Etobicoke York Community Council
- Meeting No.:
- 29
- Contact:
- Rosemary MacKenzie, Committee Administrator
- Meeting Date:
- Tuesday, November 19, 2013
- Phone:
- 416-394-8101
- Start Time:
- 9:30 AM
- E-mail:
- Location:
- Council Chamber, Etobicoke Civic Centre
- Chair:
- Councillor Vincent Crisanti
Councillor Vincent Crisanti (Chair) Councillor Frances Nunziata (Vice Chair) Councillor Frank Di Giorgio Councillor Sarah Doucette | Councillor Doug Ford Councillor Mark Grimes Councillor Peter Leon Councillor Gloria Lindsay Luby | Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti Councillor Peter Milczyn Councillor Cesar Palacio |
Members of Council and Staff: Please keep this agenda and the accompanying material until the City Council meeting dealing with these matters has ended.
Special Assistance for Members of the Public: City staff can arrange for special assistance with some advance notice. If you need special assistance, please call 416-394-8101, TTY 416-338-0889 or e-mail
Closed Meeting Requirements: If the Etobicoke York Community Council wants to meet in closed session (privately), a member of the committee must make a motion to do so and give the reason why the Committee has to meet privately. (City of Toronto Act, 2006).
Notice to people writing or making presentations to the Etobicoke York Community Council: The City of Toronto Act, 2006 and the City of Toronto Municipal Code authorize the City of Toronto to collect any personal information in your communication or presentation to City Council or its committees. The City collects this information to enable it to make informed decisions on the relevant issue(s). If you are submitting letters, faxes, e-mails, presentations or other communications to the City, you should be aware that your name and the fact that you communicated with the City will become part of the public record and will appear on the City’s website. The City will also make your communication and any personal information in it – such as your postal address, telephone number or e-mail address – available to the public, unless you expressly request the City to remove it.
The City makes a video record of committee and community council meetings. If you make a presentation to a committee or community council, the City will be video-recording you and City staff may make the video record available to the public.
If you want to learn more about why and how the City collects your information, write to the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto ON M5H 2N2 or by calling 416-394-8101.
This agenda and any supplementary materials submitted to the City Clerk can be found online at Visit the website for access to all agendas, reports, decisions and minutes of City Council and its committees.
Timed Items
9:45 a.m. EY29.19
10:00 a.m. EY29.2, EY29.3, EY.4, EY29.5
10:30 a.m. EY29.11, EY29.12, EY29.13, EY29.14
10:45 a.m. EY29.15, EY29.16, EY29.17, EY29.18
Declarations of Interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act
Confirmation of Minutes – October 17, 2013
Introduction and Enactment of General Bills and Bill to Confirm the Proceedings of Community Council will be last items.
EY29.1 - Final Report - A Portion of the Lands Formerly Known as 2277-2295 Sheppard Avenue West and 100 Mainshep Road (Block 150 on Plan 66M-2474) - Zoning By-law Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 7 - York West
Public Notice Given
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council amend former City of North York Zoning By-law No. 7625, for a portion of the lands formerly known as 2277-2295 Sheppard Avenue West and 100 Mainshep Road substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.
This application proposes to amend the existing zoning regulations permitting a proposed retail shopping mall containing a grocery store on the northeast corner of the development site at 2277-2295 Sheppard Avenue West and 100 Mainshep Road (Block 150 on Plan 66M-2474).
This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-law.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
(October 16, 2013) E-mail from Rajishwar Persaud (EY.Main.EY29.1.2)
EY29.2 - Final Report - 3560, 3580 and 3600 Lake Shore Boulevard West - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:00 AM
- Ward:
- 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
Public Notice Given
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council amend the Official Plan for the lands at 3560, 3580 and 3600 Lake Shore Boulevard West substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 8 to this report.
2. City Council amend the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 9 to this report.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment and draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.
4. Before introducing the necessary Bills for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act to secure the following matters as a legal convenience to support development:
a. The owner shall file applications for Site Plan Control Approval that clearly include the following at-receptor mitigation measures identified in the Environmental Noise Update, prepared by Valcoustics Canada Limited, dated May 27, 2013:
i. No rooftop amenity areas on Block 11 and the mid-rise apartment building (Block B4);
ii. All rooftop amenity areas on Block 10 and 14 shall be protected with a 1.5 m high acoustic barrier; and
iii. No sensitive receptors (bedroom, living/dining room or kitchen windows, balconies or terraces) located on the west facing facades of Blocks 10 and 11.
b. The owner shall include a noise and odour warning clause indicating the proximity of the subject lands to the Wakefield Canada Inc. manufacturing and warehouse facility located at 3660 Lake Shore Boulevard West in:
i. any agreement of purchase and sale and/or lease of the site;
ii. any disclosure statement in respect to any sale of condominium units proposed to be developed on the site; and
iii. any declaration in respect of any condominium corporation to be created for any portion of the site.
c. The owner shall construct and maintain the development in accordance with Tier 1 performance measures of the Toronto Green Standard, as adopted by Toronto City Council at its meeting of October 26 and 27, 2009.
5. In accordance with the delegated approval under By-law 229-2000, as amended, City Council be advised that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, intends to approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision as generally illustrated on Attachment 3 to this report subject to:
a. The conditions as generally listed in Attachment 10 to this report, which except as otherwise noted must be fulfilled prior to the release of the Plan of Subdivision for registration; and
b. Any such revisions to the proposed subdivision plan or any such additional modified conditions as the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning may deem to be appropriate to address matters arising from the on-going technical review of this development.
These applications propose the comprehensive redevelopment of former industrial properties at 3560, 3580 and 3600 Lake Shore Boulevard West into a mixed use community. The applications propose an eight storey mixed use mid-rise building and a single storey commercial building on separate parcels fronting Lake Shore Boulevard West. The interior of the site would consist of three and four storey townhouse and stacked townhouse blocks organized around a new public street network and a public park.
The proposal would redevelop a brownfield site in a manner that is compatible with adjacent existing industrial uses and consistent with the objectives of Official Plan Site and Area Specific Policy 23 (SASP 23) which applies to the subject lands and the larger block between Thirty Third Street and Browns Line. An appropriate level of intensification and mix of land uses along an identified transit corridor would be provided with a range of building types. The proposal is also consistent with the vision of the Lake Shore Boulevard West Avenue Zoning By-law in providing appropriately massed mid-rise development and streetscaping improvements that enhance the pedestrian realm within the former Village of Long Branch.
This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Official Plan and former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code. This report also advises that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, may approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision subject to the conditions presented in Attachment 10 to this report.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
(November 18, 2013) Letter from Al Brezina, Executive Director, South Etobicoke Industrial Employers’ Association (EY.New.EY29.2.2)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Ryan Guetter, Vice President, Weston Consulting (EY.New.EY29.2.3)
(November 18, 2013) Letter from Calvin Lantz, Stikeman Elliott LLP (EY.New.EY29.2.4)
EY29.3 - Final Report - 42 Park Lawn Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:00 AM
- Ward:
- 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council amend the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code for the lands at 42 Park Lawn Road substantially in accordance with the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to this report.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.
3. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act as follows:
a. The community benefits recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement are as follows:
i. A contribution of $500,000 towards improvements to the Mimico Creek Trail.
ii. A contribution of $21,700 towards construction of a pedestrian bridge on the Mimico Creek Trail.
b. Require that the cash amounts identified in a. i. and ii. above shall be indexed annually in accordance with the Non-Residential Construction Price Index for the Toronto CMA, reported quarterly by Statistics Canada in Construction Price Statistics Publication No. 62-007-XPB, or its successor, calculated from the date of execution of the Section 37 Agreement to the date of submission of the funds by the owner to the City.
c. In the event the cash contributions referred to in a. i. and ii. have not been used for the intended purpose within three years of this By-law coming into full force and effect, the cash contribution may be redirected for another purpose, at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive director of City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, provided that the purpose is identified in the Toronto Official Plan and will benefit the community in the vicinity of the property.
d. The following matters are also recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement as a legal convenience to support development:
i. The owner shall construct and maintain the development in accordance with Tier 1 performance measures of the Toronto Green Standard, as adopted by Toronto City Council at its meeting of October 26 and 27, 2009.
ii. Prior to site plan approval, the owner shall convey to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) and at no cost to the TRCA, the 10 metre Top-of-Bank Setback line and the remainder of the valley lands adjacent to Mimico Creek, as shown on Schedule "A" to the Zoning By-law, for the purposes of natural heritage protection and the provision of a trail system.
iii. Prior to site plan approval, the owner shall:
a. Provide a cost estimate for the construction of the trail, associated planting and any re-grading required to tie the trail into the adjacent properties to the satisfaction of the City of Toronto and the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority;
b. Provide a Ravine Stewardship Plan to the satisfaction of the City of Toronto, Urban Forestry, Ravine and Natural Feature Protection and the TRCA;
c. Provide payment in full to the TRCA for the cost of all works identified in a) and b) above; and
d. Prepare an Erosion and Sediment Control Plan to the satisfaction of the TRCA.
iv. Prior to site plan approval, the owner shall convey to the City of Toronto the land identified for road widening purposes along Park Lawn Road.
4. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, the owner is required to:
a. Make a financial contribution of $90,500 toward the road and signal improvements that the City will undertake on Park Lawn Road to increase traffic capacity in the area.
b. Make a financial contribution of $64,460, not including service connection, toward the sanitary sewer upgrade along Park Lawn Road to accommodate the ultimate build out of the entire service area for the Park Lawn Road Sanitary Sewer.
c. Revise the Site Servicing Report and re-submit to the Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services for review and acceptance.
d. Make satisfactory arrangements with the Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services for the construction of the sanitary sewer upgrades required to accommodate the development, including an option of making satisfactory arrangements with the Humber Bay Shores Landowners Group for payment of its proportionate share of the cost of the sanitary sewer upgrades along Marine Parade Drive and Lake Shore Boulevard West. This condition can only be satisfied once the Humber Bay Shores Core Infrastructure Agreement is signed and registered on title.
e. Submit a copy of the registered 'Easement and Cooperation Agreement' among the owners of the Park Lawn Block properties regarding the joint use driveway to the City for review and acceptance.
This application proposes to amend the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code to permit the development of a mixed use proposal at 42 Park Lawn Road consisting of a 41 storey residential building containing 321 units and having a height of 127 m and a two storey commercial building that would front Park Lawn Road. The rear of the site abuts the Mimico Creek valley and the lands would be transferred to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority to be developed into a public trail system.
The proposal is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement's policies regarding intensification in a manner that implements the City's Official Plan. The proposal is also consistent with the policies of the Official Plan.
This report reviews and recommends approval of the application.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
EY29.4 - Final Report - 55 Ypres Road - Zoning By-law Amendment and Plan of Subdivision Applications
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:00 AM
- Ward:
- 12 - York South-Weston
Public Notice Given
Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council amend former City of York Zoning By-law No. 1-83 for the lands at 55 Ypres Road substantially in accordance with the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.
3. In accordance with the delegated approval under By-law 229-2000, as amended, City Council be advised that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning intends to approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision as generally illustrated on Attachment 2 subject to:
a. the conditions as generally listed in Attachment 7, which except as otherwise noted must be fulfilled prior to final approval and the release of the Plan of Subdivision for registration; and
b. any such revisions to the proposed subdivision plan or any such additional modified conditions as the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning may deem to be appropriate to address matters arising from the on-going technical review of this development.
4. Before introducing the necessary Bill amending former City of York Zoning By-law No. 1-83 substantially in accordance with the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6, require the owner to revise and resubmit to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, a Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report.
These applications propose the creation of 7 residential detached lots and 36 residential semi-detached lots, an approximately 641 m2 public park and a 16.5 m wide public street connecting to Ypres Road and terminating in a cul-de-sac on the lands at 55 Ypres Road.
The proposal provides an opportunity to incorporate an underutilized site into the existing residential fabric of the surrounding neighbourhood. The proposed built form and relationship to the public streets are compatible with and add to the existing housing typology in the neighbourhood. The proposal, given the severe grading challenge presented by the existing site, is appropriate for the site and the area.
The report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-law and advises that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, may approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
EY29.5 - Request for Direction Report - 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Lifting of the Holding (H) Symbol and Site Plan Control Applications
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:00 AM
- Ward:
- 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council refuse Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Application Number 11 301234 WET 06 OZ and Site Plan Control Application Number 12 142282 WET 06 SA for the following reasons:
a. the proposal does not comply with of a number of development criteria in the Official Plan and Secondary Plan;
b. the proposal does not comply with regulations in the Etobicoke Zoning Code, as amended, including set-backs and height;
c. the proposal does not comply with the Council-approved Humber Bay Shores Urban Design Guidelines; and
d. the proposal would result in unacceptable impacts , both on-site and on abutting lands, including shadowing and wind.
2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to attend the Ontario Municipal Board to oppose the applications.
3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, to attempt to secure appropriate services, facilities, public art contributions or matters pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, should the proposal be approved in some form by the Ontario Municipal Board.
4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and other City staff to take any necessary steps to implement the foregoing.
The purpose of this report is to seek City Council's instruction for an upcoming Ontario Municipal Board hearing which has been scheduled to commence on February 4, 2014.
The applicant has appealed its Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment applications, as well as the Site Plan Control application, to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) citing Council's failure to make a decision on the application within the time allotted by the Planning Act. A pre-hearing conference was held on August 20, 2013 and a further pre-hearing conference is scheduled for December 16, 2013. The full hearing will commence on February 4, 2014.
The applications before the OMB seek to permit the development of the lands, known municipally as 2183 Lake Shore Boulevard West, with two residential towers having heights of 46 and 66 storeys, rising from a six storey podium, containing a total of 1,285 residential units and 3,926 m2 of commercial uses.
This report reviews and recommends refusal of the application to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law, as well as the Site Plan Control application.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
(November 10, 2013) E-mail from Alicia Smith (EY.New.EY29.5.2)
(November 16, 2013) Letter from David Bronskill, Goodman LLP (EY.New.EY29.5.3)
(November 18, 2013) Letter from Martin E. Gerwin and Judith A. Ruthledge, Mimico Lakeshore Network (EY.New.EY29.5.4)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Kevin Allis (EY.New.EY29.5.5)
(November 18, 2013) Letter from Jim Reekie, President, Humber Bay Shores Condominium Association (EY.New.EY29.5.6)
(November 18, 2013) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes, Ward 6 - Etobicoke Lakeshore (EY.New.EY29.5.7)
EY29.6 - Request for Direction Report - 1990 Bloor Street West and 26 Parkview Gardens - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Second Supplemental Report
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 13 - Parkdale-High Park
The City Planning Division recommends that City Council:
1. Instruct the City Solicitor, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and any other appropriate City staff to attend the OMB hearing and not to oppose the approval of the revised Zoning By-law Amendment for 1990 Bloor Street West and 26 Parkview Gardens as a settlement of the appeal, provided that it is in accordance with the revised proposal received by the City on October 16, 2013.
2. Instruct the City Solicitor to advise the Ontario Municipal Board of City Council's position that the redevelopment of the lands must also include the full replacement of the 24 existing rental dwelling units and that a Tenant Relocation and Assistance Plan, including the right of tenants to return to the new rental units in accordance with the Official Plan, be provided to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning. Further, that the City Solicitor request the Board to withhold any order approving a Zoning By-law Amendment for the subject lands until such time as the City and the owner have presented to the Board a draft by-law that provides for securing the rental housing matters and the owner has executed a Section 37 and/or Section 111 Agreement(s) to give effect thereto.
3. Instruct the City Solicitor to request the Ontario Municipal Board to withhold any order approving a Zoning By-law Amendment for the subject lands until a Natural Heritage Impact Study is completed by the applicant and a favourable peer review of the study is completed, at the sole expense of the applicant and to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.
The purpose of this report is to request direction for settlement of the appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) of the Zoning By-law Amendment application for the lands located at 1990 Bloor Street West and 26 Parkview Gardens. The settlement is based on formal revisions to the proposed development received on October 16, 2013.
This application was the subject of a Request for Direction Report dated March 20, 2013, which referred to the original proposal, followed by a Supplemental Request for Direction Report dated April 29, 2013, related to modifications made to the original proposal.
On May 7, 2013, City Council adopted the recommendations of the April 29, 2013 Planning report, which included a recommendation that staff appear at the OMB hearing to oppose the application.
An OMB Pre-Hearing Conference was held on May 28, 2013, to establish the parties and participants for a nine day hearing scheduled to commence on December 2, 2013.
Since the May 28, 2013 Pre-Hearing Conference, several meetings have been held between City staff, the proponent and area residents and their representatives. These meetings resulted in the proponent making further changes to the proposed development, to address outstanding concerns noted in the two Request for Direction Reports. These further revisions are illustrated in revised plans submitted to the City on October 16, 2013 as a settlement offer.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
(November 15, 2013) E-mail from Emma Castelhano (EY.New.EY29.6.2)
(November 15, 2013) E-mail from Catherine E. Willson (EY.New.EY29.6.3)
(November 15, 2013) E-mail from Jonathan Petrie (EY.New.EY29.6.4)
(November 15, 2013) E-mail from Miriam Grenville (EY.New.EY29.6.5)
(November 15, 2013) E-mail from Caron Bery (EY.New.EY29.6.6)
(November 16, 2013) E-mail from Toby Glanville (EY.New.EY29.6.7)
(November 16, 2013) E-mail from Jackie Marrie (EY.New.EY29.6.8)
(November 16, 2013) Letter from David Bronskill, Goodmans LLP (EY.New.EY29.6.9)
(November 16, 2013) E-mail from Cindy Stanleigh and David McHale (EY.New.EY29.6.10)
(November 16, 2013) E-mail from Linda Ruth Ciglen (EY.New.EY29.6.11)
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Helen Williams (EY.New.EY29.6.12)
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Steve McNally, BWVRA Vice-President (EY.New.EY29.6.13)
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Chris Townsend (EY.New.EY29.6.14)
(November 15, 2013) E-mail from Karen Yukich (EY.New.EY29.6.15)
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Alison Li (EY.New.EY29.6.16)
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Barb Young (EY.New.EY29.6.17)
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Ardith Ekdahl and G. Elliot Whitby (EY.New.EY29.6.18)
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Krista Wylie (EY.New.EY29.6.19)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Tanya Davies (EY.New.EY29.6.20)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Michael and YJ Davidson (EY.New.EY29.6.21)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Victor and Halyna Ostapchuk (EY.New.EY29.6.22)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Ernst Hamm (EY.New.EY29.6.23)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Rishi Sharma (EY.New.EY29.6.24)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Janice Longo (EY.New.EY29.6.25)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from E L Cramp, Secretary, High Park Residents’ Association (EY.New.EY29.6.26)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Barbara Yarwood (EY.New.EY29.6.27)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Leslie Gooding (EY.New.EY29.6.28)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Rhonda Ott (EY.New.EY29.6.29)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Anna MacDonald (EY.New.EY29.3.30)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Shirley and Bruce Fairley (EY.New.EY29.6.31)
(November 18, 2013) E-mail from Brenda Whitell (EY.New.EY29.6.32)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Katherine Cornakovic (EY.New.EY29.6.33)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Kathryn Parker (EY.New.EY29.6.34)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Tamara Berstein (EY.New.EY29.6.35)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Kerri L. Adams (EY.New.EY29.6.36)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from James Lien (EY.New.EY29.6.37)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from Ann Henhoeffer and Christopher Jenkins (EY.New.EY29.6.38)
(November 19, 2013) E-mail from E L Cramp, Secretary, High Park Residents’ Association (EY.New.EY29.6.39)
EY29.7 - Final Report - 50 Firwood Crescent (Lot 8, Blocks 9 and 10, Plan 66M-2508 Matthew Court) - Part Lot Control Exemption Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 3 - Etobicoke Centre
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council enact a Part Lot Control Exemption By-law with respect to the subject lands at 50 Firwood Crescent generally as illustrated on Attachment 1 to be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and to expire two years following enactment by City Council.
2. City Council require the owner to provide proof of payment of all current property taxes for the subject lands to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, prior to the enactment of the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law.
3. City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to register the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law on title.
4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Part Lot Control Exemption By-law as may be required.
This report reviews and recommends approval of an application for Part Lot Control Exemption for 2 semi-detached and 16 townhouse dwellings at 50 Firwood Crescent (Lot 8, Blocks 9 and 10 on Matthew Court on Registered Plan of Subdivision 66M-2508).
The exemption from Part Lot Control would allow each lot containing semi-detached and townhouse dwelling units to be subdivided yielding 18 individual residential lots.
The proposal complies with the existing Official Plan and Site Specific Zoning By-law 619-2012 which applies to the lands. The lifting of Part Lot Control for a period of two years is considered appropriate for the orderly development of these lands. This report reviews and recommends approval of Part Lot Control Exemption.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
EY29.8 - City-Initiated Sherway Area Study - Supplementary Report
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 5 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
The City Planning Division recommends that Council:
1. Endorse the preliminary terms of reference, included as Attachment 2 to this report, as the basis for preparing and issuing a formal terms of reference for the City-initiated Sherway Area Study.
At its meeting of October 17, 2013 Etobicoke York Community Council approved the recommendations of a staff report dated August 23, 2013 to undertake a review and update of the existing planning policy framework for the Sherway Area. In addition, Etobicoke York Community Council requested the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District, to report to the November 19, 2013 meeting of the Community Council with a preliminary terms of reference for this study.
This report responds to the request of Etobicoke York Community Council and provides a preliminary terms of reference for the Sherway Area Study. This area is bounded by a CP rail corridor to the north, Highway 427 to the east, the Queen Elizabeth Way (QEW) to the south and the Etobicoke Creek to the west.
The Sherway Area Study provides an opportunity to revisit the existing planning policy framework enabling the City to update the Site and Area Specific Policies, Urban Design Guidelines, proposed road network and block plan, and identify any streetscape improvements or other requirements to support a complete community as envisioned by the Official Plan.
Financial Impact
The August 23, 2013 staff report indicated that funds from City Planning's 2013 Operating Budget, estimated at $35,000, would be used for the first phase of the study, which was to be initially comprised of a community engagement process. As these funds were only available until the end of 2013 the funding for the entire study will be allocated from City Planning's 2014 Requested Capital Budget, estimated to be approximately $350,000.
Background Information
EY29.9 - Preliminary Report - 26 & 30 Fieldway Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 5 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. Notice for the December 12, 2013 community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 m of the site.
2. Notice for the Public Meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations of the Planning Act.
This application proposes to amend the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code to permit the redevelopment of the lands at 26 and 30 Fieldway Road with a six block, 4-storey stacked townhouse development containing 150 units. The proposed development would have a 171 space underground parking garage and a Floor Space Index of 1.7 times the area of the lot.
This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted application and seeks Community Council's direction on further processing of the application and on the community consultation process.
A community consultation meeting has been scheduled in consultation with the Ward Councillor for Thursday, December 12, 2013, to allow the applicant to present the project and receive comment from the public.
A Final Report under the Planning Act to consider this application is targeted for the third quarter of 2014 provided all required information is submitted by the applicant in a timely manner.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
EY29.10 - Preliminary Report - 3526 Lake Shore Boulevard West - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-Law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. Staff be directed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the lands at 3526 Lake Shore Boulevard West together with the Ward Councillor.
2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the site.
3. Notice for the public meeting under the Planning Act be given according to the regulations of the Planning Act.
These applications propose to amend the Official Plan and former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code for the northern portion of 3526 Lake Shore Boulevard West to permit the construction of 87 townhouses and 2 semi-detached dwellings organized around a proposed public street network and a new public park. The Draft Plan of Subdivision would create the public street, development blocks and two open space blocks. The existing car dealership use and zoning permissions along the Lake Shore Boulevard West frontage would remain with portions of the existing building proposed to be demolished.
This report provides preliminary information on the above-noted applications and seeks Community Council's directions on further processing of the applications and on the community consultation process.
It is intended that a community consultation meeting be scheduled in consultation with the Ward Councillor to allow the applicant to present the project and to receive comment from the public. A Final Report and Public Meeting under the Planning Act to consider the applications is targeted for the third quarter of 2014 provided all required information is submitted by the applicant in a timely manner.
Financial Impact
The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.
Background Information
EY29.11 - Application for Fence Exemption - 267 Riverside Drive
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:30 AM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 13 - Parkdale-High Park
Public Notice Given
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Refuse the application for an exemption submitted by McMillan Lawyers acting on behalf of the property owners of 267 Riverside Drive, to maintain an existing hedge, 3.66 metres (12 feet) in height, located at the front yard of the subject property, on the basis that a section of this fence does not comply with the provisions of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences.
This Staff report is in regard to a matter for which the Etobicoke York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to consider an application submitted by McMillan Lawyers acting on behalf of the property owners of 267 Riverside Drive for a Fence Exemption to maintain an existing hedge, 3.66 metres (12 feet) in height, located at the front yard of the subject property.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this Staff Report.
Background Information
(September 5, 2013) E-mail from Geraldine and Sam Rickett (EY.Main.EY29.11.2)
(September 9, 2013) Letter from Mary Flynn-Guglietti, McMillan LLP (EY.Main.EY29.11.3)
(October 30, 2013) E-mail from Richard Leblanc (EY.Main.EY29.11.4)
(September 10, 2013) E-mail from Sydney and Kelly Reimer (EY.Main.EY29.11.5)
EY29.12 - Application for Fence Exemption - 559 Delaware Avenue North
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:30 AM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 17 - Davenport
Public Notice Given
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that:
1. Etobicoke York Community Council refuse this request for exemption submitted by the owner of 559 Delaware Avenue North to maintain two existing board on board wood fences with a lattice top at the rear yard, including a 2.16 metres high fence and a 2.44 metres high gate at the north side, and a 2.08 metres high fence at the south side of the property, as the fences, as well as the gate, are in excess of the maximum height of 2.0 metres under Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences, Section 447-2 B, Table 1.
This staff report is in regard to a matter for which the Etobicoke York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to consider an application submitted by the property owner of 559 Delaware Avenue North for a Fence Exemption to maintain two existing board on board wood fences with a lattice top at the rear yard, including a 2.16 metres high fence and a 2.44 metres high gate at the north side, and a 2.08 metres high fence at the south side of the property.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
EY29.13 - Application for Fence Exemption - 153 Lake Promenade
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:30 AM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
Public Notice Given
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that:
1. Etobicoke York Community Council refuse this request for exemption submitted by the property owner of 153 Lake Promenade for a Fence Exemption to maintain a section of an existing board on board wood fence with a lattice top located on a slope at the far end of the property on the west side towards the lake that has an average height of 2.15 metres, as this section of the fence is in excess of the maximum height of 2.0 metres under Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences, Section 447-2 B, Table 1.
This staff report is in regard to a matter for which the Etobicoke York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to consider an application submitted by the property owner of 153 Lake Promenade for a Fence Exemption to maintain a section of an existing board on board wood fence with a lattice top located on a slope at the far end of the property on the west side towards the lake that has an average height of 2.15 metres.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
EY29.14 - Application for Fence Exemption - 882 Weston Road (Amended)
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:30 AM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 11 - York South-Weston
Public Notice Given
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that:
1. Etobicoke York Community Council refuse this application submitted by the owner of 882 Weston Road to maintain a 1.8 metres (6 feet) high closed board wood fence located at the front yard of the property, as the proposal does not comply with provisions of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences, Section 447-2 B, Table 1.
This is a matter in which the Etobicoke York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
This staff report is in response to an application submitted by the owner of 882 Weston Road to maintain 1.8 metres (6 feet) high closed board wood fence located at the front yard of the property.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
14a - Application for Fence Exemption - 882 Weston Road
This staff report is in response to an application submitted by the owner of 882 Weston Road to maintain 1.8 metres (6 feet) high closed board wood fence located at the front yard of the property.
Background Information
EY29.15 - Application for Fence Exemption - 28 Bernice Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:45 AM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 5 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
Public Notice Given
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that:
1. Etobicoke York Community Council refuse the application submitted by the property owner of 28 Bernice Avenue for a Fence Exemption to maintain at his rear yard: a newly constructed 2.44 metres high aluminium framed tempered glass fence for an ice skating/hockey rink, and an existing pool enclosure that comprises of a 1.83 metres vinyl fence, a partly enclosed bench structure that is 0.91 metres away from the edge of the pool, and a 1.71 metres high metal picket fence with vertical supports spaced at 4.0 metres apart, as the fence does not comply with the provisions of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences.
This Staff report is in regard to a matter for which the Etobicoke York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to consider an application submitted by the property owner of 28 Bernice Avenue for a Fence Exemption to maintain a newly constructed 2.44 metres (8 feet) high aluminium framed tempered glass fence for an ice skating/hockey rink and an existing pool enclosure that comprises of a 1.83 metres (6 feet) vinyl fence, a partly enclosed bench structure that is 0.91 metres (3 feet) away from the edge of the pool, and a 1.71 metres (5 feet 7½ inches) high metal picket fence with vertical supports spaced at 4.0 metres (13 feet) apart. The fences are in violation of the height restriction and pool enclosure requirements for the rear yard as set out in Chapter 447 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this Staff Report.
Background Information
(November 17, 2013) E-mail from Paul and Adriana Courney (EY.New.EY29.15.2)
(November 17, 2013) Letter from Ween Chan (EY.New.EY29.15.3)
(November 18, 2013) Submission from Elio Mancuso providing 3 letters in support of the fence exemption (EY.New.EY29.15.4)
EY29.16 - Application for Fence Exemption - 35 Elma Street
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:45 AM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
Public Notice Given
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that:
1. Etobicoke York Community Council refuse the request for an exemption submitted by the property owner of 35 Elma Street to maintain an existing hedge, 3.35 metres (11 feet) in height and 15.24 metres (50 feet) in length, located at the rear yard of the subject property on the east side adjacent to 31 Elma Street, on basis that this hedge, being also defined as a fence, is in excess of the permitted height of a fence under the provisions of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences.
This Staff report is in regard to a matter for which the Etobicoke York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to consider an application submitted by the property owner of 35 Elma Street for a Fence Exemption to maintain an existing hedge, 3.35 metres (11 feet) in height and 15.24 metres (50 feet) in length, located at the rear yard of the subject property on the east side adjacent to 31 Elma Street. The existing fence (hedge) is in violation of the height restrictions set out in Chapter 447 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this Staff Report.
Background Information
EY29.17 - Application for Fence Exemption - 145 Judson Street
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:45 AM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
Public Notice Given
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that:
1. Etobicoke York Community Council refuse the application submitted by InterArch Inc. on behalf of the property owner of 145 Judson Street for a Fence Exemption to maintain an existing corrugated metal fence, ranging from 3.05 metres (10 feet) to 4.27 metres (14 feet) in height, installed along the perimeter of the subject property, as the fence does not comply with the provisions of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences.
This Staff report is in regard to a matter for which the Etobicoke York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to consider an application submitted by InterArch Inc. on behalf of the property owner of 145 Judson Street for a Fence Exemption to maintain an existing corrugated metal fence, ranging from 3.05 metres (10 feet) to 4.27 metres (14 feet) in height, installed along the perimeter of the subject property. The fence is in violation of City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447 - Fences.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this Staff Report.
Background Information
(November 18, 2013) Letter from Kyra Trainor, President, Mimico Residents Association, signed and submitted by 99 individuals (EY.New.EY29.17.2)
(November 19, 2013) Submission from Sam Piscione providing area photos (EY.New.EY29.17.3)
EY29.18 - Application for Fence Exemption - 735 Renforth Drive
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 10:45 AM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 3 - Etobicoke Centre
Public Notice Given
Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that:
1. Etobicoke York Community Council refuse the application for an exemption submitted by the property owner of 735 Renforth Drive, as the proposal does not comply with provisions of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 447, Fences.
This Staff report is in regard to matter for which the Etobicoke York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to consider an application submitted by the property owner of 735 Renforth Drive for a Fence Exemption to erect a 2.5 (~ 8 feet) metre high concrete fence, adjacent to but more than one metre away from an existing retaining wall between a proposed residential development and five existing properties. The proposed fence will be in violation of the height restrictions for rear yards as set out in Chapter 447 of the Municipal Code.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this Staff report.
Background Information
EY29.19 - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 161 Ascot Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Time:
- 9:45 AM
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 17 - Davenport
Public Notice Given
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. deny the request for front yard parking at 161 Ascot Avenue; and
2. request that the owner remove the existing asphalt paving and restore the area to soft landscaping, as indicated in Appendix 'E', attached to the report dated October 29, 2013, from the Manager, Right of Way Management, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
This staff report is about a matter which Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services has assessed an appeal from the owner of 161 Ascot Avenue for front yard parking. We do not recommend approval for front yard parking at this location because it does not meet the requirements of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918. The owner will be given an opportunity to make a deputation before Community Council.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact to the City as a result of this report.
Background Information
Appendix A - Sketch
Appendix B - Property Data Map
Appendix C - Photo
Appendix D - Applicant's Landscape Proposal
Appendix E - Sketch showing paving to be removed
EY29.20 - Traffic Control Signals - Scarlett Road and Hill Garden Road
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 2 - Etobicoke North
Transportation Services recommends that City Council approve:
1. The removal of the pedestrian crossover on Scarlett Road north of Raymore Drive as this location fails the pedestrian crossover safety audit.
2. The installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Scarlett Road and Hill Garden Road.
Although the warrants for the installation of traffic control signals are not met, a safety audit of the existing pedestrian crossover on Scarlett Road between Hill Garden Road and Raymore Drive revealed that this location is no longer environmentally suitable for a pedestrian crossover given the operating speed of vehicular traffic on Scarlett Road. Based on the results of the pedestrian crossover audit, staff is recommending that the pedestrian crossover be replaced with traffic control signals.
Since the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) operates a transit service on Scarlett Road, City Council approval of this report is required. TTC staff has been consulted on the matter and have not objected to the proposal.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within capital works budget | Project No. CTP709-01 | $135,000.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
EY29.21 - All-Way Stop Control - Riverside Drive and Riverside Trail
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 13 - Parkdale-High Park
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Installing all-way stop controls at the intersection of Riverside Drive and Riverside Trail.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to recommend the installation of an all-way stop control at the intersection of Riverside Drive and Riverside Trail.
The all-way stop control will enhance traffic safety given the restricted sight lines created by the curved roadway geometry and both the foliage (bushes and trees) and the corner of the house located on the property on east side of Riverside Drive, opposite Riverside Trail.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $900.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
EY29.22 - Stop and Yield Controls - St Mark's Road and Varsity Road (South and North Intersections)
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 13 - Parkdale-High Park
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Replacing the yield control with a stop control for eastbound traffic on St Mark's Road at the south intersection of Varsity Road.
2. Installing a yield control for northbound traffic on Varsity Road at the north intersection of St Mark's Road.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to recommend the installation of a stop control on St Mark's Road at the south intersection of Varsity Road and to recommend a yield control on Varsity Road at the north intersection of St Mark's Road.
Currently, both intersections are operating as uncontrolled intersections, despite the fact the south intersection is by-lawed for an eastbound yield control. However, our investigation has revealed that the south intersection has been operating as an uncontrolled intersection for a number of years. Therefore, the installation of a these traffic controls will define the right-of-way, enhancing traffic management and safety at these locations.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $300.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
EY29.23 - Traffic Calming - Shaver Avenue South, Wilmar Road, Poplar Avenue, Acorn Avenue between Dundas Street West and Bloor Street West
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 5 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Authorizing the Director, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk’s Office to conduct a survey of eligible residents on Shaver Avenue South, between Dundas Street West and Bloor Street West, to determine public support for the proposed speed hump plan for Shaver Avenue South.
2. Authorizing the Director, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk’s Office to conduct a survey of eligible residents on Wilmar Road, between Dundas Street West and Bloor Street West, to determine public support for the proposed speed hump plan for Wilmar Road.
3. Authorizing the Director, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk’s Office to conduct a survey of eligible residents on Acorn Avenue, between Dundas Street West and Bloor Street West, to determine public support for the proposed speed hump plan for Acorn Avenue.
4. Authorizing the Director, Transportation Services, to request the City Clerk’s Office to conduct a survey of eligible residents on Poplar Avenue, between Dundas Street West and Bloor Street West, to determine public support for the proposed speed hump plan for Poplar Avenue.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to describe the results of an investigation into a request for speed humps on Shaver Avenue South and Wilmar Road. A staff assessment concludes that the criteria for installing speed humps are met on Shaver Avenue South and Wilmar Road, between Dundas Street West and Bloor Street West. The adjacent streets of Acorn Avenue and Poplar Avenue were also assessed and deemed to be possibly negatively impacted by the physical traffic calming of Shaver Avenue South and Wilmar Road. Therefore, it is proposed the installation of speed humps on Acorn Avenue and Poplar Avenue also be considered at this time.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications related to the adoption of this report.
Background Information
Attachment 1-4 - Maps
EY29.24 - Traffic Regulation Amendments - Judson Street
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Rescinding the “No Heavy Vehicles, 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m." regulation on Judson Street between Royal York Road and Horner Avenue.
2. Enacting a “No Heavy Vehicles, 7:00 p.m. of one day to 7:00 a.m. of the next following day” regulation on Judson Street between Royal York Road and Harold Street.
3. Enacting a "No Heavy Vehicles, Anytime" regulation on Judson Street between Harold Street and Islington Avenue.
4. Enacting a “No Heavy Vehicles, 7:00 p.m. of one day to 7:00 a.m. of the next following day” regulation on Judson Street between Islington Avenue and Horner Avenue.
5. Enacting a "No Left Turn, Anytime" regulation at the intersection of Judson Street and the driveway access at 29 Judson Street, approximately 180 metres west of Royal York Road, for northbound traffic.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
Transportation Services is seeking authority to change the "No Heavy Vehicles, 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m." regulation on Judson Street, between Royal York Road and Islington Avenue, to "No Heavy Vehicles, 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m." on Judson Street between Royal York Road and Harold Street; and, "No Heavy Vehicles Anytime" between Harold Street and Islington Avenue. In addition, staff is seeking authority to introduce a "No Left Turn Anytime" regulation at the intersection of Judson Street and the driveway access at 29 Judson Street, for northbound traffic exiting the driveway access.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $500.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
(November 16, 2013) Letter from Peter Hillier, MMM Group (EY.New.EY29.24.2)
EY29.25 - Speed Limit Amendment - Quebec Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 13 - Parkdale-High Park
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Enacting a 30 km/h speed limit on Quebec Avenue between Dundas Street West and Annette Street.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to reduce the speed limit on Quebec Avenue between Dundas Street West and Annette Street from 40 km/h to 30 km/h.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $600.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
EY29.26 - Speed Limit Amendment - Snaresbrook Drive
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 2 - Etobicoke North
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Enacting a 40 km/h speed limit on Snaresbrook Drive between Kipling Avenue and Clearbrooke Circle.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to reduce the speed limit on Snaresbrook Drive between Kipling Avenue and Clearbrooke Circle from 50 km/h to 40 km/h.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $600.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
EY29.27 - Parking Regulation Amendment - Franson Crescent
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 7 - York West
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Enacting a "No Parking Anytime" regulation on the east and north sides of Franson Crescent from a point 72 metres south of St. Lucie Drive (west intersection) to a point 20 metres further southeast.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to implement a "No Parking Anytime" regulation on the east and north side of Franson Crescent between a point 72 metres south of St. Lucie Drive (west intersection) and a point 20 metres further southeast. Prohibiting parking, within the curve, will prevent parked vehicles from blocking access to 56 Franson Crescent as well as improve safety and traffic flow when manoeuvring within the curve.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $300.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
EY29.28 - Parking Regulation Amendments - Geary Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 17 - Davenport
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approve the amendments to parking regulations on Geary Avenue, as outlined in Appendix “A” and Appendix “B” attached to the report dated October 23, 2013 from the Director, Transportation Services - Etobicoke York District.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to amend the existing "No Parking Anytime" and "No Standing Anytime" regulations on Geary Avenue, between Dufferin Street and the west limit of the road.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $500.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
EY29.29 - Parking Regulation Amendment - Jamestown Crescent
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 1 - Etobicoke North
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Enacting a "No Parking, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Wednesday and Friday" regulation on the west side of Jamestown Crescent (west intersection), between a point 58 metres north of John Garland Boulevard and a point 20 metres further north.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to implement a "No Parking, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., Wednesday and Friday" regulation on the west side of Jamestown Crescent (west intersection), between a point 58 metres north of John Garland Boulevard and a point 20 metres further north. Prohibiting parking will allow the Toronto Community Housing - Jamestown Hub, Community Support Services to receive deliveries during the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Wednesdays and Fridays.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $300.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
EY29.30 - Parking Amendments - Mackay Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 17 - Davenport
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Enacting a "No Standing Anytime" regulation on the north and south sides of Mackay Avenue, between Via Italia and a point 15 metres further east.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to prohibit standing at anytime on both sides of Mackay Avenue, for a distance of 15 metres east of Via Italia, in order to improve the flow of traffic and by improving turning movements, with the elimination of vehicles parked too close to the intersection. This recommendation has been discussed with the area Councillor.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $400.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
EY29.31 - Parking Amendment - McFarland Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 17 - Davenport
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Rescinding a "No Parking Anytime, except the 1st Wednesday and 3rd Wednesday of each month, from Apr. 1 to Nov. 30, inclusive" regulation on the east side of McFarland Avenue, between Davenport Road and Ashburnham Road.
2. Rescinding a "No Parking Anytime on the 1st Wednesday and 3rd Wednesday of each month, from Apr. 1 to Nov. 30, inclusive" regulation on the east side of McFarland Avenue, between Davenport Road and Peterborough Avenue.
3. Rescinding a "No Parking Anytime on the 1st Wednesday and 3rd Wednesday of each month, from Apr. 1 to Nov. 30, inclusive" regulation on the west side of McFarland Avenue, between Davenport Road and Ashburnham Road.
4. Rescinding a "No Parking Anytime, except the 1st Wednesday and 3rd Wednesday of each month, from Apr. 1 to Nov. 30, inclusive" regulation on the east side of McFarland Avenue, between Davenport Road and Peterborough Avenue.
5. Enacting a "No Parking Anytime" regulation on the east side of McFarland Avenue, between a point 15 metres south of Peterborough Avenue and a point 17.5 metres further south.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval for the installation of a “No Parking Anytime” regulation on the east side of McFarland Avenue, between a point 15 metres south of Peterborough Avenue and a point 17.5 metres further south.
This proposed parking prohibition will help eliminate the parking by permit holders and visitors who obstruct the driveways of Premises 71 - 73 on the east side of McFarland Avenue, just south of Peterborough Avenue.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $500.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
EY29.32 - Parking Regulation Amendments - Queen's Drive
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 12 - York South-Weston
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Rescinding a "No Parking Anytime" regulation on the north side of Queen's Drive from a point opposite the easterly limit of Upwood Avenue to the westerly limit of Culford Road.
2. Enacting a "No Parking Anytime" regulation on the north side of Queen's Drive, from a point opposite the easterly limit of Upwood Avenue to a point 61 metres east of Venice Drive and from a point 222 metres east of Venice Drive to Culford Road.
3. Enacting a "15 Minute Permitted Parking from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., and 2:00 p.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday to Friday" regulation on the north side of Queen's Drive from 61 metres east of Venice Drive to a point 161 metres further east.
4. Enacting a "No Parking from 9:01 a.m. to 1:59 p.m. and 3:31 p.m. to 7:59 a.m., Monday to Friday and Anytime Saturday and Sunday" regulations on the north side of Queen's Drive from a point 61 metres east of Venice Drive to a point 161 metres further east.
5. Enacting a "No Parking Anytime" regulation on the south side of Queen's Drive between Upwood Avenue and the easterly limit of Black Creek Drive.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to obtain approval to amend the current parking regulations on Queen's Drive to improve parking and traffic operations as a result of pick-up/drop-off activities associated to Chaminade College School.
The proposed parking amendments will address concerns related to large increase in the number of parents picking up/dropping off at subject school due to robberies and assaults incidents on students walking home.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $1,500.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map - Proposed Regulations
EY29.33 - Parking Amendments - Union Street
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 17 - Davenport
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council approve:
1. Rescinding the one hour maximum parking restriction from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., on the east side of Union Street, between a point 9 metres south of Turnberry Avenue and a point 211 metres further south.
This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.
The purpose of this report is to enable longer term parking by vehicles of persons visiting Union Street, by rescinding the existing one hour maximum parking restriction from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., daily. This recommendation has been discussed with the area Councillor.
Financial Impact
Type of Funding | Source of Funds | Amount |
Available within current budget | Transportation Services Operating Budget | $400.00 |
Background Information
Attachment 1 - Map
EY29.34 - Realignment of Permit Parking Area "1B" to exclude 1830 Bloor Street West, 6-14 Oakmount Road and 7-19 Pacific Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 13 - Parkdale-High Park
Public Notice Given
Transportation Services recommends:
1. Etobicoke York Community Council authorize the amendment to Schedule B of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 925, Permit Parking, to incorporate a revised map of permit parking area "1B", as attached in Appendix "A" of the report (October 29, 2013) from the Manager, Right of Way Management, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
Transportation Services is requesting authority from City Council to amend the boundary of Permit Parking Area 1B.
Transportation Services has assessed the realignment of Permit Parking Area 1B to exclude the property located at 1830 Bloor Street West, 6-14 Oakmount Road and 7-19 Pacific Avenue as requested by Etobicoke York Community Council. We are recommending approval of the realignment as it will not impact negatively on the Permit Parking Area.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact associated with this report.
Background Information
Appendix A - Area Map
EY29.35 - Realignment of Permit Parking Area "1B" to exclude 200 Keele Street
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 13 - Parkdale-High Park
Public Notice Given
Transportation Services recommends:
1. Etobicoke York Community Council authorize the amendment to Schedule B of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 925, Permit Parking, to incorporate a revised map of permit parking area "1B", as attached in Appendix "A" of the report (October 29, 2013) from the Manager, Right of Way Management, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
Transportation Services is requesting authority from City Council to amend the boundary of Permit Parking Area 1B.
Transportation Services has assessed the realignment of Permit Parking Area 1B to exclude the property located at 200 Keele as requested by Etobicoke York Community Council. We are recommending approval of the realignment as it will not impact negatively on the Permit Parking Area.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact associated with this report.
Background Information
Appendix A - Area Map
EY29.36 - Realignment of Permit Parking Area "1E" to exclude 588 Annette Street
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 13 - Parkdale-High Park
Public Notice Given
Transportation Services recommends:
1. Etobicoke York Community Council authorize the amendment to Schedule B of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 925, Permit Parking, to incorporate a revised map of permit parking area "1E", as attached in Appendix "A" of the report (October 29, 2013) from the Manager, Right of Way Management, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.
Transportation Services is requesting authority from City Council to amend the boundary of Permit Parking Area 1E.
Transportation Services has assessed the realignment of Permit Parking Area 1E to exclude the property located at 588 Annette Street as requested by Etobicoke York Community Council. We are recommending approval of the realignment as it will not impact negatively on the Permit Parking Area.
Financial Impact
There is no financial impact associated with this report.
Background Information
Appendix A - Area Map
EY29.37 - Accessible Parking Spaces - Etobicoke York District - November 2013
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Wards:
- 11 - York South-Weston, 17 - Davenport
Transportation Services recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Approve the installation/removal of on-street accessible parking spaces at the locations identified in Appendix A attached to the report dated October 24, 2013, from the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District.
This staff report concerns a matter for which the Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision. The purpose is to obtain approval for the installation/removal of a number of on-street accessible parking spaces.
Financial Impact
Funds in the amount of $1,200.00 are available within the Transportation Services Division’s 2013 Operating Budget.
Background Information
EY29.38 - Conversion of Private Laneway at Rear of Osler/Miller to a Public Laneway
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 17 - Davenport
1. That Etobicoke York Community Council request the Manager of Traffic Planning/Right-of-Way Management to commence the process of converting the private laneway at the rear of 146 to 166 Osler Street and 9 to 37 Miller Street, south of Lindner Street, into a public laneway and report back to the Etobicoke York Community Council no later than March, 2014 on the process to be adopted, as it has been done in other parts of the ward.
2. That the local City Councillor be requested to facilitate a public meeting with City staff from appropriate divisions, to explain and expedite the acquisition process.
Residents of 146 to 166 Osler Street and 9 to 37 Miller Street, south of Lindner Street, submitted a petition to my office requesting the conversion of the private laneway at the rear of their homes into a public laneway. The property owners are willing to convey their interest to the City, similar to what was done in other parts of Ward 17.
The northern part of the laneway, north of Lindner Street, between Osler Street and Miller Street, was converted from a private laneway into a public laneway a few years ago. The first laneway south of St. Clair Avenue West, west of Spring Grove Avenue, which is narrower, was recently converted into a public laneway and upgraded.
The costs of assembling the public laneway can be recovered through the benefitting assessment of properties adjacent to the laneway.
Background Information
EY29.39 - Designation of Fire Routes and Amendment to Chapter 880 - Fire Routes - 165 & 175 Galaxy Blvd; 34 & 50 Leading Road; 70 Birmingham Street; 137 Queens Plate Drive and 120 Twenty Fourth Street
- Consideration Type:
- Wards:
- 1 - Etobicoke North, 2 - Etobicoke North, 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
Toronto Fire Services recommends that:
1. City Council designate part or those parts of the private road or roads shown on the site plan filed with the Fire Chief in respect of the municipal addresses set out below, as a fire route pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 880 – Fire Routes:
165 & 175 Galaxy Boulevard
34 & 50 Leading Road
70 Birmingham Street
137 Queens Plate Drive
120 Twenty Fourth Street; and
2. City Council authorize the Fire Chief and City Solicitor to take the appropriate action to make a designated Fire Route.
To obtain Council approval for the amendment of the Fire Route By-law to designate certain locations as fire routes within the meaning of City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 880, as amended.
Fire Services uses designated fire routes as a key mechanism in regulating fire prevention, including the prevention of spreading of fires and the delivery of fire protection services.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications associated with this report.
Background Information
Draft By-law to amend Municipal Code Chapter 880, Fire Routes, to include 165 & 175 Galaxy Blvd; 34 & 50 Leading Road; 70 Birmingham Street; 137 Queens Plate Drive and 120 Twenty Fourth Street
EY29.40 - Demolition Control Application - 2968 Islington Avenue
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 7 - York West
Toronto Building recommends that Etobicoke York Community Council give consideration to this demolition application and the following options:
1. Refuse the application to demolish the subject two-storey single family detached dwelling because there is no permit application to replace the buildings on the site. OR
2. Approve the application to demolish the subject two-storey single family detached dwelling without conditions. OR
3. Approve the application to demolish the subject two-storey single family detached dwelling with the following conditions:
a. A construction fence be erected in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code, Chapter 363, Article III, if deemed appropriate by the Chief Building Official.
b. All debris and rubble be removed immediately after demolition.
c. Sod be laid on the site and be maintained free of garbage and weeds, in accordance with the Municipal Code Chapter 623-5, and 629-10, paragraph B.
d. Any holes on the property are backfilled with clean fill.
This staff report is regarding matter for which Community Council has been delegated authority from City Council to make a final Decision.
On October 29, 2012, Toronto Building received a demolition permit application from John DeFilippis, acting as both the owner and authorized agent, submitting an application for the demolition of a two-storey single family detached dwelling located at 2968 Islington Avenue. Toronto Building has not received a building permit application to replace the building to be demolished as of this date.
In accordance with the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 363, Article 11, "Demolition Control" Subsection D (1), the above noted demolition permit application is submitted to the Etobicoke York Community Council for consideration and decision due to the fact that a building permit application has not been submitted to replace the building, and whether to refuse or grant the demolition permit application, including conditions if any, to be attached to the permit.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
(December 7, 2012) E-mail from H. Tolvaisa on behalf of the Medical Officer of Health, submitted by Councillor Mammoliti (EY.Main.EY29.40.2)
(April 8, 2013) Letter from Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti, Ward 7 York West, requesting deferral of the Item until September 10, 2013 (EY.Main.EY29.40.3)
(April 2, 2013) E-mail from Michael Flynn submitting an Engineering Report from Soscia Engineering Ltd. (EY.Main.EY29.40.4)
(September 9, 2013) Letter from Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti, Ward 7 York West, requesting deferral of the Item until October 17, 2013 (EY.Main.EY29.40.5)
40a - Property Standards Matter - 2968 Islington Avenue
In its meeting on January 22, 2013, Etobicoke York Community Council requested the District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards, Etobicoke York District, to attend and inspect the property at 2968 Islington Avenue to determine if any Notice of Violation is warranted, such inspection to include an opinion on the roof and mould conditions, and report back to Etobicoke York Community Council on April 9, 2013, on the outcome of the inspection.
Background Information
EY29.41 - 2968 Islington Avenue - Demolition Permit
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 7 - York West
Confidential Attachment - The receiving of advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege
1. That Community Council receive this report for information.
2. That Confidential Attachment 1 to this report remain confidential.
This report responds to a request from Etobicoke York Community Council for a report regarding an application for a demolition permit with respect to a single family dwelling at 2968 Islington Avenue, and a subsequent appeal to the Ontario Municipal Board.
Financial Impact
The recommendations will have no financial impact.
Background Information
OMB Decision dated June 27, 2013
EY29.42 - Additional Recommended Candidate for the Etobicoke York Community Preservation Panel
- Consideration Type:
- Wards:
- 1 - Etobicoke North, 2 - Etobicoke North, 3 - Etobicoke Centre, 4 - Etobicoke Centre, 5 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore, 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore, 7 - York West, 11 - York South-Weston, 12 - York South-Weston, 13 - Parkdale-High Park, 17 - Davenport
Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees
The City Planning Division recommends that:
1. City Council appoint the candidate listed in the confidential Attachment No. 1 to the Etobicoke York Community Preservation Panel, effective November 2013, for a term that extends to the end of the 2014-2018 Council session, or until their successors are appointed; and
2. City Council authorize the release of the confidential Attachment No. 1 once it has dealt with this staff report.
The individual recommended in Attachment No. 1 has relevant professional skills and interests that apply to heritage preservation and satisfy Municipal Code direction that "panel members possess special interests or knowledge that will assist the panel in fulfilling its responsibilities".
This report recommends that the Etobicoke York Community Council nominate the individual listed in Confidential Attachment No. 1 to the Etobicoke York Community Preservation Panel (EYCPP) for appointment by City Council.
Due to a clerical error this candidate was not listed on the Confidential Attachment to the original report entitled, Recommended Candidates for the Etobicoke York Community Preservation Panel, from the Acting Director, Urban Design, City Planning Division, dated August 16, 2013 and adopted by the Etobicoke York Community Council on September 10, 2013.
The candidate successfully completed the application process.
Background Information
EY29.43 - Business Improvement Area (BIA) Boards of Management - Additions and Deletions
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Wards:
- 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore, 13 - Parkdale-High Park, 17 - Davenport
The Acting Director, Business Services, Economic Development and Culture, recommends that:
1. Etobicoke York Community Council approve the additions and deletions to Baby Point Gates, Lakeshore Village and the Regal Heights Business Improvement Area (BIA) Boards of Management as described in the body and in Attachment No. 1 of this report dated October 28, 2013 from the Acting Director Business Services, Economic Development and Culture;
2. Etobicoke York Community Council confirm that under City Council's Public Appointments Policy, Board members are appointed at the pleasure of Community Council, and Community Council retains the right to replace any appointed member at any time and for any reason; and
3. Etobicoke York Community Council direct that Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, be amended to reflect the change in the number of members for the Baby Point Gates, Lakeshore Village and the Regal Heights Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) Boards of Management.
The purpose of this report is to recommend Etobicoke York Community Council approve the additions and deletions to Baby Point Gates, Lakeshore Village and Regal Heights Village BIA Boards of Management. The Etobicoke York Community Council has delegated authority to make final decisions regarding Business Improvement Area (BIA) appointments.
Financial Impact
There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.
Background Information
EY29.44 - Endorsement of Events for Liquor Licensing Purposes
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
- Ward:
- 13 - Parkdale-High Park
Seeking endorsement of various events for liquor licensing purposes.
EY29.45 - 289 and 291 The Kingsway and 1 to 7 St. Stevens Court - Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Application
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 4 - Etobicoke Centre
That Etobicoke York Community Council:
1. Re-open Item EY26.11, headed "Preliminary Report - 289 and 291 The Kingsway and 1 to 7 St. Stevens Court - Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Applications", adopted, as amended, by Etobicoke York Community Council on September 10, 2013, only as it pertains to Recommendation 3.
2. Delete Recommendation 3 in its entirety, and insert the following instead:
"3. To identify context of application, no community consultation meetings go forward for the lands at 289 and 291 The Kingsway and 1 to 7 St. Stevens Court or any other new application until the City Council directed Humbertown Secondary Plan Area review is complete."
At its September 10, 2013 meeting, the Etobicoke York Community Council considered a report titled "Preliminary Report - 289 and 291 The Kingsway and 1 to 7 St. Stevens Court - Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion Applications".
By its adoption of Recommendation 3 contained in the Item, Community Council authorized City Planning staff to hold a community consultation meeting on the development applications in the fourth quarter of 2013. In light of the City Council directed Secondary Plan review for this area, the community consultation meeting should be postponed until direction from the Secondary Plan is in place.
Background Information
EY29.46 - Issues related to 29 and 145 Judson Street
- Consideration Type:
- Ward:
- 6 - Etobicoke-Lakeshore
1. Etobicoke York Community Council request the Medical Officer of Health to work with staff from Municipal Licensing and Standards and the Ministry of the Environment, on issues related to 29 and 145 Judson Street, and report back to the Community Council for its meeting on January 15, 2014.
2. Etobicoke York Community Council support the redesignation of the lands known as "The Mimico Triangle" and Judson Street portion to a regeneration area through the City's Municipal Comprehensive Review, and direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to commence due process towards a regeneration designation.
3. Etobicoke York Community Council direct that a copy of this Item be forwarded to the Planning and Growth Management Committee, and to Deputy City Manager Livey, for information.
Ongoing issues related to permitted uses at 29 and 145 Judson Street need to be addressed as soon as possible.
Background Information
EY29.47 - Enactment of By-laws
- Consideration Type:
- Schedule Type:
- Delegated
Introduction and consideration of bills for enactment as By-laws.
Background Information