Toronto and East York Community Council

Meeting No.:
Ellen Devlin, Committee Administrator
Meeting Date:
Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Start Time:
9:30 AM
Committee Room 1, City Hall
Councillor Gord Perks

Councillor Ana Bailão

Councillor Brad Bradford

Councillor Joe Cressy

Councillor Paula Fletcher, Vice-Chair

 Councillor Mike Layton

 Councillor Josh Matlow

 Councillor Gord Perks, Chair

 Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam


Members of Council and Staff:  Please keep this agenda and the accompanying material until the City Council meeting dealing with these matters has ended.


Special Assistance for Members of the Public:  City staff can arrange for special assistance with some advance notice. If you need special assistance, please call 416-392-7033, TTY 416-338-0889 or e-mail


Closed Meeting Requirements:  If the Toronto and East York Community Council wants to meet in closed session (privately), a member of the committee must make a motion to do so and give the reason why the Committee has to meet privately. (City of Toronto Act, 2006).


Notice to people writing or making presentations to the Toronto and East York Community Council: The City of Toronto Act, 2006 and the City of Toronto Municipal Code authorize the City of Toronto to collect any personal information in your communication or presentation to City Council or its committees. The City collects this information to enable it to make informed decisions on the relevant issue(s). If you are submitting letters, faxes, e-mails, presentations or other communications to the City, you should be aware that your name and the fact that you communicated with the City will become part of the public record and will appear on the City’s website. The City will also make your communication and any personal information in it – such as your postal address, telephone number or e-mail address – available to the public, unless you expressly request the City to remove it.


Many Committee, Board, and Advisory Body meetings are broadcast live over the internet for the public to view. If you speak at the meeting you will appear in the video broadcast.  Video broadcasts are archived and continue to be publicly available.


If you want to learn more about why and how the City collects your information, write to the City Clerk's Office, City Hall, 100 Queen Street West, Toronto ON M5H 2N2 or by calling 416-392-7033.

This agenda and any supplementary materials submitted to the City Clerk can be found online at Visit the website for access to all agendas, reports, decisions and minutes of City Council and its committees. 


Schedule of Timed Items:


 9:30 a.m. - TE13.1

10:00 a.m. - TE13.2 - TE13.9

10:30 a.m. - TE13.10 - TE13.13

11:00 a.m. - TE13.14 - TE13.16 


The Chair and Members gratefully acknowledge that the Toronto and East York Community Council meets on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.


Declarations of Interest under the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act


Confirmation of Minutes - January 8, 2020


Speakers/Presentations - A complete list will be distributed at the meeting.


Introduction and Enactment of General Bills and Bill to Confirm the Proceedings of Community Council will be the last item.


TE13.1 - Renaming of a Portion of Blue Jays Way Between Spadina Avenue and Navy Wharf Court

Consideration Type:
9:30 AM
Schedule Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

Public Notice Given

Statutory - City of Toronto Act, 2006


(January 17, 2020) Report from the Director, Engineering Support Services, Engineering and Construction Services


Engineering and Construction Services recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:


1. Approve the name "CityPlace Way" for the renaming of a portion of Blue Jays Way between Spadina Avenue and Navy Wharf Court.


2. Authorize and direct the appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect to Community Council's decision, including the introduction of any bills that may be required, including amendments to the traffic and parking regulations.


This report recommends approval of the re-naming of a portion of Blue Jays Way between Spadina Avenue and Navy Wharf Court, as "CityPlace Way"


Community Councils have delegated authority to decide street naming matters which comply with the City of Toronto Street Naming Policy.

Financial Impact

The cost to install street name signage is approximately $500 and is included within the Transportation Services Division Operating Budget.

Background Information

(January 17, 2020) Report from the Director, Engineering Support Services, Engineering and Construction Services - Renaming of a portion of Blue Jays Way between Spadina Avenue and Navy Wharf Court

TE13.2 - 41 Wabash Avenue - Zoning Amendment - Final Report

Consideration Type:
10:00 AM
4 - Parkdale - High Park

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(January 21, 2020) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


The City Planning Division recommends that:


1. City Council amends City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86, for the lands at 41 Wabash Avenue substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment No. 5 to this report.


2. City Council amends City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at  41 Wabash Avenue substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment No. 6 to this report.


3. City Council authorizes the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


4. City Council accepts an on-site parkland dedication pursuant to Section 42 of the Planning Act having a minimum size of 115.7 square metres, generally as shown on Attachment 6: Site Plan to the report dated January 20, 2020, from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, with the exact size, location and configuration of the on-site parkland dedication to be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and such on-site parkland dedication to be transferred to the City shall be in an acceptable environmental condition, free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances, and encroachments.


5. City Council require that the parkland dedication shall be conveyed to the City, at no cost to the City, prior to the issuance of the first above grade building permit.


6. City Council approve a development charge credit against the Parks and Recreation component of the Development Charges for the design and construction by the owner of the Above Base Park Improvements to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation. The development charge credit shall be in an amount that is the lesser of the cost to the owner of designing and constructing the Above Base Park Improvements, as approved by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Parks & Recreation component of development charges payable for the development in accordance with the City's Development Charges By-law, as may be amended from time to time.


7. City Council accept the remaining 59.3 square metre shortfall of parkland dedication as cash-in-lieu of parkland dedication, the value of which to be appraised by Real Estate Services upon the submission of an application for the first above-grade building permit.


8. City Council require the owner to secure matters such as materiality and design of the condition along their property boundary that abuts Charles G. Williams Park through the Site Plan approval process to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry & Recreation.


9. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council, require the applicant to address comments regarding the submitted Functional Servicing Report identified in the Engineering and Construction Services memo to City Planning, dated September 17, 2019.


This application proposes to construct a fourth-storey addition and a four-storey rear addition to the existing three-storey warehouse building at 41 Wabash Avenue. Fifteen residential units, each with a dedicated  parking space, are proposed in the application to amend the property's industrial zoning classification to residential. The abutting Charles G. Williams park will be expanded along its eastern property line through a required on-site parkland dedication.


The proposed development is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2014), and conforms to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2019).


This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-law. The proposal represents a scale of development that is consistent with the surrounding low-scaled built form character of the surrounding Neighbourhoods-designated area. Incorporating the existing warehouse building into the proposal will help to maintain the industrial history and sense of place of this part of the City. The proposed change in use from industrial will reinforce the residential use prevailing in the surrounding area.

Financial Impact

City Planning confirms that there are no financial implications resulting from the recommendations included in the report in the current budget year or in future years.

Background Information

(January 21, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-11 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 41 Wabash Avenue - Zoning Amendment - Final Report
(January 29, 2020) Attachment 5
(January 29, 2020) Attachment 6


(February 3, 2020) E-mail from David Carere (TE.Supp.TE13.2.1)
(February 3, 2020) E-mail from Winnie Luk and Amber Munro (TE.Supp.TE13.2.2)
(February 4, 2020) E-mail from Nicole Corrado (TE.Supp.TE13.2.3)

TE13.3 - 191-201 Church Street - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report

Consideration Type:
10:00 AM
13 - Toronto Centre

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(December 19, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


The City Planning Division recommends that:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86 for the lands at 191-201 Church Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment No. 5 a to this report.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 191-201 Church Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment No. 5 b to this report.


3. City Council authorizes the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


4. Before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council direct that the owner be required to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, and any other necessary agreements, satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor, with such Agreement to be registered on title to the lands at 191-201 Church Street in a manner satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


5. The community benefits recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement are a financial contribution in the amount of $ 5,500,000.00 payable to the City prior to issuance of the first above-grade building permit, with such amount to be indexed upwardly in accordance with Statistics Canada Residential Building or Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index, as the case may be, for the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area, reported by Statistics Canada in the Building Construction Price Indexes Publication 327-0058, or its successor, calculated from the date of the Section 37 Agreement to the date of payment; the funds shall be directed as follows:


i. affordable housing, including Toronto Community Housing Corporation within the Ward, in consultation with the local Councillor; and


ii. community service and facilities space within the Ward, in consultation with the local Councillor.



6. The following matters are also recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement as matters required to support the development of the site:


i. prior to the issuance of the first building permit on the site, the owner shall provide confirmation from both the Hospital for Sick Children and St. Michael's Hospital, or their representative, that any temporary (including construction cranes or related construction machinery) and permanent structures are below or outside the protected flight path to the satisfaction Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building; and


ii. that the owner construct and maintain the development of the Site in accordance with Tier 1 performance measures of the Toronto Green Standard, and the owner will be encouraged to achieve Toronto Green Standard, Tier 2 or higher, where appropriate.


7. In the event the cash contribution referred to in Recommendation 5 has not been used for the intended purpose within three (3) years of the implementing Zoning By-law Amendments coming into full force and effect, the cash contribution may be redirected for another purpose, at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, provided that the purposes is identified in the Toronto Official Plan and will benefit the local community.


8. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require that the owner shall enter into a Limiting Distance Agreement between the landowners of 191-201 Church Street, 86 Dalhousie Street and the City, to be registered on title to the 86 Dalhousie Street property, that would prevent the erection of a building above existing height permissions, for the entirety of the 86 Dalhousie Street lot, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner, and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor.


9. Prior to the commencement of any excavation and shoring work, the owner shall submit a Construction Management Plan to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, the General Manager of Transportation Services, the Chief Building Official, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, in consultation with the local community, and thereafter shall implement the plan during the course of construction. The Construction Management Plan will include, but not be limited to the following construction-related details: noise, dust, size and location of staging areas, location and function of gates, dates of significant concrete pouring, lighting details, vehicular parking and queuing locations, street closures, parking and laneway uses and access, refuse storage, site security, site supervisor contact information, and a communication strategy with the surrounding community, and any other matters requested by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Ward Councillor.


This application proposes to amend the Zoning By-law to permit a 39-storey mixed use development with 482 dwelling units with a total gross floor area of 28,000 square metres at 191-201 Church Street.  The proposed building would have a height of 128.5 metres including the mechanical penthouse.  The proposal includes four levels of underground parking.  The proposal also entails the designation of 4 properties under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


The proposed development is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2014) and conforms with the A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2019) and conforms to the City's Official Plan


This report reviews and recommends approval of the application to amend the Zoning By-law. The proposed development is in keeping with the intent of the Toronto Official Plan, particularly as it relates to intensification in the Downtown, which is a designated growth area, in the form of a mixed use development that conforms with the relevant Tall Building guidelines. Staff worked with the applicant and the community to address and resolve various massing issues including appropriate setbacks and heritage conservation matters.  The provision of affordable housing and/or community service and facilities space through a Section 37 contribution and a range of dwelling unit types will help address housing and community issues. Staff recommend that Council support approval of the application.

Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information

(December 19, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-4 and 6-11 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 191-201 Church Street - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report
(February 3, 2020) Attachment 5a and 5b

TE13.4 - 507 King Street East - Rental Housing Demolition Application - Final Report

Consideration Type:
10:00 AM
13 - Toronto Centre

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(January 13, 2020) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


The City Planning Division recommends that:


1. City Council approve the application for a Rental Housing Demolition Permit in accordance with Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code to allow for the demolition of the 12 existing rental dwelling units located at 507 King Street East, subject to the following conditions:


a. the owner shall provide tenant relocation and assistance to all eligible tenants of the existing rental dwelling units to be demolished, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division;


b. the owner shall provide tenant relocation and assistance to all eligible tenants of the existing rental dwelling rooms to be demolished, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division;


c. the owner acknowledges and agrees that, should an Application be submitted to the City to redevelop the subject site for residential use within 15 years of Council's decision of this application, any such future proposal shall be required to provide for the replacement of all 12 existing rental dwellings proposed to be demolished as part on this application, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division;


d. the owner shall enter into and register on title to the subject site one or more agreement(s) to secure the conditions outlined in a, b, and c above, all to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, including an agreement pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006.


2. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, to issue Preliminary Approval for the Rental Housing Demolition Permit under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code for the demolition of the 12 existing rental dwelling units at 507 King Street East after all of the following have occurred:


a. the execution and registration of a Section 111 Agreement pursuant to the City of Toronto Act to secure Recommendation 1 a, b, and c; and


b. the issuance of the first building permit for the proposed renovations or interior alterations to the existing building at 507 King Street East.


3. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official to issue the Rental Housing Demolition Permit under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning Division, has given Preliminary Approval referred to in Recommendation 2 above.


4. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take such actions as are necessary to implement the foregoing, including execution of the Section 111 Agreement.


This application proposes to demolish 13 residential dwelling units (12 rental dwelling units and 1 owner occupied dwelling unit) located within the existing four-storey industrial building at 507 King Street East. The applicant also proposes to demolish an additional 3 dwelling rooms located within the existing building.


A related Minor Variance application has been submitted for the subject site and proposes to alter the existing four-storey industrial building by constructing a fifth storey addition associated with a proposed rooftop amenity space, undertaking interior renovations and expanding the permitted uses to include office space.


The subject site is zoned I1 D3 pursuant to Zoning By-law 438-86, as amended. This zone category does not permit residential uses. As such, replacement of the existing rental dwelling units and residential Gross Floor Area associated with the existing dwelling rooms is not permissible.


This report reviews and recommends approval of the Rental Housing Demolition Application under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code, subject to conditions, which include the provision of Tenant Relocation and Assistance and the obligation to replace the existing rental dwelling units if a Zoning By-law Amendment Application is submitted to the City to permit residential uses on the subject site within 15 years of Council's decision on this application.

Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information

(January 13, 2020) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Community Planning, City Planning - 507 King Street East - Rental Housing Demolition Application - Final Report

TE13.5 - 9-25 Dawes Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Direction Report

Consideration Type:
10:00 AM
19 - Beaches - East York


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


The City Planning Division recommends that:


1. City Council authorize the City Solicitor, together with appropriate staff, to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (the "LPAT") hearing to oppose the appeal respecting the Zoning By-law Amendment application (File No. 19 186473 STE 19 OZ) as proposed at 9-25 Dawes Road.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to continue discussions with the applicant to address the issues outlined in this report and to report back to City Council, as necessary.


3. In the event that the LPAT allows the appeal in whole or in part, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to request the LPAT to withhold the issuance of any Order(s) until such time as the LPAT has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


- The final form of the Zoning By-law Amendment is to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;

- The approval is to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, General Manager, Solid Waste Services, and General Manager, Transpiration Services; and

- Community benefits and other matters in support of the development are secured in a Section 37 Agreement executed by the owner and registered on title to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor.


On December 4, 2019, the applicant appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal (the "LPAT") citing Council's failure to make a decision on the Zoning By-law Amendment Application within the timeframe prescribed by the Planning Act. The first prehearing conference has not yet been scheduled.


This application proposes to amend the Zoning By-law for the property at 9-25 Dawes Road to permit two towers atop a shared base building which comprises residential, retail and community space. The North Tower would be 24 storeys, and the South Tower would be 30 storeys. Together, a total of 684 units are proposed with a total gross floor area of 46,498 square metres.


This report recommends that the City Solicitor together with Planning Staff and other appropriate Staff be directed to oppose the appeal at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. The proposal requires further revisions to the site organization, the massing and scale of the towers, and to the public realm before the application can be considered to represent good planning. In its current form, the proposal is inconsistent with the Provincial Policy Statement (2014), does not conform to A Place to Grow: Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe (2019), and does not conform to the Official Plan. The proposal also does not conform to the Council-adopted Official Plan Amendment 478.

Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-8 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 9-25 Dawes Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Direction Report


(February 4, 2020) Letter from Cynthia A. MacDougall (TE.Supp.TE13.5.1)

TE13.6 - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 41 Wabash Avenue

Consideration Type:
10:00 AM
4 - Parkdale - High Park


(January 6, 2020) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning


The Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning recommends that:  


1.  City Council include the property at 41 Wabash Avenue on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register.


2.  City Council state its intention to designate the property at 41 Wabash Avenue under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, in accordance with the Statement of Significance: 41 Wabash Avenue (Reasons for Designation) attached as Attachment 4 to the report (January 6, 2020) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, City Planning.


3.  If there are no objections to the designation in accordance with Section 29(6) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the bill in Council designating the property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


4.  If there are objections in accordance with Section 29(7) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the proposed designation to the Conservation Review Board.


5.  If the designation is referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision to designate the property.


6. City Council approve the alterations to the heritage property at 41 Wabash Avenue, in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, to allow for the construction of additions to the existing warehouse building and its integration into a new residential development to provide fifteen (15) townhouses, on the lands known municipally as 41 Wabash Avenue, with such alterations substantially in accordance with plans and drawings dated December 17, 2019, prepared by RAW Architects and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; subject to and in accordance with the Preliminary Conservation Plan prepared by ERA Architects, dated December 19, 2019 and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and subject to the following additional conditions:


a. That prior to the introduction of the bills for such Zoning By-law Amendment by City Council, the owner shall:


1. Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for the property at 41 Wabash Street in accordance with the plans and drawings dated December 17, 2019, prepared by RAW Architects, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the Preliminary Conservation Plan revised on December 19, 2019 prepared by ERA Architects Inc., and in accordance with the Final Conservation Plan required in Recommendation 6.a.2 to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services including registration of such agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.


2. Provide a detailed Final Conservation Plan, prepared by a qualified heritage consultant, that is consistent with the conservation strategy set out in the Preliminary Conservation Plan for 41 Wabash Avenue revised on December 19, 2019 prepared by ERA Architects Inc., to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


b. That prior to final Site Plan approval for the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment by City Council for the property located at 41 Wabash Avenue, the owner shall:


1. Provide final site plan drawings substantially in accordance with the approved Final Conservation Plan required in Recommendation 6.a.2. to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


2. Have obtained final approval for the necessary Zoning By-law Amendment required for the subject property, such Amendment to have come into full force and effect.


3. Provide an Interpretation Plan for the subject property, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


c. That prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the property at 41 Wabash Avenue, including a heritage permit or a building permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage building as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the owner shall:

1. Provide building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved Final Conservation Plan required in Recommendation 6.a.2, including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


2. Provide a Letter of Credit, including provision for upwards indexing, in a form and amount and from a bank satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure all work included in the approved Final Conservation Plan and Interpretation Plan.


d. That prior to the release of the Letter of Credit required in Recommendation 6.c.2, the owner shall:


1. Provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the required conservation work and the required interpretive work has been completed in accordance with the Final Conservation Plan and Interpretation Plan and that an appropriate standard of conservation has been maintained, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


2. Provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


7. City Council authorize the entering into of a heritage easement agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owner of 41 Wabash Street in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


8. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill in Council authorizing the entering into a heritage easement agreement for the property at 41 Wabash Street.



This report recommends that City Council include the property at 41 Wabash Avenue on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register and state its intention to designate the property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act for its cultural heritage value. It also recommends that City Council approve the alterations proposed for this property in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act in connection with Local Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment applications that include the construction of additions to the existing warehouse building and its integration into a new residential development to provide fifteen (15) townhouses. This report also recommends that City Council give authority to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement for the property.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.

Background Information

(January 6, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-5 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 41 Wabash Avenue

6a - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 41 Wabash Avenue

(January 29, 2020) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board

This report recommends that City Council include the property at 41 Wabash Avenue on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register and state its intention to designate the property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act for its cultural heritage value. It also recommends that City Council approve the alterations proposed for this property in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act in connection with Local Official Plan and Zoning By-law amendment applications that include the construction of additions to the existing warehouse building and its integration into a new residential development to provide fifteen (15) townhouses. This report also recommends that City Council give authority to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement for the property.


Background Information

(January 6, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-5 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning -Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 41 Wabash Avenue




Janice Quieta, ERA Architects

Alexandra Palmer

Emma Cohlmeyer, ERA Architects

Background Information
(January 29, 2020) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 41 Wabash Avenue

TE13.7 - Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street

Consideration Type:
10:00 AM
13 - Toronto Centre


(January 21, 2020) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning


The Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning recommends that:  


1. City Council state its intention to designate the properties at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in accordance with the Statement of Significance: 191, 193 and 197 Church Street (Reasons for Designation) attached as Attachment 5 Statement of Significance: 191, 193 and 197 Church Street (Reasons for Designation) and Attachment 6 Statement of Significance: 195 Church Street to the report, January 21, 2020, from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


2. If there are no objections to the designations in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the bill in Council designating the properties under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


3. If there are objections in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the designations to the Conservation Review Board.


4. If the designations are referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision on the designation of the properties.


5. City Council approve the alterations to the heritage properties at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, to allow for the construction of a 39-storey tower on the lands known municipally as 191 - 201 Church Street, with such alterations substantially in accordance with plans and drawings dated November 14, 2019, prepared by IBI Group Architects, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and the Heritage Impact Assessment, prepared by Goldsmith Borgal and Company Ltd. Architects dated February 8, 2019, and revised August 7, 2019, and November 14, 2019, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, all subject to and in accordance with a Conservation Plan satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and subject to the following additional conditions:


a. That prior to the introduction of the bills for such Zoning By-law Amendment by City Council, the owner shall:


1. Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for the properties at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street in accordance with plans and drawings dated November 14, 2019, prepared by IBI Group Architects, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by Goldsmith Borgal and Company Ltd. Architects dated February 8, 2019, and revised August 7, 2019, and November 14, 2019 and in accordance with the Conservation Plan required in Recommendation 5.a.2 to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services including registration of such agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.


2. Provide a detailed Conservation Plan that is consistent with the conservation strategy set out  in the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by Goldsmith Borgal and Company Ltd. Architects, issued January 25, 2018 (3rd issue November 14, 2019)  to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


b. That prior to final Site Plan approval for the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment by City Council or its delegate for the property located at 191- 201 Church Street, the owner shall:


1. Provide final site plan drawings substantially in accordance with the approved Conservation Plan required in Recommendation 5.a.2 to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


2. Have obtained final approval for the necessary Zoning By-law Amendment required for the subject property, such Amendment to have come into full force and effect.


3. Provide a Heritage Lighting Plan that describes how the exterior of the heritage property will be sensitively illuminated to enhance its heritage character to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager Heritage Preservation Services.


4. Submit a Signage Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


5. Provide an Interpretation Plan for the subject property, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


c. That prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the property 191- 201 Church Street, including a heritage permit or a building permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage buildings as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the owner shall:


1. Provide building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved Conservation Plan required in Recommendation 5.a.2, including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. Provide a Letter of Credit, including provision for upwards indexing, in a form and amount and from a bank satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure all work included in the approved Conservation Plan, and approved Interpretation Plan.


d. That prior to the release of the Letter of Credit required in Recommendation 5.c.2, the owner shall:


1. Provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the required conservation work and the required interpretive work has been completed in accordance with the Conservation Plan and Interpretation Plan and that an appropriate standard of conservation has been maintained, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. Provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


6. City Council authorize the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owner of the properties at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


7. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill in Council authorizing the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement for the properties at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street.



This report recommends that City Council state its intention to designate the properties at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, approve the proposed alterations to the heritage properties located within the proposed development site at 191 - 201 Church Street, linked with the proposed redevelopment of the site, and that Council grant authority to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement for the subject properties. The properties at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street were included in the inaugural list of properties added to the City of Toronto's Inventory of Heritage Properties on June 20, 1973. The original building at 195 Church Street was demolished following a fire in 1956 and the property remained a vacant lot for 25 years. The current infill structure was built in 1981-1982 as a compatible replacement that re-establishes the unity of the historic row.


The proposed development comprises a three-storey podium and 39-storey tower for mixed-use development with residential space and commercial space, including both office and retail uses. The proposal entails demolition of 199 and 201 Church Street and the partial retention of 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street: The west elevations of all four townhouses will be retained in situ with partially reconstructed firewalls and cornice to retain the three dimensional character of the buildings.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.


Background Information

(January 21, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-7 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street


(February 1, 2020) E-mail from Sandra Shaul (TE.Supp.TE13.7.1)

7a - Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street

(January 29, 2020) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board

This report recommends that City Council state its intention to designate the properties at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, approve the proposed alterations to the heritage properties located within the proposed development site at 191 - 201 Church Street, linked with the proposed redevelopment of the site, and that Council grant authority to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement for the subject properties. The properties at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street were included in the inaugural list of properties added to the City of Toronto's Inventory of Heritage Properties on June 20, 1973. The original building at 195 Church Street was demolished following a fire in 1956 and the property remained a vacant lot for 25 years. The current infill structure was built in 1981-1982 as a compatible replacement that re-establishes the unity of the historic row.


The proposed development comprises a three-storey podium and 39-storey tower for mixed-use development with residential space and commercial space, including both office and retail uses. The proposal entails demolition of 199 and 201 Church Street and the partial retention of 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street: The west elevations of all four townhouses will be retained in situ with partially reconstructed firewalls and cornice to retain the three dimensional character of the buildings.
Background Information
(January 21, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-7 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street
(January 7, 2020) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street - Notice of Pending Report

Emad Ghattas, GBCA Architects
Mitch Gascoyne, UT Development, Centre Court

Background Information
(January 29, 2020) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board - Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, Alterations to a Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement at 191, 193, 195 and 197 Church Street

TE13.8 - Amendment of a Designating By-Law, Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 197 King Street East

Consideration Type:
10:00 AM
13 - Toronto Centre


(January 6, 2020) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning


The Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning recommends that:  


1. City Council amend City of Toronto By-law 91-91, designating the property at 197 King Street East under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, to update and revise the Reasons for Designation in accordance with the Reasons for Designation: 197 King Street East attached as Attachment 4 to this report.


2. If there are no objections to the amendment of the by-law in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill in Council.


3. If there are objections to the amendment of the by-law in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the amendment of the by-law and the designation to the Conservation Review Board.


4. If the amendment of the by-law is referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision.


5. City Council approve the alterations to the heritage property at 197 King Street East,  in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, to allow for the rehabilitation of the existing building into an eight storey hotel (plus mechanical penthouse) on the lands known municipally in the year 2020 as 197 King Street East, with such alterations substantially in accordance with plans and drawings dated February 12, 2019 and revised September 30, 2019, prepared by Studio JCI, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and the Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA), prepared by GBCA Architects, dated December 12, 2019, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, all subject to and in accordance with a Conservation Plan satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and subject to the following additional conditions:


a. That prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the property at 197 King Street East, including a heritage permit or a building permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage building as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the owner shall:


1. Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for the property at 197 King Street East in accordance with the plans and drawings dated February 12, 2019 and revised September 30, 2019, prepared by Studio JCI, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by GBCA Architects, dated December 12, 2019, and in accordance with the Conservation Plan required in Recommendation 5.a.2, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services including registration of such agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor;


2. Provide a detailed Conservation Plan, prepared by a qualified heritage consultant, that is consistent with the conservation strategy set out  in the Heritage Impact Assessment for 197 King Street East prepared by GBCA Architects, dated December 12, 2019, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


3. Provide a Heritage Lighting Plan that describes how the exterior of the heritage property will be sensitively illuminated to enhance its heritage character to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager Heritage Preservation Services;


4. Provide an Interpretation Plan for the subject property, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


5. Submit a Signage Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


6. Provide building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved Conservation Plan required in Recommendation 5.a.2, including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


7. Provide a Letter of Credit, including provision for upwards indexing, in a form and amount and from a bank satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure all work included in the approved Conservation, Lighting, and Interpretation Plan.


b. That prior to the release of the Letter of Credit required in Recommendation 5.a.7 above, City Planning Division, the owner shall:


1. Provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the required conservation work, the required interpretive work, and the required heritage lighting work has been completed in accordance with the Conservation Plan, Interpretation Plan and Heritage Lighting Plan, and that an appropriate standard of conservation has been maintained, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. Provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


6. City Council authorize the entering into of a heritage easement agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owner of 197 King Street East in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


7. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill in Council authorizing the entering into a heritage easement agreement for the property at 197 King Street East.


This report recommends that City Council approve alterations proposed for the heritage property located at 197 King Street East, the Nealon House, in connection with a proposed redevelopment of the subject property, state its intention to amend former City of Toronto By-law 91-91 and in so doing, update the Statement of Significance, and that Council grant authority to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement for the subject property. 

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.

Background Information

(January 6, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-6 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Amendment of a Designating By-Law, Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 197 King Street East

8a - Amendment of a Designating By-Law, Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 197 King Street East

(January 29, 2020) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board

This report recommends that City Council approve alterations proposed for the heritage

property located at 197 King Street East, the Nealon House, in connection with a proposed

redevelopment of the subject property, state its intention to amend former City of Toronto Bylaw 91-91 and in so doing, update the Statement of Significance, and that Council grant

authority to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement for the subject property.


Background Information

(January 6, 2020) Report and Attachments 1 - 6 from the Senior Manager, Heritage

Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Amendment of a Designating By-Law,

Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement

Agreement - 197 King Street East




Background Information
(January 29, 2020) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board - Amendment of a Designating By-Law, Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 197 King Street East

TE13.9 - Partial Repeal and Amendment of Designating By-law - 158 Sterling Road

Consideration Type:
10:00 AM
9 - Davenport


(January 10, 2020) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning


The Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning recommends that:  


1. City Council amend and partially repeal City of Toronto By-law 969-2005, designating the property at 158 Sterling Road under Part IV, Section 29 of Ontario Heritage Act, to change the legal description to include the lands described in PIN 21331-0507 being Parts 1 and 2 on Plan 66R-28500, only, and to amend the Reasons for Designation in accordance with the Revised Reasons for Designation: 158 Sterling Road (2020) attached as Attachment 7 to this report.


2. If there is no objection to the proposed amendment and partial repeal of By-law 969-2005, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary bill in Council to amend the by-law, to release the existing bylaw from title to Parts 8 and 9 on R-Plan 66R-28991 and Part 1 on R-Plan 66R-29927, only, and to register the amending bylaw on the lands described in PIN 31331-0507 and direct the City Clerk to delete reference to those lands that are being removed from the bylaw from the Heritage Register.


3. If there is an objection to the proposed amendment and partial repeal of By-law 969-2005, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the objection to the Conservation Review Board.


4. If the amendment of By-law 969-2005 is referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision on the amendment and partial repeal of By-law 969-2005.


This report recommends that City Council partially repeal and amend the City of Toronto By-law 969-2005 designating the property at 158 Sterling Road (Northern Aluminum Company Building) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act so that the By-law will no longer apply to a portion of the property and to revise the Reasons for Designation to update the cultural heritage values and attributes according to Ontario Regulation 9/06. 


City of Toronto By-law 969-2005 was enacted on November 24, 2005 and designates the property at 158 Sterling Road under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act which contains the heritage building known as the Northern Aluminum Company Building (1920), and the legal description currently includes the neighbouring properties at 20 Perth Avenue and 150,150R, and 164 Sterling Road.    


The property at 158 Sterling Road was legally severed into three parcels, one of which is identified as 158 Sterling Road, another as 150, 150R, and 164 Sterling Road, and one other as 20 Perth Avenue by notice of decision issued October 13, 2015 and June 15, 2016. Following the severances, the designation remained on title for all three properties. It is necessary to partially repeal the by-law to remove the properties located at 20 Perth Avenue and 150,150R, and 164 Sterling Road, which do not contain the heritage building. 


The portion of the site described as Parts 8 and 9 on R-Plan 66R-28991 and Part 1 on R-Plan 66R-29927 will be removed from the legal description and these portions of the Property will be deleted from the Heritage Register. 


The lands described as Parts 1 and 2 on R-Plan 66R-28500 of 158 Sterling Road will remain designated under the OHA, however, the Reasons for Designation will be amended to include all of the cultural heritage values and attributes of the property.   The heritage attributes will be the same as those described in the Heritage Easement Agreement registered on December 20, 2016 as Instrument Number AT4439164.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.

Background Information

(January 10, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-7 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Partial Repeal and Amendment of Designating By-law - 158 Sterling Road

9a - Partial Repeal and Amendment of Designating By-law - 158 Sterling Road

(January 29, 2020) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board

This report recommends that City Council partially repeal and amend the City of Toronto By-law 969-2005 designating the property at 158 Sterling Road (Northern Aluminum Company Building) under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act so that the By-law will no longer apply to a portion of the property and to revise the Reasons for Designation to update the cultural heritage values and attributes according to Ontario Regulation 9/06. 


City of Toronto By-law 969-2005 was enacted on November 24, 2005 and designates the property at 158 Sterling Road under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act which contains the heritage building known as the Northern Aluminum Company Building (1920), and the legal description currently includes the neighbouring properties at 20 Perth Avenue and 150,150R, and 164 Sterling Road.    


The property at 158 Sterling Road was legally severed into three parcels, one of which is identified as 158 Sterling Road, another as 150, 150R, and 164 Sterling Road, and one other as 20 Perth Avenue by notice of decision issued October 13, 2015 and June 15, 2016. Following the severances, the designation remained on title for all three properties. It is necessary to partially repeal the by-law to remove the properties located at 20 Perth Avenue and 150,150R, and 164 Sterling Road, which do not contain the heritage building. 


The portion of the site described as Parts 8 and 9 on R-Plan 66R-28991 and Part 1 on R-Plan 66R-29927 will be removed from the legal description and these portions of the Property will be deleted from the Heritage Register. 


The lands described as Parts 1 and 2 on R-Plan 66R-28500 of 158 Sterling Road will remain designated under the Ontario Heritage Act, however, the Reasons for Designation will be amended to include all of the cultural heritage values and attributes of the property.   The heritage attributes will be the same as those described in the Heritage Easement Agreement registered on December 20, 2016 as Instrument Number AT4439164.
Background Information
(January 10, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-7 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Partial Repeal and Amendment of Designating By-law - 158 Sterling Road


Background Information
(January 29, 2020) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board - Partial Repeal and Amendment of Designating By-law - 158 Sterling Road

TE13.10 - Request to Demolish the Residential Building - 160 Bathurst Street

Consideration Type:
10:30 AM
Schedule Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


(January 14, 2020) Report from the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building


The Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building, Toronto and East York District recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council give consideration to the demolition application for 160 Bathurst Street, and decide to:


1. Refuse the application to demolish the vacant residential building because there is no permit application to replace the building on the site; or


2. Approve the application to demolish the vacant residential building without any conditions; or


3.  Approve the application to demolish the vacant residential building with the following conditions:


a. That construction fences be erected in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code, Chapter 363, Article 7, if deemed appropriate by the Chief Building Official;


b. That all debris and rubble be removed immediately after demolition;


c. That sod be laid on the site and that the site be maintained free of garbage and weeds, in accordance with the Municipal Code Chapter 629-10, paragraph B and 629-11; and


d. That any holes on the property are backfilled with clean fill.  


This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision.


In accordance with Section 33 of the Planning Act and the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Ch. 363, Article 6 "Demolition Control,"  the application for the demolition of an existing 2 story semi-detached house at 160 Bathurst Street (Application No. 19-247097 DEM) is being referred to the Toronto and East York Community Council for consideration to refuse or grant the application, including any conditions, if any, to be attached to the permit application because a building permit has not been issued for a replacement building.

Financial Impact

There are no financial impacts.

Background Information

(January 14, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-6 from the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building - Request to demolish the Residential Building - 160 Bathurst St.

TE13.11 - Request to Demolish the Residential Building - 162 Bathurst Street

Consideration Type:
10:30 AM
Schedule Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


(January 14, 2020) Report from the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building


The Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building, Toronto and East York District recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council give consideration to the demolition application for 162 Bathurst Street, and decide to:


1. Refuse the application to demolish the vacant residential building because there is no permit application to replace the building on the site; or


2. Approve the application to demolish the vacant residential building without any conditions; or


3.  Approve the application to demolish the vacant residential building with the following conditions:


a. That construction fences be erected in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code, Chapter 363, Article 7, if deemed appropriate by the Chief Building Official;


b. That all debris and rubble be removed immediately after demolition;


c. That sod be laid on the site and that the site be maintained free of garbage and weeds, in accordance with the Municipal Code Chapter 629-10, paragraph B and 629-11; and


d. That any holes on the property are backfilled with clean fill.  


This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision.


In accordance with Section 33 of the Planning Act and the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Ch. 363, Article 6 "Demolition Control,"  the application for the demolition of an existing 2 story semi-detached house at 162 Bathurst Street (Application No. 19-247087 DEM) is being referred to the Toronto and East York Community Council for consideration to refuse or grant the application, including any conditions, if any, to be attached to the permit application because a building permit has not been issued for a replacement building.

Financial Impact

There are no financial impacts.

Background Information

(January 14, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-6 from the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building - Request to Demolish the Residential Building - 162 Bathurst Street

TE13.12 - Residential Demolition Application - 399 Dundas Street West

Consideration Type:
10:30 AM
Schedule Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


The Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building, Toronto and East York District recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council give consideration to the demolition application for 399 Dundas Street West, and decide to:


1. Refuse the application to demolish the vacant 2-storey mixed use building because there is no building permit to replace the building on the site at this time; or


2. Approve the application to demolish the vacant 2-storey mixed use building without any conditions; or


3.  Approve the application to demolish the vacant 2-storey mixed use building with the following conditions:


a. That construction fences be erected in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code, Chapter 363, Article 7, if deemed appropriate by the Chief Building Official;


b. That all debris and rubble be removed immediately after demolition;


c. That sod be laid on the site and that the site be maintained free of garbage and weeds, in accordance with the Municipal Code Chapter 629-10, paragraph B and 629-11; and


d. That any holes on the property are backfilled with clean fill.  



This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision.


In accordance with Section 33 of the Planning Act and the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Ch. 363, Article 6 "Demolition Control," the application for the demolition of an existing vacant 2-storey mixed use building at 399 Dundas Street West (Application No. 19 248598 DEM 00 DM) is being referred to the Toronto and East York Community Council for consideration to refuse or grant the application, including any conditions, if any, to be attached to the demolition permit application because a building permit cannot be issued at his time.

Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-2 from the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building - Residential Demolition Application - 399 Dundas Street West

TE13.13 - Residential Demolition Application - 136 Lyndhurst Avenue

Consideration Type:
10:30 AM
Schedule Type:
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building


The Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building, Toronto and East York District recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council give consideration to the demolition application for 136 Lyndhurst Avenue, and decide to:


1. Refuse the application to demolish the 2-storey detached dwelling because there is no permit to replace the building on the site at this time; or


2. Approve the application to demolish the 2-storey detached dwelling without any conditions; or


3.  Approve the application to demolish the 2-storey detached dwelling with the following conditions:


a. That construction fences be erected in accordance with the provisions of the Municipal Code, Chapter 363, Article 7, if deemed appropriate by the Chief Building Official;


b. That all debris and rubble be removed immediately after demolition;


c. That sod be laid on the site and that the site be maintained free of garbage and weeds, in accordance with the Municipal Code Chapter 629-10, paragraph B and 629-11; and


d. That any holes on the property are backfilled with clean fill.  


This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision.


In accordance with Section 33 of the Planning Act and the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Ch. 363, Article 6 "Demolition Control,"  the application for the demolition of an existing 2-storey detached dwelling at 136 Lyndhurst Avenue (Application No. 19 256674 DEM 00 DM) is being referred to the Toronto and East York Community Council for consideration to refuse or grant the application, including any conditions, if any, to be attached to the permit application because Toronto Building received an objection letter from Casa Loma Residents Association (CLRA) and the owner of 41 Wells Hill Avenue.

Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-3 from the Director and Deputy Chief Building Official, Toronto Building - Residential Demolition Application - 136 Lyndhurst Avenue


(February 3, 2020) Letter from Eileen P. K. Costello (TE.Supp.TE13.13.1)
(February 3, 2020) E-mail from Anna Trevisan (TE.Supp.TE13.13.2)
(February 3, 2020) E-mail from Lorne Rose (TE.Supp.TE13.13.3)
(February 3, 2020) E-mail from Babak Eslahjou (TE.Supp.TE13.13.4)
(February 3, 2020) E-mail from Hussain Amarshi (TE.Supp.TE13.13.5)
(February 4, 2020) E-mail from Nathalie Thorel and David Crotin (TE.Supp.TE13.13.6)
(February 4, 2020) E-mail from Michael Goldstein (TE.Supp.TE13.13.7)
(February 3, 2020) E-mail from Matteo Trevisan (TE.Supp.TE13.13.8)
(February 4, 2020) E-mail from Geoff McTait (TE.Supp.TE13.13.9)
(February 5, 2020) E-mail from Carol Weinbaum (TE.Supp.TE13.13.10)

TE13.14 - Front Yard Parking Appeal - 978 St. Clarens Avenue

Consideration Type:
11:00 AM
Schedule Type:
9 - Davenport


(January 2, 2020) Report from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement-Parking, Transportation Services


The Manager, Permits and Enforcement - Parking, Transportation Services recommends that:  


1. Toronto and East York Community Council deny the request for front yard parking at 978 St. Clarens Avenue; and


2. Request that the owner remove the existing asphalt and brick paving and restore the area to soft landscaping, as indicated in Attachment 'C', attached to the report dated January 2, 2020, from the Manager, Permits & Enforcement - Parking, Transportation Services.


This staff report is about a matter which Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.


Transportation Services has assessed an appeal from the owner of 978 St. Clarens Avenue for front yard parking. Front yard parking at this location is not recommended because it does not meet the formal poll regulation of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 918 and the Code does not permit the licensing of a front yard parking pad where there is a negative poll. The owner will be given an opportunity to make a deputation before Community Council.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact resulting from the adoption of the recommendations in this report.

Background Information

(January 2, 2020) Report and Attachments A, B, and C from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement-Parking, Transportation Services

TE13.15 - Refusal of a Boulevard Cafe Permit Application Located at 2261 Queen Street East, Hammersmith Avenue Flankage

Consideration Type:
11:00 AM
Schedule Type:
19 - Beaches - East York


(January 14, 2020) Report from the Director, Business Licensing and Regulatory Services, Municipal Licensing and Standards


The Director of Business Licensing and Regulatory Services, Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that:


1.  The application for the proposed boulevard cafe permit located at 2261 Queen Street East, Hammersmith Avenue flankage be denied.


This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.


This is a report on the refusal to issue a permit by Municipal Licensing & Standards in the matter of an application for a boulevard cafe permit located at 2261 Queen Street East, Hammersmith Avenue flankage.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.

Background Information

(January 14, 2020) Report from the Director, Business Licensing and Regulatory Services, Municipal Licensing and Standards - Refusal of a Boulevard Cafe Permit Application Located at 2261 Queen Street East, Hammersmith Avenue Flankage
(January 14, 2020) Attachments 1 and 2

TE13.16 - Refusal of a Boulevard Cafe Permit Application Located at 3104 Dundas Street West, Clendenan Avenue Flankage

Consideration Type:
11:00 AM
Schedule Type:
4 - Parkdale - High Park


(January 15, 2020) Report from the Director, Business Licensing and Regulatory Services, Municipal Licensing and Standards


The Director of Business Licensing and Regulatory Services, Municipal Licensing and Standards recommends that:


1.  The application for the proposed boulevard cafe permit located at 3104 Dundas Street West, Clendenan Avenue flankage be denied.


This staff report is about a matter for which the Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.


To report on the refusal to issue a permit by Municipal Licensing & Standards in the matter of an application for a boulevard café area located at 3104 Dundas Street West, Clendenan Avenue flankage.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.

Background Information

(January 15, 2020) Report from the Director, Business Licensing and Regulatory Services, Municipal Licensing and Standards - Refusal of a Boulevard Cafe Permit Application Located at 3104 Dundas Street West, Clendenan Avenue Flankage
(January 15, 2020) Attachments 1 and 2

TE13.17 - The Feasibility of Renaming "Northern Linear Park" to "Chinese Railroad Workers Memorial Park"

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


(January 14, 2020) Report from The General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation


The General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council receive this report for information.


On September 17, 2019, Parks, Forestry and Recreation (PFR) received a formal application to rename "Northern Linear Park", located at 4 Blue Jays Way, to "Chinese Railroad Workers Memorial Park". The City of Toronto reviewed the application in accordance with City's Property Naming Policy.


PFR conducted a review of anticipated park development along the downtown rail corridor. In the coming years, Rail Deck Park project will impact the area between Blue Jays Way and Bathurst Street over the rail corridor and directly adjacent Northern Linear Park. Since PFR continues to plan for Rail Deck Park, it does not recommend renaming the park while this large park development is underway.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.

Background Information

(January 14, 2020) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation - The Feasibility of Renaming "Northern Linear Park" to "Chinese Railroad Workers Memorial Park"

TE13.18 - Proposed Official Naming of Future Park at 677 Queen Street East

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth


(January 8, 2020) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation


The General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council officially name the future park located at 677 Queen Street East "Riverside Common".


This report recommends the naming of a future parkland located at 677 Queen Street East, a matter for which Community Councils have delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.


The Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division is recommending that the future parkland located at 677 Queen Street East, be officially named "Riverside Common".


The Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division has reviewed the policy criteria in the Council-approved City of Toronto Property Naming Policy and verifies that the proposed park name meets the criteria.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications resulting from the adoption of this report.

Background Information

(January 8, 2020) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation - Proposed Official Naming of Future Park at 677 Queen Street East

TE13.19 - Appointments to Business Improvement Area Boards of Management

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York, 11 - University - Rosedale, 12 - Toronto - St. Paul's, 14 - Toronto - Danforth, 19 - Beaches - East York


(January 13, 2020) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture


The General Manager, Economic Development and Culture recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:


1.  In accordance with the City's Public Appointments Policy, appoint the following nominees to the Business Improvement Area (BIA) boards of management set out below at the pleasure of Toronto and East York Community Council, and for a term expiring at the end of the term of Council or as soon thereafter as successors are appointed:


            Toronto Entertainment District:

            Kanakos, Sarah

            Scott, Deborah


2.  Remove the following directors from the Business Improvement Area (BIA) boards of management set out below:


            The Beach:

            Gore, Bob


            Mirvish Village:

            Ritacco, Rosalie


            Pape Village:

            Florence, Mark


            Rosedale Main Street:

            Garner, Reg


The purpose of this report is to appoint directors to the Toronto Entertainment District BIA board of management and remove directors from The Beach, Mirvish Village, Pape Village, and Rosedale Main Street BIA boards of management.

Background Information

(January 23, 2020) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture - Appointments to Business Improvement Area Boards of Management

TE13.20 - 287 Davenport Road and 141 - 145 Bedford Road - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Preliminary Report

Consideration Type:
11 - University - Rosedale


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


The City Planning Division recommends that:


1. Staff schedule a community consultation meeting for the application located at 287 Davenport Road and 141 to 145 Bedford Road together with the Ward Councillor.


2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the application site, and to additional residents, institutions and owners to be determined in consultation with the Ward Councillor, with any additional mailing costs to be borne by the applicant.


This report provides information and identifies a preliminary set of issues regarding the application for a 15-storey mixed-use building located at 287 Davenport Road and 141 to 145 Bedford Road. Staff are currently reviewing the application. It has been circulated to all appropriate agencies and City divisions for comment. Staff will proceed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the application with the Ward Councillor.

Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-6 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 287 Davenport Rd and 141- 145 Bedford Road - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Preliminary Report

TE13.21 - 661, 663 and 665 Huron Street - Zoning Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Preliminary Report

Consideration Type:
11 - University - Rosedale


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


The City Planning Division recommends that:


1. Staff schedule a community consultation meeting for the application located at 661, 663 and 665 Huron Street together with the Ward Councillor.


2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the application site, and to additional residents, institutions and owners to be determined in consultation with the Ward Councillor, with any additional mailing costs to be borne by the applicant.


This report provides information and identifies a preliminary set of issues regarding the application for a new 4-storey residential building located at 661, 663 and 665 Huron Street. Staff are currently reviewing the application. It has been circulated to all appropriate agencies and City divisions for comment. Staff will proceed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the application with the Ward Councillor.

Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-6 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 661, 663 and 665 Huron Street - Zoning Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Preliminary Report

TE13.22 - 60 Mill Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Preliminary Report

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
13 - Toronto Centre


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York


The City Planning Division recommends that:


1. Staff schedule a community consultation meeting for the application located at 60 Mill Street in consultation with the Ward Councillor.


2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the application site, and to additional residents, institutions and owners to be determined in consultation with the Ward Councillor, with any additional mailing costs to be borne by the applicant.


This report provides information and identifies a preliminary set of issues regarding the application for a 31-storey building located at 60 Mill Street. Staff are currently reviewing the application. It has been circulated to all appropriate agencies and City divisions for comment. Staff will proceed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the application with the Ward Councillor.


The application is not supportable in its current form. Staff will work with the applicant in an attempt to address the issues indicated in this report and any further issues that come up as part of the application review.

Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-6 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York - 60 Mill Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Preliminary Report


(February 4, 2020) E-mail from Jane Robinson (TE.Supp.TE13.22.1)

TE13.23 - Danforth Avenue Planning Study - City-Initiated Official Plan Amendment - Preliminary Report - Broadview Avenue to Coxwell Avenue

(Deferred from January 8, 2020 - 2020.TE12.28)
Consideration Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth


(December 11, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


The City Planning Division recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council receive this report for information.


On July 8, 2014, City Council adopted a motion to request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to undertake a planning study of Danforth Avenue in two segments, from the Don River to Coxwell Avenue and from Coxwell Avenue to Victoria Park Avenue. The first stage of this study from Coxwell Avenue to Victoria Park Avenue was adopted by TE34.22 by City Council on July 23, 2018.  The second stage of the Danforth Avenue Planning Study, currently underway, focuses on the area from Broadview Avenue to Coxwell Avenue, and is being conducted as part of the broader Danforth Avenue Complete Street and Planning Study process.  


A broader Danforth Avenue Complete Street and Planning Study is being led by Transportation Services in partnership with City Planning and Economic Development and Culture.  A project website is available through the following link:


The full study area spans a six kilometre stretch of Danforth Avenue between Broadview Avenue and Victoria Park Avenue. Within that stretch, three types of studies are being undertaken as part of the overall integrated work program:


Complete Street Study (Broadview Avenue to Victoria Park Avenue)

Economic Analysis and Retail Study (Broadview Avenue to Victoria Park Avenue)

Planning Study (3km - Broadview Avenue to Coxwell Avenue)

The purpose of this report is to provide a summary of the Area Profile Report related to the Planning Study Area, as shown in Attachment #1, which describes the existing planning context. This report also provides an update on the overall Danforth Avenue Complete Street and Planning Study Terms of Reference (Attachment #2) and community engagement process.

Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information

(December 11, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District -Danforth Avenue Planning Study - City-Initiated Official Plan Amendment - Preliminary Report - Broadview Avenue to Coxwell Avenue
(January 24, 2020) Attachment 1
(February 3, 2020) Attachment 2 - Revised on February 03, 2020

TE13.24 - 6 Dawes Road - Zoning Amendment Application - Preliminary Report

Consideration Type:
19 - Beaches - East York


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


The City Planning Division recommends that:


1. Staff schedule a community consultation meeting for the application located at 6 Dawes Road together with the Ward Councillor.


2. Notice for the community consultation meeting be given to landowners and residents within 120 metres of the application site, and to additional residents, institutions and owners to be determined in consultation with the Ward Councillor, with any additional mailing costs to be borne by the applicant.


This report provides information and identifies a preliminary set of issues regarding the application for three residential towers (49, 46, and 40 storeys respectively) located at 6 Dawes Road. Staff are currently reviewing the application. It has been circulated to all appropriate agencies and City divisions for comment. Staff will proceed to schedule a community consultation meeting for the application with the Ward Councillor.

Financial Impact

The recommendations in this report have no financial impact.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-9 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 6 Dawes Road - Zoning Amendment Application - Preliminary Report

TE13.25 - Noise Exemption Permit Refusal Appeal - 18 Spadina Avenue

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


(January 16, 2020) Report from the Director, Bylaw Enforcement, Municipal Licensing and Standards


The Director, By-law Enforcement recommends that the Toronto and East York Community Council consider the noise exemption permit application submitted by EllisDon Corporation for construction noise for The Well project at 18 Spadina Avenue and decide to:


1. Refuse the application. OR,


2. Grant the application subject to the conditions set out in § 591-3.2.D of the Noise By-law, unless the Community Council determines otherwise, and to any other conditions respecting health, safety and nuisance as the Community Council considers advisable.


This staff report pertains to a matter for which Toronto and East York Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision, namely a final decision under Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 591, Noise (Noise By-law) to either grant or refuse a noise exemption permit application.


If the Community Council grants the noise exemption permit application, it is subject to the conditions set out in § 591-3.2.D of the Noise By-law, unless the Community Council determines otherwise, and to any other conditions respecting health, safety and nuisance as the Community Council considers advisable.


The matter before the Community Council is an application for a noise exemption permit submitted by EllisDon Corporation for construction noise for The Well project at 18 Spadina Avenue. The application was refused by Municipal Licensing and Standards on the basis of the Ward Councillor's objection to it and the applicant has appealed the refusal. 

Financial Impact

There are no financial impacts expected as a result of a decision by Community Council to either refuse or grant the noise exemption permit.

Background Information

(January 16, 2020) Report from the Director, Bylaw Enforcement, Municipal Licensing and Standards - Noise Exemption Permit Refusal Appeal - 18 Spadina Avenue
(January 17, 2020) Attachment 1
(January 17, 2020) Attachment 2
(January 17, 2020) Attachment 3


(January 31, 2020) Letter from Kelly Slater (TE.Supp.TE13.25.1)

TE13.26 - Designation of Fire Routes and amendment to Chapter 880 - Fire Routes - 125 Blue Jays Way

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


(January 2, 2020) Report from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Toronto Fire Services


The Fire Chief and General Manager, Toronto Fire Services recommends that:  


1. Toronto and East York Community Council designate part or those parts of the private road or roads shown on the site plan filed with the Fire Chief in respect of the municipal address set out below, as a fire route pursuant to Municipal Code Chapter 880 - Fire Routes - 125 Blue Jays Way; and


2. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize the Fire Chief and City Solicitor to take the appropriate action to make a designated Fire Route.


To obtain Toronto and East York Community Council approval for the amendment of the Fire Route By-law to designate certain locations as fire routes within the meaning of City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 880, as amended.


Fire Services uses designated fire routes as a key mechanism in regulating fire prevention, including the prevention of spreading of fires and the delivery of fire protection services.

Financial Impact

There are no financial implications associated with this report.

Background Information

(January 2, 2020) Report from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Toronto Fire Services - Designation of Fire Routes and amendment to Chapter 880 - Fire Routes - 125 Blue Jays Way

TE13.27 - Metrolinx Ontario Line - Right-of-way Permit Process and Requirements

Consideration Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth


(January 17, 2020) Report from Report from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program - Metrolinx Ontario Line - Right-of-way Permit Process and Requirements


The Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program recommends that:


1. The Toronto and East York Community Council receive this report for information.


This report responds to the Toronto and East York Community Council direction for the General Manager, Transportation Services to report on right-of-way permit process and requirements for the Metrolinx Ontario Line project.


The report provides an overview of the permit process and requirements for Metrolinx's contractors with an emphasis on requirements for construction notification. The report also provides an overview of Metrolinx's communication program to provide project updates and notifications to various stakeholders, including City Councillors.

Financial Impact

This report will have no financial impact.

Background Information

(January 17, 2020) Report from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program - Metrolinx Ontario Line - Right-of-way Permit Process and Requirements

TE13.28 - Construction Staging Area - Sudbury Street (1181 Queen Street West)

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
9 - Davenport


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize the closure of the north sidewalk and a 1.5 metre wide portion of the westbound curb lane on Sudbury Street, between Queen Street West and a point 64 metres southeast, from February 12, 2020 to October 31, 2021.


2. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize the installation of a temporary pedestrian crossover on Sudbury Street at a point 66 meters east of Queen Street West.


3. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times on the south side of Sudbury Street, between a point 59.5 metres southeast of Queen Street West and a point 21.5 metres further east.


4. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking machine regulation in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday; and 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Sunday on the north side of Sudbury Street, between Queen Street West and a point 76.5 metres southeast.


5. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing permit parking regulation in effect from 12:01 a.m. to 7:00 a.m. on the north side of Sudbury Street, between Queen Street West and a point 76.5 metres east.


6. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit stopping at all times on the south side of Sudbury Street, between a point 59.5 metres southeast of Queen Street West and a point 21.5 metres further southeast.


7. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit stopping at all times on the north side of Sudbury Street, between Queen Street West and a point 76.5 metres southeast.


8. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to pressure wash the construction site and adjacent sidewalks and roadways weekly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe.


9. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to ensure that the existing sidewalks or the proposed pedestrian walkway have proper enhanced lighting to ensure safety and visibility at all times of the day and night.


10. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to clearly consult and communicate all construction, parking and road occupancy impacts with local business improvement areas and resident associations in advance of any physical road modifications.


11. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to install appropriate signage and converging mirrors to ensure that pedestrians, cyclists and motorists safety is considered at all times. 


12. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide a sufficient number of traffic control persons as determined by the Work Zone Coordinator and Toronto Police Construction Liaison Officer, on a daily basis to control construction vehicle access and egress to and from the site and maintain a safe environment for the public.


13. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide a sufficient number of pay-duty Police Officers as determined by the Work Zone Coordinator and Toronto Police Construction Liaison Officer, during large scale concrete pours and large scale material deliveries to control vehicle access and egress to and from the site and maintain a safe environment for the public.


14. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to post a 24-hour monitored construction hotline number on the hoarding board, which must be prominently placed and legible from 20 metres and on all elevations from the construction site.


15. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide and install public art, including mural artwork, onto every elevation of the hoarding board with adequate spotlighting for night-time illumination, at their sole cost, to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor.


16. Toronto and East York Community Council direct that Sudbury Street be returned to its pre-construction traffic and parking regulations when the project is complete.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City policy or by-laws.


Skale Developments Inc. is constructing a residential condominium building at 1181 Queen Street West. The site is located on the southeast corner of Queen Street West and Sudbury Street.


Transportation Services is requesting authorization to close the north sidewalk and a portion of the westbound curb lane on Sudbury Street for a period of 21 months to accommodate construction staging operations.


As a result of the subject sidewalk closure, pedestrians will be redirected to the south side of the Sudbury Street. In order to facilitate pedestrian movements and enhance the safety of north-south pedestrian movements at the sidewalk closure, Transportation Services is requesting authorization to install a temporary pedestrian crossover on Sudbury Street, approximately 66 metres southeast of Queen Street West.


Parking amendments have also been proposed on the south side of Queen Street West, in order to facilitate safe and efficient inbound and outbound manoeuvres of heavy vehicles at the site access and egress points. However, this matter is dealt through a companion report "Parking Amendments - Queen Street West (1181 Queen Street West)" requiring City Council approval.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact to the City. Skale Developments Inc.  is responsible for all costs, including payment of fees to the City for the occupancy of the right-of-way.  Based on the area enclosed and projected duration of the proposed closures on Sudbury Street, these fees will be approximately $196,000.00.

Background Information

(January 16, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Construction Staging Area - Sudbury Street (1181 Queen Street West)

TE13.29 - Construction Staging Area Time Extension - Armoury Street - 11 and 33 Centre Avenue and 80 Chestnut Street

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


(January 16, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize the continuation of the closure of the north sidewalk and the two westbound lanes on Armoury Street, between Centre Avenue and Chestnut Street and provision of a temporary pedestrian walkway within the closed portion of the northbound curb lane, from February 22, 2020 to April 30, 2021.


2. Toronto and East York Community Council direct that Armoury Street be returned to its pre-construction traffic and parking regulations when the project is complete.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City policy or by-laws.


EllisDon Corporation is constructing a 17-storey institutional building (the new Toronto Courthouse) at the lands located at 11 and 33 Centre Avenue and 80 Chestnut Street. The north sidewalk and the two westbound lanes on Armoury Street, between Centre Avenue and Chestnut Street fronting the site are currently closed to accommodate construction staging operations for the development.


Toronto and East York Community Council, at its meeting on February 14, 2019, authorized the subject construction staging area from February 21, 2019 to February 21, 2020. A time extension of the construction staging area on Armoury Street for an additional 14 months (i.e. from February 22, 2020 to April 30, 2021) is required, in order to complete the construction of the development.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact to the City. EllisDon Corporation is responsible for all costs, including payment of fees to the City for the occupancy of the right-of-way. Based on the area enclosed and projected duration of the proposed closures on Armoury Street these fees will be approximately $324,000.00.

Background Information

(January 16, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Construction Staging Area Time Extension - Armoury Street (11 and 33 Centre Avenue and 80 Chestnut Street)

TE13.30 - Construction Staging Area - Yorkville Avenue and Cumberland Street (33 Yorkville Avenue and 50 Cumberland Street)

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
11 - University - Rosedale


(January 16, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize the closure of the south sidewalk and a 2.0 metre wide portion of the eastbound curb lane on Yorkville Avenue, between a point 47 metres east of Bay Street and a point 32 metres further east and provision of a temporary pedestrian walkway within the closed portion of the eastbound curb lane, from March 1, 2020 to May 31, 2024.


2. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize the closure of the north sidewalk and a 1.5 metre wide portion of the eastbound curb lane on Cumberland Street, between a point 31.5 metres east of Bay Street and a point 86 metres further east, from March 1, 2020 to May 31, 2024.


3. Toronto and East York Community Council designate Cumberland Street, between Bay Street and a point 61 metres east, as one-way for eastbound traffic only.


4. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing standing prohibition in effect at all times on the north side of Yorkville Avenue, between a point 48 metres east of Bay Street and a point 71.5 metres further east.


5. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit stopping at all times on the north side of Yorkville Avenue, between a point 48 metres east of Bay Street and a point 71.5 metres further east.


6. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit stopping at all times on the north side of Cumberland Street, between Bay Street and a point 61 metres east.


7. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing standing prohibition in effect at all times on both sides of Cumberland Street, between Bay Street and a point 61 metres east.


8. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the commercial loading zone regulation in effect from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, on the south side of Cumberland street, between a point 61 metres east of Bay Street and a point 100 metres west of Yonge Street.


9. Toronto and East York Community Council designate a commercial loading zone to operate from 6:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, on the south side of Cumberland Street, between a point 61 metres west of Yonge Street and a point 34 metres further west.


10. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking machine regulation in effect from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., Monday to Friday; 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Saturday; 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Saturday; and 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Sunday, on the south side of Cumberland Street, between a point 61 metres east of Bay Street and a point 100 metres west of Yonge Street.


11. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize the installation of parking machines on the south side of Cumberland Street, between a point 61 metres west of Yonge Street and a point 34 metres further west, to operate from 4:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., Monday to Friday; 6:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m., Saturday; and 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. Sunday, for a maximum period of six hours at a rate of $4.00 per hour


12. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking machine regulation in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday, on the south side of Cumberland Street, between a point 61 metres east of Bay Street and a point 100 metres west of Yonge Street.


13. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize the installation of parking machines on the south side of Cumberland Street, between a point 61 metres west of Yonge Street and a point 34 metres further west, to operate from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday, for a maximum period of three hours at a rate of $4.00 per hour


14. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit stopping at all times on the south side of Cumberland Street, between Yonge Street and a point 61 metres west and a point 95 metres west of Yonge Street and Bay Street.


15. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit stopping at all times on the north-south public laneway, east of Bay Street, between Cumberland Street and the first east-west public laneway north of Cumberland Street.


16. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to pressure wash the construction site and adjacent sidewalks and roadways weekly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe.


17. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to ensure that the existing sidewalks or the proposed pedestrian walkway have proper enhanced lighting to ensure safety and visibility at all times of the day and night.


18. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to clearly consult and communicate all construction, parking and road occupancy impacts with local business improvement areas and resident associations in advance of any physical road modifications.


19. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to install appropriate signage and converging mirrors to ensure that pedestrians, cyclists and motorists safety is considered at all times.


20. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide a sufficient number of traffic control persons as determined by the Work Zone Coordinator and Toronto Police Construction Liaison Officer, on a daily basis to control construction vehicle access and egress to and from the site and maintain a safe environment for the public.


21. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide a sufficient number of pay-duty Police Officers as determined by the Work Zone Coordinator and Toronto Police Construction Liaison Officer, during large scale concrete pours and large scale material deliveries to control vehicle access and egress to and from the site and maintain a safe environment for the public.


22. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to install cane detection within the covered and protected walkway to guide pedestrians who are visually impaired.


23. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to post a 24-hour monitored construction hotline number on the hoarding board, which must be prominently placed and legible from 20 metres and on all elevations from the construction site.


24. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide and install public art, including mural artwork, onto every elevation of the hoarding board with adequate spotlighting for night-time illumination, at their sole cost, to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor.


25. Toronto and East York Community Council direct that Yorkville Avenue and Cumberland Street be returned to its pre-construction traffic and parking regulations when the project is complete.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City policy or by-laws.


Cresford Developments is constructing a 68-storey mixed-used development and a 42-story residential condominium building at 33 Yorkville Avenue and 50 Cumberland Street, respectively. The development site will have frontage on both Yorkville Avenue and Cumberland Street. The site is bounded by Yorkville Avenue to the north, existing commercial uses and public laneway to the east, Cumberland Street to the south and existing commercial uses and a private laneway to the west.


Transportation Services is requesting approval to close the south sidewalk and a portion of the eastbound curb lane on Yorkville Avenue and the north sidewalk and a portion of the eastbound lane on Cumberland Street for a period of 51 months (i.e. March 1, 2020 to May 31, 2024) to accommodate a construction staging area.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact to the City. Cresford Developments is responsible for all costs, including payment of fees to the City for the occupancy of the right-of-way.  Based on the area enclosed and projected duration of the proposed closures on Yorkville Avenue and Cumberland Street, these fees will be approximately $806,000.00.

Background Information

(January 16, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Construction Staging Area - Yorkville Avenue and Cumberland Street (33 Yorkville Avenue and 50 Cumberland Street)

TE13.31 - Construction Staging Area - 89-101 Roehampton Avenue

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's


(January 21, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize the closure of the south sidewalk and a 1.7 metre wide portion of the eastbound curb lane on Roehampton Avenue, between a point 218.5 metres east of Yonge Street and a point 31 metres further east and provision of a temporary pedestrian walkway within the closed portion of the eastbound curb lane, from February 6, 2020 to January 31, 2023.


2. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times on the north side of Roehampton Avenue, between a point 225 metres east of Yonge Street and a point 67 metres further east.


3. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., Saturday on the south side of Roehampton Avenue, between a point 200 metres east of Yonge Street and a point 77 metres further east.


4. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit stopping at all times on the north side of Roehampton Avenue, between a point 225 metres east of Yonge Street and a point 67 metres further east.


5. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit stopping at all times on the south side of Roehampton Avenue, between a point 200 metres east of Yonge Street and a point 77 metres further east.


6. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to pressure wash the construction site and adjacent sidewalks and roadways weekly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe.


7. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to ensure that the existing sidewalks or the proposed pedestrian walkway have proper enhanced lighting to ensure safety and visibility at all times of the day and night.


8. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to clearly consult and communicate all construction, parking and road occupancy impacts with local business improvement areas and resident associations in advance of any physical road modifications.


9. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to install appropriate signage and converging mirrors to ensure that pedestrians, cyclists and motorists safety is considered at all times.


10. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide a sufficient number of traffic control persons as determined by the Work Zone Coordinator and Toronto Police Construction Liaison Officer, on a daily basis to control construction vehicle access and egress to and from the site and maintain a safe environment for the public.


11. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide a sufficient number of pay-duty Police Officers as determined by the Work Zone Coordinator and Toronto Police Construction Liaison Officer, during large scale concrete pours and large scale material deliveries to control vehicle access and egress to and from the site and maintain a safe environment for the public.


12. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to install cane detection within the covered and protected walkway to guide pedestrians who are visually impaired.


13. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to post a 24-hour monitored construction hotline number on the hoarding board, which must be prominently placed and legible from 20 metres and on all elevations from the construction site.


14. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide and install public art, including mural artwork, onto every elevation of the hoarding board with adequate spotlighting for night-time illumination, at their sole cost, to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor.


15. Toronto and East York Community Council direct that Roehampton Avenue be returned to its pre-construction traffic and parking regulations when the project is complete.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Toddglen Group of Companies is constructing a 38-storey rental building at 89-101 Roehampton Avenue.  The site is bounded by Roehampton Avenue to the north, existing residential uses - 130 Roehampton Avenue) to the east, existing commercial uses - 110 and 120 Eglinton Avenue East - and existing residential uses - 77 Roehampton Avenue - to the west.


This development site is within the Construction Hub Coordination Pilot program and has been reviewed by staff to ensure compliance with the pilot program. This entails a coordinated review that includes construction coordination, community support, business support and communication and engagement with area residents to address safety, equity, vibrancy, innovation and engagement--the five guiding principles of the Construction Hub pilot.


Transportation Services is requesting authorization to close the south sidewalk and a portion of the eastbound lane on Roehampton Avenue abutting the south side of the site for a period of 34 months to accommodate a construction staging operations.  Pedestrian access on Roehampton Avenue will be maintained within the closed portion of the curb lane.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact to the City. Toddglen Group of Companies is responsible for all costs, including payment of fees to the City for the occupancy of the right-of-way.  Based on the area enclosed and projected duration of the proposed closures on Roehampton Avenue, these fees will be approximately $151,000.00.

Background Information

(January 6, 2020) Revised Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Construction Staging Area - 89-101 Roehampton Avenue
(January 6, 2020) Report and Attachment 1 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Construction Staging Area - 89-101 Roehampton Avenue

TE13.32 - Construction Staging Area Time Extension - 1327 Queen Street East

Consideration Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth


(January 16, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. City Council authorize the continuation of the closure of the south sidewalk and eastbound curb lane on Queen Street East, between Laing Street and a point 83 metres east and provision of a temporary pedestrian walkway within the closed portion of the eastbound curb lane, from February 28, 2020 to September 30, 2020.


2. City Council direct the applicant to continue posting a 24-hour monitored construction hotline number on the hoarding board, which must be prominently placed and legible from 20 metres and on all elevations from the construction site.


3. City Council direct the applicant to continue providing and installing public art, including mural artwork, onto every elevation of the hoarding board with adequate spotlighting for night-time illumination, at their sole cost, to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor


4. City Council direct that Queen Street East be returned to its pre-construction traffic regulations when the project is completed.


As the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) operates a transit service on Queen Street East, City Council approval of this report is required.


Rockport (Queen & Leslie) Inc. is constructing an eight-storey mixed use development at 1327 Queen Street East. The sidewalk and a portion of the eastbound curb lane on the south side of Queen Street East fronting the site are currently closed to accommodate construction staging operations for the development. City Council, at its meeting on January 31 and February 1, 2018, authorized the subject construction staging area from March 1, 2018 to October 31, 2019.


Transportation Services is requesting authorization to extend the construction staging area on Queen Street East for an additional seven months (i.e. from February 28, 2020 to September 30, 2020), in order to complete the construction of the development. It should be noted that during the lapse in approval period, the site has been operating under a monthly Street Occupation Permit.


The developer has requested an extension of the duration of the construction staging area on Queen Street East, as the site has experienced a number of construction delays due to continual flooding of the site, inclement weather and multiple redesigns of the building.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact on the City. Rockport (Queen & Leslie) Inc. is responsible for all costs, including payment of fees to the City for the occupancy of the right-of-way. Based on the area enclosed and projected term of the closure, these fees will be approximately $42,000.00.

Background Information

(January 16, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Construction Staging Area Time Extension - 1327 Queen Street East

TE13.33 - Installation/Removal of On-Street Accessible Parking Spaces - January 2020 (Delegated)

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
9 - Davenport, 11 - University - Rosedale, 12 - Toronto - St. Paul's, 14 - Toronto - Danforth, 19 - Beaches - East York


(January 16, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize the installation/removal of on-street accessible parking spaces at the locations identified in Appendix A attached to the report dated January 8, 2020 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services.


This staff report concerns a matter for which Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision. The purpose is to obtain authorization for the installation/removal of a number of on-street accessible parking spaces.

Financial Impact

Funds in the estimated amount of $3,300.00 are included within the Transportation Services Division’s 2020 Interim Operating Budget.

Background Information

(January 16, 2020) Report and Attachment 1 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Installation/Removal of On-Street Accessible Parking Spaces - January 2020 (Delegated)

TE13.34 - Parking Amendments - Queen Street West (1181 Queen Street West)

Consideration Type:
9 - Davenport


(January 16, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that during construction until October 31, 2021:


1. City Council rescind the existing stopping prohibition in effect from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m., Monday to Friday, except public holidays, on the south side of Queen Street West, between Gladstone Avenue and a point 54 metres east.


2. City Council rescind the existing parking machine regulation in effect from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday to Friday; 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Saturday; and 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Sunday, on the south side of Queen Street West, between Gladstone Avenue and a point 54 metres east.


3. City Council prohibit stopping at all times on the south side of Queen Street West, between Gladstone Avenue and a point 54 metres east.


4. City direct the applicant to pressure wash the construction site and adjacent sidewalks and roadways weekly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe.


5. City Council direct the applicant to ensure that the existing sidewalks or the proposed pedestrian walkway have proper enhanced lighting to ensure safety and visibility at all times of the day and night.


6. City Council direct the applicant to clearly consult and communicate all construction, parking and road occupancy impacts with local business improvement areas and resident associations in advance of any physical road modifications.


7. City Council direct the applicant to install appropriate signage and converging mirrors to ensure that pedestrians, cyclists and motorists safety is considered at all times.


8. City Council direct the applicant to provide a sufficient number of traffic control persons as determined by the Work Zone Coordinator and Toronto Police Construction Liaison Officer, on a daily basis to control construction vehicle access and egress to and from the site and maintain a safe environment for the public.


9. City Council direct the applicant to provide a sufficient number of pay-duty Police Officers as determined by the Work Zone Coordinator and Toronto Police Construction Liaison Officer, during large scale concrete pours and large scale material deliveries to control vehicle access and egress to and from the site and maintain a safe environment for the public.


10. City Council direct the applicant to install cane detection within the covered and protected walkway to guide pedestrians who are visually impaired.


11. City Council direct the applicant to post a 24-hour monitored construction hotline number on the hoarding board, which must be prominently placed and legible from 20 metres and on all elevations from the construction site.


12. City Council direct the applicant to provide and install public art, including mural artwork, onto every elevation of the hoarding board with adequate spotlighting for night-time illumination, at their sole cost, to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor.


13. City Council direct that Queen Street West be returned to its pre-construction traffic and parking regulations when the project is complete.



As the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) operates a transit service on Queen Street West, City Council approval of this report is required.


Skale Developments Inc. is constructing a residential condominium building at 1181 Queen Street West. The site is located on the southeast corner of Queen Street West and Sudbury Street.


Transportation Services is recommending amendments to the existing parking regulations on the south side of Queen Street West, abutting the site, in order to facilitate safe and efficient inbound and outbound manoeuvres of heavy vehicles at the site access and egress points.


The north sidewalk and a portion of the westbound curb lane on Sudbury Street needs to be closed to accommodate the construction staging area for the development and a temporary pedestrian crossover will be installed to facilitate the safe crossing of north-south pedestrian movements at the sidewalk closure, but will be dealt through a companion report "Construction Staging Area - Sudbury Street (1181 Queen Street West)" requiring Toronto and East York Community Council approval.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact to the City. Skale Developments Inc. is responsible for all costs, including payment of fees to the City for the occupancy of the right-of-way and parking signage modifications.  Based on the area enclosed and projected duration of the proposed closures on Sudbury Street, these fees will be approximately $71,000.00.

Background Information

(January 16, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Parking Amendments - Queen Street West (1181 Queen Street West)

TE13.35 - Parking Amendments - Redpath Avenue and Brownlow Avenue - 71-73 Redpath Avenue

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's


(January 6, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that during construction until February 28, 2022:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking machine regulation in effect from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday to Friday; 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Saturday and 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Sunday on the east side of Redpath Avenue, between Soudan Avenue and a point 56.5 metres north.


2. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking machine regulation in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday; and 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., Sunday on the west side of Brownlow Avenue, between Soudan Avenue and a point 41 metres north.


3. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except public holidays on the east side of Redpath Avenue, between Soudan Avenue and a point 56.5 metres north.


4. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit stopping at all times on the east side of Redpath Avenue, between Soudan Avenue and a point 56.5 metres north.


5. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit stopping at all times on the west side of Brownlow Avenue, between Soudan Avenue and a point 41 metres north.


6. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to pressure wash the construction site and adjacent sidewalks and roadways weekly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe.


7. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to ensure that the existing sidewalks or the proposed pedestrian walkway have proper enhanced lighting to ensure safety and visibility at all times of the day and night.


8. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to clearly consult and communicate all construction, parking and road occupancy impacts with local business improvement areas and resident associations in advance of any physical road modifications.


9. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to install appropriate signage and converging mirrors to ensure that pedestrians, cyclists and motorists safety is considered at all times.


10. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide a sufficient number of traffic control persons as determined by the Work Zone Coordinator and Toronto Police Construction Liaison Officer, on a daily basis to control construction vehicle access and egress to and from the site and maintain a safe environment for the public.


11. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide a sufficient number of pay-duty Police Officers as determined by the Work Zone Coordinator and Toronto Police Construction Liaison Officer, during large scale concrete pours and large scale material deliveries to control vehicle access and egress to and from the site and maintain a safe environment for the public.


12. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to install cane detection within the covered and protected walkway to guide pedestrians who are visually impaired.


13. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to post a 24-hour monitored construction hotline number on the hoarding board, which must be prominently placed and legible from 20 metres and on all elevations from the construction site.


14. Toronto and East York Community Council direct the applicant to provide and install public art, including mural artwork, onto every elevation of the hoarding board with adequate spotlighting for night-time illumination, at their sole cost, to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor.


15. Toronto and East York Community Council direct that Redpath Avenue and Brownlow Avenue be returned to its pre-construction traffic and parking regulations when the project is complete.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Malen Capital Corp., is constructing a 21-storey rental condominium building at 71-73 Redpath Avenue. The site is bounded by existing residential uses to the north, Brownlow Avenue to the east, Soudan Avenue to the south and Redpath Avenue to the west.


This development site is within the Construction Hub Coordination Pilot program and has been reviewed by staff to ensure compliance with the pilot program. This entails a coordinated review that includes construction coordination, community support, business support and communication and engagement with area residents to address safety, equity, vibrancy, innovation and engagement--the five guiding principles of the Construction Hub pilot.


Transportation Services is recommending amendments to the existing parking regulations on the east side of Redpath Avenue and the west side of Brownlow Avenue, abutting the site, in order to facilitate safe and efficient inbound and outbound manoeuvres of heavy vehicles at the site access/egress points.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact on the City. Malen Capital Corp. is responsible for all costs, including payment of fees to the City for the occupancy of the right-of-way and parking signage modifications.

Background Information

(January 6, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-2 from Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Parking Amendments - Redpath Avenue and Brownlow Avenue - 71-73 Redpath Avenue

TE13.36 - Parking Amendments - Scott Street

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
13 - Toronto Centre


(January 10, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1.  Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times on the west side of Scott Street, between Wellington Street East and Colborne Street.


2.  Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit standing at all times on the west side of Scott Street, between Wellington Street East and Colborne Street.


3.  Toronto and East York Community Council authorize parking machines to operate from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, and from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, for a maximum period of three hours at a rate of $4.00 per hour, on the east side of Scott Street, between Wellington Street East and a point 33.5 metres north.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Transportation Services is seeking authority to amend parking regulations on Scott Street, between Colborne Street and Wellington Street East.  The proposed regulations will prevent motorists from parking with an accessible permit and will allow pick-up/drop-off of passengers on the west side of the road.

Financial Impact

All cost associated with the necessary signage installation are included within the Transportation Services 2020 Interim Operating Budget estimates.

Background Information

(January 10, 2020) Revised report and attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Parking Amendments - Scott Street
(January 10, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Parking Amendments - Scott Street

TE13.37 - Parking Amendments - Blake Street

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth


(January 15, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times on the west side of Blake Street, between a point 145 metres south of Strathcona Avenue and a point 42 metres further south.


2. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit standing at all times on the west side of Blake Street, between a point 145 metres south of Strathcona Avenue and a point 42 metres further south.


3. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times on the east side of Blake Street, between a point 150 metres north of Boultbee Avenue and a point 95 metres further north.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Transportation Services is recommending that standing be prohibited on the west side of Blake Street, between a point 145 metres south of Strathcona Avenue and a point 42 metres further south.  This recommendation is to prevent on-street parking by accessible parking permit holders and to ensure clear access for motorists conducting pick-up/drop-off activity at 86 Blake Street.

Financial Impact

All cost associated with the necessary signage installation are included within the Transportation Services 2020 Interim Operating Budget estimates.

Background Information

(January 15, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Parking Amendments - Blake Street

TE13.38 - Parking Amendments - Westwood Avenue

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth


(January 16, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times on the north side of Westwood Avenue, between Carlaw Avenue and a point 32 metres west of Pape Avenue.


2. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit standing at all times on the north side of Westwood Avenue, between Carlaw Avenue and a point 32 metres west of Pape Avenue.


3. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit standing at all times on the south side of Westwood Avenue, between a point 21 metres west of Pape Avenue and a point 37.5 metres west of Pape Avenue.



This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Transportation Services is recommending the extension of the existing standing prohibitions on both sides of Westwood Avenue, between Pape Avenue and Carlaw Avenue. This is in response to petitions submitted by residents to Councillor Paula Fletcher's office requesting an amendment to the existing parking regulations.

Financial Impact

All cost associated with the necessary signage installation are included within the Transportation Services 2020 Interim Operating Budget estimates.

Background Information

(January 16, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

TE13.39 - Parking Amendments - Cedarvale Avenue

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
19 - Beaches - East York


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council amend the existing school bus loading zone in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., on the east side of Cedarvale Avenue, between a point 186 metres north of Cosburn Avenue and a point 54 metres further north, to be in effect between a point 172 metres north of Cosburn Avenue and a point 49 metres further north.


2. Toronto and East York Community Council amend the existing maximum ten-minute parking limit in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m., and 3:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, on the east side of Cedarvale Avenue, between a point 126 metres north of Cosburn Avenue and a point 60 metres further north, to be in effect between a point 126 metres north of Cosburn Avenue and a point 46 metres further north.


3. Toronto and East York Community Council prohibit parking at all times on the east side of Cedarvale Avenue, between Trenton Avenue and point 20 metres south.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Transportation Services is recommending an amendment to the existing school bus loading zone on the east side of Cedarvale Avenue, between Trenton Avenue and Bracebridge Avenue.  The proposed changes will assist in the safe movement and pick-up/drop-off of students to Parkside Elementary School. These changes will result in the loss of approximately one permit parking and pay-and-display parking space.

Financial Impact

All costs associated with the necessary signage installation are included within the Transportation Services 2020 Interim Operating Budget estimates.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Parking Amendments - Cedarvale Avenue

TE13.40 - Realignment of Permit Parking Area 6N to exclude the development located at 373 Front Street East and 90 Mill Street

Consideration Type:
13 - Toronto Centre


(January 10, 2020) Report from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking Toronto and East York District


The Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking, Transportation Services

recommends that:  


1. City Council approve the amendment to Schedule B of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 925, Permit Parking, to incorporate a revised map of permit parking area "6N", as attached in Attachment A of the report dated December 12, 2019 from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking, Transportation Services.


Transportation Services is requesting approval from City Council to prohibit the General Manager from accepting applications from residents of, visitors to, and tradespersons at the development property municipally known as 373 Front Street East and 90 Mill Street  for residential on-street permit parking. 


Transportation Services has assessed the realignment of permit parking area 6N and the exclusion of the development property located at 373 Front Street East and 90 Mill Street as requested by Toronto and East York Community Council, Item TE10.25, on November 5, 2019. Transportation Services is recommending approval of the exclusion as it will not impact negatively on Front Street East and Mill Street residents.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact associated with this report.

Background Information

(January 10, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking Toronto and East York District - Realignment of Permit Parking Area 6N to exclude the development located at 373 Front Street East and 90 Mill Street

TE13.41 - Realignment of Permit Parking Area 6G to exclude the development located at 203 Jarvis Street

Consideration Type:
13 - Toronto Centre


(January 10, 2020) Report from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking Toronto and East York District


The Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking, Transportation Services recommends that:  


1. City Council approve the amendment to Schedule B of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 925, Permit Parking, to incorporate a revised map of permit parking area "6G", as attached in Attachment A of the report dated December 12, 2019 from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking, Transportation Services.


Transportation Services is requesting approval from City Council to prohibit the General Manager from accepting applications from residents of, visitors to, and tradespersons at the development property municipally known as 203 Jarvis Street for residential on-street permit parking. 


Transportation Services has assessed the realignment of permit parking area 6G and the exclusion of the development property located at 203 Jarvis Street as requested by Toronto and East York Community Council, Item TE11.67, on December 3, 2019. Transportation Services is recommending approval of the exclusion as it will not impact negatively on Jarvis Street residents.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact associated with this report.

Background Information

(January 10, 2020) Report and Attachment 1 from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement - Parking, Transportation Services - Realignment of Permit Parking Area 6G to exclude the development located at 203 Jarvis Street

TE13.42 - Realignment of Permit Parking Area 9G

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
19 - Beaches - East York


(January 10, 2020) Report from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking Toronto and East York District


The Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking, recommends that:  


1. Toronto and East York Community Council approve the amendment to Schedule B of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 925, Permit Parking, to incorporate a revised map of permit parking area "9G", as attached in Attachment A of the report dated December 12, 2019 from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking.


This staff report is about a matter which Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.


Transportation Services has assessed the realignment of permit parking area 9G and the inclusion of Cedarvale Avenue, between Danforth Avenue and the 9G northern border and Gledhill Avenue, between Danforth Avenue and the 9G northern border.

Transportation Services is recommending approval of the inclusion as it will not impact negatively on neighbouring streets and existing permit holders.

Financial Impact

All costs associated with the installation of any appropriate signing can be accommodated in the Transportation Services interim 2020 Operating Budget.

Background Information

(January 10, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking Toronto and East York District - Realignment of Permit Parking Area 9G

TE13.43 - Payment-In-Lieu of Parking - 57-77 Wade Avenue

Consideration Type:
9 - Davenport


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services


The Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services recommends that:


1.  City Council exempt the applicant at 57-77 Wade Avenue from providing 14 of the 47 non-residential parking spaces required under City of Toronto Site Specific Zoning By-law 1663-2019 and the 47 parking spaces required under City of Toronto Site Specific Zoning By-law 1664-2019, subject to a $200,340.00 payment-in-lieu of parking, providing the applicant signs a Payment-In-Lieu of Parking Agreement with the City, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.


This report seeks City Council's approval to exempt the applicant from a portion of the parking requirement specified in Site Specific By-law 1663-2019 to provide 47 non-residential parking spaces and the parking requirement specified in Site Specific By-law 1664-2019 to provide 47 parking spaces.  The applicant is only able to accommodate 33 parking spaces on-site and has requested a Payment-in-Lieu of Parking to the City, which amounts to $200,340.00 for the proposed 14 parking space shortfall.


The parking exemption is considered appropriate since the parking space shortfall will not have a significant impact on parking conditions in the area.


Section 40 of the Planning Act grants City Council the authority to approve payment-in-lieu of parking.  This application has been made pursuant to the City's Payment-In-Lieu of Parking Policy, adopted in July 2004. City Council approval is required as this matter has not been delegated.

Financial Impact

The City of Toronto will receive $200,340.00 and a $366.06 plus HST application processing fee.  The Toronto Parking Authority's parking reserve fund will receive the $200,340.00, with Transportation Services receiving the application fee of $366.06 plus HST.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services - Payment-In-Lieu of Parking - 57-77 Wade Avenue

TE13.44 - Traffic Control Signals - Dundas Street West and Quebec Avenue

Consideration Type:
4 - Parkdale - High Park


(January 16, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. City Council authorize the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Dundas Street West and Quebec Avenue.


2. City Council prohibit parking on both sides of Quebec Avenue, between Dundas Street West and a point 15 metres north, and on the east side of Quebec Avenue, between Dundas Street West and a point 15 metres south, in conjunction with the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Dundas Street West and Quebec Avenue.


As the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) operates a transit service on Dundas Street West, City Council approval of this report is required.


Transportation Services is requesting approval from City Council to install traffic control signals at the intersection of Dundas Street West and Quebec Avenue.  This installation will provide enhanced safety for pedestrians and motorists at the intersection and is technically justified.

Financial Impact

The estimated cost of installing traffic control signals at the intersection of Dundas Street West and Quebec Avenue is $200,000.00.  This installation will be considered in 2021, subject to the availability of funding and competing priorities.

Background Information

(January 16, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-2 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Traffic Control Signals - Dundas Street West and Quebec Avenue

TE13.45 - Traffic Control Signals - College Street and Palmerston Avenue/Palmerston Boulevard

Consideration Type:
11 - University - Rosedale


(January 15, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:  


1. City Council authorize the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of College Street and Palmerston Avenue/Palmerston Boulevard.


2. Subject to approval of and in conjunction with the installation of traffic control signals at College Street and Palmerston Avenue/Palmerston Boulevard:

  1. City Council prohibit stopping at all times on both sides of Palmerston Boulevard, between College Street and a point 30.5 metres north.


As the Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) operates a transit service on College Street, City Council approval of this report is required.


Transportation Services is requesting authorization from City Council to install traffic control signals at the intersection of College Street and Palmerston Avenue/Palmerston Boulevard.  This installation is recommended based on the technical requirements and will provide improved safety for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists at this intersection.

Financial Impact

The estimated cost of installing traffic control signals at the intersection of College Street and Palmerston Avenue/Palmerston Boulevard is $200,000.00.  This installation would be subject to the availability of funding and competing priorities.

Background Information

(January 15, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Traffic Control Signals - College Street and Palmerston Avenue/Palmerston Boulevard

TE13.46 - Proposed Installation of Speed Bumps - Charley Roach Lane

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's


(January 16, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize the installation of speed bumps in Charley Roach Lane, between Arlington Avenue and Rushton Road, at the locations shown on Drawing 421G-3471 attached to the report dated January 13, 2020 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services.


This staff report is about a matter for which the Community Council has delegated authority from City Council to make a final decision.


Transportation Services is recommending the installation of speed bumps in Charley Roach Lane, between Arlington Avenue and Rushton Road.

Financial Impact

Funds in the amount of $2,080.00 are available within the Transportation Services Division’s Capital laneways account.

Background Information

(January 16, 2020) Report and Attachment 1 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Proposed Installation of Speed Bumps - Charley Roach Lane

TE13.47 - Traffic Calming - Speed Humps - Alexander Street

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
13 - Toronto Centre


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council not authorize the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Alexander Street, between Yonge Street and Mutual Street.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Transportation Services staff have reviewed the need for traffic calming, specifically the installation of speed humps, on Alexander Street, between Yonge Street and Mutual Street, to address residents' concerns regarding vehicle speeds.  Our assessment indicates the criteria as set out in the Traffic Calming Policy has not been satisfied on this roadway.  Therefore, traffic calming should not be installed on the subject section of Alexander Street.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact resulting from the adoption of the recommendation in this report.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-3 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Traffic Calming - Speed Humps - Alexander Street

TE13.48 - Traffic Calming - Speed Humps - Gloucester Street

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
13 - Toronto Centre


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council not authorize the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Gloucester Street, between Yonge Street and Jarvis Street.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Transportation Services staff have reviewed the need for traffic calming, specifically the installation of speed humps, on Gloucester Street, between Yonge Street and Jarvis Street, to address residents' concerns regarding vehicle speeds.  Our assessment indicates the criteria as set out in the Traffic Calming Policy has not been satisfied on this roadway.  Therefore, traffic calming should not be installed on the subject section of Gloucester Street.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact resulting from the adoption of the recommendation in this report.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-3 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Traffic Calming - Speed Humps - Gloucester Street

TE13.49 - Traffic Calming - Speed Humps - Isabella Street

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
13 - Toronto Centre


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council not authorize the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Isabella Street, between Yonge Street and Jarvis Street.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Transportation Services staff have reviewed the need for traffic calming, specifically the installation of speed humps on Isabella Street, between Yonge Street and Jarvis Street, to address residents' concerns regarding vehicle speeds.  Our assessment indicates the criteria as set out in the Traffic Calming Policy has not been satisfied on this roadway.  Therefore, traffic calming should not be installed on the subject section of Isabella Street.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact resulting from the adoption of the recommendation in this report.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-2 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Traffic Calming - Speed Humps - Isabella Street

TE13.50 - Traffic Calming - Speed Humps - Harris Avenue

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
19 - Beaches - East York


(January 17, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council not authorize the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Harris Avenue, between Oak Park Avenue and Chisholm Avenue.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Transportation Services staff reviewed the need for traffic calming, specifically the installation of speed humps, on Harris Avenue, between Oak Park Avenue and Chisholm Avenue, to address residents' concerns regarding vehicle speeds. Our assessment indicates the criteria as set out in the Traffic Calming Policy has not been satisfied.  Therefore, traffic calming should not be installed on the subject section of Harris Avenue.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact resulting from the adoption of the recommendation in this report.

Background Information

(January 17, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-2 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Traffic Calming - Speed Humps - Harris Avenue

TE13.51 - Speed Hump Poll Results - Lonsdale Road

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's


(January 14, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council not authorize the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Lonsdale Road, between Spadina Road and Russell Hill Road.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Transportation Services is reporting on the results of the traffic calming poll undertaken on Lonsdale Road, between Spadina Road and Russell Hill Road.  The poll provided a response rate of less than the 50 percent plus one ballot required by the Traffic Calming Policy to confirm that there is a favourable consensus in the community to install speed humps on the subject section of Lonsdale Road.  


Accordingly, continuing the process to install speed humps on Lonsdale Road, between Spadina Road and Russell Hill Road, is not recommended.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact resulting from the adoption of the recommendation in this report.

Background Information

(January 14, 2020) Revised Report and attachments 1-2 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Speed Hump Poll Results - Lonsdale Road
(January 14, 2020) Report and Attachments 1-2 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Speed Hump Poll Results - Lonsdale Road

TE13.52 - Speed Hump Poll Results - Glenwood Crescent

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
19 - Beaches - East York


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services


The Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, recommends that:


1.  Toronto and East York Community Council not authorize the installation of traffic calming (speed humps) on Glenwood Crescent, between Glenwood Terrace and St. Columbia Place.


This staff report is about a matter that Community Council has delegated authority to make a final decision, provided that it is not amended so that it varies with City Policy or by-laws.


Transportation Services, upon request from Councillor Brad Bradford, has reviewed the need for traffic calming, specifically the installation of speed humps on Glenwood Crescent, between Glenwood Terrace and St. Columba Place.


Based on our assessment, the criteria as set out in the Traffic Calming Policy on the subject section of Glenwood Crescent, has not been satisfied.  Therefore, traffic calming (speed humps) should not installed on the subject section of Glenwood Crescent.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact resulting from the adoption of the recommendation in this report.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Speed Hump Poll Results - Glenwood Crescent

TE13.53 - Recipient of the Agnes Macphail Award

Consideration Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth, 19 - Beaches - East York


(February 5, 2020) Letter from Councillor Paula Fletcher, Ward 14, Toronto-Danforth


The Toronto and East York Community Council recommend that:


1. City Council approve Paula Davies and Raymond White as the recipients of the 2020 Agnes Macphail Award.


The Agnes Macphail Award was established by the Borough of East York. It continues today as an annual event to recognize outstanding volunteers who live within the boundaries of the former borough.


The Agnes Macphail Selection Committee met, as established in the selection process, on Thursday, January 16, 2020 to review the nominations received and to select this year's award recipients. The committee voted to nominate Paula Davies and Raymond White as the 2020 Agnes Macphail Award recipients. The award will be presented on March 29, 2020 at the Agnes Macphail Award Ceremony.

Background Information

(February 5, 2020) Letter from Councillor Paula Fletcher, Ward 14, Toronto-Danforth - Recipient of the 2020 Agnes Macphail Award

TE13.54 - Use of Nathan Phillips Square for Various Events from April 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020

Consideration Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


(January 20, 2020) Report from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management


The Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management recommends that:


1. City Council grant an exemption to Special Events, City of Toronto, Toronto Inner City Rugby Foundation, Pride Toronto, Festival Management Committee, Ontario Farm Fresh Marketing Association, Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, AoDai Canada, Philcan Mosaic Inc., Music Sector, City of Toronto to operate a beer garden and to serve wine and hard liquor contingent upon the following conditions:


- Approval of the A.G.C.O.
- Approval of the Medical Officer of Health
- Compliance with the City of Toronto’s Municipal Alcohol Policy
- Receipt of all the necessary permits associated with the production of the event i.e. building permit, noise by-law extension permit

2. City Council grant permission to Shadow Light, Northern Lights Relief Foundation, SING! The Toronto Vocal Arts Festival, Canadian Hellen Keller Centre, Gursikh Sabha Canada/Ontario Sikhs and Gurdwara Council, The Matty Jae Youth Foundation, Autism Speaks of Canada, DeRo Foundation, Long Term Care Homes & Services, City of Toronto, Community Development Unit City of Toronto, Fast in the 6 Inc., Social Development, Finance and Administration, City of Toronto, Run Your Life, Make a Wish Foundation, Music Sector City of Toronto, Toronto Inner City Rugby Foundation, Strategic Protocol and External Relations, City of Toronto, Pride Toronto, Baycrest Foundation, Festival Management Committee, Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, AoDai Canada to solicit donations in support of their organizations.


3. City Council grant permission to Special Events, City of Toronto, Strategic Protocol and External Relations, City of Toronto, Pride Toronto, Baycrest Foundation, Festival Management Committee, Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, AoDai Canada to place objects in the reflecting pool.


4. City Council grant permission to Gursikh Sabha Canada/Ontario Sikhs and Gurdwara Council, The Matty Jae Youth Foundation, Autism Speaks of Canada, DeRo Foundation, Long Term Care Homes & Services, City of Toronto, Community Development Unit, City of Toronto, Social Development Finance and Administration, City of Toronto, Run Your Life, Make a Wish Foundation, Special Events, City of Toronto, Music Sector, City of Toronto, Toronto Inner City Rugby Foundation,

Pride Toronto, Festival Management Committee, Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, AoDai Canada, Philcan Mosaic Inc. to engage in sport demonstrations.    


5. City Council grant permission to Fast in the 6 Inc, Strategic Protocol and External Relations, City of Toronto, Social Development, Finance and Administration, City of Toronto, Run Your Life, Make a Wish Foundation, Special Events, City of Toronto, Music Sector, City of Toronto, Toronto Inner City Rugby Foundation, Pride Toronto, Festival Management Committee, Toronto Outdoor Art Exhibition, AoDai Canada for sound amplification outside of NPS amplification schedule policy.


7. City Council grant permission Community Development Unit, City of Toronto, Fast in the 6 Inc., Special Events, City of Toronto, Dancing Damsels, Strategic Protocol and External Relations, City of Toronto, Pride Toronto, Festival Management Committee, AoDai Canada to use open flame as part of their event production.   


8. City Council grant permission to Fast in the 6 Inc., Pride Toronto to use special effects pyrotechnics as part of their event production.


9. City Council require that the various events compensate the City of Toronto, through the Corporate Real Estate Management Division, for all City of Toronto costs associated with an event above the standard staffing compliment.


The purpose of this report is to request various exemptions from the Municipal Code Chapter 237 "Nathan Phillips Square" for the following events to be held on Nathan Phillips Square, April 1, 2020 - July 31, 2020.

Financial Impact

There is no financial impact associated with the adoption of this report.


The City will be compensated by the event organizers for any costs incurred by the City as a result of these various events and the approval of requested exemptions to the Municipal Code Chapter 237 through the Facilities, Real Estate, Environment and Energy (FREEE) Division.


The Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer has reviewed this report and agrees with the financial impact information.

Background Information

(January 20, 2020) Report from the Executive Director, Corporate Real Estate Management - Use of Nathan Phillips Square for Various Events from April 1, 2020 to July 31, 2020

TE13.55 - Implementation of Permit Parking Beverley Street, between D'Arcy Street and Baldwin Street

Consideration Type:
11 - University - Rosedale


(February 5, 2020) Letter from Councillor Mike Layton, Ward 11, University-Rosedale


Councillor Layton recommends that:


1. City Council exempt the implementation of Permit Parking on Beverley Street, between D'Arcy Street and Baldwin Street from the requirements of subsection 925-4B of City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 925, Permit Parking, until such time as Toronto and East York Community Council considers a request for implementation of Permit Parking at this location.


In 2019, my office received a petition supporting the implementation of permit parking on Beverley Street, between D'Arcy Street and Baldwin Street.


This block has residents without any access to off-street parking and as a result require street parking to meet their parking needs. During the polling process, the number of required ballots was not met even though those who did vote, voted in favour of implementing the program. 


I am seeking an exemption from the requirements of subsection 925-4B of City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 925, Permit Parking as the residents that did vote, were in favour of implementing the permit parking program and the total was only 2 received ballots shy of meeting the required threshold.

Background Information

(February 5, 2020) Letter from Councillor Mike Layton, Ward 11, University-Rosedale - Implementation of Permit Parking Beverley Street, between D'Arcy Street and Baldwin Street

TE13.56 - Implementation of Permit Parking on Little Norway Crescent, between Queen's Quay and Stadium Road

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


(February 5, 2020) Letter from Councillor Joe Cressy, Ward 10, Spadina-Fort York


Councillor Joe Cressy recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council amend Schedule A of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 925, Permit Parking, to incorporate the north and west sides of Little Norway Crescent, between Queen's Quay and Stadium Road, on a street name basis, under the operating hours of 7:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m., 7 days a week.


At its meeting of January 29, 2020, City Council approved item TE12.61, regarding an exemption for the implementation of permit parking on Little Norway Crescent, between Queen's Quay and Stadium Road, from the requirements of subsection 925-4B of City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 925, Permit Parking.


Subsection 925-4B, provides that:


Where permit parking is not currently available and where a petition requesting permit parking signed by the residents of a minimum of 25 percent of the total number of residential premises having a residential address on the street or the flank of the street is submitted to the General Manager, a poll shall be conducted in accordance with Chapter 190, Polling and Notification, to determine if the residents wish to have permit parking on their road or area, as the case may be. In the event of a positive polling result, the General Manager shall report such result to the appropriate community council, which community council under delegated authority, shall be authorized to pass any necessary by-laws to implement permit parking on the road or area. In the event of a negative result, permit parking shall not be extended to the road or area, and no further permit parking poll shall be conducted for a period of two years


Little Norway Crescent, between Queen's Quay and Stadium Road is a local roadway near Billy Bishop Airport. Residents are finding it difficult to locate available overnight parking spaces. Implementing permit parking would resolve their long term parking needs by provide a legal overnight parking option.

Background Information

(February 5, 2020) Letter from Councillor Joe Cressy, Ward 10, Trinity-Spadina - Implementation of Permit Parking on Little Norway Crescent, between Queen's Quay and Stadium Road

TE13.57 - Parking Amendments - Carr Street

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York


(February 5, 2020) Letter from Councillor Joe Cressy, Ward 10, Spadina-Fort York


Councillor Joe Cressy recommends that:


1. Toronto and East York Community Council authorize parking for a maximum period of one hour from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight daily on the south side of Carr Street, between Denison Avenue and Bathurst Street.


My office has received complaints from residents about long term parking and low enforcement on Carr street, and these neighbours have submitted a petition to switch Carr to a 1 hour parking zone.  Most streets in the neighbourhood have been designated as 1 hour parking for years, but Carr Street remains a 3-hour (unrestricted) zone. This amendment to authorize a maximum period of 1 hour will bring Carr Street in line with neighbouring streets, striking a balance for permit parking holders and accessible permits while allowing for temporary parking for visitors and services.

Background Information

(February 5, 2020) Letter from Councillor Joe Cressy, Ward 10, Spadina-Fort-York - Parking Amendments - Carr Street

TE13.58 - Request to Review 49 Heath Street West for Inclusion on the City's Heritage register

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's


(February 4, 2020) Letter from Councillor Josh Matlow, Ward 12, St. Paul's


Councillor Matlow recommends that:


1. Request that the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, research and evaluate the property at 49 Heath Street West for inclusion on the City's Heritage Register and to report back to the Toronto and East York Community Council with the results of this evaluation.



It has been brought to my attention by the community and a local historian that this property may have architectural and cultural significance. Preliminary research has already been conducted identifying the Brass family, which were a well-known Toronto business owners, as the original occupants of the home. This large home was then converted to a multi-unit dwelling after 1929 and remains so today.


This property is one of the last remaining homes of this character in the area and represents part of the history of the Deer Park neighbourhood. The home is currently up for sale and in order to preserve the existing property as a potential heritage resource, I am requesting that City staff urgently undertake an evaluation for inclusion to the City's Heritage Register.

Background Information

(February 4, 2020) Letter from Councillor Josh Matlow, Ward 12, St. Paul's - Request to Review 49 Heath Street West for Inclusion on the City's Heritage register

TE13.59 - Speed Limit Reduction on Rowntree Avenue, Chambers Avenue, Rosethorn Avenue and Turnberry Avenue to 30 km/h

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
9 - Davenport


(February 4, 2020) Letter from Councillor Ana Bailão, Ward 9 - Davenport


Councillor Bailão recommends that Toronto and East York Community Council:


1. Reduce the speed limit from 40 km/h to 30 km/h on Rowntree Avenue, between Old Weston Road and Prescott Avenue.

2. Reduce the speed limit from 50 km/h to 30 km/h on Chambers Avenue, between Rowntree Avenue and Rogers Road.

3. Reduce the speed limit from 50 km/h to 30 km/h on Rosethorn Avenue, between a point 38.6 metres north of Rowntree Avenue and Rogers Road, and from 40 km/h to 30 km/h on Rosethorn Avenue, between Rockwell Avenue and a point 38.6 metres north of Rowntree Avenue.

4. Reduce the speed limit on Turnberry Avenue, from 40 km/h to 30 km/h, between Old Weston Road and Silverthorn Avenue.


Residents contacted my office seeking to better protect vulnerable road users on streets within the Silverthorn neighborhood area, where the speed limit is currently either 40km/h or 50km/h on area streets. Vision Zero 2.0 will eventually lower the speed limit on all local streets to 30 km/h, however implementation is planned on a ward-by-ward basis over five years starting in 2021. Area residents, including parents at the nearby General Mercer Junior Public School, requested that action be taken immediately. My response to residents is to request that speed limits be reduced in these areas through Community Council. Therefore, my purpose with this motion is to recommend that the speed limits on Rowntree Avenue, Chambers Avenue, Rosethorn Avenue and Turnberry Avenue be reduced to 30 km/h.

Background Information

(February 4, 2020) Letter from Councillor Ana Bailão, Ward 9 - Davenport - Speed Limit Reduction on Rowntree Avenue, Chambers Avenue, Rosethorn Avenue and Turnberry Avenue to 30 km/h

TE13.60 - Enactment of By-laws

Consideration Type:
Schedule Type:
4 - Parkdale - High Park, 9 - Davenport, 10 - Spadina - Fort York, 11 - University - Rosedale, 12 - Toronto - St. Paul's, 13 - Toronto Centre, 14 - Toronto - Danforth, 19 - Beaches - East York


Introduction and consideration of Bills for enactment of By-laws.

Source: Toronto City Clerk at