 and 37 Dundonald Street. The report concludes that these properties should not be included on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties or designated under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act because they do not meet Ontario Regulation 9/06, the criteria prescribed by the Province of Ontario for municipal designation.
Located on the south side of Dundonald Street, between Yonge and Church Street, each of the four properties contains a detached house form building dating to 1908-9.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
(November 14, 2013) Letter from James Harrison and Arlene Vandersloot (TE.Supp.TE28.13.2)
13a - Request for Heritage Evaluation - 31, 33, 35, 37 Dundonald Street
The Toronto Preservation Board:
1. Deferred consideration of the report (August 21, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting Request for Heritage Evaluation - 31, 33, 35, 37 Dundonald Street, to its November 5, 2013 meeting.
2. Advised the Toronto and East York Community Council of this decision.
The Toronto Preservation Board on September 4, 2013, considered the following:
1. Report (August 21, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting Request for Heritage Evaluation - 31, 33, 35, 37 Dundonald Street.
2. Communication (September 3, 2013) E-mail from Kathryn A. Holden (PB.Supp.PB24.11.1).
Background Information
13b - Request for Heritage Evaluation - 31, 33, 35, 37 Dundonald Street
The Toronto Preservation Board recommends to the Toronto and East York Community Council that:
1. The Heritage Evaluation for 31, 33, 35 and 37 Dundonald Street be received for information.
The Toronto Preservation Board on November 5, 2013, considered the following:
1. (August 21, 2013) Report from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting Request for Heritage Evaluation - 31, 33, 35, 37 Dundonald Street.
2. Communications:
(September 3, 2013) Letter from Kathryn A. Holden (PB.Main.PB26.11.1)
(September 5, 2013) E-mail from Ruth Cameron (PB.Main.PB26.11.2)
(September 18, 2013) Letter from James Harrison and Arlene Vandersloot
The following persons addressed the Toronto Preservation Board:
- Jim Harrison
- David Blaire
- Devin Andrew Dalton
Background Information
TE28.14 - Intention to Designate Under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 14 Blevins Place
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:30 AM
- Ward:
- 28 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
The City Planning Division recommends that
1. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 14 Blevins Place (Dickinson Tower, Regent Park South) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
2. If there are no objections to the designation in accordance with Section 29(6) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the bills in Council designating the property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
3. If there are objections in accordance with Section 29(7) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the designation to the Conservation Review Board.
4. If the designation is referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision on the designation of the property.
This report recommends that City Council state its intention to designate the property at 14 Blevins Place (Dickinson Tower, Regent Park South) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act. Located northwest of River and Shuter Streets in Regent Park South, the Dickinson Tower (1958) is the last remaining structure from the development of the planned community as it developed in the 1950s and was listed on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties in 2005.
At its meeting of May 14, 2013, the Toronto and East York Community Council adopted with amendments TE24.42, entitled "325 Gerrard Street East - Regent Park - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment Application - Preliminary Report", outlining the applications made by the Toronto Community Housing Corporation to amend the previous development permissions for the Regent Park revitalization area. As part of the applications, the heritage property at 14 Blevins Place is proposed for demolition.
In order to preserve the cultural heritage values and attributes of the Dickinson Tower at 14 Blevins Place and refuse the demolition of the building, City Council must state its intention to designate the property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Mary Henkelman (TE.Supp.TE28.14.2)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Kate Sellar (TE.Supp.TE28.14.3)
14a - Intention to Designate Under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 14 Blevins Place
The Toronto Preservation Board advises the Toronto and East York Community Council that it does not support the intention to designate the property at 14 Blevins Place (Dickinson Tower, Regent Park South) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
The Toronto Preservation Board on November 5, 2013, considered the following:
1. (September 19, 2013) Report from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 14 Blevins Place.
2. Communications:
(October 31, 2013) E-mail from Nick Crampton (PB.Supp.PB26.8.1)
(November 4, 2013) E-mail from Larry Webb (PB.Supp.PB26.8.2)
(November 4, 2013) E-mail from Azeb Wondemagegnehu (PB.Supp.PB26.8.3)
(November 5, 2013) E-mail from Kate Sellar (PB.Supp.PB26.8.4)
The following persons addressed the Toronto Preservation Board:
- Kevin Moore
- Mary Henkelman
- Remo Agostino, The Daniels Corporation
- Debra Dineen, Regent Park Neighbourhood Initiative
- Heather Grey-Wolf, Development Director, Toronto Community Housing Corporation
- Hani Afrah
- Nasser Naoshad
- Councillor Pam McConnell
Background Information
TE28.15 - Inclusion on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties - 263-265 Queen Street East
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:30 AM
- Ward:
- 28 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council include the property at 263-265 Queen Street East on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties.
This report recommends that City Council include the property at 263-265 Queen Street East on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties. Located on the south side of Queen Street East, east of Sherbourne Street, the site contains a pair of two-storey commercial buildings.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
15a - Inclusion on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties - 263-265 Queen Street East
The Toronto Preservation Board recommends to Toronto and East York Community Council that:
1. City Council include the property at 263-265 Queen Street East on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties.
The Toronto Preservation Board on November 5, 2013, considered a report (October 22, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting Inclusion on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties - 263-265 Queen Street East.
Background Information
TE28.16 - Partial Repeal of Designating By-law - 550 Gerrard Street East
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:30 AM
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
The City Planning Division recommends that
1. City Council state its intention to partially repeal City of Toronto By-law 410-2000 under Part IV, Section 31 of the Ontario Heritage Act, designating the property at 550 Gerrard Street East pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act, to remove the references to the portion of the site legally described as Plan 66R-26519, Part 2 from Schedules "B" and C" of the designating By-law 410-2000.
2. It there are no objections to the proposed partial repeal of By-law 410-2000, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill in Council to partially repeal the by-law pursuant to Section 31 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
3. If there are objections to the proposed partial repeal of By-law 410-2000, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the proposed repealing by-law to the Conservation Review Board for submission of a report to City Council for its final decision.
4. If the partial repeal of By-law 410-2000 is referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision on the proposed partial repeal of By-law 410-2000.
This report recommends that City Council partially repeal City of Toronto By-law 410-2000 designating the property at 550 Gerrard Street East (Don Jail) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act to remove the portion of the site described as Plan 66R-26519, Part 2 from the legal description.
As part of the Bridgepoint Health Master Plan, City Council approved the redevelopment of the lands including the historic Don Jail. The development approvals involved a series of land exchanges between the City and Bridgepoint Health. In the context of the first phase of land exchanges, the City of Toronto gave an undertaking to seek Council Authority to partially repeal the designating by-law for the Don Jail to remove from the legal description the land conveyed to the municipality for public highway purposes. The existing legal description for By-law 410-2000 will be amended to remove the references to the City-owned land, while the Reasons for Designation protecting the historic Don Jail and its environs remain unchanged.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
16a - Partial Repeal of Designating By-law - 550 Gerrard Street East
The Toronto Preservation Board recommends to the Toronto and East York Community Council that:
1. City Council state its intention to partially repeal City of Toronto By-law 410-2000 under Part IV, Section 31 of the Ontario Heritage Act, designating the property at 550 Gerrard Street East pursuant to the Ontario Heritage Act, to remove the references to the portion of the site legally described as Plan 66R-26519, Part 2 from Schedules "B" and C" of the designating By-law 410-2000.
2. It there are no objections to the proposed partial repeal of By-law 410-2000, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill in Council to partially repeal the by-law pursuant to Section 31 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
3. If there are objections to the proposed partial repeal of By-law 410-2000, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the proposed repealing by-law to the Conservation Review Board for submission of a report to City Council for its final decision.
4. If the partial repeal of By-law 410-2000 is referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision on the proposed partial repeal of By-law 410-2000.
The Toronto Preservation Board on November 5, 2013, considered a report (October 22, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting Partial Repeal of Designating By-law - 550 Gerrard Street East.
Background Information
TE28.17 - Hubbard and Wineva Properties - Intention to Designate Under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter Into Heritage Easement Agreements
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 11:30 AM
- Ward:
- 32 - Beaches-East York
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 1 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
2. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 3 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
3. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 5 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
4. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 7 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
5. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 9 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
6. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 11 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
7. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 2 Wineva Avenue (Wineva Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
8. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 4 Wineva Avenue (Wineva Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
9. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 6 Wineva Avenue (Wineva Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
10. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 8 Wineva Avenue (Wineva Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
11. If there are no objections to the designations in accordance with Section 29(6) of the Ontario Heritage Act, the solicitor be authorized to introduce the bills in Council designating the properties under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
12. If there are objections in accordance with Section 29(7) of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Clerk be directed to refer the proposed designations to the Conservation Review Board.
13. If the designations are referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision on the designation of the properties.
14. City Council grant authority for the execution of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owners of the properties at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 Hubbard Boulevard and 2, 4, 6 and 8 Wineva Avenue.
15. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bills in Council authorizing the entering into of the Heritage Easement Agreements.
This report recommends that City Council state its intention to designate the properties at 1-3, 5-7 and 9-11 Hubbard Boulevard and 2-4 and 6-8 Wineva Avenue under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act for their cultural heritage value and grant authority for heritage easement agreements for the sites. City Council listed the Hubbard and Wineva properties on the City of Toronto Inventory of Heritage Properties in 2010.
The 10 properties on Hubbard Boulevard and Wineva Avenue are owned by the Toronto Community Housing Corporation, which is planning to sell the sites. According to the heritage policies in the City of Toronto's Official Plan, when a City-owned heritage property is sold, leased or transferred to another owner, a heritage easement agreement will be secured.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
17a - Intention to Designate Under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into Heritage Easement Agreements - Hubbard and Wineva Properties
The Toronto Preservation Board recommends to the Toronto and East York Community Council that:
1. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 1 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
2. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 3 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
3. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 5 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
4. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 7 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
5. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 9 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
6. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 11 Hubbard Boulevard (Hubbard Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
7. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 2 Wineva Avenue (Wineva Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
8. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 4 Wineva Avenue (Wineva Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
9. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 6 Wineva Avenue (Wineva Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
10. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 8 Wineva Avenue (Wineva Fourplex) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
11. If there are no objections to the designations in accordance with Section 29(6) of the Ontario Heritage Act, the City Solicitor be authorized to introduce the bills in Council designating the properties under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.
12. If there are objections in accordance with Section 29(7) of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Clerk be directed to refer the proposed designations to the Conservation Review Board.
13. If the designations are referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision on the designation of the properties.
14. City Council grant authority for the execution of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owners of the properties at 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 Hubbard Boulevard and 2, 4, 6 and 8 Wineva Avenue.
15. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bills in Council authorizing the entering into of the Heritage Easement Agreements.
The Toronto Preservation Board on November 5, 2013, considered a report (October 22, 2013) from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, respecting Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into Heritage Easement Agreements - Hubbard and Wineva Properties.
Background Information
TE28.18 - Residential Demolition Application - 202-204 Bathurst Street
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 19 - Trinity-Spadina
Toronto Building recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Refuse the application to demolish the subject mixed use building at 202-204 Bathurst Street that contains 2 residential dwelling units because there is no replacement building permit issued at this site.
Or in the alternative:
2. Approve the application to demolish the subject mixed use building at 202-204 Bathurst Street (that contains 2 residential units) with no conditions.
In accordance with City-wide residential demolition control under Article II, Demolition Control, of Municipal Code Ch. 363, as amended by By-law No. 1009-2006, enacted by the City Council on September 27, 2006 under the authority of Section 33 of the Planning Act, I refer the demolition application for 202-204 Bathurst Street to you, to decide whether to grant or refuse the application, including conditions, if any, to be attached to the permit.
This staff report is regarding a matter for which the Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Financial Impact
Not applicable.
Background Information
(October 10, 2013) E-mail from Sally Corbin, Project Manager, 59 Project Management Inc., requesting a deferral of the application until a subsequent meeting. (TE.Main.TE28.18.2)
(November 15, 2013) E-mail from Jamie Levin (TE.Supp.TE28.18.3)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Shannon Adams, requesting a further deferral (TE.Supp.TE28.18.4)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Sarah Treleaven (TE.Supp.TE28.18.5)
TE28.19 - Residential Demolition Application - 52 Bartlett Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 18 - Davenport
Toronto Building recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Refuse the application to demolish the subject two storey detached house at 52 Bartlett Avenue that contains 1 residential dwelling unit because there is no replacement building permit issued at this site.
Or, in the alternative:
2. Approve the application to demolish the subject two storey detached house at 52 Bartlett Avenue that contains 1 residential unit with no conditions.
In accordance with City-wide residential demolition control under Article II, Demolition Control, of Municipal Code Ch. 363, as amended by By-law No. 1009-2006, enacted by the City Council on September 27, 2006 under the authority of Section 33 of the Planning Act, I refer the demolition application for 52 Bartlett Avenue to you, to decide whether to grant or refuse the application, including conditions, if any, to be attached to the permit.
This staff report is regarding a matter for which the Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Financial Impact
Not applicable.
Background Information
TE28.20 - Refusal of a Boulevard Cafe Permit Located on the Commercial Frontage of 100 Simcoe Street
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Deny the application for the proposed boulevard café on the commercial frontage of 100 Simcoe Street based on the application not meeting the by-law requirements as outlined in Chapter 313-36.
This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
To report on the refusal to issue a permit by the Municipal Licensing and Standards based on the extension application for a boulevard café permit located on the commercial frontage of 100 Simcoe Street.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
Appendices - Refusal of a Boulevard Cafe Permit Located on the Commercial Frontage of 100 Simcoe Street
TE28.21 - Appeal of the Denial of a Boulevard Cafe Permit Located at 968 Bathurst Street, Follis Avenue Flankage
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Deny the application for the proposed café located at 968 Bathurst Street, Follis Avenue flankage.
This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
To report on the refusal to issue a permit by Municipal Licensing and Standards for a boulevard café permit located at 968 Bathurst Street, Follis Avenue flankage.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
Appendices - Appeal of the Denial of a Boulevard Cafe Permit Located at 968 Bathurst Street, Follis Avenue Flankage
TE28.22 - Appeal of the Denial of a Curbside Boulevard Cafe Permit Located at the Curbside of 382 Yonge Street, Unit 6
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Deny the application for the proposed curbside café at 382 Yonge Street, Unit 6.
This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
To report on the refusal to issue a curbside café boulevard café permit in the matter of an application located at 382 Yonge Street, Unit 6.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
Appendices - Appeal of the Denial of a Curbside Boulevard Cafe Permit Located at the Curbside of 382 Yonge Street, Unit 6
TE28.23 - Appeal of the Denial of a Curbside Boulevard Cafe Permit Located at 382 Yonge Street, Unit 7
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Deny the application for the proposed curbside café at 382 Yonge Street, Unit 7.
This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
To report on the refusal to issue a curbside café boulevard café permit in the matter of an application located at 382 Yonge Street, Unit 7.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
Appendices - Appeal of the Denial of a Curbside Boulevard Cafe Permit Located at 382 Yonge Street, Unit 7
TE28.24 - Appeal of the Denial of a Boulevard Cafe Permit Located at 1438A Gerrard Street East, Ashdale Avenue Flankage
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 1:30 PM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Deny the application for the proposed café located at 1438A Gerrard Street East, Ashdale Avenue flankage.
This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
To report on the refusal to issue a permit by Municipal Licensing and Standards for a boulevard café permit located at 1438A Gerrard Street East, Ashdale Avenue flankage.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
Appendices - Appeal of the Denial of a Boulevard Cafe Permit Located at 1438A Gerrard Street East, Ashdale Avenue Flankage
TE28.25 - Report on the Impact of Existing Sidewalk Boulevard Vending Location Due to the Union Station Revitalization Project
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 2:00 PM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 28 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Cancel the existing sidewalk boulevard vending permit located on Front Street West between Bay Street and York Street (Front Street West South Side 75.72m east of York Street).
This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
To report on the impact of the Union Station Revitalization Project construction activities on the existing sidewalk boulevard vending permit located on Front Street West between Bay Street to York Street (Front Street West South Side 75.72m east of York).
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
Appendix - Report on the Impact of Existing Sidewalk Boulevard Vending Location Due to the Union Station Revitalization Project
TE28.26 - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 286 Willow Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 2:00 PM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 32 - Beaches-East York
Transportation Services recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Deny the request for front yard parking at 286 Willow Avenue.
2. Request that the owner install planters to the satisfaction of the General Manager of Transportation Services, as indicated in Appendix 'E', attached to the report dated August 20, 2013, from the Manager, Right of Way Management, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
This staff report is about a matter which Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services has assessed an appeal from the owner of 286 Willow Avenue for front yard parking. We do not recommend approval for front yard parking at this location because it does not meet the requirements of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918. The owner will be given an opportunity to make a deputation before Community Council.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact to the City as a result of this report.
Background Information
Appendix A - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 286 Willow Avenue
Appendix B - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 286 Willow Avenue
Appendix C - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 286 Willow Avenue
Appendix D - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 286 Willow Avenue
Appendix E - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 286 Willow Avenue
TE28.27 - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 196 Belsize Drive
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 2:00 PM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 22 - St. Paul's
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Deny the request for front yard parking at 196 Belsize Drive.
2. Request that the owner remove the existing brick paving and restore the area to soft landscaping, as indicated in Appendix 'E", attached to the report dated October 29, 2013, from the Manager, Right of Way Management, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
This staff report is about a matter which Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services has assessed an appeal from the owner of 196 Belsize Drive for front yard parking. We do not recommend approval for front yard parking at this location because it does not meet the requirements of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918. The owner will be given an opportunity to make a deputation before Community Council.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact to the City as a result of this report.
Background Information
Appendix A - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 196 Belsize Drive
Appendix B - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 196 Belsize Drive
Appendix C - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 196 Belsize Drive
Appendix D - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 196 Belsize Drive
Appendix E - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 196 Belsize Drive
TE28.28 - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 420 Hillsdale Avenue East
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 2:00 PM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 22 - St. Paul's
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Deny the request for front yard parking at 420 Hillsdale Avenue East.
2. Request that the owner remove the existing brick paving and restore the area to soft landscaping, as indicated in Appendix 'E', attached to the report dated October 29, 2013, from the Manager, Right of Way Management, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
3. As per Urban Forestry's request, require the following work to be performed within the minimum tree protection zone: the applicant must restore the grade, remove all existing limestone, have the tree aerated and fertilized by a qualified tree care company to compensate for root damage and proof of such (receipt) is to be supplied to Forestry. Also a tree security deposit of $1,504.00 from the applicant to be held a minimum of two years commencing at the completion of their proposed work (sodding).
This staff report is about a matter which Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services has assessed an appeal from the owner of 420 Hillsdale Avenue East for front yard parking. We do not recommend approval for front yard parking at this location because it does not meet the requirements of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918. The owner will be given an opportunity to make a deputation before Community Council.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact to the City as a result of this report.
Background Information
Appendix A - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 420 Hillsdale Avenue East
Appendix B - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 420 Hillsdale Avenue East
Appendix C - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 420 Hillsdale Avenue East
Appendix D - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 420 Hillsdale Avenue East
Appendix E - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 420 Hillsdale Avenue East
TE28.29 - Application to Remove and Injure Private Trees - 78 Queen's Park (Faculty of Law, University of Toronto)
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 2:00 PM
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
The General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation recommends that:
1. City Council approve the request for a permit to remove thirteen (13) trees and injure two (2) trees, all situated on private property at 78 Queen's Park.
This report requests that City Council approve the application for a permit to remove thirteen (13) trees and injure two (2) trees, all situated on private property. The tree removal and injury permit application has been received in connection with a Site Plan Control application to permit the renovation and construction of an addition to the Faculty of Law buildings at the University of Toronto at the above noted address.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
TE28.30 - Application to Remove Private Trees - 17 Millington Street
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 2:00 PM
- Ward:
- 28 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
The General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation recommends that:
1. City Council deny the request for a permit to remove the privately owned honey locust trees located in the rear yard of 17 Millington Street.
This report requests that City Council deny the application for a permit to remove two (2) privately owned trees located in the rear yard of 17 Millington Street. The application indicates the reason for removal is because the trees are too large for the confined space, and this tree species should not have been planted within this area.
The subject trees are two (2) honey locusts (Gleditsia triacanthos) measuring 31 and 38 cm in diameter. The trees are healthy and in fair condition structurally and botanically. Urban Forestry does not support removal of these trees.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
TE28.31 - Application to Remove a Private Tree - 15 and 17 Woodfield Road
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 2:00 PM
- Ward:
- 32 - Beaches-East York
The General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation recommends that:
1. City Council deny the request for a permit to remove the privately owned weeping willow tree situated on the rear property line between 15 and 17 Woodfield Road.
This report requests that City Council deny the application for a permit to remove one (1) privately owned tree situated on the rear property line between 15 and 17 Woodfield Road. The application indicates the reasons for removal as due to rot and carpenter ant activity within the tree, the tree is damaging an existing deck, and broken branches have caused property damage over the last three years.
The subject tree is a weeping willow (Salix babylonica) measuring 117 cm in diameter. The tree is healthy and in fair condition structurally and botanically. Urban Forestry does not support removal of this tree.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Whitney Taylor (TE.Supp.TE28.31.2)
TE28.32 - Business Improvement Area (BIA) Boards of Management Additions and Deletions
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Wards:
- 18 - Davenport, 20 - Trinity-Spadina, 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale, 29 - Toronto-Danforth, 30 - Toronto-Danforth, 31 - Beaches-East York, 32 - Beaches-East York
The Acting Director, Business Services, Economic Development and Culture, recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Approve the additions and deletions to the Church-Wellesley Village, Danforth, Danforth Mosaic, Dundas West, Dupont Strip, and Gerrard India Bazaar BIA Boards of Management described in the body and in Attachment No. 1 to the report dated October 23, 2013 from the Acting Director, Business Services, Economic Development and Culture.
2. Confirm that under Council's Public Appointments Policy, these Board members are appointed at the pleasure of Community Council, and Community Council retains the right to replace any appointed member at any time and for any reason.
3. Direct that Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, be amended to reflect the changes in the number of members and the number of members required for quorum for the Church-Wellesley Village, Danforth, Danforth Mosaic, Dundas West, Dupont Strip, and Gerrard India Bazaar Business Improvement Area (BIA) Boards of Management.
The purpose of this report is to recommend Toronto and East York Community Council approve additions and deletions to the Church-Wellesley Village, Danforth, Danforth Mosaic, Dundas West, Dupont Strip, and Gerrard India Bazaar (BIA) Boards of Management with appropriate adjustments to quorum as noted in the body of this report. The Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority to make final decisions regarding BIA appointments.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
TE28.33 - Preliminary Report - 50 and 52 Bartlett Avenue - Zoning Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 18 - Davenport
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. Notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations of the Planning Act with respect to the property at 50 and 52 Bartlett Avenue.
This application proposes to permit the construction of a 3-storey L-shaped, residential apartment building containing 16 dwelling units and 17 vehicular parking spaces at 50 and 52 Bartlett Avenue.
This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application.
A community consultation meeting is tentatively scheduled for November 13, 2013. At this meeting the community can review the application, provide comments, and ask questions of City staff and the applicant.
A final report is targeted for the second quarter of 2014, subject to any required information being provided by the applicant in a timely manner.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
TE28.34 - Preliminary Report - 547-555 College Street - Zoning Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 19 - Trinity-Spadina
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. Staff be directed to schedule a Community Consultation Meeting for the lands at 547-555 College Street together with the Ward Councillor.
2. Notice for the Community Consultation Meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site.
3. Notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations of the Planning Act.
This rezoning application proposes to permit a new eight-storey mixed-use building at 547-555 College Street with ground floor retail space and 58 residential dwellings on the upper floors.
This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's direction on further processing of the application and on the community consultation process.
Staff recommend that a Community Consultation Meeting be held in January 2014. Staff anticipate submitting a final report on the application to Community Council in the second quarter of 2014. These target dates assume that the applicant will provide all required information in a timely manner.
Financial Impact
There are no recent planning applications for the subject property.
Background Information
TE28.35 - Preliminary Report - Kensington Market Restaurant and Bar Uses
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
The City Planning Division recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Receive the Kensington Market Restaurant and Bar Uses - Preliminary Report (October 24, 2013) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, for information.
On July 16, 17, 18 and 19, 2013, City Council adopted a motion directing staff to undertake a planning analysis of restaurant and bar uses in Kensington Market and report to the November 19, 2013 meeting of the Toronto and East York Community Council on the feasibility of amending the Zoning By-law with respect to implementing restrictions on restaurant and bar uses in Kensington Market.
This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted study and the proposed work plan, including the community consultation process.
Financial Impact
The recommendation in this report has no financial impact.
Background Information
TE28.36 - Preliminary Report - 602-622 King Street West, 503 and 505 Adelaide Street West and 1 and 11 Adelaide Place - Zoning Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. Staff be directed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the lands at 602-622 King Street West, 503 and 503 Adelaide Street West and 1 and 11 Adelaide Place, together with the Ward Councillor.
2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site.
3. Notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations under the Planning Act.
This application proposes to amend the former City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86 and comprehensive Zoning By-law No. 569-2013 to permit the development of a 20-storey mixed-use building with retail uses at grade, 209 residential units and 21,675 square metres of office space. Included in the proposal are 177 parking spaces in three levels of parking to serve the project located in a below grade parking facility.
The proposal also includes the retention of the listed heritage building at 602-604 King Street West.
An application has also been filed under the Residential Rental Property Demolition and Conversion requirements of Chapter 667 of the Municipal Code.
This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the application and on the community consultation process.
Staff have raised concerns with the applicant about the appropriateness of the proposed height of the building in the context of the West Precinct of King-Spadina.
The further processing of the application and public consultation process are recommended in order to give the applicant the opportunity to work with City staff, the community and the Ward Councillor to address these concerns and others that may arise through further review of the application.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
TE28.37 - Preliminary Report - 836 St. Clair Avenue West - Zoning Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 21 - St. Paul's
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. Staff be directed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the lands at 836 St. Clair Avenue West together with the Ward Councillor.
2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site.
3. Notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations of the Planning Act.
This application proposes to amend the Zoning By-law in order to permit the construction of a 9-storey mixed use building consisting of 127 dwelling units (17 bachelor units, 94 one-bedrooms and 16 two-bedrooms) and 1,079 m2 of retail space at grade, and a total of 81 parking spots (9 for visitors) located in a below-grade garage at 836 St. Clair Avenue West.
This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the applications and on the community consultation process.
The next step is to undertake a community consultation meeting, to enable the public to review and provide input on the application and ask questions of City staff and the applicant.
The Final Report is targeted for the second quarter of 2014. This target date assumes the applicant will provide all required information in a timely manner.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
TE28.38 - Preliminary Report - 350 Vaughan Road - Zoning Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 21 - St. Paul's
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. Staff be directed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the lands at 350 Vaughan Road together with the Ward Councillor.
2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site.
3. Notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations of the Planning Act.
This application proposes to amend the Zoning By-law in order to permit the construction of ten 3-storey townhouse units and two 3-storey semi-detached units at 350 Vaughan Road. Parking is to be provided at the rear of the units with access off of a public laneway.
This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the applications and on the community consultation process.
The next step is to undertake a community consultation meeting, to enable the public to review and provide input on the application and ask questions of City staff and the applicant.
The Final Report is targeted for the second quarter of 2014. This target date assumes the applicant will provide all required information in a timely manner.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
TE28.39 - Preliminary Report - 143 Avenue Road - Zoning Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. Staff be directed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the lands at 143 Avenue Road together with the Ward Councillor.
2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site.
3. Notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations of the Planning Act.
This application proposes to redevelop the site at 143 Avenue Road to construct a 12-storey, 40.4 metre high (excluding the mechanical penthouse) mixed-use building. The proposed development includes 94 residential units, approximately 865 square metres of retail commercial space and 67 residential parking spaces in a 3-level underground parking garage. The proposed density is approximately 7.4 times the lot area.
This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the application and on the community consultation process.
A Final Report is targeted for the third quarter of 2014 provided the applicant submits all required information in a timely manner.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
TE28.40 - Preliminary Report - 629, 633 and 675 Eastern Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. Staff be directed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the lands at 629, 633, and 675 Eastern Avenue together with the Ward Councillor.
2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site.
3. Notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations of the Planning Act.
This application proposes redevelopment of the property located at 629, 633 and 675 Eastern Avenue. The proposal is to maintain approximately 16,535 square metres of existing space for film studio and production purposes and to construct approximately 75,630 square metres of new office/flex space, 7,290 square metres of hotel space, and 14,060 square metres of retail space. The total gross floor area proposed is 113,520 square metres. The applicant's concept plan identifies 15 existing and new buildings proposed on the site.
This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the applications and on the community consultation process.
A community consultation meeting is targeted for the fall of 2013 or winter 2014, with a Final Report and Statutory Public meeting anticipated for the second quarter of 2014. The target dates assume that applicant will provide all required information in a timely manner.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
TE28.41 - Central Waterfront Secondary Plan, East Bayfront and North Keating Appeals
- Consideration Type:
- Information
- Wards:
- 14 - Parkdale-High Park, 18 - Davenport, 19 - Trinity-Spadina, 20 - Trinity-Spadina, 28 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale, 30 - Toronto-Danforth, 32 - Beaches-East York
The City of Toronto passed the Central Waterfront Secondary Plan in April 2003 and subsequently zoning by-laws for the East Bayfront (By-law No. 1049-2006) and North Keating (By-law No. 1174-2010). Within these two precincts there are a total of 6 private land owner appellants to the Central Waterfront Secondary Plan and area specific By-laws. After several years of discussions and several pre-hearing conferences, the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) has set aside 12 weeks of time for hearings on these appeals starting on March 31, 2014. City and Waterfront Toronto representatives have initiated negotiations with the appellants to find mutually acceptable solutions for both the appellants and the City. It is hoped that through this process, solutions will be found that will be considered to be fair and transparent and meet the intent of the Central Waterfront Secondary Plan and the Precinct Plans.
The negotiation process is exceptionally labour intensive to prepare material for settlement review and to hold discussions with the appellants. These discussions commenced in earnest in September and are expected to continue until at least the end of December 2013. If negotiations have progressed sufficiently, a public meeting will be held in early 2014 to present the findings of this process to the public and other parties having an interest in the appeal process and to secure support for the outcomes of the negotiations. A Directions Report will be prepared early in 2014 following the public meeting. The Directions Report would seek Council authority to advise the OMB of the City’s position on the necessary changes to the Central Waterfront Secondary Plan and area zoning by-laws necessary to conclude any settlements of these site specific appeals. The Directions Report is expected to provide Council with confidential details pertaining to the ongoing discussions and to request support for the resolution of this process based on the matters currently being discussed with the appellants.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications.
Background Information
TE28.42 - Status Update Report - King-Spadina East Precinct Built Form Study
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
The City Planning Divisions recommends that:
1. City Council receive for information the report (November 4, 2013) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, entitled "King-Spadina East Precinct Built Form Study - Status Update Report".
This report outlines the King-Spadina East Precinct Built Form Study preliminary findings and potential directions. The East Precinct is a Regeneration Area bounded by Front Street West to the south, Richmond Street West to the north, Simcoe and John Streets to the east, and Spadina Avenue to the west. Major Secondary Plan policy objectives aim to encourage reinvestment in the area for a diverse range of employment and residential uses while preserving and reinforcing the historic scale and character of the area and enhancing the public realm.
With over 30 applications at various stages of review, the East Precinct has a high concentration of tall building proposals. These developments are creating a tower neighbourhood east of Spadina which was not contemplated by the in-force Plan.
The King-Spadina Plan was created to maintain and enhance the distinct warehouse and heritage character of the area while at the same time attracting investment by opening up land use permissions. This plan has been largely successful in repurposing medium scale warehouse buildings and using that unique character to support the branding and visual amenity of the area. The result has been the preservation of many heritage buildings and one of the largest concentrations of creative industries in the City.
However, as with some other areas of the City, this area has evolved and has now effectively become a tower neighbourhood. The Built Form review of the area seeks to re-imagine the King-Spadina East Precinct in a way that accommodates tower forms while incorporating the character of the area that distinguishes this part of the City. To do this, preliminary directions are to:
- reinforce and maintain the special heritage character of the area;
- permit tall buildings within the precinct which comply with the City's tall building guidelines (subject to the results of the on-going Heritage Conservation District Study);
- update the public realm plan for the area to guide and secure higher quality sidewalks, public spaces and connections throughout the area;
- complete a parks, recreation and community services study to identify services to be provided in tandem with growth;
- assess hard services, transit, water, sewer and transportation for upgrades; and
- achieve a balanced mix of entertainment, employment and residential uses.
The Built Form Study will refocus the policies for King-Spadina East Precinct to manage new towers, create an infrastructure plan and define the overall capacity of the area to absorb growth while maintaining a high quality of life for residents, employees and visitors. This will be accompanied by clear direction to enhance the quality of the public realm and character of the neighbourhood through carefully planned and managed intensification.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications.
Background Information
TE28.43 - Construction Staging Area - Rusholme Road (No. 998 College Street)
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 18 - Davenport
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Approve the closure of the west sidewalk and part of the west curb lane on Rusholme Road, between College Street and a point 42 metres north, from December 1, 2013 to March 31, 2015.
2. Approve the implementation of a "No Stopping Anytime" regulation on both sides of Rusholme Road, between College Street and a point 53 metres north, from December 1, 2013 to March 31, 2015.
3. Adjust the existing "No Parking Anytime" regulation on the west side of Rusholme Road, between Bloor Street West and College Street, to be in effect from Bloor Street West to a point 53 metres north of College Street, from December 1, 2013 to March 31, 2015.
4. Adjust the existing "Permit Parking" regulation on the odd side of Rusholme Road, between Bloor Street West and College Street, to be in effect from Bloor Street West to a point 53 metres north of College Street, from December 1, 2013 to March 31, 2015.
5. Direct that Rusholme Road be returned to its pre-construction traffic and parking regulations when the project is complete.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is requesting authority to close the west sidewalk and part of the west curb lane on Rusholme Road. 59 Project Management is constructing a seven-storey condominium at No. 998 College Street. This project requires a temporary sidewalk and lane closure on Rusholme Road for a period of 16 months to enable construction to proceed.
As a result, Rusholme Road will be 3.5 metres wide in the vicinity of the staging area, which is sufficient for one-way traffic operation. Pedestrians will be diverted to the east side of the road. Stopping will be prohibited on both sides of the road in the vicinity of the staging area. This will result in the loss of seven permit parking spaces. On this section of Rusholme Road there are 39 parking spaces and 30 permits issued.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact on the City. 59 Project Management is responsible for all costs, including payment of fees to the City for the occupancy of the right-of-way. Based on the area enclosed and projected duration of the closure, these fees will be approximately $39,000.00.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1151 - Construction Staging Area - Rusholme Road (No. 998 College Street)
TE28.44 - Construction Staging Area - No. 181 Davenport Road
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Transportation Services recommends that:
1. City Council approve the closure of the south sidewalk, curb lane and bicycle lane on Davenport Road, between a point 37 metres east of Hazelton Avenue and a point 54 metres further east, from December 16, 2013 to November 30, 2015.
2. City Council direct that Davenport Road be returned to its pre-construction traffic and parking regulations when the project is complete.
3. City Council authorize the General Manager of Transportation Services to request the alteration and/or removal of the proposed staging area if required to accommodate Pan Am requirements during the months of July and August 2015.
Transportation Services is requesting authority to close part of the south curb lane, bicycle lane and sidewalk on Davenport Road and establish a temporary pedestrian walkway in the closed lane.
Mizrahi Development Group Incorporated is constructing a 12-storey condominium at No. 181 Davenport Road. This project requires the above closures for a period of 24 months to enable construction to proceed.
The proposed staging area will be an addition to the existing staging area at No. 195 Davenport Road, which is scheduled to be complete on November 30, 2014. No. 195 Davenport Road is being constructed by Laughlin Solutions Incorporated, which is associated with Mizrahi Development Group Incorporated, thereby allowing the staging areas to be co-ordinated.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact on the City. Mizrahi Development Group Incorporated is responsible for all costs, including payment of fees to the City for the occupancy of the right-of-way. Based on the area enclosed and projected duration of the closure, these fees will be approximately $36,000.00.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1250 - Construction Staging Area - No. 181 Davenport Road
TE28.45 - Construction Staging Area Time Extension - No. 195 Davenport Road
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Transportation Services recommends that City Council:
1. Approve the continuation of the closure of the south curb lane, sidewalk and bicycle lane on Davenport Road, between Hazelton Avenue and a point 37 metres east, from December 16, 2013 to November 30, 2014.
Laughlin Solutions Incorporated is constructing a 9-storey condominium at No. 195 Davenport Road. They need to continue to close the south curb lane, sidewalk and bicycle lane on Davenport Road in order to complete their work.
They also need to continue to close sections of the sidewalk on Hazelton Avenue. This matter is dealt within a companion report entitled "Construction Staging Area Time Extension – Hazelton Avenue" requiring Toronto and East York Community Council approval.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact on the City. Laughlin Solutions Incorporated will bear the costs.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-0826 - Construction Staging Area Time Extension - No. 195 Davenport Road
TE28.46 - Construction Staging Area Time Extension - Hazelton Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Approve the continuation of the closure of the east sidewalk on Hazelton Avenue, between Davenport Road and a point 35 metres south, from December 1, 2013 to November 30, 2014.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Laughlin Solutions Incorporated is constructing a 9-storey condominium at No. 195 Davenport Road. They need to continue to close the east sidewalk on Hazelton Avenue in order to complete their work.
They also need to continue to close the south curb lane, sidewalk and bicycle lane on Davenport Road in order to complete their work. This matter is dealt within a companion report entitled "Construction Staging Area Time Extension – No. 195 Davenport Road" requiring City Council approval.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact on the City. Laughlin Solutions Incorporated will bear the costs.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-0826 - Construction Staging Area Time Extension - Hazelton Avenue
TE28.47 - Installation/Removal of On-Street Accessible Parking Spaces - November 2013
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Wards:
- 18 - Davenport, 19 - Trinity-Spadina, 20 - Trinity-Spadina, 29 - Toronto-Danforth, 32 - Beaches-East York
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Approve the installation/removal of on-street accessible parking spaces at the locations identified in Appendix A attached to the report dated October 30, 2013, from the Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
This staff report concerns a matter for which Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision. The purpose is to obtain approval for the installation/removal of a number of on-street accessible parking spaces.
Financial Impact
Funds in the amount of $3,600.00 are available within the Transportation Services Division’s 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
TE28.48 - Parking Amendments - Heath Street West
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 22 - St. Paul's
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Rescind the "No Parking, from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except public holidays" prohibition on the south side of Heath Street West, between Avenue Road and a point 91.4 metres west of Yonge Street.
2. Rescind the "One-hour maximum parking from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m." regulation on the south side of Heath Street West, from Yonge Street to Avenue Road.
3. Amend the existing "No Standing Anytime" regulation in effect on the south side of Heath Street West, from a point 45 metres west of Yonge Street to a point 46.4 metres further west, to operate on the south side of Heath Street West, from Yonge Street to a point 91.4 metres further west.
4. Restrict parking for a maximum period of one hour from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., daily, on the south side of Heath Street West, from Avenue Road to a point 91.4 metres west of Yonge Street.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is requesting approval to rescind the existing "No Parking 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday" prohibition and to implement a "One-hour maximum 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., daily" regulation on the south side of Heath Street West, between Avenue Road and Yonge Street. This parking proposal would allow parking to remain on the south side of Heath Street West during morning and afternoon peak periods as a means to provide a mild traffic calming effect, making the roadway less desirable for motorists that are using this route as a bypass to St. Clair Avenue West.
Financial Impact
Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments in the estimated amount of $1,000.00 are contained within Transportation Services 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1230 - Parking Amendments - Heath Street West
TE28.49 - Parking Amendments - Russett Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 18 - Davenport
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Rescind the "No Parking Anytime, except each Thursday, April 1 to November 30" regulation on the east side of Russett Avenue, between Bloor Street West and a point 45.3 metres south of Wallace Avenue.
2. Rescind the "No Parking, each Thursday, April 1 to November 30" regulation on the west side of Russett Avenue, between a point 45.7 metres north of Bloor Street West and a point 45.3 metres south of Wallace Avenue.
3. Enact a "No Parking, Anytime" regulation on the east side of Russett Avenue, between Bloor Street West and Wallace Avenue.
4. Amend the accessible parking space on the west side of Russett Avenue, between a point 101 metres south of Wallace Avenue and a point 5.5 metres further south, that operates anytime, except Thursday, April 1 to November 30, to operate at anytime.
5. Rescind the accessible parking space on the east side of Russett Avenue, between a point 105.4 metres south of Wallace Avenue and a point 5.5 metres further south, that operates each Thursday, April 1 to November 30.
6. Amend the accessible parking space on the west side of Russett Avenue, between a point 144 metres south of Wallace Avenue and a point 5.5 metres further south, that operates anytime, except Thursday, April 1 to November 30, to operate at anytime.
7. Rescind the accessible parking space on the east side of Russett Avenue, between a point 162.8 metres south of Wallace Avenue and a point 5.5 metres further south, that operates each Thursday, April 1 to November 30.
8. Amend the existing "No Parking, 12:01 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Monday to Friday and 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., Saturday and Sunday, except by permit" regulation on the even side of Russett Avenue, between Campbell Avenue and the east end of Antler Street, that operates anytime, except each Thursday, April 1 to November 30, to operate between a point 45 metres north of Bloor Street West and the lane first south of Wallace Avenue, at anytime.
9. Rescind the existing "No Parking, 12:01 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Monday to Friday and 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., Saturday and Sunday, except by permit" regulation on the odd side of Russett Avenue, between Campbell Avenue and the east end of Antler Street, that operates each Thursday, April 1 to November 30.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is requesting approval to rescind the Thursday alternate-side parking regulations on Russett Avenue. The proposed changes are supported by a majority of residents on this street but there may be negative impacts on street cleaning activities.
Financial Impact
Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments in the estimated amount of $1,000.00 are contained in the Transportation Services Division 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1239 - Parking Amendments - Russett Avenue
TE28.50 - Bus Parking Zones - Armoury Street and Chestnut Street
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
Transportation Services recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Rescind the existing Pay & Display parking, operating for a maximum period of three hours from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday, and from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday, on the north side of Armoury Street, between Centre Avenue and Chestnut Street.
2. Rescind the existing Pay & Display parking, operating for a maximum period of three hours from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. Monday to Saturday, and from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Sunday, on the west side of Chestnut Street, between a point 29 metres north of Armoury Street and a point 41metres further north.
3. Enact a "Bus Parking Zone" for a maximum of two hours on the north side of Armoury Street, between a point 23 metres west of Chestnut Street and a point 42 metres further west.
4. Enact a "Bus Parking Zone" for a maximum of two hours on the west side of Chestnut Street, between a point 28 metres north of Armoury Street and a point 42 metres further north.
5. Direct that the traffic and parking regulations on Armoury Street and Chestnut Street be returned when the revitalization project is complete on Queen Street West, between Bay Street and the City Hall parking garage entrance and exit.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Queen Street West and Bay Street will be affected by construction this year until the middle of 2014 as part of Phase 3 of the Nathan Phillips Square Revitalization Project involving road and sidewalk modifications on the north side of Queen Street West, between Bay Street and the City Hall parking garage entrance and exit. As a result of this construction work, the amount of parking space along this section of Queen Street West for tour buses will be greatly diminished. As an alternative measure, Transportation Services is seeking authority to allow temporary bus parking on Armoury Street and Chestnut Street.
Financial Impact
Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments in the estimated amount of $1500.00 are contained in the Transportation Services Division 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1222 - Bus Parking Zones - Armoury Street and Chestnut Street
TE28.51 - School Bus Loading Zones - Ward 30
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Approve the parking regulations at the locations identified in Appendix A and Appendix B, attached to the report, entitled “School Bus Loading Zones - Ward 30”, dated October 31, 2013, from the Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is responding to a request from Toronto and East York Community Council to report on options to rescind the parking restrictions in school zones on weekends and during school holidays in the Toronto and East York District.
As the operational characteristics of school zones can vary significantly, each location must be assessed individually to determine the feasibility of allowing parking on weekend and during school holidays.
This report recommends changes to two school bus loading zones and a student pick-up/drop-off zone in Ward 30.
Financial Impact
Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments in the estimated amount of $2,000.00 are contained within Transportation Services 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Revised Appendix A - School Bus Loading Zones - Ward 30
Revised Appendix B - School Bus Loading Zones - Ward 30
TE28.52 - Parking Amendments - Cedarvale Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 31 - Beaches-East York
Transportation Services recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Rescind the “No Parking, May, July, September and November” regulation on the east side of Cedarvale Avenue, from a point 70 metres north of Danforth Avenue to Lumsden Avenue.
2. Rescind the “No Parking, January, February, March, April, June, August, October and December” regulation on the west side of Cedarvale Avenue, from a point 70 metres north of Danforth Avenue to Lumsden Avenue.
3. Rescind the “Permit Parking, May, July, September and November in effect from 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., daily,” regulation on the east side of Cedarvale Avenue, from a point 70 metres north of Danforth Avenue to Lumsden Avenue.
4. Rescind the “Permit Parking, January, February, March, April, June, August, October and December in effect from 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., daily,” regulation on the west side of Cedarvale Avenue, from a point 86 metres north of Danforth Avenue to Lumsden Avenue.
5. Rescind the “No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday" on the east side of Cedarvale Avenue, from a point 16 metres north of a point 9.2 metres south of a point opposite the southerly limit of Strathmore Boulevard and a point 46.5 metres north of a point 9.2 metres south of a point opposite the southerly limit of Strathmore Boulevard.
6. Rescind the “No Parking, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday" on the east side of Cedarvale Avenue, from a point 15 metres north of Strathmore Boulevard to a point 30 metres north of Strathmore Boulevard.
7. Enact a permit parking regulation during the months of May, July, September and November on the east side of Cedarvale Avenue, from Milverton Boulevard to Lumsden Avenue to be in effect from 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., daily.
8. Enact a permit parking regulation during the months of January, February, March, April, June, August, October and December on the west side of Cedarvale Avenue, from Milverton Boulevard to Lumsden Avenue to be in effect from 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m., daily.
9. Enact a parking prohibition to be in effect during the months of May, July, September and November on the west side of Cedarvale Avenue, from Milverton Boulevard to Lumsden Avenue.
10. Enact a parking prohibition to be in effect during the months of January, February, March, April, June, August, October and December on the east side of Cedarvale Avenue, from Milverton Boulevard to Lumsden Avenue.
11. Enact a parking prohibition to be in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except Public Holidays on the west side of Cedarvale Avenue, from a point 15 metres north of Strathmore Boulevard and a point 30 metres north of Strathmore Boulevard.
12. Enact a parking prohibition to be in effect at all times on the east side of Cedarvale Avenue, between Milverton Boulevard and Strathmore Boulevard.
13. Enact a permit parking regulation on the west side of Cedarvale Avenue, between Milverton Boulevard and Strathmore Boulevard, to be in effect from 12:01 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Monday to Friday, and from 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.. Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has been delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is requesting approval to amend the existing alternate side parking regulations on Cedarvale Avenue, between Milverton Boulevard and Strathmore Avenue, to allow for parking on the west side of the street, which will provide maximum on-street parking opportunities for residents and their guests.
Financial Impact
Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments in the estimated amount of $2,000.00 are contained in the Transportation Services Division 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1201 - Parking Amendments - Cedarvale Avenue
TE28.53 - Student Pick-Up/Drop-Off Area - Kippendavie Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 32 - Beaches-East York
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Rescind the "No Parking, 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., 1:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m., 6:00 p.m. of one day to 7:30 a.m. of the next following day, Monday to Friday, Anytime Saturday, Sunday and public holidays" regulation on the east side of Kippendavie Avenue, between a point 9 metres south of Queen Street East and a point 91 metres further south.
2. Rescind the "No Parking Anytime" regulation on the east side of Kippendavie Avenue, between Queen Street East and a point 37 metres south.
3. Enact a "No Parking, 6:00 p.m. of one day to 7:30 a.m. of the next following day, Monday to Friday, Anytime Saturday, Sunday and public holidays" regulation on the east side of Kippendavie Avenue, between a point 9 metres south of Queen Street East and a point 91 metres further south.
4. Rescind the "10-minute parking, 7:30 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., 11:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., 3:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday" regulation on the east side of Kippendavie Avenue, between a point 9 metres south of Queen Street East and a point 91 metres further south.
5. Enact a "15-minute parking, 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday" regulation on the east side of Kippendavie Avenue, between a point 9 metres south of Queen Street East and a point 91 metres further south.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has been delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is requesting authority to change the times of the student pick-up/drop-off area on Kippendavie Avenue in front of Kew Beach Junior Public School, to accommodate all-day pick-up/drop-off activity. Currently parking is prohibited from 9:30 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. and from 1:30 p.m. to 3:15 p.m. on weekdays. We are proposing to allow parking from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday. Also, the parking time limit will be increased to 15 minutes from the current 10 minutes. These changes will have a negligible impact on traffic operations.
Financial Impact
Funding for the installation of signs in the estimated amount of $500.00 is available within the Transportation Services 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1226 - Student Pick-Up/Drop-Off Area - Kippendavie Avenue
TE28.54 - Traffic Management Plan - Junction Triangle Area - (Delegated Items)
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 18 - Davenport
Transportation Services recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Adopt the regulations outlined in Appendix A, attached to the November 5, 2013 report entitled "Traffic Management Plan - Junction Triangle Area (Delegated Items)", from the Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is responding to a request from Councillor Ana Bailão to report on a number of requests in the Junction Triangle Area. The area is bounded by Bloor Street West to the south, Lansdowne Avenue to the east, and the CN tracks to the north and west. The residents have numerous traffic concerns, including vehicle speeds and volumes, parking activity, turn prohibitions and signal timings.
The proposals in the Junction Triangle Area that are not delegated items will be addressed in a separate report to Toronto and East York Community Council entitled "Traffic Management Plan - Junction Triangle Area (Non-delegated Items)".
Financial Impact
The adoption of the recommendations in Appendix A in the estimated amount of $1,000.00 is available within the Transportation Services 2013 Operating Budget.
The adoption of the recommendations in Appendix B will not result in any financial impacts. If, however, Toronto and East York Community Council decides that the amendments to the existing traffic regulations would be beneficial, the following financial impacts will result:
1. The estimated cost for designating a street to operate one-way would be $500.00 per street. Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments are contained within Transportation Services 2013 Operating Budget.
2. The estimated cost for installing a speed hump would be $3,000.00 per hump. Funds have been allocated in the Transportation Services 2013 Capital Budget for traffic calming initiatives. Installing speed humps would be subject to competing priorities and funding availability.
3. The estimated cost for installing all-way "Stop" sign control would be $1,000.00 per intersection. Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments are contained within Transportation Services 2013 Operating Budget.
4. The estimated cost for amending the parking regulations would be $500.00 per street. Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments are contained within Transportation Services 2013 Operating Budget.
5. The estimated cost for reducing the speed limit would be $500.00 per street. Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments are contained within Transportation Services 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. T1016-4 - Junction Triangle Area (Delegated Items)
Revised Appendix A - Junction Triangle Area (Delegated Items)
(October 30, 2013) Report from the Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District - Traffic Management Plan - Junction Triangle Area (Delegated Items) - Notice of Pending Report
TE28.55 - Traffic Management Plan - Junction Triangle Area (Non-delegated Items)
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 18 - Davenport
Transportation Services recommends that:
1. City Council not approve the installation of a pedestrian crossover at the intersection of Symington Avenue and Paton Street/Ernest Avenue.
2. City Council not approve a left-turn prohibition for eastbound Bloor Street West at Perth Avenue operating from 7:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., daily.
3. City Council not approve a left turn prohibition for westbound Dupont Street at Campbell Avenue operating Monday to Friday, 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Monday to Friday.
Transportation Services is requesting City Council receive this report for informational purposes only.
Transportation Services is responding to a request from Councillor Ana Bailão to report on a number of requests in the Junction Triangle Area. The area is bounded by Bloor Street West to the south, Lansdowne Avenue to the east, and the CN tracks to the north and west. The residents have numerous traffic concerns, including vehicle speeds and volumes, parking activity, turn prohibitions and signal timings.
The proposals in the Junction Triangle Area that are delegated items will be addressed in a separate report to Toronto and East York Community Council, entitled "Traffic Management Plan - Junction Triangle Area (Delegated Items)".
Financial Impact
The adoption of staff recommendations will not result in any financial impacts. If, however, Toronto City Council decides that the amendments to the existing traffic regulations would be beneficial, the following financial impacts will result:
1. Should Community Council decide that a pedestrian crossover should be installed at Symington Avenue and Paton Street/Ernest Avenue, the estimated cost would be $30,000.00 and it would be funded from the Transportation Services Capital Program, subject to competing priorities. The added annual operation and maintenance costs of $4,000.00 associated with this installation would be funded by the annual Transportation Services Operating Budget.
2. The estimated cost for installing a left-turn prohibition would be $500.00 per location. Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments are contained within Transportation Services 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. T1016-4 - Traffic Management Plan - Junction Triangle Area (Non-Delegated Items)
(October 30, 2013) Report from the Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District - Traffic Management Plan - Junction Triangle Area (Non-delegated Items) - Notice of Pending Report
TE28.56 - Pedestrian Crossover - Beverley Street and Cecil Street
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Approve the installation of a pedestrian crossover on Beverley Street immediately north of Cecil Street.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is requesting approval from Toronto and East York Community Council to install a pedestrian crossover at the intersection of Beverley Street and Cecil Street. The installation of a pedestrian crossover at this intersection is technically warranted based on the pedestrian volumes and delays and will assist pedestrians crossing Beverley Street.
Financial Impact
The estimated cost to install a pedestrian crossover at the intersection of Beverley Street and Cecil Street is $30,000.00 and it would be funded from the Transportation Services Capital Program, subject to competing priorities. The added annual operation and maintenance costs of $4,000.00 associated with this installation would be funded by the annual Transportation Services Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1232 - Pedestrian Crossover - Beverley Street and Cecil Street
TE28.57 - Pedestrian-Cyclist Refuge Island - Bathurst Street at the Beltline Trail Crossing
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 21 - St. Paul's
Transportation Services recommends that:
1. City Council not approve the installation of a pedestrian-cyclist refuge island on Bathurst Street at its intersection with the Kay Gardner Beltline Trail.
Toronto and East York Community Council, at its meeting on October 17, 2013, directed Transportation Services to report on installing a pedestrian-cyclist refuge island on Bathurst Street, where it intersects with the Beltline Trail.
The installation of a pedestrian-cyclist refuge island on Bathurst Street, where it intersects with the Beltline Trail is not feasible. The physical characteristics of this location are not suitable for a refuge island. Refuge islands, installed inappropriately, can become a safety hazard in and of themselves.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact associated with the staff recommendation.
Background Information
TE28.58 - Standing Prohibition - Stadium Road
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Enact a "No Standing Anytime” regulation on the west side of Stadium Road, between Lake Shore Boulevard West and a point 62 metres further south.
This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is requesting authority to prohibit standing on the west side of Stadium Road, between Lake Shore Boulevard West and a point 62 metres south. This proposed change will allow safe and efficient two-way traffic operation on Stadium Road and provide adequate visibility for motorists exiting the parking garage to No. 90 Stadium Road.
Financial Impact
Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments in the estimated amount of $500.00 are contained in the Transportation Services Division 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1224 - Standing Prohibition - Stadium Road
TE28.59 - All-Way Stop Control - Logan Avenue at Withrow Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Not approve all-way stop sign control at the intersection of Logan Avenue and Withrow Avenue.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is responding to a request from Toronto and East York Community Council to investigate and report on the feasibility of replacing the existing pedestrian crossover at the intersection of Logan Avenue at Withrow Avenue with all-way stop control.
Our assessment revealed that all-way stop control is not warranted because the vehicle and pedestrian volumes and collision history does not satisfy the warrant criteria. The existing pedestrian crossover is satisfying the need of pedestrians crossing Logan Avenue.
Financial Impact
Adoption of the above recommendation will not result in any financial impact.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1237 - All-Way Stop Control - Logan Avenue at Withrow Avenue
Appendix A - All-Way Stop Control - Logan Avenue at Withrow Avenue
TE28.60 - 40 km/h Speed Limit - Morse Street
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Enact a 40 km/h speed limit on Morse Street, between Lake Shore Boulevard East and Eastern Avenue.
This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is requesting approval to reduce the existing speed limit on Morse Street, between Lake Shore Boulevard East and Eastern Avenue, from 50 km/h to 40 km/h. A 40 km/h speed limit would be consistent with the remaining section of Morse Street, between Eastern Avenue and Queen Street East.
Financial Impact
Funds to undertake the necessary sign installations in the estimated amount of $500.00 are contained in the Transportation Services Division 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1209 - 40 km/h Speed Limit - Morse Street
TE28.61 - Vehicle Width Restriction - Public Lane, East of Pape Avenue, Between Danforth Avenue and Hazelwood Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Prohibit vehicles over 2.2 metres in width from travelling in the public lane first east of Pape Avenue, between Danforth Avenue and Hazelwood Avenue.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is seeking authority to prohibit vehicles greater than 2.2 metres in width from travelling in the public lane first east of Pape Avenue, between Danforth Avenue and Hazelwood Avenue.
Prohibiting vehicles over 2.2 metres in width from travelling in the subject lane would be beneficial in reducing the incidence of damage to adjacent private property.
Financial Impact
Funds to post the required regulatory signs in the estimated amount of $250.00 are contained in the Transportation Services Division 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1233 - Vehicle Width Restriction - Public Lane, East of Pape Avenue, between Danforth Avenue and Hazelwood Avenue
TE28.62 - Stopping Prohibition - Amroth Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 32 - Beaches-East York
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Rescind the existing parking prohibition on the west side of Amroth Avenue, between Danforth Avenue and a point 91.4 metres south.
2. Approve a stopping prohibition on the west side of Amroth Avenue, between Danforth Avenue and a point 91.4 metres south.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has been delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is requesting authority to change the existing parking prohibition on the west side of Amroth Avenue, between Danforth Avenue to a point 91.4 metres south, to a stopping prohibition. This is in order to discourage motorists from waiting and parking in this area, which causes traffic congestion at the intersection of Danforth Avenue and Amroth Avenue.
Financial Impact
Funding for the installation of signs in the estimated amount of $500.00 is available within the Transportation Services 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1227 - Stopping Prohibition - Amroth Avenue
TE28.63 - Traffic Calming - Millwood Road
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 22 - St. Paul's
Transportation Services recommends to Toronto and East York Community Council that:
1. Traffic calming not be installed on Millwood Road, between Forman Avenue and Cleveland Street.
This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services staff have reviewed the need for traffic calming on Millwood Road, between Forman Avenue and Cleveland Street, to address residents' concerns with the speed of traffic. Our assessment indicates the criteria as set out in the traffic calming policy has not been satisfied. Therefore, speed humps should not be installed on Millwood Road at this time.
Financial Impact
The adoption of the above-noted recommendation will not result in any financial impact. If, however, Toronto and East York Community Council decides that speed humps on Millwood Road, between Forman Avenue and Cleveland Street, would be beneficial, the following financial impact will result:
1. The estimated cost for installing 5 speed humps would be $15,000.00. Funds have been allocated in the Transportation Services 2013 Capital Budget for traffic calming initiatives. Installing speed humps on this section of Millwood Road would be subject to competing priorities and funding availability.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1221 - Traffic Calming - Millwood Road
Appendix A - Traffic Calming - Millwood Road
Appendix B - Traffic Calming - Millwood Road
TE28.64 - Traffic Calming - Hazelwood Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
Transportation Services recommends to Toronto and East York Community Council that:
1. Traffic calming not be installed on Hazelwood Avenue, between Pape Avenue and Jones Avenue.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services staff have reviewed the need for traffic calming on Hazelwood Avenue, between Pape Avenue and Jones Avenue, to address residents' concerns with the speed of traffic. Our assessment indicates the criteria as set out in the traffic calming policy has not been satisfied. Therefore, speed humps should not be installed on Hazelwood Avenue at this time.
Financial Impact
The adoption of the above-noted recommendation will not result in any financial impact. If, however, Toronto and East York Community Council decides speed humps on Hazelwood Avenue, between Pape Avenue and Jones Avenue, would be beneficial, the following financial impact will result:
1. The estimated cost for installing three speed humps would be $9,000.00. Funds are available in the Transportation Services 2013 Capital Budget for traffic calming initiatives. Installing speed humps on this section of Hazelwood Avenue would be subject to competing priorities and funding availability.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1223 - Traffic Calming - Hazelwood Avenue
Appendix A - Traffic Calming - Hazelwood Avenue
Appendix B - Traffic Calming - Hazelwood Avenue
Appendix C - Traffic Calming - Hazelwood Avenue
TE28.65 - Traffic Calming - Withrow Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
Transportation Services recommends to Toronto and East York Community Council that:
1. Traffic calming not be installed on Withrow Avenue, between Carlaw Avenue and Pape Avenue.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services staff have reviewed the need for traffic calming on Withrow Avenue, between Carlaw Avenue and Pape Avenue, to address residents' concerns with the speed of traffic. Our assessment indicates the criteria as set out in the traffic calming policy has not been satisfied. Therefore, speed humps should not be installed on Withrow Avenue at this time.
Financial Impact
The adoption of the above-noted recommendation will not result in any financial impact. If, however, Toronto and East York Community Council decides speed humps on Withrow Avenue, between Carlaw Avenue and Pape Avenue, would be beneficial, the following financial impact will result:
1. The estimated cost for installing two speed humps would be $6,000.00. Funds are available in the Transportation Services 2013 Capital Budget for traffic calming initiatives. Installing speed humps on this section of Withrow Avenue, between Carlaw Avenue and Pape Avenue, would be subject to competing priorities and funding availability.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1236 - Traffic Calming - Withrow Avenue
Appendix A - Traffic Calming - Withrow Avenue
Appendix B - Traffic Calming - Withrow Avenue
TE28.66 - Results of Speed Hump Poll - Hamilton Street
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Not approve the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Hamilton Street, between Dundas Street East and Kintyre Avenue.
This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
At the request of Councillor Paula Fletcher, Transportation Services is reporting on the results of the traffic calming poll undertaken on Hamilton Street, between Dundas Street East and Kintyre Avenue. The poll response rate was less than the 50 percent plus one ballot required to consider the poll valid, as per the traffic calming policy. Accordingly, continuing the process to install speed humps on Hamilton Street, between Dundas Street East and Kintyre Avenue, is not recommended.
Financial Impact
Adopting the above-noted recommendation carries no financial impact. If, however, Toronto and East York Community Council decides speed humps on Hamilton Street would be beneficial, the following financial impact will result:
1. The estimated cost for installing three speed humps would be $9,000.00. Funds are available in the Transportation Services 2013 Capital Budget for traffic calming initiatives. Installing speed humps on Hamilton Street would be subject to competing priorities and funding availability.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1038 - Results of Speed Hump Poll - Hamilton Street
Appendix A - Results of Speed Hump Poll - Hamilton Street
Appendix B - Results of Speed Hump Poll - Hamilton Street
TE28.67 - Proposed Installation of Speed Bumps - Public Lane System Bounded by Carlaw Avenue, Queen Street East, Heward Avenue and Eastern Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Approve the installation of speed bumps in the public lane system bounded by Carlaw Avenue, Queen Street East, Heward Avenue and Eastern Avenue, at the locations shown on Drawing No. 421G-1225 dated October, 2013, attached to the report dated October 30, 2013, from the Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
This staff report is about a matter for which the Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services has assessed the feasibility and is recommending the installation of speed bumps in the public lane system bounded by Carlaw Avenue, Queen Street East, Heward Avenue and Eastern Avenue.
Financial Impact
Funds in the amount of $3,040.00 are available within the Transportation Services Division’s Capital budget laneways account CTP 313-05.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1225 - Proposed Installation of Speed Bumps - Public Lane System Bounded by Carlaw Avenue, Queen Street East, Heward Avenue and Eastern Avenue
TE28.68 - Speed Hump Poll Results - Barrington Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 31 - Beaches-East York
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Not approve the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Barrington Avenue, between Balfour Avenue and Doncaster Avenue.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
At the request of Councillor Janet Davis, Transportation Services is reporting on the results of the traffic calming poll undertaken on Barrington Avenue, between Balfour Avenue and Doncaster Avenue. The poll provided a response rate of less than the 50 percent plus one ballot required by the traffic calming policy needed to confirm that there is a favourable consensus in the community to install traffic calming measures. Accordingly, continuing the process to install speed humps on Barrington Avenue, between Balfour Avenue and Doncaster Avenue, is not recommended.
Financial Impact
Adopting the above-noted recommendation carries no financial impact. If, however, Toronto and East York Community Council decides speed humps on Barrington Avenue, between Balfour Avenue and Doncaster Avenue, would be beneficial, the following financial impact will result:
1. The estimated cost for installing two speed humps would be $6,000.00. Funds are available in the Transportation Services 2013 Capital Budget for traffic calming initiatives. Installing speed humps on Barrington Avenue would be subject to competing priorities and funding availability.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-0928 - Speed Hump Poll Results - Barrington Avenue
Appendix A - Speed Hump Poll Results - Barrington Avenue
Appendix B - Speed Hump Poll Results - Barrington Avenue
(November 14, 2013) Letter from Michael Hodge (TE.Supp.TE28.68.2)
(November 15, 2013) E-mail from Vito Mola (TE.Supp.TE28.68.3)
(November 16, 2013) E-mail from Julia Gray (TE.Supp.TE28.68.4)
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Melody Gaukel (TE.Supp.TE28.68.5)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Paul Deegan and Family (TE.Supp.TE28.68.6)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Petition from approximately 12 individuals in opposition to the installation of speed humps on Barrington Avenue (TE.Supp.TE28.68.7)
TE28.69 - Speed Hump Poll Results - Coleridge Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 31 - Beaches-East York
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Not approve the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Coleridge Avenue, between Lumsden Avenue and Milverton Boulevard.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
At the request of Councillor Janet Davis, Transportation Services is reporting on the results of the traffic calming poll undertaken on Coleridge Avenue, between Lumsden Avenue and Milverton Boulevard. The poll provided a response rate of less than the 50 percent plus one ballot required by the traffic calming policy needed to confirm that there is a favourable consensus in the community to install traffic calming measures. Accordingly, continuing the process to install speed humps on Coleridge Avenue, between Lumsden Avenue and Milverton Boulevard, is not recommended.
Financial Impact
Adopting the above-noted recommendation carries no financial impact. If, however, Toronto and East York Community Council decides speed humps on Coleridge Avenue, between Lumsden Avenue and Milverton Boulevard, would be beneficial, the following financial impact will result:
1. The estimated cost for installing five speed humps would be $15,000.00. Funds are available in the Transportation Services 2013 Capital Budget for traffic calming initiatives. Installing speed humps on Coleridge Avenue would be subject to competing priorities and funding availability.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1059 - Speed Hump Poll Results - Coleridge Avenue
Appendix A - Speed Hump Poll Results - Coleridge Avenue
TE28.70 - Traffic Calming - Highfield Road
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 32 - Beaches-East York
Transportation Services recommends to Toronto and East York Community Council that:
1. Traffic calming not be installed on Highfield Road, between Dundas Street East and Kerr Road.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services staff have reviewed the need for traffic calming on Highfield Road, between Dundas Street East and Kerr Road, to address residents' concerns with vehicle speeds. Our assessment indicates the criteria as set out in the traffic calming policy has not been satisfied. Therefore, traffic calming should not be installed on Highfield Road at this time.
Financial Impact
The adoption of the above-noted recommendation will not result in any financial impact. If, however, Toronto and East York Community Council decides a speed hump on Highfield Road, between Dundas Street East and Kerr Road, would be beneficial, the following financial impact will result:
1. The estimated cost for installing one speed hump would be $3,000.00. Funds are available in the Transportation Services 2013 Capital Budget for traffic calming initiatives. Installing a speed hump on this section of Highfield Road would be subject to competing priorities and funding availability.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1229 - Traffic Calming - Highfield Road
Appendix A - Traffic Calming - Highfield Road
Appendix B - Traffic Calming - Highfield Road
TE28.71 - Additional Speed Hump - Knox Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 32 - Beaches-East York
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Approve the installation of an additional speed hump on Knox Avenue, between Queen Street East and Eastern Avenue.
2. Replace Drawing No. 421F-9265, dated April 2008, attached to the report dated January 17, 2008, entitled "Knox Avenue, between Queen Street East and Eastern Avenue - Traffic Calming" from Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District with Drawing No. 421G-1228, dated October 2013, attached to the report dated October 15, 2013, entitled "Additional Speed Hump - Knox Avenue" from Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District, with respect to the roadway alteration by-law.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has been delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services staff investigated the feasibility of installing an additional speed hump on Knox Avenue, between Queen Street East and Eastern Avenue, to address residents' concerns with vehicle speeds.
It is feasible to install an additional speed hump on Knox Avenue, approximately 31 metres north of Eastern Avenue. The installation of the proposed speed hump may result in a slight reduction in vehicle speeds. However, it would be less than the typical 60 metre spacing between speed humps and emergency services vehicles would be slightly delayed.
Financial Impact
The estimated cost for installing one speed hump would be $3,000.00. Funds have been allocated in the Transportation Services 2013 Capital Budget for traffic calming initiatives. Installing an additional speed hump on Knox Avenue is subject to competing priorities and funding availability.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1228 - Additional Speed Hump - Knox Avenue
TE28.72 - Appointment to Board of Management of Cecil Community Centre
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
The Board of Management of Cecil Community Centre recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council appoint at the pleasure of Council to the Board of Management for Cecil Community Centre for a two-year term ending at the end of October, 2015 or until their successor is appointed, the following individual, nominated at Cecil Community Centre’s Annual General Meeting and whose appointment complies with the Public Appointments Policy:
a. Christine Sham, replacing Jessica Richards
At the Cecil Community Centre Annual General Meeting held on October 24, 2013, the membership of Cecil Community Centre nominated the individual listed in Item 1 for appointment by Toronto and East York Community Council to the Board of Management of the Cecil Community Centre. Appointments to the Cecil Community Centre Board of Management are a matter for which the Community Council has been delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision, provided that the recommendations do not vary from the Public Appointments Policy.
The nominee is qualified to serve on the Board of Management pursuant to the terms established by the applicable City of Toronto By-law (Chapter 25 of the former City of Toronto Municipal Code), the Relationship Framework for Board run community centres and the Council’s Public Appointments Policy.
By this letter, the Board of Management requests that the individual named, be appointed as Director on the Board of Management of Cecil Community Centre.
On behalf of the Board of Management, I respectfully request the City take the necessary steps to implement the above requested appointments.
Background Information
TE28.73 - Authority to Attend an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing - 323 Westlake Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 31 - Beaches-East York
1. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attend at the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing in support of the Committee of Adjustment Decision to refuse the minor variances related to 323 Westlake Avenue (B0043/13TEY, A0427/13TEY, A0428/13TEY), and to retain an outside planning consultant(s) if needed, for the hearing.
On July 31st, 2013, the Committee of Adjustment refused to grant consent to sever the property and four (4) variances from the former Borough of East York By-law No. 6752, in respect of the property at 323 Westlake Avenue. The applicant has appealed this refusal to the Ontario Municipal Board. A hearing is scheduled for January 22, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
The purpose of the application for severance and minor variances was to facilitate the construction of a new two-storey single family dwelling on the lot and maintain the existing one-storey single family detached dwelling on a reduced lot. The application for severance was refused on the grounds that the proposed land division does not conform to the policies of the official plan, the suitability of the land for the purposes for which it is to be subdivided has not been demonstrated, the suitability of the dimensions and shapes of the proposed lots has not been demonstrated, the adequacy of roads, vehicular access, parking and loading facilities has not been demonstrated, and the adequacy of utilities and municipal services has not been demonstrated. The application for variances was refused on the grounds that the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is not maintained, the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is not maintained, the variances are not considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and, in the opinion of the Committee, the variances are not minor.
I am therefore seeking Council approval to attend the OMB in support of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment.
Background Information
Attachment - Authority to Attend an Ontario Municipal Board - 323 Westlake Avenue
TE28.74 - Authority to Attend an Ontario Municipal Board Hearing - 325 Westlake Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 31 - Beaches-East York
1. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attend at the Ontario Municipal Board Hearing in support of the Committee of Adjustment Decision to refuse the minor variances related to 325 Westlake Avenue (B0044/13TEY, A0429/13TEY, A0430/13TEY), and to retain an outside planning consultant(s) if needed, for the hearing.
On July 31st, 2013, the Committee of Adjustment refused to grant consent to sever the property and four (4) variances from the former Borough of East York By-law No. 6752, in respect of the property at 325 Westlake Avenue. The applicant has appealed this refusal to the Ontario Municipal Board. A hearing is scheduled for January 21, 2014 at 10:00 a.m.
The purpose of the application for severance and minor variances was to facilitate the construction of a new two-storey single family dwelling on the lot and maintain the existing one-storey single family detached dwelling on a reduced lot. The application for severance was refused on the grounds that the proposed land division does not conform to the policies of the official plan, the suitability of the land for the purposes for which it is to be subdivided has not been demonstrated, the suitability of the dimensions and shapes of the proposed lots has not been demonstrated, the adequacy of roads, vehicular access, parking and loading facilities has not been demonstrated, and the adequacy of utilities and municipal services has not been demonstrated. The application for variances was refused on the grounds that the general intent and purpose of the Official Plan is not maintained, the general intent and purpose of the Zoning By-law is not maintained, the variances are not considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land, and, in the opinion of the Committee, the variances are not minor.
I am therefore seeking Council approval to attend the OMB in support of the decision of the Committee of Adjustment.
Background Information
Attachment - 325 Westlake Avenue - Authority to Attend an Ontario Municipal Board
TE28.75 - Proposed Relocation of Speed Bump - First East-West Public Lane North of Queen Street West, Between Northcote Avenue and Beaconsfield Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 18 - Davenport
Transportation Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Approve the relocation of one speed bump in the first east-west public lane north of Queen Street West, between Northcote Avenue and Beaconsfield Avenue, as shown on Drawing No. 421G-1202 dated September 2013, attached to the report dated September 26, 2013 from the Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
This staff report is about a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is requesting approval from Toronto and East York Community Council to relocate one speed bump in the first east-west public lane north of Queen Street West, between Northcote Avenue and Beaconsfield Avenue.
Financial Impact
Funding to undertake the signage and speed bump adjustments in the estimated amount of $500.00 is available within the Transportation Services Division's Capital budget laneways account CTP 313-05.
Background Information
Drawing No. 421G-1202 - Proposed Relocation of Speed Bump - First East-West Public Lane North of Queen Street West, Between Northcote Avenue and Beaconsfield Avenue
TE28.76 - Endorsement of Events for Liquor Licensing Purposes
- Consideration Type:
- Wards:
- 14 - Parkdale-High Park, 18 - Davenport, 19 - Trinity-Spadina, 20 - Trinity-Spadina, 21 - St. Paul's, 22 - St. Paul's, 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale, 28 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale, 29 - Toronto-Danforth, 30 - Toronto-Danforth, 31 - Beaches-East York, 32 - Beaches-East York
Seeking endorsement of event for liquor licensing purposes.
(October 24, 2013) Letter from Les Murray, Beerlicious Inc., requesting that The Beach BBQ and Brews Festival to be held on June 13, 2014 from 3:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m., June 14, 2014, from 12:00 noon to 11:00 p.m., and June 15, 2014, from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m., with a beer garden, at Woodbine Park, be declared an event of municipal significance. (TE.Main.TE28.76.2)
(October 24, 2013) Letter from Les Murray, Toronto's Festival of Beer Inc., requesting that the Toronto's Festival of Beer 2014, to be held on July 25, 2014, from 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m., July 26, 2014 from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m., and July 27, 2014, from 12:00 noon to 8:00 p.m., at the Bandshell Park on the grounds of Exhibition Place, be declared an event of municipal significance. (TE.Main.TE28.76.3)
(October 30, 2013) Letter from Letter from Verle A. Mobbs, General Manager, requesting that Canadian Music Week to be held from May 6-10, 2014, be declared an event of municipal significance; and requesting approval of liquor licence extensions until 4:00 a.m., including Sunday, May 11, 2014, for the establishments listed in the attachment to the letter from Ms. Mobbs. (TE.Main.TE28.76.4)
(November 5, 2013) Letter from Trish Finkelstein, Board Member, Cabbagetown Residents Association, requesting that the 43rd Annual Cabbagetown Forsythia Festival, to be held on Sunday, May 4, 2014, from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. in Wellesley Park, 500 Wellesley Street East, be declared an event of municipal significance. (TE.Main.TE28.76.5)
(November 8, 2013) Letter from Vanja Vasic, Executive Director, requesting that the Fashion Art Toronto - Arts and Fashion Week to be held from April 22 to 26, 2014, from 5:00 p.m. - 2:00 a.m., at the Daniels Spectrum, 585 Dundas Street East, be declared an event of municipal significance. (TE.Supp.TE28.76.6)
TE28.77 - Bathurst Strachan Wellington Area Study Update Report
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 19 - Trinity-Spadina
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council receive for information the report (November 12, 2013) from the Director of Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, respecting the Bathurst Strachan Wellington Area Study Update Report.
The City Planning Division has initiated a study of the lands bordered by Bathurst Street, Strachan Avenue, Wellington Street West, and the Metrolinx rail corridor. The study will engage area stakeholders, including landowners, residents and business owners to develop a long-term vision for the area. The study will consider existing uses such as the Quality Meats operation, and the City-owned shelter, day care and Works Yard. Recommendations will address the appropriate built form, transition and appropriate buffering of new developments, potential improvements to pedestrian, cycling and vehicle connections, enhancement of area park space, and the study area's relation to the Fort York National Historic Site and other surrounding areas to the north, east and west.
The first community meeting on the Study was held on October 15, 2013. Further community meetings will be scheduled through 2014.
This report responds to Recommendation 5 of Item PG24.5, which was before Planning and Growth Management Committee on May 16, 2013 and adopted by Council on June 11, 12 and 13, 2013 by providing an update on the status of the study and a study methodology.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
TE28.78 - Final Report - 356, 358, 360 and 362 Spadina Road - Residential Rental Demolition - Application to Revise Conditions Under Municipal Code Chapter 667
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 21 - St. Paul's
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council revise the conditions of approval of demolition of 356, 358 and 360 Spadina Road under Municipal Code Chapter 667 originally approved by City Council at its meeting of April 6, 2009, as item TE24.7, by deleting Recommendation 1.b which provided for the retention of the house comprising 2 residential rental units at 362 Spadina Road.
2. City Council further revise the conditions of approval referred to in Recommendation 1 by approving the application to demolish the residential building at 362 Spadina Road comprising 2 existing residential rental units pursuant to Municipal Code Chapters 667 and 363 subject to the following conditions under Chapter 667 which provide for the replacement of rental housing as outlined in this report:
a. the owner shall provide two (2) residential rental units in a house to be constructed on the subject site and maintained as rental housing for a period of at least 20 years, comprising at least one (1) five-bedroom unit and one (1) one-bedroom unit, both of which shall be provided as rental housing for households connected to the religious centre which owns and operates the buildings at 356-362 Spadina Road;
b. the owner shall not apply for a period of at least 20 years to convert to non-rental housing purposes, including by severance, nor to demolish without replacement, the 2 replacement rental units in a) above;
c. the owner shall apply for all building permits required, and shall construct the replacement rental building substantially in accordance with the plans dated October 17, 2013, with any revisions to the rental unit floor plans to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division;
d. the owner shall agree to complete the new replacement rental building and have the 2 rental dwelling units ready and available for occupancy prior to the date that the religious centre to be developed on the subject site opens for its operations;
e. the owner shall enter into and register one or more Section 111 Agreement(s) to secure the conditions outlined in a) to d) inclusive to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division; and
f. the owner shall enter into and register, a Section 118 Restriction under the Land Titles Act (to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor) agreeing not to transfer or charge those parts of the lands, comprising the 2 replacement rental units, without the written consent of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division or their designate, to assist with securing the Section 111 Agreement against future owners and encumbrances of the lands until such time as the City Solicitor determines that its registration on title is no longer required to secure the provisions of the Section 111 Agreement.
3. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division to issue preliminary approval for a Section 111 permit for the application for the demolition of 362 Spadina Road under Municipal Code Chapter 667 after the satisfaction or securing of the conditions in Recommendation 2;
4. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official to issue a Section 111 permit under Municipal Code Chapter 667 after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division has given the preliminary approval referred to in Recommendation 3.
5. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official to issue a permit under Section 33 of the Planning Act no earlier than the issuance of the building permit which provides for the foundation of the replacement rental building, and after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division has given the preliminary approval referred to in Recommendation 3, which permit may be included in the demolition permit for Chapter 667 under 363-11.1, of the Municipal Code, on condition that:
a. the owner erect a residential building on site no later than two (2) years from the day demolition of the buildings is commenced; and
b. should the owner fail to complete the new building within the time specified in condition (a), the City Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collector’s roll, to be collected in a like manner as municipal taxes, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for each dwelling unit for which a demolition permit is issued, and that each sum shall, until payment, be a lien or charge upon the land for which the demolition permit is issued.
6. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take such actions as are necessary to implement the foregoing, including execution of the Section 111 Agreements.
This application proposes to revise the conditions of the previous approval in 2009 of a Section 111 permit for demolition of three rental housing buildings at 356, 358, 360 and 362 Spadina Road by allowing the demolition of the fourth building at 362 Spadina. City Council's conditions for the previously approved demolition included the retention of the building at 362 Spadina Road with two rental housing units.
The revised conditions would permit the demolition of 362 Spadina and require the replacement of a similar residential building at the same location with 2 residential rental units to be secured as rental housing. This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to demolish 362 Spadina and to revise the conditions of approval under Chapter 667 for the property at 356-362 Spadina Road.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
TE28.79 - Liquor Licence Application - 261 Queen Street West, Licence No. 816427
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
1. City Council direct the City Clerk to advise the Registrar of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (“AGCO”) that the liquor licence application for Touhenboku Ramen, 261 Queen Street West (the “Premises”), is not in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents, and that the Registrar should issue a Proposal to Review the liquor licence application.
2. City Council request the Licence Appeal Tribunal (“LAT”) to provide the City with an opportunity to be made a party in any proceedings with respect to the Premises.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attend all proceedings before the LAT in this matter and be directed to take all necessary actions so as to give effect to this Motion, including adding and deleting conditions to any liquor licence issued for the Premises, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, which address issues including, but not limited to, noise, safety, security personnel, security cameras, crowd control, signage, lighting and litter.
Zuimei Co. Ltd. has submitted an application for a new liquor licence to the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario (“AGCO”) for a premises at 261 Queen Street West operating under the name Touhenboku Ramen (the “Premises”). The applicant is seeking a liquor licence for an indoor capacity of 28 patrons.
The Premises is located in close proximity to residential properties. There is concern in the community that this new establishment will cause noise and other disturbances to residents in the area. If conditions are put in place, these concerns may be mitigated. As such, this application for a liquor licence is not in the public interest unless certain conditions, addressing the concerns of the community, are attached to the licence.
Background Information
TE28.80 - Proposed Naming of Laneway Located North of Bloor Street West and Extending East and West Between Manning Avenue and Euclid Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
That the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Request the Manager, Land and Property Surveys to investigate and report to Toronto and East York Community Council on the suitability of naming the public lane located north of Bloor Street West and extending east and west between Manning Avenue and Euclid Avenue as "William Oliphant Lane".
A recent request has been made to name a laneway located north of Bloor Street West and extending east and west between Manning Avenue and Euclid Avenue in honour of two members of the Oliphant family. William Oliphant Sr. and William (Buster) Oliphant Jr. owned and operated “Oliphant’s Academy of Physical Culture” now known as “Oliphant’s Gym”. The gym is located in Seaton Village and will be celebrating its 100th Year Anniversary this November.
Attached is a brief history of both William Oliphant Sr. and William (Buster) Oliphant Jr.
The initiative to have a lane named after “William Oliphant” has the support of the Seaton Village Residents Association and permission has been secured by the Oliphant family to move forward with the proposed name.
Background Information
Attachment - Naming of Laneway Located North of Bloor Street West and Extending East and West Between Manning Avenue and Euclid Avenue
TE28.81 - Request Attendance at Ontario Municipal Board - Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision - 59 Barton Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
That the Toronto and East York Community Council recommend that:
1. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to appear at the Ontario Municipal Board to support the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in refusing File No. A0617/13TEY with regards to 59 Barton Avenue.
On September 25, 2013 the Committee of Adjustment refused an application to construct a second- storey addition over the existing one-storey semi-detached dwelling located at 59 Barton Avenue.
Several residents expressed significant concerns about the proposed density resulting in overdevelopment of the site, and if approved would set a negative precedence for the area. Further, the variances requested for rear and side-yard setbacks raised privacy concerns for adjacent properties. The application was refused, as the variances requested were not considered to be minor. The proposal was also found to be not in keeping with the intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, and not considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land.
The applicant appealed the Committee of Adjustment decision to the OMB on October 4, 2013. Case # PL131108 has been assigned and a hearing has been scheduled on March 11, 2013.
Background Information
Notice of Decision - Request Attendance at Ontario Municipal Board Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision - 59 Barton Avenue
TE28.82 - Request Attendance at Ontario Municipal Board - Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision - 80 Willcocks Street
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 20 - Trinity-Spadina
That the Toronto and East York Community Council recommend that:
1. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to appear at the Ontario Municipal Board to support the decision of the Committee of Adjustment in refusing File No. A0650/13TEY with regards to 80 Willcocks Street.
On September 25, 2013 the Committee of Adjustment refused an application to construct a rear second-storey deck with stairs to ground level to the 21/2-storey semi-detached duplex located at 80 Willcocks Street.
The Harbord Village Residents' Association, neighbours, and area residents expressed significant concerns about the proposed construction of a second-storey deck and stairs to the ground level that would serve as a main entrance for the second and third floors. Residents opposed to this proposal cited privacy concerns with respect to the adjacent property, as well as overlook and privacy concerns for the adjoining backyards from the second-storey deck. The application was refused, as the variances requested were not considered to be minor. The proposal was also found to be not in keeping with the intent and purpose of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, and not considered desirable for the appropriate development of the land.
The applicant appealed the Committee of Adjustment decision to the OMB on October 15, 2013. Case # PL131163 has been assigned but a hearing has not yet been scheduled.
Background Information
Notice of Decision - Request Attendance at an Ontario Municipal Board Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision - 80 Willcocks Street
TE28.83 - School Bus Loading Zones - Ward 30 (Non-Delegated)
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
Transportation Services recommends that:
1. City Council approve the parking regulations at the locations identified in Appendix A and Appendix B, attached to the report, entitled “School Bus Loading Zones - Ward 30”, dated October 31, 2013, from the Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
Transportation Services is responding to a request from Toronto and East York Community Council to report on options to rescind the parking restrictions in school zones on weekends and during school holidays in the Toronto and East York District.
As the operational characteristics of school zones can vary significantly, each location must be assessed individually to determine the feasibility of allowing parking on weekend and during school holidays.
This report recommends changes to one school bus loading zone in Ward 30. As the TTC operates a regular service on the subject street, this report requires City Council approval.
A companion report has also been submitted with respect to streets that Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Financial Impact
Funds to undertake the necessary signage adjustments in the estimated amount of $1,500.00 are contained within Transportation Services 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
Appendix A - School Bus Loading Zones - Ward 30 (Non-Delegated)
Appendix B - School Bus Loading Zones - Ward 30 (Non-Delegated)
TE28.84 - Traffic Considerations Associated with 1075 Queen Street East Development Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
That the Director of Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District:
1 Evaluate the feasibility and desirability of altering the portion of Winnifred Avenue from Queen Street East to the laneway immediately south from one-way operation to two-way operation to be ready ahead of construction.
2. Report on excluding the development at 1075 Queen Street East from Permit Parking Zone 8D.
At the community meeting held regarding the development application at 1075 Queen Street East, a number of concerns were raised by the residents about the traffic impact on Winnifred Avenue during construction and after completion of the project. Residents have suggested changing the section of Winnifred Avenue from Queen Street East to the laneway immediately to the south change from one way to two way.
Another suggestion put forward is to ensure permit parking remains available to current residents when the new residents move in to the new apartments by eliminating access to permit parking in Permit Parking Area 8D.
As Transportation Services is currently reviewing this application, I would ask that these suggestions be considered and included in the staff recommendations when they are presented to the Toronto and East York Community Council.
Background Information
TE28.85 - Traffic Considerations to Improve Safety on Carlaw Avenue from Langley Avenue to Riverdale Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 30 - Toronto-Danforth
That the Toronto and East York Community Council request the Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District to:
1. Evaluate the feasibility and desirability of reducing traffic on Carlaw Avenue from Langley Avenue to Riverdale Avenue to one lane in each direction, including implementing:
a. Traffic calming islands as appropriate to direct traffic to a single lane.
b. Modifying parking restrictions to permit parking in the curbside lane throughout the day.
2. Improve the signage and markings for the Pedestrian Crossing at Langley Avenue and Carlaw Avenue.
Residents in Riverdale are concerned about the safety of children walking to school and crossing Carlaw Avenue to do so. The intersection of Carlaw and Riverdale is an important crossing for children attending Pape School and currently the stretch of Carlaw Avenue from Langley Avenue to Riverdale Avenue operates as two lanes in each direction.
The residents would like Carlaw narrowed to one lane in each direction on Carlaw from Langley to Riverdale to reduce the risk for children on their way to school.
Background Information
TE28.86 - 155 Wychwood Avenue - Request for Staff to Evaluate for Possible Heritage Designation
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 21 - St. Paul's
That Heritage Preservation Staff be requested to assess the heritage value of 155 Wychwood Avenue and to report to Council regarding the appropriateness of Heritage Designation.
City Planning has received a request to demolish 155 Wychwood Avenue to allow for a commercial/condominium development.
The property is currently listed in the City's inventory of heritage properties. Planning staff have advised that they require direction from Community Council to allow their review process to be concluded at the December meeting of City Council.
Background Information
TE28.87 - Residential Demolition - 17-21 Peel Avenue - New Park Construction Near the Intersection of Dufferin Street and Peel Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 18 - Davenport
That the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Approve the application to demolish the subject residential buildings at 17-21 Peel Avenue with the following conditions:
a. That all debris and rubble be removed immediately after demolition.
b. That any holes in the property are backfilled with clean fill.
On October 17, 2013, 11 Peel Avenue Inc. applied for a permit to demolish the existing residential buildings at 17-21 Peel Avenue. (Application Nos. 17 Peel 13 251863 DEM, 19 Peel 13 251874 DEM, 21 Peel 13 251879 DEM)
In accordance with the Residential Demolition Control By-law No. 1009-2006, the applicant posted a sign on the property for 14 days giving notice of the intention to demolish the property. An objection has not been received to date regarding the proposed demolition.
In accordance with Section 2 of the City of Toronto Act, 1991 (No.4), c. Pr24, S.O.1991, Toronto and East York Community Council may impose any reasonable conditions which have regard to the nature of the residential property including the preservation of significant natural features and requiring
the erection and maintenance of structures and enclosures.
No building permit for a replacement building had been applied for at the site and since the buildings contain 1 residential unit, the application is being referred to the Toronto and East York Community Council. In such cases, the Municipal Code requires the City Council to issue or refuse the demolition permit.
Although there is no current application before Community Planning regarding these properties, the applicant is at the final stages of the planning process for official plan amendment and rezoning applications for the property at 11 Peel Avenue. In addition, the properties are adjacent to City-owned lands that are targeted for use as a new public park.
The requested demolition is required now to enable the applicant to initiate certain work in respect of the new public park.
The requested residential demolition is matter for which the Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision
Background Information
TE28.88 - Parking Regulations on Fulton Avenue Between Broadview Avenue and Jackman Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 29 - Toronto-Danforth
That the Toronto and East York Community Council:
1. Request the Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District, to report to Toronto and East York Community Council at its meeting of January 15, 2014 to amend the alternate side parking regulations on Fulton Avenue, between Broadview Avenue and Jackman Avenue, to maintain parking on only one side during the winter months.
In June 2013, Toronto and East York Community Council approved changes in parking regulations on Fulton Avenue, between Broadview Avenue and Jackman Avenue that resulted in alternate side parking during the daytime hours on a monthly basis. Upon implementation residents have expressed concerns with alternate side parking during the winter months.
Background Information
TE28.89 - Request for Report on the Potential Designation of 10 St. Mary Street
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 27 - Toronto Centre-Rosedale
That the Toronto and East York Community Council request the Director of Urban Design to report on the evaluation of the property at 10 St. Mary Street for its potential designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act.
10 St. Mary Street is an 8-storey office building located at Yonge and St. Mary Street. This building was identified in the North Yonge Planning framework as a building of potential heritage interest. Toronto Buildings has received an application for a demolition permit on this site. No application for a replacement structure has been submitted to the City of Toronto.
The building is located in an area that is currently undergoing a Heritage Conservation District Study. It would be premature to permit demolition of this building prior to the completion of this study and before the City has had the opportunity to evaluate the heritage value of the building. The current Ontario Building Code does not have any means to prevent the issuance of a demolition permit for buildings that are not yet designated, but are being considered for heritage designation.
Background Information
TE28.90 - Amendment to Section 37 Agreement - 2-6 Lisgar Street
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 18 - Davenport
That the Toronto and East York Community Council recommend that:
1. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to amend the Section 37 Agreement pertaining to the property at 2-6 Lisgar Street by amending Section 3.2(1)(a) of the Agreement to extend the date for negotiations between the Owner and Toronto Media Arts Centre to March 31, 2014.
I am writing to request that this item be added to the November 19, 2013 meeting of the Toronto East York Community Council. This is an important issue in my Ward and is necessary to enable enough time for negotiations between the Owner and Toronto Media Arts Centre.
Background Information
TE28.91 - Enactment of By-laws
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
Introduction and consideration of Bills for enactment as By-laws.
Background Information