Community Development and Recreation Committee

Meeting No.:
Kelly McCarthy, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date:
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Start Time:
9:30 AM
Committee Room 1, City Hall
Councillor Giorgio Mammoliti

CD10.1 - Toronto's Child Care System - Moving Forward

Decision Type:

Committee Decision

The Community Development and Recreation Committee received the item for information.


(December 22, 2011) Report from the General Manager, Children's Services


A staff report was requested at City Council on November 29, 30 and December 1, as follow up to CD8.1, Transitional Issues Impacting Toronto's Child Care System and Recommended Actions for Mitigation. This information report outlines the Children's Services Division's strategy for addressing Council's various recommendations.

Background Information

(December 22, 2011) Report from the General Manager, Children's Services, on Toronto's Child Care System - Moving Forward


Jane Mercer, Coalition for Better Child Care

CD10.2 - The Social Impact of Lower Wage Jobs

(Submitted for City Council Consideration on March 5, 2012)
Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Community Development and Recreation Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council request the Deputy City Manager, Cluster A to summarize and examine the issues raised in deputations on this item and forward this and other related information to the Government Management Committee for consideration at its meeting on March 28, 2012.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Community Development and Recreation Committee:


1.         Requested the City Manager, in consultation with the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, to research and report back to the Community Development and Recreation Committee on the state of undocumented workers in Toronto and Federal policies and programs related to undocumented workers without a criminal record, including the possibility of offering amnesty to those workers and their families.


(December 23, 2011) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration


The report responds to the Community Development and Recreation Committee's request for a study of the social impacts of lower-wage jobs on the city and on priority neighbourhood areas.

Background Information

(December 23, 2011) Report and Appendix A from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, on the Social Impact of Lower Wage Jobs


(January 31, 2012) Letter from The Martin Prosperity Institute (CD.Main.CD10.2.1)
(February 22, 2012) Submission from John Stapleton, Metcalf Foundation (CD.New.CD10.2.2)
(February 22, 2012) Petition from Dr. Peter H. Sawchuk, Associate Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto with approximately 100 signatures (CD.New.CD10.2.3)
(February 22, 2012) Submission from Dr. Peter H. Sawchuk, Associate Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto (CD.New.CD10.2.4)
(February 22, 2012) Submission from Dr. Tania Das Gupta Department of Equity Studies, Cross Appointed to Department of Sociology, York University (CD.New.CD10.2.5)
(February 22, 2012) Submission from Ritch Whyman, Organizer, Services Employees International Union, Local 2 (CD.New.CD10.2.6)
(February 22, 2012) Submission from John Stapleton, Metcalf Foundation (CD.New.CD10.2.7)


John Stapleton (Submission Filed)
Winnie Ng, CAW Sam Gindin Chair in Social Justice & Democracy, Ryerson University
John Doherty
Peter H. Sawchuk, Associate Professor, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto (Submission Filed)
Robert Dryden
Fred Shilson, Cleaner, City of Toronto
Valerie Hyman, Congregation Darchei Noam
Dr. Tania Das Gupta, Dr., Department of Equity Studies, Cross Appointed to Department of Sociology, York University (Submission Filed)
Rachael Rocca
Ritch Whyman, Organizer, Services Employees International Union, Local 2 (Submission Filed)
Councillor Pam McConnell
Councillor Ana Bailão

2a - Metcalf Foundation: Working Poor

(Submitted for City Council Consideration on March 5, 2012)
(February 22, 2012) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration

The Metcalf Foundation's report "The Working Poor in the Toronto Region:  Who they are, where they live, and how trends are changing" outlines the increasing number of people in Toronto who are working and living in poverty.

Background Information
(February 22, 2012) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration - Metcalf Foundation: Working Poor
(February 22, 2012) Report from the Metcalf Foundation on the "Working Poor" in the Toronto Region: Who They Are, Where They Live and How Trends are Changing

CD10.3 - Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020

(Submitted for City Council Consideration on March 5, 2012)
Decision Type:

Committee Recommendations

The Community Development and Recreation Committee recommends that:


1.         City Council adopt the Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020, comprised of the following eight key elements:


a.         Goals and Objectives:  The goal of the Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020 is to advance equitable outcomes for all neighbourhoods.  The Strategy has two objectives:


i.          to ensure every Toronto neighbourhood has the public, private and community infrastructure required for equitable resident opportunities; and


ii.         to ensure broader municipal, regional, provincial and national policies, programs and funding priorities are informed by a neighbourhoods perspective.


b.         Neighbourhood Improvement Areas:  Neighbourhoods requiring targeted investment will be designated using the City's 140 social planning neighbourhoods and identified as "Neighbourhood Improvement Areas" (NIA).  The current 13 priority investment neighbourhoods will be designated as the first Neighbourhood Improvement Areas;


c.         Targeted Investments:  Investments will be targeted at NIAs to create the equitable opportunities for residents required to advance equitable outcomes for neighbourhoods;


d.         Continuous Service Improvement:  City services to Toronto residents will be continuously improved in NIAs with inter-divisional collaboration on service planning and delivery;


e.         Networks and Service Partnerships:  The City will support the development of neighbourhood-based networks and service partnerships in NIAs;


f.          Engagement:  Local residents, businesses and community-based organizations and groups will be engaged in planning the social and economic development of NIAs;


g.         Monitoring and Evaluation:  The City will:


i.          work in collaboration with United Way Toronto and a broad range of stakeholders to: develop an equity-based framework that identifies the outcomes the City will work to advance for all neighbourhoods;  develop an evaluation process that considers progress made in advancing equitable neighbourhood outcomes and equitable resident opportunities using both quantitative and qualitative research methods; and establish new NIA designation criteria based on the outcome framework, the evaluation process, and other analytical tools, including Wellbeing Toronto and the most recent demographic information;


ii.         monitor the wellbeing of all 140 social planning neighbourhoods on an ongoing basis using the outcome framework, evaluation results, NIA designation criteria, and drawing on Wellbeing Toronto and other available sources of data; and


iii.        report regularly on the progress made against the Strategy's goal and objectives; and


h.         Neighbourhood-Informed Policy and Program Development:  Learnings from targeted efforts in NIAs will be used to inform both municipal and broader regional, provincial and national policies, programs and funding priorities.


2.         City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to report back on the outcome framework, evaluation process, designation criteria, monitoring process and reporting cycle for NIAs in 2012 and to seek authority to establish the next group of Neighbourhood Improvement Areas at that time.


3.         City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration:


a.         collaborate with United Way Toronto to develop and implement a plan for engaging a wide array of private, public and community funders in the development of NIAs, and for ensuring that the federal, provincial, and regional policies, programs and funding priorities that have an impact on the advancement of equitable neighbourhood outcomes and the provision of equitable resident opportunities are informed by a neighbourhoods perspective; and


b.         report back to the Community Development and Recreation Committee in 2012 on this plan.


4.         City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration and the Project Director, Tower Renewal to work jointly to:


a.         adapt and document the Communities in Flight (CIF) model for the improvement of living conditions and quality of life in low-income high-rise apartment buildings;


b.         identify a pilot site and test the adapted CIF model there;


c.         if the pilot is successful, use a public procurement process to establish a roster of property management companies and community service organizations with the expertise to implement the adapted model; and


d.         share learnings from the pilot project with United Way Toronto's Tower Neighbourhood Renewal Committee.


e.         report to the Community Development and Recreation Committee with any further recommendations for action arising out of this pilot.


5.         City Council forward the report "Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020" to the Toronto Library Board, the Toronto Police Service Board, the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Board, the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Catholic District School Board for consideration.

Decision Advice and Other Information

The Community Development and Recreation Committee:


1.         Requested that the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration consult on the name "Neighbourhood Improvement Areas" through the Neighbourhood Action Partnership tables and report back to the Community Development and Recreation Committee.


2.         Requested that the Executive Director, Social Development Finance and Administration review and report back to Community Development and Recreation Committee on an investigation of City interests in the potential uses of St. Gerard Majella Catholic School and other surplus schools in the Toronto District School Board and Toronto Catholic District School Board in anticipation of their availability, in collaboration with the Toronto Catholic District School Board, the General Managers of Children's Services, Parks Forestry and Recreation, and the City Manager.


The following made a presentation to the Community Development and Recreation Committee:


- Chris Brillinger, Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration

- Susan McIsaac, President and CEO of United Way Toronto


(February 8, 2012) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration


This report requests Council approval for the Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020 (TSNS 2020), which has been designed to guide the City's neighbourhood-focused work over the current and next term of Council.


The Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020 builds on learnings from the wide range of place-based initiatives that the City has undertaken since 2004, the 2005 Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy, and feedback from participants in the City's place-based work.  TSNS 2020 introduces a number of new elements to the City's place-based work:  clarified goals and objectives; new designation terminology to ensure neighbourhoods targeted for place-based work are not stigmatized; a monitoring and evaluation process that includes an equity-based outcome framework, new designation criteria, and regular reporting; and the development of a new plan to ensure broader regional, provincial and national policies, programs and funding priorities are informed by a neighbourhoods perspective.

Background Information

(February 8, 2012) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy 2020
(February 8, 2012) Appendix A: Consultation Report - Toronto Strong Neighbourhoods Strategy
(February 8, 2012) Appendix B: Strong Neighbourhoods: Responding to a Call to Action
(September 30, 2011) Appendix C: Community Service System in Toronto Neighbourhoods: What Should the City Pay Attention To?

Meeting Sessions

Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
2012-02-22 Morning 9:44 AM 1:32 PM Public


Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated.
Date and Time Quorum Members
9:44 AM - 1:32 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Maria Augimeri, Janet Davis, Giorgio Mammoliti (Chair), Josh Matlow, Joe Mihevc, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Also present (non-members): Ana Bailão, Sarah Doucette, Pam McConnell, Gord Perks
Source: Toronto City Clerk at