City Council

Meeting No.:
Marilyn Toft, Manager
Meeting Date:
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Start Time:
9:30 AM
Council Chamber, City Hall

Routine Matters - Meeting 9

RM9.1 - Call to Order

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

CALL TO ORDER: 9:35 a.m.


Speaker Nunziata took the Chair and called the Members to order.


The meeting opened with O Canada.


Tuesday, July 16, 2019


Members of Council observed a moment of silence and remembered:


Michael Colgrass

Bruce Fleury

John R. Gardner

Anne Johnston

Mavis Barbara Knowles-Phillips

Jordon Veira


Speaker Nunziata acknowledged that City Council was meeting on the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples.  Speaker Nunziata also acknowledged that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 signed with the Mississaugas of the Credit.


Wednesday, July 17, 2019


Members of Council observed a moment of silence and remembered:


Katharine Mulherin

Hodan Nalayeh

Background Information (City Council)

Condolence Motion for Michael Colgrass
Condolence Motion for Bruce Fleury
Condolence Motion for John R. Gardner
Condolence Motion for Anne Johnston
Condolence Motion for Mavis Barbara Knowles-Phillips
Condolence Motion for Katharine Mulherin
Condolence Motion for Hodan Nalayeh
Condolence Motion for Jordon Veira

RM9.2 - Confirmation of Minutes

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council confirmed the Minutes of Council from the regular meeting held on June 18 and 19, 2019.

RM9.3 - Introduction of Committee Reports and New Business from City Officials

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

Committee Reports, New Business and Business Previously Requested were presented to City Council for consideration. 

RM9.4 - Petitions

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, received the following petition for information:


1.  Petition to designate North St. James Town a Neighbourhood Improvement Area, submitted by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, Ward 13, Toronto Centre, containing the signatures of approximately 842 persons. 


RM9.5 - Presentations, Introductions and Announcements

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

Various presentations, introductions and announcements were made to City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019.


July 16, 2019


Councillor Matlow, during the morning session of the meeting, acknowledged members of the late former Councillor Anne Johnston's family, who were present in the Chamber.


Speaker Nunziata, during the morning session of the meeting, invited Giuliana Carbone, Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to come forward and recognize Chris Brillinger, who is leaving his post as Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, for his 31 years of service to the City. Ms. Carbone thanked Mr. Brillinger for his contributions and wished him all the best in his future role as Executive Director, Family Service Toronto. Ms. Carbone invited Mayor Tory to come forward. Mayor Tory offered thanks to Mr. Brillinger on behalf of Members of Council and of the people of Toronto, and presented Mr. Brillinger with a scroll. Mr. Brillinger addressed City Council and thanked Mayor Tory and Ms. Carbone for their words and thanked Council for the opportunity to serve the City.  


Speaker Nunziata, during the morning session of the meeting, invited Mayor Tory to come forward to recognize Valerie Jepson, Integrity Commissioner, upon the completion of her term of office with the City of Toronto. Mayor Tory thanked Ms. Jepson, on behalf of Members of Council and of the people of Toronto, for Ms. Jepson's dedication, service and hard work and remarked on Ms. Jepson's ethical leadership and thoughtful advice over the past five years. Mayor Tory acknowledged that during her time in office Ms. Jepson was awarded the 2018 Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators Medal for outstanding contributions to the Ontario administrative justice system and was recognized as a University of Victoria Faculty of Law distinguished alumni. Mayor Tory presented Ms. Jepson with a scroll. Ms. Jepson addressed City Council and thanked the Mayor, City Council, the City Manager, and the City Clerk for the recognition.


Speaker Nunziata, during the morning session of the meeting, invited Councillor Cressy to come forward to recognize City of Toronto employees, Agencies, and the Toronto Island residential community for their response to the flooding on the Toronto Islands. Councillor Cressy thanked staff from Parks, Forestry and Recreation, Toronto Water, Strategic Communications, Emergency Management, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, as well as Island residents, many of whom were present in the Chamber, for keeping the Islands open and safe. Councillor Cressy also recognized Chief Pegg, Toronto Fire Services, for sending recruits to help fill sandbags. Mayor Tory came forward to offer his thanks to Councillor Cressy and acknowledged that the preparation work that was done based on the learning of previous flooding made a big difference. Mayor Tory thanked staff and residents for learning the lessons of 2017 and applying them in 2019 to avert what could have been a very bad situation.


Councillor Layton, during the morning session of the meeting advised Members of Council that the City has proclaimed Friday, August 16, the opening day of the 2019 Canadian National Exhibition, as CNE Day. Councillor Layton, as the municipal representative on the Canadian National Exhibition Association Board of Directors, welcomed the Board's President John Kiru and First Vice-President Suzan Hall, Director Jacquie Perrin, as well as members and staff of its External Relations Committee, who were present in the Chamber. Councillor Layton thanked the Board for putting on an excellent event in past years, and what was sure to be an excellent event this year, and encouraged Members of Council to "go to the Ex."


Councillor Wong-Tam, during the morning session of the meeting, welcomed students and their instructor from the Academy of Learning, a private career college, who were present in the Chamber.


Deputy Speaker Carroll, during the afternoon session of the meeting, asked Members of Council to recognize Nunziata's grandson, who was present in the Chamber.


Mayor Tory, during the afternoon session of the meeting, announced to the Members of Council that yesterday was Councillor Crawford's birthday and extended his congratulations. 


July 17, 2019


Speaker Nunziata, during the morning session of the meeting, invited Councillor Grimes to come forward to recognize Dianne Young, Chief Executive Officer of Exhibition Place on her retirement from the City of Toronto. Councillor Grimes provided highlights of Ms. Young's 31-year career with the City, of which 22 were with Exhibition Place, and invited Mayor Tory to come forward. Mayor Tory congratulated Ms. Young, on behalf of Members of Council and the people of Toronto, for her efforts over many years and presented Ms. Young with a scroll. Ms Young addressed City Council and thanked Council for its support over the years, thanked the Board of Governors of Exhibition Place, and stated that it's been an honour to be part of the Toronto Public Service.


Speaker Nunziata, during the morning session of the meeting, invited Deputy Mayor Minnan-Wong to come forward to recognize the Toronto winners at the 2019 China Innovation and Entrepreneurship International Competition. Deputy Mayor Minnan-Wong recognized Zhuang Yaodong, Acting Consul General of China and Shen Jianlei, Consul for Science and Technology, who were present in the Chamber, spoke about the history of the relationship between Shenzhen, China and the City of Toronto, and showed a video about the competition. Deputy Mayor Minnan-Wong introduced to the Chamber the Toronto innovation companies that made it to the finals and won prizes in the various categories of the competition: Fibos, Genecis Bioindustries, ARHT Media and Nanodevice Solutions. Deputy Mayor Minnan-Wong also recognized the following members of the Canada Confederation of Shenzhen Associations and the Sci Innovation Centre, hosts of the competition's Canada Division, who were present in the Chamber: Jenny Qi, Chairperson of the Canada Confederation of Shenzhen Associations, Leo Liu, President and Chief Executive Officer, Sci Innovation Centre, Reza Moridi, Honorary Chair of the Sci Experts Advisory Council, and Songnian Zhou, Chair of the Sci Experts Advisory Council.


Mayor Tory, during the morning session of the meeting, rose to pay special tribute to Reza Moridi, former Ontario Minister of Innovation and Science, who was present in the Chamber. Mayor Tory noted that Toronto is the third-biggest source of innovative and tech jobs in North America and credited this fact as a tribute to Mr. Moridi's hard work.


July 18, 2019


Speaker Nunziata, during the morning session of the meeting, invited Wendy Walberg, City Solicitor to introduce articling students from Legal Services who were present in the Chamber. They are Aiden Alexio, Gaëlle Houehounkpe, Aisha Hussain, Molly Lowson, Amna Shakil, and Tushar Sharma.


Councillor Colle, during the morning session of the meeting, rose to thank City of Toronto staff from Toronto Water, Transportation Services, and Toronto Fire Services who responded to the emergency in the west end of the City. Councillor Colle advised Council that eighty millimetres of rain fell in a two-hour period and he thanked staff who cleared the catch basins and pulled cars out of rain ponds for responding quickly, effectively and efficiently.

RM9.6 - Review of the Order Paper

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

July 16, 2019:


City Council adopted the July 16,  2019, Order Paper, as amended, and all other Items not held on consent.


July 17, 2019:


City Council adopted the July 17, 2019, Order Paper, as amended.


July 18, 2019:


City Council adopted the July 18, 2019, Order Paper, as amended.

Background Information (City Council)

Order Paper July 16, 2019
Order Paper July 17, 2019
Order Paper July 18, 2019

Executive Committee - Meeting 7

EX7.1 - Implementing Tenants First - A New Seniors Housing Corporation and Proposed Changes to Toronto Community Housing Corporation's Governance

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


Creation of New Seniors Housing Corporation


1.  City Council approve in principle the establishment under section 148 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, of a wholly-owned City services corporation to manage and operate Toronto Community Housing Corporation's 83 seniors-designated buildings, as listed in Attachment 1 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, and City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, to complete a due diligence process to ensure an appropriate understanding of the legal, financial and labour implications and report back with the results of the due diligence process in the first part of 2020.


2.  City Council request the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to consult with former board members of the Metropolitan Toronto Housing Corporation prior to proceeding with the creation of a new Seniors Housing Corporation.


3.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to work with Toronto Community Housing to establish a Senior Tenants Advisory Committee, a Senior Tenants Accessibility Advisory Committee and other relevant bodies to ensure that senior tenants can directly access, inform and influence services and programs to be provided by the new Seniors Housing Corporation.


Implementation of the Integrated Service Model


4.  City Council, as sole shareholder, direct the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Board of Directors to direct the President and Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Community Housing Corporation to implement the integrated service model for seniors as described in Attachment 5 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, beginning with 10 sites selected from the 83 designated seniors-designated buildings in 2020 in partnership with the City and the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network until such time as the new City services corporation referenced in Part 1 above is established.


5.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, to oversee the implementation of the integrated service model for seniors beginning with 10 sites selected from the 83 designated seniors buildings in 2020 in partnership with Toronto Community Housing Corporation and the Toronto Central Local Health Integration Network and submit a business case as part of the 2020 budget for any additional resources and funding required.


6.  City Council direct the General Manager, Seniors Services and Long-Term Care to develop and report to City Council in 2020 on a new accountability framework and a corresponding implementation plan for the integrated service model.


7.  City Council request the Deputy City Manager Community and Social Services, in consultation with the President and Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Community Housing Corporation to pilot a modified integrated service model for implementation in the former seniors buildings identified in Attachment 2 to the report (May 2, 2018) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration in Item 2018.EX34.3 starting with 1901 Weston Road and 10 Glen Everest Road and to identify the required resources and timing schedule through the 2020 Budget Process.


Creation of a City Housing Corporation Relationship Unit


8.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, to design and implement a new accountability framework including the creation of a City Housing Corporation relationship unit reporting to the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, that coordinates the City's relationship with Toronto Community Housing Corporation and the proposed seniors housing corporation.


9. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to augment internal resources as necessary by retaining external legal services specializing in:


a.  the establishment and governance of public service corporations and associated board governance to expedite the process of establishing and forming a wholly-owned City services corporation to manage and operate Toronto Community Housing's 83 seniors designated buildings; and


b.  legal, financial and labour implications of the transfer to Toronto Community Housing Corporation's real estate development functions to CreateTO on the City in alignment with the City-wide real estate model.


Transition of Toronto Community Housing Corporation's Development Functions to CreateTO


10.  City Council approve in principle the transfer of Toronto Community Housing Corporation's real estate development functions to CreateTO and/or the City in alignment with the City-wide real estate model, including infill housing opportunities, the functions related to treatment of property and property related transactions and direct the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO and the Chief Executive Officer and President, Toronto Community Housing Corporation to complete a due diligence process to ensure an appropriate understanding of the legal, financial and labour implications of the transfer and report back by the end of 2019 with a transfer plan including governance.


11.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, as part of the due diligence process to transfer Toronto Community Housing's real estate development functions to CreateTO and/or the City, to:


a.  assess options for the organizational structure of the different functions outlined below to ensure on-going coordination between these functions and consistent service to tenants during revitalization projects:


- development (e.g. planning, design, construction management, etc.);
- commercial business and leasing;
- tenant and community services (including tenant engagement);
- relocation and return; and
- asset management (including contract management and facilities management for on-going capital maintenance work);

b.  consult with a range of stakeholders involved in past or current revitalization projects to ensure an appropriate understanding of the implications of the transfer, including but not limited to tenants and community working groups in revitalization communities, local Councillors, development partners, and City and Toronto Community Housing staff; and


c.  include updates on Parts 11.a. and b. above in the report back by the end of 2019.


12.  City Council direct that all proposals relating to future revitalizations and redevelopment opportunities of Toronto Community Housing assets, including any demolition and reconstruction of multiple buildings and infill opportunities, be directed to the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, for review and recommendation working, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning prior to being recommended to City Council for approval.


13.  City Council, as sole shareholder, direct the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Board of Directors to direct the President and Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Community Housing Corporation to co-ordinate through the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, who will work in consultation with the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to identify opportunities for new affordable rental housing units on Toronto Community Housing Corporation lands through a program of infill construction in which the City of Toronto, or one of its agencies, retains ownership of all land currently held, unless City Council determines the ownership of these lands is no longer in the public interest.


14.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO, to review potential infill projects on Toronto Community Housing Corporation lands on an accelerate basis through the Housing Now approval process.


Continue to Transfer Uninhabitable Houses to Non-profit Organizations


15.  City Council direct the City Manager to expedite the transfers of Toronto Community Housing Corporation Uninhabitable Houses by adding the houses listed in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to the list of Uninhabitable Houses approved by Council in Item 2018.EX34.3.


16. City Council direct the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat to work with the President and Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Community Housing Corporation and the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO to meet with the current long term leaseholder of 45 Canyon Road, to explore all opportunities and options, including consideration of the transfer of land and/or air rights, to intensify the site with rental housing which will include consideration of providing an element of seniors housing [and/or affordable housing] on the property at 45 Canyon Road and report back to the Executive Committee by the fourth quarter of 2019.


17.  City Council direct that Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services remain confidential in its entirety as it pertains to the security of the property of the municipality or one of its agencies or corporations.


Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services remains confidential in its entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it pertains to the security of the property of the municipality or one of its agencies or corporations.

Confidential Attachment - Security of property belonging to the City or one of its agencies or corporations


(June 21, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 21, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services on Implementing Tenants First - A New Seniors Housing Corporation and Proposed Changes to Toronto Community Housing's Governance
Attachment 1 - List of Seniors-mandated Buildings
Attachment 2 - Summary of Toronto Community Housing Corporation's Current Legal Structure and the City's Accountability Framework
Attachment 3 - Update on Tenants First Phase 1 Implementation Plan
Attachment 4 - Options for Legal Structures for Toronto Community Housing Corporation and the Seniors Housing Entity
Attachment 5 - Summary of the Integrated Service Model
Confidential Attachment 1 - Additions to the Uninhabitable House Transfer List

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Supplementary report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Impact of Tenants First Pilots (EX7.1a)
Attachment 1 - Tenants First: Trialling Innovations in Service Models and Community Development

Communications (Committee)

(July 2, 2019) Letter from Catherine Wilkinson (EX.Supp.EX7.1.1)
(July 4, 2019) Letter from Mark Smith (EX.Supp.EX7.1.2)
(July 3, 2019) E-mail from Marcel Pereira, S.I.T. (Save Improved T.C.H.C.) (EX.Supp.EX7.1.3)
(July 3, 2019) Letter from Dave Mitchell, CUPE Local 79 (EX.Supp.EX7.1.4)
(July 2, 2019) Letter from Eddie Mariconda, CUPE Local 416 (EX.Supp.EX7.1.5)
(July 4, 2019) Submission from Anita Dressler (EX.New.EX7.1.6)
(July 4, 2019) Submission from William Lohman (EX.New.EX7.1.7)
(July 4, 2019) E-mail from Cheryl Duggan (EX.New.EX7.1.8)
(July 4, 2019) Submission from Cathy Birch, Responsible Personal Accessibility in Toronto Housing (EX.New.EX7.1.9)
(July 4, 2019) E-mail from Doris Power (EX.New.EX7.1.10)
(July 4, 2019) E-mail from Miguel Avila-Velarde (EX.New.EX7.1.11)

EX7.2 - Protecting the Viability of Street Festivals - Response to Item MM5.17

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council request the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services to:


a. conduct a survey with the City's Business Improvement Areas, the organizers of major street festivals, staff from the Film and Entertainment Industries Unit of Economic Development and Culture and any other relevant stakeholders regarding issues associated with hosting and managing street festivals and major events across the City and report back on the results;


b. undertake an inventory to identify specifically those factors that have driven an increase in costs associated with evolving pressures including security or any other relevant issues concerning the management of street festivals and other large scale events across the City; and


c. report back to the December 11, 2019 meeting of Executive Committee with recommendations based on the issues that are identified in the survey and the inventory.


2. City Council request the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services to work with the Toronto Police Service to complete a detailed analysis of Recommendations 9 and 15 from the Transformational Task Force, outlined in Attachment 1 to the report (July 3, 2018) from the Interim City Manager, such report to include:


a. verification of the role and responsibility of the City and the Toronto Police Service, in accordance with legislation, City by-laws/policies and Toronto Police Service policies;


b. an assessment of City and Toronto Police Service protocols and processes related to security assessments, permits, event planning and information sharing;


c. an evaluation of challenges that currently exist and a jurisdictional review of best practices to help identify potential alternatives or other mitigating opportunities;


d. consideration of potential solutions through various components of service delivery such as legislation, policies and processes, technology, education and training;


e. verification of current legislation and City and Toronto Police Service provisions requiring police presence;


f. an evaluation of challenges that currently exist and jurisdictional reviews of best practice to help identify potential opportunities; and


g. an assessment of alternative solutions to paid duty services and/or processes supporting paid duty services;


and to report back to the December 11, 2019 meeting of Executive Committee with the outcome and further recommendations.


3.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services to review and compare how other Ontario municipalities and their local police service manage their road closures, requirements for paid duty officers and related costs for special events, public infrastructure construction and sector activities and report back to the December 11, 2019 meeting of Executive Committee with the detailed findings.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services on Response to Member Motion 5.17 - Protecting the Viability of Street Festivals

EX7.3 - Crescent Town Pedestrian Bridge Review

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to implement the recommendations contained in the Internal Audit Report headed "Crescent Town Pedestrian Bridge Review" by the end of 2019.

2.  City Council direct the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to identify any additional areas where roles and responsibilities overlap, and revise any associated policies and procedures, in order to mitigate against future exposures.

3.  City Council direct the Director, Internal Audit, and the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building, and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to hold a City-sponsored public meeting in Crescent Town in the third quarter of 2019 to:


a. share the findings and recommendations of the Crescent Town Bridge Internal Audit Review;

b. provide an update on Toronto Building and Municipal Licensing and Standards' implementation of the Internal Audit recommendations; and

c. request the Toronto District School Board and Bleeman Holdings/Pinedale Properties to provide an update on the replacement plans for the bridge.

4.  City Council request the Director, Internal Audit to review any additional documents or information provided by Janet Davis, former Member of Toronto City Council.


(June 24, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 24, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services on Crescent Town Pedestrian Bridge Review
Attachment 1 - Internal Audit Report - Crescent Town Pedestrian Bridge Review

Communications (Committee)

(July 4, 2019) Letter from Janet Davis (EX.Supp.EX7.3.1)
(July 3, 2019) Letter from Councillor Brad Bradford (EX.Supp.EX7.3.2)

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) Letter from Patrick A. Anderson, Partner, Anderson MacKeigan LLP (CC.New.EX7.3.3)

EX7.4 - Office Optimization - Office Swing Space at Union Station

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend the 2019 - 2028 Approved Capital Budget and Plan for the Facilities, Real Estate, Environment and Energy program by adding a new capital project "Union Station East Wing" with total project cost of $20.0 million and cash flows of $2.5 million in 2019 and $17.5 million in 2020, to be funded by recoverable debt, repayable over 15 years, to complete base building and office fit-up work associated with Union Station East Wing.


2.  City Council approve the plan from the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services to utilize Union Station East Wing on an interim basis to rationalize spaces leased by the City from third party landlords which expire in 2020 and serve as swing space for office modernization projects.


3.  City Council, in accordance with Section 71-11.1C of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 71, Financial Control, amend Purchase Order Number 6030175 with NORR Limited, Architects and Engineers and increase the value of the contract by $850,000, net of all taxes and applicable charges, revising the current contract authority from $44,473,000, net of all taxes and applicable charges, up to a maximum value of $45,323,000, net of all taxes and applicable charges, to provide required additional base building architecture and engineering services for the East Wing Project.


(June 27, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 27, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services on Office Optimization - Office Swing Space
(June 26, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services on Office Optimization - Office Swing Space - Notice of Pending Report

EX7.5 - Planning Recreation Facilities for the Don Mills Communities

Decision Type:
16 - Don Valley East

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following: 


1.  City Council approve the Preferred Facility community recreation centre that will include a twin-pad arena/multi-sport indoor courts, gymnasium with walking track, an aquatic centre, and community and program space, located on the large community park located at 844 Don Mills Road to serve the communities along Don Mills Road, from York Mills Road to Flemingdon Park, as outlined in Attachment 2 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and direct the General Manager, Parks Forestry and Recreation and other appropriate City staff to undertake all necessary work to implement Parts 2 and 4 below, as well as advancing the design and construction of the project.


2.  City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the City Solicitor and other appropriate City staff to implement Part 1 above by:


a.  initiating amendments to the existing Section 37 Agreement for the Don Mills Centre, as it pertains to the provisions of the Community Centre at 966 Don Mills Road, and the Don Mills Civitan Arena land exchange agreement;


b.  initiating a Zoning By-Law amendment, as it pertains to the provisions of the Community Centre at 966 Don Mills Road, and potential alternative community uses;


c.  initiating an Official Plan Amendment, as necessary; and


d.  reporting to City Council regarding the final form of the recommended Zoning By-law amendment and any Official Plan Amendment.


3.  City Council direct the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO and Real Estate Services to coordinate with City Planning, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and other appropriate City Divisions, to undertake a review of other public community uses that may be accommodated at 966 Don Mills Road in coordination with the public consultation process reflected in Part 2 above.


4.  City Council direct the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to work with Cadillac Fairview to negotiate the extension of the Don Mills Civitan Arena (at 1030 Don Mills Road) in an effort to minimize disruption while the new arena at 844 Don Mills Road (Celestica) is constructed.


5.  City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the General Manager, Parks Forestry and Recreation to enter into discussions with the owners of 844 Don Mills Road (Celestica) to expedite the transfer of Park Blocks 3A and 3B of the Revised Draft Plan of Proposed Subdivision dated June 27, 2018, and to discuss opportunities to advance the design and construction of the recreation facility.


6. City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to develop and implement a comprehensive community engagement process, in consultation with the local Councillor, to promote local participation in the future design, planning and development of the preferred option in Part 1 above.


7.  City Council request the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to report back through the 2020 Budget Process with a preliminary estimate of the full cost of the Preferred Facility and the funding needed beyond the existing approved capital project Don Mills Civitan Arena.


8.  City Council request the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to include in the 2020 and future Capital Budgets a design and development timeline of the preferred option identified in Part 1 above so that this project may move forward as soon as possible.


9.  City Council direct the General Manager, Parks Forestry and Recreation, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the City Solicitor to take required actions and use available funds to implement City Council's decision.


10.  City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to undertake a scan of the broader Don Mills catchment area to determine what public and community needs exist assuming the completion of the recommended community centre at the Celestica site.


11.  City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to submit and include the results of the scan in Part 10 above to a thorough public consultation process including but not limited to Don Mills Residents Inc. to obtain input on an appropriate public or community use for the land.


12.  City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back to the Executive Committee on the results of Parts 10 and 11 above not later than the third quarter of 2020.


13.  City Council request the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back to Executive Committee on the following:


a.  including a Community Kitchen to the facilities included in the Preferred Option at the Celestica site; and


b.  including coliseum seating for one of the two ice pads at the Celestica site arena.


14.  City Council request the Toronto Transit Commission Board to request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission to consider adding a stop at the new Community Recreation Facility on Route 403, upon opening of the centre. 


(June 19, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning

Background Information (Committee)

(July 4, 2019) Presentation from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Don Mills Community Recreation Facility Planning
(June 19, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning
Attachment 1 - Summary of Residential Development Applications in the Study Area
Attachment 2 - Executive Summary, Don Mills Recreation Facility Planning Public Consultation Report

Communications (Committee)

(July 3, 2019) Letter from Kim Mullin, Wood Bull LLP on behalf of Don Mills Residents Inc. (EX.Supp.EX7.5.1)
(July 3, 2019) E-mail from Nicholas Woodbridge (EX.Supp.EX7.5.2)
(July 3, 2019) Letter from Fahima Fatah, Afghan Women's Organization Refugee and Immigrant Services (EX.Supp.EX7.5.3)
(July 3, 2019) E-mail from Sue England (EX.Supp.EX7.5.4)
(July 3, 2019) Submission from Brian Story, Don Mills Residents Inc. (EX.New.EX7.5.5)
(July 4, 2019) Letter from Lisa Grogan-Green, Go Green Youth Centre (EX.New.EX7.5.6)

Communications (City Council)

(July 3, 2019) Letter from Geoff Kettel and Cathie Macdonald, Co-Chairs, Federation of North Toronto Residents' Associations (CC.Main.EX7.5.7)
(July 16, 2019) E-mail from Sid Catalano (CC.New.EX7.5.8)

EX7.6 - Build Toronto - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Financial Statements

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council treat that portion of the City Council meeting at which the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer is considered as the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholder for Build Toronto by:


a.  receiving the "Build Toronto 2018 Annual Report", forming Attachment 1 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer; and


b.  appointing PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Accountants, as the Auditor of Build Toronto for fiscal year 2019, and authorizing the Board of Directors of Build Toronto to fix the remuneration of the Auditor.


2.  City Council direct the City Clerk to forward a copy of the Build Toronto 2018 Audited Annual Financial Statements and Audit Results Report, forming Attachment 2 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, to the Audit Committee for information.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Build Toronto - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Financial Statements
Attachment 1 - Build Toronto 2018 Annual Report
Attachment 2 - Build Toronto 2018 Audited Annual Financial Statements

EX7.7 - Casa Loma Corporation - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Financial Statements

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council treat that portion of the City Council meeting at which the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer is considered as the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholder for Casa Loma Corporation by:


a.  receiving the "Casa Loma Corporation 2018 Annual Report", and the "Casa Loma Corporation 2018 Audited Annual Financial Statements", forming Attachments 1 and 2 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer; and


b.  reappointing Welch LLP Chartered Accountants, as the Auditor of Lakeshore Arena Corporation for fiscal year 2019, and authorizing the Board of Directors of Lakeshore Arena Corporation to fix the remuneration of the Auditor.


2.  City Council direct the City Clerk to forward a copy of the "Casa Loma 2018 Audited Annual Financial Statements", forming Attachment 2 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, to the Audit Committee for information.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Casa Loma Corporation - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Financial Statements
Attachment 1 - Casa Loma Corporation 2018 Annual Report
Attachment 2 - Casa Loma Corporation 2018 Audited Annual Financial Statements

EX7.8 - Lakeshore Arena Corporation - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Financial Statements

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council treat that portion of the City Council meeting at which the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer is considered as the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholder for Lakeshore Arena Corporation by:


a.  receiving the "Lakeshore Arena Corporation 2018 Annual Report", and the "Lakeshore Arena Corporation 2018 Audited Annual Financial Statements", forming Attachments 1 and 2 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer;


b.  reappointing Welch LLP Chartered Accountants, as the Auditor of Lakeshore Arena Corporation for fiscal year 2019, and authorizing the Board of Directors of Lakeshore Arena Corporation to fix the remuneration of the Auditor; and


c.  receiving the "Lakeshore Arena Corporation Executive Compensation Disclosure 2018", forming Attachment 3 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.


2.  City Council direct the City Clerk to forward a copy of the "Lakeshore Arena 2018 Audited Annual Financial Statements", forming Attachment 2 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, to the Audit Committee for information.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Lakeshore Arena Corporation - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Financial Statements
Attachment 1 - Lakeshore Arena Corporation 2018 Annual Report
Attachment 2 - Lakeshore Arena Corporation 2018 Audited Annual Financial Statements
Attachment 3 - Lakeshore Arena Corporation Executive Compensation Disclosure 2018

EX7.9 - Toronto Community Housing Corporation - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council treat the portion of the City Council meeting at which the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer is considered as the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholder for Toronto Community Housing Corporation, and:


a.  receive the Letter to the Shareholder from the Toronto Community Housing Corporation's Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors and President and Chief Executive Officer, dated April 30, 2019, transmitting the Toronto Community Housing Corporation 2018 Annual Report and additional information, forming Attachment 1 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer;


b.  receive Toronto Community Housing Corporation's 2018 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the period ending December 31, 2018, including the Auditor's report dated April 30, 2019, forming Attachment 2 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer;


c.  re-appoint PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Accountants, as the Auditor for Toronto Community Housing Corporation for fiscal year 2019 at the fee provided in the City's agreement with that firm; and


d.  receive the Toronto Community Housing executive compensation disclosure for 2018, included in section 4.1.1 of additional information in Attachment 1 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.


2.  City Council, as Shareholder, receive Toronto Community Housing Corporation's 2019-2022 Strategic Plan and budget summary forming Attachment 3 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.


3.  City Council direct the City Clerk to forward a copy of Toronto Community Housing Corporation's 2018 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2018, forming Attachment 2 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, to the Audit Committee for information.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Toronto Community Housing Corporation - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements
Attachment 1 - Letter to the Shareholder, dated April 30, 2019, Toronto Community Housing Corporation's 2018 Annual Report and Additional Information
Attachment 2 - Toronto Community Housing Corporation, 2018 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements, for the period ending December 31, 2018
Attachment 3 - Toronto Community Housing Corporation, 2019-2022 Strategic Plan and 2019 Budget Detailed Summary

EX7.10 - Toronto Hydro Corporation - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Financial Statements

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following: 


1.  City Council treat the portion of the City Council meeting at which the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer is being considered as the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholder for Toronto Hydro Corporation, and:


a.  approve the "Resolution of the Sole Shareholder Re-appointing Auditor" in Attachment 1 Appendix A to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer in order to re-appoint KPMG LLP, Chartered Accountants, as the Auditor for Toronto Hydro Corporation for 2019 until the close of the next annual meeting of the Shareholder, or until a successor is appointed, at such remuneration as may be fixed by the Corporation's Board;


b.  receive the "Toronto Hydro Corporation 2018 Annual Report, Financial Report, and Consolidated Financial Statements," the "Toronto Hydro Corporation Annual Information Form 2018," the "Toronto Hydro Corporation Environmental Performance Report 2018," the "Toronto Hydro Corporation Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer Certifications of Annual Filings 2018," the "Toronto Hydro Corporation First Quarter Financial Report 2019," and the "Toronto Hydro Corporation Statement of Board Remuneration and Expenses 2018," forming Attachments 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, and 11 respectively to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer;


c.  receive the "Toronto Hydro Corporation Shareholder Report 2018, including Non-Consolidated Financial Statements," the "Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited Financial Statements 2018 and 2017," and the "Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. Financial Statements 2018 and 2017," forming Confidential Attachments 7, 8 and 9 respectively to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer; and


d.  receive the two-part report "Toronto Hydro Corporation Executive Compensation Disclosure 2018" forming Attachment 6a and Confidential Attachment 6b to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.


2.  City Council direct that Confidential Attachment 6b to report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer remain confidential in its entirety as it deals with personal information about identifiable individuals.


3.  City Council direct that Confidential Attachments 7, 8 and 9 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer remain confidential in their entirety due to the security of the property of the City and securities requirements arising from Toronto Hydro Corporation's status as an offering corporation under the Business Corporations Act, (Ontario) R.S.O. 1990, c.B.16, Toronto Hydro Corporation's status as a reporting issuer under the Securities Act, (Ontario) R.S.O. 1990, c.S.5, and the application by the Ontario Securities Commission of National Instrument 51-102.


4.  City Council direct the City Clerk to forward a copy of the "Toronto Hydro Corporation Consolidated Financial Statements December 31, 2018 and 2017", included as part of Attachment 2 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, to the Audit Committee for information.


Confidential Attachment 6b to report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer remains confidential in its entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it relates to personal information about identifiable individuals.


Confidential Attachments 7, 8 and 9 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer remain confidential in their entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they pertain to the security of the property of the City and they pertain to securities requirements arising from Toronto Hydro Corporation's status as an offering corporation under the Business Corporations Act, (Ontario) R.S.O. 1990, c.B.16, Toronto Hydro Corporation's status as a reporting issuer under the Securities Act, (Ontario) R.S.O. 1990, c.S.5, and the application by the Ontario Securities Commission of National Instrument 51-102.

Confidential Attachment - The security of property belonging to the City of Toronto or Toronto Hydro Corporation and personal matters about an identifiable person


(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Toronto Hydro Corporation - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Financial Statements
Attachment 1 - Toronto Hydro Corporation Report on the 2018 Annual Shareholder Meeting
Attachment 1 Appendix A - Resolution of the Shareholder Re-appointing Auditor
Attachment 2 - Toronto Hydro Corporation 2018 Annual Report, Financial Report, and Consolidated Financial Statements
Attachment 3 - Toronto Hydro Corporation Annual Information Form 2018
Attachment 4 - Toronto Hydro Corporation Environmental Performance Report 2018
Attachment 5 - Toronto Hydro Corporation Chief Executive Officer and Chief Financial Officer Certification of Annual Filings 2018
Attachment 6a - Toronto Hydro Corporation Executive Compensation Disclosure 2018 (Part 1, Named Executive Officers)
Confidential Attachment 6b - Toronto Hydro Corporation Executive Compensation Disclosure 2018 (Part 2, All Executives)
Confidential Attachment 7 - Toronto Hydro Corporation Shareholder Report 2018, including Non-Consolidated Financial Statements
Confidential Attachment 8 - Toronto Hydro-Electric System Limited Financial Statements 2018 and 2017
Confidential Attachment 9 - Toronto Hydro Energy Services Inc. Financial Statements 2018 and 2017
Attachment 10 - Toronto Hydro Corporation First Quarter Financial Report 2019
Attachment 11 - Toronto Hydro Corporation Statement of Board Remuneration and Expenses 2018

EX7.11 - Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Financial Statements

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council, in its capacity as one of the Shareholders of Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc., (the "Corporation"):


a.  adopt and authorize the City Manager to sign the Resolutions of Shareholders attached as Attachment 1 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on behalf of the City so that:


1.  Financial Statements


City Council receive the audited financial statements of the Corporation for the financial year ended December 31, 2018, including the auditor's report dated March 14, 2019, forming Attachment 4 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer are received;


2.  Appointment of Auditors


a.  Welch LLP are reappointed as the auditors of the Corporation until the close of the next annual meeting of the shareholders or until their successors are duly appointed; and


b.  the remuneration of the auditors will be fixed by the directors who are hereby authorized to fix that remuneration;


3.  Confirmation of Proceedings


all By-laws, contracts, acts, proceedings, appointments, elections, and payments of any director or officer of the Corporation that were enacted, made, done, or taken since the last annual meeting of the shareholders of the Corporation are approved, ratified, sanctioned, and confirmed; and


b.  adopt and authorize the City Manager to sign the Resolution of Shareholders forming Attachment 5 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer:


1.  ratifying and approving the Operating and Capital Budgets of the Corporation attached as Schedule A to Attachment 5 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer; and


2.  authorizing any two directors or officers to carry out the provisions of the resolutions passed by the shareholders of the Corporation.


2.  City Council direct the City Clerk to forward a copy of the "Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc. 2018 Audited Annual Financial Statements", forming Attachment 4 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, to the Audit Committee for information.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on
Attachment 1 - Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc., Resolutions of the Shareholders - Financial Statements, Appointment of Auditors, Confirmation of Proceedings
Attachment 2 - Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc., 2018 Highlights
Attachment 3 - Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc., 2018 Annual Report
Attachment 4 - Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc., Audited Financial Statements for year ended December 31, 2018
Attachment 5 - Toronto Pan Am Sports Centre Inc., Resolutions of the Shareholders - Approval of Budget, Schedule A and B

EX7.12 - Toronto Port Lands Company - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Financial Statements

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council treat that portion of the City Council meeting at which the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer is considered as the Annual General Meeting of the Shareholder for Toronto Port Lands Company by:


a.  receiving the Toronto Port Lands Company's 2018 Annual Report, forming Attachment 1 to the report  (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer; and


b.  appointing PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP, Chartered Accountants, as the Auditor of Toronto Economic Development Corporation for fiscal year 2019, and authorizing the Board of Directors of Toronto Port Lands Company to fix the remuneration of the Auditor.


2.  City Council direct the City Clerk to forward a copy of the Toronto Port Lands Company's 2018 Audited Annual Financial Statements, forming Attachment 2 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, to the Audit Committee for information.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report from the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Toronto Port Lands Company - Annual General Meeting and 2018 Audited Financial Statements
Attachment 1 - Toronto Port Lands Company 2018 Annual Report
Attachment 2 - Toronto Port Lands Company 2018 Audited Annual Financial Statements

EX7.13 - Development Charge Complaint - 1383, 1385, 1389, 1399 and 1403 Military Trail

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
25 - Scarborough - Rouge Park

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:  


1.  City Council determine that the Development Charges By-law and Education Development Charges By-Law have been properly applied to the residential development project located at 1383, 1385, 1389, 1399 and 1403 Military Trail.


2.  City Council dismiss the complaint filed pursuant to Section 20 of the Development Charges Act, 1997 and Section 257.85 of the Education Act.

Statutory - Development Charges Act, SO 1997


(June 18, 2019) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 18, 2019) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Development Charge Complaint - 1383, 1385, 1389, 1399 and 1403 Military Trail
Attachment 1 - Complaint letter from Military Trail Development Corporation, dated October 10, 2017
(July 3, 2019) Attachment 2 - Executive Committee Orientation - Hearing Procedure - Complaints Under the Development Charges Act and the Education Act

Communications (Committee)

(July 3, 2019) Letter from Andrew Baker, Borden Ladner Gervais LLP on behalf of the Toronto Catholic District School Board (EX.Supp.EX7.13.1)

EX7.14 - Capital Variance Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2018

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council receive the report (June 18, 2019) from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for information.


2.  City Council request the City Manager and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to report to City Council with the findings of the Ernst and Young study prior to consideration of the 2020 Budget.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council considered Items EX7.14, EX7.15 and EX7.18 together.


(June 18, 2019) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 18, 2019) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Capital Variance Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2018
Appendix 1 - Capital Variance Summary for the year ended December 31, 2018
Appendix 2 - Capital Projects for Closure
Appendix 3 - Major Capital Projects
Appendix 4 - Capital Dashboard for Programs/Agencies

EX7.15 - Operating Variance Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2018

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the transfer of $8.000 million from the Water (43 percent) and Wastewater (57 percent) Stabilization Reserves to Toronto Water's Vehicle and Equipment Replacement Reserve (XQ1012) to fund future year vehicle purchases.


2.  City Council approve the withdrawal from Emergency Human Services Reserve (XQ1111) of $0.077 million to supplement funding in the Emergency Human Services Expense Account to mitigate the deficit position in 2018.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council considered Items EX7.14, EX7.15 and EX7.18 together.


(June 14, 2019) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 18, 2019) Report and Appendices A to E from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Operating Variance Report for the Year Ended December 31, 2018

EX7.17 - Capital Variance Report for the Four Months Ended April 30, 2019

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve in-year budget adjustments to the 2019-2028 Approved Capital Budget and Plan as detailed in Appendix 4 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer that result in no incremental impact on debt financing.


2.  City Council approve additional 2018 carry forward funding for Toronto Transit Commission and Go Transit as detailed in Appendix 6 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.


3.  City Council receive for information the list of 30 completed capital projects/sub-projects to be closed as detailed in Appendix 2 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer that results in a total combined project budget an underspending of $4.498 million.


(June 13, 2019) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Capital Variance Report for the Four Months Ended April 30, 2019
Appendix 1 - 2019 Capital Variance and Projection Summary for the four months ended April 30, 2019
Appendix 2 - Capital Projects for Closure
Appendix 3 - Major Capital Projects
Appendix 4 - In-Year Adjustments for the four months ended April 30, 2019
Appendix 5 - Capital Variance Dashboard by Program and Agency
Appendix 6 - Additional Carry Forward Funding by Project

EX7.18 - Operating Variance Report for the Four Months Ended April 30, 2019

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the budget adjustments and any associated complement changes detailed in Appendix D1, D2 and D3 to the report (June 14, 2019) from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to amend the 2019 Approved Operating Budget, such adjustments to have no impact on the 2019 Approved Net Operating Budget of the City.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council considered Items EX7.14, EX7.15 and EX7.18 together.


(June 14, 2019) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 14, 2019) Report and Appendices A to E from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Operating Variance Report for the Four Months Ended April 30, 2019

EX7.19 - Invest Toronto - Final Wind Up and Dissolution

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council, as shareholder, receive for information the report (June 21, 2019) from the Controller as the final report on the wind up of Invest Toronto Inc. from the appointed liquidator.


(June 21, 2019) Report from the Controller

Background Information (Committee)

(June 21, 2019) Report from the Controller on Invest Toronto - Final Wind Up and Dissolution
Attachment 1 - Audited Financial Statements for Invest Toronto Incorporated for the Year Ended December 31, 2018, and Period Ended June 12, 2019

EX7.20 - 2019 Levy on Railway Roadways and Rights-of-Way and on Power Utility Transmission and Distribution Corridors

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the levy and collection of taxes for the 2019 taxation year on railway roadways and rights-of-way and on land used as transmission or distribution corridors owned by power utilities, in accordance with subsection 280 (1) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006 and subsection 257.7 (1) of the Education Act.


2.  City Council receive the Acreage and Tonnage Taxation Systems sections of the report (June 19, 2019) from the Controller for information.


3. City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to include the following information in future annual reports:


a. the potential additional income the City of Toronto could receive if the levy was based on a rate per tonnage as opposed to a rate per acreage;


b. a review of how the Provinces of Alberta, Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Quebec tax railway right-of-way properties within their boundaries;


c. a summary of what reserves the Cities of Calgary, Regina, Winnipeg and Montreal receive through railway taxation; and


d. following consultation with the Railway Association of Canada on what their membership's current practice is in the Canadian Western Provinces in terms of self-reporting their traffic, information on how a similar practice could be adopted in the Province of Ontario if a tonnage-based system similar to the Western Provinces was adopted.


4.  City Council forward the Item to the Ontario Good Roads Association, the Association of Municipalities of Ontario and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities for their information.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the Controller

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report and Attachments from the Controller on 2019 Levy on Railway Roadways and Rights-of-Way and on Power Utility Transmission and Distribution Corridors

EX7.21 - Fees for Solicitor Services (Limiting Distance Agreements) Provided by the City Solicitor to Outside Parties

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the fee set out in Appendix A to the report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council amend Municipal Code Chapter 441, Fees and Charges, to add the fee set out in Appendix A to the report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct the revenue collected from the provision of services associated with the fee set out in Appendix A to the report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor be allocated to the Legal Services Division's budget.

Public Notice Given


(June 18, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (Committee)

(June 18, 2019) Report and Appendix A from the City Solicitor on Fees for Solicitor Services (Limiting Distance Agreements) Provided by the City Solicitor to Outside Parties
(June 26, 2019) Public Notice - Fees for Solicitor Services (Limiting Distance Agreements)

EX7.22 - Retention Schedule for Accountability Records in the Office of the Integrity Commissioner

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend Municipal Code Chapter 3, Accountability Officers, to establish the Records Retention Schedule detailed in Attachment 1 to the report (June 12, 2019) from the Integrity Commissioner.


2.  City Council amend Municipal Code Chapter 3, Accountability Officers by:


a.  removing "Subject to Subsection C" from Section 3-7.6B so that it reads "An accountability officer may recommend directly to Council the establishment of a retention schedule for an accountability record"; and


b.  deleting Section 3-7.6C.


(June 12, 2019) Report from the Integrity Commissioner

Background Information (Committee)

(June 12, 2019) Report from the Integrity Commissioner on Approval of Recommended Retention Schedule for Accountability Records in the Office of the Integrity Commissioner
Attachment 1 - OIC-0001 - Accountability Records - Integrity Commissioner

22a - Amendment to Chapter 3, Accountability Officers - Records Retention - Supplementary Report

(June 20, 2019) Report from the City Manager
Background Information (Committee)
(June 20, 2019) Report from the City Manager on Amendment to Chapter 3, Accountability Officers - Records Retention - Supplementary Report

EX7.23 - Children's Services - Amendments to the 2019 Approved Capital Budget and 2019-2021 Cash Flows for Mount Dennis Child Care Centre and St. Barnabas Catholic School Child Care Centre Projects

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize an in-year budget adjustment to the 2019 Capital Budget for Children's Services by increasing the project cost for the Toronto Early Learning and Child Care Services' Mount Dennis Child Care Centre (CCS035-01) by $7.000 million, increasing the project cost from $11.000 million to $18.000 million, funded through the Child Care Capital Reserve Fund (XR1103), required to support the consolidation of the Trimbee Early Learning Centre; to support the addition of 26 child care spaces to the planned Mount Dennis location; and to fund inflationary impacts on the cost of construction.

2.  City Council amend the budgeted cash flows for the completion of the Toronto Early Learning and Child Care Services' Mount Dennis Child Care Centre project to reflect the following requirements: 2019 - $2.000 million, 2020 - $10.000 million, and 2021 - $2.991 million.

3.  City Council authorize an in-year budget adjustment to the 2019 Capital Budget for Children's Services by increasing the project cost for the St. Barnabas Catholic School Child Care Centre (CCS027-01) by $0.500 million, increasing the project cost from $2.600 million to $3.100 million, funded through the Child Care Capital Reserve Fund (XR1103), required to fund the inflationary impacts on the cost of construction.

4.  City Council amend the budgeted cash flows for the completion of the St. Barnabas Catholic School project to reflect the following requirements: 2019 - $1.000 million, and 2020 - $1.923 million.


(June 17, 2019) Report from the Interim General Manager, Children's Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 17, 2019) Report from the Interim General Manager, Children's Services on Children's Services - Amendments to the 2019 Approved Capital Budget and 2019-2021 Cash Flows for Mount Dennis Child Care Centre and St. Barnabas Catholic School Child Care Centre Projects

EX7.24 - Emergency Management Program Funding Increase from Ontario Power Generation Incorporated

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the Director, Office of Emergency Management to negotiate and enter into agreements with Ontario Power Generation Inc. for the provision of, and funding support for the City's provision of, emergency management services for nuclear emergency response between the City of Toronto and Ontario Power Generation Inc., as described in the agreement, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Director, Office of Emergency Management, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the Director, Office of Emergency Management to accept funding as prescribed for in any agreements negotiated, such funding to be added to the Office of Emergency Management 2019 Operating Budget as an in-year budget adjustment that:


a.  increases expenditures and revenues by $212,500 for a net $0 impact from $225,000 to $437,500; and


b.  increases the complement by three (3) additional temporary Full Time Equivalents from 18 to 21 Full Time Equivalents.


3.  City Council authorize the Director, Office of Emergency Management to execute and submit on behalf of the City any documents related to the funding support for the City's provision of nuclear emergency management services for nuclear emergency response between the City of Toronto and Ontario Power Generation Inc., required by the agreement between the parties.


(June 6, 2019) Report from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 6, 2019) Report from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services on Emergency Management Program Funding Increase from Ontario Power Generation Incorporated

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from N. Corrado (CC.Supp.EX7.24.1)

EX7.25 - Toronto Public Library - 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan Accelerations/Deferrals (Second Quarter)

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the acceleration and deferral of cash flows within the projects in Toronto Public Library's Approved 2019 Capital Budget and future year commitments in the amount of $1.078 million, as included in Attachment 1 to the report (June 17, 2019) from the City Librarian, with zero gross and debt budget impact.


(June 17, 2019) Report from the City Librarian

Background Information (Committee)

(June 17, 2019) Report from the City Librarian on Toronto Public Library - 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan Accelerations/Deferrals (Second Quarter)
Attachment 1 - Accelerations/Deferrals - Toronto Public Library 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan Adjustments

EX7.26 - Toronto Water 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan Adjustments

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the reallocation of cashflows within Toronto Water's approved 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan in the amount of $8.450 million, for acceleration and deferral of projects, as presented in Schedule A (Part A and B) to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Toronto Water, with a zero Budget impact.


2.  City Council authorize the reallocation of project costs and cashflows in Toronto Water's approved 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan in the amount of $12.121 million from projects that have been awarded under budget or delayed to those requiring additional funding in the same amount as presented in Schedule A (Part C) to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Toronto Water, with a zero Budget impact.


3.  City Council request the General Manager, Toronto Water to consider including, as part of the 2020-2028 Capital Plan:


a.  a review of the Minor System Inlets, Preferred Storm Works and Preferred Sanitary Works infrastructure associated to the Anthony Park Underground Storage System, as depicted on figure ES.2,included in the completed Environmental Assessment Study for Area 16 (Black Creek / Highway 401 / Dufferin Street); and

b.  allocating appropriate resources towards upgrading the STM Underground Storage Tank, located underneath the De Havilland 'Mossie' Park, and/or creating the necessary connections between the aforementioned storage tank and the sewer/stormwater pipes along Whitley Ave, to remediate present and future flooding issues around the Winston Park community and the soon to be upgraded De Havilland 'Mossie' Park.


(June 11, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Toronto Water

Background Information (Committee)

(June 11, 2016) Report from the General Manager, Toronto Water on Toronto Water 2019 Capital Budget and 2020-2028 Capital Plan Adjustments
Schedule A - Parts A, B and C

EX7.27 - Transportation Services 2019 Capital Budget and 2019-2028 Adjustments

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend the Transportation Services' Approved 2019 Capital Budget by reallocating funding of $1 million between projects, as presented in Attachment 1 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services, with a zero Budget impact.


2.  City Council amend the 2019-2028 Approved Capital Budget and Plan for Transportation Services by creating a new Future of King Street project with total project costs of $1.5 million gross and $0 debt, with committed cash flows of $1 million in 2019 and $0.5 million in 2020, fully funded by the Public Realm Reserve Fund.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the General Manager, Transportation Services on Transportation Services 2019 Capital Budget and 2019-2028 Adjustments

EX7.28 - Transfer of Reserve Funds to Toronto Live Foundation

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve an in-year Budget adjustment to increase the Approved 2019 Operating Budget for TO Live by $2.323 million gross and $0 net, fully funded from the Toronto Centre for the Arts Stabilization Reserve Fund ($1.657 million) and the Sony Centre Stabilization Reserve ($0.666 million)  for the purpose of providing a one-time seed grant to the Toronto Live Foundation, conditional upon both the establishment of a Memorandum of Understanding and the execution of a grant agreement, approved by the Board of Directors of TO Live, with terms satisfactory to the City Manager and provided to the City upon completion.


2.  City Council direct that the Memorandum of Understanding between the Board of Directors of TO Live and the Toronto Live Foundation required in Part 1 above formally outline the roles and responsibilities, independence, governance, process for determining fundraising priorities, terms of donations, sponsorships and naming rights, and administrative support provided by TO Live to the Toronto Live Foundation.


3.  City Council direct that the grant agreement between the Board of Directors of TO Live and the Toronto Live Foundation required in Part 1 above outline transparency and accountability provisions that include the purpose of the grant, reporting timeline and criteria, consistency with City goals and with TO Live mandate under Municipal Code Chapter 23, Civic Theatres, evaluation criteria and process, and information concerning the grant that will be made available to the public.


(June 13, 2019) Letter from the Board of Directors of TO Live

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Letter from the Board of Directors of TO Live on Transfer of Reserve Funds to Toronto Live Foundation
(May 27, 2019) Report from the President and Chief Executive Office, TO Live on Transfer of Reserve Funds to Toronto Live Foundation
Attachment 1 - Toronto Live Foundation By-Law No. 2018-1
Attachment 2 - Toronto Live Foundation Letters Patent
Attachment 3 - Toronto Live Foundation Business Number
Attachment 4 - Notification of Registration for Foundation

EX7.30 - Toronto Public Library - E-Content Campaign

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council endorse the Toronto Public Library Board draft resolution outlined in Attachment 1 to the letter (June 19, 2019) from the City Librarian, requesting the City of Toronto to:


a.  indicate the City of Toronto's support for Canadian Urban Libraries Council's/Conseil des Bibliothèques Urbaines du Canada's efforts to increase access to e-books and other e-content for library users in Toronto and across Canada;

b.  call on the federal government to investigate the barriers faced by libraries in acquiring e-books and other e-content and the problems that poses for vulnerable demographic groups in Canada; and

c.  ask the federal government to develop a solution that increases access to e-books and other e-content across Canada and assists libraries in meeting the cost requirements to acquire e-books and other e-content.


(June 19, 2019) Letter from the City Librarian

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Letter from the City Librarian on E-Content Campaign
Attachment 1 - Toronto Public Library Board Draft Resoultion

Audit Committee - Meeting 3

AU3.1 - Financial Statements for the Year Ended December 31, 2018 - Agencies and Corporations (Part 1)

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council receive for information, the 2018 Financial Statements and related documents for the following agencies and corporations:


a.  Exhibition Place;


b.  Toronto Parking Authority;


c.  Toronto Public Library;


d.  Toronto Transit Commission;


e.  Toronto Zoo;


f.  Heritage Toronto;


g.  Toronto Atmospheric Fund; and


h.  Yonge-Dundas Square.

1a - Exhibition Place - 2018 Financial Statements

Background Information (Committee)
(June 13, 2019) Report from the Chief Executive Officer, Exhibition Place, submitting 2018 Financial Statements for Exhibition Place
2018 Financial Statements - Exhibition Place
2018 Year-end Report - Exhibition Place

1b - Toronto Parking Authority - 2018 Financial Statements

Background Information (Committee)
2018 Financial Statements - Toronto Parking Authority
2018 Year-end Report - Toronto Parking Authority

1c - Toronto Public Library - 2018 Financial Statements

Background Information (Committee)
(June 14, 2019) Letter from the City Librarian forwarding Financial Statements and Audit Results for the year ended December 31, 2018 - Toronto Public Library Board
2018 Financial Statements - Toronto Public Library
2018 Year-end Report - Toronto Public Library

1d - Toronto Transit Commission - 2018 Financial Statements

Background Information (Committee)
(June 17, 2019) Letter from the Head of Commission Services, Toronto Transit Commission, forwarding Financial Statements for the year ended December 31, 2018
2018 Financial Statements - Toronto Transit Commission
(June 17, 2019) Letter from the Head of Commission Services, Toronto Transit Commission, forwarding the Year-end Report for the year ended December 31, 2018
2018 Year-end Report - Toronto Transit Commission

1e - Toronto Zoo - 2018 Financial Statements

Background Information (Committee)
2018 Financial Statements - Toronto Zoo
2018 Year-end Report - Toronto Zoo

1f - Heritage Toronto - 2018 Financial Statements

Background Information (Committee)
Representation Letter (April 23, 2019) from Welch LLP; and 2018 Financial Statements for Heritage Toronto

1g - Toronto Atmospheric Fund - 2018 Financial Statements

Background Information (Committee)
2018 Financial Statements - Toronto Atmospheric Fund

1h - Yonge-Dundas Square - 2018 Financial Statements

Background Information (Committee)
2018 Financial Statements - Yonge-Dundas Square
(March 28, 2019) Representation Letter from Welch LLP

AU3.2 - Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) - 2018 Audited Financial Statements - Report No. 1

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the 2018 audited financial statements and management letters of the forty-nine (49) Business Improvement Areas and the 2017 audited financial statements and management letters of the nine (9) Business Improvement Areas attached as Appendices A to BK to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Controller and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture.


2.  City Council direct those Business Improvement Areas with outstanding audit issues to implement the management letter recommendations and request the Auditor General to provide an update report to the October 25, 2019 meeting of the Audit Committee.


(June 3, 2019) Report from the Controller and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

Background Information (Committee)

(June 3, 2019) Report from the Controller and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture - 2018 Audited Financial Statements of Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) - Report No. 1
(June 12, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Controller - 2018 Audited Financial Statements of Business Improvement Areas (BIAs) - Report No. 1
Appendix A: Bloordale Village Financial Statements
Appendix A-1: Bloordale Village Management Letter
Appendix B: Kensington Market Financial Statements
Appendix B-1: Kensington Market Management Letter
Appendix C: Korea Town Financial Statements
Appendix C-1: Korea Town Management Letter
Appendix D: Liberty Village Financial Statements
Appendix E: Little Italy Financial Statements
Appendix F: Ossington Avenue Financial Statements
Appendix F-1: Ossington Avenue Management Letter
Appendix G: Queen Street West Financial Statements
Appendix G-1: Queen Street West Management Letter
Appendix H: Upper Village Financial Statements
Appendix H-1: Upper Village Management Letter
Appendix I: Wychwood Heights Financial Statements
Appendix J: A letter from the auditor, Rafiq Dosani, dated January 10, 2019 stating that there were no significant management letter issues identified for two (2) of the 2017 BIAs audited by him and appended.
Appendix K: Baby Point Gates Financial Statements
Appendix L: Bayview Leaside Financial Statements
Appendix M: Bloor Annex Financial Statements
Appendix N: Bloor Street Financial Statements
Appendix O: Bloor West Village Financial Statements
Appendix P: Bloor Yorkville Financial Statements
Appendix Q: Cabbagetown Financial Statements
Appendix R: Chinatown Financial Statements
Appendix S: Church Wellesley Village Financial Statements
Appendix T: Corso Italia Financial Statements
Appendix U: Crossroads of the Danforth Financial Statements
Appendix V: Duke Heights Financial Statements
Appendix W: Dundas West Financial Statements
Appendix X: Eglinton Hill Financial Statements
Appendix Y: Fairbank Village Financial Statements
Appendix Z: Financial District Financial Statements
Appendix Z-1: Financial District Management Letter
Appendix AA: Forest Hill Village Financial Statements
Appendix AB: Greektown on the Danforth Financial Statements
Appendix AC: Harbord Street Financial Statements
Appendix AD: Hillcrest Village Financial Statements
Appendix AE: Korea Town Financial Statements
Appendix AF: Lakeshore Village Financial Statements
Appendix AF-1: Lakeshore Village Management Letter
Appendix AG: Leslieville Financial Statements
Appendix AH: Liberty Village Financial Statements
Appendix AH-1: Liberty Village Management Letter
Appendix AI: Little Portugal Financial Statements
Appendix AJ: Mirvish Village Financial Statements
Appendix AK: Mount Dennis Financial Statements
Appendix AL: Ossington Avenue Financial Statements
Appendix AL-1: Ossington Avenue Management Letter
Appendix AM: Parkdale Village Financial Statements
Appendix AN: Regal Heights Village Financial Statements
Appendix AO: Riverside District Financial Statements
Appendix AP: Roncesvalles Village Financial Statements
Appendix AQ: Rosedale Main Street Financial Statements
Appendix AR: Sheppard East Village Financial Statements
Appendix AS: Financial Statements
Appendix AT: St. Clair Gardens Financial Statements
Appendix AU: St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood Financial Statements
Appendix AV: The Danforth Financial Statements
Appendix AW: The Eglinton Way Financial Statements
Appendix AX: The Kingsway Financial Statements
Appendix AY: The Waterfront Financial Statements
Appendix AZ: Toronto Entertainment District Financial Statements
Appendix AZ-1: Toronto Entertainment District Management Letter
Appendix BA: Uptown Yonge Financial Statements
Appendix BB: Village of Islington Financial Statements
Appendix BC: Weston Village Financial Statements
Appendix BD: Wexford Heights Financial Statements
Appendix BE: Wilson Village Financial Statements
Appendix BF: Yonge and St. Clair Financial Statements
Appendix BG: Yonge Lawrence Village Financial Statements
Appendix BH: A letter from the auditor, Rafiq Dosani, dated March 27, 2019 stating that there were no significant management letter issues identified for eighteen (18) of the 2018 BIAs audited by him and appended.
Appendix BI: A letter from the auditor, Rafiq Dosani dated May 10, 2019 stating that there were no significant management letter issues identified for fourteen (14) of the 2018 BIAs audited by him and appended.
Appendix BJ: A letter from the auditor, Rafiq Dosani, dated May 20, 2019 stating that there were no significant management letter issues identified for six (6) of the 2018 BIAs audited by him and appended.
Appendix BK: A letter from the auditor, Rafiq Dosani, dated May 25, 2019 stating that there were no significant management letter issues identified for six (6) of the 2018 BIAs audited by him and appended

AU3.3 - Arenas - 2018 Audited Financial Statements

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council receive the 2018 audited financial statements of Arenas attached to the report (June 13, 2019) from the Auditor General.


2.  City Council direct those Arenas with outstanding audit issues to implement the management letter recommendations and request the Auditor General to provide an update report to the October 25, 2019 meeting of the Audit Committee.


(June 13, 2019) Report from the Auditor General

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the Auditor General - 2018 Audited Financial Statements - Arenas
Attachment 1: Financial Statements - Forest Hill Memorial Arena
Attachment 2: Financial Statements and Report to Committee of Management - George Bell Arena
Attachment 3: Financial Statements and Report to Board of Management - Leaside Memorial Community Gardens Arena (not available at time of printing)
Attachment 4: Financial Statements - McCormick Playground Arena

AU3.4 - Community Centres - 2018 Audited Financial Statements

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council receive the 2018 audited financial statements of Community Centres attached to the report (June 13, 2019) from the Auditor General.


2.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to include, as part of the 2020 Operating Budget submission for Applegrove Community Complex, a business case for additional funding to cover the cost of new permit rates charged by the Toronto District School Board for Priority School Initiative, estimated to be in the range of $11,600.


(June 13, 2019) Report from the Auditor General

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the Auditor General - 2018 Audited Financial Statements - Community Centres
Attachment 1: Financial Statements - Applegrove Community Complex
Attachment 2: Financial Statements - Cecil Community Centre
Attachment 3: Financial Statements and Report to the Board of Management - Central Eglinton Community Centre
Attachment 4: Financial Statements and Report to the Board of Management - Community Centre 55
Attachment 5: Financial Statements - Eastview Neighbourhood Community Centre
Attachment 6: Financial Statements - Ralph Thornton Community Centre
Attachment 7: Financial Statements - Scadding Court Community Centre
Attachment 8: Financial Statements - Swansea Town Hall Community Centre
Attachment 9: Financial Statements - Waterfront Neighbourhood Centre

AU3.5 - Status of the Financial Statement Audits of the City’s Agencies and Corporations for the Year Ended December 31, 2018

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council receive the report (June 13, 2019) from the Auditor General on the status of the financial statement audits of the City's Agencies and Corporations for the year ended December 31, 2018.


(June 13, 2019) Report from the Auditor General

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the Auditor General - Status of the Financial Statement Audits of the City’s Agencies and Corporations for the Year Ended December 31, 2018

AU3.6 - Auditor General’s 2019 Status Report on Outstanding Audit Recommendations for City Agencies and Corporations

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council receive the report (June 3, 2019) from the Auditor General for information.


2.  City Council request the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission to provide an update on the "High Priority" outstanding recommendations highlighted in Attachment 1 to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Auditor General to the October 25, 2019 meeting of the Audit Committee.


3.  City Council direct that the confidential information contained in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Auditor General remain confidential in its entirety, as it pertains to a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the Toronto Parking Authority Board.


Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Auditor General remains confidential in its entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it pertains to a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the Toronto Parking Authority Board.

Confidential Attachment - A proposed or pending acquisition of land for municipal or local board purposes


(June 3, 2019) Report from the Auditor General

Background Information (Committee)

(June 3, 2019) Report from the Auditor General - 2019 Status Report on Outstanding Audit Recommendations for City Agencies and Corporations
Attachment 1: Toronto Transit Commission - 2019 Results of Follow-up of Previous Audit Recommendations
Attachment 2: TO Live - 2019 Results of Follow-up of Previous Audit Recommendations
Attachment 3: Toronto Parking Authority - 2019 Results of Follow-up of Previous Audit Recommendations
Confidential Attachment 1: Toronto Parking Authority - 2019 Results of Follow-up of Previous Audit Recommendations

AU3.7 - City of Toronto - 2018 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the 2018 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements as attached in Appendix A to the report (June 28, 2019) from the Controller and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer.


2.  City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the Controller to review the way the City's budget documents and consolidated financial statement are prepared, with a view to increasing transparency and the ability of Members, staff and the public to easily understand the City's financial situation; this review should include current best practices in place nationally and internationally, and enable the financial statements to be an open data item; and City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to report on this initiative to the Audit Committee, prior to the budget cycle of 2020. 


3.  City Council request the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer to explore opportunities to make the consolidated financial statement an open data item.


(June 28, 2019) Report from the Controller and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 28, 2019) Report from the Controller and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer - 2018 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements
Appendix A: 2018 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements
Appendix B: 2018 Financial Statement Review
Appendix C: City of Toronto - 2018 Year-end Report - submitted by PricewaterhouseCoopers
Updates (as at June 26, 2019) to Appendix C: City of Toronto - 2018 Year-end Report - submitted by PricewaterhouseCoopers
(June 12, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Controller - 2018 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements
(June 28, 2019) Presentation Material submitted by the Controller and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Communications (Committee)

(June 26, 2019) Submission from Henrik Bechmann (AU.New.AU3.7.1)

AU3.8 - Trust Funds - 2018 Audited Consolidated Financial Statements

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the 2018 Consolidated Financial Statements for the City of Toronto Trust Funds as attached in Appendix A to the report (June 12, 2019) from the Controller.


(June 12, 2019) Report from the Controller

Background Information (Committee)

(June 12, 2019) Report from the Controller - 2018 Audited Trust Funds Consolidated Financial Statements
Appendix A: Consolidated Financial Statements City of Toronto Trust Funds December 31, 2018
Appendix B: Trust Funds Account Descriptions
City of Toronto Trust Funds - 2018 Year-end Report - submitted by PricewaterhouseCoopers
(June 12, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Controller - 2018 Audited Trust Funds Consolidated Financial Statements

AU3.9 - Sinking Funds - 2018 Audited Financial Statements

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the 2018 Sinking Funds Statements as attached in Appendix A to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Controller.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller - 2018 Audited Sinking Funds Financial Statements
Appendix A: Financial Statements - City of Toronto Sinking Funds December 31, 2018
City of Toronto Sinking Funds - 2018 Year-end Report - submitted by PricewaterhouseCoopers
(June 12, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Controller - 2018 Audited Sinking Funds Financial Statements

AU3.10 - Auditor General’s 2019 Status Report on Outstanding Audit Recommendations for City Divisions in Infrastructure and Development Services

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the City Manager to report to the October 25, 2019 meeting of the Audit Committee on a process to track and report on a quarterly basis, progress on management's implementation and target completion date of outstanding audit recommendations, with emphasis on those identified by the Auditor General as items of greatest concern.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Auditor General

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report from the Auditor General - 2019 Status Report on Outstanding Audit Recommendations for City Divisions in Infrastructure and Development Services
Attachment 1: City Divisions in Infrastructure and Development Services - Audit Recommendations Fully Implemented
Attachment 2: City Divisions in Infrastructure and Development Services - Audit Recommendations Not Fully Implemented
Attachment 3: City Divisions in Infrastructure and Development Services - Audit Recommendations No Longer Applicable

AU3.12 - Establishment of the City's Cyber Security Program to Enable Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council request the City Manager, the Chief Information Officer and the City Clerk to co-ordinate and develop standard incident management procedures including communication protocols to address incidents involving cyber attacks/information breaches; the incident management procedures and communication protocols should be liaised across the City, including agencies and corporations, and should include:


a. guidelines describing the sequence of actions that should take place as soon as staff become aware of a cyber attack/information breach incident;


b. communication protocols detailing key contact names, functions and contact information for staff to receive guidance;


c. reports to be completed by the affected organization, detailing the date of incident, systems affected, information compromised, and other relevant details; and


d. communications to the media and/or public, where required, including privacy protocols.


2.  City Council request the City Manager, in consultation with the Chief Information Officer, to implement appropriate cyber security training which should be mandatory for all City staff.


(June 20, 2019) Report from the Chief Information Officer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 20, 2019) Report from the Chief Information Officer - Establishment of the City's Cyber Security Program to Enable Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing
(June 13, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Chief Information Officer - Establishment of the City's Cyber Security Program to Enable Vulnerability Assessment and Penetration Testing

12a - Supplementary Report - Establishment of City Wide Cyber Security Breach Incident Management Procedures Required

(June 19, 2019) Report from the Auditor General
Background Information (Committee)
(June 19, 2019) Supplementary Report from the Auditor General - Establishment of City Wide Cyber Security Breach Incident Management Procedures Required

AU3.14 - Opening Doors to Stable Housing: An Effective Waiting List and Reduced Vacancy Rates Will Help More People Access Housing

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to design and implement procedures to ensure compliance with the legislated requirement to review eligibility of applicants on the centralized waiting list for rent-geared-to-income at least once every 24 months after they have been added to the list; such procedures to ensure:


a. applicants are advised of the need to maintain contact with the Access to Housing business unit at least once in every 24-month period to ensure their information is kept up-to-date and to re-affirm continued eligibility for rent-geared-to-income assistance;


b. all attempts to contact each applicant are sufficiently tracked so that Access to Housing can identify all applications that should be changed to inactive status and subsequently cancelled; and


c. action is taken to make applications inactive and to cancel applications, if there is no response to outreach attempts by City staff in accordance with policies and procedures.


2. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to review the applicants on the centralized waiting list for rent-geared-to-income and develop meaningful categories to support the effective management, including accurate reporting of the number of active and eligible applicants.


3. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to:


a. develop clear guidelines for housing providers on the circumstances under which an offer for rent-geared-to-income housing can be withdrawn and not be considered a refusal. Such guidelines to also clearly indicate how to record the reasons for withdrawals or refusals in the centralized waiting list information system; and


b. implement monitoring procedures to ensure housing providers are not recording refusals of offers as withdrawals such that households can circumvent the Housing Services Act's limit on the number of refusals allowed before the applicant is removed from the centralized waiting list.


4. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to recommend to the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to consider revising the Housing Services Act, 2011 to be aligned with the Long Term Care Homes Act regarding refusals of pre-selected housing choices and to only accommodate refusals under clearly defined set of exceptional circumstances.


5. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to ensure that applicants on the centralized waiting list for rent-geared-to-income understand the importance of choosing only those buildings they are willing to move into and the consequences of such choices.


6. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to increase the information made available to enable rent-geared-to-income applicants to make better informed choices about buildings they are willing to move into.


7. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to ensure applicants for rent-geared-to-income assistance are required to identify:


a. the preferred method(s) of contact that will result in a 48-hour response such as phone, email, or mobile messaging; and


b. an alternate contact person or support organization in Canada designated to respond on their behalf, if necessary.


8. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to review additional steps to cost-effectively enhance how Access to Housing communicates with and reminds applicants on the centralized waiting list for rent-geared-to-income to keep their application information accurate and up-to-date.


9. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the City Solicitor, to review and implement technology-based communication methods that allow the Division to more efficiently and cost-effectively:


a. serve notice of decisions related to household applications on the centralized waiting list for rent-geared-to-income; and


b. make contact with applicants to confirm their ongoing interest, update their address, phone number, income, housing preferences, and other information.


10. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to:


a. review the City's local priority rules for selecting households from the waiting list for rent-geared-to-income and recommend to City Council any additional priority rules that should be adopted to support selection of households based on an applicant’s level of need; and


b. where additional priority rules are established, ensure the waiting list information system supports selection based on these priorities; and, if necessary, develop a process to perform an objective assessment of each applicant's need for rent-geared-to-income assistance in order to determine their priority in being selected from the centralized waiting list.


11. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to establish local rules for:


a. asset limits for rent-geared-to-income recipients; and


b. total household income limits and prioritize access to rent-geared-to-income assistance based on household income.


12. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the City's Medical Officer of Health, to review the types of housing preferences or restrictions for preferred rent-geared-to-income housing units to assess if there is a bona fide need to accommodate and develop local rules to manage such requests.


13. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to consider establishing local rules prioritizing access to rent-geared-to-income assistance for those households that currently do not receive rent-geared-to-income assistance or reside in social housing.


14. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to ensure greater integration of services and supports is provided for vulnerable clients in the shelter system as they transition from homelessness to stable housing including confirming that those experiencing homelessness receive appropriate priority status on the centralized waiting list for rent-geared-to-income.


15. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to review and, if appropriate, report to City Council through the Planning and Housing Committee on how the City can meet the mandated rent-geared-to-income assistance service level prescribed in the Housing Service Act, 2011; this review should consider how portable housing benefits can be used where vacancies in the physical social housing stock are limited, and determine how much funding would be needed as well as the source of such funds in order to come into compliance.


16. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Community Housing Corporation, to ensure that a maximum number of social housing units are being used for housing and to complete a review of all housing units that are used for other purposes; and, establish a process that requires service manager approval prior to the removal of any housing units from service.


17. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to:


a. work, in collaboration with the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Community Housing Corporation, to develop an interim process to efficiently and publicly post information on buildings with hard-to-rent vacancies to support applicants in making more informed housing choices; and


b. leverage any existing solutions with City and agency partners to provide support for rent-geared-to-income applicants to access the internet at various city sites such as, emergency shelters, social services offices, local libraries, and community centres.


18. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to review and revise the local rules in order to effectively re-house over-housed rent-geared-to-income tenants into a suitable housing unit; in conducting the review, the Division consider:


a. evidence available on the number of preferences that will support efficient and timely re-housing of an over-housed household including benchmarking with other jurisdictions; and


b. implications of imposing an over-housed surcharge on households who refuse to be re-housed in a timely manner.


19. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to develop system controls to automatically determine the maximum number of bedrooms a rent-geared-to-income applicant is eligible for based on household composition and the City's occupancy standards.


20. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the City's Medical Officer of Health, to:


a. identify the medical circumstances that would warrant a rent-geared-to-income household to have more bedrooms than specified in the local occupancy standards and update local rules accordingly; and


b. develop and implement a process to review and approve requests for an additional bedroom to accommodate medical conditions, including documentation that should be obtained to support such requests, based on criteria to be included in local rules.


21. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Community Housing Corporation, to consider the feasibility of using Toronto Community Housing Corporation vacant units held for revitalization to meet the demand for emergency shelter as an alternative to hotels or other temporary shelter options.


22. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to implement and ensure compliance with procedures to oversee rent-geared-to-income households not selected from the centralized waiting list, including procedures and controls to:


a. identify and review all current referral agreements to develop a comprehensive inventory of agency referral agreements and the respective number of housing units to be filled through referral agreements;


b. ensure all current and future referral agreements are approved by the City; and


c. ensure there is a record of all households that are granted rent-geared-to-income assistance and housed through any alternate arrangement in the centralized waiting list information system.


23. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to enforce the regular review of housing providers and ensure they are completed as required in compliance with policies and procedures and to take corrective action to address any problems identified in the course of such reviews.


24. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to ensure the internal controls to review rent-geared-to-income housing providers are reviewed and strengthened to address weaknesses identified from the occurrence of fraud.


25. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to strengthen internal controls which ensure households on the centralized waiting list and those receiving rent-geared-to-income are eligible.


26. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to review how, going forward, the City, as service manager, may be able to centralize and integrate initial and ongoing eligibility reviews and income verification for all housing subsidy programs currently dispersed amongst multiple groups (Access to Housing, other City business units, Toronto Community Housing Corporation, and eventually other housing providers) for greater efficiency and oversight.


27. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the City's Chief Information Officer, to ensure:


a. that progress is made to select a vendor and develop an implementation plan for the new choice-based system for selecting households to receive rent-geared-to-income assistance;


b. the new technology includes appropriate system access controls, input and validation controls to prevent data entry errors; and


c. exception monitoring controls are developed, including regular reports to support the detection of errors or irregular activity.


28. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to collaborate with the General Managers of Employment and Social Services and Children's Services divisions to ensure implementation of the Human Services Integration project achieves service efficiencies in administering these income-based subsidy programs; in the short term, this will include one income assessment process and in the longer term this should be expanded to include other common functions; the implementation should include a rationalization of resources.


29.  City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to accelerate implementation of recommendations to ensure rules are updated to allow households with greatest need to receive priority, and that over-housed tenant situations are optimized as quickly as possible.


30.  City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to report to the October 16, 2019 meeting of the Economic and Community Development Committee on service improvements and modernization initiatives made, to date, to the centralized waiting list for rent-geared-to-income housing, and, the integrity and accuracy of the centralized waiting list data, including the number of active and eligible applicants, as well as the following: 


a. number of vacancies at each quarter end and aging of how long the unit has been vacant:


1. broken down by reason for vacancy (e.g., unit turnover, held for medical and safety, uninhabitable, etc.), rent-geared-to-income vs. market rent, rentable vs. non-rentable;


2. broken down by size of unit (Bachelor, 1 bedroom, 2 bedroom, etc.); and


3. broken down by portfolio (e.g., seniors-designated, non-designated, mandated, etc.);


b. number of vacancies filled not using the centralized waiting list;


c. average number of offers required to fill a vacancy (annually) and related acceptance rate (percent), refusal rate (percent), withdrawal rate (percent);


d. number of offers made annually/quarterly, where the applicant can't be reached;


e. number of applications deactivated annually/quarterly vs. the number of applicants who have not confirmed their ongoing interest and access to housing has not had any contact with the applicant in over two years;


f. number of applicants on the waiting list listing a shelter as their main address vs. number of applications flagged/deemed priority as homeless;


g. number of applicants on the waiting list listing a shelter as their main address vs. number of applicants housed off the waiting list because they were deemed to be a priority as homeless; and


h. proportion (percent) of people experiencing chronic homelessness and living in shelters who have applied for the centralized waiting list to receive access to rent-geared-to-income housing.


31.  City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to report quarterly to City Council, through the Economic and Community Development Committee, on the centralized waiting list for social housing, such report to contain the following details: 


a.  the number of people on the waitlist;


b.  the number of vacant rentable units;


c.  the number of units filled;


d.  the number of refused offers;


e.  the number of withdrawn offers; and


f.  any other relevant information.


32.  City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, through the implementation of the new Choice Based Model for access to social housing, to expand access to information available through the City's Open Data portal, and report to the Audit Committee by fourth quarter of 2020, on the status of implementation; and City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to engage Toronto's civic tech community on this project.


33. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, to report quarterly to City Council, through the Economic and Community Development Committee, with updates on progress with respect to the implementation of the new Choice Based Model for access to social housing.


34. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, to report quarterly to City Council, through the Economic and Community Development Committee, with respect to progress on the recommendations outlined by the Auditor General.


(June 21, 2019) Report from the Auditor General

Background Information (Committee)

(June 21, 2019) Report from the Auditor General - Opening Doors to Stable Housing: An Effective Waiting List and Reduced Vacancy Rates Will Help More People Access Housing
Audit at a Glance - Opening Doors to Stable Housing: An Effective Waiting List and Reduced Vacancy Rates Will Help More People Access Housing
Attachment 1: Opening Doors to Stable Housing: An Effective Waiting List and Reduced Vacancy Rates Will Help More People Access Housing
Video Link - Opening Doors to Stable Housing: An Effective Waiting List and Reduced Vacancy Rates Will Help More People Access Housing
(June 13, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Auditor General - Opening Doors to Stable Housing: An Effective Waiting List and Reduced Vacancy Rates Will Help More People Access Housing
(June 28, 2019) Presentation Material submitted by the Auditor General
(June 28, 2019) Presentation Material submitted by Shelter, Support and Housing Administration

Background Information (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) Supplementary report from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on Update to Presentation Material from Shelter, Support and Housing Administration for AU3.14 (Opening Doors to Stable Housing: An Effective Waiting List and Reduced Vacancy Rates Will Help More People Access Housing) (AU3.14a)
Shelter, Support and Housing Administration Updated Slide Presentation (Slide 4)

Communications (Committee)

(June 28, 2019) Submission from Mark J. Richardson, (AU.New.AU3.14.1)

AU3.15 - Engineering and Construction Services - Phase Two: Construction Contract Change Management Controls Should Be Strengthened

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services to:


a.  establish a process and criteria to review and assess liabilities arising from third-party errors and omissions;


b.  implement enhancements to the Project Tracking Portal to track the reasons for change orders for analysis and process improvements on an Engineering and Construction Services-wide basis;


c.  analyze the root causes for change orders, change order costs, and track recoveries from third parties on account of errors and omissions;


d.  ensure that future bridge rehabilitation project tenders are based on recent condition assessments, undertaken within five years of the construction tender preparation; and


e.  formalize the implementation of the Professional Services Performance Evaluation, recently piloted by Engineering and Construction Services, to include consequences for poor performance up to and including suspension.


2.  City Council request the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services to:


a.  establish specific service standards for the timely approval of change directives and change orders after finalizing the scope of work and pricing;


b.  ensure that work only commences after either a change directive or change order is issued which includes a clear and documented agreement on pricing and scope; for time-sensitive changes, staff should obtain appropriate approval via e-mail and expeditiously follow-up with change order documentation;


c.  ensure that delegated signing authority limits are enforced and that each signature on a change order is individually dated;


d.  establish a formal 'Record of Evaluation and Negotiation' template to internally document the negotiations with contractors over the cost of work and also the assessment of price reasonability; and


e.  ensure that a change directive is always issued for quantity overruns that are expected to exceed a set threshold as outlined in Engineering and Construction Services's Capital Works Procedures Manual.


3.  City Council request the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services to:


a.  in consultation with Corporate Finance, the Fair Wage Office, Legal Services and Purchasing and Materials Management, establish uniform labour burden rates to be used across all construction contracts;


b.  ensure that change work is properly tracked and monitored for unit price, time and material, and lump-sum change orders, and that the payment is made after work has been properly verified;


c.  ensure that substantial scope changes are minimized after the contract is awarded. Where it is not possible to avoid such changes, the Client Division should be fully informed of the impact of substantial scope changes on contract costs and timelines;


d.  ensure that project documentation on externally managed contracts are always retained within the Engineering and Construction Services Division; and


e.  measure and monitor change order costs.


4.  City Council request the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services to:


a.  review and update the contract language relating to Specific Condition 32 to remove any ambiguity;


b.  at the time of construction contract close-out, calculate the cost of engineering associated with the contract and summarize and review on an annual basis the overall cost of engineering as a percentage of construction costs with a view to evaluating whether the cost of engineering is reasonable;


c.  implement edit checks into the Project Tracking Portal to prevent errors and to ensure the accuracy and completeness of important contract information such as tender award date, purchase order date, and substantial completion date. Further, these edit checks should ensure that standard contract naming conventions are used;


d.  ensure that production and training data in the Project Tracking Portal are segregated to maintain data integrity;


e.  develop and implement a standard procedure for transferring funds from unused tender line items to contingency through the use of change orders; and


f.  ensure that contingency items such as miscellaneous items, provisional items and various allowances are appropriately tagged in the Project Tracking Portal for tracking, monitoring and analysis of contingency usage.


(June 13, 2019) Report from the Auditor General

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the Auditor General - Engineering and Construction Services - Phase Two: Construction Contract Change Management Controls Should Be Strengthened
Audit at a Glance - Engineering and Construction Services - Phase Two: Construction Contract Change Management Controls Should Be Strengthened
Attachment 1: Engineering and Construction Services - Phase Two: Construction Contract Change Management Controls Should Be Strengthened
(June 28, 2019) Presentation Material submitted by the Auditor General
(June 28, 2019) Presentation material submitted by Engineering and Construction Services

AU3.16 - Audit of Interface Invoice Payments - Improving Contract Management and Payment Processes

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the Chief Purchasing Officer to work with the Controller to:


a.  standardize and refine product purchases across divisions;


b.  capture data to track usage and compare against the goods and services specified in the contract;


c.  expand data analytics to centrally monitor and analyze expenditures as part of the contract management and payment process; and


d.  develop a reporting process to identify large deviations in goods purchased, from the goods specified in contracts, documenting the reasons for the deviation, and estimating the financial impact.


2.  City Council request the Controller to develop a process to verify the accuracy of early payment discounts for both interface and non-interface payment vendors; the ‘discount lost’ report should be updated to identify and include discounts lost on interface payments.


3.  City Council request the Controller to automate recording, monitoring and collection of volume rebates; outstanding amounts of volume rebates should be followed-up on, including those identified during the audit.


4.  City Council request the Chief Purchasing Officer to compare the current list of volume rebate vendors with City contracts to identify any vendors offering discounts but which may have been omitted from the existing manually maintained list.


5.  City Council request the Chief Purchasing Officer to review and update the procedures related to contract set-up in SAP so the detailed line items are entered in the system in accordance with the contract.


6.  City Council request the Chief Purchasing Officer to develop criteria and procedures for limiting the use of ‘miscellaneous category’ in contracts; any excess expenditures under the miscellaneous category over a specified limit should be reported as exceptions to respective Division Heads.


7.  City Council request the Controller to evaluate whether controls can be automated to identify invalid/expired contracts used in interface payment files before they are processed in SAP; if developing such a control is cost-prohibitive, alternate procedures should be developed in coordination with divisions to ensure interface payment files are correctly prepared.


8.  City Council request the City Manager to advise Division Heads to ensure compliance with purchasing policies and procedures; contract spend reports provided by Purchasing and Materials Management Division should be reviewed in a timely manner and contract target values be amended, where required, before additional funds are committed.


9.  City Council request the Chief Information Officer to develop policies and procedures to review SAP access for divisions so that they can periodically review whether staff access to systems is appropriate, and make any necessary changes in a timely manner.


10.  City Council request the Controller to evaluate the feasibility of establishing a Centralized Contract Management Unit/Centre of Excellence to look after City-wide contracts, where possible; the Unit should be responsible for:


a.  performing continuous controls monitoring on contracts, including analyzing divisional purchases, consolidating overall trends, and monitoring contract compliance;


b.  developing criteria for providing exception reports to divisions on contract compliance, for example, purchase of goods not listed in the contract, and following up with divisions on any potential changes required to contracts; and


c.  developing processes and guidelines for divisions to improve automation and consistency in ordering, receiving and paying for goods and services.


11.  City Council request the General Manager, Fleet Services, to take the lead in:


a.  developing a periodic review process with the Vendor on competitive pricing of parts that are being supplied to the City; a criteria should be developed to have adequate parts covered under each review; results of price adjustments should be documented after each review;


b.  developing a process to approve new parts prices in the system; and


c.  co-ordinating the auto parts price management processes with other City divisions for their review and implementation.


12.  City Council request the General Manager, Fleet Services, to develop processes:


a.  to reconcile auto parts purchases, returns and prices between the City’s inventory system and the vendor’s billing system on an ongoing basis; and


b.  to resolve reconciliation issues in a timely manner and only those invoices should be paid that reconciles with the City records.


13.  City Council request the General Manager, Fleet Services, to review price and quantity variances identified during this audit; any overpayments and/or outstanding credits identified should be recovered from the vendor; and reasons why these variances occurred should be documented and appropriate controls implemented.


14.  City Council request the Director, Real Estate Services, to develop a process for updating properties owned or leased by the City including changes to the ownership in a central database; the database should be used to reconcile addresses with the hydro invoice payment system on a periodic basis, and any hydro services identified as not related to the City should be terminated.


15.  City Council request the Director, Environment and Energy to perform a one-time validation of those accounts that do not have a specific service address, with respective divisions and establish a baseline for future validation.


16.  City Council request the General Manager, Facilities Management to develop:


a.  a complete list of all City-owned transformers which should become part of the Facilities maintenance program; and


b.  a process for validating the City’s records of transformers with hydro service provider for eligible credits.


17.  City Council request the General Manager, Facilities Management to develop a process to monitor demand for City-owned transformers in order to ensure  appropriate credits are received when credit thresholds are achieved.


18.  City Council request the Director, Environment and Energy to review other utility payments for address reconciliations and to implement similar controls as recommended for hydro service payments.


19.  City Council request the Director, Accounting Services to improve the duplicate payment check criteria and recover the outstanding duplicate and/or incorrect payments identified during the audit.


20.  City Council request the City Manager to forward this Item to Division Heads and Chief Executive Officers of major City agencies and corporations, and request them to review and consider implementing the recommendations that are relevant to their respective operations, in particular, recommendations relating to purchasing, payment and contract management related areas.


(June 18, 2019) Report from the Auditor General

Background Information (Committee)

(June 18, 2019) Report from the Auditor General - Audit of Interface Invoice Payments - Improving Contract Management and Payment Processes
Audit at a Glance - Audit of Interface Invoice Payments - Improving Contract Management and Payment Processes
Attachment 1: Audit of Interface Invoice Payments - Improving Contract Management and Payment Processes

Civic Appointments Committee - Meeting 8

CA8.1 - Appointment of a Public Member to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority Consultative Committee

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council appoint Shane Rayman to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority Consultative Committee, at pleasure of Council, for a term office ending July 16, 2023, and until a successor is appointed.


2. City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June

24, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential as it relates to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority Consultative Committee.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the City Clerk remains confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it relates to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority Consultative Committee.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointee's biography:


Shane Rayman


Shane Rayman is a partner at Rayman Beitchman LLP who specializes in expropriations law and real property litigation. He has expertise in areas relating to claims for private nuisance arising from noise and environmental disturbance. Shane has served as President of the Ontario Expropriation Association and is a frequent lecturer and author on issues regarding private nuisance, expropriations law, and the interaction between government and private property owners.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority Consultative Committee.


(June 24, 2019) Report from the City Clerk

Background Information (Committee)

(June 24, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Appointment of a Public Member to the Greater Toronto Airports Authority Consultative Committee
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Recommended Candidate, Biography and Confidential Voluntary Diversity Information Summary for Greater Toronto Airports Authority Consultative Committee

CA8.2 - Appointment of Members to the Heritage Toronto Board of Directors

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council appoint the following candidates to the Heritage Toronto Board, at pleasure of Council, for a term of office ending on July 17, 2023 and until successors are appointed:


Lori Davison

Sandy Kedey 

James Lane

Shirin Mandani

Claire Nelischer

Leslie Thompson


2.  City Council appoint the following candidates to the Heritage Toronto Board, at pleasure of Council, for a term of office ending on July 17, 2021 and until successors are appointed:


Juliet French

Martin Green

Jeff Junke


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the Executive Director, Heritage Toronto remain confidential as it relates to personal information about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Heritage Toronto Board.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the Executive Director, Heritage Toronto remains confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it relates to personal information about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Heritage Toronto Board.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointees' biographies:


Lori Davison


Lori Davison is Vice President, Brand Strategy & Communications at SickKids Foundation where she lead the launch of the Internationally awarded SickKids VS campaign.  Prior to joining SickKids, Lori had roles on the senior management teams of leading advertising agencies Leo Burnett and BBDO.  Lori holds a Master of Arts degree from University of Toronto.   She was named Canada’s 2017 Marketer of the Year by the Canadian Marketing Association and 2018 Marketer of the Year by Strategy Magazine.


Juliet French


Juliet French has held several administrative positions with the federal government, the most recent being with the Department of Canadian Heritage. A graduate of the University of Toronto (HBA 2000 Art History) Juliet has volunteered and worked with a series of art and cultural organizations in Canada and the US including Stella Jones Gallery, New Orleans; Harbourfront Centre, CARFAC Ontario, Descant Magazine and Lord Cultural Resources.


Martin Green


Martin Green is a Principal of Foresight Strategic Advisors, a Toronto-based consultancy that advises organizations in highly-regulated sectors on complex challenges. He has had a life-long interest in history and architecture, and is an alumnus of Duke University. Martin has served as an honorary aide-de-camp to the Lieutenant Governor of Ontario, and is a recipient of the Queen Elizabeth II Golden Jubilee Medal and the Ontario Volunteer Service Award. He is married with two children.


Jeff Junke


Jeff Junke holds an Honours Bachelor of Arts in History and English from the University of Ottawa and a Master of Professional Communication from Ryerson University. He is currently Communications Manager at CivicAction, a non-profit that focuses on various urban issues. Originally from the Niagara Region, Jeff now calls Toronto's Danforth East neighbourhood home and has a strong passion for Toronto's past and how it can shape the city's future.


Sandy Kedey


Born and raised in Toronto, with 29 years teaching Design thinking and Advertising at OCAD University, Sandy is a tenured Professor in the Faculty of Design, as well as Chair of the Advertising Program, responsible for creating Canada’s only registered university four-year Advertising Design Program. As a practicing professional, she holds over 20 years in both international advertising agencies, awarded in virtually every category of business.


James Lane


James Lane is a commercial litigation lawyer engaged in private practice as a partner of the Toronto firm of Bersenas Jacobsen Chouest Thomson Blackburn LLP.  He has extensive board experience in the not-for-profit sector with a focus on board governance, including as founder and Board Legal Officer of Medecins sans Frontieres, Canada and Board Chair of the Canadian Centre for Victims of Torture.


Shirin Mandani


Shirin brings over 20 years of leadership experience in many not-for-profit agencies in Canada and internationally. She has a Masters' degree in Public Policy Administration and Law from York University and a Post degree Diploma in Not-for-Profit Management from University of Western Ontario. Trained in Governance and Leadership from Kellogg Schulich School of Business, she has worked in world renowned agencies along with agencies serving many ethnic and diverse groups in Toronto.


Claire Nelischer


Claire Nelischer is an urban planner whose work focuses on planning and policy to support a vibrant public realm. She is currently a Project Manager at the Ryerson City Building Institute, where she leads research and public programs on topics related to street design, parks policy, and Toronto's built and cultural heritage. She frequently presents and writes on urban issues. Claire holds a M.Sc. in City and Regional Planning from Pratt Institute and a BAH from Queen’s University.


Leslie Thompson


Leslie Thompson is an independent corporate board member (15+ years), risk management consultant and visual artist.  She actively promotes the value of heritage in her downtown Toronto community. Her governance and board experience has encompassed public (listed) and not-for-profit corporations, crown agencies, civic and community organizations.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable persons being considered for appointment to the Heritage Toronto Board of Directors.


(June 21, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Heritage Toronto

Background Information (Committee)

(June 21, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Heritage Toronto on Appointment of Members to the Heritage Toronto Board of Directors
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Recommended Candidates, Qualifications and Confidential Voluntary Diversity Information Summary to the Heritage Toronto Board

CA8.3 - Appointment of Public Members to the Toronto Atmospheric Fund Board

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council appoint the following candidates to the Toronto Atmospheric Fund Board, including one as Chair, at pleasure of Council, for a term office ending July 16, 2023, and until successors are appointed:


Laurel Atkinson

Deepak Ramachandran

Parminder Sandhu, as Chair


2. City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential as it relates to personal information about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Toronto Atmospheric Fund Board.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the City Clerk remains confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it relates to personal information about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Toronto Atmospheric Fund Board.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointees' biographies:


Laurel Atkinson


Laurel's first career was as an outdoor educator where she was fortunate to have experienced many remote and unique Canadian rivers and landscapes. She has managed programs for small, community-based environmental non-profits in Toronto and Peterborough. As Program Director at The W. Garfield Weston Foundation, she currently provides strategic grants management to the Foundation's northern-focused grants.


Deepak Ramachandran


Deepak is a start-up entrepreneur, investor and advisor with a focus on next-generation technology and business models. He is the co-founder and CTO of FundThrough, past Board Chair at Miovision, and past member of the TAF investment committee. He has experience at McKinsey and Bridgewater Associates, as well as broad-based start-up and corporate experience, including finance, software, electronics, and professional services across North America, Europe and Asia.


Parminder Sandhu


Parminder Sandhu is a seasoned executive focused on delivering results for customers through engaged employees and thoughtful consideration of all stakeholders. He has been involved in over $2B of energy efficiency or climate change programming across North America. He founded and grew Willis Energy Services (ON) to become Canada’s largest program delivery firm which was sold to Clearesult. He is now focused on direct investments primarily on solutions to climate change and sustainability.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the Toronto Atmospheric Fund Board


(June 24, 2019) Report from the City Clerk

Background Information (Committee)

(June 24, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Appointment of Public Members to the Toronto Atmospheric Fund Board
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Recommended Candidates, Biographies and Confidential Voluntary Diversity Information Summary for Toronto Atmospheric Fund Board

CA8.4 - Appointment of Public Members to the Toronto Preservation Board

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council appoint the following candidates to the Toronto Preservation Board, at pleasure of Council, for a term office ending July 18, 2023, and until successors are appointed:


Robert Allsopp

Geoff Kettel

Barbara McPhail

Loryssa Quattrociocchi

Julia Rady

Sandra Shaul

Kim Storey


2. City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential as it relates to personal information about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Toronto Preservation Board.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the City Clerk remains confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it relates to personal information about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Toronto Preservation Board.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointees' biographies:


Robert Allsopp


Robert has a wide range of involvement in voluntary local community associations and advisory committees and professional design review panels and design competition juries. He is a founding member of Friends of Fort York and current member of Presidents Circle, Architectural Conservancy of Ontario. He has over 50 years of volunteer and professional involvement in Civic issues.


Geoff Kettel


Geoff Kettel is a community connector and advocate for “making places better”, through active involvement in land use planning, heritage preservation, active transportation, and community development.  He is currently Co-President of the Leaside Property Owners’ Association, Co-Chair of the Federation of North Toronto Residents‘ Associations (FoNTRA),  Chair of the North York Community Preservation Panel, member of the Steering committee of Walk Toronto


Barbara McPhail


Professionally, I have 37 years of experience in the cultural heritage sector providing heritage expertise in the research, evaluation and designation of heritage property under the OHA; the application of the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Provincial Heritage Properties and the Standards and Guidelines for the Conservation of Historic Places in Canada: and, in the preparation of heritage impact assessments. I am conversant in the City’s heritage issues and local history.


Loryssa Quattrociocchi


I hold a Master's degree in Art History & Visual Culture from the University of Guelph, with a specialization in architectural history, and I have held appointments at the University of Oxford, the University of Guelph, the Gardiner Museum, and Sir John Soane's Museum, London, UK. I am presently a Heritage Conservation Assistant at Architectural Conservancy Ontario, a Heritage Consultant at Giaimo Architects, and a fourth-year D.Phil. in History student at the University of Oxford.


Julia Rady


Julia Rady, PhD completed her doctoral training in Canadian History at the University of Toronto in 2017. She parlayed her training into the heritage field and works as a historical consultant for Stevens Burgess Architects Ltd., and has contributed historical content to both Heritage Toronto's plaques program and the Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History's Oral History program. 


Sandra Shaul


Sandra Shaul has served on the Toronto Preservation Board since 2016, recently as vice-chair. From 2003-06 she served on the T&EY Community Preservation Panel, as well as on the board. In recent years, her passion for Toronto’s history and architectural heritage was expressed through her management of the citywide Bicentennial Commemoration of the War of 1812 and Toronto’s Great War Attic. She has been a director of The Annex Residents’ Association responsible for heritage since 2005.


Kim Storey


Kim Storey, OAA, B.Arch., FRAIC, is an architect and urban designer, whose firm Brown and Storey Architects Inc., is a multidisciplinary firm that has worked with a range of city public spaces, streetscapes, buildings and civic infrastructures, including original research of the Garrison Creek Ravine, Taddle Creek Ravine, Dundas Square, Massey Harris Park, St. George Street, and the West Toronto Railpath.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the Toronto Preservation Board


(June 21, 2019) Report from the City Clerk

Background Information (Committee)

(June 21, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Appointment of Public Members to the Toronto Preservation Board
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Recommended Candidates, Qualifications, and Confidential Voluntary Diversity Information Summary, and Applications for Appointment to the Toronto Preservation Board

CA8.5 - Appointment of Public Members to the Yonge-Dundas Square Board

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council appoint the following candidates to the Yonge-Dundas Square Board, including one as Chair, at pleasure of Council, for a term office ending July 16, 2023, and until successors are appointed:


Michael Fenton, as Chair

Jan Mollenhauer

Jeremy Roach


2.  City Council appoint the following the stakeholder representatives to the Yonge-Dundas Square Board, at pleasure of Council, for a term office ending July 16, 2023, and until successors are appointed:


Robert (Bob) Emond, as the Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area representative

Michael Forbes, as the Ryerson University representative

Ian Gemmell, as the McGill-Granby Village Residents' Association representative

Sheila Jennings, as the Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area representative

Stefania Paterak, as the Corporation of Massey Hall and Roy Thompson Hall representative


3. City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential as it relates to personal information about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Yonge-Dundas Square Board.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the City Clerk remains confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it relates to personal information about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Yonge-Dundas Square Board.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointees' biographies:


Robert (Bob) Emond (Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area representative)


Robert Emond is a dynamic, high-performing retail visionary driven to succeed with 40 plus years of comprehensive management and strategic business leadership experience in highly competitive environments with a relentless focus on enhancing the customer experience. He has demonstrated coaching and mentoring skills with a history of effectively motivating peers and associates. He currently oversees a portfolio of retail properties in Toronto including 10 Dundas East in the heart of the city.


Michael Fenton, as Chair


Mike Fenton is a strategically-focused senior executive with a proven record of building added value brands ,in the private and non-profit sectors. He has held executive roles in the philanthropic industry with national, regional, and international organizations where he has developed expertise in the education, health, social services, advertising/ communications, and government relations sectors. A lifelong Toronto resident, Mike has held various board positions, most recently with George Brown College.


Michael Forbes (Ryerson University representative)


For over 20 years, Michael Forbes has provided strategic communications and policy advice to major corporate, consumer, and public sector clients. Michael joined Ryerson University in 2011, where he has worked in a number of progressively senior roles. He is currently Group Director, Communications, managing a central team whose primary responsibility is to enhance and protect the reputation of Ryerson University.


Ian Gemmell (McGill-Granby Village Residents' Association representative)


Ian Gemmell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland, educated at the Edinburgh College of Art, and emigrated to Canada in 1963. He has worked in the architecture and appraisal departments for the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation, as the Vice-President of Mortgages for a large trust company, and as the owner of a graphic design company. Ian now works as a real estate agent. He has served as the local resident's association representative on the Yonge-Dundas Square Board since October 2011.


Sheila Jennings (Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area representative)


Sheila Jennings joined Cadillac Fairview in 2005 and has worked as the General Manager at four of its shopping centres, including Shops at Don Mills – the first urban outdoor shopping village – and, most recently, at its flagship property – the Toronto Eaton Centre. She has interacted with various groups throughout her career, including office and retail clients, developers, and homeowners. Sheila is one of the Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area's nominees on the Yonge-Dundas Square Board.


Jan Mollenhauer


Jan Mollenhauer is a marketing professional with more than 30 years in the advertising and consumer packaged goods industries. She has a diverse business background leading marketing development and managing business units in Canada, the U.S., and globally. A graduate of Queen's University in Economics, Jan also holds the ICD.D designation from the Institute of Corporate Directors. She has volunteered in her local community and with leading Canadian health organizations.


Stefania Paterak (Corporation of Massey Hall and Roy Thompson Hall representative)


Stefania Paterak has been immersed in the field of arts and culture for many years. She is currently the Programming Manager of Massey Hall and Roy Thomson Hall, two of Canada's premier concert halls. Stefania has an Honours BA in English and History from University College at the University of Toronto and a Certificate in Arts Administration from Humber College. She has served on the Board of Directors for the Canadian Arts Presenting Association.


Jeremy Roach


Jeremy Roach is a marketing executive who has been involved in national strategies for the past 15 years. With previously held positions within Harbourfront Centre, CTV, Nielsen, and DreamWorks, his professional experience ranges from consumer behaviour to creative management. In his quest to support Toronto's social wellbeing and egalitarianism, he joined the Board of Directors for Homes First Society in 2011. In addition, he is also on a special task force to support regional resilience.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the Yonge-Dundas Square Board


(June 24, 2019) Report from the City Clerk

Background Information (Committee)

(June 24, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Appointment of Public Members to the Yonge-Dundas Square Board
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Recommended Candidates, Biographies and Confidential Voluntary Diversity Information Summary for Yonge-Dundas Square Board

CA8.6 - Appointment of Members to the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council appoint the following candidates from 18 Indigenous organizations to the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee, at pleasure of Council, for a term of office ending on November 14, 2022:


Kaitlyn Adam Lewis

Andrea Chrisjohn

Larry Frost

Shadrak Gobért

Pamela Hart

Regina Hartwick

Marilyn Hew

Tracey King

Millie Knapp

Ruth Koleszar-Green

Nancy Martin

Blanche Meawassige

Angus D. Palmer

Frances Sanderson

Tanya Senk

Jeffrey Schiffer

Steve Teekens

Bryan Winters

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointees' and their organization's biographies:


Kaitlyn Adam Lewis


Kaitlyn is Anishinaabe from Couchiching First Nation (Treaty 3.) She currently works for the Native Canadian Centre as a Language Resource Developer and as the Youth Council Coordinator for the Toronto Indigenous Health Advisory Circle.


The Toronto Indigenous Youth (TIYC) Collective was formed in 2015 to solve health inadequacies for urban Indigenous youth. Our projects are centered on making traditional knowledge and health resources accessible to Indigenous people living in Toronto. TIYC consists of eight young leaders from diverse Indigenous backgrounds who bring unique individual strengths and interests to this work.


Andrea Chrisjohn


Andrea is the Board Designate (de facto Executive Director) and a strong leader in the Indigenous community in Toronto. She has been actively engaged in previous terms of the Aboriginal Affairs Committee.


Toronto Council Fire Native Cultural Centre is an autonomous, vibrant cultural agency that involves and serves the Indigenous community with confidence for and commitment to their well-being. Their mandate is to provide counselling, material assistance and other direct services to First Nations people as well as to encourage and enhance spiritual and personal growth.


Larry Frost


Larry Frost is the Executive Director of the Native Canadian Centre of Toronto. As a long-time Indigenous leader in Toronto, he has been actively engaged in previous terms of the Aboriginal Affairs Committee.


The Native Canadian Centre of Toronto is a membership-based, charitable organization whose mission is to empower the Indigenous community in Toronto by providing programs that support their spiritual, emotional, physical and mental well-being. 


Shadrak Gobért


Shadrak (Shak) Gobért has been involved with the Indigenous community for many years here in Toronto, including with the Toronto Indigenous Business Association (TIBA). He currently works for the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres


The Toronto Indigenous Business Association (TIBA) is a grassroots organization, which is working to unite Indigenous entrepreneurs in the GTA to network, build our businesses together, and move towards realizing our community's vision of an Indigenous neighbourhood district in the city. TIBA's mission is to develop and unite GTA indigenous businesses and cultural community initiatives for a sustainable future.


Pamela Hart


Pamela is a member of Chippewas of Georgina Island on Lake Simcoe. She has years of work in the community offering support and advocacy to those facing intergenerational traumas, mental health, addictions, homelessness, violence and more. Currently as the Executive Director of Native Women's Resource Centre of Toronto she continues to try and empower the community through restoration of identity, safe spaces and cultural reconnection.


The Native Women’s Resource Centre of Toronto (NWRCT) provides a safe and welcoming environment for all Aboriginal women and their children in the Greater Toronto Area. Their programs fall under six broad categories: Housing, Families, Advocacy, Employment, Education, and Youth. The NWRCT provides individual support, group programming, and cultural initiatives.


Regina Hartwick


Regina Hartwick is an Anishinaabeg scholar and educator from Ardoch Algonquin First Nation and a specialist in Indigenous Education. As Manager of Humber College's Aboriginal Resource Centre is champion for student equity and inclusion, playing strategic and direct roles to create an inclusive, welcoming place of learning, where students feel a sense of safety, community and belonging.


The Aboriginal Resource Centre at Humber College works in partnership with regional Aboriginal communities to ensure Aboriginal students are supported and connected to their learning environment- academically, culturally and socially. It provides support assist Aboriginal students in making the transition and adjustment to the challenges of college life while creating an awareness and appreciation of Aboriginal culture and history in the greater campus community. 


Marilyn Hew


Marilyn Hew is a Métis woman living in Toronto with roots in Penetanguishene. She is a citizen of the Metis Nation of Ontario and Secretary/Treasurer for the Toronto and York Region Métis Council. She is a retired teacher with the TDSB where she worked beginning in 1975. She continues to support education by occasionally teaching at Middle School and sits on the TDSB's Urban Indigenous Community Advisory Committee representing TYRMC for the MNO.


The Toronto and York Region Métis Council (TYRMC) is the elected Métis government within the City of Toronto and the only organization in Toronto specifically representing Métis people.


Tracey King


Tracey is the Aboriginal Human Resources Lead/Consultant at Ryerson University. Tracey supports Aboriginal recruitment and retention at Ryerson in Human Resources, working with the Office of Aboriginal Initiatives, Ryerson Aboriginal Student Services (RASS) and the Aboriginal Education Council. She is also part of the leadership team in the Office of the Vice-President, Equity and Community Inclusion. 


Ryerson University is committed to community engagement, action, inclusion, respect for Aboriginal perspectives, equity, diversity and putting people first. The Office of the Vice President, Equity and Community Inclusion collaborates across campus to make Ryerson a truly inclusive place to learn and work.


Millie Knapp


Millie Knapp has 25-plus years of work experience in media as a publisher, feature writer, photographer, managing editor, and advertising sales specialist. The cultivation of an international business and community network enriches her work as a panel and advisory board member for Arts and Entertainment programs and social community groups. She has been Executive Director of the Association for Native Development in the Performing and Visual Arts (ANDPVA) since 2012.


The ANDPVA is Canada’s oldest Indigenous arts service organization, providing support to Canadian Indigenous artists in Ontario and around the world. ANDPVA's mission is to create, support and develop a self-sufficient community of Indigenous artists who preserve traditional knowledge, advance respective cultural identities and reflect evolving cultural expression. 


Ruth Koleszar-Green


Ruth is an Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at York University. She is also the co-chair of the Indigenous Council at York and the Special Advisor to the President on Indigenous Initiatives. She is an urban Indigenous person and a citizen of the Haudenosaunee Confederacy. She is from the Mohawk Nation and a member of the Turtle Clan.


York University is a public research university in Toronto. Its Indigenous Council (IC) is well positioned to provide guidance to the University in implementing Indigenous programming and curricula and play a pivotal role in helping to advance the University's reconciliation and Indigeneity agenda.


Nancy Martin


Nancy was born and raised in Toronto. Her Mohawk roots originate from Six Nations of the Grand River. She has been the Executive Director of Miziwe Biik Aboriginal Employment & Training for the past 25 years.


Miziwe Biik Aboriginal Employment and Training was created in 1991 to meet the unique training and employment needs of Aboriginal peoples. Miziwe Biik provides the Greater Toronto Area’s Aboriginal community with training initiatives and employment services. Their mission is to provide services to the Aboriginal peoples in the Greater Toronto Area; to work with employers to secure employment opportunities; to deliver federal and provincial programs; and to promote Aboriginal entrepreneurship and the development of economies. 


Blanche Meawassige


As Executive Director of Anduhyaun, Blanche provides leadership and support in delivering their mission.


Anduhyaun Inc. serves Indigenous women and their children fleeing violence. This includes supporting Indigenous women and children in their efforts to maintain their cultural identity, self-esteem, economic, physical and spiritual well-being. 


Angus D. Palmer


General Manager of Wigwamen Incorporated since 1998, Angus has overall responsibility for the management of Wigwamen’s 665 unit portfolio. Prior to joining Wigwamen, he worked as a Development Consultant, assisting in the development of 24 different non-profit and co-operative housing projects totaling over 800 units throughout Ontario, and assisting in the management of non-profit housing projects.


Wigwamen is one of Ontario's oldest and largest urban Indigenous non-profit housing providers. Wigwamen supports clients from all segments of the housing continuum, including the homeless, through our transitional housing and the poor/working poor through social and affordable housing.


Frances Sanderson


Raised in East York, currently residing in Scarborough. Frances is the Executive Director, Nishnawbe Homes Inc. She is the previous Co-Chair of the Aboriginal Affairs Committee. Other responsibilities include: Chair, Aboriginal Education Council, George Brown College; Member, Toronto Aboriginal Support Service Council (TASSC); Member, Indigenous Housing and Homelessness Community Advisory Board (CAB); Chair, Aboriginal Consultative Committee, Toronto Police Service.


Nishnawbe Homes provides affordable and safe housing to Indigenous people in Toronto.


Tanya Senk


Tanya Senk is a Metis/Cree/Saulteaux educator/writer/speaker/community leader. She has worked in the field of education and community for over twenty five years. Tanya is currently the Centrally Assigned Principal in Indigenous Education - Urban Indigenous Education Centre and the Principal of Wandering Spirit School, Toronto District School Board.


At the TDSB, the Urban Indigenous Education Centre offers a variety of services with the goal of closing the opportunity gap for Indigenous students. This mandate is approached by infusing Indigenous perspectives across the curriculum for all students as well as by providing direct wrap-around supports to enhance the overall achievement of First Nation, Métis and Inuit students throughout the TDSB. 


Jeffrey Schiffer


Jeffrey Schiffer was born and raised in Coast Salish territory and has Métis and German ancestry. Over the past 15 years Dr. Schiffer has held positions at the Earth Institute at Columbia University, Vancouver Aboriginal Child and Family Services Society, the Justice Institute of British Columbia, and the City of Toronto.  He is currently the Executive Director at Native Child and Family Services of Toronto.


Native Child and Family Services of Toronto (NCFST) serves Native families and children in the Toronto area, including First Nations, Métis, Inuit and all those with Aboriginal heritage who choose to be served by NCFST. NCFST strives to provide a life of quality, well-being, caring and healing for children and families in the Toronto Native Community. They do this by creating a service model that is culture based and respects the values of Native people, the extended family and the right to self-determination.


Steve Teekens


Steve Teekens has been working with the marginalized and homeless sector in Toronto since 1995. Steve is the Executive Director at Na-Me-Res where he has worked since 2008.  He has a degree in Public Administration and Governance from Ryerson University and is working on his Master’s Degree in Public Administration at Queen’s University.


In 1985, Native Men's Residence (Na-Me-Res) began offering emergency shelter to Toronto-based Aboriginal men who were without a place to live and has expanded its services to include a nationally-recognized transitional housing program as well as a long-term independent housing initiative. The Na-Me-Res team meets the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional needs of their clients wherever they are on their journey.


Bryan Winters


Bryan Winters is a Nunatsiavut beneficiary from Happy Valley - Goose Bay, Labrador. He is now the Executive Director of the Toronto Inuit Association and is currently studying Indigenous Public Administration and Governance through First Nations Technical Institute in Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory and Ryerson University.


The Toronto Inuit Association was established in September 2016 to solidify the voice of Inuit in Toronto. TIA's mission is to create a community in Toronto for Inuit from all regions, where they can provide support in language learning, culture awareness, family services, employment and health services to Inuit and their families.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee


(June 21, 2019) Report from the City Manager's Office

Background Information (Committee)

(June 21, 2019) Report from the City Manager's Office on Appointment of Members to the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Recommended Organizations and Representatives for Appointment to the Aboriginal Affairs Advisory Committee

CA8.7 - Appointment of a Public Member to the Toronto Police Services Board

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council appoint Jim Hart to the Toronto Police Services Board, at pleasure of Council, for a term of office starting September 30, 2019 and ending November 14, 2022, and until a successor is appointed.


2. City Council direct that Confidential Attachments 1, 2 and 3 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential their entirety as they relate to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Toronto Police Services Board.


Confidential Attachments 1, 2 and 3 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential their entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they relate to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Toronto Police Services Board.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointee's biography:


Jim Hart


A lifelong resident of Toronto, Jim has resided in Scarborough for over 30 years with his wife Joan. A 31 year career with the City of Toronto spanned 7 divisions. Twenty-five of Jim’s 31 years were at the senior management level, including General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation. Jim was appointed to Toronto City Council in 2017, to replace the late Ron Moeser. As a Councillor, Jim was particularly pleased to be chosen as the Vice-Chair of the Police Services Board in 2018.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the Toronto Police Services Board


(June 21, 2019) Report from the City Clerk

Background Information (Committee)

(June 21, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Appointment of a Public Member to the Toronto Police Services Board
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Candidates, Qualifications, Confidential Diversity Information Summary, and Applications for Appointment to the Toronto Police Services Board
Confidential Attachment 2 - Toronto Police Services Board Interview Questions for July 3, 2019 (to be circulated under separate cover)
Confidential Attachment 3 - Toronto Police Services Board Interview Schedule for July 3, 2019 (to be circulated under separate cover)

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from N. Corrado (CC.Supp.CA8.7.1)
(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Miguel Avila-Velarde (CC.New.CA8.7.2)

CA8.8 - Appointment of Public Members to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council appoint the following candidates to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, at pleasure of Council, for a term of office ending July 16, 2023, and until successors are appointed:


Ronald Chopowick

Jennifer Drake

Heidi Karst

Maria Kelleher

Basudeb Mukherjee

Connie Tang

Estair Van Wagner


2. City Council direct that Confidential Attachments 1, 2 and 3 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential in their entirety as they relate to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.


Confidential Attachments 1, 2 and 3 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential in their entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they relate to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointees' biographies:


Ronald Chopowick


Dr. Ronald Chopowick was an Administrator/Professor at Seneca College for 35 years, and at York University for more than 40 years. He was educated at the University of Toronto, where he obtained undergraduate and graduate degrees in Forestry and a Ph.D. in Plant Biochemistry and Ecology. Ronald is actively involved in his community, and has served on many boards, including the Ontario Trillium Foundation's Toronto Grant Review Team, the Toronto Public Library Board, and, most recently, the TRCA Board.


Jennifer Drake


Dr. Jennifer Drake is an expert in low impact development, stormwater management and wet weather policy. She completed her PhD at the University of Guelph in 2013 and is currently an Assistant Professor at the University of Toronto.


Heidi Karst


Over the past 16+ years, Heidi Karst, PhD, has worked across public, private and non-profit sectors in fields ranging from environmental conservation to historical preservation and human rights education to social policy. She has developed and implemented sustainable projects and policies, managed innovative programs, and fostered resilient communities and regional networks in Canada and internationally. She currently works for the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks.


Maria Kelleher


Maria Kelleher has a Masters Degree in Environmental Engineering from the University of Toronto. She founded Kelleher Environmental, an environmental consulting company in 2002. Maria specializes in waste management, energy efficiency and climate change issues.  With over 30 years of experience in the environmental consulting industry, Maria has worked on a wide range of waste policy, strategy and stewardship as well as energy conservation and climate change projects.


Basudeb Mukherjee


Basudeb Mukherjee was born in Calcutta, India. He has attended post-secondary institutions in the US and Canada and has a BA (Hons.) and an M.Sc. in eHealth from McMaster University. He has worked in the IT industry for over two decades in various roles. Currently, he owns and operates a training institute in Scarborough, providing post-secondary skills training and teaches at Centennial College.


Connie Tang


Connie works in research communications in a bilingual research centre committed to driving change in Ontario’s employment and training sector. She specializes in knowledge translation and comes from an education and research background. Connie completed her Master of Science at the University of Toronto, and has worked to demonstrate how research-based activities can inform and support relevant stakeholder communities. She is an active advocate for evidence-informed practices.


Estair Van Wagner


Estair Van Wagner is an Assistant Professor at Osgoode Hall Law School where she teaches and researches in the areas of property, planning, natural resources, and environmental law. She is co-director of the Environmental Justice and Sustainability Clinic. Professor Van Wagner lives in Toronto with her partner and two young boys who also love nature and spending time outdoors.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority


(June 24, 2019) Report from the City Clerk

Background Information (Committee)

(June 24, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Appointment of Public Members to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of candidates, qualifications, confidential diversity information summary, and applications for appointment to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (previously distributed with Item CA7.6)
Confidential Attachment 2 - Interview questions for July 3, 2019 (to be circulated under separate cover)
Confidential Attachment 3 - Interview schedule for July 3, 2019 (to be circulated under separate cover)

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from N. Corrado (CC.Supp.CA8.8.1)

CA8.9 - Appointment of Members to the Toronto Music Advisory Committee

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council appoint the following candidates to the Toronto Music Advisory Committee, at pleasure of Council, for a term of office ending on November 14, 2022:


Paul Banwatt

Vivian Barclay

Mary An Blom

Shaun Bowring

Melissa Bubb-Clarke

Hannah Burgé Luviano

Jeff Cohen

Charlotte Cornfield

Kiana “Rookz” Eastmond

Aerin Fogel

Sarah Jarvis, as the Tourism Toronto representative

Tracy Jenkins

Jesse Kumagai

Rob Lanni

Tao-Ming Lau

Julisa Ly

Sofia Mikhaylova

Noah Mintz

Richmond “Tona” Nantwi

John Samuels

Spencer Sutherland, as the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas representative

Kim Temple


2. City Council direct that Confidential Attachment 2 to the supplementary report (June 26, 2019) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture remain confidential in its entirety as it relates to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Toronto Music Advisory Committee.


Confidential Attachment 2 to the supplementary report (June 26, 2019) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture remains confidential in its entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it relates to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Toronto Music Advisory Committee.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointees' biographies:


Paul Banwatt


Paul Banwatt is the drummer for the rock band The Rural Alberta Advantage and a lawyer at Gilbert's LLP. Paul has been nominated for a Juno, won CBC and Galaxie Rising Stars music awards, made several appearances on the US and Canadian Billboard charts, played the Coachella Music Festival, and been featured in numerous publications such as Spin, NME, Playboy Magazine, and The New York Times.


Vivian Barclay


Vivian Barclay, - General Manager of Warner Chappell Music Canada Ltd., has worked as a radio programmer and on-air host, in artist management, publicity and promotion and as a programmer for conferences and festivals. A Ryerson University Graduate with a degree, Vivian joined Warner Chappell in 2001, and rose through the ranks with stints in royalties, copyright, song plugging.  Vivian is on the boards of the CMPA, the CMRRA, SOCAN and Phemphat Entertainment Group- (Honey Jam Showcase).


Mary An Blom


A 21-year veteran of the industry, Mary An Blom is currently the Director of Corporate Strategy & Insights at Sony Music. Her role includes assessing new business ventures, which has allowed her to work with stakeholders in diverse aspects of the Toronto entertainment community.  She also works closely with the executive team on strategic planning, and is known for her ability to distil complex problems and deliver creative and collaborative solutions.  She is a classically trained flutist.


Shaun Bowring


Shaun Bowring is a musician, business person, entrepreneur, music industry advocate with 30 plus years involvement in the Toronto music scene. Owner and Creator of Transmit Presents promotion company, The Garrison and The Baby G live music venues. Shaun is a board member of Little Portugal BIA as well as the co-founder / Director of Dundas West Fest annual Toronto street festival.


Melissa Bubb-Clarke


Melissa Bubb-Clarke is the Sr. Dir. of Music Partnerships for MLSE, overseeing Live Nation Canada’s sponsorship portfolio including three award winning programs recognized by the Sponsorship & Marketing Council of Canada and the Canadian Marketing Awards.  Melissa sits on the board for the Unison Benevolent Fund, serves on the Communications Committee for Music Canada Live as well as the Advisory Committee for MusiCounts.  Melissa lives in Toronto with her husband and two children.


Hannah Burgé Luviano


Hannah Burgé Luviano has made appearances on radio, television, and stage, and in 2015 released her debut record, "Green River Sessions." She has toured the US extensively, and in 2016 traveled to Mexico City to headline the Polanco International Jazz Festival. She is a faculty member at Centennial College in the Music Industry Arts Program.


Jeff Cohen


Jeff Cohen (JC) is co-owner of iconic Toronto live music venues the Legendary H-Shoe Tavern and Lee's Palace. He also co-owns Toronto based Collective Concerts and The Toronto Urban Roots fest.


Charlotte Cornfield


Charlotte Cornfield is a critically acclaimed songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Toronto. She has been touring for over 10 years both under her own name and as a side musician for a huge variety of acts. For the past five years she has been deeply involved in Toronto's music community as music programmer at the internationally renowned venue Burdock Music Hall, artistic director of the Toronto Bicycle Music Festival, and as a member of the Toronto Jazz Festival Advisory Committee.


Kiana “Rookz” Eastmond


Kiana “Rookz” Eastmond is an award-winning entrepreneur, the founder of Sandbox Studios and the newly appointed Executive Director at Manifesto. She is the definition of a hustler but her wins did not appear overnight. She is humbled by the process and a living testament that if you stick to your dreams, the payoff can be much more than you had originally signed up for.


Aerin Fogel


Aerin Fogel was born and raised in Toronto's East End. She is the founder and artistic director of Toronto feminist festival and show series Venus Fest, as well as her own music project Queen Of Swords. Aerin has been a part of the music industry for over 15 years, originally as a performer, and now as a producer and curator. She also works in the healing arts in Toronto as a professional astrologer.


Sarah Jarvis (Tourism Toronto representative)


Sarah Jarvis is the Director of Partnerships at Tourism Toronto. In her role, she is responsible for overseeing broader partnerships with industry stakeholders, Tourism Toronto members and corporate partners that benefit from the region's visitor economy. Sarah, a former musician, has had a long career in the arts and culture sector, working for organizations such as Luminato, the Toronto Symphony Orchestra, Endeavour Marketing and the Canadian Opera Company.


Tracy Jenkins


Tracy Jenkins is Executive and Co-Artistic Director of Lula Music and Arts Centre, which provides programming for Toronto salsa, jazz and world music venue Lula Lounge. Tracy oversees the educational programming at Lula and works with Co-Artistic Director Jose Ortega to produce the annual Lulaworld festival which has spawned the emerging Lulaworld label.


Jesse Kumagai


Jesse Kumagai is the VP, Talent for Live Nation Canada and was Director of Programming for The Corporation of Massey Hall & Roy Thomson Hall for more than a decade. In addition to his professional duties, Jesse has been an active volunteer currently serving as the Chair of Music Canada Live and a member of the Unison Benevolent Fund Board.  He is the former Vice-Chair of the Yonge Dundas Square Board of management, a former board member of CAPACOA and the Small World Music Society.


Rob Lanni


Rob Lanni (with Eric Lawrence) co-founded Coalition Music in the late '80s - a full-service management company.  The current client roster includes artists Our Lady Peace, Simple Plan, Finger Eleven, USS, Justin Nozuka, The Balconies, Andee and Ben Caplan.  In 2010, Coalition Music purchased and renovated a 12,000 square foot building in Scarborough (a former convent) that is home to Canada's Music Incubator (not-for-profit) and TEMPO (Through Education Music Provides Opportunity) charity.


Tao-Ming Lau


Tao is founder/agent at Blue Crane Agency, a music booking agency seeking to prioritize women, artists of color, and queer and trans musicians in North America and abroad. She is a Polaris Music Prize board director, sits on the TD Toronto Jazz Festival Artistic Advisory Committee, and was chosen as a Rising Star in Toronto Life Magazine's 50 Most Influential Torontonians of 2018. She was previously at touring agency Billions and Universal Music Canada.


Julisa Ly


Julisa has worked in the radio industry for 12 years and is currently the Music Director at 102.1 The Edge. Growing up, she's been a supporter of the local music scene and continues to do so.


Sofia Mikhaylova


Since being a journalism student at Ryerson, I have contributed much of my energy as a writer towards writing for numerous local Toronto publications. After university, I began a career in marketing, but continued writing about music in Toronto (and the world) on a freelance basis. In 2016, I went from throwing events for local DJs to creating an independent record label focusing on releasing instrumental electronic music from underrepresented female, trans, and non-binary artists and producers.


Noah Mintz


Noah Mintz is the owner of and a Senior Mastering Engineer at Lacquer Channel Mastering. Since 1975, Lacquer Channel Mastering has been one of Canada's premier mastering studios. Combining the best of vintage and state-of-the-art technology, Lacquer Channel currently has Canada's only operating record lathe. Previous to Mastering Noah was the singer and guitar player of the influential 90's indie rock band, hHead.


Richmond “Tona” Nantwi


Not your average master of ceremony or MC, Tona, armed with an in depth understanding of the power and the complexity of words, and a love of Hip hop, has developed his own creative niche through aboriginal and versatile demonstrations in an era where the true art of Hip hop seems to have been lost. Tona reminds the listener of the era where Hip hop was authentic, as he incorporates his own life experiences through rhymes. This appreciation plays a vital role in his most pivotal point.


John Samuels


Just John is a Musician based in Toronto. Raised in Scarborough he is the founding member of the art organization, Blank Canvas Gallery. Known for his high energy performance, John's vision has always been to be himself; push the boundaries in his art, contrasting styles, blurring genres and presenting fresh production and visual aesthetics. Just John has been trailblazing D.I.Y. culture for years. Inspired by social activism, he became the driving force behind Blank Canvas Gallery.


Spencer Sutherland (Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas representative)


Spencer has served on TMAC since its inception, and as Co-Chair in 2017/18.  In the industry, he has owned and operated music venues in Toronto for over 10 years, and has produced over 1500 events.  He is well known for his advocacy work, having helped to author the Music Strategy, introduced measures to improve venue sustainability such as the Agent of Change, initiated a new focus on music to improve the Nighttime Economy, and continues to promote the cultural significance of music in Toronto.


Kim Temple


As Manager of Member & Industry Relations for Canadian Music Publishers Association, Kim advocates for copyright protection and serves its national membership.  She facilitates trade missions, runs international song camps, and fosters cross-sector creative industry collaboration.  As Head of Licensing & Publishing at Six Shooter Records, she runs the creative sync department and manages the label’s publishing roster. Six Shooter’s roster includes Tanya Tagaq and Whitehorse among others.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the Toronto Music Advisory Committee


(June 19, 2019) Report from City Council

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) City Council Decision on Appointment of Members to the Toronto Music Industry Advisory Committee
(June 14, 2019) Supplementary report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Change to the Tourism Toronto Stakeholder Representative on the Toronto Music Advisory Committee (CA8.2a)
(June 26, 2019) Supplementary report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Appointment of Members to the Toronto Music Industry Advisory Council (CA8.9b)
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Recommended Candidates for Appointment to the Toronto Music Industry Advisory Council
Confidential Attachment 2 - Confidential Voluntary Diversity Information Summary and Diversity Data for Recommended Candidates for Appointment to the Toronto Music Industry Advisory Council

Communications (Committee)

(June 14, 2019) E-mail from Jessie Locke (CA.Main.CA8.9.1)
(June 14, 2019) E-mail from James Beardmore (CA.Main.CA8.9.2)
(June 17, 2019) E-mail from Michael Ranic (CA.Main.CA8.9.3)

Economic and Community Development Committee - Meeting 6

EC6.4 - Children's Services - 2019 Provincial and Federal Budgets

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council request the Province to adjust the process regarding school-based child care capital projects that have not received Approval to Proceed from the Ministry of Education by:


a.  taking into consideration municipal annual budget approval requirements and allowing municipal councils the opportunity to consider and approve any operating and financial impacts associated with these new capital projects; and


b.  extending the deadline of August 30, 2019 to at least October 31, 2019 for service system managers and school boards to jointly confirm priority school-based child care capital projects on a preliminary basis subject to a municipal council's annual budget approval process.


2. City Council reiterate to the Province that the goals of the Child Care Growth Strategy require operating funding for sustainable child care growth.


3. City Council request the Province to provide operating funding to support the 51 child care capital projects that are at risk of not proceeding and for all future provincially-funded child care projects. 


4. If the Province refuses to extend the submission deadline, City Council request the City Manager to inform the Ministry of Education that the City remains interested in continuing discussions to receive capital funding.


5. City Council request the Mayor and the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to meet with the Honourable Jean-Yves Duclos, Minister of Families, Children and Social Development to discuss the possibility of additional Federal funding to support the operating costs associated with the 51 planned child care centres which no longer have provincial operating funding.


6. City Council direct the City Manager to ask the Federal Government, as it negotiates the renewed Early Learning Childcare Agreement with the Province, to prioritize that the funds be used to fund additional fee subsidies, the expansion of licensed childcare spaces and to improve affordability for all families.


7. City Council request the General Manager, Children's Services to work with the Toronto District School Board to identify locations for new facilities which have demonstrated demand and potential for financial viability with limited operating funding and report to the October 16, 2019 meeting of the Economic and Community Development Committee. 

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council considered Item EC6.4 and EC6.5 together.


(June 20, 2019) Report from Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 20, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services on Children's Services - 2019 Provincial and Federal Budgets
(June 11, 2019) Report from the Interim General Manager, Children's Services on Children's Services Report on 2019 Provincial and Federal Budgets - Notice of Pending Report

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Cameron MacLeod (CC.Supp.EC6.4.1)

EC6.5 - Termination of Occupancy Agreements with School Boards

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the General Manager, Children's Services to write to the Province of Ontario re-iterating the request of City Council that the Province fully fund the continuum of learning and stabilization of early years and child care programs located in school buildings by fully funding occupancy costs.


2. City Council direct the General Manager, Children's Services to identify resources to continue funding the occupancy agreements with School Boards from January 1, 2020 until 2020 Budget approval, in order to allow the matter to be considered as part of the 2020 Budget Process.


3.  City Council direct the General Manager, Children's Services to prioritize funding for the maintenance of occupancy agreements with the School Boards as part of the 2020 Budget submission for Children's Services.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council considered Item EC6.4 and EC6.5 together.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Interim General Manager, Children's Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report from the Interim General Manager, Children's Services on Termination of Occupancy Agreements with School Boards

Communications (Committee)

(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Bill Sinclair, St. Stephen's Community House (EC.New.6.5.1)

EC6.6 - Appointments to Uptown Yonge Business Improvement Area Board of Management

Decision Type:
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence, 12 - Toronto - St. Paul's, 15 - Don Valley West

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council, in accordance with the City's Public Appointments Policy, appoint the following nominees to the Business Improvement Area Board of Management set out below, at pleasure of Council, and for a term expiring at the end of the term of Council or as soon afterward as successors are appointed:


Uptown Yonge:


Derrick Adams 

Gordon Beattie 

Amar Bhalla 

Adriana Cutruzzola 

Amin Datoo

Nadine Devereux

Scott Hunermund

David O. Jubb 

Karen Kiratzis 

Alex Mazelow 

Angelo Moretti 

Alex Nanoff 

Kim Prosser

Ramzey Trabelsi 

Jaime Vargas 

2.  City Council direct that Schedule A of the Municipal Code Chapter 19, Business Improvement Areas, be amended by changing the number of directors of the Board of Management of Uptown Yonge to 18.


(February 14, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

Background Information (Committee)

(February 14, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Appointments to Business Improvement Area Boards of Management

Communications (Committee)

(March 4, 2019) Letter from Councillor Jaye Robinson and Councillor Mike Colle (EC.Main.EC6.6.1)
(April 1, 2019) Letter from Board-elect, Uptown Yonge BIA (EC.Main.EC6.6.2)

6a - Additional Information on Appointments to Business Improvement Area Boards of Management (Uptown Yonge BIA)

(June 24, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture
Background Information (Committee)
(June 24, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Additional Information on Appointments to Business Improvement Area Boards of Management (Uptown Yonge BIA)

EC6.7 - Removal of Director from the Mount Pleasant Village Business Improvement Area Board of Management

Decision Type:
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's, 15 - Don Valley West

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council, in accordance with the City's Public Appointments Policy, remove the following director from the Mount Pleasant Village Business Improvement Area Board of Management set out below:


            Rick Morris


(June 3, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

Background Information (Committee)

(June 3, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Appointments to Business Improvement Area Board of Management (Mount Pleasant Village BIA)

Declared Interests (City Council)

The following member(s) declared an interest:

Mayor John Tory - as his wife's business is located in the Mount Pleasant Village Business Improvement Area.
Written Declaration:

EC6.8 - Strengthening Toronto's Nighttime Economy

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the Mayor to designate a Member of Council as Toronto's Night Ambassador, to be the voice for Toronto's entertainment-related activities for the 2018 to 2022 term of Council.


2.  City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to:


a.  report to the Economic and Community Development Committee on the key priorities of a nighttime operations working group that consists of invited participation from senior staff in Municipal Licensing and Standards, City Planning, Transportation Services and other relevant City divisions in 2020, and request the working group to: 


i. work with the Toronto Music Advisory Committee to ensure the proper ongoing engagement is developed with the various music industry stakeholders which they represent;


ii. work with the Toronto Transit Commission to study the viability and benefits of pushing "10 minutes or better" transit service past 1:00 a.m.; and


iii. review the need for increased access to public restrooms at night;


b.  report to the Economic and Community Development Committee on advice from nightlife and creative sector for-profit and not-for-profit enterprises, do-it-yourself event organizers, and equity-seeking groups such as youth, women and LGBTQ2S on best practices to enhance inclusive social culture across Toronto at night in 2020;


c.  pilot an arts event permit to host pop up performances in unconventional spaces working with the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and other appropriate City divisions; and


d.  organize a free annual Toronto Nightlife Industry Town Hall with the private sector and community partners within a year, and annually thereafter, to help set priorities.


3.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and other relevant City divisions to work with the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to align the review of zoning  and business licensing regulations, including consideration for noise, to clarify the requirements and provide support for venues regularly presenting live music, and report to the Economic and Community Development Committee and the Planning and Housing Committee, as appropriate, in 2020.


4.  City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to work with the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, other relevant City divisions, and Toronto nightlife leaders and residents to:


a.  develop a safer venue industry guide that incorporates safer spaces best practices, information on responsible consumption and safe working environments; and


b.  develop a list of good neighbour principles for late-night businesses based on best practices around the world and adapted for Toronto.


5.  City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to work with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to identify emerging entertainment areas outside the downtown core that can support entertainment uses at night and the future growth of nightlife in Toronto and report to the Planning and Housing Committee on potential opportunities and approaches in 2020.


6.  City Council request the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to consider the feasibility of 24-hour licensed venues in suitable locations and the feasibility of whether the buildings that would be suitable for such venues could offer other services such as multidisciplinary venues featuring bars, galleries, and co-working spaces.


7.  City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to work with the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with relevant stakeholders, to explore the opportunities for additional transportation options specific to the nighttime economy and report to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in 2020.


8.  City Council request the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to consider the feasibility of the Night Mayor Ambassador Program being funded through a 50/50 split with the City and the night time businesses.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

Background Information (Committee)

(June 11, 2019) Report from General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Strengthening Toronto's Nighttime Economy
Attachment 1 - Toronto Nightlife Action Plan
Attachment 2 - DIY Events in Toronto: Understanding Challenges to Access and Space
Attachment 3 - Toronto Sociable City at Night: Hospitality Zone Assessment

Communications (City Council)

(July 16, 2019) Letter from Councillor Brad Bradford, Ward 19, Beaches-East York (CC.New.EC6.8.1)

EC6.10 - 2019-20 Funding Allocations for Shelter and Related Services

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the recommended 2019 bed capacities and annual funding allocations as set out in Appendix A to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, which are in accordance with the 2019 Approved Operating Budget for Shelter, Support and Housing Administration.


2.  City Council approve the recommended 2020 bed capacities and annual funding allocations as set out in Appendix A to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, subject to approval of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration's 2020 Operating Budget.


3.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, or designate to:


a.  enter into agreements with community agencies for the provision of shelter services for up to the annual funding allocation as outlined in Appendix A to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, or up to the total approved in the 2019 Operating Budget for Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, as may be required, and subject to approval of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration's 2020 Operating Budget;


b.  enter into an agreement with the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care to receive $9.214 million annually in 2019 and 2020 for the provision of housing and supports for psychiatric consumer survivors living in Habitat Services contracted boarding or rooming houses, as approved in Shelter, Support and Housing Administration's 2019 Operating Budget and subject to approval of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration's 2020 Operating Budget;


c.  enter into an agreement with Mental Health Program Services of Metropolitan Toronto (Habitat Services) and issue payments up to $11.099 million gross and $1.885 million net in 2019 and $11.099 million gross and $2.220 million net in 2020 for the provision of housing and supports for psychiatric consumer survivors living in Habitat Services contracted boarding or rooming houses as outlined in Appendix B to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, subject to approval of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration's 2020 Operating Budget; and


d.  enter into an agreement with, and issue payments to the Toronto Hostels Training Centre for the administration and provision of training for shelter, drop-in and other agency staff up to a maximum amount of $0.271 million gross and $0.135 million net in 2019 and 2020, as outlined in Appendix B to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, subject to approval of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration's 2020 Operating Budget.


4.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration or designate to:


a.  enter into agreements with Mental Health Program Services of Metropolitan Toronto (Habitat Services) and to issue payments up to $0.490 million gross and net in 2019 and $1.358 million gross and net in 2020 for the provision of housing and supports for psychiatric consumer survivors living in Habitat Services contracted boarding or rooming houses for the George Street Revitalization initiative as outlined in Appendix C to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, subject to approval of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration's 2020 Operating Budget; and


b.  enter into agreements with community agencies on such terms and conditions as are satisfactory to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration for the provision of shelter services or housing for George Street Revitalization throughout 2019 and 2020, as shelter or housing sites are identified and as shelter operators are identified through a competitive process.


5.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration or designate, in support of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration's efforts to open 1000 beds, to:


a.  enter into agreements with community agencies for the provision of shelter services for up to the annual funding allocation as outlined in Appendix C to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, or up to the total approved in the 2019 Operating Budget for Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, as may be required, and subject to approval of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration's 2020 Operating Budget; and


b.  enter into agreements with community agencies on such terms and conditions as are satisfactory to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration for the provision of shelter services to open 1000 new beds throughout 2019 and 2020, as shelter sites are identified and as shelter operators are identified through a competitive process.


6.  City Council authorize the Director, Real Estate Services to approve, execute and administer any licence or sublease agreements with a service provider of City-owned or leased respite, emergency shelter, or transitional shelter space at less than market value, for a term that corresponds with the applicable operating agreement, and on such other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the Director, Real Estate Services, and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor.


(June 11, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 11, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on 2019-20 Funding Allocations for Shelter and Related Services
Appendices A to C

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from N. Corrado (CC.Supp.EC6.10.1)

EC6.11 - Amendments to Purchase Orders 6048571, 6045120, 6045121, and 6048213 for Emergency Hotel/Motel Accommodation and Recommendation to Award Request for Proposal No. 6815-18-7217 Short Term Hotel/Motel Accommodations for Shelter Clients

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, to negotiate and enter into six (6) agreements with the six (6) successful proponents having met all the requirements set out in Request for Proposal 6815-18-7217 for the Provision of Short Term Accommodations for Shelter Clients through the use of Hotel/Motel Services for Operated Shelters, on terms and conditions set out in the Request for Proposal and satisfactory to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, as follows:


a.  73719 Newfoundland and Labrador Inc., for an initial term of one year from the date of award in in the amount of $8,600,000 excluding all taxes ($8,751,360 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), with the option to renew for four additional separate one-year periods in the amount of $8,600,000 excluding all taxes ($8,751,360 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), for a total contract value of $43,000,000 excluding all taxes ($43,756,800 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries);


b.  Om Tatsat Inc. (New Plaza Motel), for an initial term of one year from the date of award in the amount of $2,700,000 excluding all taxes ($2,747,520 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), with the option to renew for four additional separate one-year periods in the amount of $2,700,000 excluding all taxes ($2,747,520 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), for a total contract value of $13,500,000 excluding all taxes ($13,737,600 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries);


c.  InnVest Hotels LP a/o Comfort Inn Pickering, for an initial term of one year from the date of award in the amount of $13,500,000 excluding all taxes ($13,737,600 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), with the option to renew for four additional separate one-year periods in the amount of $13,500,000 excluding all taxes ($13,737,600 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), for a total contract value of $67,500,000 excluding all taxes ($68,688,000 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries);


d.  InnVest Hotels LP a/o Comfort Inn Newmarket, for an initial term of one year from the date of award in the amount of $9,600,000 excluding all taxes ($9,768,960 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), with the option to renew for four additional separate one-year periods in the amount of $9,600,000 excluding all taxes ($9,768,960 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), for a total contract value of $48,000,000 excluding all taxes ($48,844,800 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries);


e.  2361173 Ontario Inc. (Sunray Group of Hotels) for an initial term of one year from the date of award in the amount of $53,800,000 excluding all taxes ($54,746,880 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), with the option to renew for four additional separate one-year periods in the amount of $53,800,000 excluding all taxes ($54,746,880 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), for a total contract value of $269,000,000 excluding all taxes ($273,734,400 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries); and


f.  2656601 Ontario Inc. (Toronto Plaza Hotel and Conference Centre Toronto Airport), for an initial term of one year from the date of award in the amount of $20,100,000 excluding all taxes ($20,453,760 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), with the option to renew for four additional separate one-year periods in the amount of $20,100,000 excluding all taxes ($20,453,760 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), for a total contract value of $100,500,000 excluding all taxes ($102,268,800 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries).


(June 11, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration and the Chief Purchasing Officer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 11, 2019) Report and Appendix A from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration and the Chief Purchasing Officer on Amendments to Purchase Orders 6048571, 6045120, 6045121, and 6048213 for Emergency Hotel/Motel Accommodation and Recommendation to Award Request for Proposal No. 6815-18-7217 Short Term Hotel/Motel Accommodations for Shelter Clients

Communications (Committee)

(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Sam Chaise, Christie Refugee Welcome Centre, Anne Woolger, Matthew House Reception Services, Jenn McIntyre, Romero House and Laura Dobrowolski, Silas Hill Home for Refugees (EC.New.EC6.11.1)

EC6.12 - City of Toronto Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to enter into an agreement with the Ministry of the Attorney General to receive funding of up to $150,000.00 and to spend such funding to support the implementation of Justice Centres in the downtown east and north-west areas of Toronto.


(June 12, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development Finance and Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 12, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development Finance and Administration on City of Toronto Community Safety and Wellbeing Plan

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from N. Corrado (CC.Supp.EC6.12.1)

EC6.13 - Toronto Action Plan to Confront Anti-Black Racism - Update

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council receive the report (June 12, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development Finance and Administration for information.


(June 12, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 12, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, of Social Development, Finance and Administration on Update on Toronto Action Plan to Confront Anti-Black Racism
Appendix A - Year One Work Plan Summary
Appendix B - Partnership And Accountability Circle Report on Year One
Appendix C - Year Two Work Plan Priorities
Appendix D: Black Population Percentage, City of Toronto 2016
Appendix E - Resources List of Major Reports

Communications (Committee)

(June 26, 2019) Letter from Nana Yanful, Black Legal Action Centre (BLAC) (EC.New.EC6.13.1)

EC6.15 - Community Benefits Framework

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend the Guiding Principle on Achieving Accountability in Attachment 1 to the report (June 11, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to read as follows:


"3. Achieve Accountability. The City of Toronto's community benefits processes will be consistent, transparent, and accountable to its stakeholders. Community benefits initiatives will establish hard targets, and report on outcomes."


2.  City Council adopt the Community Benefits Framework Goal and Principles, and Implementation Plan as set out in Attachment 1 to the report (June 11, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, as amended by Part 1 above.

3.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to submit a budget proposal in the 2020 budget process for 1.0 Full Time Equivalent to support the Community Benefits Framework.

4.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, in consultation with the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, and General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to convene a Community Benefits Advisory Group, with consideration for stakeholder membership categories as set out in Attachment 2 to the report (June 11, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration. 


5.  City Council request the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, in consultation with the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to include the Toronto Community Benefits Network as one of the community representatives on the Community Benefits Advisory Group, the details of which will be clarified in a Terms of Reference by the end of 2019.

6.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to report back to Economic and Community Development Committee in the first quarter of 2022 with a status update on the Community Benefits Framework Implementation Plan, and recommendations for Community Benefits Framework future direction.


7.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, the Chief Purchasing Official, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, in collaboration with the Community Benefits Coordinator, to provide data required to report annually starting in 2019 and going forward, on City of Toronto community benefits targets and or achievements on a project by project basis where possible, to be published on a City web page by year-end 2019, and with consideration for aligning with an open data approach.


8.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, in consultation with the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, the Chief Purchasing Officer and the City Solicitor, to develop and report back in the third quarter of 2020 on:


a. recommendations to advance the City of Toronto's community benefit initiatives, including additional and/or higher minimum hard targets;


b. a jurisdictional scan of best practices related to hard targets on community benefits, including community engagement, criteria and actual hard targets; and


c. an indication of the required resources to move the Community Benefits Framework forward.


9.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, through the Community Benefits Coordinator, to support, as resources allow, any community benefits initiatives that may fall outside the focus of the Implementation Plan but are consistent with the guiding principles of the Community Benefits Framework, including private developments on privately-owned land where community groups and developers are both willing to enter into exploratory discussions.


10. City Council request the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, the Chief Purchasing Officer, Purchasing and Materials Management, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the General Manager, Toronto Employment and Social Services, in collaboration with the Community Benefits Coordinator, and the City Councillor for Ward 24, Scarborough Guildwood, to utilize the Sir Robert L. Borden property located at 200 Poplar Road as a job skills training centre to assist job candidates from equity seeking groups, including Indigenous peoples, by providing pre-employment training and employment supports prior to and during employment, to maximize employment retention in eastern Scarborough.


11.  City Council request the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to include the Mount Dennis community as part of the Community Benefits Network pilot.


(June 11, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 11, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 to 6 from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Community Benefits Framework

Background Information (City Council)

(July 11, 2019) Supplementary report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Community Benefits Framework and Hard Targets (EC6.15a)

Communications (Committee)

(June 26, 2019) Letter from Richard M. De Gaetano (EC.New.EC6.15.1)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Heather Marshall, Toronto Environmental Alliance (EC.New.EC6.15.2)
(June 26, 2019) Submission from Toronto Community Benefits Network - 2018 Annual Report (EC.New.EC6.15.3)
(June 26, 2019) Submission from Erinn Burke (EC.New.EC6.15.4)

Communications (City Council)

(July 12, 2019) Submission from Ushnish Sengupta (CC.Supp.EC6.15.5)
(July 12, 2019) Letter from Mohammed Hashim, Senior Organizer, Toronto and York Region Labour Council (CC.Supp.EC6.15.6)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from Debbie Douglas, Executive Director, Ontario Council of Agencies Serving Immigrants (CC.New.EC6.15.7)
(July 16, 2019) Letter from Troy Budhu and Tamara Jeremie, Co-Chairs, Economic Opportunities Action Group of Jane Finch TSNS Task Force (CC.New.EC6.15.8)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from Rosemarie Powell, Executive Director, Toronto Community Benefits Network (CC.New.EC6.15.9)

EC6.16 - Downtown East 2023 Five-Year Action Plan

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York, 11 - University - Rosedale, 13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.    City Council amend the Downtown East Five-Year Action Plan and Work Plan, outlined as Attachments 3 and 4 to the report (June 12, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, to include the following actions and deliverables:


a. expand Action 1.0 to include the establishment of a morning and afternoon cleaning schedule for the public realm on the Dundas Street and Victoria Street frontages of the Works at 277 Victoria Street no later than the start of the third quarter 2019, including a plan to address community members’ discarded belongings that may have been forgotten or misplaced;


b. in addition to the continuation of outreach services in Action 3.0, the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration review service gaps and identify resource requirements, to be submitted through the 2020 Budget Process, in order to ensure regular outreach is taking place at Ryerson University and in priority hotspots in the Garden District and Moss Park neighbourhoods;


c.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration work with the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration and other applicable Divisions to assess the scale and type of operations taking place at City-funded community agencies as part of Action 2.4, the Sherbourne Corridor Coordinated Plan; and report back in the fourth quarter 2019 with recommendations on programming, funding, collaboration and enforcement actions necessary to maintain a clear and safe pedestrian thoroughfare on both sides of Sherbourne Street and Dundas Street at all times of day;


d.  the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards investigate all vacant buildings in the Downtown East area that they are made aware of to confirm compliance with the applicable municipal By-laws;

e.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration publish key health indicators bi-annually for the Downtown East catchment area, including City-wide availability of addiction treatment services and rehabilitation spots for those seeking assistance, supportive housing waitlist times, and Downtown East-specific rates of overdoses, the number of individuals sleeping on streets or in shelters who have been successfully housed, sharps collection data, and other relevant statistics;


f.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration consult with residents in the Moss Park neighbourhood on the need for additional Toronto Police Service Community Officer positions;


g.  expand Action 3.3, Mental Health Capacity Building, to request the Executive Director, Social Development Finance and Administration to work with the Medical Officer of Health, to:


1.  include an exploration of options to convene a mental health and addictions round table with the federal and provincial government, including participation from community partners, that would meet quarterly and provide a focused opportunity to discuss successes and service gaps in communities like the Downtown East which can be addressed through deeper collaboration and program changes; and


2.  based on the roundtable discussions, develop a report detailing the policy changes required for those experiencing mental health or addiction crises to obtain robust supports and housing solutions appropriate to their long-term wellbeing;


h.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration work with the Medical Officer of Health to review the existing literature to determine the possible health impacts of surviving an overdose including a review of the health and addiction services available to survivors; this review will include data on overdose reversals estimated through the use of existing paramedic naloxone administration data, data from the existing supervised consumption services on overdose reversals and Toronto Public Health naloxone distribution data;


i.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration ensure ongoing consultation with neighbours and resident groups in the Dundas-Sherbourne corridor to identify key health and safety concerns for interdivisional and coordinated responses;


j.  as per Action 3.1, Monitoring Toronto Respite Site Standards, the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration continue monthly inspection of respite sites to ensure that they are meeting City standards and providing for the health and safety needs of service users; and


k.  the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration include resident and business associations' feedback as part of the measures of success for the Action Plan.


2.  City Council adopt, as amended by Part 1 above, the Downtown East Five-Year Action Plan and Work Plan, outlined as Attachments 3 and 4 to the report (June 12, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration and direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to include the staffing and resources needed to implement the Work Plan as part of the 2020 Budget Process.


3. City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to submit a new and enhanced 2020 budget proposal to support the implementation of the actions of the Work Plan.


4. City Council authorize the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to enter into any agreements with third party partners integral to implementing these recommendations, within the resources in the approved operating budget, upon terms satisfactory to them, and in forms and terms satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to support implementation of the Downtown East Action Plan, as required.


5.  City Council request the Toronto Police Services Board to review the current response to safety and noise concerns in the Sherbourne Corridor and Moss Park areas and identify resource requirements to respond.


6. City Council request the Provincial and Federal Governments to work with the City to support actions to address the urgent need for enhanced access to supportive housing, rapid mental health crisis supports, and a continuum of substance use treatment and overdose prevention outlined in the Toronto Drug Strategy and collaborate with City staff to advance the outcomes of the Downtown East Action Plan.


(June 12, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 12, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Downtown East 2023 Five Year Action Plan
Attachment 1 - Summary of Key Consultations
Revised - Attachment 2 - 12 Month Action Plan Summary
Attachment 2 - 12 Month Action Plan Summary
Attachment 3 - Downtown East 2023 Action Plan Summary
Attachment 4 - Downtown East Action Plan Work Plan

Communications (Committee)

(June 24, 2019) Letter from Jessica Hales, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (EC.New.EC6.16.1)
(June 25, 2019) Letter from Cathy Crowe (EC.New.6.16.2)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from John W. Dimon (EC.New.EC6.16.3)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam (EC.New.EC6.16.4)

Communications (City Council)

(July 7, 2019) E-mail from Anna Marie Leonard (CC.Main.EC6.16.5)
(July 11, 2019) Letter from Deborah Brown, Vice President, Administration and Operations, Ryerson University (CC.Supp.EC6.16.6)
(July 12, 2019) Letter from Connie Langille, Chair, Church Wellesley Neighbourhood Association (CC.New.EC6.16.7)
(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Dee Lewis, President, Winchester Park Residents' Association (CC.New.EC6.16.8)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from Andrew Thomson, Chief of Government Relations, University of Toronto (CC.New.EC6.16.9)
(July 16, 2019) Letter from Lucas Granger, Vice-President External Affairs, University of Toronto Students' Union, Submitted by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, Ward 13, Toronto-Centre (CC.New.EC6.16.10)
(July 16, 2019) Letter from Diana McNally, Training and Engagement Co-ordinator, The Toronto Drop-in Network (CC.New.EC6.16.11)

EC6.17 - Downtown West Services and Facilities Review Update

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York, 11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and in consultation with other divisions as needed, as an interdivisional working group, to implement the workplan referenced in Attachment 1 to the report (June 11, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration for the coordinated review of current City of Toronto community uses and facilities in the Downtown West area against the current and projected needs and report to the Economic and Community Development Committee with a comprehensive strategy in the second quarter of 2020.


2.  City Council request the Executive Director Social Development Finance and Administration to establish a working group composed of lead staff from Alexandra Park Community Centre, Cecil Street Community Centre, Scadding Court Community Centre, University Settlement House, and Yonge Street Mission, to work with the interdivisional working group set out in Part 1 above, to implement the Downtown West Service Review Workplan.


3.  City Council authorize the interdivisional working group to undertake an expedited review of Alexandra Park Community Centre, Cecil Community Centre, Harrison Pool, University Settlement House, and Scadding Court Community Centre, that are identified in this report as the "priority sites" and report back as needed on sites that require capital work, and/or service changes to optimize services.


4.  City Council authorize the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to create and administer a migration plan for programs and resources for the programs at Cecil Community Centre to other locations in the catchment in consultation with the local Councillors, stakeholders and the community to accommodate the temporary closure of the facility for required facility upgrades.


(June 11, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 11, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Downtown West Services and Facilities Review Update

EC6.18 - Implementing the Regent Park Social Development Plan

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to include a request in the 2020 Budget submission for $0.085 million, 1 Full-Time Equivalent Community Development Worker to project manage the implementation of the Regent Park Social Development Plan.


2.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to review the proposed actions, services and programs in Attachment 1 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration and report to the October 16, 2019 Economic and Community Development Committee meeting on priority actions and a strategy to resource these needs in time for consideration for the 2020 Budget process.


(June 13, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Implementing the Regent Park Social Development Plan
Attachment 1 - Regent Park Social Development Plan Actions

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Miguel Avila-Velarde (CC.New.EC6.18.1)
(July 17, 2019) E-mail from Miguel Avila-Velarde (CC.New.EC6.18.2)

EC6.19 - Toronto Grants Policy: Update

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the Toronto Grants Policy, including the City of Toronto Grant Principles, outlined in Appendix A to the report (June 5, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration.


(June 5, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 5, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Toronto Grants Policy: Update
Appendix A - City of Toronto Community Grants Policy

Communications (Committee)

(June 25, 2019) Letter from Lindsay (Swooping Hawk) Kretschmer, Toronto Aboriginal Support Services Council TASSC (EC.New.EC6.19.1)

EC6.20 - Community Services Partnership Renewal

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the Community Services Partnership framework as described in Appendix A to the report (June 11, 2019) from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration.


2.  City Council approve the following appeals approach for the full Community Services Partnership funding application:


a.  Appeals to the recommendations for funding presented to Council will only be accepted and considered in either of the following circumstances:

i.  If there is evidence to suggest that a person involved in the funding recommendation had a conflict of interest at any time during the granting process that has affected the grant recommendation.

ii.  If there is evidence to suggest that there was a departure from the approved grant-making process outlined in the grant guidelines.

b.  A recommendation to cease funding a particular program or agency will not, in and of itself be a basis for appeals.

c.  There will be a process to submit and assess the request to appeal before the appeal is reviewed by an appeals panel; appeals will be heard by a panel of residents, service users and city staff from divisions other than Social Development, Finance and Administration.

3.  City Council authorize the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to re-allocate the 2019-2022 Community Service Partnerships (Community Services Partnership) funds that are not used during the funding year by approved organizations to other Community Service Partnership approved organizations.


4.  City Council authorize the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to approve changes to funded programs for already Council approved agencies within each four year Community Services Partnership funding cycle where a demonstrated community need is being addressed.


5.  City Council authorize the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to re-allocate, or approve and disburse one-time Capacity Building grants.


6. City Council request the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to report back annually to the Economic and Community Development Committee on the grants approved through authority provided in Parts 3, 4 and 5 above.


7. City Council authorize the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to receive and allocate money received from other funders in support of capacity building projects approved through authority provided in Part 5 above and to enter into agreements for the use of these funds.


8.  City Council, on a one-time basis, amend the Toronto Grants Policy, to permit the following organizations to submit an eligibility application to the Community Services Partnership no later than July 26, 2019:


a.  Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities;


b.  Christie Ossington Neighbourhood Centre;


c.  New Canadian Community Centre;


d.  Armenian Relief Society, ARS Social;


e.  Canadian Hearing Society; and


f.  Mood Disorders Association of Ontario & Toronto.


(June 11, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 11, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration on Community Services Partnership Renewal
Appendix A - Community Services Partnership Framework
Appendix B - 2019 Community Service Partnership Allocations
Appendix C - Community Service Partnership Theory of Change
Appendix D - Community Service Partnership Eligibility Criteria

Communications (Committee)

(June 26, 2019) Submission from Jeanie Joaquin (EC.New.EC6.20.1)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Councillor Jim Karygiannis (EC.New.EC6.20.2)

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from N. Corrado (CC.Supp.EC6.20.3)

EC6.21 - Toronto Economic Bulletin

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council receive the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture for information.


(June 11, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

Background Information (Committee)

(June 11, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Toronto Economic Bulletin
Attachment - Toronto Economic Bulletin

EC6.23 - Supporting Three Significant Events in Toronto in 2019

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council increase the 2019 Economic Development and Culture Operating Budget by $0.375 million gross, $0 net, fully funded from the Major Special Events Reserve Fund, to provide grants to Elevate, 6 Degrees and the Ontario Economic Summit for their 2019 events in Toronto.


(June 26, 2019) Letter from Councillor Michael Thompson

Background Information (Committee)

(June 26, 2019) Letter and Appendix A from Councillor Michael Thompson on Supporting Three Significant Events in Toronto in 2019

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from N. Corrado (CC.Supp.EC6.23.1)

General Government and Licensing Committee - Meeting 6

GL6.2 - Annual Update on Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) as it Relates to the City's Employer Contributions

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council receive the report (June 10, 2019) from the Controller for information.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report and Attachments 1, 2, 3, and 4 from the Controller on Annual Update on Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) as it Relates to the City's Employer Contributions
(June 24, 2019) Presentation from Joe Pennachetti, Director, OMERS Sponsors Corporation, and David Beatty, Director, OMERS Administration Corporation, on OMERS Update to the City of Toronto

Communications (Committee)

(June 21, 2019) Submission from Mike Major, City of Toronto Administrative, Professional, Supervisory Association (COTAPSA) (GL.New.GL6.2.1)

Communications (City Council)

(June 27, 2019) Letter from Mike Major, President, COTAPSA (CC.Main.GL6.2.2)

GL6.4 - Write-off of Uncollectible Property Taxes from the Tax Roll

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council deem the unpaid property taxes, including interest and penalties which have accrued on those unpaid taxes up to the time of the write-off, levied from 1998 to 2018 as uncollectible on the 88 receivables listed in Attachment 1 to the report (June 10, 2109) from the Controller and direct the Controller to remove these amounts from the tax roll.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller on Write-off of Uncollectible Property Taxes from the Tax Roll
Attachment 1 - Listing of Tax Amounts to be Written off as at May 1, 2019

GL6.7 - Progress on the Mergers of the City of Toronto Pre-Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) Pension Plans with OMERS

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct that the confidential information contained in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Controller remain confidential in its entirety, as it pertains to the security of property belonging to the City of Toronto.


Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Controller remains confidential in its entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it pertains to the security of property belonging to the City of Toronto.

Confidential Attachment - The security of property belonging to the City of Toronto


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller on Progress on the Mergers of the City of Toronto Pre-Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) Pension Plans with OMERS
(June 10, 2019) Confidential Attachment 1 - Mergers of Pre-OMERS Pension Plans with OMERS

GL6.8 - Toronto Civic Employees' Pension Plan - Proposed Merger with the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) Plan - Implementation of OMERS Indexing

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend Schedule A attached to By-law 100-2018 governing the Toronto Civic Employees' Pension Plan (the Plan) to:


a.  strike out the existing precondition and formula for conditional annual post retirement adjustments for pensioner benefits in Sections 14B(3a) and 14B(3b) of the Plan and replace it with the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) Plan provision for annual unconditional Consumer Price Index-linked inflation adjustments; and


b.  make such other amendments as may be required to facilitate the merger and transfer of assets.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller on Toronto Civic Employees' Pension Plan - Proposed Merger with the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) Plan - Implementation of OMERS Indexing

GL6.10 - Metropolitan Toronto Police Benefit Fund - Proposed Merger with the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) Plan - Implementation of OMERS Indexing

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend By-law 116-2018, as amended, governing the Metropolitan Toronto Police Benefit Fund (the Plan) to:


a.  add the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) Plan provision for annual unconditional Consumer Price Index-linked inflation adjustments; and


b.  make such other amendments as may be required to facilitate the merger and transfer of assets.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller on Metropolitan Toronto Police Benefit Fund - Proposed Merger with the Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System (OMERS) Plan - Implementation of OMERS Indexing

GL6.11 - The Corporation of the City of York Employee Pension Plan - Surplus Distribution

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend Schedule A attached to By-law 1428-2017, as amended, governing The Corporation of the City of York Employee Pension Plan (the Plan) to:


a.  amend Section 17.06, Surplus upon Termination, by deleting the words "to the Corporation or any Participating Employer" and replacing it with the words "to the members of the Plan" so that the amended section reads as follows:


Subject to terms of participation by Participating Employers, upon discontinuance of the Plan, in whole or in part, any assets of the Fund (or the appropriate portion of the Fund in the case of a partial discontinuance) in excess of those required to discharge all liability for accrued benefits shall be paid to the members of the Plan.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Controller

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) The Corporation of the City of York Employee Pension Plan - Surplus Distribution

GL6.12 - Insurance Claim Trends Against the City of Toronto and Mitigation Measures to Reduce Claims

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the Ombudsman to review the City of Toronto's process for public claims for damage due to the escape of water from the City's sewage system, including basement flooding, and to conduct an investigation into this process, if warranted.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Insurance Claim Trends Against the City of Toronto and Mitigation Measures to Reduce Claims

GL6.13 - 2018 Final Report on Property Sales, Acquisitions, Expropriations, and Leases

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council revise the "Comments" and "Current Status" columns in Appendix A to the report (May 30, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services to indicate transit planning activity for the following properties under "Intended Manner of Sale - Transfer to Build Toronto":


a.  4200-4400 Eglinton Avenue West; and


b.  4452 Eglinton Avenue West.


(May 30, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services

Background Information (Committee)

(May 30, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services on 2018 Final Report on Property Sales, Acquisitions, Expropriations, and Leases
Appendix A - Declared Surplus List
Appendix B - Properties Authorized for Sale

GL6.14 - Real Estate Acquisitions and Expropriation of Property Interests Near the Christie Subway Station for the Easier Access Phase lll Project

Decision Type:
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the Director, Real Estate Services to negotiate and, if unsuccessful, to initiate expropriation proceedings for the Property Interests identified in Appendix A to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services.


2.  City Council authorize the Director, Real Estate Services to serve and publish Notices of Application for Approval to Expropriate Land for the Property Interests identified in Appendix A to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, to forward any requests for hearings to the Chief Inquiry Officer to attend any hearings in order to present the City of Toronto's position, and to report the Chief Inquiry Officer's recommendations to City Council for consideration.


3.  City Council direct the Director, Real Estate Services to report to the October 7, 2019 meeting of the General Government and Licensing Committee on the Second Exit Project and Easier Access III Project requirements, such report to include an updated program plan for the projects, list of the property requirements together with estimated property acquisition costs, and details of the project funding requirements. 


(June 3, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 3, 2019) Report and Appendices A and B from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services on Real Estate Acquisitions and Expropriation of Property Interests Near the Christie Subway Station for the Easier Access Phase lll Project

GL6.15 - Expropriation of Property Interests Near the Donlands Subway Station for the Easier Access Phase lll and Secondary Exit Projects

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
14 - Toronto - Danforth

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto to enter into agreements, an offer to sell or an agreement under the Expropriations Act, with respect to the Property Interests identified in Appendix B to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, on terms and conditions acceptable to the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, or the Director, Real Estate Services, jointly and severally, to execute the agreements in Part 1 above.


3.  City Council, in the event that the City of Toronto is unable to reach an agreement with the owner for the acquisition of the Property Interests identified in Appendix B to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, in Part 1 above:


a.  as approving authority under the Expropriations Act, approve the expropriation of the Property Interests;


b.  as expropriating authority under the Expropriations Act, authorize City staff to take all steps necessary to comply with the Expropriations Act, including but not limited to, the preparation and registration of an Expropriation Plan and service of the Notice of Expropriation, the Notice of Election as to a Date for Compensation, and/or the Notice of Possession for the Property, as may be appropriate;


c.  authorize City staff to obtain an appraisal report to value the Property Interests, updated to the date of expropriation or, if the owner so elects in accordance with the Expropriations Act, to the date of service of the Notices of Expropriation, and to prepare and serve Offers of Compensation on all registered owners, at the appraised value, all in accordance with the requirements in the Expropriations Act; and


d.  authorize the Director, Real Estate Services, and the Manager, Transaction Services, jointly and severally, to sign the Notices of Expropriation, the Notices of Possession, the Offer of Compensation, and any related documents on behalf of the City for the Property Interests.


4.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential information contained in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services once there has been a final determination of all claims for compensation for all of the Property Interests identified in Appendix B to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.


Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it pertains to a proposed or pending acquisition of land by the City of Toronto.  Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services will be made public once there has been a final determination of all claims for compensation for all of the Property Interests identified in Appendix B to the report (June 3, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - A proposed or pending acquisition of land by the City of Toronto


(June 3, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 3, 2019) Report and Appendices A, B, C, D, and E from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services on Expropriation of Property Interests Near the Donlands Subway Station for the Easier Access Phase lll and Secondary Exit Projects
Confidential Attachment 1 - Estimated Value of the Property Interests

GL6.16 - Application for Approval to Expropriate - 39 Commissioners Street

Decision Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the Director, Real Estate Services to initiate expropriation proceedings, if necessary, to acquire the property municipally known as 39 Commissioners Street, legally described in Appendix A to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services and approximately shown in Appendix B to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services.


2.  City Council authorize the Director, Real Estate Services to serve and publish Notices of Application for Approval to Expropriate the property municipally known as 39 Commissioners Street, to forward any requests for hearings to the Chief Inquiry Officer, to attend any hearings in order to present the City of Toronto's position, and to report the Chief Inquiry Officer's recommendations to City Council for consideration.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report and Appendices A and B from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services on Application for Approval to Expropriate - 39 Commissioners Street

GL6.17 - Land Exchange with the Toronto District School Board - City Acquisition of 200 Poplar Road in Exchange for Stratified Ownership at 770 Don Mills Road

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
16 - Don Valley East, 24 - Scarborough - Guildwood

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto (the City) to enter into a Land Exchange Agreement with the Toronto District School Board for the property known as 200 Poplar Road, legally described in Appendix 1 to the revised report (June 10, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, in exchange for approximately 54,000 square feet of stratified fee simple interest in part of 770 Don Mills Road, being Parts 2 and 5 on Plan RS-882, also shown as Part 2 on Sketch Number PS-2005-026 in Appendix 2 to the revised report (June 10, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, substantially on the terms and conditions to be agreed between the parties, as may be approved by the Director, Real Estate Services, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council approve that the transaction meets the requirement for an exchange of land as outlined in Chapter 4.3 (Parks and Open Space Areas), Policy 8 of the City of Toronto's Official Plan.


3.  City Council authorize the Director, Real Estate Services to accept the terms of the Land Exchange Agreement on behalf of the City of Toronto.


4.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to complete the transaction on behalf of the City of Toronto, including paying any necessary expenses, amending the closing and other dates to such earlier or later date(s), and on such terms and conditions as the City Solicitor may, from time to time, consider reasonable.


5.  City Council authorize and direct the appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect to City Council's decision.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Revised Report and Appendices 1 and 2 from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services on Land Exchange with the Toronto District School Board - City Acquisition of 200 Poplar Road in Exchange for Stratified Ownership at 770 Don Mills Road
(June 10, 2019) Report and Appendices 1 and 2 from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services on Land Exchange with the Toronto District School Board - City Acquisition of 200 Poplar Road in Exchange for Stratified Ownership at 770 Don Mills Road

GL6.18 - 20 Brunel Court - Leases with the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Catholic District School Board

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto to enter into Leases with the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Catholic District School Board, severally, respecting a portion of the property at 20 Brunel Court, substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Appendix A to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and on such other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, in consultation with the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council approve the City of Toronto's proportionate share of 41.9 percent for the Shared Facilities Agreement which includes 5.3 percent to be recovered from the third-party child care operator.


3.  City Council authorize the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, or designate, to administer and manage the Leases, including the provision of any consents, approvals, waivers, notices, and notices of termination, provided that the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, may, at any time, refer consideration of such matters to City Council for its determination and direction.


4.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto to enter into a Shared Facilities Agreement with the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Catholic District School Board, substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Appendix B to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and on such other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


5.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto to enter into any Ancillary Agreements and other agreements, documents, notices, or instruments contemplated under or necessary to give effect to the Leases and the Shared Facilities Agreement (Ancillary Agreements) on the terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, in consultation with the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


6.  City Council authorize the Director, Real Estate Services, to execute the Leases and Ancillary Agreements relating to the Leases, on behalf of the City of Toronto.


7.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to execute the Shared Facilities Agreement and Ancillary Agreements relating to the Shared Facilities Agreement, on behalf of the City of Toronto.


8.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, to amend the Shared Facilities Agreement as necessary, from time to time, provided the amendments are not materially inconsistent with the original Shared Facilities Agreement and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


9.  City Council approve the establishment of an obligatory reserve fund account called the Canoe Landing Reserve Fund in Schedule 15 - Third Party Agreements Obligatory Reserve Funds of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 227 (Reserves and Reserve Funds), the purpose of which is to provide funding for minor and major repairs, replacements, and capital improvements for the Canoe Landing Facility and related property as outlined in Appendix C to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation.


10.  City Council authorize the amendment of the Umbrella Agreement dated October 21, 1994 between the predecessors of the City of Toronto, the Toronto District School Board, and the Toronto Catholic District School Board and the Development Agreement dated May 1, 2014 between the City of Toronto, the Toronto District School Board, and the Toronto Catholic District School Board, such that the requirements in those Agreements to enter into:


a.  a ground lease from the City to the School Boards and the City, collectively, as ground lessee;


b.  space leases from the ground lessee to each of the City and the School Boards;


c.  a Facilities Agreement among the ground lessee parties;


d.  a Shared Use Park Agreement between the City and the ground lessee; and


e.  any other agreements relating to the Facility, as outlined in the report (June 10, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation,


are superceded by the Leases and Shared Facilities Agreement authorized by Parts 1 and 3 above and are of no further force and effect.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation on 20 Brunel Court - Leases with the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Catholic District School Board
Appendix A - Major Terms: Leases with the Toronto District School Board and the Toronto Catholic District School Board - 20 Brunel Court
Appendix B - Major Terms: Shared Facilities Agreement Between the City of Toronto, the Toronto District School Board, and the Toronto Catholic District School Board
Appendix C - Canoe Landing Reserve Fund

GL6.19 - Community Space Tenancy Lease Agreement and Municipal Capital Facility Designation for Toronto Community & Culture Centre at 1650 Finch Avenue East

Decision Type:
17 - Don Valley North

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto to enter into a Community Space Tenancy Lease (the Lease) with Toronto Community and Culture Centre, pursuant to the Community Space Tenancy Policy, as a Community Partner Tenant for the lands and premises located at 1650 Finch Avenue East and known as Zion Church Cultural Centre for a five-year term, substantially on the terms outlined in Appendix A to the report (May 31, 2019) from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, with such revisions as may be acceptable to the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, in consultation with the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, and the Director, Real Estate Services, severally, to execute the Lease and any related documents on behalf of the City of Toronto, as required.


3.  City Council authorize the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, or designate, to administer and manage the Lease, including the provision of any amendments, consents, approvals, waivers, notices, and notices of termination, provided that the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, may, at any time, refer consideration of such matters (including their content) to City Council for its determination and direction.


4.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration, in consultation with the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to ensure that the Community Partner Tenant entering into the Lease for the lands and premises located at 1650 Finch Avenue East and known as Zion Church Cultural Centre is fully compliant with the City of Toronto Human Rights and Anti-Harassment Policy and that it puts the well-being of Toronto residents ahead of any foreign government influence.


5.  City Council pass a By-law pursuant to Section 252 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, providing authority to:


a.  enter into a Municipal Capital Facility Agreement with Toronto Community and Culture Centre for the property known as 1650 Finch Avenue East, with respect to approximately 2,340 square feet of community space (the Leased Premises) for the purposes of providing a Municipal Capital Facility related to the provision of social and health services; and


b.  exempt the Leased Premises from taxation for municipal and school purposes, with the tax exemption to be effective from the latest of: (1) the commencement date of the Lease, (2) the date the Municipal Capital Facility Agreement is entered into, and (3) the date the Tax Exemption By-law is enacted.


6.  City Council direct the City Clerk to give written notice of the amended By-law to the Minister of Finance, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, the Toronto District School Board, the Toronto Catholic District School Board, le Conseil scolaire Viamonde, and le Conseil scolaire catholique MonAvenir.


(May 31, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture

Background Information (Committee)

(May 31, 2019) Report and Appendices A and B from the Acting Director, Real Estate Services, and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture on Community Space Tenancy Lease Agreement and Municipal Capital Facility Designation for Toronto Community & Culture Centre at 1650 Finch Avenue East

GL6.21 - Award of Request for Proposal Number 9119-19-0162 for the Design, Program Management, and Contract Administration Services for Accessibility Upgrades to City of Toronto Facilities at Various Locations

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Facilities Management, to negotiate and enter into an agreement with IBI Group, who was the highest scoring proponent meeting the requirements of Request for Proposal Number 9119-19-0162, for the provision of design, program management, and contract administration services for accessibility upgrades at various City of Toronto locations for a fixed period of 7.5 years ending December 31, 2026 in the amount of $24,120,855 excluding all taxes ($24,545,382 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), based on the terms and conditions satisfactory to the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the Interim General Manager, Facilities Management, and the Chief Purchasing Officer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report from the Interim General Manager, Facilities Management, and the Chief Purchasing Officer on Award of Request for Proposal Number 9119-19-0162 for the Design, Program Management, and Contract Administration Services for Accessibility Upgrades to City of Toronto Facilities at Various Locations
(June 7, 2019) Report from the Interim General Manager, Facilities Management, and the Chief Purchasing Officer on Award of Request for Proposal Number 9119-19-0162 for the Design, Program Management, and Contract Administration Services for Accessibility Upgrades to City of Toronto Facilities at Various Locations - Notice of Pending Report

GL6.22 - Award of Request for Proposal Number 9119-19-7055 for Property Management Services for Canoe Landing

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to execute, on behalf of the City of Toronto, an agreement with Kipling Realty Management Inc., who was the only proponent who met the requirements of Request for Proposal Number 9119-19-7055, to provide property management services for the Canoe Landing Facility, located at 20 Brunel Court, for a fixed term of five years in the amount of $1,948,787.95 net of all taxes ($1,983,086.62 net of Harmonized Sales Tax recoveries), substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 2 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Purchasing Officer and on such other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to amend the Property Management Agreement as necessary and to modify the number of staff provided by Kipling Realty Management Inc. to efficiently and effectively manage the Canoe Landing Facility located at 20 Brunel Court.


(June 13, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Chief Purchasing Officer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Chief Purchasing Officer on Award of Request for Proposal Number 9119-19-7055 for Property Management Services for Canoe Landing
Attachment 1 - Financial Impact Summary of Recommended Contract for the Facility and Related Property (Net of HST Recoveries)
Attachment 2 - Terms and Conditions of the Property Management Agreement for Canoe Landing
(June 11, 2019) Attachment 3 - Fairness Monitor Attestation Report

GL6.24 - Delivery of the East Bayfront Community Recreation Centre

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto to enter into, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to execute on behalf of the City, a Development Management Agreement for the development of an approximately 25,000 square foot community recreation centre (the Recreation Centre) within a mixed-use project containing residential, commercial, and retail components (the Block 4 Project) at 261 Queens Quay East with Aqualuna Bayside Toronto Partnership, a general partnership of 2572942 Ontario Limited and Hines Bayside IV ULC, and with the partnership's nominee, Aqualuna Bayside Toronto Inc., substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 3 to the report (June 6, 2019) from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and on such other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto to enter into, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to execute on behalf of the City, a Construction Management Contract for the construction of the base/shell of the Recreation Centre and a Construction Management Contract for the construction of the fit-out of the Recreation Centre, both with Deltera Contracting Inc., substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 4 to the report (June 6, 2019) from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and on such other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto to enter into, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to execute a single contract for an estimated $600,000 from the project budget for full consulting services with Perkins+Will Canada Inc., the architect currently retained by the developer for the design of the Recreation Centre.


4.  City Council, conditional upon the execution of acceptable agreements in accordance with Parts 1, 2, and 3 above, authorize the flow of the following funding to Aqualuna Bayside Toronto Partnership, a general partnership of 2572942 Ontario Limited and Hines Bayside IV ULC, or its nominee, and to Deltera Contracting Inc., in accordance with the Development Management Agreement and the Construction Management Agreements, respectively, and to Perkins+Will Canada Inc. to the maximum fee specified in Part 3 above for the delivery of the Recreation Centre:


a.  up to $15.000 million from the Approved 2019 Waterfront Revitalization Initiative Capital Budget and future year commitments from the project "Precinct Implementation Projects," with funding of $1.500 million from Debt and $13.500 million from Development Charges (Source Account: XR2114); and


b.  up to $7.000 million from the Approved 2019 Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget and future year commitments for the East Bayfront Community Centre sub-project in the Community Centre project, with funding of $6.300 million from Development Charges (Source Account: XR2114) and $0.700 million from the South District Parkland Development Reserve Fund (Source Account: XR2209) projects.


5.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto, as Vendor, to enter into an Amending Agreement of Purchase and Sale with Aqualuna Bayside Toronto Inc., for and on behalf of Aqualuna Bayside Toronto Partnership, as Purchaser, to amend the Agreement of Purchase and Sale of Block 4, on the following terms and conditions and on such other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services, in consultation with the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor:


a.  the Amended Agreement of Purchase and Sale will not become effective unless and until the City confirms that the City is proceeding with the Recreation Centre, in accordance with the terms of the Development Management Agreement for the base/shell;


b.  Waterfront Toronto and the Purchaser shall have entered into an Amending Development Agreement in respect of the development of Block 4 which includes the Recreation Centre;


c.  the City will retain freehold ownership of the strata parcel of land designated for the Recreation Centre, as shown on an initial strata plan for closing;


d.  the parties will enter into a Shared Facilities Agreement in respect of the shared areas (Shared Areas) of the Block 4 Project and other operational matters in recognition of the integration of the Recreation Centre with the other components of the Block 4 Project, substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 5 to the report (June 6, 2019) from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation;


e.  the City's share of the Shared Facilities Budget for the operation and maintenance of the Shared Areas and various operational matters in respect of the overall Block 4 Project for the first year of operation of the Recreation Centre are estimated not to exceed $10,000 (the Shared Facilities Budget);


f.  on the closing of the Agreement of Purchase and Sale, the Recreation Centre lands will be subject to the Restrictions on Use and the Right of First Opportunity, substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 6 to the report (June 6, 2019) from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation;


g.  upon the completion of the construction of the Recreation Centre and the registration of the final strata plan for the Block 4 Project, the City, as transferor or transferee, will enter into such reconveyances of land and transfers of easements for nominal consideration, as necessary, to legally describe the lands for the Recreation Centre as City-owned freehold space, together with and subject to appurtenant and servient easement interests; and


h.  if the City has not proceeded with the fit-out of the Recreation Centre, in accordance with the terms of the Construction Management Agreement, and the City has failed to commence construction of the fit-out of the Recreation Centre within the two-year period following 50 percent occupancy of the residential condominium, the Purchaser will have the option to purchase the City's freehold strata lands designated for the Recreation Centre, together with the Recreation Centre base/shell as then-existing, for fair market value.


6.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto to enter into the Shared Facilities Agreement, substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 5 to the report (June 6, 2019) from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and on such other terms and conditions deemed appropriate by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation in consultation with the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


7.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to approve the Shared Facilities Budget, to negotiate, administer, manage, execute, and deliver on behalf of the City the Shared Facilities Agreement, to designate any person or persons to represent the City on any shared facilities committee or subcommittee formed under the Shared Facilities Agreement, to provide any authorization, direction, or instructions to such designated person(s) in carrying out his/her role(s) as a City representative(s), to carry out all dispute resolution processes, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation or successor/designate(s), is authorized to provide any consents, approvals, waivers, notices, certificates of compliance, status certificates, and other documentation under the Shared Facilities Agreement, provided that the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, may, at any time, refer consideration of such matters (including their content) to City Council for its determination and direction.


8.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to make all decisions, including any necessary elections, waivers, approvals, consents, and notices, on behalf of the City during the pre- and post-construction and construction phases of the Recreation Centre, in accordance with the project agreements outlined in Parts 1, 2, and 3 above and any other agreements or documentation entered into as a result of those agreements.


9.  City Council authorize the City of Toronto to enter into, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to execute on behalf of the City, any Ancillary Agreements contemplated under or arising out of the Development Management Agreement, the Construction Management Agreement, the Shared Facilities Agreement, the Amended Agreement of Purchase and Sale, or the construction of the Recreation Centre, in consultation and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


(June 6, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation

Background Information (Committee)

(June 6, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 to 7 from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation on Delivery of the East Bayfront Community Recreation Centre

GL6.25 - Increase in Penalty Amounts for Stopping and Parking Violations

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council increase the penalty amount from $60 to $100 for the "Stop - Non-School Bus in School Bus Loading Zone" offence in Section 950-400B(10) of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950 (Traffic and Parking), with an implementation date of September 3, 2019.


2.  City Council increase the penalty amount from $60 to $100 for the "Stop - Within 9 Metres of School Crossing" offence in Section 950-400B(11) of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950 (Traffic and Parking), with an implementation date of September 3, 2019.


3.  City Council increase the penalty amount from $60 to $100 for the "Stop - Signed Highway - During Prohibited (Times/Days)" offence in Section 950-405D of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950 (Traffic and Parking), with an implementation date of September 3, 2019.


4.  City Council increase the penalty amount from $60 to $100 for the "Stand Vehicle - Signed Highway During Prohibited (Times/Days)" offence in Section 950-405G of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950 (Traffic and Parking), with an implementation date of September 3, 2019.


5.  City Council amend the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950 (Traffic and Parking) to establish a new offence in Section 950-400B(1.1) for stopping any vehicle on or over a boulevard unless stopping is authorized under any other City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter or By-law and establish an associated penalty amount of $150, with an implementation date of September 3, 2019.


6.  City Council amend the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 610 (Penalties, Administration of) and the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950 (Traffic and Parking), generally as outlined in Attachment 1 to the report (June 10, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services.


7.  City Council increase the penalty amount from $60 to $100 for the "Stand Vehicle - Passenger Loading Zone - Contrary to Permitted (Times/Days)" offence in Section 950-402A(3) of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950 (Traffic and Parking), with an implementation date of September 3, 2019, and amend the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 610 (Penalties, Administration of) accordingly.


8.  City Council increase the penalty amount from $60 to $100 for the "Stand Vehicle - Passenger Loading Zone - Not Actively Engaged in Loading/Unloading Passengers" offence in Section 950-402A(3) of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950 (Traffic and Parking), with an implementation date of September 3, 2019, and amend the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 610 (Penalties, Administration of) accordingly.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report and Attachments 1, 2, and 3 from the General Manager, Transportation Services on Increase in Penalty Amounts for Stopping and Parking Violations

GL6.30 - Addition to the Records Retention By-law

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend Schedule A, Records Retention Schedule, in the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 217, Records, Corporate (City), as outlined in Appendix 1 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the City Clerk.


(June 7, 2019) Report from the City Clerk

Background Information (Committee)

(June 7, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Addition to the Records Retention By-law
Appendix 1 - Revisions to Existing Record Retention Schedule

GL6.31 - Review of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire, as follows:


Accessibility Fund Program


1.  Add a provision to create an Accessibility Fund Program that is:


a.  funded through regulatory charges on members of the vehicle-for-hire and private transportation company industries that do not provide City-licensed wheelchair accessible service; and


b.  disbursed based on service standards and eligibility criteria to City-licensed wheelchair accessible drivers and owners that are not under contract with the Toronto Transit Commission's Wheel-Trans specialized transit service.


2.  Add a provision to allow the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards or designate to establish the funding formulas for the disbursement of funds, the service standards, and the eligibility criteria for the Accessibility Fund Program.


3.  Add a provision to state that the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards shall publish the service standards and the eligibility criteria.


4. Add a provision to state that accessible vehicle-for-hire drivers must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements for the Accessibility Fund Program:


a.  licensed under this chapter;


b.  current and valid training endorsement for accessible service; and


c.  declare or provide other proof that criteria and service standards, as required by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, have been met.


5.  Add a provision to state that accessible vehicle-for-hire owners must meet the following minimum eligibility requirements for the Accessibility Fund Program:


a.  licensed under this chapter;


b.  vehicle is compliant with the Canadian Standards Association standard for wheelchair accessible vehicles; and


c.  declare or provide other proof that criteria and service standards, as required by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, have been met.


6.  Add a provision to state that, to be eligible for the Accessibility Fund Program, licensed vehicle-for-hire drivers and owners must provide the following information as part of the application process:


a.  business licence number under this chapter;


b.  full name;


c.  mailing address;


d.  contact information such as phone number and e-mail address; and


e.  any other information as requested by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.


7.  Add a provision that the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards may refuse or cancel funding if the accessible owner or driver does not meet the eligibility criteria or service standards as set out by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, if the funding was granted due to an administrative or technical error, or if the accessible owner or driver has not provided complete or accurate data or information.


8.  Add a provision to state that the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards shall provide the accessible owner or driver with written notice that consideration is being given to the refusal or cancellation of their funding application and providing the accessible owner or driver with an opportunity to respond in writing to this notice within 10 days of being notified. Municipal Licensing and Standards will then provide the accessible owner or driver with written notice of its final decision. If an accessible owner or driver's eligibility has been refused or cancelled because the owner or driver was not properly eligible or provided incomplete or inaccurate information, the accessible owner or driver will not be eligible for the Accessibility Fund Program for two years.


9.  Add a provision that the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards may recover any funds disbursed in error or if the funds were disbursed based on incomplete or inaccurate information provided by the applicant.


10.  Add a provision that requires, as conditions for licence renewal, that the Accessibility Fund Program regulatory charge be paid and that funds disbursed from the Accessibility Fund Program based on incomplete or inaccurate information provided by a funding applicant be repaid.


11.  Add a provision to state that the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards has the authority to, at any time, recalibrate the funding formulas or prohibit the disbursement of funds to applicants based on the availability of funding.


12.  Add a provision to state that the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards shall collect regulatory charges associated with the Accessibility Fund Program at the same time as licensing fees are collected.


Administration, Audit Powers, and Revocation Process of Training Programs


13. Add a provision to require existing private transportation company and vehicle-for-hire driver licence holders to provide proof of the successful completion of a mandatory training program, that is approved by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, by the fourth quarter of 2020; the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards should give consideration to a grandfathering program for taxi and limousine owners and drivers for members, if they were licensed as a vehicle for hire driver (or previously as a taxi or limousine driver) as of May 30, 2016 and have completed a taxi or limousine training course satisfactory to the Executive Director.


14.  Add a provision to allow the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to establish the mandatory components and criteria for the accreditation of training programs for all drivers licensed under this chapter.


15.  Add a provision to state that the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards shall publish the mandatory components of training programs, criteria to accredit training programs, and a list of approved training programs.


16.  Add a provision that each applicant for the certification of a training program shall provide, at minimum, the following information to the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards:


a.  full name of individual or business;


b.  mailing address;


c.  contact information, including phone number and e-mail address;

d.  the syllabus of the proposed training content; and


e.  any other information as requested by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.


17. Add a provision to require private transportation company and vehicle-for-hire drivers to successfully complete a third-party training program, including a final evaluation test, that satisfactorily meets the criteria established by, and is approved by, the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards; the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards should give consideration to programs with an in car and/or class component, a defensive driving training component and accessibility, diversity and sensitivity training.


18.  Add a provision that the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards has the authority to audit approved training programs and request information related to the audit, as required.


19.  Add a provision that, pursuant to the audit and investigation process, the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards has the authority to revoke the accreditation of training programs if:


a.  Municipal Licensing and Standards has reasonable grounds to believe that the training program no longer meets the requirements for inclusion on the approved list, in accordance with the mandatory components established by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards;


b.  Municipal Licensing and Standards has reasonable grounds to believe that the training program is not being delivered or its officers, directors, or employees have not acted in accordance with the intent of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire, or if incomplete or inaccurate information has been provided; or


c.  Municipal Licensing and Standards has reasonable grounds to believe that the conduct of the training program or its officers, directors, or employees has resulted, or will result, in a breach of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire, or any other law.


20.  Add a provision that vehicle-for-hire or private transportation company drivers who obtained a licence on the basis of their membership in a training program that is then removed from the City’s approved list must provide proof of the successful completion of another approved training program at their licence renewal, if required by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.


21.  Add a provision that vehicle-for-hire or private transportation company drivers who do not submit proof of the successful completion of another approved training program at their licence renewal will be deemed to no longer meet the licensing requirements under the By-law and the licence renewal application will be incomplete until proof of training is submitted.


22.  Add a provision to allow those Vehicles-for-Hire operating as Taxicabs to be permitted to be registered under the operator or driver’s name.


Audit and Investigative Authority of Municipal Licensing and Standards


23.  Add a provision to allow for Municipal Licensing and Standards to require private transportation companies, limousine brokers, and taxicab brokers to provide records to Municipal Licensing and Standards for the purposes of investigating compliance with this chapter and for researching and undertaking accessibility reviews, transportation planning, and environmental policies or initiatives relevant to the vehicle-for-hire industry and require that records must be produced within 30 days and in a format satisfactory to the Executive Director, Municipal Licencing and Standards.


24.  Add a provision to require that taxicab, limousine, and private transportation company records requested by a police officer shall be provided directly to the police officer within 24 hours and records requested by Municipal Licensing and Standards shall be provided within 30 days of the receipt of the request or within 24 hours, if required by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.


25.  Add a provision that any licence holder under the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire, is guilty of an offence if they provide incomplete or inaccurate information or business records to a police officer or Municipal Licensing and Standards.




26.  Delete the definition of camera.


27.  Authorize the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to establish criteria for and prohibit the use of cameras in licensed vehicles.


Collision Reporting


28.  Add a provision to state that private transportation companies and limousine and taxicab brokers shall record and provide collision incident information (including type of vehicle, date and time of incident, and location of incident to the nearest intersection) at a frequency that meets the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.


Inspection Powers


29.  Amend the inspection powers of Municipal Licensing and Standards to confirm that they extend to vehicles-for-hire.


Limousine Owners


30.  Add a provision that limousine owner licensing fees are waived for accessible limousine owners.


31.  Add a provision that accessible service must be provided through vehicles that are in compliance with the standard for accessible vehicles outlined in the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire.


32.  Add a provision that if a camera that is capable of recording audio or video footage of the passenger is used in a limousine, then the limousine owner shall ensure that notice stating that passengers are being or may be recorded is provided through notice affixed to the vehicle in a location and manner approved by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.


33.  Add a provision that requires limousines to have "Watch for Bike" notices affixed to the vehicle in a location approved by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.


34.  Remove the requirement for limousine owners to enter into service agreements to permit them to dispatch their own limousine and/or accept service requests. A limousine owner who dispatches his or her own limousine will not be considered a limousine broker.


Limousine Brokers


35.  Amend the requirements for data recorded in dispatch records to also require the following information in relation to transportation commencing or terminating in Toronto:


a.  pick up location and the destination (by reference to the nearest intersection);


b.  dates and times (by reference to the nearest minute) the trip started and terminated;


c.  length of time (by reference to the nearest minute) elapsing between the passenger's service request and the start of the trip;


d.  type of service provided such as request for accessible service;


e.  trip status such as completed, driver cancelled, or passenger cancelled;


f.  if a trip is cancelled, then the reason for cancellation; and


g.  the assigned driver's licence number and unique identification number used by the brokerage (if any).


36.  Add a provision that data recorded in dispatch records must be produced within 30 days and in a format that is satisfactory to the Executive Director, Municipal Licencing and Standards and that a limousine broker is required to maintain the records for a minimum of three years.


37.  Add a provision to require all limousine brokers to also submit data that includes: the date, time, location of pick up and drop off, wait time, and occupancy of each trip; cancellation data including the time the trip was requested, time it was cancelled, and reason for cancellation; and aggregate data on the volume of trips at the street level for particular dates, time periods, and locations, when requested by the City; this data and other data required to be provided by private transportation companies, taxicab brokers, and limousine brokers shall be used by the City to facilitate transportation planning studies, including the assessment of congestion and location impacts.


Private Transportation Companies


38.  Add a provision that requires private transportation companies to impose a mandatory training program on all drivers affiliated with the private transportation company. The training program must satisfactorily meet the criteria established by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards or their designate.


39.  Add a provision that states that all private transportation company drivers must ensure they are using a mounted device, secured to the vehicle, for their phone or other such electronic device when the private transportation company driver is available on the private transportation company software application.


40.  Add a provision to state and confirm that drivers who provide accessible service for private transportation companies must be licensed under this chapter and meet all conditions of licensing, including the successful completion of an accessible training program.


41.  Add a provision that requires every private transportation company driver to be civil and well-behaved.


42.  Add a provision that if a camera that is capable of recording audio or video footage of the passenger is used in a private transportation company vehicle, then the private transportation company and private transportation company driver shall ensure that notice stating that passengers are being or may be recorded is provided through:


a.  the software application prior to the passenger accepting the request; and/or

b.  a notice affixed to the vehicle in a location and manner approved by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.


43.  Authorize the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to sign the Data Sharing Agreement and Indemnification Agreement for private transportation companies on behalf of the City of Toronto.


44.  Add a provision that requires private transportation companies and private transportation company drivers to notify passengers to look for cyclists before exiting a vehicle through:

a.  the software application by sending push notifications at a frequency that is satisfactory to the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards; and

b. "Watch for Bike" notices in the vehicle in a location approved by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.


45.  Amend the private transportation company driver requirements so that the private transportation company, when submitting an application for the issuance or renewal of a private transportation company driver's licence on a behalf of an individual, shall also be required to submit information on the fuel type of the vehicle that will be driven by that individual when licensed as a private transportation company driver.


46.  Add a provision prohibiting a private transportation company from allowing vehicles that have the same colour scheme that is already in use by a taxicab brokerage and prohibit a private transportation company driver from using such vehicle.


47.  Amend the private transportation company record keeping requirements to ensure all information on time or length of trip is measured by reference to the nearest minute and by adding requirements that private transportation companies keep records of:


a.  the starting and ending times for each period that a private transportation company driver was available to provide transportation services through the platform, en route to pick up a passenger after accepting a request, and delivering transportation service to a passenger;


b.  wait time of passengers, in accordance with Period 2 in the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire;


c.  number of cancelled/rejected trips;

d.  reason for cancelled/rejected trips;


e.  volume of private transportation company vehicles available to provide service on the private transportation company platform in any particular hour and with reference to a particular geographic area within which the private transportation company vehicle was available or provided service;


f.  pick up and drop-off data for every trip, measured to the nearest 10 metres;


g.  aggregate number of vehicles that have completed a trip by hour; and


h.  anonymized trip and passenger identification that meets the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards.


48.  Add a provision to require all private transportation companies to also submit data that includes: the date, time, location of pick up and drop off, wait time, and occupancy of each trip; cancellation data including the time the trip was requested, time it was cancelled, and reason for cancellation; and aggregate data on the volume of trips at the street level for particular dates, time periods, and locations, when requested by the City; this data and other data required to be provided by private transportation companies, taxicab brokers, and limousine brokers shall be used by the City to facilitate transportation planning studies, including the assessment of congestion and location impacts.


49.  Amend the private transportation company driver requirements:


a.  remove the minimum requirement of 18 years of age;


b.  increase the year of driving history from one year to three years for new applicants and grandfather existing private transportation company driver's licence holders;


c.  require that all new applicants as of June 1, 2020 must provide proof of the successful completion of a mandatory training program that is approved by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards; and


d.  require existing private transportation company driver's licence holders to provide proof of the successful completion of a mandatory training program that is approved by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards by their licensing renewal in 2020.


50.  Amend the accessible requirements of private transportation companies to confirm that accessible service must be provided through vehicles that are in compliance with the Canadian Standards Association standard for wheelchair accessible vehicles.


Taxicab Bill of Rights


51.  Amend the Taxicab Bill of Rights to include a section that states that taxicab drivers cannot refuse service to an individual with a mobility or non-mobility disability, where service can be accommodated, and cannot refuse service to an individual being accompanied by a service animal by reason only of the presence of a service animal.


Snow Tires


52.  Rename snow tires to winter tires and add a definition of winter tires to mean a tire that is marked with the pictograph of a peaked mountain with a snowflake, as they have met specific snow traction performance requirements and have been designed specifically for use in severe snow conditions as noted by Transport Canada. 


Taxicab Broker


53.  Add a provision that any records brokerages are required to collect must be produced within 30 days and in a format satisfactory to the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards and that a taxicab broker is required to maintain all such records for a minimum of three years.


54.  Amend the requirements for trip record data to be kept by taxicab brokers to require the collection of the following information:


a.  pick up location and the destination (by reference to the nearest intersection);


b.  dates and times (by reference to the nearest minute) that each trip started and terminated;


c.  length of time (by reference to the nearest minute) elapsing between the passenger's service request and the start of the trip;


d.  type of service provided such as request for accessible service;


e.  trip status such as completed, driver cancelled, or passenger cancelled;


f.  if a trip is cancelled, then the reason for cancellation; and


g.  the licence number for each taxicab affiliated with the brokerage that provided the trip.


55.  Amend the requirements for brokerages to maintain records to require the collection of the following information:

a.  the vehicle-for-hire driver's licence number, unique identification number used by the brokerage (if any) for each vehicle-for-hire driver, and the driver's first and last name for each driver affiliated with the brokerage; and

b.  the termination date, the driver's first and last name, the licence number, and the termination letter when a driver is no longer affiliated with the brokerage.


56.  Add a provision requiring the collection of accessible taxicab trip data for the purposes of the administration of the Accessibility Fund Program to include:


a.  plate number, licence number, start date, start time, end date, and end time for each taxicab trip;


b.  type of point-of-sale terminal in each taxicab, including whether or not it allows for cordless payment; and

c.  driver's first and last name and licence number for each taxicab trip.


57.  Add a provision to require all taxicab brokers to also submit data that includes: the date, time, location of pick up and drop off, wait time, and occupancy of each trip; cancellation data including the time the trip was requested, time it was cancelled, and reason for cancellation; and aggregate data on the volume of trips at the street level for particular dates, time periods, and locations, when requested by the City; this data and other data required to be provided by private transportation companies, taxicab brokers, and limousine brokers shall be used by the City to facilitate transportation planning studies, including the assessment of congestion and location impacts.


Taxicab Owners


58.  Remove the provisions regarding designated agents in order to clarify the role of a taxicab operator and ensure that the only individuals permitted to manage taxicabs on behalf of taxicab owners will be licensed as taxicab operators.


59.  Amend the section on required equipment and markings for taxicabs to authorize the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to approve the manner and location of "Watch for Bike" notices.


Taxicab Rates and Fares


60.  Remove "on request" from the section on flat fares and airport fares and require drivers/owners to offer the flat rate to the airport.


61.  Add a provision to prohibit vehicle-for-hire drivers, taxicab owners, and brokers from setting rates higher than the tariff (metered rate) for accessible service requests.


Toronto Licensing Tribunal


62.  Amend the powers of the Toronto Licensing Tribunal to confirm that it has the power to refuse to issue a licence, as outlined in its mandate.


Vehicle-for-Hire Driver


63.  Add a provision that states that all drivers must ensure they are using a mounted device, secured to the vehicle, for their phone or other such electronic device while operating their vehicle.


64.  Add a provision that all vehicle-for-hire drivers shall carry and, upon request, produce satisfactory government-issued identification to Municipal Licensing and Standards.


65.  Remove the section which prohibits a vehicle-for-hire driver from parking on any highway except at a location designated and marked as a taxicab stand by an authorized sign, as this is covered under the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking.


66.  Remove the word "first" from the restrictions on taxicabs refusing services in order to confirm that short-fare refusals are not permitted for any prospective passengers.


67.  Amend the vehicle-for-hire driver requirements:


a.  remove the minimum requirement of 18 years of age;


b.  increase the year of driving history from one year to three years for new applicants and grandfather existing vehicle-for-hire driver's licence holders;


c.  require that all new applicants as of June 1, 2020 must provide proof of the successful completion of a mandatory training program that is approved by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards; and


d.  require existing vehicle-for-hire driver's licence holders to provide proof of the successful completion of a mandatory training program that is approved by the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards by their licensing renewal in 2020.


68.  Amend the section on civility and oversight of taxicabs and limousines to remove the requirements to be properly dressed, neat and clean in person, and maintain that drivers shall be civil and well-behaved.


69.  Amend the data required to be kept in an operator log to include break start date and time, break end date and time, and taxicab type such as non-accessible or accessible.


Vehicle Requirements and Inspections


70.  Remove the definitions for alternative fuel vehicle, combined fuel consumption rating, exhaust emissions, full useful life emission bin, hybrid vehicle, and low-emission vehicle.


71.  Amend the section on replacement vehicles to remove the requirement for replacement taxicab vehicles to be either accessible or alternative fuel, hybrid, or low-emission vehicles.

72.  Amend the section on mechanical inspections to require that all vehicles-for-hire are inspected prior to delivering for-hire service with a new vehicle and, thereafter, once every 12 months.




73.  City Council endorse the goal that by 2050, 100 per cent of vehicles-for-hire will use low-carbon energy. This confirms TransformTO's goal that all vehicles, including vehicles-for-hire, will use low-carbon energy.

74.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to report back by the fourth quarter of 2020 on an emissions reduction incentive program and low-emission standards and targets for the entire vehicle-for-hire industry, in keeping with the Transform TO Climate Action Strategy transportation goals, including consideration of the adoption of Natural Resources Canada's Combined Fuel Consumption Ratings, and to consult with the Environment and Energy Division, Toronto Atmospheric Fund and relevant stakeholders.


Status Updates


2.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to review and provide a status update on the vehicle-for-hire Accessibility Fund Program and work completed to create an environmental incentive program two years after the enactment of this By-law.


3.  City Council request the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to report back by the third quarter of 2020 on the findings of the safety data collected by the City or provided by private transportation companies and the flexibility of requiring additional safety requirements for all vehicles for hire, and a further review of the following:


a. an increased number of mandatory inspections;

b. a requirement that all vehicles be equipped with in-car cameras and emergency lighting systems;

c.  restrictions on the maximum number of hours that drivers can work in a given 24 hour period;

d.  the feasibility of using the vehicle for hire software platforms to restrict pick and drop off locations in "no stopping" areas;

e.  the feasibility of other safety measures to reduce the risk of dooring incidents such as rear-view passenger side mirrors;

f.  fees for all licence and driver categories, with options for full cost recovery and harmonization of licences across fee categories; and

g. the performance of the Accessibility Fund Program.


4.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to report in the third quarter of 2020 on Parts 37, 48 and 52 above, such report shall also examine whether the number of vehicles for hire on the road currently have a significant impact on congestion, and whether measures are required to mitigate congestion, as well as determining the appropriate number of vehicles for hire and its impacts on the City of Toronto.


Collision Reporting Incident Form


5.  City Council request the Ontario Ministry of Transportation to review the provincial collision reporting incident form and add taxicab, limousine, and private transportation company vehicles as vehicle types.




6.  City Council amend the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 441, Fees and Charges, Appendix C - Schedule 12, Municipal Licensing and Standards as follows:


a.  Amend the "Service" category to state "Vehicle-for-Hire (VFH) Licensing" instead of "Taxi and Livery Licensing."


b.  Add the regulatory charges noted below in Table A - Regulatory Charges for the Accessibility Fund Program, including an annual adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index:


Table A - Regulatory Charges for the Accessibility Fund Program



Fee Description


Fee Basis


Annual Adjustment

VFH Licensing

Taxicab Brokerage Reserve Fund - Accessibility Fund

Regulatory Charge

Per Application or Renewal



VFH Licensing

Limousine Brokerage Reserve Fund - Accessibility Fund

Regulatory Charge

Per Application or Renewal



VFH Licensing

Limousine Owner Reserve Fund - Accessibility Fund

Regulatory Charge

Per Application or Renewal



VFH Licensing

Private Transportation Company Reserve Fund - Accessibility Fund

Regulatory Charge

Per Trip



VFH Licensing

Private Transportation Company Driver Reserve Fund - Accessibility Fund

Regulatory Charge

Per Application or Renewal



VFH Licensing

Standard Taxicab Operator Reserve Fund - Accessibility Fund

Regulatory Charge

Per Application or Renewal



VFH Licensing

Non-Accessible Standard Taxicab Owner Reserve Fund - Accessibility Fund

Regulatory Charge

Per Application or Renewal



VFH Licensing

Vehicle-for-Hire Driver Reserve Fund - Accessibility Fund

Regulatory Charge

Per Application or Renewal




c.  Remove Reference Number 20 - Re-scheduling an exam or course before it starts and Reference Number 25 - Registration for the Accessible Taxicab Driver Training Course.

d.  Amend the fees listed below in Table B - Vehicle-for-Hire Licensing Fees to include an annual adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index:


Table B - Vehicle-for-Hire Licensing Fees



Fee Description


Fee Basis


Annual Adjustment

VFH Licensing

Application Fee: Taxicab Operator

Full Cost Recovery

Per Application



VFH Licensing

Renewal Fee: Taxicab Operator

Full Cost Recovery

Per Application



VFH Licensing

Application Fee: Private Transportation Company

Full Cost Recovery

Per Application



VFH Licensing

Annual Private Transportation Company Fee Per Driver

Full Cost Recovery

Per Application



VFH Licensing

Private Transportation Company Fee Per Trip

Full Cost Recovery

Per Trip



VFH Licensing

Application Fee: Vehicle-for-Hire Driver

Full Cost Recovery

Per Application



VFH Licensing

Renewal Fee: Vehicle-for-Hire Driver

Full Cost Recovery

Per Application




7.  City Council request the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to establish a system to allow all vehicle-for-hire owners, operators and drivers to submit vehicle registrations and fees electronically.


Reserve Fund


8.  City Council establish a new Vehicle-for-Hire Reserve Fund as a Corporate Discretionary Reserve Fund to provide funding for initiatives associated with accessibility, transportation planning, or environmental goals relevant to the vehicle-for-hire and private transportation company industries and to minimize the impact of reliance on vehicle-for-hire and private transportation company licensing revenue for Municipal Licensing and Standards' Operating Budget, in accordance with the criteria outlined in Attachment 6 to the report (June 14, 2019) from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, by:


a.  amending the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 227, Reserves and Reserve Funds, by adding the "Vehicle-for-Hire Reserve Fund" to Schedule 7, Corporate Discretionary Reserve Funds, with the criteria outlined in Attachment 6 to the report (June 14, 2019) from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards;


b.  funding the Vehicle-for-Hire Reserve Fund in an initial amount of $6.093 million from an in-year adjustment of the 2019 Operating Budget of Municipal Licensing and Standards and, afterwards, with budgeted allocations from vehicle-for-hire and private transportation company licensing, including regulatory charges on licensees that do not provide wheelchair accessible vehicle-for-hire services; such that:


1.  for 2019, there will be a net zero expenditure and revenue budget adjustment comprised of a contribution to the reserve fund of $6,093,000, offset by an increase in vehicle-for-hire user fees (including private transportation company trip fees) of $6,093,000. The contribution to the new reserve fund would be dependent on sufficient actual user fee revenue being generated; and


2.  for 2020 and subsequent years, reserve funding and user fee budgets will be considered as part of the annual budget process and will be structured as outlined in the Financial Impact section of the report (June 14, 2019) from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards;


c.  establishing a minimum targeted reserve balance of $5 million; and


d.  establishing Municipal Licensing and Standards as the primary owner of the account.




9.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to consider the results of the Transportation Impact Study, as outlined in Attachment 4 to the report (June 14, 2019) from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, as part of the update on the Congestion Management Plan.


10.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to make such technical and stylistic amendments to the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire, and the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 441, Fees and Charges, as required to give effect to City Council’s decision.


11.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards to apply to the Ontario Court of Justice for any new set fines or to review and increase, as required, the current set fines.


12.  City Council direct that the changes to the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire, come into force on January 1, 2020.

Public Notice Given


(June 14, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards

Background Information (Committee)

(June 21, 2019) Revised Report from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards on Review of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire
(June 14, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards on Review of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire
Attachment 1 - Jurisdictional Scan
Attachment 2 - Third-Party Public Opinion Research, Quantitative Online Survey Findings (Phase 1) - Vehicle-for-Hire By-law Review, City of Toronto Resident Survey
Revised Attachment 3 - Accessibility Strategy Research and Consultation Summary
Attachment 3 - Accessibility Strategy Research and Consultation Summary
Revised Attachment 4 - The Transportation Impacts of Vehicle-for-Hire in the City of Toronto- Executive Summary
Attachment 4 - The Transportation Impacts of Vehicle-for-Hire in the City of Toronto- Executive Summary
(May 17, 2019) Attachment 5 - Economic Impact Analysis of Toronto's Taxicab, Limousine, and Private Transportation Companies
Attachment 6 - Criteria Sheet for Vehicle-for-Hire Reserve Fund
(June 17, 2019) Public Notice - Review of the City of Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire

Background Information (City Council)

(July 12, 2019) Supplementary report from the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards on Review of City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 546, Licensing of Vehicles-for-Hire (GL6.31a)

Communications (Committee)

(June 17, 2019) E-mail from Norman Pires (GL.Supp.GL6.31.1)
(June 19, 2019) E-mail from Ejaz Butt and Irfan Meer, Toronto Limousine Drivers Association (GL.Supp.GL6.31.2)
(June 19, 2019) Submission from Nabeel El Khafif, EGO (GL.Supp.GL6.31.3)
(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Howard Kaplan (GL.Supp.GL6.31.4)
(June 20, 2019) Letter from Gerry Manley (GL.Supp.GL6.31.5)
(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Christine Leonard (GL.Supp.GL6.31.6)
(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Pablo L. Godoy, United Food and Commercial Workers Canada (GL.Supp.GL6.31.7)
(June 20, 2019) Letter from Tereza Da Silva (GL.Supp.GL6.31.8)
(June 20, 2019) Letter from Bryan Purcell, Toronto Atmospheric Fund (GL.New.GL6.31.9)
(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Amy Jones (GL.New.GL6.31.10)
(June 21, 2019) E-mail from Esther Marietta Nerling (GL.New.6.31.11)
(June 22, 2019) Letter from Andy Réti, All Taxi Owners and Operators Limited (GL.New.GL6.31.12)
(June 23, 2019) E-mail from Imran Chowdhury, TTL Group (GL.New.GL6.31.13)
(June 23, 2019) E-mail from Rita Bijons (GL.New.GL6.31.14)
(June 23, 2019) Letter from Heather Marshall, Toronto Environmental Alliance (GL.New.GL6.31.15)
(June 24, 2019) Letter from Jared Kolb, Cycle Toronto (GL.New.GL6.31.16)
(June 21, 2019) Letter from Pamela Fuselli, Parachute Canada (GL.New.GL6.31.17)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (GL.New.GL6.31.18)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Nick Morris, Toronto Limousine Drivers Association (GL.New.GL6.31.19)
(June 24, 2019) Submission from Councillor Jim Karygiannis (GL.New.GL6.31.20)
(June 24, 2019) Letter from Councillor Mike Layton (GL.New.GL6.31.21)
(June 24, 2019) Letter from David Réti (GL.New.GL6.31.22)
(June 24, 2019) Submission from Kristine Hubbard, Beck Taxi (GL.New.GL6.31.23)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Samuel Bradea (GL.New.GL6.31.24)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Avtar Sekhon (GL.New.GL6.31.25)

Communications (City Council)

(July 11, 2019) Letter from Andrew Murie, Chief Executive Officer, MADD Canada (CC.Supp.GL6.31.26)
(July 12, 2019) Letter from Jan De Silva, President and Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Region Board of Trade (CC.Supp.GL6.31.27)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from Pamela Fuselli, Interim President and Chief Executive Officer, Vice-President, Knowledge Transfer and Stakeholder Relations, Parachute (CC.Supp.GL6.31.28)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from Terry Danylevich (CC.New.GL6.31.29)

Infrastructure and Environment Committee - Meeting 6

IE6.1 - Donation from Trans Canada Trail for Riverdale Sloped Path and Upper Highland Creek Trail Projects

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
13 - Toronto Centre, 24 - Scarborough - Guildwood

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to accept a donation of $0.300 million from Trans Canada Trail for City-led capital project work including the Riverdale Sloped Path ($0.100 million) and Upper Highland Creek Trail Improvements ($0.200 million) in compliance with the City's Policy on Donations for Community Benefits.


2. City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to negotiate and sign a donor agreement for the $0.300 million donation from Trans Canada Trail, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


3. City Council amend the Parks, Forestry and Recreation's Approved 2019 Capital Budget and future year commitments for the following sub-projects:


a. for the Riverdale Sloped Path (Accessibility - Riverdale and Lower Don Trail) sub-project in the Facility Components project, by increasing the total project cost by $0.100 million from $3.000 million to $3.100 million, and 2020 cash flow from $1.350 million to $1.450 million, with funding from the donation; and


b. for the Upper Highland Creek Trail sub-project in the Trails and Pathways project, by increasing the total project cost by $0.200 million from $1.400 million to $1.600 million, and 2019 cash flow from $0.024 million to $0.224 million, with funding from the donation.


(June 11, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation

Background Information (Committee)

(June 11, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation on Donation from Trans Canada Trail for Riverdale Sloped Path and Upper Highland Creek Trail Projects

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from N. Corrado (CC.Supp.IE6.1.1)

IE6.3 - Contract Award: Request for Quotation Number 6033-19-0109 for Waste Transport Services from the City of Toronto Transfer Stations to the Green Lane Landfill and Alternate Landfill Sites

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the General Manager of Solid Waste Management Services to enter into two (2) separate Contracts with two (2) separate vendors for Waste Transport Services as a result of Request for Quotation Number 6033-19-0109 for Waste Transport Services from the City's Transfer Stations to the Green Lane Landfill and Alternate Landfills, for a term of ten (10) years each beginning January 1, 2021 and ending December 31, 2030, all in accordance with all specifications, terms and conditions set out in the solicitation being the lowest bidders meeting specifications as follows:


a. Verspeeten Cartage Ltd. for Districts 1 and 3 in the amount of $104,590,034 net of all taxes, $106,430,819 net of HST recoveries and $118,186,739 including all applicable taxes and charges.  All prices include allowances for a Fuel Surcharge and Contingency Transport Services;


b. Laidlaw Carriers Bulk GP Inc. for Districts 2 and 4 in the amount of $86,767,244 net of all taxes, $88,294,348 net of HST recoveries and $98,046,986 including all applicable taxes and charges.  All prices include allowances for a Fuel Surcharge and Contingency Transport Services. 


(May 27, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services and the Chief Purchasing Officer

Background Information (Committee)

(May 27, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services and the Chief Purchasing Officer on Contract Award: Request for Quotation Number 6033-19-0109 for Waste Transport Services from the City of Toronto Transfer Stations to the Green Lane Landfill and Alternate Landfill Sites

IE6.5 - Extending Successful Energy Retrofitting Programs

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the extension of the Home Energy Loan Program and the High-rise Retrofit Improvement Support programs to December 31, 2021 using existing resources in the Local Improvement Charge Energy Works Reserve Fund and any Local Improvement Charge repayments Home Energy Loan Program and the High-rise Retrofit Improvement Support to support project and programming funding needs, including extension of one temporary project manager for the High-rise Retrofit Improvement Support program, and one temporary research analyst for the Home Energy Loan Program program and direct the Director, Environment and Energy and the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to report back on key Program's outcomes through regular TransformTO reports to Council.


2.  City Council authorize terms to maturity of up to 20 years from the current 15 year maximum for qualifying single-family Home Energy Loan Program projects to be consistent with the High-rise Retrofit Improvement Support program terms and aligning with asset lifecycle.


3. City Council amend the Residential Retrofit Program By-law (By-law 1105-2017) to expand the category of eligible measures to include energy efficient electric vehicle chargers and associated works, energy storage technology, and energy efficient resilience measures, as well as allow program participants to include the costs of an energy assessment as eligible project costs.


4. City Council authorize the Director, Environment and Energy Division and the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to develop a listing of contractors that have completed projects under the Programs, including a disclaimer that the City does not recommend, endorse or warranty the work of the contractor.


5. City Council authorize the Director, Environment and Energy Division and the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to negotiate and enter into all necessary agreements with Toronto Hydro, Enbridge Gas Distribution, Natural Resources Canada, Federation of Canadian Municipalities and other partners, in forms satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to support implementation of the Programs, as required.


6. City Council request the Government of Canada (the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Environment and Climate Change) to direct Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation to provide guarantees for Local Improvement Charge financing programs to support broader program participation by property owners with default-insured mortgages as outlined in Recommendation 13.5 of the Final Report of the Expert Panel on Sustainable Finance - Mobilizing Finance for Sustainable Growth.


(June 13, 2019) Report from the Director Environment and Energy and Executive Director Social Development Finance and Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the Director Environment and Energy and Executive Director Social Development Finance and Administration on Extending Successful Energy Retrofitting Programs

Communications (Committee)

(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (IE.New.IE6.5.1)
(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (IE.New.IE6.5.2)

IE6.6 - Financial Plan for the City of Toronto's Municipal Drinking Water License Renewal

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the Financial Plan, included as Attachment 1 to the report (June 11, 2019) from the General Manager, Toronto Water and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer prepared for the City of Toronto's Municipal Drinking Water System, in accordance with Ontario Regulation 453/07, for submission to the Ontario Ministry of Municipal  Affairs and Housing, in compliance with the requirements of the Municipal Drinking Water License renewal process.


(June 11, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Toronto Water and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 11, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Toronto Water and the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on Financial Plan for the City of Toronto's Municipal Drinking Water License Renewal
Attachments 1 to 3

IE6.7 - Don River and Central Waterfront Accelerated Plan

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York, 11 - University - Rosedale, 13 - Toronto Centre, 14 - Toronto - Danforth, 15 - Don Valley West, 16 - Don Valley East, 17 - Don Valley North, 19 - Beaches - East York, 20 - Scarborough Southwest, 21 - Scarborough Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the City Manager in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, to apply for intergovernmental funding which would support the acceleration of the Don River and Central Waterfront project.


2. City Council authorize the City Manager to receive the funds, if any, contemplated by Part 1 above.


3.  City Council direct the City Manager, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the General Manager, Toronto Water, to make a submission to the federal and provincial governments on current and future funding programs supporting the acceleration of the implementation of the Don River and Central Waterfront Project.


4.  City Council support the inclusion of a recommendation in the proposed 2020 revised Canada - Ontario Agreement, committing the federal and provincial governments to support the acceleration of the Don River and Central Waterfront by co-funding the Project implementation with the City of Toronto.


5.  City Council direct the City Manager, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the General Manager, Toronto Water, to formally submit comments on the proposed update of the Canada - Ontario Agreement, through the Province of Ontario’s Environmental Registry.


6.  City Council direct the City Manager to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee on the results of any funding applications, the updated projected schedule and opportunities to secure additional funding by the end of 2019.


(June 13, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services on Don River and Central Waterfront Accelerated Plan
Attachments 1 and 2
Attachment 3 - Background - Don River and Central Waterfront Project

Communications (Committee)

(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (IE.New.IE6.7.1)
(June 26, 2019) Submission from Hamish Wilson (IE.New.IE6.7.2)

Communications (City Council)

(July 4, 2019) Letter from Janice Solomon, Executive Director, Toronto Entertainment District Business Improvement Area (CC.Main.IE6.7.3)
(July 12, 2019) Letter from Tim Kocur, Executive Director, The Waterfront Business Improvement Area (CC.Supp.IE6.7.4)

IE6.8 - Vision Zero 2.0 - Road Safety Plan Update

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council endorse in principle the Vision Zero 2.0 plan as outlined in the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, and direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to report back to the appropriate committee where additional authorities are required in order to implement the Vision Zero 2.0 Plan.


2.  City Council designate as Community Safety Zones the secondary school locations set out in Attachment 1 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, subject to availability of funding in the 2020 budget.


3. City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to negotiate, enter into, and execute agreements, as may be required, with Vital Strategies to receive funding of $50,000USD for the expansion of the Active and Safe Routes to School Pilot project and the continuation of the City of Toronto's involvement in the Bloomberg Philanthropies' Partnership for Healthy Cities Initiative, on such terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Transportation Services and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


4. City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services, to negotiate, enter into, and execute agreements, as may be required, with Green Communities Canada to receive funding in the amount of $60,000CAD from the Ontario Active School Travel Fund for the expansion of the Active and Safe Routes to School Pilot project, on such terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Transportation Services and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


5. City Council reduce the speed limit from 60 km/h to 50 km/h on the following road segments as part of the Speed Management Strategy outlined on page 21 in the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services:


a. Albion Road from Todd Brook Drive to Silverstone Drive;


b. Bathurst Street from Delhi Avenue to Steeles Avenue West;


c. Birchmount Road from Eglinton Avenue East to Steeles Avenue East;


d. Brimley Road from Eglinton Avenue East to Progress Avenue;


e. Danforth Road from Brimley Road to McCowan Road;


f. Don Mills Road from a point 24 metres south of the centre line of the Don Valley Parkway to Kern Road;


g. Don Mills Road from Duncan Mills Road to Steeles Avenue East;


h. Dundas Street West from Dunbloor Road to East Mall Crescent;


i. Eglinton Avenue East from Brentcliffe Road to Kingston Road;


j. Eglinton Avenue West from Bicknell Avenue / Municipal Drive to 200 metres west of Pearen Street;


k. Ellesmere Road from Morningside Avenue to Victoria Park Avenue;


l. Finch Avenue East from Bayview Avenue to Midland Avenue;


m. Finch Avenue West from Albion Road to Yonge Street;


n. Islington Avenue from Prince George Drive/Ridgevalley Crescent to Monogram Place;


o. Keele Street from Greenbrook Drive to Finch Avenue West;


p. Lawrence Avenue East from Railside Road (west intersection) to Morningside Avenue;


q. Leslie Street from Eglinton Avenue East to McNicoll Avenue;


r. Markham Road from Kingston Road to Progress Avenue;


s. Martin Grove Road from Eglinton Avenue West to Dixon Road;


t. Martin Grove Road from Jeffcoat Drive to point 250 metres north of Mercury Road/ Westhumber Boulevard;


u. McCowan Road from Danforth Road to Progress Avenue;


v. Morningside Avenue (Scarborough) from Kingston Road to Tams Road/ Pan Am Drive;


w. Morningside Avenue (Scarborough) from Milner Avenue to McLevin Avenue/ Casebridge Court;


x. Sheppard Avenue East from Yonge Street to Meadowvale Road;


y. Sheppard Avenue West from Weston Road to Yonge Street;


z. St. Clair Avenue East from Danforth Road to Birchmount Road;


aa. Steeles Avenue East from Yonge Street to Warden Avenue;


bb. Steeles Avenue West from Fenmar Drive to Jane Street;


cc. Steeles Avenue West from Keele Street to Yonge Street;


dd. The Queensway from Ellis Avenue to Kipling Avenue;


ee. Victoria Park Avenue from O'Connor Drive to York Mills Road;


ff. Victoria Park Avenue from Consumers Road to Steeles Avenue East;


gg. Warden Avenue from St. Clair Avenue East to Metropolitan Road; and


hh. Warden Avenue from Arkona Drive to Steeles Avenue East.


6.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to prioritize the implementation of Part 5.g. above.


7.  City Council refer the reduction in speed limit from 60 km/h to 50 km/h on the following road segments back to the General Manager, Transportation Services for further consideration and consultation with the Ward Councillor:


a. Brimley Road from Sheppard Avenue East to Steeles Avenue East;


b.  Markham Road from Milner Avenue to Steeles Avenue East; and


c. McCowan Road from Milner Avenue to Steeles Avenue East.


8. City Council reduce the speed limit from 70 km/h to 60 km/h on the following road segments as part of the Speed Management Strategy outlined on page 21 of the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services:


a. Black Creek Drive (Northbound) from Eglinton Avenue West to Weston Road; and


b. Black Creek Drive (Southbound) from A point 200 metres north of Weston Road to Eglinton Avenue West.


9. City Council reduce the speed limit from 60 km/h to 50 km/h on the following road segments for Pedestrian Safety Corridors as outlined on page 26 of the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services:


a. Eglinton Avenue East from Kennedy Road to Kingston Road;


b. Kennedy Road from St. Clair Avenue East to Steeles Avenue East; and


c. Victoria Park Avenue from O'Connor Drive/Eglinton Square to Lawrence Avenue East.


10. City Council reduce the speed limit from 50 km/h to 40 km/h on the following road segments for Pedestrian Safety Corridors as outlined on page 26 of the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services:


a. Bathurst Street from St. Clair Avenue West to Briar Hill Avenue;


b. Dufferin Street from Sylvan Avenue to Eglinton Avenue West;


c. St. Clair Avenue West from Runnymede Road to Dufferin Street;


d. Victoria Park Avenue from Dawes Road to O'Connor Drive/Eglinton Square; and


e. Yonge Street from Eglinton Avenue East/West to Broadway Avenue.


11.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to review compliance with the speed limit reductions introduced on major and minor arterials to inform recommendations about further changes to the default speed limit and to bring forward reports to the appropriate Community Council or the Infrastructure and Environment Committee to introduce recommendations for further changes to the default speed limit by the end of 2020.


12. City Council amend the Zebra Crosswalk Policy outlined in Attachment 17 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to include them at stop-controlled intersections that meet the following conditions:


a.  located within Pedestrian Safety Corridors;


b. located within School Safety Zones;


c. located within Senior Safety Zones; and


d. at locations where safety is, in the opinion of the General Manager, Transportation Services, an issue.


13. City Council:


a. adopt the Missing Sidewalk Installation Policy in Attachment 2 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, as amended by Part 13.b. below;


b. delegate final decision making authority to the General Manager, Transportation Services to add sidewalks to local roads:


1. as part of a reconstruction;


2. to accommodate a request for a person with a disability; or


3.  in cases where a Community Council approves a new traffic-calming measure following the adoption of this Item; 


except that, upon written request by a Member of Council, the General Manager, Transportation Services shall report to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee on a proposed sidewalk project, and that the Missing Sidewalk Installation Policy be amended accordingly;


c. amend Chapter 27, Council Procedures to revoke the legislative delegation to Community Councils in respect of sidewalk proposals as set out in Section 27-18.4B.7; and


d. direct that sidewalk proposals not otherwise delegated to the General Manager, Transportation Services, by Part 13.b. above shall be reported on an annual basis to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee for recommendation to City Council. 


14.  City Council, as part of the Vision Zero 2.0, Missing Sidewalk Installation Program, consider and prioritize the construction of a sidewalk on the west side of Flint Road, along the stretch of approximately 210 metres between bus stop 117 at Supertest Road and the driveway at 1100 Flint Road.


15.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to identify additional funding required to accelerate the construction of new sidewalks on streets where their absence is identified as a safety hazard, especially for children walking to school, and that such funding be considered as part of the 2020 Budget process.


16. City Council amend Municipal Code Chapter 950, Traffic and Parking, to add motorcycles to the Designated Class of Vehicles permitted in reserved lanes on Bay Street from Front Street West to Bloor Street East.


17.  City Council request the City Manager to write to the Federal Minister of Transportation requesting that the Minister examine the possibility of controlling the top speed on new vehicles to be less than 150 kilometres per hour through the installation of speed governors.


18. City Council request the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario to review and amend road safety-related educational programs with a Vision Zero lens related to vulnerable road users including but not limited to mandatory motorcycle training program for M-class Licensing; improved cycling education in schools; enhanced vulnerable road user training requirements for all M and G Class driver education schools including improvements to the Ministry of Transportation Driver's Handbook, Knowledge and Road Tests. 


19. City Council request the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario and Transport Canada to explore mandatory Intelligent Speed Assistance in all new motor vehicles including private vehicles and evaluate other in-vehicle safety technologies.


20. City Council request the Ministry of Transportation of Ontario to change the maximum Blood Alcohol Concentration for all licensed motorcycle drivers to 0 percent.


21. City Council request the Toronto Police Services Board to request the Toronto Police Service to review its enforcement process for traffic collisions involving cyclists, clarify reporting procedures for incidents involving motor vehicles and cyclists, and to forward any recommended actions or findings to the Toronto Police Services Board for their consideration to support the implementation of Vision Zero 2.0.


22.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services to work with the Toronto Police Service to advance the goals and expectations of Vision Zero 2.0 by establishing modernized collision reporting to accommodate pedestrian and cyclist involved accidents at one or more police facilities in central Toronto and City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services to report on the status of Council's direction to the October 17, 2019 meeting of the Infrastructure and Environment Committee.


23. City Council authorize the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to implement vehicle side guards and to further the current video-based telematics technology to improve road safety by:


a. authorizing the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to negotiate, and enter into, and execute any and all agreements and amending agreements necessary, subject to available funding, to implement a fleet safety and accountability program for all new and existing, in-house and contracted out vehicles, which aligns with the principles of Vision Zero and the technologies outlined in the report and Attachment 3 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor;


b. authorizing 360 degree external and all in-cab video telematics technology to support road safety and quality service, and that City Council request the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to incorporate the requirement of similar technologies for any future outsourcing of collection services;


c. requesting the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to report back annually, through the budget process, on any fleet-related safety and accountability enhancements that have been implemented and integrate fleet safety performance as a key performance indicator moving forward;


d. approving funding for the capital acquisition for the safety and accountability enhancement retrofits to existing solid waste vehicles in the amount of $3,850,000 to be budgeted in the amount of $2,530,000 in 2019 and $1,320,000 in 2020 from the Waste Management Reserve Fund (XR1404); and 


e. approving funding for annual operating costs associated with monitoring and equipment maintenance to be budgeted in the annual Operating Budget in the amount of $55,200 in the 2019 Operating Budget with an equal offset to the contribution to the Waste Management Reserve Fund (XR1404), and directing that future costs be included in the annual Solid Waste Management Services Budget.


24. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to review the opportunity for a policy that all TTC stops be provided with a controlled crossing in the immediate vicinity working in consultation with the TTC to ensure that this policy does not reduce the number of TTC stops, and report to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in third quarter of 2019.


25.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to plan and design road reconstruction projects using a complete streets approach, including safety improvements such as vehicle lane width reductions, tightening curb radii, widening sidewalks and the potential for bicycle lanes, at the outset of all road reconstruction projects, in consultation with local councillors and stakeholders.


26.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to review and update construction sites and road occupancy requirements to comply with Vision Zero objectives and ensure safe passage on sidewalks, bike lanes and roadways for vulnerable users and report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the fourth quarter of 2019 with the outcome and further recommendations.


27.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to engage with Waze and other wayfinding providers to explore the possibility of such providers adding school safety zone notification or indicators for motorists entering a school safety zone, and report back by the fourth quarter of 2019.


28.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to develop a campaign to stop impaired driving in collaboration with MADD Canada, Arrive Alive and other relevant stakeholders with the funding allocated for Vision Zero education and engagement programming.


29.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to offer education programs related to Vision Zero in other languages.


30. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to report to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee on October 17, 2019 with a recommendation for a motorcyclist lane filter pilot program at a suitable location within the City that meets all road safety rules and to advise the Ministry of Transportation of the motorcyclist lane filter pilot for their review and comment, such review to include the safety outcomes of motorcycle lane filtering in other jurisdictions, and consider if amendments to the Highway Traffic Act should be made to permit motorcycle lane filtering between stopped vehicles that are waiting at traffic control signals.


31.  City Council direct the Fire Chief and General Manager, Fire Services, and the Chief, Toronto Paramedic Services, in consultation with the General Manager, Fleet Services and the General Manager, Transportation Services to procure smaller service vehicles for operational use that maintain health and safety standards and meet all applicable regulatory and insurance requirements.

Public Notice Given


(June 13, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services on Vision Zero 2.0 - Road Safety Plan Update
Attachment 1 - Amendments to Community Safety Zones
Attachment 2 - Missing Sidewalk Installation Policy
Attachment 3 - Solid Waste Management Review of Large Vehicle Safety Technologies
Attachment 4 - Details of Financial Impacts to Operating and Capital Budget of Solid Waste Management Division
Attachment 5 - Decision History Related to Components of Vision Zero Road Safety Plan
Attachment 6 - Vision Zero Alignment with municipal, Provincial and Federal Policies
Attachment 7 - Vision Zero Partners and Partnerships
Attachment 8 - Jurisdictional scan of Vision Zero initiatives
Attachment 9 - Killed or Serious Injury Collisions Trends by Emphasis Area
Attachment 10 - Vision Zero RSP Accomplishments by District
Attachment 11 - Killed and Serious Injury Heat Maps and Thematic Maps
Attachment 12- Proposed Major Arterial Speed Limit Reductions
Attachment 13 - Sample Local Road Reduced Speed Limit Area Gateway Signage
Attachment 14 - Missing Sidewalks - Recommended Amendment to Procedural Bylaw Chapter 27
Attachment 15 - List of Cultural Corridor Safety Reviews
Attachment 16 - Vision Zero Campaigns, Education Material and Communications
Attachment 17 - Traffic Control Warrants Review
Attachment 18 - Scarborough District Safety Action Plan
(June 20, 2019) Public Notice

Communications (Committee)

(June 23, 2019) E-mail from Piotr Sepski (IE.New.IE6.8.1)
(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (IE.New.IE6.8.2)
(June 25, 2019) Letter from Carol Burtin Fripp (IE.Supp.IE6.8.3)
(June 26, 2019) E-mail from Daniella Levy-Pinto, Walk Toronto (IE.Supp.IE6.8.4)
(June 26, 2019) E-mail from Arlene Desjardins (IE.New.IE6.8.5)
(June 26, 2019) Submission from Hamish Wilson (IE.New.IE6.8.6)
(June 27, 2019) Letter from Nancy Smith Lea, Director, The Centre for Active Transportation, Clean Air Partnership (IE.New.IE6.8.7)
(June 27, 2019) E-mail from Stephanie Borrelle (IE.New.IE6.8.8)

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Nicole Corrado (CC.New.IE6.8.9)
(July 15, 2019) Submission from Jessica Spieker, Friends and Families for Safe Streets and Daniella Levy-Pinto, Walk Toronto (CC.New.IE6.8.10)
(July 15, 2019) Submission from Hamish Wilson (CC.New.IE6.8.11)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from Raymond Chan, Government Relations, CAA South Central Ontario (CC.New.IE6.8.12)
(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (CC.New.IE6.8.13)
(July 16, 2019) E-mail from Nicole Corrado (CC.New.IE6.8.14)

IE6.9 - Administrative Penalty System for the Red Light Camera and Future Automated Speed Enforcement Programs - Status Update

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the Province to amend the Highway Traffic Act, develop regulations under the Highway Traffic Act, potentially amend the Provincial Offences Act, and make any requisite amendments to any existing regulations to the City of Toronto Act, 2006, to permit the City of Toronto to use an Administrative Penalty System for offences enforced through the use of an Automated Speed Enforcement system and the Red Light Camera system and to ensure revenue from these offences administered through an Administrative Penalty System be payable to the City of Toronto to recover program costs.


(June 13, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor and the Director, Court Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor and the Director, Court Services on Administrative Penalty System for the Red Light Camera and Future Automated Speed Enforcement Programs - Status Update

IE6.10 - Automated Speed Enforcement Update and Results of the Request for Proposal 9148-19-0048 for the Provision of Automated Speed Enforcement Services

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services, to negotiate, enter into, and execute a new agreement(s) between the City of Toronto and one or more of The Corporation of the City of Mississauga, The Corporation of the City of Burlington, The Regional Municipality of Peel, The Regional Municipality of Durham, the City of Ottawa, The Regional Municipality of Waterloo, the Town of Ajax, the City of London, The Corporation of the City of Brampton, the City of Hamilton, and the County of Oxford for Automated Speed Enforcement record processing and for their cost-sharing of the expenses of the joint municipal processing centre and to amend such agreement(s) to add additional partnering municipalities within the first year of the program, all on terms and conditions generally as set out in the body of the report (June 26, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Purchasing Officer, and upon such further terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Transportation Services and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


2. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to conduct a public information and communication campaign, as may be appropriate, that may include warning letters as described in the report (June 26, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Purchasing Officer, prior to and/or for a period of time after provincial legislation and regulations concerning automated speed enforcement coming into force, to the discretion of the General Manager, Transportation Services, and authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to negotiate, enter into and execute any agreements necessary to carry out the public information and communication campaign on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Transportation Services and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


3. City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to negotiate, enter into and execute new agreement(s) with Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Ontario, as represented by the Minister of Transportation, for the access and use of license plate registration information on terms and conditions generally as set out in the report (June 26, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Purchasing Officer, and on such other terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Transportation Services and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


4. City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to negotiate, enter into and execute an agreement with Redflex Traffic Systems (Canada) Limited, being the highest overall scoring proponent meeting the requirements of RFP 9148-19-0048, for


a.  the provision of Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) services for five (5) years from date of award to July 15, 2024 in the amount of $12,300,323 net of all taxes and charges ($12,516,809 net of HST recoveries) with an option to renew on the sole discretion of the General Manager, Transportation Services, and subject to budget approval, for one additional term of five (5) years in the amount of $12,338,303 ($12,555,457 net of all HST recoveries); and

b.  the provision of the maintenance of Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) image processing services for twenty-five (25) months following the end of the five-year term or, if renewed, the end of the option period, in the amount of $319,125 net of all taxes and charges ($324,742 net of HST recoveries);

for a total cost of up to $24,957,751 ($25,397,008 net of HST recoveries) in accordance with terms and conditions as set out in the RFP and any other terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Transportation Services, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


(June 26, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation and the Chief Purchasing Officer

Background Information (Committee)

(June 26, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the General Manager, Transportation and the Chief Purchasing Officer on Automated Speed Enforcement Update and Results of the Request for Proposal 9148-19-0048 for the Provision of Automated Speed Enforcement Services
(June 13, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services on Automated Speed Enforcement Update and Results of the Request for Proposal 9148-19-0048 for the Provision of Automated Speed Enforcement Services - Notice of Pending Report

Background Information (City Council)

(July 12, 2019) Supplementary report from the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Purchasing Officer on Automated Speed Enforcement Update and Results of the Request for Proposal 9148-19-0048 for the Provision of Automated Speed Enforcement Services (IE6.10a)
Attachment 1: Fairness Attestation Report - Request for Proposal (RFP) No. 9148-19-0048 for the Supply, Installation, Operation, Maintenance and Decommissioning of Automated Speed Enforcement (ASE) Systems within the City of Toronto and Other Municipalities within Ontario

IE6.11 - Cycling Network Plan Update

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council endorse the Cycling Network Plan as outlined in the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manger, Transportation Services and mapped as the proposed cycling network and near-term cycling implementation program (2019 - 2021) in Attachments 1 and 4 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manger, Transportation Services as the framework for bringing forward cycling infrastructure projects for subsequent Council approval.


2. City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to undertake the feasibility analysis, detailed design, and public consultation required to deliver cycling infrastructure projects contained in the near-term implementation program (2019 - 2021).


3. City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to initiate the near-term studies of the Major City-Wide Cycling Routes as outlined in the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manger, Transportation Services and mapped in Attachment 2 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the General Manger, Transportation Services, and to bring forward the findings of these studies and recommendations regarding future implementation at the appropriate time. 


4. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to consider, as part of the annual capital and operating budget process, the capital funding required to implement the near-term cycling implementation program (2019 - 2021) at a rate of $16 million dollars annually, as well as the operating budget required to fund the maintenance costs of newly constructed cycling infrastructure.


5. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to target completion of the Danforth Avenue Planning and Complete Streets Study by June 2021.  


6. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the second quarter of 2020, in order to inform the Danforth Avenue Planning and Complete Streets Study, on options for the following cycling infrastructure Study components:


a.  detailed design of a pilot project for eastbound and westbound cycle tracks on Danforth Avenue East from Coxwell Avenue to Dawes Road;

b.  installation of bike counters to demonstrate trends in daily cycling volumes; and

c.  additional consultation with local stakeholders including Councillors, Business Improvement Areas, and residents’ groups.  


7. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to identify any additional capital or operating budget requirements to deliver Parts 5 and 6 above through the City’s 2020 Budget process if required.


8.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to report back by the last quarter of 2021, regarding implementation progress of the Cycling Network Plan, including updates on outcomes such as the number of kilometres of cycling infrastructure installed, network coverage - the proportion of people in close proximity to the cycling network, and the impact on safety and cycling mode share.


9.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services work with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to create a working group of City staff and local stakeholders to assess complete street options for University Avenue in conjunction with the TOCore Great Streets framework and to consider alternative streets to University Avenue for the installation of north south Bike Lanes west of Yonge Street.


10.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to consider, as part of the planned resurfacing of Harbord Street, an upgrade of the existing bike lane to a cycle track, including appropriate consultation with stakeholders.


11. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to initiate planning, design and consultation for an extension of the Bloor Street West cycle tracks from Shaw Street to High Park Avenue, with implementation targeted to take place as early as summer 2020.


12.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to consider, as part of the Bloor Street East cycle track improvements, the feasibility of establishing a separated bike lane on Bloor Street from Avenue Road to Church street connecting the Bloor cycle track on Bloor Street East and Bloor Street West.


13.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to triple the number of bike ring installations on Danforth Avenue.


14.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to take measures to improve pedestrian safety, especially for seniors and to serve seniors' residences along Danforth Avenue.


15.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to initiate the detailed design for a pilot project with eastbound and westbound cycle tracks on Danforth Avenue from Coxwell Avenue west to Broadview Avenue which takes loading and unloading issues into account.


16.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, to provide a budget impact assessment of completing the City portion of the cycling network as envisioned in Eglinton Connects, and report through the 2020 Budget process. 


17.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to review opportunities to prioritize Weston Neighbourhood Connections cycling routes within the near-term implementation program (2020/2021), and that cycling network connections to the Weston GO and UP Express Station be included as part of this work.

18.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to consider including Jane Street, south of Highway 401 to Bloor Street West, as a study planned for a Major City Cycling Route as part of the next report back on the implementation progress of the Cycling Network Plan.


19.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to consider the feasibility and timing of a pedestrian and cycling bridge at Bentworth Avenue over the rail line, in order to connect the Baycrest Park/Yorkdale area to North Park, and, as part of the report proposed for late 2021, to update the Infrastructure and Environment Committee on the implementation progress of the Cycling Network Plan.


20.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to propose a design work plan on a pedestrian and cycling overpass of the Toronto-Barrie railway corridor and report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee by the second quarter of  2020 with preliminary findings on  feasibility and high level costing.


21.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to report to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee before the end of the 2019 on creating off-road cycling super highways along the rail lines that traverse Toronto, from the north to the south, and from the east to the west. 

22.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to include the Murray Road overpass and Downsview Lands connection to Murray Road as a future cycling route in the Cycling Network Plan.  

23. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to review the TTC bus-only diamond lanes on Wilson Avenue between Murray Road and Cornelius Parkway to consider permitting cycling, if deemed safe to do so.

24. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to initiate formal discussions with both the Catholic and Public Toronto District School Boards and neighbouring landowners and to coordinate with the Toronto Transit Commission to formalize a strategy to bring forward the important cycling and pedestrian connection referenced in Parts 2 and 3 above, and report back by the end of 2019. 


25.  City Council request the Toronto Police Services Board to consider siting the Toronto Police Service's main bike collision reporting centre at the new police station at Danforth Avenue and Coxwell Avenue.


26. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to develop a back-end review process for evaluating the success of new cycling infrastructure that measures usage against defined metrics, with a focus on road safety.


27.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to introduce automated bike count station technology to collect and display count data along the top ten cycling routes by volume and make the data available as an open data set.


28.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to perform a count of cyclists using the Flemingdon Park and Thorncliffe Park bike lanes in August, 2020.


29.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to work with Bike Share Toronto to develop a co-ordinated plan to install Bike Share infrastructure across Toronto.


30.  City Council request the General Manger, Transportation Services to develop and implement a dedicated pavement condition inspection, repair and maintenance program that is specific to bicycle lanes, in order to ensure safe pavement conditions for these vulnerable road users.


31.  City Council direct the Director, Environment and Energy to model carbon dioxide emission reduction equivalents achieved through the City's Cycling Network Plan and report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee as part of TransformTO reporting.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council considered Items IE6.11 and IE6.12 together.


(June 13, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 13, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services on Cycling Network Plan Update
Attachment 1 - Map of Proposed Cycling Network by Analysis Scores
Attachment 2 - Map of Major City-Wide Cycling Routes
Attachment 3 - Map and Table of Cycling Infrastructure Completed 2016 - 2018
Attachment 4 - Maps of Near-Term Implementation Program 2019 - 2021
Attachment 5 - Stakeholder Engagement Summary
Attachment 6 - Analysis Methodology and Enhancements
Attachment 7 - Maps of Cycling Analysis Results by Category
Attachment 8 - Project Selection Process Summary
Attachment 9 - Routes Removed from Proposed Network
Attachment 10 - Project-specific Council Request Responses

Communications (Committee)

(June 24, 2019) Multiple Communications from Multiple Communications from 452 Individuals Supporting Bike Lanes on Danforth Avenue and Bloor Street (IE.New.IE6.11.1)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Robert J. A. Zaichkowski (IE.New.IE6.11.2)
(June 26, 2019) E-mail from Chantelle Campbell-Sholzberg, Culture Link (IE.New.IE6.11.3)
(June 27, 2019) Letter from Deputy Mayor Ana Bailão, Councillor Mike Layton and Councillor Gord Perks (IE.New.IE6.11.4)
(June 26, 2019) E-mail from Gerry Brown (IE.New.IE6.11.5)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Geoff Kettel, Holly Reid and Louis Fliss, Cycle Don Valley Midtown (IE.New.IE6.11.6)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Giselle Cordova, Assistant Curriculum Leader for ESL (IE.New.IE6.11.7)
(June 27, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (IE.New.IE6.11.8)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Jared Kolb, Cycle Toronto (IE.New.IE6.11.9)
(June 27, 2019) Submission from Catherine Orion (IE.New.IE6.11.10)
(June 27, 2019) Letter from Councillor Brad Bradford, Beaches-East York, Ward 19 (IE.New.IE6.11.11)
(June 27, 2019) Letter from Albert Koehl, Bells on Bloor (IE.New.IE6.11.12)
(June 27, 2019) Letter from Nancy Lea Smith, Director, The Centre for Active Transportation, Clean Air Partnership (IE.New.IE6.11.13)
(June 27, 2019) E-mail from Niko Casuncad, 8 80 Cities (IE.New.IE6.11.14)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Geoff Kettel and Cathie Macdonald, Co-Chairs, Federation of North Toronto Resident's Associations (IE.New.IE6.11.15)

Communications (City Council)

(June 27, 2019) E-mail from Lucinda Gergley-Garner (CC.Main.IE6.11.16)
(June 28, 2019) E-mail from Colin Mattison (CC.Main.IE6.11.17)
(July 15, 2019) Multiple Communications from 19 Individuals Supporting Bike Lanes on Danforth Avenue and Bloor Street (CC.Main.IE6.11.18)
(July 10, 2019) E-mail from Brian Smegal (CC.Supp.IE6.11.19)
(July 11, 2019) E-mail from Murray and Linda Lumley (CC.Supp.IE6.11.20)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from Geoff Kettel, Holly Reid, and Louis Fliss, Cycle Toronto Don Valley Midtown (CC.New.IE6.11.21)
(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Hamish Wilson (CC.New.IE6.11.22)
(May 21, 2019) Letter from various merchants, groups and representatives of Bloor Street West (Shaw Street to HIgh Park) (CC.New.IE6.11.23)
(July 15, 2019) Submission from Rebecca Goodwin, Member, Steering Committee, Walk Toronto (CC.New.IE6.11.24)
(July 5, 2019) Letter from Kathleen Mackey on behalf of 32 Spokes (CC.New.IE6.11.25)
(July 16, 2019) E-mail from Mary Ann Neary (CC.New.IE6.11.26)
(July 16, 2019) Submission from Morva Rohani, Senior Public Policy Associate, Uber Canada (CC.New.IE6.11.27)
(July 16, 2019) E-mail from David Edwards (CC.New.IE6.11.28)
(July 16, 2019) E-mail from Chantal Stepa, Market Manager, The Withrow Park Farmers' Market (CC.New.IE6.11.29)
(July 16, 2019) Multiple Communications from 7 People from the Toronto-Danforth Community Members, Businesses and Community Groups (CC.New.IE6.11.30)

IE6.12 - Cycling Network Plan: 2019 Cycling Infrastructure Installation

Decision Type:
2 - Etobicoke Centre, 5 - York South - Weston, 10 - Spadina - Fort York, 12 - Toronto - St. Paul's, 18 - Willowdale, 25 - Scarborough - Rouge Park

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the installation of bicycle lanes on the following sections of roadway, as described in Attachment 2 to the report (June 14, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services:


a. Argyle Street (from Ossington Avenue to a point 20 metres east);


b. Blue Jays Way (from Navy Wharf Court to King Street West);


c. Vaughan Road (from Northcliffe Boulevard to Oakwood Avenue); and


d. Lawrence Avenue East (from Port Union Road to Rouge Hills Drive).


2. City Council authorize the installation of cycle tracks on the following sections of roadway, as described in Attachment 3 to the report (June 14, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services:


a. Scarlett Road (from Bernice Crescent to 105 metres south of Edenbridge Drive); and


b. Willowdale Avenue (from Empress Avenue to Bishop Avenue).


3. City Council authorize the conversion of the bicycle lanes on Conlins Road, from Canmore Boulevard to Sheppard Avenue East, to cycle tracks, as described in Attachments 2 and 3 to the report (June 14, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services.


4. City Council adopt the traffic and parking regulations associated with Parts 1, 2 and 3 above, as described in Attachment 4 to the report (June 14, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services.


5. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to submit the anticipated report on the conversion of the existing pedestrian crossing at the intersection of Scarlett Road and Eileen Avenue to traffic signals to Etobicoke York Community Council at its meeting on September 16, 2019.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council considered Items IE6.11 and IE6.12 together.


(June 14, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 14, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services on Cycling Network Plan: 2019 Cycling Infrastructure Installation
Attachment 1: Proposed Cycling Network Installation Location Maps
Attachment 2: Designated Bicycle Lanes
Attachment 3: Designated Cycle Tracks
Attachment 4: Amendments to Traffic and Parking Regulations

Communications (Committee)

(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Leslie MacLeod (IE.New.IE6.12.1)
(June 21, 2019) E-mail from Charles Mangion (IE.New.IE6.12.2)
(June 21, 2019) E-mail from Raymond Kennedy (IE.New.IE6.12.3)
(June 22, 2019) E-mail from Raj Bharati (IE.New.IE6.12.4)
(June 23, 2019) E-mail from Sophia Rasheed (IE.New.IE6.12.5)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Andrew Akman (IE.New.IE6.12.6)
(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Jessica Presotto (IE.New.IE6.12.7)
(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Dan Green (IE.New.IE6.12.8)
(June 26, 2019) E-mail from Maria Amaral, Glen Levin and Thereza Stephens (IE.New.IE6.12.9)
(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Eleanor Millman (IE.Supp.IE6.12.10)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Larry Saunders (IE.Supp.IE6.12.11)
(June 26, 2019) E-mail from Adam Pounder (IE.Supp.IE6.12.12)
(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Janet Risovich (IE.New.IE6.12.13)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Warren Zweig, Sutton's Garden Supplies (IE.Supp.IE6.12.14)
(June 26, 2019) E-mail from Alanna Janssen (IE.Supp.IE6.12.15)
(June 26, 2019) E-mail from Charley Morrison (IE.New.IE6.12.16)
(June 26, 2019) E-mail from Christopher Caputo (IE.New.IE6.12.17)
(June 26, 2019) Letter from Bayview Cummer Neighbourhood Association (IE.New.IE6.12.18)

IE6.13 - GO Expansion Program - Steeles Avenue East Grade Separation and Temporary Diversion Road

Decision Type:
22 - Scarborough - Agincourt

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council temporarily close Steeles Avenue East, between Redlea Avenue and Silver Star Boulevard, to both pedestrian and vehicular traffic from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2021, inclusive, for purposes of the grade separation construction.


2. City Council authorize public highway designation for the diversion road between Redlea Avenue and Silver Star Boulevard, as shown in Attachments 3 to 5 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the General Manager, Transportation Services, from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2021; the diversion road will be dedicated in name as Steeles Avenue East.


3.  City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take all steps necessary to implement the proposed dedication referred to in Part 2 above, including requesting the City Solicitor to prepare and submit the relevant bills and to pay any costs necessary to register the resultant By-laws, if required.


4.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to negotiate, enter into and execute any necessary agreements and documents, and take steps and measures necessary, on behalf of the City, to temporarily exercise the City's authority.


5. City Council authorize a 40 kilometre per hour speed limit from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2021, inclusive, on the Steeles Avenue East diversion road, between Redlea Avenue and Silver Star Boulevard.


6. City Council prohibit stopping at all times from September 1, 2019 to August 31, 2021 on the north and south sides of the Steeles Avenue East diversion road, between Redlea Avenue and Silver Star Boulevard.


7.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services, in issuing any requisite permits to include additional permit terms and conditions as the General Manager, Transportation Services deems necessary and appropriate.


8. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services, to request Metrolinx to:


a.  hold monthly construction liaison meetings with merchants, property owners, community groups and the local Councillors to provide a forum for raising and responding to issues during construction and to share information and hear feedback about immediate, upcoming (next 3 to 6 months), and future construction work; and

b. produce monthly project newsletters to be posted on the project website and distributed electronically to merchants, residents and other stakeholders covering works completed, works in progress and future planned works.


(June 21, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services

Background Information (Committee)

(June 21, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 to 5 from the General Manager, Transportation Services on GO Expansion Program - Steeles Avenue East Grade Separation and Temporary Diversion Road
(June 13, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Transportation Services on GO Expansion Program - Steeles Avenue East Grade Separation and Temporary Diversion Road - Notice of Pending Report

IE6.14 - Supporting an Increase in Bicycle Parking at Schools

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:

1.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to negotiate, enter into, and execute an agreement with the Toronto District School Board for the provision of funding by the City of Toronto of up to $350,000, and with the Toronto Catholic District School Board for up to $200,000 for bicycle parking infrastructure, and that the agreement be generally in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the March 19, 2018 report EX 32.22, and upon such additional terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Transportation Services, and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor.


(June 27, 2019) Letter from Councillor James Pasternak, Ward 6 York Centre

Background Information (Committee)

(June 27, 2019) Letter from Councillor James Pasternak on Supporting an Increase in Bicycle Parking at Schools

IE6.15 - Enwave Energy Corporation Construction on Wellington Street West

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the City Solicitor, to negotiate, enter into and execute an amendment to the existing "Lease of City Decommissioned Underground Pipe System" with Zayo Canada Inc. to remove the portion of City-owned pipe generally located between Wellington Street from Windsor Street to Clarence Square, to include the replacement conduits to the scope of the lease, and such other terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager Transportation Services, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services, in issuing any requisite permits to include additional permit terms and conditions as the General Manager, Transportation Services deems necessary and appropriate.


3.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to negotiate, enter into and execute any necessary agreements and documents, and take steps and measures necessary, on behalf of the City to facilitate the removal of a section of the leased pipe by Enwave and the installation of the new conduits.


4.  City Council delegate standing authority to the General Manager, Transportation Services to amend the "Lease of City Decommissioned Underground Pipe System" with Zayo Group Holdings, Inc., from time to time, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Transportation Services and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor subject to the following condition:


a. any amendment shall not materially impact the potential liability of the City.


(June 25, 2019) Letter from Councillor Joe Cressy, Ward 10, Spadina-Fort York

Background Information (Committee)

(June 25, 2019) Letter from Councillor Joe Cressy on Enwave Energy Corporation Construction on Wellington Street West

Planning and Housing Committee - Meeting 7

PH7.1 - Changing Lanes: The City of Toronto's Review of Laneway Suites - City-wide Expansion of City-Initiated Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment - Final Report

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend the Official Plan substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment 460 appended as Attachment 4 to the report (June 5, 2019) from The Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2. City Council amend the draft Zoning By-law Amendment appended as Attachment 5 to the report (June 5, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, by removing the Asquith-Collier, Ramsden Park, and Yorkville neighbourhoods as delineated in Site and Area Specific Policy 211 of the Official Plan, from the area to which the proposed By-law Amendment will apply.


3. City Council amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment appended as Attachment 5 to the report (June 5, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and as amended by Part 2 above.


4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment and Draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


5. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to consider permitting laneway suites within the Asquith-Collier, Ramsden Park, and Yorkville neighbourhoods as part of the ongoing review of Site and Area Specific Policy 211.


6. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, as part of the monitoring report, to review all minor variance applications for laneway suites and include an analysis and discussion of these applications in the laneway suites report originally directed by City Council at its meeting on June 26, 27, 28 and 29, 2018 in its decision on Item TE33.3.

7. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to consult with the Federation of North Toronto Residents Associations as part of the consultation undertaken for the monitoring report noted in Part 6 above.

8. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with appropriate City officials, to initiate a staff training program within all City Districts to ensure consistent City-wide understanding and application of the Laneway Suites Policies and By-law provisions.


9.  City Council request the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat to extend the Affordable Housing Laneway Suites Program to April 2022, to be funded through the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative and to be available to eligible applicants on a City-wide basis.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 5, 2019) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning

Background Information (Committee)

(June 5, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 to 3 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Changing Lanes: The City of Toronto's Review of Laneway Suites - City-wide Expansion of City-Initiated Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment - Final Report
Attachment 4 - Draft Official Plan Amendment No. 460
Attachment 5 - Draft Zoning By-law Amendment (By-law No. 569-2013)
(June 11, 2019) Notice of Public Meeting

Communications (Committee)

(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Lawrence Lus (PH.New.PH7.1.1)
(June 27, 2019) Letter from Alyssa Rhynold, Land and Right-of-Way Administrator, Trans Northern Pipelines Inc. (PH.New.PH7.1.2)
(June 28, 2019) E-mail from Rohan Walters (PH.New.PH7.1.3)
(June 28, 2019) Letter from John Caliendo and Ian Carmichael, Co-Presidents, ABC Residents Association (PH.New.PH7.1.4)
(June 28, 2019) Letter from Daniel Brent, Planner, Planning and Policy, Policy Planning, Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (PH.New.PH7.1.5)
(July 2, 2019) E-mail from Deborah Mesher (PH.New.PH7.1.6)
(July 2, 2019) Letter from Sean Galbraith, Galbraith and Associates (PH.New.PH7.1.7)
(July 2, 2019) E-mail from Anton Lodder (PH.New.PH7.1.8)
(July 2, 2019) E-mail from Taras Kulyk (PH.New.PH7.1.9)
(July 2, 2019) E-mail from Brian O'Brian (PH.New.PH7.1.10)
(July 2, 2019) E-mail from Mary Alton (PH.New.PH7.1.11)
(July 2, 2019) E-mail from Daphne Hubble (PH.New.PH7.1.12)
(July 2, 2019) Letter from Brian Kelcey, Toronto Region Board of Trade (PH.New.PH7.1.13)
(July 2, 2019) E-mail from Cameron MacLeod (PH.New.PH7.1.14)
(July 2, 2019) Letter from Lanescape founders Andrew Sorbara, Alex Sharpe, and Craig Race (PH.New.PH7.1.15)
(July 2, 2019) Letter from Michael Collins, President, Toronto Real Estate Board (PH.New.PH7.1.16)

Communications (City Council)

(July 2, 2019) Letter from Brian Kelcey, Vice President, Public Affairs and Advocacy, Toronto Region Board of Trade (CC.Main.PH7.1.17)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from Christian Chan, Land Use Planner, C2 Planning (CC.New.PH7.1.18)

PH7.2 - Cask Force - Zoning By-law Amendments for Breweries and Related Uses

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend the draft Zoning By-law Amendment in Attachment 1 to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning by removing the Business Park bounded by Vanderhoof Avenue, Laird Drive, Overlea Boulevard and Don Mills Road from the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment to permit outdoor patios in the Employment Light Industrial Zone and Employment Industrial Zone, pending further analysis of Zoning By-laws in the area.


2. City Council amend Zoning By-law 569-2013 substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment appended as Attachment 1 to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, as amended by Part 1 above.


3. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86 as amended, substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment appended as Attachment 2 to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment and Draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning

Background Information (Committee)

(June 10, 2019) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Cask Force - Zoning By-law Amendments for Breweries and Related Uses
Attachment 1 - Draft By-law Amendment (Amending By-law 569-2013)
Attachment 2 - Draft By-law Amendment (Amending By-law 438-86)
(June 11, 2019) Notice of Public Meeting

PH7.3 - Appeals of City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 - Request for Direction

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the recommendations in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential recommendations in Confidential Attachment 1 and Appendix A to Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor and Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor.

3.  City Council direct that all other information in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor is to remain confidential in its entirety, as it contains advice which is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential recommendations in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to present and support the proposed revisions to By-law 569-2013 in Confidential Appendix A to Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and other appropriate City Staff to continue discussions with the Parties for further revisions that are substantially in accordance with proposed revisions to By-law 569-2013 in Confidential Appendix A to Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor and to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to retain outside consultants, as necessary, to support City Council's decision.


Confidential Appendix A to Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor and Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor are now public and can be accessed under Background Information (City Council).


The balance of  Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor to remain confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Confidential Attachment - This report is about litigation or potential litigation that affects the City or one of its agencies or corporations and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege This report contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.


(June 18, 2019) Report from from the City Solicitor

Background Information (Committee)

(June 18, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on Appeals of City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 - Request for Direction
Confidential Attachment 1 - Confidential Information
Appendix A to Confidential Attachment 1 - Confidential Information

Background Information (City Council)

Confidential Appendix A to Confidential Attachment 1 to report (June 18, 2019) from the City Solicitor - made public on July 26, 2019
(July 5, 2019) Supplementary report from the City Solicitor on Appeals of City-wide Zoning By-law 569-2013 - Request for Direction (PH7.3a)
Confidential Attachment 1 to the Supplementary Report from the City Solicitor - made public on July 26, 2019

Communications (Committee)

(June 30, 2019) Letter from Veronica Wynne, President, Swansea Area Ratepayer Association (PH.New.PH7.3.1)
(July 2, 2019) E-mail from Jessica Wilson, President, Ossington Community Association, Representative, West Side Community Council, Vice Chair, Confederation of Resident & Ratepayers Associations in Toronto (PH.New.PH7.3.2)
(June 30, 2019) Letter from Veronica Wynne, Secretary and Geoff Kettel, Vice-Chair, Confederation of Resident and Ratepayer Associations in Toronto (PH.New.PH7.3.3)
(July 2, 2019) Letter from Cathie Macdonald, Co-Chair of Federation of North Toronto Residents' Associations (PH.New.PH7.3.4)

PH7.4 - A New Approvals Framework for Toronto Community Housing Corporation Revitalization Projects

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:  


1.  City Council amend the Shareholder Direction to require Toronto Community Housing Corporation to work with City divisions and agencies in planning and implementing revitalization projects to ensure that the projects contribute appropriately to City-building objectives by incorporating a range of housing options including net new affordable housing opportunities.

2.  City Council, as sole shareholder, direct the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Board of Directors to direct the President and Chief Executive Officer of Toronto Community Housing Corporation to work with the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, to identify opportunities for new affordable rental housing units on Toronto Community Housing Corporation lands.


3.  City Council, in its capacity as Shareholder of Toronto Community Housing Corporation:


a.  approve pursuant to Section 7.4.1 (c) of the City's Shareholder Direction to Toronto Community Housing Corporation,


i. the revitalization of Toronto Community Housing Corporation's Don Summerville site at 1555-1575 Queen Street East; and

ii. the adjustment of Toronto Community Housing Corporation's service level obligations under the Operating Agreement between the City and Toronto Community Housing Corporation by reducing the number of rent-geared-to-income units by 17 (from 120 to 103);

b.  approve, pursuant to Section 7.4.1 (b) of the City's Shareholder Direction to Toronto Community Housing Corporation, the sale of a portion of the Don Summerville lands to Context (Summerville) Inc. or its designate or any affiliate, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the interim General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration;

on the conditions that:


c.  consistent with the service level standards, a minimum of 120 units of rent-geared-to-income housing is to be made available on the Don Summerville site;

d.  17 rent-geared-to-income commercial rent supplements are made available to the  non-profit affordable rental housing provider selected in accordance with Part 14 below;

e.  the net sale proceeds of any sale, after costs of the transaction, are invested in the revitalization of Don Summerville; and

f.  Toronto Community Housing Corporation report annually, through Toronto Community Housing Corporation's Annual Report to Council, on the status of the revitalization of the Don Summerville site and on any tenant and community impacts resulting from the revitalization.

4.  City Council, in its capacity as Service Manager under the Housing Services Act, 2011, authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, following consultation with the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, to grant any necessary Service Manager consents pursuant to the Housing Services Act, 2011, to:


a.  the transfer of portions of 1555-1575 Queen Street East  to Context (Summerville) Inc. or its designate or affiliate;

b.  the redevelopment of that part of 1555-1575 Queen Street East retained by Toronto Community Housing Corporation;

c.  all encumbrances required by Toronto Community Housing Corporation for the purposes of the revitalization of 1555- 1575 Queens Street East;

d.  the redevelopment, transfer, mortgage and encumbering by third parties of all real property disposed of by Toronto Community Housing Corporation and not used for social or public housing, that are required prior to such real property being released from the Housing Services Act, 2011.;


subject to:

e.  Toronto Community Housing Corporation and/or the prospective purchasers of Don Summerville lands obtaining the various necessary planning approvals and legislative, municipal and corporate consents (including consent of mortgagors, if necessary); and

f.  Toronto Community Housing Corporation providing a Tenant Relocation and Assistance Implementation Plan (TRAIP), satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, that describes Toronto Community Housing Corporation’s obligations regarding tenant relocation of Don Summerville tenants for all phases of the revitalization and to provide updates to the Plan as appropriate, pursuant to the requirements set out in Agreements under Section 37 of the Planning Act and Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act.


5.  City Council, in its capacity as Service Manager under the Housing Services Act, 2011, authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to revise the subsidy paid to Toronto Community Housing Corporation as a result of the revitalization of Don Summerville to reflect 103 rent-geared-to-income units. 


6.  City Council authorize the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat to negotiate and enter into, on behalf of the City, a Memorandum of Understanding with Toronto Community Housing Corporation and Context (Summerville) Inc. on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, and in a form approved by the City Solicitor, to reflect the transactions terms outlined in Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 12, 2019) from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services.

7.  City Council authorize that the affordable rental housing and the replacement rent-geared-to-income housing to be constructed on the lands currently known as 1555-1575 Queen Street East, be exempt from the payment of development charges and provide a waiver of all planning and building permit fees and parkland dedication fees.

8.  City Council authorize an exemption from taxation for municipal and school purposes for the affordable rental housing and the replacement rent geared to income housing to be constructed on the lands currently known as 1555-1575 Queen Street East for the periods of affordability set out in the chart in the Financial Impact section of the supplementary report (July 12, 2019) from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services.

9.  City Council authorize City staff to cancel or refund any taxes paid with respect to the affordable rental housing after the effective date of the tax exemption.

10.  City Council authorize the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, to negotiate and enter into, on behalf of the City, municipal housing facility agreements, with Toronto Community Housing Corporation and Context (Summerville) Inc., or related corporations, to secure the financial assistance being provided through the Open Door Program, for the affordable housing to be developed on lands currently known at 1555-1575 Queen Street East, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, and in a form approved by the City Solicitor.

11.  City Council authorize severally each of the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to execute, on behalf of the City, consents, approvals, agreements or other documents that are ancillary to the any security or financing documents required by the developers of the site to secure construction and conventional financing and subsequent refinancing, including any postponement, confirmation of status, discharge or consent documents where and when required during the term of the municipal housing facility agreement, as required by normal business practices, and provided that such documents do not give rise to financial obligations on the part of the City that have not been previously approved by City Council.

12.  City Council authorize the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to provide any consent necessary to transfer or encumber the site and to negotiate and enter into any agreements or other documents required to effect any future transfer or assignment of the site and the associated legal agreements with the City to another legal entity, on terms and conditions satisfactory to them and in a form approved by the City Solicitor.


13.  City Council approve capital funding up to $6,000,000 from the Capital Revolving Reserve Fund for Affordable Housing (XR-1058) for the acquisition of 32 residential units, to be leased by the City to a non-profit housing provider which leasehold interest will be purchased by repaying the $6,000,000 to the above-mentioned reserve fund.


14.  City Council request the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services to report to City Council in 2020 to:


a.  seek the authorities required to advance the transactions contemplated in this report, including, but not limited to a obtaining approval to negotiate and enter into an agreement(s) of purchase and sale with Context (Summerville) Inc. or such other agreement(s) deemed necessary to secure the purchase of the 32 residential units; and

b.  seek authority to conduct a competitive process to select a non-profit housing provider to operate the 32 residential units (17 rent-geared-to-income and 15 affordable rental units) proposed to be secured by the City.


15. City Council, as sole shareholder, direct the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Board of Directors to ensure that there will be no delay in the preparation and submission of plans and rezoning applications for the Firgrove-Grassways Revitalization Project as a result of the new approvals framework outlined in the report (April 12, 2019) from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services.


16. City Council direct the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat to develop a community engagement and consultation strategy for the Firgrove-Grassways Revitalization Project, in consultation with the local Councillor.


17.  City Council direct that all Board-approved proposals from Toronto Community Housing Corporation related to revitalizations and redevelopment opportunities, including any demolition and reconstruction of multiple buildings and infill opportunities, be directed to the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat for review and recommendation in consultation with the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, the Executive Director, Financial Planning, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the joint CreateTO and City-led Strategic Program Management Committee prior to being recommended to City Council for approval of an Initial Development Proposal which will include all details outlined on page 9 of the report (July 2, 2019) from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services.

18.  City Council direct the President and Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Community Housing Corporation to undertake a public procurement process to select a development partner and work through the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, who will work in consultation with the joint CreateTO and City-led Strategic Program Management Committee, the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to assess all proposals including the proposed business terms, integration of City-building objectives, and site considerations.

19.  Prior to undertaking the public procurement process for future revitalizations/redevelopment including infill projects, as contemplated in Part 18 above, City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to work with Toronto Community Housing Corporation to:

a.  provide key planning principles and guidelines for each site; and

b.  support the revitalizations and redevelopment projects by implementing an expedited review process.

20.  City Council direct that developer proposals deemed satisfactory by the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, the joint CreateTO and City-led Strategic Program Management Committee (including Toronto Community Housing Corporation), the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning be recommended to Council for approval by way of an Actions Report from the City Manager and Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services seeking consents for revitalization/redevelopment from the Shareholder and Service Manager (including details outlined on page 10 of the report (July 2, 2019) from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services.

21.  City Council direct that the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO, report annually to the Planning and Housing Committee on the status of all active revitalization projects including the status of delivery of affordable housing where applicable.

22.  City Council direct that the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and the joint CreateTO and City-led Strategic Program Management Committee review the Initial Development Proposal for the revitalization of Firgrove-Grassways  in line with the revised approval framework outlined in the report (April 12, 2019) from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services and if deemed satisfactory, recommend to the Planning and Housing Committee for approval at its September 17, 2019 meeting.

23.  City Council direct that the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, the joint CreateTO and City-led Strategic Program Management Committee, the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer and Chief Planner and the Executive Director, City Planning review the Initial Development Proposal for the Lawrence Heights Phase 2 revitalization project in line with the revised approval framework outlined in this report and if deemed satisfactory, recommend to the Planning and Housing Committee for approval at its September 17, 2019 meeting.


24.  City Council direct the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to work with Toronto Community Housing and the developer Context to hire a consultant to develop the community engagement plan and communications strategy in consultation with the local Councillor, and that funding provided by the developer be directed to Applegrove Community Complex, one of the City's Association of Community Centres, who will take a lead and assist in tenant engagement and development in consultation with the Ward Councillor. 


25.  City Council request the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO, the President and Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Community Housing Corporation and the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat to connect with the Toronto Community Benefits Network regarding a potential Community Benefits Agreement for the future development of Don Summerville.


26.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services to report to the October 15, 2019 meeting of the Planning and Housing Committee on how Toronto Community Housing Corporation staff will ensure that the revitalizations include consultations with affected tenants and produce social development plans.


(April 12, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services

Background Information (Committee)

(April 12, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 to 3 from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services on A New Approvals Framework for Toronto Community Housing Corporation Revitalization Projects

Background Information (City Council)

(July 12, 2019) Supplementary Report from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services on 1555-1575 Queen Street East (Don Summerville) Revitalization Plan (PH7.4b)
(July 15, 2019) Supplementary Report from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services on Considerations for Social Housing Providers to Act as Developers (PH7.4c)

4a - A New Approvals Framework for Toronto Community Housing Corporation Revitalization Projects - Supplementary Report

(July 2, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services
Background Information (Committee)
(July 2, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services on A New Approvals Framework for Toronto Community Housing Corporation Revitalization Projects - Supplementary Report

PH7.6 - Activating Federal/Provincial Funding to Increase Housing Options for Toronto Residents

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, to enter into a Transfer Payment Agreement and/or related agreement(s) with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing or any other provincial entity necessary for the receipt and expenditure of funding under the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative and the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative on such terms and conditions as are satisfactory to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, and in a form approved by the City Solicitor.


2. City Council approve the receipt of Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative and the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative program funds for provision of housing services and initiatives, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Transfer Payment Agreement and any related agreements, directives or program guidelines.


3. City Council authorize the General Manager, Shelter Support and Housing Administration in consultation with Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, to increase the 2019 approved Operating Budget for Shelter Support and Housing Administration by $11,800,000, $0 net fully funded through the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative and the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative, with future year requests subject to Council approval through the annual budget process.


4. City Council authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, to undertake Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative and the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative program administration in accordance with the approved allocations and the Transfer Payment Agreement, including appropriate measures as the program proceeds to adjust program parameter, recipients, and year-end funding among program components as required to ensure full and effective use of available federal/ provincial funds.


5. City Council authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, to develop Investment and Sustainability Plans, outlining funding priorities, in accordance with the terms and conditions of the Transfer Payment Agreement and any related program guidelines, and to submit the plans and any updates to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing.


6. City Council authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, or the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, as appropriate, to enter into agreements or other suitable arrangements with the provincial government, other City divisions, community agencies, private entities and/or individuals to deliver the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative and the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative components in accordance with the terms and conditions of the program guidelines on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration or the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


7. City Council request the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in consultation with the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, to report to the Planning and Housing Committee in the first quarter of 2020, on activity to date and funding projections on the Ontario Priorities Housing Initiative and the Canada-Ontario Community Housing Initiative.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the General Manager, Shelter Support and Housing Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Report from the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the General Manager, Shelter Support and Housing Administration on Activating Federal/Provincial Funding to Increase Housing Options for Toronto Residents

Communications (Committee)

(July 3, 2019) Submission from Yogi Acharya, Ontario Coalition Against Poverty (PH.New.PH7.6.1)

PH7.8 - Charles Hastings Co-operative Inc. - Postponement of Registered Assisted Housing Agreement to the Prospective Lender's Mortgage

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council consent, pursuant to subsection 453.1(6) of the City of Toronto Act 2006:


a. to the transfer of title from 175 Elm St. Developments Ltd to Charles Hastings Co-operative Inc. pursuant to the option to purchase under the lease between the parties; and


b. to Charles Hastings Co-operative Inc. granting a mortgage or charge to First National Financial LP with respect to 175 Elm Street, Toronto to secure repayment of a loan on the terms and conditions described in the report (June 12, 2019) from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration.


2. City Council direct the City Clerk to provide a certificate, in registerable form, to First National Financial LP pursuant to subsection 453.1(9) of the City of Toronto Act, 2006.


3.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to execute a Priority, Postponement and Standstill Agreement postponing the rights of the City under the Assisted Housing Agreement to the rights of the mortgagee and providing the City with an opportunity to cure any mortgage defaults or to locate a housing provider acceptable to the lender that will cure such defaults and operate the housing in accordance with the Assisted Housing Agreement, upon such terms and conditions as the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration may deem appropriate.


(June 12, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration

Background Information (Committee)

(June 12, 2019) Report from the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on Charles Hastings Co-operative Inc. - Postponement of Registered Assisted Housing Agreement to the Prospective Lender's Mortgage

PH7.9 - Emergency Management and Vital Service Disruption Response in Apartment Buildings

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 354, Apartment Buildings to require building owners/operators under the RentSafeTO program to develop and maintain a vital service disruption plan, satisfactory to the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, and provide the City with a copy of the plan when requested.


2. City Council amend Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 354, Apartment Buildings to authorize the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, to set standards and minimum requirements for the vital service disruption plans in consultation with the Office of Emergency Management.


3. City Council amend Toronto Municipal Code Chapter 354, Apartment Buildings to add a provision stating that a building owner/operator who, in the opinion of the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, does not implement their established vital service disruption plan during a time of prolonged vital service disruption is guilty of an offence.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Toronto Fire Services and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards

Background Information (Committee)

(June 19, 2019) Revised - Report from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Toronto Fire Services and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards on Emergency Management and Vital Service Disruption Response in Apartment Buildings
(June 19, 2019) Report from the Fire Chief and General Manager, Toronto Fire Services and the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards on Emergency Management and Vital Service Disruption Response in Apartment Buildings
Attachment 1 - Incident Communication

Communications (Committee)

(July 3, 2019) Letter from Daryl Chong, President and Chief Executive Officer, Greater Toronto Apartment Association (PH.New.PH7.9.1)
(July 3, 2019) Submission from Maryanna Lewycky, President, Park Vista Tenants’ Association (PH.New.PH7.9.2)

PH7.11 - City-wide Heritage Survey Feasibility Study

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the phased implementation of the Toronto Heritage Survey as outlined in the report (June 6, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and as summarized in Attachments 2 and 3 to the report (June 6, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back through the City’s 2020 Budget process, on a funding approach that will be required to support the first phase of the Toronto Heritage Survey.


3. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report back to City Council in 2021 following the completion of the first phase of the Toronto Heritage Survey work plan, and to make recommendations on future phases of work.


4. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to develop a comprehensive public engagement program including potential partnerships, and a communications strategy, to support the Toronto Heritage Survey.


5. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to work with the City's four Community Preservation Panels and Heritage Toronto to develop a volunteer program that will support the Toronto Heritage Survey, including the development of a fundraising strategy for community-based initiatives.


6. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to prioritize outstanding nominations for the inclusion of properties on the Heritage Register in the first phase of the Toronto Heritage Survey.


7. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to collaborate with Architectural Conservancy Ontario Toronto Branch (ACO Toronto), to explore opportunities for information gathering and sharing through extensive online property database, TOBuilt.


8. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to work with the Chief Purchasing Officer to explore an Invitation to Partner Request for Proposal process to engage with technology companies and/or post-secondary institutions to create the database and mapping tool needed for the City-wide Heritage Survey.


9. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report to the Planning and Housing Committee in second quarter of 2020 with an update report including: timeline for completion of phase one and the entire City-wide Heritage Survey, a data management plan, results of preliminary field testing, recommended role of volunteers and non-city groups/agencies, and updates or revisions to the scope of the project.


10. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to include a review of outstanding Heritage Conservation District study areas, including the Sunshine Valley Heritage Conservation District study area, in phase one of the Toronto Heritage Survey.


(June 6, 2019) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning

Background Information (Committee)

(June 6, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 to 5 from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on City-wide Heritage Survey Feasibility Study
Presentation from Heritage Preservation Services on City-Wide Heritage Survey Feasibility Study

Communications (Committee)

(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Susan Stock (PH.New.PH7.11.1)
(July 1, 2019) E-mail from Zhixi Zhuang (PH.New.PH7.11.2)
(June 28, 2019) Letter from Maggie Hutcheson, Block by Block Program Director and Susan Jama, Block by Block Assistant Curator, Toronto Ward Museum (PH.New.PH7.11.3)
(June 19, 2019) Letter from F. Leslie Thompson, Chair, Architectural, Conservancy Ontario (PH.New.PH7.11.4)
(July 2, 2019) Letter from Michael McClelland, Principal, E.R.A. Architects Inc. (PH.New.PH7.11.5)
(July 2, 2019) Letter from Alison Faulknor, Acting Executive Director, National Trust for Canada (PH.New.PH7.11.6)
(July 2, 2019) Letter from Caroline Ross, TOBuilt Coordinator, Architectural Conservancy Ontario: Toronto (PH.New.PH7.11.7)
(July 3, 2019) Letter from Catherine Nasmith, Catherine Nasmith Architect (PH.New.PH7.11.8)

Communications (City Council)

(July 12, 2019) Letter from Councillor Josh Matlow, Ward 12, Toronto-St.Paul's (CC.Supp.PH7.11.9)

11a - City-wide Heritage Survey Feasibility Study

(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Committee)
(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board on City-wide Heritage Survey Feasibility Study

Striking Committee - Meeting 2

ST2.3 - Council Member Appointments to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.   City Council appoint the following Members to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors for a term starting on the day all fourteen Members have been appointed by City Council, and ending December 31, 2020 and until successors are appointed:


Councillor Paul Ainslie

Councillor Shelley Carroll

Councillor Paula Fletcher

Councillor Cynthia Lai

Councillor Mike Layton

Councillor James Pasternak

Councillor Anthony Perruzza


(May 31, 2019) Report from the City Clerk

Background Information (Committee)

(May 31, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Council Member Appointments to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors
Attachment 1 - Members' preferences for appointment to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Board of Directors

Striking Committee - Meeting 3

ST3.1 - 2020 Schedule of Meetings

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the 2020 meeting schedule dates in Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Clerk and that the published schedule serve as notice for these meetings.


2.  City Council request the City Clerk to distribute the approved scheduled to the City's agencies and special purpose bodies with a request that they:


a. avoid scheduling meetings, whenever possible, that conflict with the approved schedule; and


b. avoid scheduling public meetings, forums, public consultations and large scale meetings on days of cultural or religious significance as noted in the approved schedule.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

During the review of the Order Paper on July 16, 2019, City Council adopted a procedural motion to remove this Item from the jurisdiction of the Striking Committee and bring it forward for consideration by City Council.


(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Clerk

Background Information (Committee)

Striking Committee Recommended 2020 Schedule **Visit to view the 2020 schedule of meetings**
(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on 2020 Schedule of Meetings
Attachment 1 - Recommended 2020 Schedule of Meetings
Attachment 2 - Days of Cultural or Religious Significance

Etobicoke York Community Council - Meeting 7

EY7.1 - Final Report - 1 Blue Goose Street - Zoning By-Law Amendment Application

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend the Etobicoke Zoning Code for the lands at 1 Blue Goose Street substantially in accordance with the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District. 


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


3.  Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council authorize the appropriate City officials and require the owner to execute and register on title an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor. Such agreement shall be registered on title to the lands in a manner satisfactory to the City Solicitor in order to secure the following matters:


a.  the owner shall provide and maintain at least 18 new secured rental units, composed of 18 bachelor units within the existing renovated mixed-use building on the site, and as illustrated in the Architectural Plans dated December 12, 2018, for a period of at least 20 years, beginning from the date that each new secured rental unit is first occupied;


b.  the owner shall provide and maintain at least 2 bachelor units at affordable rents, for a period of at least 10 years, beginning from the date that each such new affordable rental dwelling unit is first occupied; the remaining 16 bachelor units shall have unrestricted rents;


c.  prior to first occupancy of the 2 affordable bachelor units referenced in Part 3.b. above, the owner shall make every reasonable effort to work in consultation with the City's Shelter Support and Housing Administration staff to select the first tenant for such affordable bachelor units, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the General Manager, Shelter Support and Housing Administration; and


d.  prior to Site Plan approval pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, the owner shall provide 1:50 scale architectural elevation drawings for representative portions of the buildings with building materials, colours and finishes illustrated and labelled to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning (“Approved Exterior Development Details”).

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District regarding 1 Blue Goose Street - Zoning By-Law Amendment Application - Final Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Katherine Zeman (EY.New.EY7.1.1)

EY7.2 - Final Report - 170 The West Mall - Zoning By-law Amendment Application

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend the former City of Etobicoke Zoning Code for the lands at 170 The West Mall substantially in accordance with the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District.


2.  City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law No. 569-2013 for the lands at 170 The West Mall substantially in accordance with the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District.


3.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


4.  Prior to Site Plan approval, City Council require the owner to enter into a financially secured agreement for the construction of any required improvements to the municipal infrastructure, should it be determined that upgrades are required to support the development based on the revised Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District regarding a Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Final Report - 170 The West Mall

2a - Supplementary Report - 170 The West Mall - Zoning By-law Amendment Application

(June 21, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District
Background Information (Community Council)
(June 21, 2019) Supplementary Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District regarding a Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Supplementary Report - 170 The West Mall

EY7.4 - Refusal Report - 12, 16 and 20 Cordova Avenue - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council refuse the application to amend the Official Plan and the Etobicoke Zoning Code at 12, 16 and 20 Cordova Avenue for the reasons set out in the report (June 21, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor, together with appropriate staff, to appear before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in support of City Council's decision to refuse the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application, in the event the refusal is appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.


3. City Council direct City staff to continue discussions with the applicant to address issues identified in the report (June 21, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District.


4. City Council defer making a decision on the Rental Housing Demolition application under Municipal Code, Chapter 667 pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, to demolish the existing rental dwelling units at 12, 16 and 20 Cordova Avenue.


5. City Council authorize the City Solicitor, in the event the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment application is appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order should the application be approved in some form, until all of the following have been completed and secured:


a. the final form of the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments are to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


b. City Council, or the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning under delegated authority, has made a decision on the Rental Housing Demolition application, under Chapter 667 of the Municipal Code pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act to demolish the existing rental dwelling units at 12, 16 and 20 Cordova Avenue;


c. the owner be required to submit a revised Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


d. the owner be required to submit a revised Transportation Impact Study to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services;


e. the owner enter into a financially secured agreement for the construction of any required improvements to the municipal infrastructure, should it be determined that upgrades are required to support the development based on the report in Parts 5.c. and d. above, accepted by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and the General Manager of Transportation Services;


f. community benefits, rental housing and other matters required to support the development are secured in a Section 37 Agreement executed by the owner and registered on title to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


(June 21, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 21, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District regarding an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application and Rental Housing Demolition Application - Refusal Report - 12, 16 and 20 Cordova Avenue
(June 6, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District regarding an Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Refusal Report - 12, 16 and 20 Cordova Avenue

Communications (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) Letter from Daryl Sage, Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Lands Corporation (EY.New.EY7.4.1)

EY7.5 - Request for Directions Report - 555 The West Mall - Zoning By-law Amendment Application

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
2 - Etobicoke Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor, together with City Planning staff and any other appropriate staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing for 555 The West Mall in support of the revised proposal outlined in the report (June 21, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District.


2.  In the event the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal allows the appeal of the Zoning By-law Amendment application, in whole or in part, City Council direct the City Solicitor to request that the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal withhold its Order(s) approving the Zoning By-law Amendments until such time as the City Solicitor, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the owner provides draft By-laws to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in a form and content to the satisfaction of the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District, and pending:


a.  confirmation from the City Solicitor that the owner has submitted to the General Manager of Transportation Services for review and acceptance, revised plans clarifying the discrepancy in the parking supply between the proposed underground parking garage plans and the revised site statistics;


b.  confirmation from the City Solicitor that the owner has submitted to the General Manager of Transportation Services for review and acceptance, revised underground parking garage plans illustrating that the typical parking space dimensions and the proposed drive aisle widths comply with the minimum requirements of Zoning By-law 569-2013;


c.  the revised proposal providing a parking supply and parking space dimensions that comply with the minimum requirements of Zoning By-law 569-2013 for "All Other Areas";


d. the revised proposal providing a minimum of one Type 'G' loading space with size dimensions that comply with the minimum loading space requirements in Zoning By-law 569-2013; and


e. confirmation from the City Solicitor that the owner has entered into and registered on title an Agreement under Section 37 of the Planning Act to secure the following facilities, services and matters at the owners expense:     


i.  prior to the issuance of the first-above grade building permit for the development, the owner shall pay to the City the sum of $550,000 to be used in Ward 2 and allocated towards the following community benefits to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning in consultation with the Ward Councillor:


a.  streetscaping along The West Mall in the vicinity of the property including streetscape improvements that comply with the Streetscape Manual and/or are to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;   


b.  capital upgrades and improvements to the Toronto Community Housing Corporation property at 559 The West Mall;


c.  improvements to local parks in the Ward; and


d.  improvements to the Etobicoke Olympium Community Centre.


ii.  the above required cash contribution in Part 2.e.i. above is to be indexed upwardly in accordance with the Statistics Canada Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index for Toronto, calculated from the date of the execution of the Section 37 Agreement to the date the payment is made;


iii.  in the event the cash contribution required in Part 2.e.i. above has not been used for the intended purpose within three (3) years of the Zoning By-law coming into full force and effect, the cash contribution may be redirected for another purpose, at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, provided that the purpose(s) is/are identified in the Toronto Official Plan and will benefit the community in the vicinity of the property.


3.  City Council direct that the following matters be secured in the Section 37 Agreement as a legal convenience to support development:


a.  the owner to provide and maintain the 119 existing rental housing units at 555 The West Mall as rental housing a period of at least 20 years, from the date of the By-law coming into full force and effect, with all associated facilities and building amenity improvements to be secured for the rental housing units, at no extra cost to the existing tenants, and with no applications for demolition or conversion from residential rental use, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


b.  prior to final Site Plan Approval, to provide a Construction Mitigation Strategy which includes a communication strategy for adjacent property owners and the neighbourhood association and an interim parking plan for existing tenants and tradespeople during the construction period, and a Tenant Communication Plan all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and thereafter the owner shall implement such strategies and plans;


c.  the owner to construct and maintain at least 628 square metres of ground floor indoor amenity space in the new building at 555 The West Mall to be shared by tenants of both buildings;


d. the owner to provide and maintain new indoor amenity space composed of at least the following: a multi-purpose room to be appropriately furnished and having direct access to a washroom, and a fully outfitted fitness and exercise room; outdoor amenity space is to be provided that will include at least a children's play area with a minimum of two benches for seating; this indoor and outdoor amenity space is to be provided to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


e.  the owner to make available to tenants of both buildings all ground floor indoor and all outdoor amenity spaces generally as illustrated on the Ground Floor Plan submitted by the applicant in the revised proposal, for the proposed 22-storey building and existing building, without the need to pre-book or pay a fee, unless specifically required as a customary practice for private bookings;


f.  prior to Site Plan Approval, the owner to submit an updated Noise Feasibility Assessment/Addendum Letter to be further peer reviewed and resolved to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; the owner shall construct and maintain any required noise mitigation measures, to be secured through the Site Plan review process, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


g.  the owner to implement the wind control measures identified in the Pedestrian Wind Study dated October 31, 2018 prepared by RWDI, and the updated Pedestrian Wind Conditions Addendum Letter, dated April 24, 2019 prepared by RWDI to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; such measures to be secured through the Site Plan review process;


h.  the owner to construct and maintain the development in accordance with the Tier 1 performance measures of the Toronto Green Standard;


i.  a minimum of 10 percent of all units shown on the plans for the entire development shall be provided as three-bedroom units;


j.  the owner to obtain all required permit(s) from the Ministry of Transportation prior to any construction;


k.  the owner to notify NAV Canada a minimum of 10 days prior to the start of construction.


4.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to take any necessary steps to implement City Council's decision. 


5. City Council amend Municipal Code Chapter 925, Permit Parking, such that the General Manager, Transportation Services shall not accept applications from residents of, visitors to or tradespersons at 555 The West Mall, for a permit.


(June 21, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 21, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District regarding a Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions Report - 555 The West Mall
(May 30, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District regarding a Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions Report - 555 The West Mall

Communications (Community Council)

(June 21, 2019) E-mail from Octavia Pinto (EY.New.EY7.5.1)
(June 24, 2019) Submission from Dr. Janina Kuzmas (EY.New.EY7.5.2)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Liz Morgan (EY.New.EY7.5.3)

EY7.6 - Final Report - 2217 The Queensway - Application to Lift Holding Provisions (H)

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend Zoning By-law 409-2013 for the lands at 2217 The Queensway substantially in accordance with the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (May 30, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


(May 30, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 30, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District regarding an Application to Lift Holding Provisions (H) - Final Report - 2217 The Queensway

EY7.7 - Final Report - 289 & 291 The Kingsway and 1, 3, 5 & 7 St. Stevens Court - Part Lot Control Exemption Application

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
2 - Etobicoke Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council enact a Part Lot Control Exemption By-law with respect to the subject lands at 289 and 291 The Kingsway and 1, 3, 5 and 7 St. Stevens Court as generally illustrated on Attachment 2 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District, to be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and to expire three years following enactment by City Council.


2.  City Council require the owner to provide proof of payment of all current property taxes for the subject lands to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, prior to the enactment of the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law.


3.  Prior to the introduction of the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law, City Council require the owner to register, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, a Section 118 Restriction under the Land Titles Act agreeing not to transfer or charge any part of the lands without the written consent of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate.


4.  City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to register the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law on title.


5.  City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate to withhold their consent under paragraph 118(1) 2 of the Land Titles Act until the site specific Zoning By-law for the four new residential apartment buildings approved in principle by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in its decision dated April 24, 2018 has come into full force and effect.


6.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Part Lot Control Exemption By-law as may be required.


7.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to release, or partially release, the Section 118 Restriction from title to all or a portion of the lands in the City Solicitor's sole discretion after consulting with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District regarding 289 & 291 The Kingsway and 1, 3, 5 & 7 St. Stevens Court - Part Lot Control Exemption Application - Final Report

EY7.10 - Alterations to a Heritage Property, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 1 Blue Goose Street

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the alterations to the heritage property at 1 Blue Goose Street in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act to allow for the construction of 12 dwelling units and modifications to the existing heritage building in conjunction with an application to amend the Zoning By-law with such alterations substantially in accordance with plans and drawings prepared by Thomas Payne Architect dated October 12 and 15, 2018 and December 12, 2018 and by AA Frias Architect dated December 12 and 17, 2018 and the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by GBCA Architects dated December 17, 2018, all on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, all subject to and in accordance with a Conservation Plan satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and subject to the following additional conditions:


a. prior to the introduction of the Bills for such Zoning By-law Amendment by City Council, the owner shall:


1. enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for the property at 1 Blue Goose Street substantially in accordance with plans and drawings prepared by Thomas Payne Architect dated October 12 and 15, 2018 and December 12, 2018 and by AA Frias Architect dated December 12 and 17, 2018 and the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by GBCA Architects dated December 17, 2018 subject to and in accordance with the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 1.a.2 below, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services including execution of such agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor; and


2. the owner shall provide a detailed Conservation Plan prepared by a qualified heritage consultant that is substantially in accordance with the conservation strategy set out in the Heritage Impact Assessment for 1 Blue Goose Street dated December 17, 2018 to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


b. prior to Final Site Plan approval in connection with the Zoning By-law Amendment for the property at 1 Blue Goose Street the owner shall:


1. provide final site plan drawings including drawings related to the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 1.a.2 above and landscape drawings, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. provide an Interpretation Plan for the subject property to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


3. provide a Signage Plan for the proposed development to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


c. prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the property at 1 Blue Goose Street, including a heritage permit or a building permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage buildings as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the owner shall:


1. obtain final approval for the necessary by-law amendments required for the alterations to the property at 1 Blue Goose Street, such amendments to have been enacted by City Council and to have come into full force and effect;


2. provide building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 1.a.2. above including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


3. provide a Letter of Credit, including provision for upwards indexing in a form and amount and from a bank satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure all work included in the approved Conservation, Lighting and Interpretation Plans.


d. prior to the release of the Letter of Credit required in Part 1.c.3. above, the owner shall:


1.  provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the required conservation work, required heritage lighting work, and the required interpretive work has been completed in accordance with the Conservation, Lighting and Interpretation Plans and that an appropriate standard of conservation has been maintained, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


2. provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


2. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 1 Blue Goose Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in accordance with the Statement of Significance: 1 Blue Goose Street (Reasons for Designation) attached as Attachment 4 to the report (May 3, 2019) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning Division.


3. If there are no objections to the designation in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the Bills in Council designating the property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


4. If there are objections in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the designation to the Conservation Review Board.


5. If the designation is referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision on the designation of the property.


6. City Council authorize the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owner of the property at 1 Blue Goose Street in a form and with content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


7. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary Bill in Council authorizing the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement for the property at 1 Blue Goose Street.

Statutory - Ontario Heritage Act, RSO 1990


(May 3, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 3, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning regarding Alterations to a Heritage Property, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 1 Blue Goose Street

10a - Toronto Preservation Board Decision Letter - Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 1 Blue Goose Street

(May 29, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(May 29, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board regarding 1 Blue Goose Street - Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement

EY7.11 - Alterations to Two Designated Heritage Properties - 69 Long Branch Avenue and 24 Marina Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the alterations to the heritage building at 69 Long Branch Avenue, in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act to allow for its use as a day care on lands known municipally as 69 Long Branch Avenue, with such alterations substantially in accordance with the plans prepared by C & Partners Architects, dated April 8, 2019 and May 6, 2019, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, and subject to the following conditions:


a.  prior to the issuance of any heritage permit for the property at 69 Long Branch Avenue, but excluding permits for interior work that will not impact the heritage attributes identified in designation By-law 75-2018, repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage building as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the applicant provide the following to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services:


1.  provide full building permit drawings for the interior alterations and a landscape plan consistent with the approved plans prepared by C & Partners Architects, dated April 8, 2019 and May 6, 2019, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.

Statutory - Ontario Heritage Act, RSO 1990


(May 29, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 29, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning regarding Alterations to Two Designated Heritage Properties - 69 Long Branch Avenue and 24 Marina Avenue

11a - Toronto Preservation Board Decision Letter - Alterations to Two Designated Heritage Properties - 69 Long Branch Avenue and 24 Marina Avenue

(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board regarding 69 Long Branch Avenue and 24 Marina Avenue - Alterations to Two Designated Heritage Properties

EY7.12 - Application to Remove a Private Tree - 22 Boxwood Road

Decision Type:
2 - Etobicoke Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council deny the request for a permit to remove one (1) privately owned sugar maple tree located at 22 Boxwood Road.


(May 28, 2019) Report from the Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry and Recreation

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 28, 2019) Report from the Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry and Recreation regarding an Application to Remove a Private Tree - 22 Boxwood Road

Communications (Community Council)

(June 25, 2019) Submission from Kurt Kumpa (EY.New.EY7.12.1)

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from N. Corrado (CC.Supp.EY7.12.2)
(July 17, 2019) E-mail from Ruth and Kurt Kumpa (CC.New.EC7.12.3)

EY7.14 - Assumption of Services, Registered Plan 66M-2526, 735 & 743 Renforth Drive - 735 Renforth Developments Inc.

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
2 - Etobicoke Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.   City Council assume the services installed at Erinview Terrace and that the City formally assume the road within the Plan of Subdivision.


2.  City Council authorize the Legal Services Division to release the portion of the performance guarantee held with respect to this Plan of Subdivision.


3.  City Council direct that an assumption By-law be prepared to assume the public highway and municipal services within the Subdivision at Erinview Terrace.


4.  City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to register the assumption By-law in the Land Registry Office at the expense of the Owner.


5.  City Council authorize the City Clerk and the Controller to sign any release or other documentation necessary to give effect to City Council's decision.


6.  City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to transfer ownership of the street lighting system constructed within the Plan of Subdivision at Erinview Terrace to Toronto Hydro.


(May 29, 2019) Report from the Director, Engineering Review, Engineering and Construction Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 29, 2019) Report from the Director, Engineering Review, Engineering and Construction Services regarding the Assumption of Services, Registered Plan 66M-2526, 735 & 743 Renforth Drive - 735 Renforth Developments Inc.

EY7.16 - Highway Alterations - Highway 27 and Queen's Plate Drive

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
1 - Etobicoke North

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the alterations and modifications at the northwest corner of the intersection of Highway 27 and Queen's Plate Drive, as indicated in Appendix A, and generally as shown on the attached Drawing EY19-047, to the report (May 27, 2019) from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services.


(May 27, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 27, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Highway Alterations - Highway 27 and Queen's Plate Drive

EY7.18 - Traffic Control Signals - The East Mall and Capri Road

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
2 - Etobicoke Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of The East Mall and Capri Road.


(May 15, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 15, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services, regarding Traffic Control Signals - The East Mall and Capri Road

EY7.20 - Turn Prohibitions - Church Street at George Street

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
5 - York South - Weston

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council prohibit eastbound right-turns from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, at the intersection of Church Street and George Street.


2.  City Council prohibit westbound left-turns from 8:00 a.m. to 9:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, at the intersection of Church Street and George Street.


(May 8, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 8, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services regarding Turn Prohibitions - Church Street at George Street

EY7.22 - Turn Prohibition - 1345 Martin Grove Road

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
1 - Etobicoke North

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council prohibit southbound left-turn movements at all times on Martin Grove Road at the driveway access to 1345 Martin Grove Road, located approximately 55 metres south of Racine Road.


(May 14, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 14, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services regarding a Turn Prohibition - 1345 Martin Grove Road

EY7.23 - Turn Prohibition Removals - The Pond Road and James Gillies Street/York University Busway

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
7 - Humber River - Black Creek

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council rescind the existing westbound right-turn-on-red-signal prohibition in effect at all times at the intersection of The Pond Road and James Gillies Street.


2.  City Council rescind the existing eastbound right-turn prohibition in effect at all times at the intersection of The Pond Road and York University Busway.


3.  City Council rescind the existing westbound left-turn prohibition in effect at all times at the intersection of The Pond Road and York University Busway.


4.  City Council rescind the existing northbound and southbound right-turn-on-red-signal prohibition on effect at all times at the intersection of The Pond Road and York University Busway (Finch Hydro Corridor).


(May 23, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 23, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services regarding Turn Prohibition Removals - The Pond Road and James Gillies Street/York University Busway

EY7.24 - Lane Designation -Trethewey Drive at Jane Street

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
5 - York South - Weston

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council designate the northerly westbound lane on Trethewey Drive, from Jane Street to a point 30.5 metres east for westbound right turns only.


(May 21, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 21, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services regarding Lane Designation -Trethewey Drive at Jane Street

EY7.25 - Re-opening of the Public Walkway between Acme Crescent and 1735 Kipling Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
2 - Etobicoke Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to reopen the Acme Crescent lane, thereby restoring it to its original and intended function, and:


- repair and/or replace the surface, fence and anti-vehicle protections;


- consider adding pedestrian lighting;


- in co-operation with adjacent property owners, remove and/or prune all brush, overgrowth, weeds, shrubs; and


- establish a schedule to clean and clear litter and report the completion of maintenance activity for the balance of 2019 to the local Councillor.


2. City Council request the District Manager, Municipal Licensing and Standards to investigate and monitor the property standards of the laneway and adjacent properties.


3. City Council request Toronto Police Services Board to request the Toronto Police Service to monitor the laneway and adjacent properties and report any concerns to the local Councillor. 


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Permits and Enforcement, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Permits and Enforcement, Transportation Services - Re-opening of the Public Walkway between Acme Crescent and 1735 Kipling Avenue

EY7.27 - Parking Machines - Bloor Street West, between Montgomery Road and Brentwood Road North

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the installation of parking machines on the north side of Bloor Street West between Montgomery Road and Brentwood Road North, to operate from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m., Monday to Saturday, and from 1:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. on Sunday, for a maximum period of three hours at a rate of $3.00 per hour.


2.  City Council prohibit standing from 12:01 a.m. to 8:00 a.m., Monday to Saturday, and from 12:01 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. on Sunday, on the north side of Bloor Street West between Montgomery Road and Brentwood Road North.


3.  City Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times on the north side of Bloor Street West, between Montgomery Road and Brentwood Road North.


(May 7, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 7, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services regarding Parking Machines - Bloor Street West, between Montgomery Road and Brentwood Road North

EY7.30 - Parking Regulation Amendment - Ormont Drive

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
7 - Humber River - Black Creek

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times on the north side of Ormont Drive, from a point 181 metres west of Weston Road to a point 48 metres further west.


(April 25, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(April 25, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services regarding a Parking Regulation Amendment - Ormont Drive

EY7.32 - Request to Study Speed Limit on The Queensway

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services, to conduct a study of the current speed limits on The Queensway between The West Mall and Riverside Drive.  


(June 6, 2019) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes, Ward 3, Etobicoke-Lakeshore

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 6, 2019) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes, Ward 3, Etobicoke-Lakeshore regarding Speed Limits on The Queensway

EY7.34 - Request to Redesign Traffic Island on Evans Avenue at The East Mall

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the Director, Transportation Services, Etobicoke York District and the Director, Public Realm Section, Transportation Services to remove the grass from the island boulevard on Evans Avenue east of The East Mall, and to prepare and implement a new design for the island, in consultation with the local Councillor.


(June 24, 2019) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes, Ward 3, Etobicoke-Lakeshore

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) Letter from Councillor Mark Grimes, Ward 3, Etobicoke-Lakeshore - Request to Redesign Traffic Island on Evans Avenue at The East Mall

North York Community Council - Meeting 7

NY7.1 - Final Report - Zoning Amendment Application - 665, 667, 669 and 671 Sheppard Avenue West

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
6 - York Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 7625 for the lands at 665, 667, 669 and 671 Sheppard Avenue West substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 665, 667, 669 and 671 Sheppard Avenue West substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 18, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 18, 2019) Report and City of Toronto Data/Drawings (Attachments 1-6) and Applicant Submitted Drawings (Attachments 7-8) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on a Zoning Amendment Application for 665, 667, 669 and 671 Sheppard Avenue West
(June 7, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on a Zoning Amendment Application for 665, 667, 669 and 671 Sheppard Avenue West

Communications (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Sally Clark-Mills (NY.New.NY7.1.1)

Communications (City Council)

(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Judith Starkman (CC.Main.NY7.1.2)

NY7.2 - Final Report - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications - 160 Sheppard Avenue West

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
18 - Willowdale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council amend the Official Plan for the lands at 160 Sheppard Avenue West substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District.


2. City Council amend Zoning By-law 7625 for the lands at 160 Sheppard Avenue West substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District.


3. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 by adding the lands at 160 Sheppard Avenue West substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 7 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District.


4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment and/or draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


5. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the applicant to:


a. submit a revised Functional Serving Report and Stormwater Management Report to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report and City of Toronto Data/Drawings (Attachments 1-7) and Applicant Submitted Drawings (Attachment 8-10) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications for 160 Sheppard Avenue West

NY7.3 - Final Report - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - 11-19, 25 and 29 Industrial Street

Decision Type:
15 - Don Valley West

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend former Leaside Zoning By-law 1916, for the lands at 11-19, 25 and 29 Industrial Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 5, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District.

2.  City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 11-19, 25 and 29 Industrial Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 5, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District.


3.  Before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to secure the following community benefits at the owner’s expense:


a.  a cash contribution of $250,000, payable to the City prior to the issuance of the first Building Permit, to be used for parkland improvements in the vicinity of the site at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor; the required Agreement shall be registered on title to the lands at 11-19, 25 and 29 Industrial Street in a manner satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.

4.  City Council amend the former Leaside Zoning By-law 1916 and City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 substantially in accordance with Attachments 5 and 6 to the report (June 5, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District, subject to the addition of Section 37 provisions to secure the community benefits noted in Part 3.a. above.


5.  City Council authorize appropriate City officials to take such action to implement City Council's decision, including execution of the Section 37 Agreement.


6.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


7.  City Council determine that pursuant to Section 34(17) of the Planning Act, no further notice is to be given in respect of the changes to the proposed by-laws.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 5, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 5, 2019) Report and City of Toronto Data/Drawings (Attachments 1-6) and Applicant Submitted Drawings (Attachments 7a-8f) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on a Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 11-19, 25 and 29 Industrial Street

Communications (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Geoff Kettel and Carol Burtin Fripp, Co-Presidents, Leaside Property Owners Association Incorporated (NY.New.NY7.3.1)

NY7.4 - Final Report - Draft Plan of Common Elements Condominium and Part Lot Control Exemption Applications - 2962A, 2962B, 2962C, 2966A, and 2966B Bayview Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
18 - Willowdale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. In accordance with the delegated approval under By-law 229-2000, as amended, City Council be advised that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning intends to approve the Draft Plan of Common Elements Condominium, as generally illustrated on Attachment 2 to the report (June 5, 2019) from Director, Community Planning, North York District, subject to:


a. the conditions, as generally listed in Attachment 3 to the report (June 5, 2019) from Director, Community Planning, North York District which, except as otherwise noted, must be fulfilled prior to the final approval and the release of the Plan of Condominium for registration;


b. any such revisions to the proposed condominium plan or any such additional or modified conditions as the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning may deem to be appropriate to address matters arising from the on-going technical review of this development; and


c. draft plan approval not being issued until the necessary Bill(s) are in full force and effect.


2. City Council enact a Part Lot Control Exemption By-law with respect to the subject lands at 2962A, 2962B, 2962C, 2966A, and 2966B Bayview Avenue as generally illustrated on Attachment 4 to the report (June 5, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District, to be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and to expire two years following enactment by City Council.


3. City Council require the owner to provide proof of payment of all current property taxes for the subject lands to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, prior to the enactment of the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law.


4. Prior to the introduction of the Part Lot Control Exemption Bill, City Council require the owner to register, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, a Section 118 Restriction under the Land Titles Act agreeing not to transfer or charge any part of the Parcels of Tied Lands without the written consent of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate.


5. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to take the necessary steps to release the Section 118 Restriction from title to the Parcels of Tied Lands at such time as confirmation is received that the Common Elements Condominium has been registered.


6. City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to register the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law on title to the Parcels of Tied Lands lands.


7. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Part Lot Control Exemption By-law as may be required.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 5, 2019) Report from Director, Community Planning, North York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 5, 2019) Report and City of Toronto Data/Drawings (Attachments 1-6) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on Draft Plan of Common Elements Condominium and Part Lot Control Exemption Applications for 2962A, 2962B, 2962C, 2966A, & 2966B Bayview Avenue

Communications (Community Council)

(June 10, 2019) E-mail from Dennis De Rango, Specialized Services Team Lead, Real Estate Department, Hydro One Networks Inc., submitted by Iwona Lipowski (NY.Main.NY7.4.1)

NY7.5 - Final Report - Rental Housing Demolition Application - 2779-2781 Yonge Street and 15-17 and 19-21 Strathgowan Avenue

Decision Type:
15 - Don Valley West

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the application for a Rental Housing Demolition permit in accordance with Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code to allow for the demolition of 28 existing rental dwelling units located at 2779 Yonge Street and 15-17 and 19-21 Strathgowan Avenue, subject to the following conditions:


a. the owner shall provide, secure and maintain not less than 28 replacement rental dwelling units, comprised of at least 14 one-bedroom and 14 two-bedroom units, within the proposed 9-storey mixed-use building on the subject site, for a period of at least 20 years, beginning from the date that each replacement rental dwelling unit is first occupied, and as generally illustrated in the plans provided to the City Planning Division dated May 3, 2019; any revision to these plans shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


b. the owner shall provide, secure and maintain at least 3 one-bedroom and 3 two-bedroom replacement rental dwelling units at affordable rents, and 11 one-bedroom and 11 two-bedroom replacement rental dwelling units at mid-range rents, for a period of at least 10 years, beginning from the date that each replacement rental dwelling unit is first occupied;


c. the owner shall provide ensuite laundry in each replacement rental dwelling unit, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


d. the owner shall provide tenants of the replacement rental dwelling units with access to all indoor and outdoor amenities in the proposed 9-storey mix-use building at no extra charge; access and use of these amenities shall be on the same terms and conditions as any resident of the non-replacement rental dwelling units without the need to pre-book or pay a fee, unless specifically required as customary practices for private bookings, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


e. the owner shall provide 14 vehicle parking spaces to tenants of the replacement rental dwelling units, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;       


f. the owner shall provide tenant relocation and assistance to all eligible tenants of the existing rental dwelling units, including the right to return to a replacement rental dwelling unit, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


g. the owner shall provide tenant assistance to all past eligible tenants of the existing rental dwelling units, including the right to return to a replacement rental dwelling unit, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and


h. the owner shall enter into and register on title to the subject site one or more Agreement(s) to secure the conditions outlined in Parts 1.a., b., c., d., e., f. and g. above to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning including an agreement pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006.


2. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to issue Preliminary Approval for the Rental Housing Demolition permit under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code for the demolition of the 28 existing rental dwelling units at 2779 Yonge Street and 15-17 and 19-21 Strathgowan Avenue after all of the following have occurred:


a. satisfaction or securing of the conditions in Part 1 above;


b. the site-specific Zoning By-law Amendments have come into full force and effect;


c. the issuance of the Notice of Approval Conditions for site plan approval by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate, pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006;


d. the issuance of excavation and shoring permits for the proposed 9-storey mix-use building on the subject site; and


e. the execution and registration of a Section 37 Agreement pursuant to the Planning Act securing Parts 1.a., b., .c, d., e., f. and g. above and any other requirements of the Zoning By-law Amendment.


3. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue the Rental Housing Demolition permit under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, has given preliminary approval referred to in Part 2 above.


4. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue the Residential Demolition permit under Chapter 363 of the Toronto Municipal Code and Section 33 of the Planning Act no earlier than the issuance of the first building permit for excavation and shoring of the proposed development, and after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has given preliminary approval referred to in Part 2 above, which may be included in the Rental Housing Demolition permit under 363-11.1, of the Toronto Municipal Code, on condition that:


a. the owner remove all debris and rubble from the site immediately after demolition;


b. the owner erect solid construction hoarding to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building;


c. the owner erect the mixed-use building on the site no later than 4 years from the day demolition of the existing buildings is commenced; and


d. should the owner fail to complete the proposed 9-storey mixed-use building within the time specified in condition 4.c. above, the City Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collector’s roll, to be collected in a like manner as municipal taxes, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for each dwelling unit for which a Residential Demolition permit is issued, and that each sum shall, until payment, be a lien or charge upon the land for which the demolition permit is issued.


5. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take such actions as are necessary to implement City Council's decision including execution of the Section 111 Agreement.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on a Rental Housing Demolition Application for 2779-2781 Yonge Street and 15-17 and 19-21 Strathgowan Avenue

Communications (Community Council)

(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Andrew Murphy, Director of Acquisitions and Development, Devron (YS) Ltd. (NY.New.NY7.5.1)

NY7.6 - Request for Direction Report - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - 368-386 Eglinton Avenue East

Decision Type:
15 - Don Valley West

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the City Solicitor, together with Planning staff and other appropriate staff to attend the third Local Planning Appeal Tribunal prehearing conference (when it is scheduled) in support of Zoning By-law Amendment Application Number 17 188558 STE 22 OZ, at 368-386 Eglinton Avenue East, and support the conversion of the prehearing conference to a settlement hearing, provided all conditions listed below are satisfied.

2. In the event that the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal allows the appeal in whole or in part, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold the issuance of any Order(s) until such time as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


a. the final form of the Zoning By-law Amendments are to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor; 


b. all comments from Engineering and Construction Services contained in their February 14, 2019 memorandum are addressed to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and


c. the owner enters into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act and the following matters are secured through the agreement pursuant to policy 5, section 5.1.1 of the City's Official Plan to support development:


i. the rental tenure of the existing rental building containing 149 existing rental dwelling units, without application to convert or demolish for at least 20 years commencing from the date of the enactment of the amending By-laws;


ii. access for residents of the existing rental building to all indoor and outdoor amenities within the proposed building addition with no cost pass-through to existing residents within the existing rental dwelling units;


iii. improvements to the existing rental building, with no cost pass-through to existing residents within the existing rental dwelling units, including:


A. programmed outdoor amenity area on the two existing roof-top amenity areas on the existing building, including outdoor furniture, weather protection, barbeques and renovating the existing washroom located adjacent to the existing eastern roof-top outdoor amenity area;


B. establishing a new indoor amenity area within the basement of the existing building of at least 80 square metres, currently occupied by a mechanical/service space;


C. locating all garbage, recycling and composting storage indoors for the new and existing building, and locating a hand delivered refuse drop-off area within the existing building;


D. introducing secure long-term bike storage within the underground parking garage for residents of the existing and new buildings; and 


E. introducing short-term visitor bike parking racks located at the front entrance of the existing building;


iv. a construction mitigation and tenant communications plan to lessen adverse impacts on tenants due to the redevelopment proposal, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


v. a tenant assistance plan to lessen impacts imposed upon the tenants of twelve (11) existing rental dwelling units which will be reconfigured to accommodate the enclosure of an existing bedroom window, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and


vi. reducing the number of vehicular driveways to and from the site from 4 to 1 and relocating the ramp to the underground parking garage to the rear of the site.


3. City Council direct the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to continue to work together with the Toronto District School Board to secure appropriate conditions of approval, including potentially a holding symbol (H), regarding the provision of public school facilities to accommodate students generated from this development.


(June 6, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 6, 2019) Report and City of Toronto Data/Drawings (Attachments 1-6) and Applicant Submitted Drawings (Attachments 7-11) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District on a Zoning By-law Amendment Application for 368-386 Eglinton Avenue East

Communications (Community Council)

(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Alejandro Cifuentes submitting letter from Daryl Sage, Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Lands Corporation - recirculated at the City Council meeting. (NY.New.NY7.6.1)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Mark Williams (NY.New.NY7.6.2)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Andy Gort, President, South Eglinton Ratepayers' & Residents' Association (SERRA) (NY.New.NY7.6.3)

NY7.7 - Request for Directions - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications - 5294-5304 and 5306 Yonge Street

Decision Type:
18 - Willowdale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the City Solicitor, together with appropriate staff, to continue to oppose the application, as amended, at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing.


2.  Should the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal approve the Official Plan and/or Zoning By-law Amendment applications, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order(s) approving the application until such time as:

a. the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that the proposed Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments are in a form satisfactory to the City;


b. the City Solicitor confirms the satisfactory execution and registration of a Section 37 Agreement satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to secure the Section 37 matters;


c. the City Solicitor confirms that the owner has provided a Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report and a Geohydrology Report, acceptable to the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


d. the City Solicitor confirms that the owner has designed and provided financial securities for any upgrades or required improvements to the existing municipal infrastructure identified in the accepted Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, and Geohydrology Report to support the development, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, should it be determined that improvements or upgrades are required to support the development, according to the Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, and Geohydrology Report, accepted by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and


e. the City Solicitor confirms that the implementation of the Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report and Geohydrology Report accepted by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services either does not require changes to the proposed amending By-laws or any such required changes have been made to the proposed amending By-laws to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the City Solicitor and the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.


3.  Should the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal approve the application, City Council direct the City Solicitor to advise the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal that the Zoning By-laws should not be approved without the provision of such services, facilities or matters pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, as may be considered appropriate by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the applicant and the Ward Councillor.

4.  Should the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal approve the application, City Council approve a development charge credit against the Parks and Recreation component of the Development Charges for the design and construction by the owner of the Above Base Park Improvements to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation; the development charge credit shall be in an amount that is the lesser of the cost to the owner of designing and constructing the Above Base Park Improvements, as approved by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Parks and Recreation component of development charges payable for the development in accordance with the City's Development Charges By-law, as may be amended from time to time.

5.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to continue discussions with the applicant, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, to address the issues outlined in the report (June 24, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District and to report back to City Council on the outcome, including proposed Section 37 contributions relating to any revised proposal, as appropriate.


(June 24, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) Report and City of Toronto Data/Drawings (Attachments 1-6) and Applicant Submitted Drawings (Attachments 7-8) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District, on Official Plan & Zoning By-law Amendment Applications for 5294-5304 & 5306 Yonge Street
(June 7, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications for 5294-5304 and 5306 Yonge Street

Background Information (City Council)

(July 5, 2019) Supplementary report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on 5294-5304 and 5306 Yonge Street - Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendment Applications (NY7.7a)

Communications (Community Council)

(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Stephen Orlich (NY.New.NY7.7.1)
(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Marina Orlich (NY.New.NY7.7.2)

NY7.8 - Alterations to a Heritage Property, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 50 Eglinton Avenue West

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council include the property at 50 Eglinton Avenue West on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register.


2. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 50 Eglinton Avenue West under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in accordance with the Statement of Significance: 50 Eglinton Avenue West (Reasons for Designation) attached as Attachment 6 to the report (May 8, 2019) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


3. If there are no objections to the designations in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the Bill in Council designating the property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


4. If there are objections in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the designation to the Conservation Review Board.


5. If the designations are referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of City Council's decision on the designation of the property.


6. City Council approve the alterations to the heritage property at 50 Eglinton Avenue West in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, to allow for the construction of a 32-storey tower on the lands known municipally as 50-60 Eglinton Avenue West, with such alterations substantially in accordance with plans and drawings (update issued April 19, 2019) prepared by Turner Fleischer Architects and Hariri Pontarini Architects, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and the Heritage Impact Assessment, prepared by ERA Architects Inc., issued February 27, 2019 (with Addendum issued April 12, 2019) and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, all subject to and in accordance with a Conservation Plan satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and subject to the following additional conditions:


a. as a condition of the Section 37 Agreement as approved by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, the owner shall:


1. enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for the property at 50  Eglinton Avenue West in accordance with the plans and drawings (update issued April 19, 2019) prepared by Turner Fleischer Architects and Hariri Pontarini Architects, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc. issued February 27, 2019 (with Addendum issued April 12, 2019) and in accordance with the Conservation Plan required in Part 6.a.2 below to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, including registration of such agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor;


2. provide a detailed Conservation Plan, prepared by a qualified heritage consultant, that is consistent with the conservation strategy set out  in the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc. issued February 27, 2019 (with Addendum issued April 12, 2019) to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and 


3. enter into and register on the property at 50 Eglinton Avenue West one or more agreements with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services with such facilities, services and matters to be set forth in the related site specific Zoning By-law Amendment giving rise to the proposed alterations;


b. prior to final Site Plan approval for the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment by City Council for the property located at 50-60 Eglinton Avenue West, the owner shall:


1. provide final site plan drawings substantially in accordance with the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 6.a.2. above to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. have obtained final approval for the necessary Zoning By-law Amendment required for the subject property, such Amendment to have come into full force and effect;


3. provide a Heritage Lighting Plan that describes how the exterior of the heritage property will be sensitively illuminated to enhance its heritage character to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


4. submit a Signage Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and 


5. provide an Interpretation Plan for the subject property, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


c. prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the property 50-60 Eglinton Avenue West, including a heritage permit or a building permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage buildings as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the owner shall:


1. provide building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 6.a.2. above, including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


2. provide a Letter of Credit, including provision for upwards indexing, in a form and amount and from a bank satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure all work included in the approved Conservation Plan, and approved Interpretation Plan; and


d. prior to the release of the Letter of Credit required in Part 6.c.2 above, the owner shall:


1. provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the required conservation work and the required interpretive work has been completed in accordance with the Conservation Plan and Interpretation Plan and that an appropriate standard of conservation has been maintained, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


2. provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


7. City Council authorize the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owner of the property at 50 Eglinton Avenue West in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


8. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary Bill in Council authorizing the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement for the property at 50 Eglinton Avenue West


(May 8, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 8, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-6 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning on Alterations to a Heritage Property, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 50 Eglinton Avenue West

8a - Alterations to a Heritage Property, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 50 Eglinton Avenue West

(May 29, 2019) Letter from Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(May 29, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board on Alterations to a Heritage Property, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 50 Eglinton Avenue West

NY7.21 - Relocation of Pedestrian Crossover - Willowdale Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
18 - Willowdale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the removal of the existing pedestrian crossover from Willowdale Avenue, immediately north of McKee Avenue.


2. City Council authorize the installation of traffic control signals at the intersection of Willowdale Avenue at Church Avenue, coincident with the removal of the existing pedestrian crossover at Willowdale Avenue and McKee Avenue.


(May 17, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 17, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services on the Relocation of Pedestrian Crossover on Willowdale Avenue

NY7.25 - Assumption of Services - Menkes Antibes Holdings Inc., Plan 66M-2509 - Subdivision File 11 197931 NNY 10 SB - 55 Antibes Drive

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
6 - York Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council assume the services installed within Coneflower Crescent and that the City formally assume the road within the Registered Plan of Subdivision 66M-2509.


2. City Council authorize the Director, Engineering Review to release the performance guarantee held with respect to the municipal services in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement.


3. City Council direct that an assumption By-law be prepared to assume the public highway and municipal services within the Registered Subdivision Plan 66M-2509.


4. City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to register the assumption By-law in the Land Registry Office, at the expense of the Owner.


5. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect to City Council's decision.


6. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to transfer ownership of the street lighting system constructed with Registered Plan of Subdivision 66M-2509 to Toronto Hydro.


(May 8, 2019) Report from the Director, Engineering Review, Engineering and Construction Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 8, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Engineering Review, Engineering and Construction Services on Assumption of Services - Menkes Antibes Holdings Inc. for Plan 66M-2509 - Subdivision File 11 197931 NNY 10 SB - 55 Antibes Drive

NY7.26 - Assumption of Services - Monarch Corporation, Plan 66M-2471 - Subdivision File 04 175091 NNY 33 SB - 2025-2045 Sheppard Avenue East

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
17 - Don Valley North

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council assume the services installed within Herons Hill Way and that the City formally assume the roads within the Registered Plan of Subdivision 66M-2471.


2. City Council authorize the Director, Engineering Review to release the performance guarantee held with respect to the municipal services in accordance with the Subdivision Agreement.


3. City Council direct that an assumption By-law be prepared to assume the public highway and municipal services within the Registered Subdivision Plan 66M-2471.


4. City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to register the assumption By-law in the Land Registry Office, at the expense of the Owner.


5. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect to City Council's decision.


6. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to transfer ownership of the street lighting system constructed with Registered Plan of Subdivision 66M-2471 to Toronto Hydro.


(May 6, 2019) Report from the Director, Engineering Review, Engineering & Construction Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 6, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Engineering Review, Engineering & Construction Services on Assumption of Services - Monarch Corporation for Plan 66M-2471 - Subdivision File 04 175091 NNY 33 SB - 2025-2045 Sheppard Avenue East

NY7.31 - Permanent Public Highway Closures for the Lawrence Heights Revitalization Project - Northeast District - Stage 3 - Portion of Varna Drive and Portion of Cather Crescent; Stage 4 - Portion of Varna Drive and Portion of Cather Crescent; Stage 5 - Portion of Cather Crescent and Tafford Lane

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the phased permanent closure of portions of the public highways named Varna Drive and Cather Crescent, shown as Parts 1 and 2 respectively on Sketch PS-2019-050 (the "Stage 3 Highways"); portions of Varna Drive and Cather Crescent, shown as Parts 1 and 2 respectively on Sketch  PS-2019-051 (the "Stage 4 Highways") and the portion of Cather Crescent and Trafford Lane, shown as Parts 1 and 2 respectively on Sketch PS-2019-049 (the "Stage 5 Highways"), attached to the report (June 6, 2019) from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services.


2. City Council enact the by-laws substantially in the form of the draft By-laws attached as Appendices A and B to the report (June 6, 2019) from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - City of Toronto Act, 2006


(June 6, 2019) Report from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 6, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-5 from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services, on Permanent Public Highway Closures for the Lawrence Heights Revitalization Project - N/E District - Stage 3 - Portion of Varna Drive and Portion of Cather Crescent; Stage 4 - Portion of Varna Drive and Portion of Cather Crescent; and Stage 5 - Portion of Cather Crescent and Trafford Lane

NY7.36 - Application to Remove a City-owned Tree and a Private Tree - 77 Citation Drive

Decision Type:
17 - Don Valley North

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council deny the request for a permit to remove one (1) City-owned tree located on the road allowance adjacent to 77 Citation Drive.


2. City Council deny the request for a permit to remove one (1) privately owned tree located at 77 Citation Drive.


(May 28, 2019) Report from the Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry and Recreation

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 28, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-3 from the Director, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry and Recreation for a Application to Remove a City-owned Tree and a Private Tree at 77 Citation Drive

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from N. Corrado (CC.Supp.NY7.36.1)

NY7.47 - Request for Interim Directions Report - 25 Fisherville Road

Decision Type:
6 - York Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council direct staff to continue to negotiate with the applicant to resolve the outstanding issues detailed in the in the supplementary report (July 15, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and in the Request for Interim Direction report (February 12, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, North York District [Item 2019.NY.3.3].


2. City Council direct staff to continue to review the application and report to the September 16, 2019 meeting of the North York Community Council with a complete review of the revised proposal, and any subsequent further revisions to the proposal.


3. City Council direct the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend and oppose the application in its current form, should the application be appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal on the basis of Council's failure to make a decision on the application within the statutory timeframe of the Planning Act.


(June 21, 2019) Memo from Councillor James Pasternak

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 21, 2019) Memo from Councillor James Pasternak on a Request for Interim Directions Report for 25 Fisherville Road

Background Information (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) Supplementary report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on 25 Fisherville Road - Zoning By-law Amendment - Request for Interim Direction (NY7.47a)

NY7.49 - Change to Parking Prohibitions Across Frontage of Sloane Public School - 110 Sloane Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
16 - Don Valley East

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council prohibit parking from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, on the west side of Sloane Avenue, between a point 38 metres north of Elvaston Drive and a point 224 metres further north.


(June 25, 2019) Memo from Councillor Minnan-Wong

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 25, 2019) Memo from Councillor Denzil Minnan-Wong on Change to Parking Prohibitions Across Frontage of Sloane Public School - 110 Sloane Avenue

Scarborough Community Council - Meeting 7

SC7.2 - 3850 and 3900 Sheppard Avenue East and 2350-2362 Kennedy Road - Official Plan Amendment - Final Report

Decision Type:
22 - Scarborough - Agincourt

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend the Official Plan for the lands at 3850 and 3900 Sheppard Avenue East and 2350-2362 Kennedy Road substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 1 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment as may be required.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-2 from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District - 3850 and 3900 Sheppard Avenue East and 2350-2362 Kennedy Road - Official Plan Amendment - Final Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 10, 2019) E-mail from Amy and Joseph Foo (SC.Supp.SC7.2.1)
(June 20, 2019) Memo from Sheppard East Village BIA (SC.Supp.SC7.2.2)
(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Catherine Huynh (SC.Supp.SC7.2.3)
(June 23, 2019) E-mail from Chris Chan (SC.Supp.SC7.2.4)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Rhoda Potter, President, Agincourt Village Community Association (SC.Supp.SC7.2.5)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Murray McLeod (SC.Supp.SC7.2.6)
(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Richard Domes, Principal Planner, Gagnon Walker Domes Professional Planners (SC.Supp.SC7.2.7)

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) Letter from Michael Foderick, McCarthy Tétrault LLP (CC.New.SC7.2.8)

SC7.3 - 3453 Victoria Park Avenue and 50-68 Morcambe Gate Zoning By-law Amendment - Final Report

Decision Type:
22 - Scarborough - Agincourt

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend the Neighbourhood Commercial (NC) and Multiple Family Residential (M) Zone of the L’Amoreaux Community By-law 12466, as amended, for the lands at 3453 Victoria Park Avenue and 50-68 Morcambe Gate, substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District.


2. City Council amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, for the lands at 3453 Victoria Park Avenue and 50-68 Morcambe Gate, substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


4. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the Owner to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, to be registered on title, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, to secure the following matters, services and facilities:


a. a cash payment of $400,000 towards the design, construction and cost of a new splash pad to be located adjacent to the Chester Le Community Corner and Child Care Centre; these payments are to be provided in accordance with the terms of the agreement, or towards other eligible local community benefits as may be determined by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor; and the payment shall be indexed from the date of the execution of the agreement in accordance with the Statistics Canada Non-Residential Construction Price Index for Toronto;


b. the provision of at least 5 percent of the total number of residential dwelling units proposed to be constructed on the subject site as new affordable ownership housing units to a non-profit housing provider on the following terms:


i. affordable ownership housing is defined in the City's Official Plan as housing which is priced at or below an amount where the total monthly shelter cost (mortgage principal and interest – based on a 25-year amortization, 10 percent down payment and the chartered bank administered mortgage rate for a conventional 5-year mortgage as reported by the Bank of Canada at the time of application – plus property taxes calculated on a monthly basis) equals the average City of Toronto rent, by unit type, as reported annually by the Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation;


ii. the unit mix and average unit size of the new affordable ownership housing units will reflect the unit mix and average unit size of the residential dwelling units proposed to be constructed on the remainder of the development, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


iii. all new affordable ownership housing units will be constructed to a fully-finished condition, to a similar standard as the units in the remainder of the development;


iv. each new affordable ownership housing unit will be provided with at least one vehicle parking space;


v. the new affordable ownership housing units will be generally dispersed throughout the building or buildings within which they are to be provided, and occupants of the new affordable ownership housing units will have access to all building facilities and amenities on the same terms and conditions as all the other residents of the development; and


vi. the owner shall submit, in consultation with the non-profit housing provider, the proposed layouts and locations of the new affordable ownership housing units as part of the application for Site Plan approval, and the final design and location of the new affordable ownership housing units shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, prior to Site Plan approval;


c. the Owner shall enter into Agreements of Purchase and Sale for the new affordable ownership housing units with the provider and/or the City prior to the issuance of the first building permit for the development phase within which the units are to be provided pursuant to Part 4.a. above and the Agreement of Sale and Purchase will be assignable at no additional cost; and


d. in the event that an acceptable non-profit housing provider cannot enter into an Agreement of Purchase and Sale for the new affordable ownership housing units, the owner shall provide, prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit, an upwardly-indexed cash contribution to the City in the amount of $1,100,000 towards the provision of new affordable housing in Ward 22.


5. City Council direct that, as a legal convenience, the Owner shall enter into a financially secured Agreement for the construction of all improvements to the municipal infrastructure at no cost to the City to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-8 from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District - 3453 Victoria Park Avenue and 50-68 Morcambe Gate Zoning By-law Amendment - Final Report

SC7.4 - 2775 Birchmount Road - Zoning By-Law Amendment Application - Final Report

Decision Type:
22 - Scarborough - Agincourt

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 569-2013, as amended, for the lands at 2775 Birchmount Road, substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 7 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District.


2. City Council amend the L’Amoreaux Community By-law 12466, as amended, for the lands at 2775 Birchmount Road, substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment(s) as may be required.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Revised - Report and Attachments 1-10 from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District - 2775 Birchmount Road - Zoning By-Law Amendment Application - Final Report
(June 7, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-10 from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District - 2775 Birchmount Road - Zoning By-Law Amendment Application - Final Report

Communications (City Council)

(June 26, 2019) E-mail from Vahan Georgy (CC.Main.SC7.4.1)
(July 5, 2019) E-mail from Lu Wang (CC.Main.SC7.4.2)

SC7.5 - 6351 Steeles Avenue East - Zoning Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
23 - Scarborough North

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 24982, for the lands at 6351 Steeles Avenue East substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 6351 Steeles Avenue East substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


4. In accordance with the delegated approval under By-law 229-2000, as amended, City Council be advised that the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning intends to approve the Draft Plan of Subdivision as generally illustrated in Attachment 7 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District, subject to:


a. the conditions as generally listed in Attachment 7 to the report (June 21, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District, which, except as otherwise noted, must be fulfilled prior to final approval and the release of the Draft Plan of Subdivision for registration; and


b. any such revisions to the proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision or any such additional modified conditions as the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning may deem to be appropriate to address matters arising from the on-going technical review of this development.


5. Prior to passing of the Bills by City Council, City Council require the owner to carry out a Stage 1 archaeological resource assessment of the lands included in the Zoning By-law Amendment application that have not been previously subject to archaeological assessment and submit this report to the City; should the Stage 1 archaeological assessment recommend further property assessment (i.e. Stage 2), the applicant shall confirm in writing that current development applications contemplate no alteration of these additional lands, and that no demolition, construction, grading or other soil disturbances shall take place on the subject lands identified by the Stage 1 report as requiring further archaeological assessment.


6. City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to negotiate in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor with the applicant and/or its design consultants and/or construction contractors as the case may be, to design and construct the segment of Morningside Avenue between Steeles Avenue East and Passmore Avenue, including that:


a. the design and construction of the road segment be undertaken such that it would be ultimately integrated into broader street network improvements to be undertaken by the City in the future widening of Steeles Avenue East from Tapscott Road to Ninth Line and Morningside Avenue from Passmore Avenue to McNicoll Avenue.


7. Upon City Council approval of funding for the Morningside Avenue Extension capital project, as part of the 2020 Capital Budget process, City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to enter into and execute an agreement, or separate agreements, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor with the applicant and/or its design consultants and/or construction contractors as the case may be, to design and construct the segment of Morningside Avenue between Steeles Avenue East and Passmore Avenue.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 21, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 21, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-10 from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District - 6351 Steeles Avenue East - Zoning Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications - Final Report
(June 7, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District - 6351 Steeles Avenue East - Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Approval Applications - Final Report

SC7.6 - 1001 Ellesmere Road - Part Lot Control Exemption Applications - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
21 - Scarborough Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council enact a Part Lot Control Exemption By-law with respect to the subject lands at 1001 Ellesmere Road Block 1 (Parts 1 to 45) and Block 2 (Parts 1 to 24) on Plan of Subdivision 66M-2555, as generally illustrated on Attachment 2 to the report (June 12, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District to be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and to expire two years following enactment by City Council.


2. City Council require the owner to provide proof of payment of all current property taxes for the subject lands to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, prior to the enactment of the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law.


3. City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to register the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law on title.


4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Part Lot Control Exemption By-law as may be required.


(June 12, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 12, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-2 from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District - 1001 Ellesmere Road - Part Lot Control Exemption Applications - Final Report
(June 7, 2019) Notice of Pending Report from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District - 1001 Ellesmere Road, Part Lot Control Exemption Applications - Final Report

SC7.7 - 2787 and 2791 Eglinton Avenue East - Zoning Amendment Application - Status Report

Decision Type:
20 - Scarborough Southwest

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District to bring forward a Final Report with recommendations in respect of the Zoning By-law Amendment application and Site Plan Control application for the site, to the September 16, 2019, Scarborough Community Council meeting; the final report must provide for the following:

a. a front yard building setback of 5 metres along Eglinton Avenue;

b. a front yard building setback of 1.4 metres from Danforth Avenue;

c. a minimum rear yard building setback of 7.6 metres from the south property line, with a maximum projection of 2.7 metres from the main rear wall for accessory structure/stairwell enclosures;

d. the entire building shall be generally contained within a 45-degree angular plane from the rear (south) property line;

e. a minimum separation distance (urban entrances) of 5.7 to 6.6 metres between C, D and E along Eglinton Avenue East, with a maximum projection of 0.9 metres for accessory structures/stairwell enclosures located in this area;

f. right-in right-out driveway access and egress to be on Danforth Road instead of Horton Avenue; and

g. a Section 37 contribution and allocation which will be negotiated with the applicant by the Ward Councillor, in consultation with City Planning, prior to the September 16, 2019 meeting of the Scarborough Community Council.

2.  City Council direct that the applicant be requested to submit a full and complete revised submission no later than July 22, 2019.

3.  Before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council require the applicant to submit an updated Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report and plans, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; in addition, the owner would be required to enter into an agreement(s) with appropriate financial security for the construction of any improvements to existing municipal infrastructure, should it be determined that upgrades are required to support this development.

4.  City Council direct that the said revised submission be circulated and Notice of Approval Conditions be brought forward to the September 16, 2019 meeting of the Scarborough Community Council so that they may be considered along with the Final Zoning Amendment Report.

5.  If the owner elects to provide an agreed upon Section 37 Contribution, City Council direct City Planning and Legal Staff to prepare a Section 37 Agreement prior to the Bills being introduced to City Council for enactment at its meeting on October 2 and 3, 2019.

6.  City Council direct that notice to the public be provided that the September 16, 2019 meeting of the Scarborough Community Council will be a statutory public meeting under the Planning Act for the purpose of the application.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

During the review of the Order Paper on July 18, 2019, City Council adopted a procedural motion to remove this Item from the jurisdiction of the Scarborough Community Council and bring it forward for consideration by City Council.


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Scarborough District - 2787 and 2791 Eglinton Avenue East - Zoning Amendment Application - Status Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 25, 2019) Letter from Councillor Gary Crawford, Ward 20 Scarborough Southwest (SC.Supp.SC7.7.1)

SC7.22 - Turn Prohibitions - East Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
25 - Scarborough - Rouge Park

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council prohibit northbound and southbound U-turn movements at all times on East Avenue, between Baronial Court and Golders Green Avenue.


2. City Council prohibit eastbound left turns at all times on East Avenue and the private access located 60 metres north of Golders Green Avenue.


(June 6, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 6, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

SC7.23 - U-Turn Prohibition - Brimley Road South

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
20 - Scarborough Southwest

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council prohibit northbound and southbound U-turn movements at all times on Brimley Road South, between Kingston Road and Barkdene Hills.


(May 31, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 31, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - U-Turn Prohibition - Brimley Road South

Toronto and East York Community Council - Meeting 7

TE7.2 - Permanent Closure of Stratified Portion of Walton Street as Public Highway

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the permanent closure of a stratified portion of Walton Street as public highway designated as Part 1 on the draft Reference Plan prepared by Speight, van Nostrand and Gibson Limited, Job No. 190-0017, attached to the report (June  6, 2019) from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services.


2.  City Council enact a By-law substantially in the form of the draft By-law attached as Appendix A to the report (June 6, 2019) from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services, subject to the insertion of the appropriate plan and plan numbers once a Reference Plan has been deposited, conditional upon the City entering into an agreement with the adjacent property owner, wherein the Applicant agrees to purchase the stratified airspace on terms satisfactory to the City.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - City of Toronto Act, 2006


(June 6, 2019) Report from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 6, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-2 from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services - Permanent Closure of Stratified Portion of Walton Street as Public Highway

TE7.3 - 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report

Decision Type:
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 11, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86 for the lands at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 11, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.        .


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


4. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the City Solicitor and the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services respecting 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street in accordance with the plans and drawings prepared by KPMB Architects, dated March 6, 2019, the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc., dated March 6, 2019, and a Conservation Plan satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, to be prepared by a qualified heritage consultant and that is consistent with the conservation strategy set out in the Heritage Impact Asssessment and provides a detailed description with supporting documentation of the methods for restoration/replacement of the foundations of the retained building elevations at 300 Bloor Street West and 487 Huron Street.


5. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to provide a revised Functional Servicing Report to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, such report will determine, whether the municipal water, sanitary and storm sewer systems can support the proposed development and whether upgrades or improvements of the existing municipal infrastructure are required.


6. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter into and to register on title an agreement with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, and any other necessary agreements, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; the community benefits to be provided by the owner, at its expense and secured through the required Section 37 Agreement are as follows:


a. the matters set forth in Parts 7.b.1., 7.b.2., and 7.b.3. in Item 2019.TE7.4; and


b. the following community benefits are recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement:


i. a financial contribution in the amount of $2,344,000.00, 50 percent of which is payable to the City prior to issuance of the Notice of Approval Conditions, and 50 percent payable prior to the issuance of the first above grade building permit for the development, with such amount to be indexed upwardly in accordance with Statistics Canada Residential Building or Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index, as the case may be, for the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area, reported by Statistics Canada in the Building Construction Price Indexes Publication 327-0058, or its successor, calculated from the date of the Section 37 Agreement to the date of payment; the funds shall be directed as follows:


ii. $2,344,000.00 towards capital improvements for new or existing Toronto Community Housing and/or affordable housing in consultation with the Ward Councillor, and/or playground improvements to Huron Street Junior Public School and to allow public access for a fifteen (15) year period of time; and


iii. $416,000.00 of benefit value in addition to Part 6.b.ii. above towards providing space during the week, for the Annex Seniors Adult Services (SAS) group for accommodation within the Bloor Street United Church building subject to the following conditions:


- a minimum of 200 square metres of space;

- available 2 half days per week (8 hours per week total);

- a minimum of a 10 year term;

- 50 percent discount over rental rate; and

- not to be assignable/transferrable to any other group without the City's consent and the consent of the Bloor Street United Church not to be unreasonably withheld.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 11, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 11, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-13 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street - Zoning By-law Amendment - Final Report
(June 10, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report- Notice of Pending Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 9, 2019) E-mail from Mary Lou Dickinson (TE.Supp.TE7.3.1)
(June 24, 2019) Letter from David Harrison (TE.Supp.TE7.3.2)

TE7.4 - Alterations to Heritage Properties at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into Heritage Easement Agreements at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council state its intention to designate the properties at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in accordance with the Statement of Significance (Reasons for Designation) – 300 Bloor Street West (Attachment 3) and the Statement of Significance (Reasons for Designation) - 478 Huron Street (Attachment 4) attached to the report (May 31, 2019) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning.


2. If there are no objections to the designations in accordance with Section 29(6) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the Bill in Council designating the properties under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


3. If there are objections in accordance with Section 29(7) of the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the designation(s) to the Conservation Review Board.


4. If the designations are referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of City Council's decision on the designation(s) of the properties.


5. City Council authorize the entering into Heritage Easement Agreement(s) under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owner of 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


6. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary Bill in Council authorizing the entering into Heritage Easement Agreement(s) for the properties at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street.


7. City Council approve the alterations to the heritage properties at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, to allow for alterations to the heritage properties on the lands known municipally as 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street, with such alterations substantially in accordance with plans and drawings prepared by KPMB Architects, dated March 6, 2019, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and the Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA), prepared by ERA Architects Inc., dated March 6, 2019, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, all subject to and in accordance with Conservation Plan, as referenced in Part 7.b.2 below, satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, subject to the following additional conditions: 


a. the related site specific Zoning By-law Amendment giving rise to the proposed alterations has been enacted by City Council and has come into full force and effect in a form and with content acceptable to City Council, as determined by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


b. prior to the introduction of the Bills for such Zoning By-law Amendment by City Council, the owner shall:


1. enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for the properties at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street substantially in accordance with plans and drawings prepared by KPMB Architects, dated March 6, 2019 and with the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc., dated March 6, 2019, subject to and in accordance with the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 7.b.2 below, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, including execution of such agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor;


2. provide a detailed Conservation Plan prepared by a qualified heritage consultant that is substantially in accordance with the conservation strategy set out in the Heritage Impact Assessment for 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street, prepared by ERA Architects Inc., dated March 6, 2019, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services with said Conservation Plan to include a revised design for the primary entrance at the Bloor Street West façade that is compatible and complementary with the character and attributes of the existing south façade at 300 Bloor Street West, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


3. enter into and register on the properties at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street one or more agreements with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, all to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services with such facilities, services and matters to be set forth in the related site specific Zoning By-law Amendment giving rise to the proposed alterations, including amongst other matters, securing the final project specifications, preparation and thereafter the implementation of a Heritage Lighting Plan, a Signage Plan, an Interpretation Plan and requiring a letter of credit to secure all work included in the approved Conservation Plan and approved Interpretation Plan, including provision for upwards indexing, all to the satisfaction of  the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


c. prior to final Site Plan approval, for the development contemplated for 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street, the owner shall:


1. provide final site plan drawings substantially in accordance with the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 7.b.2 above to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. have obtained final approval for the necessary Zoning By-law Amendment required for the subject property, such Amendment to have come into full force and effect;


3. provide a Heritage Lighting Plan that describes how the exterior of the heritage properties will be sensitively illuminated to enhance their heritage character to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


4. provide an Interpretation Plan for the subject properties, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


5. provide a detailed Landscape Plan for the subject property satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


d. prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the properties at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street, including a heritage permit or a building permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage building as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the owner shall:


1. have obtained final approval for the necessary Zoning By-law Amendment required for the subject property, such Amendment to have come into full force and effect;


2. provide building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 7.b.2 above, including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


3. provide a Letter of Credit, including provision for upwards indexing, in a form and amount and from a bank satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure all work included in the approved Conservation Plan, and approved Interpretation Plan; and


4. provide full documentation of the existing heritage property at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron street, including two (2) printed sets of archival quality 8” x 10” colour photographs with borders in a glossy or semi-gloss finish and one (1) digital set on a CD in tiff format and 600 dpi resolution keyed to a location map, elevations and measured drawings, and copies of all existing interior floor plans and original drawings as may be available, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


e. prior to the release of the Letter of Credit required in Part 7.d.3 above, the owner shall:


1. provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the required conservation work and the required interpretive work has been completed in accordance with the Conservation Plan and Interpretation Plan and that an appropriate standard of conservation has been maintained, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


2. provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


(May 31, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 31, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 - 6 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Alterations to Heritage Properties at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into Heritage Easement Agreements at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street

4a - Alterations to Heritage Properties at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act and Authority to Enter into Heritage Easement Agreements at 300 Bloor Street West and 478 Huron Street

(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board

TE7.5 - 3385 Dundas Street West - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
4 - Parkdale - High Park

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend former City of York Zoning By-law 1-83 for the lands at 3385 Dundas Street West substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 6, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 3385 Dundas Street West substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 6, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


4. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act to secure the following community benefits at the owner's expense; the required Agreement shall be registered on title to the lands at 3385 Dundas Street West in a manner satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning:


a. the owner shall provide and maintain within the proposed mixed-use building on the lot at least 10 affordable rental dwelling units with a combined total gross floor area of at least 743 square metres (8,000 square feet); the affordable rental dwelling units shall be provided in contiguous groups of at least 6 dwelling units; and any changes to the above conditions shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


b. the owner shall provide and maintain the 10 affordable rental dwelling units as rental dwelling units for at least 20 years, beginning with the date that each such unit is first occupied; no affordable rental dwelling unit shall be registered as a condominium or any other form of ownership such as life lease or co-ownership which provide a right to exclusive possession of a dwelling unit, and no application for conversion for non-rental housing purposes, or application to demolish any affordable rental dwelling unit can be made for at least 20 years from the date of first occupancy; and when the 20 year period has expired, the owner shall continue to provide and maintain the affordable rental dwelling units as rental dwelling units, unless and until such time as the owner has applied for and obtained all approvals necessary to do otherwise;


c. the owner shall provide and maintain the affordable rental dwelling units with the following unit mix and unit size requirements:


i. a minimum of 10 percent of the affordable rental dwelling units shall be three-bedroom units or larger and shall have a minimum floor area of at least 90 square metres (965 square feet); and


ii. a minimum of 30 percent of the affordable rental dwelling units, inclusive of the 10 percent three-bedroom units referenced above, shall be two-bedroom units or larger and shall have a minimum floor area of at least 64 square metres (685 square feet);


d. the owner shall provide and maintain the affordable rental dwelling units at affordable rents for at least 15 years, beginning with the date that each such unit is first occupied; during the first 15 years of occupancy, increases to rents charged to tenants occupying any of the affordable rental dwelling units shall be in accordance with the Residential Tenancies Act and shall not exceed the Provincial rent guideline until the tenancy ends; and


e. prior to first occupancy of the affordable rental dwelling units referenced above, the owner shall work with the City's Shelter Support and Housing Administration staff and make every reasonable effort to select the first tenant for each such affordable rental dwelling unit, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the General Manager, Shelter Support and Housing Administration.


5. Before introducing the necessary Bills to City Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter into a Section 37 Agreement as a legal convenience to support development which will include the following:


a. the owner shall agree to enter into a Pedestrian Clearway Easement as a NOAC and Site Plan Agreement Condition, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, including the preparation of a draft Reference Plan as required;


b. the owner shall agree to the construction of the Pedestrian Clearway Easement, and all the sidewalks along Dundas Street West, Durie Street and Beresford Avenue to be paid for and constructed by the owner to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services;


c. the owner shall agree to secure a car-share provider as a NOAC and Site Plan Agreement Condition to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services;


d. the owner shall agree to implement the mitigation measures required for noise abatement under the Class 1 area site criteria as detailed in the HGC Noise Feasibility Study (revised May, 2019); the final design and applicable clauses would be secured through the Site Plan review process to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and


e. the owner shall agree to erect the signs requested by the Toronto Catholic District School Board and Toronto District School Board and include warning clauses as a NOAC and Site Plan Agreement Condition to the satisfaction of Toronto Catholic District School Board and Toronto District School Board staff.


6. Before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to submit a revised Community Facilities and Services Study to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


7. Before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to submit revised plans illustrating that the minimum parking requirements of the draft Zoning By-law Amendments are being met.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 6, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 6, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 - 8 from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District - 3385 Dundas Street West - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Final Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Samantha and Dennis Cooke (TE.Supp.TE7.5.1)

TE7.6 - 57-77 Wade Avenue - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
9 - Davenport

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86 for the lands at 57-77 Wade Avenue substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 57-77 Wade Avenue substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


4.  City Council require the owner to provide a cash payment-in-lieu into the Municipal Parking Fund in lieu of any parking shortfall below the provision of 47 parking spaces on-site.


5.  Prior to the introduction of the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to complete a Third-Party Peer Review of the revised Rail Safety Report, prepared by Arup Canada Inc., dated May 1, 2019, to the satisfaction of the City's rail safety consultant, and obtain acceptance of the proposed derailment mitigation measures, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


6. Before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act as follows:


a. prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit, the owner shall provide a cash contribution of $350,000 towards the provision of affordable rental housing and parks improvements within Ward 9 in the vicinity of the site, such amount to be indexed upwardly in accordance with the Statistics Canada Non-Residential Construction Price Index for Toronto for the period from the date of the execution of the Section 37 Agreement to the date of payment; and


b. the following matters are recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement as a legal convenience to support development:


i.  the owner shall provide, at its own expense, 300 square metres of privately-owned, publicly-accessible open space located on the southern portion of the site (refer to the Site Plan in Attachment 7), with the design details of this privately-owned, publicly-accessible open space to be secured through the Site Plan Approval process to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and prior to Site Plan Approval, the owner shall grant an easement to the City, for nominal consideration and free and clear of title encumbrances, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, for the purpose of the general public's use of this privately-owned, publicly-accessible open space, on terms satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the City Solicitor;


ii.  the owner shall provide, at its own expense, a minimum 3.5 metre wide public walkway easement be located along the full extent of the south edge of the site, connecting Wade Avenue to the future Davenport Diamond Greenway Multi-Use Trail, with the design details of this walkway to be secured through the Site Plan Approval process to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and prior to Site Plan Approval, the owner shall grant an easement to the City, for nominal consideration and free and clear of title encumbrances, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, for the purpose of pedestrian and cycling use by the general public over this walkway, on terms satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the City Solicitor;


iii. the owner shall design and construct the public realm improvements for the public walkway between Wade Avenue and the Davenport Diamond Greenway Multi-Use Trail in accordance with the Davenport Diamond Public Realm Plan;


iv. prior to the issuance of Notice of Approval Conditions for the Site Plan application, the owner shall complete a peer review of the submitted Noise and Vibration Feasibility Study by the City’s peer reviewer, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and provide certification from the noise and vibration consultant that all recommended mitigation measures have been incorporated into the drawings submitted for Site Plan Approval;


v. prior to the issuance of Notice of Approval Conditions for the Site Plan application, the owner shall incorporate all mitigation measures from the rail safety study accepted by the City's peer reviewer into the drawings submitted for site plan approval, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and prior to Site Plan Approval agree that all mitigation measures be constructed and maintained by the owner at its sole cost and expense;


vi. prior to issuance of Notice of Approval Conditions for the Site Plan application, the owner shall provide a Construction Phasing Plan, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


vii. prior to the commencement of excavation and shoring work, the owner will submit a Construction Management Plan, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, and thereafter shall implement the plan during the course of construction; the Construction Management Plan will include the size and location of construction staging areas, dates of significant concrete pouring, lighting details, construction vehicle parking and queuing locations, refuse storage, site security, site supervisor contact information, a communication strategy with the surrounding community, and any other matters requested by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Ward Councillor; and


viii. prior to Site Plan Approval, the owner shall provide a cash payment-in-lieu into the Municipal Parking Fund in lieu of any parking shortfall below the provision of 47 parking spaces on-site.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 18, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 18, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-12 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 57-77 Wade Avenue - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report
(June 18, 2019) Attachment 5
(June 18, 2019) Attachment 6
(June 10, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 57-77 Wade Avenue - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report - Notice of Pending Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 17, 2019) E-mail from Chris Sartor (TE.Supp.TE7.6.1)

TE7.7 - Alexandra Park and Atkinson Housing Co-operative Revitalization - 571 Dundas Street West, 91 Augusta Avenue, and 73-75 Augusta Square - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion - Phase 2 - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend the Official Plan for the lands located south of Dundas Street West, east of Augusta Avenue, north of Paul Lane Gardens, and west of Cameron Street, being Phase 2 within the Alexandra Park and Atkinson Co-op Revitalization, substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment 458 attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.

2. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86, as amended, for the lands located south of Dundas Street West, east of Augusta Avenue, north of Paul Lane Gardens, and west of Cameron Street, being Phase 2 within the Alexandra Park and Atkinson Co-op Revitalization, substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 7 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Acting Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, amended by adding the following:


Holding Provision 


a. lands zoned with the "h" Holding Symbol shall not be used for any purpose other than those lawfully existing on the date of passing of this By-Law until the "h" Holding Symbol has been removed; an amending By-law to remove the "h" Holding Symbol in whole, or in part, shall be enacted by City Council when the following plans and studies have been submitted for the lands from which the "h" Holding symbol is proposed to be removed to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning secured through an agreement or agreements binding on the owner and successors entered into pursuant to Sections 37, 41 or 51 of the Planning Act, or any combination thereof, as appropriate:


i. submission of updated Detailed Context Plans, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;

ii. submission of updates to the Construction Mitigation and Safety Plan, and Tenant Communication Strategy, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


iii. provision of a Tenant Relocation and Assistance Plan, and periodic updates to the Plan, being satisfactory to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;

iv. execution of a subdivision agreement satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning pursuant to Section 51 of the Planning Act;

v. periodic Housing Issues report updates relating to each phase of revitalization demonstrating adequate progress in the replacement and/or refurbishment of social housing units to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;

vi. submission of a satisfactory Community Service and Facility Implementation Plan, which will include a financial strategy to finance any determined required community service or facility to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and

vii. confirmation of funding or financing of transportation infrastructure, servicing infrastructure, parks, and/or community facilities required to support development to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Corporate Finance; and

b. prior to the removal of the "h" Holding Symbol, shoring and demolition is permitted within the Alexandra Park and Atkinson Co-op Area.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment and draft Zoning By-law Amendment, noted in Parts 1 and 2 above, as may be required.

4. Before introducing the necessary Bills contemplated in Parts 1 and 2 above to Council for enactment, City Council require the owner(s) to enter into appropriate Agreement(s) pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act amending the original Section 37 Agreement (Instrument Number AT 3518413) satisfactory to the City Solicitor, together with satisfactory provisions in the amending By-laws, to secure the following, at the owner's expense, in connection with 571 Dundas Street West, 91 Augusta Avenue and 73-75 Augusta Square, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor, with such agreement to be registered to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor prior to the bills coming into force:


a. the following additional community benefits are recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement:


i. a financial contribution of $2,000,000.00 indexed upwardly in accordance with the Statistics Canada Non-Residential Construction Price Index for Toronto for the period from the date of the execution of the Section 37 Agreement to the date of payment, towards the construction and finishing of the replacement community centre location on Block 10 to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor; and


ii. in the event the financial contribution referred to in Part 4.a.i above has not been used for the intended purpose within eight (8) years of this By-law coming into full force and effect, the financial contribution may be redirected for another purpose, at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, provided that the purpose(s) is/are identified in the Toronto Official Plan and will benefit the community in the vicinity of the site;


b. the following changes are recommended to the Section 37 Agreement:


i. all refurbishment work to retained social housing buildings in Phase 2 will be completed prior to the earlier of, the first residential occupancy of, or the registration of the Draft Plan of Condominium for, the final market building to be constructed within Phase 2;


ii. prior to the issuance of any above grade permit for a building on a Block in Phase 2, the owner will submit an updated wind study; the owner will design and construct any measures that may be required to mitigate the negative impact of any wind conditions;


iii. amend Sections 8.1 and 8.2 to provide for the construction of a new community facility, with a minimum size of 2,000 square metres, to be owned by Toronto Community Housing Corporation and operated by Atkinson Housing Co-op and Alexandra Park Residents Association and located within a new Toronto Community Housing building to be constructed on Block 10 to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the Director, Affordable Housing Office, the Director, Toronto Community Housing, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with the Ward Councillor; the new facility will:


A. have a minimum gross floor area of 2,000 square metres;


B. be valued at a minimum of $9,000,000.00, including all construction, finishing, fixtures, HVAC systems and equipment to the satisfaction of the Director, Real Estate Services, of which $5,000,000.00 was required by the original Section 37 Agreement, $2,000,000.00 will be redirected from the overall value of the Public Art Contribution required by the original Section 37 Agreement towards the financing the construction of the community facility, including the outfitting of art studio space accessible to the community, and $2,000,000.00 will be an additional contribution by the owner.


C. be constructed to a commercial standard, ready for occupancy for the intended use, containing all finishing, fixtures and equipment necessary to implement programming of the facility, including HVAC systems;


D. include the construction of two new basketball courts within or adjacent to the facility, one of which may be constructed on Block 11; and


E. be completed in accordance with the requirements of the Section 37 agreement, prior to the issuance of a demolition permit for the existing community centre at 105 Grange Court;


iv. amend Sections 3.3, 4.2, and 4.4 of the Section 37 Agreement to include the 77 units at 73-75 Augusta Square to be demolished and replaced, so that a total of not less than 410 replacement social housing units, comprising 183 townhouse units and 227 apartment units, all of which are rental housing units and shall have rents geared-to-income, are to be provided and maintained for a period of at least 25 years;


v. amend Section 3.6 of the Section 37 Agreement to clarify the required parkland dedication area;


vi. amend the table in Section 4.11 of the Section 37 Agreement to include the 34 one-bedroom apartment units and the 43 two-bedroom apartment units at 73-75 Augusta Square to be demolished and replaced, so that a total of not less than 410 replacement social housing units, comprising 183 townhouse units and 227 apartment units, are to be provided and maintained;


vii. amend Sections 7.1, 7.3, 7.5, of the Section 37 Agreement to remove references to 73-75 Augusta Square;


viii. amend Sections 8.3 of the Section 37 Agreement to allow part or all of the required Local Enterprise Space to be constructed on Block 10, subject to appropriate conditions including regarding timing of completion;


ix. amend Section 13 of the Section 37 Agreement as necessary to permit the allocation of up to $2,000,000.00 to the community facility noted in Part 4.b.iii. above; above; and


x. amend Section 37 to delete Section 10.3. and replace with the following:  


“The owner shall provide detailed floor plans for the replacement social housing units and associated common amenity areas for the social housing units to be demolished in the applicable Site Plan Control application area, the replacement of which may be part of a concurrent or prior phase of redevelopment, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning”; and


c. the following additional matters of convenience are recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement as a legal convenience to support development:


i. prior to the issuance of an above grade permit for development on Sites 4, 6, 8, 9 and 17, the owner will submit an updated wind study and incorporate into the building design and site plan any wind mitigation measures.


5. City Council require the owner(s) to enter into appropriate Agreement(s) pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act amending the existing Section 111 Agreement (Instrument Number AT3518416) to address the items in Part 4 above, as required, satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.

6. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take such actions as are necessary to implement City Council's decision, including execution of the necessary Section 37 Agreement(s) amending the existing Section 37 Agreement and Section 111 Agreement amending the existing Section 111 Agreement.


7. City Council approve a development charge credit against the Parks and Recreation component of the Development Charges for the design and construction by the owner of the Above Base Park Improvements to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation; the development charge credit shall be in an amount that is the lesser of the cost to the owner of designing and constructing the Above Base Park Improvements, as approved by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Parks and Recreation component of development charges payable for the development in accordance with the City's Development Charges By-law, as may be amended from time to time.


8. City Council approve the application for a Rental Housing Demolition permit in accordance with Municipal Code Chapter 667 to allow the demolition of 77 existing social housing apartment units at 73-75 Augusta Square subject to the following conditions:


a. the owner shall provide and maintain not less than four hundred and ten (410) replacement social housing units on the 71 Dundas Street West, 21, 21a, 23, 23a, 91 Augusta Avenue, 73-75 Augusta Square, and 20 Vanauley Street lands for a period of at least 25 years, all of which will have rents-geared-to-income, comprising the following:


Replacement Social Housing Units

Unit Type by Number of Bedrooms


1 Bedroom Apartments


2 Bedroom Apartments


3 Bedroom Apartments


3 Bedroom Townhouse


4 Bedroom Townhouse


5 Bedroom Townhouse





b. the owner shall provide tenant relocation assistance to each eligible tenant, including the right for eligible tenants to return to a replacement social housing unit to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and as further detailed in the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 7 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District;


c. the owner shall provide detailed floor plans for the replacement social housing units and associated common amenity areas for the social housing units to be demolished in the applicable Site Plan Control application area, the replacement of which may be part of a concurrent or prior phase of redevelopment, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and


d. the owner shall to enter into appropriate Agreement(s) pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act amending the existing Section 111 Agreement (Instrument Number AT3518416) to secure the conditions outlined in Parts 8.a.,b. and c. above and as detailed in the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 7 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


9. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to issue a preliminary approval for the application under Municipal Code Chapter 667 for the demolition of the 77 existing social housing units at 73-75 Augusta Square after all of the following have occurred:


a. satisfaction or securing of the conditions in Parts 4 and 8 above; and


b. the Zoning By-law Amendment referred to in Part 2 above has come into full force and effect.


10. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue a Rental Housing Demolition permit under Municipal Code Chapter 667 after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has issued the preliminary approval referred to in Part 9 above for the demolition of the 77 existing social housing units at 73-75 Augusta.


11. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue a permit under Section 33 of the Planning Act for the demolition of 77 existing social housing units at 73-75 Augusta no earlier than the issuance of the first Building Permit for Phase 2 of the development and after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has given the preliminary approval referred to in Parts 9 and 10 above, which permit may be included in the demolition permit under Chapter 667 and under 363-11.1, of the Municipal Code, on the condition that:


a. the owner erect a residential building on site no later than four (4) years from the day demolition of the buildings is commenced; and


b. should the owner fail to complete the new building within the time specified in Part 11.a. above, the City Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collector’s roll, to be collected in a like manner as municipal taxes, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for each dwelling unit for which a demolition permit is issued, and that each sum shall, until payment, be a lien or charge upon the land for which the demolition permit is issued.

12. Before introducing the necessary Bills contemplated in Parts 1 and 2 above to Council for enactment, City Council require the owner(s) to submit: 

a. revised Functional Servicing, Geotechnical and Stormwater Management Reports, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-5 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - Alexandra Park and Atkinson Housing Co-operative Revitalization - 571 Dundas Street West, 91 Augusta Avenue, and 73-75 Augusta Square - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment, Rental Housing Demolition and Conversion - Phase 2 - Final Report
(June 7, 2019) Attachment 6
(June 7, 2019) Attachment 7

TE7.8 - 30 Bay Street and 60 Harbour Street - Zoning Amendment - Final Report

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86 for the lands at 30 Bay Street and 60 Harbour Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 4 to the report (June 18, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


3. Before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to:


a. provide a detailed Conservation Plan prepared by a qualified heritage consultant that is substantially in accordance with the conservation strategy set out in the Heritage Impact Assessment for 30 Bay Street prepared by GBCA Architects dated March 29, 2019, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


b. execute an amending Heritage Easement Agreement to update the permitted alterations, Reasons for Identification and Schedule B photographs on the existing Heritage Easement Agreement registered on title to the property at 30 Bay Street (formerly known as 60 Harbour Street) as Instrument No. CT918882 on December 15, 1987; and


c. enter into one or more agreements with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, all to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, with such facilities, services and matters to be set forth in the related site specific Zoning By-law Amendment giving rise to the proposed alterations, including amongst other matters, securing the preparation and thereafter the implementation of a Heritage Lighting Plan, a Signage Plan, an Interpretation Plan and requiring a Letter of Credit to secure all work included in the approved Conservation Plan and approved Interpretation Plan, including provision for upwards indexing, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


4. Before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act as follows:


a. a cash contribution of $850,000.00, prior to the issuance of the above-grade building permit, to be used towards the provision of affordable housing in Ward 10;


b. a cash contribution of $850,000.00, prior to the issuance of the above-grade building permit, to be used towards capital repairs to existing Toronto Community Housing buildings in Ward 10;


c. a cash contribution of $6,800,000.00, prior to the issuance of the above-grade building permit, for:

 i. community services and facilities within Ward 10, which may include the Jack Layton Ferry Terminal; and/or


ii. local parkland improvements and/or public realm improvements in Ward 10, which may include improvements to the City owned lands north of 30 Bay Street and Lake Shore Boulevard West pedestrian improvements and/or PATH improvements along the Bay Street corridor; and


d. provide a public art contribution in accordance with the City of Toronto's Percent for Public Art Program.


5. City Council direct that the payment amounts referred to in Part 4 above to be increased upwards by indexing in accordance with the Non-residential Construction Price Index for the Toronto CMA, reported by Statistics Canada or its successor, calculated from the date of the Section 37 Agreement to the date the payment is made to the City.


6. In the event the cash contributions referred to in Part 4 above has not been used for the intended purposes within three (3) years of the By-laws coming into full force and effect, City Council direct that the cash contribution may be redirected for another purpose, at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, provided that the purpose is identified in the Toronto Official Plan and will benefit the community in Ward 10.


7. City Council direct that the following matters are also recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement as a legal convenience to support development:


a. the owner shall provide, at its own expense, an approximate area of 208 square metres of privately-owned publicly-accessible space (POPS) and grant access easements to the City for the purpose of access to and use of the POPS for members of the public; this POPS area is to be located fronting Harbour Street; the POPS easements are to be conveyed to the City for nominal consideration and are to be free and clear of all physical and title encumbrances, other than those acceptable to the City Solicitor; and the owner shall own, operate, maintain and repair the POPS;


b. the owner shall be required to pay all costs associated with the proposed boulevard extension (road narrowing) along the Bay Street frontage of the property between Lake Shore Boulevard West and Harbour Street, including all public realm improvements;


c. the owner shall be responsible for the design, construction, provision and maintenance of above grade PATH connections to the subject property and through the proposed development, including the conveyance at nominal costs to the City of easement(s) for use by the general public;


d. the owner shall provide art on construction hoarding, in accordance with the City's START (Street Art Toronto) program;


e. the owner shall construct and maintain the development in accordance with Tier 1 performance measures of the Toronto Green Standard, as adopted by City Council at its meeting held on October 26 and 27, 2009 through the adoption of Item PG32.3 of the Planning and Growth Committee, and as updated by City Council at its meeting held on December 5, 6 and 7, 2017 through the adoption of Item PG23.9 of the Planning and Growth Committee, and as may be further amended by City Council from time to time; and


f. prior to the commencement of any excavation and shoring work, the owner will submit a Construction Management and Community Communication Plan to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, and thereafter shall implement the plan during the course of construction; the Construction Management and Community Communication Plan will include, but not be limited to, the size and location of construction staging areas, location and function of gates, information on concrete pouring, lighting details, construction vehicle parking and queuing locations, alternate parking arrangements for existing residents for the duration of any affected parking spaces used by existing residents, refuse storage, site security, site supervisor contact information, a communication strategy with the surrounding community and existing tenants, and any other matters requested by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, or the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Ward Councillor.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 18, 2019) Revised Report and Attachment 1-9 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 30 Bay St and 60 Harbour Street - Zoning Amendment - Final Report
(June 10, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-9 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 30 Bay Street and 60 Harbour Street - Zoning Amendment - Final Report

TE7.9 - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Amend a Heritage Easement Agreement - 30 Bay Street formerly 60 Harbour Street

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the alterations to the designated heritage property at 30 Bay Street (formerly known as 60 Harbour Street) in accordance with Section 42 of the Ontario Heritage Act, with such alterations substantially in accordance with plans and drawings dated March 15, 2019, prepared by Adamson Associates Architects, on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and the Heritage Impact Assessment, prepared by GBCA Architects dated March 29, 2019, on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, all subject to and in accordance with a Conservation Plan satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and subject to the following additional conditions:


a. prior to the introduction of the Bills for such Zoning By-law Amendment by Council, the owner shall:


1. provide a detailed Conservation Plan prepared by a qualified heritage consultant that is substantially in accordance with the conservation strategy set out in the Heritage Impact Assessment for 30 Bay Street prepared by GBCA Architects dated March 29, 2019, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. execute an amending Heritage Easement Agreement to update the permitted alterations, Reasons for Identification and Schedule B photographs on the existing Heritage Easement Agreement registered on title to the property at 30 Bay Street (formerly known as 60 Harbour Street) as Instrument No. CT918882 on December 15, 1987; and


3. enter into one or more agreements with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, all to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, with such facilities, services and matters to be set forth in the related site specific Zoning By-law Amendment giving rise to the proposed alterations, including amongst other matters, securing the preparation and thereafter the implementation of a Heritage Lighting Plan, a Signage Plan, an Interpretation Plan and requiring a Letter of Credit to secure all work included in the approved Conservation Plan and approved Interpretation Plan, including provision for upwards indexing, all to the satisfaction of  the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


b. prior to Final Site Plan approval in connection with the Zoning By-law Amendment for the property at 60 Harbour Street the owner shall:


1. provide final site plan drawings including drawings related to the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 1.a.1. above and landscape drawings, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. provide an Interpretation Plan for the subject property to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


3. provide a Heritage Lighting Plan that describes how the heritage properties will be sensitively illuminated to enhance their heritage character to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, and thereafter shall implement such Plans to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


c. prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the properties at 30 Bay Street, including a heritage permit, a building permit or a demolition permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage buildings as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the owner shall:


1. obtain final approval for the necessary By-law amendments required for the alterations to the properties at 30 Bay Street, such amendments to have been enacted by City Council and to have come into effect in a form and with content acceptable to City Council as determined by the Director, Urban Design, City Planning, in consultation with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. provide building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 1.a.1. above, including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


3. provide a Letter of Credit, including provision for upwards indexing in a form and amount and from a bank satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure all work included in the approved Conservation Plan, Heritage Lighting Plan, Landscape Plan, and Interpretation Plan; and


4. register the heritage easement agreement referenced in Part 1.a.2. above on title to the property, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor; and


d. prior to the release of the Letter of Credit required in Part 1.c.3. above, the owner shall:


1.  provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the required conservation work, required heritage lighting work, and the required interpretation work has been completed in accordance with the Conservation Plan, Lighting Plan and Interpretation Plan and that an appropriate standard of conservation has been maintained, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


2. provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to amend the Heritage Easement Agreement registered on title to the property at 30 Bay Street (formerly known as 60 Harbour Street) as Instrument No. CT918882 on December 15, 1987.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce any necessary Bill in Council to amend the Heritage Easement Agreement.


(April 26, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(April 26, 2019) Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Amend a Heritage Easement Agreement - 30 Bay Street formerly 60 Harbour Street

9a - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Amend a Heritage Easement Agreement - 30 Bay Street - Formerly 60 Harbour Street

(May 29, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(May 29, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Amend a Heritage Easement Agreement - 30 Bay Street - formerly 60 Harbour Street

TE7.10 - 61, 75 and 85 Hanna Avenue - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86, for the lands at 61, 75 and 85 Hanna Avenue substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 5, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 5, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 5, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-5 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 61, 75 and 85 Hanna Avenue - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report

TE7.11 - 100 Devonshire Place - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86, for the lands at 100 Devonshire Place, substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 5, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendment as may be required.


3. Before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council require the Owner to:


a. provide the results of fire hydrant flow testing and a comparison of calculated domestic and fire demand with available flow and pressure from the water system based on results of hydrant tests;


b. provide a revised Functional Servicing Report to clearly indicate that the proposed development will have no negative impact on downstream sanitary sewer capacity and that no downstream sanitary analysis is required, to the satisfaction of Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and


c. pay for and construct any improvements to the municipal infrastructure identified in the revised Functional Servicing Report, to be submitted for review and acceptance by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, should it be determined that improvements to such infrastructure are required to support this development.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 3, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 3, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-13 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 100 Devonshire Place - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report
(June 3, 2019) REVISED Attachment 6
(June 3, 2019) Attachment 6

Communications (Community Council)

(June 18, 2019) Letter from Bronwyn Krog, President, East Annex Condominiums Association (TE.Supp.TE7.11.1)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Dennis Wong (TE.Supp.TE7.11.2)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Sylvia Wong (TE.Supp.TE7.11.3)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Etta Arbeiter-Jacobs (TE.Supp.TE7.11.4)

TE7.12 - 698 and 700 Spadina Avenue - Rental Housing Demolition Application - Final Report

Decision Type:
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the application for a Rental Housing Demolition permit in accordance with Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code to allow for the demolition of six existing rental dwelling units located at 698 and 700 Spadina Avenue, subject to the following conditions:


a. the owner shall provide and maintain not less than six replacement rental dwelling units, comprised of at least six two-bedroom units, of which one two-bedroom unit may be provided as a one-bedroom unit for the duration of an eligible tenant's tenure, provided that it is converted to a two-bedroom unit should the tenant no longer reside in the unit, within the proposed three-storey townhouse building at 54 Sussex Avenue, for a period of at least 20 years, beginning from the date that each replacement rental dwelling unit is first occupied, and as generally illustrated in the plans provided to the City Planning dated May 6, 2019; any revision to these plans shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


b. the owner shall provide and maintain at least four two-bedroom replacement rental dwelling units at affordable rents and two two-bedroom replacement rental dwelling units at mid-range rents, for a period of at least 10 years, beginning from the date that each replacement rental dwelling unit is first occupied;


c. the owner shall provide ensuite laundry in each replacement rental dwelling unit at no additional cost to the tenants;


d. the owner shall provide central air conditioning in each replacement rental dwelling unit;


e. the owner shall provide tenants of the replacement rental dwelling units with access to dedicated indoor bicycle parking in the proposed mixed-use building under the same terms and conditions as any resident of the mixed-used building;


f. the owner shall provide at least three replacement rental dwelling units with a balcony for private and exclusive access by the unit;


g. the owner shall provide tenant relocation and assistance to all eligible tenants of the existing rental dwelling units, including the right to return to a replacement rental dwelling unit, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and


h. the owner shall enter into and register on title to the subject site one or more Agreement(s) to secure the conditions outlined in Parts 1. a., b., c., d., e., f. and g. above, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning including an agreement pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006.


2. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to issue Preliminary Approval for the Rental Housing Demolition permit under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code for the demolition of the six existing rental dwelling units at 698 and 700 Spadina Avenue after all of the following have occurred:


a. satisfaction or securing of the conditions in Part 1 above;


b. the site-specific Zoning By-law Amendments have come into full force and effect;


c. the issuance of the Notice of Approval Conditions for site plan approval by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate, pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006;


d. the issuance of excavation and shoring permits for the proposed mixed-use building on the subject site; and


e. the execution and registration of a Section 37 Agreement pursuant to the Planning Act securing Parts 1. a., b., c., d., e., f. and g. above and any other requirements of the Zoning-Bylaw Amendment.


3. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue the Rental Housing Demolition permit under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has given preliminary approval referred to in Part 2 above.


4. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue the Residential Demolition permit under Chapter 363 of the Toronto Municipal Code and Section 33 of the Planning Act no earlier than the issuance of the first building permit for excavation and shoring of the proposed development, and after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has given preliminary approval referred to in Part 2 above, which may be included in the Rental Housing Demolition permit under 363-11.1, of the Toronto Municipal Code, on condition that:


a. the owner remove all debris and rubble from the site immediately after demolition;


b. the owner erect solid construction hoarding to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building;


c. the owner erect the townhouse building on the site no later than four (4) years from the day demolition of the existing buildings is commenced; and


d. should the owner fail to complete the proposed townhouse building within the time specified in Part 4.c. above, the City Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collector’s roll, to be collected in a like manner as municipal taxes, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for each dwelling unit for which a Residential Demolition permit is issued, and that each sum shall, until payment, be a lien or charge upon the land for which the demolition permit is issued.


5. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take such actions as are necessary to implement City Council's decision, including execution of the Section 111 Agreement.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(May 27, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 27, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 698 and 700 Spadina Avenue - Rental Housing Demolition Application - Final Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Art Levine (TE.Supp.TE7.12.1)

TE7.13 - 11-25 Yorkville Avenue and 16-18 Cumberland Street - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend the Official Plan, for the lands 11-25 Yorkville Avenue and 16-18 Cumberland Street substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 11-25 Yorkville Avenue and 16-18 Cumberland Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 7 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


3. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86, for the lands at 11-25 Yorkville Avenue and 16-18 Cumberland Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 8 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment and/or draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


5. Before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council direct that the owner be required to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, and any other necessary agreements, satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor, with such Agreement to be registered on title to the lands at 11-25 Yorkville Avenue and 16-18 Cumberland Street in a manner satisfactory to the City Solicitor to secure the following community benefits at the owner's expense, including:


a. a financial contribution in the amount of $7,500,000.00 payable to the City prior to issuance of the first above-grade building permit, with such amount to be indexed upwardly in accordance with Statistics Canada Residential Building or Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index, as the case may be, for the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area, reported by Statistics Canada in the Building Construction Price Indexes Publication 327-0058, or its successor, calculated from the date of the Section 37 Agreement to the date of payment; the funds shall be directed as follows:


i. $2,500,000.00 towards capital improvements for new or existing Toronto Community Housing and/or affordable housing, in consultation with the Ward Councillor;


ii. $2,500,000.00 towards capital improvements for new or existing cultural and/or community space, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor; and


iii. $2,500,000.00 towards local area park or streetscape improvements, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Ward Councillor;


b. an additional 149 square metres of on-site parkland dedication above the required on-site parkland contribution pursuant to Section 42 of the Planning Act;


c. the provision of twenty (20) of the eighty-one (81) replacement rental units at reduced rents, comprised of ten (10) bachelor units at rents reduced from mid-range rents to eighty percent (80 percent) of affordable rents, and five (5) two-bedroom and five (5) three-bedroom units at rents reduced from mid-range rents to affordable rents, all as defined by the Official Plan, all for a period of 20 years, beginning from the date of first occupancy, and all shall be offered to tenants in accordance with a Tenant Access Plan to ensure the benefit of the affordable units is linked to households in need of affordable housing, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


d. should the City elect to close the public lanes, generally shown as Laneway A and Laneway B in Attachment 15 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, the owner agrees, at its sole expense, to convert and/or construct the portions of the public lane, generally shown as Laneway A and Laneway B in Attachment 15 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, for public parkland purposes to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the General Manager, Transportation Services, and this may only occur if and when the north-south public lane along the eastern edge of the Site, is conveyed and assumed by the City to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services; and


e. the following matters are also recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement as a legal convenience to support development:


i. the owner shall provide and maintain a privately-owned and publicly-accessible space (POPS), with a minimum area of 248 square metres, on the lot with the specific location, configuration and design secured in a Site Plan Agreement with the City to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as amended and as applicable, Section 41 of the Planning Act, as amended;


ii. the owner shall provide a minimum of 10 percent family sized units in the development, containing at least three bedrooms;


iii. the owner shall enter into a financially secured agreement for the construction of any improvements to the municipal infrastructure, should it be determined that upgrades and road improvements are required to support the development, according to the transportation report accepted by the General Manager, Transportation Services and the functional servicing and stormwater management report and/or any other engineering report accepted by, and to the satisfaction of, the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and the General Manager, Toronto Water;


iv. the owner shall provide space within the development for installation of maintenance access holes and sampling ports on the private side, as close to the property line as possible, for both the storm and sanitary service connections, in accordance with the Sewers By-law Chapter 681-10; and


v. the owner shall enter into a maintenance agreement for the 455 square metre parkland dedication and converted lane generally shown as Laneway A and Laneway B in Attachment 15 to the report (June 24, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


6. Before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, City Council require the owner to revise the Functional Servicing Report prepared by WSP Canada Group Ltd., dated March 23, 2018 and re-submit to the City for review and acceptance to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and such report will determine, whether the municipal water, sanitary and storm sewer systems can support the proposed development and whether upgrades or improvements of the existing municipal infrastructure are required.


7. City Council accept an on-site parkland dedication pursuant to Section 42 of the Planning Act having a minimum size of 306 square metres and an on-site parkland dedication in accordance with Section 5.1.1 of the Official Plan and pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act having a minimum size of 149 square metres for a total combined on-site parkland dedication of 455 square metres (the “Combined Parkland Dedication”), with the location and configuration of the Combined Parkland Dedication to be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation as generally described in the report (June 24, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


8. City Council direct that the Combined Parkland Dedication will be secured through the Section 37 Agreement, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, including securing the following:


a. the owner’s obligations to convey the Combined Parkland Dedication and to design and construct base and above-base park improvements, on terms and conditions set out in the Section 37 Agreement; and


b. the Combined Parkland Dedication to be transferred to the City shall be free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances, and encroachments and is to be conveyed to the City prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit, pursuant to the park policies set out in Section 3.2.3 of the Official Plan and to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the City Solicitor.


9. City Council approve a development charge credit against the Parks and Recreation component of the Development Charges for the design and construction by the owner of the Above Base Park Improvements to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation; the development charge credit shall be in an amount that is the lesser of the cost to the owner of designing and constructing the Above Base Park Improvements, as approved by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Parks and Recreation component of development charges payable for the development in accordance with the City's Development Charges By-law, as may be amended from time to time.


10. City Council approve the Rental Housing Demolition Application in accordance with Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code to allow for the demolition of eighty-one (81) existing rental dwelling units located at 11, 17, 19 and 21-25 Yorkville Avenue, subject to the following conditions:


a. the owner shall provide and maintain eighty-one (81) replacement rental dwelling units, comprised of seventeen (17) bachelor units, forty-five (45) one-bedroom units, twelve (12) two-bedroom units and seven (7) three-bedroom units, on the subject site for a period of at least twenty (20) years, beginning from the date that each replacement rental dwelling unit is first occupied, and as generally shown on the plans for the rental replacement component by Cecconi Simone dated March 2019 submitted to the City Planning Division with any revisions to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


b. the owner shall, as part of the eighty-one (81) replacement rental dwelling units required above, provide:


i. twenty (20) replacement rental dwelling units for a period of at least twenty (20) years, beginning from the date of first occupancy, comprised of at least ten (10) bachelor units at eighty percent (80 percent) of affordable rents, and five (5) two-bedroom and five (5) three-bedroom units at affordable rents; and


ii. sixty-one (61) replacement rental dwelling units for a period of at least ten (10) years, beginning from the date of first occupancy, comprised of at least five (5) bachelor replacement rental dwelling units at affordable rents, and two (2) bachelor, forty-five (45) one-bedroom, seven (7) two-bedroom and two (2) three-bedroom replacement rental dwelling units at mid-range rents;


c. the owner shall provide tenants of the eighty-one (81) replacement rental dwelling units with access to all indoor and outdoor amenities in the proposed rental replacement building at no extra charge; access and use of these amenities shall be on the same terms and conditions as any other building resident without the need to pre-book or pay a fee, unless specifically required as customary practices for private bookings;


d. the owner shall provide nineteen (19) replacement rental dwelling units with a balcony or terrace;


e. the owner shall provide tenants of the eighty-one (81) replacement rental dwelling units with access to all bicycle parking and visitor parking on the same terms and conditions as any other resident of the building;


f. the owner shall provide tenant relocation and assistance to all eligible tenants occupying the rental dwelling units proposed to be demolished, including the right to return to a replacement rental dwelling unit, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and


g. the owner shall enter into and register on title one or more agreement(s), including a Section 111 Agreement and a Section 37 Agreement, to secure the conditions outlined above, including the matters related to the tenant relocation and assistance plan as detailed in the report (June 24, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, the Construction Mitigation Strategy and Tenant Communication Strategy and any other matters required to satisfy the conditions above, all to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


11. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to issue the Preliminary Approval for the application under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code for the demolition of the eighty-one (81) existing rental dwelling units at 11, 17, 19, and 21-25 Yorkville Avenue after all of the following have occurred:


a. the conditions in Part 10 above have been fully satisfied;


b. the Official Plan and Zoning By-law Amendments have come into full force and effect;


c. the issuance of the Notice of Approval Conditions for site plan approval by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate, pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006;


d. the issuance of excavation and shoring permits for the approved structure on the site; and


e. the execution and registration of a Section 37 Agreement pursuant to the Planning Act and/or other required agreements securing Parts 10. a. through f. and any other prescribed matters.


12. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue a Rental Housing Demolition under Municipal Code Chapter 667 after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has given preliminary approval referred to in Part 11 above.


13. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue a demolition permit under Section 33 of the Planning Act no earlier than the issuance of the first building permit for excavation and shoring of the development, and after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has given preliminary approval referred to in Part 11 above, which permit may be included in the demolition permit for Chapter 667 under 363-11.1, of the Municipal Code, on condition that:


a. the owner remove all debris and rubble from the site immediately after demolition;


b. the owner erect solid construction hoarding to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building;


c. the owner erects a residential building on site no later than four and a half (4.5) years from the day demolition of the buildings is commenced; and


d. should the owner fail to complete the new building within the time specified in condition 13.c. above, the City Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collector’s roll, to be collected in a like manner as municipal taxes, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for each dwelling unit for which a demolition permit is issued, and that each sum shall, until payment, be a lien or charge upon the land for which the demolition permit is issued.


14. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take such actions as are necessary to implement City Council's decision, including execution of the Section 111 Agreement and other related agreements.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 11, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) Revised Report and Attachments 1-15 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 11-25 Yorkville Avenue and 16-18 Cumberland Street - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Final Report
(June 11, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-16 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 11-25 Yorkville Avenue and 16-18 Cumberland Street - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Final Report
(June 10, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 11-25 Yorkville Avenue and 16-18 Cumberland Street - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Final Report - Notice of Pending Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 18, 2019) Letter from Gay Goodfellow (TE.Supp.TE7.13.1)

TE7.14 - 75 Broadway Avenue - Rental Housing Demolition Application - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the application for a Rental Housing Demolition Permit in accordance with Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code to allow for the demolition of 20 existing rental dwelling units located at 75 Broadway Avenue, subject to the following conditions:


a. the owner shall provide and maintain not less than 20 replacement rental dwelling units, comprised of 20 two-bedroom units, within the proposed residential building addition to the existing rental building, for a period of at least 20 years, beginning from the date that each replacement rental dwelling unit is first occupied, and as generally illustrated in the architectural plans provided to the City Planning dated July 10, 2018, and May 3, 2019; any revision to these plans with regard to the proposed rental replacement unit location or configuration shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


b. the owner shall provide and maintain not less than 10 two-bedroom replacement rental dwelling units at mid-range rents and no more than 10 two-bedroom replacement rental dwelling units with unrestricted rents, for a period of at least 10 years, beginning from the date that each replacement rental dwelling unit is first occupied;


c. the owner shall provide ensuite laundry in each replacement rental dwelling unit;


d. the owner shall provide all replacement rental dwelling units with a balcony or terrace;


e. the owner shall provide tenants of the replacement rental dwelling units with access to all indoor and outdoor amenities in the proposed residential building without passing on the cost of said amenities to existing residents; access and use of these amenities shall be on the same terms and conditions as any resident of the non-replacement rental dwelling units without the need to pre-book or pay a fee, unless specifically required as customary practices for private bookings;


f. the owner shall make available at least 94 vehicle parking spaces to tenants of the 20 replacement rental dwelling units and 164 retained rental dwelling units; 


g. the owner shall make available at least 78 storage lockers to tenants of the 20 replacement rental dwelling units and 164 retained rental dwelling units; 


h. the owner shall provide tenant relocation and assistance to all eligible tenants of the existing rental dwelling units to be demolished, including the right to return to a replacement rental dwelling unit, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and


i. the owner shall enter into and register on title to the subject site one or more agreement(s) to secure the conditions outlined in Parts 1.a., b., c., d., e., f., g. and h. above to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, including an agreement pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006.


2. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to issue Preliminary Approval for the Rental Housing Demolition permit under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code for the demolition of the 20 existing rental dwelling units at 75 Broadway Avenue after all of the following have occurred:


a. the satisfaction or securing of the conditions in Part 1 above;


b. the site-specific Zoning By-law Amendments have come into full force and effect;


c. the issuance of the Notice of Approval Conditions for site plan approval by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate, pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006;


d. the issuance of excavation and shoring permits for the proposed residential building on the subject site; and


e. the execution and registration of a Section 37 Agreement pursuant to the Planning Act, as a matter legal convenience, to secure Parts 1 a., b., c., d., e., f., g. and h. above and any other requirements of the Zoning-Bylaw Amendment.


3. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue the Rental Housing Demolition permit under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, has given Preliminary Approval referred to in Part 2 above.


4. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take such actions as are necessary to implement City Council's decision, including execution of the Section 111 Agreement.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(May 14, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 14, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 75 Broadway Avenue - Rental Housing Demolition Application - Final Report

TE7.15 - 55-61 Charles Street East - Zoning Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Final Report

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86, for the lands at 55-61 Charles Street East substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 8, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2. City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 55-61 Charles Street East substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning Bylaw Amendment attached as Attachment 2 to the supplementary report (July 8, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


4. City Council instruct the City Solicitor to enter into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act satisfactory to the City Solicitor, together with satisfactory provisions in the amending By-laws, to secure the following, at the owner's expense, in connection with the development at 55-61 Charles Street East, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the City Solicitor, with such agreement to be registered to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor:


a. the following community benefits are recommended to be secured in a Section 37 Agreement:


i. the owner of 218 Carlton Street, shall transfer to the City the property at 218 Carlton Street, renovated and furnished at no cost to the City, for use as affordable rental housing units prior to the earlier of December 31, 2021 or registration of a plan of condominium for 55-61 Charles Street East substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Attachment 10 to the report (June 13, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District and to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, the value for which shall be $6,400,000.00;


ii. prior to February 12, 2020, the owner shall pay to the City the sum of $200,000.00 to be allocated towards the Capital Revolving Reserve Fund for Affordable Housing (XR1058) for pre-development funding at 218 Carlton Street, to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat;


iii. City Council authorize the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, to provide capital funding from the Capital Revolving Reserve Fund for Affordable Housing (XR1058) to a not for profit housing provider, in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 for pre-development funding, at 218 Carlton Street;


iv. City Council approve an increase to the 2019 Approved Operating Budget for Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, in coordination with the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, cost centre FH5795, of $200,000.00 gross, $0 net for affordable housing at 218 Carlton Street, funded from the Capital Revolving Reserve Fund for Affordable Housing (XR1058);


v. prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit, the owner shall pay to the City the sum of $1,470,000.00 to be allocated towards the Capital Revolving Reserve Fund for Affordable Housing (XR1058) for existing and/or new affordable housing that may be owned by Toronto Community Housing within Ward 13, to the satisfaction of the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat;


vi. prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit, the owner shall pay to the City the sum of $1,660,000.00 to be allocated towards local area park or streetscape improvements located within Ward 13 and within the vicinity of the subject lands, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the General Manager, Transportation Services;


vii. prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit, the owner shall pay to the City the sum of $1,670,000.00 to be allocated towards community, cultural, or recreational facilities capital improvements within Ward 13;


viii. the cash contributions  outlined in Parts 4.a. ii., v., vi. and vii. above are to be indexed upwardly in accordance with the Statistics Canada Non-Residential Construction Price Index for the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area, reported quarterly by Statistics Canada in Building Construction Price Indexes Publication No. 327-0058, or its successor, and calculated from the date that the Section 37 Agreement is registered on title; and


ix. in the event the above-noted cash contributions have not been fully used for the intended purpose within three (3) years of the date of the issuance of the first above-grade building permit, the cash contribution may be directed to another purpose, at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the local Councillor, provided that the purpose is identified in the Toronto Official Plan and will benefit the community in the vicinity of the subject lands; and


b. the following matters of convenience are recommended to be secured in a Section 37 Agreement:


i. before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, a restriction on the property at 620 Church Street will be secured through a Limiting Distance Agreement between the owner of 55-61 Charles Street East, the owner of 620 Church Street, and the City of Toronto, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, which will establish a Limiting Distance Area on the property at 620 Church Street where no new building or structure may be constructed within 25 metres of the building at 55-61 Charles Street East, above a height of 24.5 metres;


ii. before introducing the necessary Bills to Council for enactment, the owner is required to submit a revised Functional Servicing Report satisfactory to the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


iii. the owner shall provide and maintain 140 knock-out panels between units on Levels 9-48 to enable the conversion or combination of two or more units into larger units, and include appropriate provision(s) in any condominium documents to enable any such conversions in the future;


iv. the owner shall construct and maintain the development in accordance with Tier 1 performance measures of the Toronto Green Standard, as adopted by City Council at its meeting held on October 26 and 27, 2009 through the adoption of Item PG32.3 of the Planning and Growth Management Committee, and as updated by City Council at its meeting held on December 5, 6 and 7, 2017 through the adoption of Item PG23.9 of the Planning and Growth Committee, and as may be further amended by City Council from time to time; and


v. prior to the issuance of a permit for excavation and shoring work, the owner will submit a Construction Management Plan, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the General Manager, Transportation Services, and the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, and thereafter will implement the plan during the course of construction; the Construction Management Plan will include the size and location of construction staging areas, dates of significant concrete pouring, lighting details, construction vehicle parking and queuing locations, refuse storage, site security, site supervisor contact information, a communication strategy with the surrounding community, and any other matters requested by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Ward Councillor.


5. City Council approve the application for a Rental Housing Demolition permit in accordance with Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code to allow for the demolition of one hundred (100) existing rental dwelling units located at 55 Charles Street East and 61 Charles Street East, subject to the following conditions:


a. the owner shall provide and maintain one-hundred (100) replacement rental dwelling units, comprised of twenty (20) bachelor units, seventy-five (75) one-bedroom units, and five (5) two-bedroom units, on the subject site for a period of at least twenty (20) years, beginning from the date that each replacement rental dwelling unit is first occupied, and as shown on the architectural plans titled 55 Charles Street East, Rental Floor Plans, dated June 6, 2019; any revision to these plans shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


b. the owner shall, as part of the one-hundred (100) replacement rental dwelling units required above, provide at least three (3) one-bedroom replacement rental dwelling units at affordable rents, and twenty (20) bachelor units, seventy-two (72) one-bedroom units, and five (5) two-bedroom units replacement rental dwelling units at mid-range rents, as defined in the City's Official Plan, all for a period of at least ten (10) years, beginning from the date that each replacement dwelling unit is first occupied;


c. the owner shall provide tenants of the replacement rental dwelling units with access to all indoor and outdoor amenities in the proposed rental replacement building at no extra charge; access and use of these amenities shall be on the same terms and conditions as any other building resident without the need to pre-book or pay a fee, unless specifically required as customary practices for private bookings;


d. the owner shall provide at least 35 replacement rental dwelling units with a balcony or terrace;


e. the owner shall provide tenants of the replacement rental dwelling units with access to all bicycle parking and visitor parking on the same terms and conditions as any other resident of the building;


f. the owner shall make common storage areas available to tenants, with a combined area of no less than 51 metres, with the final number of lockers to be determined at Site Plan Approval;


g. the owner shall make available a clothes laundry room to all tenants, containing at least nine (9) washing machines and seven (7) drying machines;


h. the owner shall provide tenant relocation and assistance to all eligible tenants occupying the existing rental dwelling units proposed to be demolished, including the right to return to a replacement rental dwelling unit, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and


i. the owner shall enter into and register on title one or more agreement(s), pursuant to the City of Toronto Act, 2006, to secure the conditions outlined in Parts 5.a. through h. above to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


6. City Council authorize the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to issue the Preliminary Approval for the application under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code for the demolition of the one-hundred (100) existing rental dwelling units at 55 and 61 Charles Street East after all of the following have occurred:


a. the conditions in Part 5 above have been fully satisfied;


b. the Zoning By-law Amendment has come into full force and effect;


c. the issuance of the Notice of Approval Conditions for site plan approval by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or their designate, pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006;


d. the issuance of excavation and shoring permits for the approved structure on the site; and


e. the execution and registration of a Section 37 Agreement pursuant to the Planning Act securing Parts 5. a. through h. above and any other requirements of the Zoning By-law Amendment.


7. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue a Rental Housing Demolition permit under Municipal Code Chapter 667 after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has given Preliminary Approval referred to in Part 6 above.


8. City Council authorize the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building to issue a demolition permit under Section 33 of the Planning Act no earlier than the issuance of the first building permit for excavation and shoring of the development, and after the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has given Preliminary Approval referred to in Part 6 above, which permit may be included in the demolition permit for Chapter 667 under 363-11.1, of the Municipal Code, on condition that:


a. the owner remove all debris and rubble from the site immediately after demolition;


b. the owner erect solid construction hoarding to the satisfaction of the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building;


c. the owner erects a residential building on site no later than four (4) years from the day demolition of the buildings is commenced; and


d. should the owner fail to complete the new building within the time specified in Part 8.c. above, the City Clerk shall be entitled to enter on the collector’s roll, to be collected in a like manner as municipal taxes, the sum of twenty thousand dollars ($20,000.00) for each dwelling unit for which a demolition permit is issued, and that each sum shall, until payment, be a lien or charge upon the land for which the demolition permit is issued.


9. City Council declare surplus the property municipally known as 218 Carlton Street, effective as of the date the City acquires ownership of 218 Carlton Street, with the intended manner of disposal to be by way of a long term lease to a not for profit affordable rental housing provider for the purposes of operating of affordable rental housing for a period of 50 years.


10. City Council authorize all steps necessary to comply with the City’s real estate disposal process, as set out in Chapter 213 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, to be taken.


11. City Council authorize and direct the appropriate City officials to undertake a competitive process for the selection of a not for profit affordable rental housing provider to operate affordable rental housing within the existing building at 218 Carlton Street for a minimum period of at least 50 years, under a long term lease with the City, in consultation with the Ward Councillor.


12. City Council authorize up to 20 affordable rental housing units to be developed on 218 Carlton Street to be exempt from the payment of development charges, building, planning and parkland dedication fees.


13. City Council exempt the up to 20 affordable rental homes to be developed at 218 Carlton Street from taxation for municipal and school purposes for the term of 50 years.


14. City Council authorize City staff to cancel or refund any taxes paid from the by-law exempting the property from taxation.


15. City Council authorize the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, to negotiate and execute, on behalf of the City, a municipal housing facility agreement (the City's Contribution Agreement), and any other agreements necessary with MOD Developments (Charles) Inc., 2690799 Ontario Inc., or such other related corporation, and a municipal housing facility agreement, and any other agreements necessary with the successful non-profit proponent under the competitive process for an operator, all agreements to secure the financial assistance, being provided and to set out the terms of the development and operation of the new affordable rental homes at 218 Carlton Street on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


16. City Council authorize severally each of the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration to execute, on behalf of the City, any security or financing documents required by MOD Developments (Charles) Inc., 2690799 Ontario Inc. or its related corporation, or the successful non-profit proponent under the competitive process for an operator, to secure construction and conventional financing and subsequent refinancing, including any postponement, tripartite agreement, confirmation of status, discharge or consent documents where and when required during the term of the Contribution Agreements, as required by normal business practices, and provided that such documents do not give rise to financial obligations on the part of the City that have not been previously approved by City Council.


17. City Council authorize the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat to provide any consent necessary, pursuant to the Contribution Agreements, to assign the Contribution Agreements and to negotiate and enter into any agreements or other documents required to effect such assignment on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


18. City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the applicant, in consultation with City Planning, Transportation Services, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and any other necessary City officials, to create a working group and to consult with the local community as part of the Site Plan process, including the local residents association and other stakeholders, on the following prior to the issuance of Final Site Plan Approval pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act: a construction and traffic management plan, landscape and public realm plans, building materials and lighting, and other issues as identified by the Ward Councillor.


19. City Council authorize the appropriate City officials to take such actions as are necessary to implement City Council's decision, including execution of the Section 37 Agreement, Section 111 Agreement, and other related agreements. 

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 13, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 13, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-15 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 55-61 Charles Street East - Zoning Amendment Application and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Final Report
Attachment 8 and 9
(June 13, 2019) Revised Attachment 10
(June 5, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 55-61 Charles Street East - Zoning Amendment Application and Rental Housing Demolition Applications - Final Report - Notice of Pending Report

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Supplementary report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on 55-61 Charles Street East - Zoning Amendment and Rental Housing Demolition Applications (TE7.15a)

TE7.16 - 56 Yonge Street, 21 Melinda Street, 18 to 30 Wellington Street West, 187 to 199 Bay Street and 25 King Street West - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 referred Item TE7.16 back to the Toronto and East York Community Council for further consideration.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 5, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 20, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 - 14 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 56 Yonge Street, 21 Melinda Street, 18 to 30 Wellington Street West, 187 to 199 Bay Street and 25 King Street West - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report
(June 5, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 56 Yonge Street, 21 Melinda Street, 18 to 30 Wellington Street West, 187 to 199 Bay Street and 25 King Street West - Zoning Amendment Application - Final - Report - Notice of Pending Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 21, 2019) Letter from Grant Humes, Executive Director, Toronto Financial District BIA (TE.Supp.TE7.16.1)
(June 21, 2019) Letter from Kim M. Kovar, Aird and Berlis LLP (TE.Supp.TE7.16.2)
(June 24, 2019) Letter from Jane Pepino (TE.Supp.7.16.3)
(June 24, 2019) Letter from David Butler (TE.Supp.TE7.16.4)

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) Letter from Kim M. Kovar, Aird & Berlis LLP (CC.New.TE7.16.5)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from N. Jane Pepino, Aird & Berlis LLP (CC.New.TE7.16.6)

TE7.17 - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property, Amendment of a Designating By-Law, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 56 Yonge Street under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in accordance with the Statement of Significance: 56 Yonge Street (Reasons for Designation) attached as Attachment 6 to the report (May 7, 2019) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


2. If there are no objections to the designations in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the Bill in Council designating the property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


3. If there are objections in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the designation to the Conservation Review Board.


4. If the designation is referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of Council's decision on the designation of the property.


5. City Council refer Toronto and East York Community Council Recommendations 5, 6 and 7 back to the Toronto and East York Community Council for further consideration:


5. City Council approve the alterations to the heritage properties at 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street, in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, to allow for the construction of a new commercial office building on the lands known municipally in the year 2019 as 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street (including the entrance addresses of 21 Melinda Street, 187 Bay Street and 18-30 Wellington Street West) with such alterations substantially in accordance with plans and drawings last revised on April 29, 2019, prepared by Adamson Associates Architects, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and the Heritage Impact Assessment, prepared by ERA Architects Inc. dated December 18, 2017 and revised March 13, 2019, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, all subject to and in accordance with a Conservation Plan satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and subject to the following additional conditions:


a. prior to the introduction of the Bills for such Zoning By-law Amendment by City Council, the owner shall:


1. enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for the properties at 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street in accordance with the plans and drawings last revised on April 29, 2019, prepared by Adamson Associates Architects, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects Inc. dated December 18, 2017 and revised March 13, 2019, and in accordance with the Conservation Plan required in Part 5.a.2. below, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, including registration of such agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor;


2. provide a detailed Conservation Plan, prepared by a qualified heritage consultant, that is consistent with the conservation strategy set out in the Heritage Impact Assessment for 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street prepared by ERA Architects Inc. dated December 18, 2017 and revised March 13, 2019, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


3. enter into and register on the property at 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street one or more agreements with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services with such facilities, services and matters to be set forth in the related site specific Zoning By-law Amendment giving rise to the proposed alterations;


b. prior to final Site Plan approval for the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment by City Council, for the property located at 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street:


1. provide final site plan drawings substantially in accordance with the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 5.a.2. above to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. have obtained final approval for the necessary Zoning By-law Amendment required for the subject property, such Amendment to have come into full force and effect;


3. provide a detailed landscape plan for the subject property, satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


4.  provide a Heritage Lighting Plan that describes how the exterior of the heritage properties will be sensitively illuminated to enhance their heritage character to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager Heritage Preservation Services; and


5. submit a Signage Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


c. prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the property at 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street, including a heritage permit or a building permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage building as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the owner shall:


1. have obtained final approval for the necessary Zoning By-law Amendment required for the subject property, such Amendment to have come into full force and effect;


2. provide building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 5.a.2. above including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


3. provide a Letter of Credit, including provision for upwards indexing, in a form and amount and from a bank satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure all work included in the approved Conservation Plan Lighting and Interpretation Plan; and


4. provide full documentation of the Commerce Court South and Commerce Court East buildings, including two (2) printed sets of archival quality 8” x 10” colour photographs with borders in a glossy or semi-gloss finish and one (1) digital set on a CD in tiff format and 600 dpi resolution keyed to a location map, elevations and measured drawings, and copies of all existing interior floor plans and original drawings as may be available, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


d. prior to the release of the Letter of Credit required in Part 5.c.3. above, the owner shall:


1. provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the required conservation work and the required interpretive work has been completed in accordance with the Conservation Plan and Interpretation Plan and that an appropriate standard of conservation has been maintained, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


2. provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


6. City Council authorize the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owner of 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street in a form and content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


7. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary Bill in Council authorizing the entering into a Heritage Easement Agreement for the property at 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West, and 56 Yonge Street.


(May 7, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 7, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-7 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property, Amendment of a Designating By-Law, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street

17a - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property, Amendment of a Designating By-Law, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street

(May 29, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(May 29, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property, Amendment of a Designating By-Law, Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, and Authority to Enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement - 199 Bay Street, 25 King Street West and 56 Yonge Street

TE7.18 - 263 Logan Avenue and 15 Busy Street - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
14 - Toronto - Danforth

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend Zoning By-law 438-86 for the lands at at 263 Logan Avenue and 15 Busy Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto East York District.


2.  City Council amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 263 Logan Avenue and 15 Busy Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6  to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto East York District.  


3.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the Draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


4.  City Council direct that the owner be required, as a condition of approval of the Zoning By-law Amendment Application, to pay for and construct any improvements to the municipal infrastructure in connection with the accepted Functional Servicing Report, to be submitted for review and acceptance by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, should it be determined that improvements to such infrastructure are required to support this development.


5.  City Council direct the applicant to establish a Construction Liaison Committee made up of local residents to the satisfaction of the local Councillor and that the Committee is to meet at least bi-weekly at the beginning of construction.


6. City Council direct the applicant to sweep the construction site daily and nightly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe.


7. City Council direct the applicant to pressure wash the construction site and adjacent sidewalks, laneways and roadways weekly, or more frequently as needed to be cleared of any construction debris and made safe.


8.  City Council direct the applicant to ensure that the existing sidewalks and all pedestrian walkways have proper lighting to ensure safety and visibility at all times of the day and night during construction.


9.  City Council direct the applicant to clearly consult and communicate all construction, parking and road occupancy impacts with local businesses, residents and resident associations in advance of any physical road modifications during construction.


10.  City Council direct the applicant to install appropriate signage and converging mirrors to ensure that pedestrians, cyclists and motorists safety is considered at all times during construction.


11. City Council direct the applicant to post a contact number for the site superintendent on the construction hoarding.


12. City Council direct the applicant to create a publicly accessible website with regular construction updates and post the website address on the subject site – 263 Logan Avenue and 15 Busy Street.


13. City Council direct the applicant to include a minimum of 50 percent of advertisement surface area on the construction hoarding to be allocated to artwork at their sole cost in collaboration with the STEPS Initiative and to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor.

Public Notice Given

Statutory - Planning Act, RSO 1990


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-8 from Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 263 Logan Avenue and 15 Busy Street - Zoning Amendment Application - Final Report
(June 7, 2019) Attachment 6

TE7.19 - Queen-River Secondary Plan - Request for Direction

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council support the proposed changes to the Queen-River Secondary Plan substantially in accordance with the revisions attached as Attachment 3 to the report (June 19, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


2. City Council authorizes the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the proposed changes to the Queen-River Secondary Plan as may be required.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor, together with appropriate staff, to appear before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in support of City Council’s decision on the proposed changes to the Queen-River Secondary Plan.


(June 19, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 19, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-5 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - Queen-River Secondary Plan - Request for Direction Report
(June 5, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - Queen-River Secondary - Request for Direction - Notice of Pending Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Ronwen Guest (TE.Supp.TE7.19.1)

TE7.20 - 230 Oak Street - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications - Request for Direction Report

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council support the revised application to amend the Official Plan, for the lands at 230 Oak Street, substantially in accordance with the draft Official Plan Amendment attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, as amended by Part 8 below.


2. City Council support the revised application to amend City of Toronto Zoning By-law 569-2013 for the lands at 230 Oak Street substantially in accordance with the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


3. City Council support the revised application to amend Zoning By-law 438-86 for the lands at 230 Oak Street, to have the same intent and effect as the draft Zoning By-law Amendment attached as Attachment  6 to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.


4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Official Plan Amendment and draft Zoning By-law Amendments as may be required.


5. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to appear before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in support of City Council's decision on the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendments.


6. City Council direct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold any final Order on the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment until the following conditions are met:


a. the owner submits a fee for the preparation of a Section 37 Agreement to the Customer Service Planning Consultant in Toronto Building, Toronto and East York District, in accordance with City Planning fee schedule in effect at the time of payment;


b. the owner has entered into an Agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, or other legal agreement, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the Section 37 Agreement, or other legal agreement, has been registered on title of the property to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, that secures the following community benefits and other matters to support the development:


i. a cash contribution of $1,200,000.00 for capital improvements to parks and/or streets in Ward 13 in the vicinity of the subject property; the design of the streetscape improvements must comply with the Streetscape Manual or be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


ii. a cash contribution of $1,200,000.00 for capital improvements to new or existing local community, recreation and/or cultural facilities in Ward 13 in the vicinity of the subject property, of which $1,000,000.00 must be provided prior to the Local Planning Appeal Tribuanl issuing a final Order on the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment, to be allocated towards the development of the Dixon Hall Youth Centre to be located in Regent Park at 51 Wyatt Avenue, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, and the remaining $200,000.00 to be payable prior to first above-grade building permit;


iii. either the provision of on-site affordable rental housing units with a construction cost, excluding land value, of $1,330,000.00, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, or a cash contribution of $1,330,000.00 for capital improvements to new or existing Toronto Community Housing facilities, including dwelling units, or other affordable housing facilities;


iv. the owner agrees to design, construct and maintain two new accessible pedestrian bridges to provide new mid-block pedestrian connections between Gerrard Street East and the subject property, which must each have a minimum width of 3.0 metres and be substantially constructed prior to issuance of the first above-grade building permit for the new tall building, all at the sole expense of the owner; the bridge design must be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; the community benefit of the two bridges is valued at $670,000.00, which represents approximately one third of the estimated bridge construction costs (the remaining construction costs will be provided by the owner and are not considered a community benefit under Section 37 of the Planning Act); the owner must demonstrate design excellence for the two pedestrian bridges to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and the bridge design must have regard for the character of Gerrard Street East and surrounding lands, integration with the existing railing on Gerrard Street East, appropriate lighting, and consideration for incorporating public art;


v. the payments required in Parts 6.b.i., ii., iii., and iv. above will be increased by upwards index in accordance with the Non-Residential Building Construction Price Index for the Toronto CMA, reported by Statistics Canada or its successor, calculated from the date the Section 37 Agreement is registered to the date each such payment is made;


vi. in the event the cash contributions required in Parts 6.b.i., ii., iii., and iv. above have not been used for the intended purpose within three (3) years of the date of the issuance of the first above-grade building permit, the cash contribution may be directed to another purpose, at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, provided that the purpose is identified in the Toronto Official Plan and will benefit the community in the vicinity of the subject property;


vii. conveyance to the City of public access easements over two new pedestrian bridges on the subject property that will provide direct access to Gerrard Street East, as well as a public access easement on the subject property between the southerly ends of the pedestrian bridges, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


viii. pursuant to Ontario Regulation 166/06, the owner is required to obtain a Toronto and Region Conservation Authority permit prior to any development and/or site alteration on the subject property;


ix. the owner agrees to provide information to the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority that describes how a Limiting Distance Separation Agreement and a Maintenance Easement will be secured through the appropriate development agreement(s), to the satisfaction of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and prior to approval of a Site Control application, and prior to any development and/or site alteration on the subject property;


x. in conjunction with a Site Plan Control application, the owner agrees to convey to the City, at nominal cost, prior to the issuance of an above-grade building permit for a new building (Building B) on the subject property, a 4.76 metre wide strip of land to the full extent of the site abutting the west limit of Bayview Avenue, such lands to be free and clear of all encumbrances, save and except for utility poles, in accordance with the City's environmental standards, and subject to a right-of-way for access purposes in favour of the grantor until such time as the said lands have been dedicated for public highway purposes;


xi. prior to issuance of the first above-grade building permit, the owner is required to provide the City with payment-in-lieu of parkland contribution based on a parkland dedication of 714 square metres;


xii. the owner must implement the Ravine Stewardship Plan as detailed in Section 8 of the Natural Heritage Impact Study and Ravine Stewardship Plan dated August 2016 prepared by MMM Group;


xiii. the owner shall construct and maintain the development in accordance with the version of the Tier 1 performance measures of the Toronto Green Standard that is in effect at the time a Site Plan Control application has been received by the City and has been deemed complete;


xiv. the owner agrees to implement any recommended wind mitigation measures identified in a Final Pedestrian Level Wind Study, and, if applicable, any such measures identified in a peer review of the Final Pedestrian Level Wind Study, both to be determined through the review of a Site Plan Control application, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


xv. the owner shall provide and secure the indoor and outdoor amenity space, and furnishings and appointments thereof, in and adjacent to the existing rental building (Building A) for the use and enjoyment of the tenants of the existing building (Building A) without pass-through of such costs in the rents to tenants; any proposed changes to the size, location or function of the indoor and amenity spaces as shown in the architectural plans prepared by Sweeny &Co Architects Inc. dated August 15, 2016, shall be to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; the owner agrees to complete the indoor amenity space in the existing building (Building A) and make it available to the existing tenants prior to issuance of the first above-grade building permit for the new building (Building B) or alternative timing to the satisfaction of the Chief Planer and Executive Director, City Planning;


xvi. the owner agrees to provide and maintain within the new residential building (Building B) a dwelling unit mix that includes a minimum of 15 percent three-bedroom dwelling units and a minimum of 25 percent two-bedroom units;


xvii. the owner agrees to secure the rental tenure of 319 existing rental dwelling units to be retained on-site in the existing building (Building A) for a period of at least 20 years beginning from the date that the site-specific Zoning By-law Amendments come into full force and effect;


xviii. prior to the commencement of any excavation and shoring work, the owner will submit a Construction Management and Community Communication Plan to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, and thereafter shall implement the plan during the course of construction; the Construction Management and Community Communication Plan will include, but not be limited to, the size and location of construction staging areas, location and function of gates, information on concrete pouring, lighting details, construction vehicle parking and queuing locations, alternate parking arrangements for existing residents for the duration of any affected parking spaces used by existing residents, refuse storage, site security, site supervisor contact information, a communication strategy with the surrounding community and existing tenants, and any other matters requested by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Ward Councillor;


xix. the owner agrees to pay for and construct any improvements to the municipal infrastructure in connection with the site servicing assessment, should it be determined that upgrades are required to the infrastructure to support this development;


xx. the owner agrees to haul off-site any private water until the end of the construction dewatering phase; in the absence of a short-term discharge approval, the owner shall ensure any private water (including but not limited to groundwater and construction wastewater) collected from the subject property is hauled away using a hauler approved by The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks to ensure that no water is discharged directly or indirectly into the City's sewage works and thereby comply with Municipal Code Chapter 681-Sewers; and


xxi. prior to approval of a Site Plan Control application, the owner agrees to satisfy the following requirements:


A. submit to the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, for review and approval prior to deposit in the Land Registry Office, a draft Reference Plan of Survey in metric units and integrated into the Ontario Coordinate System with coordinate values shown on the face of the plan, and delineating thereon by separate PARTS the lands to be conveyed to the City for road widening purposes, the remainder of the site, and any portions of the access driveway to be subject to vehicular easements and any appurtenant easements;


B. the owner acknowledges the need for separate applications to the General Manager, Transportation Services for permits to carry out any works involving the construction in, or occupancy of the abutting rights-of-way;


C. the owner must make a separate application to the General Manager, Transportation Services for a Bridge Agreement, in respect of the proposed pedestrian bridge connections above the abutting Gerrard Street East right-of-way, designed in compliance with the Pedestrian Bridge Design Principles and Requirements, prepared by LEA Consulting Ltd., dated November 25, 2016; and


D. the owner must obtain all necessary exemptions, in the form of a discharge agreement or permit issued in accordance with Section 6 of Chapter 681 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, to allow the discharge of private water to a City sewer which is otherwise prohibited under Chapter 681 ("Discharge Agreements"), to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Toronto Water, and shall be in good standing under any such Discharge Agreements;


c. the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendments are in a form satisfactory to the City, including securing the replacement rental units, rents, tenant relocation and assistance plan and any other related rental matters for the 6 rental dwelling units to be demolished at 230 Oak Street, and are in conformity with Section of the Official Plan;


d. City Council has approved the Rental Housing Demolition Application 13 277898 STE 28 RH under Chapter 667 of the Toronto Municipal Code, pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, to demolish 6 of the existing rental dwelling units at 230 Oak Street; and


e. the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that the $1,000,000.00 cash contribution has been provided to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in accordance with Part 6.b.ii. above.


7. City Council direct that all payments other than those set out in Part 6.b.ii. above be made prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit.


8. City Council revise the Section 37 provisions included in Schedule A of Attachment 6 to the report (June 10, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District to implement Parts 6.b.ii. and 7 above.


9. City Council authorize the appropriate City Officials to take such actions as are necessary to implement City Council's decision, including entering into any Agreements.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 10, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-9 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 230 Oak Street - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications - Request for Direction Report
(June 5, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 230 Oak Street - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Applications - Notice of Pending Report

TE7.21 - 440, 444, 450 and 462 Front Street West; 425, 439, 441 and 443 Wellington Street West; 6 - 18 Spadina Avenue and 1 and 19 Draper Street - Part Lot Control Exemption Application - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council enact a Part Lot Control Exemption By-law with respect to the lands at 440, 444, 450 and 462 Front Street West; 425, 439, 441 and 443 Wellington Street West; 6‑18 Spadina Avenue and 1 and 19 Draper Street (the Subject Lands), to be prepared to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor and to expire four years following enactment by City Council.


2. Prior to the introduction of the necessary Bill(s) to Council for enactment of a Part Lot Control Exemption By-law, City Council require the owner to provide proof of payment of all current property taxes for the Subject Lands to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.


3. Prior to the introduction of the necessary Bill(s) to Council for enactment of a Part Lot Control Exemption By-law, City Council require the owner to register on title to the Subject Lands, in a form and with priority to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, a Section 118 Restriction under the Land Titles Act, agreeing not to transfer or charge any part of the Subject Lands without the prior written consent of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate.


4. Prior to the introduction of the necessary Bill(s) to Council for enactment of a Part Lot Control Exemption By-law, City Council require the owner to register against title to the Subject Lands the Draft Plan of Subdivision for the Subject Lands (Application 18 135637 STE 20 SB) as a final approved plan of subdivision, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate.


5. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to take the necessary steps to release the Section 118 restriction from title to portions of the Subject Lands that become subject to a registered plan of condominium.


6. City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to register the Part Lot Control Exemption By-law on title to the Subject Lands.


7. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to make such stylistic and technical changes to the draft Part Lot Control Exemption By-law as may be required.


(June 10, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 10, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-3 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 440, 444, 450 and 462 Front Street West; 425, 439, 441 and 443 Wellington Street West; 6 - 18 Spadina Avenue and 1 and 19 Draper Street - Part Lot Control Exemption Application - Final Report
(June 10, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 440, 444, 450 and 462 Front Street West, 425, 439, 441 and 443 Wellington Street, 6 - 18 Spadina Avenue, and 1 and 19 Draper Street - Part Lot Control Application - Notice of Pending Report

TE7.22 - 65-83 Raglan Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Refusal Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council refuse the application for the Zoning By-law Amendment at 65-83 Raglan Avenue for the reasons set out in the report (June 7, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor, together with appropriate staff, to appear before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in support of City Council's decision to refuse the application, in the event the application is appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and other appropriate staff to take any necessary steps to implement City Council's decision.


4. City Council request the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its order in the event that the project is approved in some form, until the following have been secured:


a. the final form of the Zoning By-law Amendments are to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


b. the owner has revised the Site Servicing and Stage 2 Stormwater Management Report to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


c. community benefits and other matters in support of the development are secured in a Section 37 Agreement executed by the owner and registered on title to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor; and


d. all comments from Engineering and Construction Services contained in their May 29, 2019 memorandum are addressed to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-10 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - 65-83 Raglan Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Refusal Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 12, 2019) E-mail from Lyba Spring (TE.Supp.TE7.22.1)
(June 12, 2019) E-mail from Edward Thomas (TE.Supp.TE7.22.2)
(June 13, 2019) E-mail from Robert Kelly (TE.Supp.TE7.22.3)
(June 14, 2019) E-mail from Jake Ku (TE.Supp.TE7.22.4)
(June 14, 2019) E-mail from Noemi Salamon (TE.Supp.TE7.22.5)
(June 17, 2019) Letter from Mary-Jill Blackman (TE.Supp.TE7.22.6)
(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Colleen Clancy (TE.Supp.TE7.22.7)
(June 21, 2019) E-mail from Peter Finestone (TE.Supp.TE7.22.8)
(June 20, 2019) E-mail from Elena Filipp (TE.Supp.TE7.22.9)
(June 23, 2019) E-mail from Elaine Hsu (TE.Supp.TE7.22.10)
(June 24, 2019) Letter from 100 Vaughan Road Tenants' Association (TE.Supp.TE7.22.11)
(June 25, 2019) E-mail from Robert Cain (TE.Supp.TE7.22.12)

TE7.23 - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property - 2896 Dundas Street West

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
4 - Parkdale - High Park

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the alterations to the heritage building at 2896 Dundas Street West, in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, to allow for the construction of a new entrance to the existing building on lands known municipally as 2896 Dundas Street West, with such alterations substantially in accordance with the plans and drawings prepared by Culmone and Associates Ltd., dated February 20 and April 26, 2019, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, and the letter prepared by Chris Hall of The Ventin Group Ltd. dated April 26, 2019 and subject to the following additional conditions:


a. prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the property at 2896 Dundas Street West, including a heritage permit or a building permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage building as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the owner shall:


1. provide full building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved plans and drawings prepared by Culmone and Associates Ltd., dated February 20 and April 26, 2019, and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, and the letter prepared by Chris Hall of The Ventin Group Ltd dated April 26, 2019  including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


(May 7, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 7, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-4 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property - 2896 Dundas Street West

23a - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property - 2896 Dundas Street West

(May 29, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(May 29, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property - 2896 Dundas Street West

TE7.24 - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue and Authority to Enter into Heritage Easement Agreement at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
4 - Parkdale - High Park

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the alterations to the designated heritage property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue, in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, for the construction of a new 5 storey mixed-use office with at-grade retail uses at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue in conjunction with an appeal to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and in accordance with the  plans and drawings prepared by Superkul Architects, submitted with the Heritage Impact Assessment prepared by ERA Architects, Inc., dated May 7, 2019 (the "Revised Plans"), all on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, all subject to and in accordance with a Conservation Plan satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and subject to the following conditions:


a. prior to issuance of a Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Order in connection with the Zoning By-law Amendment appeal for the property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue, the owner shall:


1. enter into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for the property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue substantially in accordance with the Revised Plans subject to and in accordance with the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 1.a.2. below, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, including execution of such agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor; and


2. provide a detailed Conservation Plan prepared by a qualified heritage consultant that is substantially in accordance with the conservation strategy set out in the Heritage Impact Assessment for 421 Roncesvalles Avenue, prepared by ERA Architects dated May 7, 2019, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


b. prior to Final Site Plan approval in connection with the property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue, the owner shall:


1. provide final site plan drawings including drawings related to the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 1.a.2. above to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. provide an Interpretation Plan for the subject property to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


3. provide a Heritage Lighting Plan that describes how the heritage property will be sensitively illuminated to enhance its heritage character to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, and thereafter shall implement such Plan to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


4. submit a Signage Plan for the proposed development to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


c. prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue, including a heritage permit or a building permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage building as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the owner shall:


1. obtain final approval for the necessary Zoning By-law amendments required for the alterations to the property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue, as described in the report (May 29, 2019) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, such Amendments to have come into full force and effect;


2. provide building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 1.a.2. above, including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


3. provide a Letter of Credit, including provision for upwards indexing in a form and amount and from a bank satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services to secure all work included in the approved Conservation Plan, Heritage Lighting Plan, Landscape Plan, and Interpretation Plan; and


4. provide full documentation of the existing heritage property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue, including two (2) printed sets of archival quality 8” x 10” colour photographs with borders in a glossy or semi-gloss finish and one (1) digital set on a CD in tiff format and 600 dpi resolution keyed to a location map, elevations and measured drawings, and copies of all existing interior floor plans and original drawings as may be available, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


d. prior to the release of the Letter of Credit required in Part 1.c.3. above, the owner shall:


1.  provide a letter of substantial completion prepared and signed by a qualified heritage consultant confirming that the required conservation work, required heritage lighting work, and the required interpretive work has been completed in accordance with the Conservation Plan, Lighting Plan, and Interpretation Plan and that an appropriate standard of conservation has been maintained, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


2. provide replacement Heritage Easement Agreement photographs to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


e. the owner has provided written confirmation to the City Solicitor and the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal that it has withdrawn its demolition permit application currently appealed to the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal for the heritage property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue, in accordance with Section 34 of the Ontario Heritage Act. 


2. City Council authorize the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement under Section 37 of the Ontario Heritage Act with the owner of 421 Roncesvalles Avenue for the property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue in a form and with content satisfactory to the City Solicitor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


3. City Council authorizes the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary Bill in Council authorizing the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement for the property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue.


4.  City Council direct that should the Revised Plans be amended to reflect a lower height than proposed, without any changes to the Revised Plans, the intent of the approval of this alteration application under Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act will be maintained.


(May 29, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 29, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 - 3 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue and Authority to Enter into Heritage Easement Agreement at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue

24a - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue and Authority to Enter into Heritage Easement Agreement at 421 Roncesvalles Avenue

(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board

TE7.25 - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register 40-44 and 71-75 Mitchell Avenue and 735-737 and 753-755 Richmond Street West, and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 40-44 Mitchell Avenue

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council include the properties at 71-75 Mitchell Avenue on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register, in accordance with the Statement of Significance: 71-75 Mitchell Avenue (Reasons for Inclusion) attached as Attachment 3 to the report (June 12, 2019), from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


2. City Council include the properties at 735-737 Richmond Street West on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register, in accordance with the Statement of Significance: 735-737 Richmond Street West (Reasons for Inclusion) attached as Attachment 4 to the report (June 12, 2019), from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


3. City Council include the properties at 753-755 Richmond Street West on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register, in accordance with the Statement of Significance: 753-755 Richmond Street West (Reasons for Inclusion) attached as Attachment 5 to the report (June 12, 2019), from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


4. City Council include the properties at 40-44 Mitchell Avenue on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register and state its intention to designate the properties under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act in accordance with the Statement of Significance: 40-44 Mitchell Avenue (Reasons for Designation) attached as Attachment 6 to the report (June 12, 2019) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


5. If there are no objections to the designation of the properties at 40-44 Mitchell Avenue, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the Bill in Council designating the property under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act.


6. If there are objections in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the designation to the Conservation Review Board.


7. If the designation is referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of City Council's decision on the designation of the property.


(June 12, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 12, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-7 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register - 40-44 and 71-75 Mitchell Avenue and 735-737 and 753-755 Richmond Street West, and Intention to Designate Under Part IV, Section 29, Ontario Heritage Act - 40-44 Mitchell Avenue
(June 6, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register 40-44 and 71-75 Mitchell Avenue and 735-737 and 753-755 Richmond Street West, and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 40-44 Mitchell Avenue - Notice of Pending Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Andrea Chambers (TE.Supp.TE7.25.1)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Andrea Chambers and Chris Chambers (TE.Supp.TE7.25.2)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Dolores Borkowski (TE.Supp.TE7.25.3)
(June 24, 2019) Letter from Kenneth Chestney (TE.Supp.TE7.25.4)

25a - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register 40-44 and 71-75 Mitchell Avenue and 735-737 and 753-755 Richmond Street West, and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 40-44 Mitchell Avenue

(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board

TE7.26 - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Amend a Heritage Easement Agreement - 2 Strachan Avenue - Automotive Building

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the alterations to the designated heritage property at 2 Strachan Avenue (Automotive Building) in accordance with Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act, with such alterations substantially in accordance with plans and drawings dated May 24, 2019, prepared by NORR Architects and Engineers Limited, on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and the Heritage Impact Assessment, prepared by ERA Architects dated February 28, 2019 and Heritage Impact Assessment addendum dated May 24, 2019, on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, all subject to and in accordance with a Conservation Plan satisfactory to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services and subject to the following  conditions:


a. prior to final Site Plan Approval for the property located at 2 Strachan Avenue (Automotive Building) the owner shall:


1. provide a detailed Conservation Plan prepared by a qualified heritage consultant that is substantially in accordance with the conservation strategy set out in the Heritage Impact Assessment for 2 Strachan Avenue (Automotive Building), prepared by ERA Architects dated February 28, 2019, and HIA addendum dated May 24, 2019, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


2. provide final site plan drawings substantially in accordance with the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 1.a.1. above to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


3. register an amending Heritage Easement Agreement to update Schedule B photographs on the existing Heritage Easement Agreement registered on title for 2 Strachan Avenue (Automotive Building), Instrument No. AT2012487, dated September 12, 2008; and


b. prior to the issuance of any permit for all or any part of the property at 2 Strachan Avenue (Automotive Building), including a heritage permit or a building permit, but excluding permits for repairs and maintenance and usual and minor works for the existing heritage building as are acceptable to the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, the owner shall:


1. amend the existing Heritage Easement Agreement for the property at 2 Strachan Avenue (Automotive Building) in accordance with the plans and drawings dated May 24, 2019, prepared by NORR Architects and Engineers Limited and on file with the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, and subject to and in accordance with the Conservation Plan required in Part 1.a.1. above, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services including registration of such amending agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, as required in Part 1.a.3. above;


2. provide building permit drawings, including notes and specifications for the conservation and protective measures keyed to the approved Conservation Plan required in Part 1.a.1. above, including a description of materials and finishes, to be prepared by the project architect and a qualified heritage consultant to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


3. provide a detailed Conservation Plan, prepared by a qualified heritage consultant, that is consistent with the conservation strategy set out in the Heritage Impact Assessment for the Automotive Building at 2 Strachan Avenue prepared by ERA Architects, dated February 28, 2019 with Heritage Impact Assessment addendum dated May 24, 2019, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to amend the Heritage Easement Agreement registered on title to the Automotive Building property at 2 Strachan Avenue (Automotive Building), Instrument No. AT2012487, dated September 12, 2008.


3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce any necessary Bill in Council to amend the Heritage Easement Agreement.


(May 29, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 29, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 - 7 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Amend a Heritage Easement Agreement - 2 Strachan Avenue - Automotive Building

26a - Alterations to a Designated Heritage Property and Authority to Amend a Heritage Easement Agreement - 2 Strachan Avenue - Automotive Building

(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board

TE7.29 - Inclusion on the Heritage Register and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 28 Bracken Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
19 - Beaches - East York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council include the property at 28 Bracken Avenue on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register.


2. City Council state its intention to designate the property at 28 Bracken Avenue under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act, in accordance with the Statement of Significance: 28 Bracken Avenue (Reasons for Designation) attached as Attachment 3 to the report (May 22, 2019) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


3. If there are no objections to the designation in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to introduce the necessary Bill in Council.


4. If there are objections in accordance with the Ontario Heritage Act, City Council direct the City Clerk to refer the proposed designation to the Conservation Review Board.


5. If the designation is referred to the Conservation Review Board, City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to attend any hearing held by the Conservation Review Board in support of City Council's decision to designate the property.


(May 22, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Urban Design/Heritage, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 22, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-4 from the Senior Manager, Urban Design/Heritage, City Planning - Inclusion on the Heritage Register and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 28 Bracken Avenue

Communications (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Millie Rowan and John Huggins (TE.Supp.TE7.29.1)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Barbara and Jim Myrvold (TE.Supp.TE7.29.2)

29a - Inclusion on the Heritage Register and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 28 Bracken Avenue

(May 29, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(May 29, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board - Inclusion on the Heritage Register and Intention to Designate under Part IV, Section 29 of the Ontario Heritage Act - 28 Bracken Avenue

TE7.30 - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register - 2078 and 2086 Danforth Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
19 - Beaches - East York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council include the properties at 2078 and 2086 Danforth Avenue on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register in accordance with the Statement of Significance (Reasons for Inclusion), attached as Attachment 3 to the report (June 4, 2019) from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services.


(June 4, 2019) Report from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 4, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 - 4 from the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, Urban Design, City Planning - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register - 2078 and 2086 Danforth Avenue

30a - Inclusion on the City of Toronto's Heritage Register - 2078 and 2086 Danforth Avenue

(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board
Background Information (Community Council)
(June 20, 2019) Letter from the Toronto Preservation Board

TE7.59 - Danforth Avenue Planning Study - Coxwell Avenue to Victoria Park Avenue - Urban Design Guidelines - Final Report

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
19 - Beaches - East York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council adopt the Urban Design Guidelines attached as Attachment 1 to the report (June 7, 2019) from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District and City Council direct City Planning and other appropriate City staff to use them as a tool in the review of development applications and other initiatives on Danforth Avenue (between Coxwell Avenue and Victoria Park Avenue).


(June 7, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 7, 2019) Report and Attachment from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - Danforth Avenue Planning Study - Coxwell Avenue to Victoria Park Avenue - Urban Design Guidelines - Final Report
Attachment 1 - Part 1 of 5
Attachment 1 - Part 2 of 5
Attachment 1 - Part 3 of 5
Attachment 1 - Part 4 of 5
Attachment 1 - Part 5 of 5

Communications (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) Letter from David Bronskill (TE.Supp.TE7.59.1)
(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Nancy Gaughan (TE.Supp.TE7.59.2)

TE7.60 - St. Clair Avenue West and Bathurst Street Area Planning Framework

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council adopt the St. Clair Avenue West and Bathurst Street area Planning Framework and City Council direct City staff to apply the Planning Framework during the review of current and future development applications.


(June 18, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 18, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-8 from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - St. Clair Avenue West and Bathurst Street Area Planning Framework
Attachment 9
(June 10, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District - St. Clair Avenue West and Bathurst Street Area Planning Framework - Notice of Pending Report

Communications (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) E-mail from Janet Patterson (TE.Supp.TE7.60.1)
(June 24, 2019) Letter from 100 Vaughan Road Tenants's Association (TE.Supp.TE7.60.2)

Communications (City Council)

(July 11, 2019) Letter from David Bronskill, Goodmans LLP (CC.Supp.TE7.60.3)
(July 12, 2019) Letter from Stephen J. Miller, Raglan Building Group (CC.Supp.TE7.60.4)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from Jonathan Rodger, Zelinka Priamo Ltd. (CC.Supp.TE7.60.5)
(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Rabbi Nechemia Deitsch, and on behalf of the Chabad of Midtown Community (CC.New.TE7.60.6)
(July 12, 2019) Letter from Jerrold Wiseblott, 1516665 Ontario Limited (CC.New.TE7.60.7)
(July 16, 2019) Letter from Shane Grosman and Jonathan West (CC.New.TE7.60.8)

TE7.61 - Construction Staging Area - 57 Spadina Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council approve the closure portion of the east sidewalk and a 3.5 metre wide portion of the northbound curb lane on Spadina Avenue, between a point 12 metres north of Clarence Square (north intersection) and a point 62 metres further north; a temporary 1.7 metre pedestrian walkway will be provided within the closed portion of the northbound curb lane, from July 17, 2019 to August 31, 2021.


2.  City Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect at all times on the east side of Spadina Avenue, from Clarence Square (north intersection) to a point 50 metres north.


3.  City Council rescind the existing Stopping prohibition in effect from 7:30 a.m. to

9:30 am. and 3:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m., Monday to Friday, except public holidays, on the east side of Spadina Avenue, between Clarence Square (north intersection) and King Street West.


4.  City Council rescind the existing  standing prohibition in effect from  6:30 p.m. to 12:00  midnight, Monday to Friday except public holidays and from 12:00 noon to

6:00 p.m. Saturday and Sunday and public holidays, on the east side of Spadina Avenue, between Clarence Square (north intersection) and King Street West.


5.  City Council prohibit stopping at all times on the east side Spadina Avenue, between Clarence Square (north intersection) and King Street West.


6.  City Council direct the applicant to post a 24-hour monitored construction hotline number on the hoarding board, which must be prominently placed and legible from 20 metres and on all elevations from the construction site.


7.  City Council direct the applicant to provide and install public art, including mural artwork, onto every elevation of the hoarding board with adequate spotlighting for night-time illumination, at their sole cost, to the satisfaction of the Ward Councillor.


8.  City Council direct that Spadina Avenue be returned to its pre-construction traffic and parking regulations when the project is complete.


(June 6, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 6, 2019) Report and 1 Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Construction Staging Area - 57 Spadina Avenue

TE7.66 - Temporary Adjustments to Traffic and Parking Regulations for 2019 Canadian National Exhibition - Non-Delegated

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
4 - Parkdale - High Park

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the temporary traffic and parking regulations on streets in the vicinity of Exhibition Place that are impacted during the Canadian National Exhibition, identified in Appendix A attached to the report (June 6, 2019) from the Acting Director, Transportation Services, Toronto and East York District.


(June 6, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 6, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-2 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Temporary Adjustments to Traffic and Parking Regulations for 2019 Canadian National Exhibition - Non-Delegated

TE7.73 - Payment-In-Lieu of Parking - 211-213 Ossington Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council exempt the applicant at 211-213 Ossington Avenue from the Zoning By-law 569-2013 requirement of four retail parking spaces and the former City of Toronto Zoning By-law 438-86 parking requirement of six parking spaces, subject to a $10,000.00 payment-in-lieu of parking, providing the applicant signs a Payment-In-Lieu of Parking Agreement with the City, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.


(June 3, 2019) Report from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 3, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Director, Transportation Planning and Capital Program, Transportation Services - Payment-In-Lieu of Parking - 211-213 Ossington Avenue

TE7.75 - Traffic Amendment - Oriole Parkway at Chaplin Crescent

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council exempt buses from the easterly northbound right-turn only lane designation on Oriole Parkway, between Chaplin Crescent and a point 30.5 metres south.


(June 3, 2019) Report from Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 3, 2019) Report and Attachment from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Traffic Amendment - Oriole Parkway at Chaplin Crescent

TE7.76 - Realignment of Permit Parking Area 3J to Exclude the Development Located at 1200 Dundas Street West

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
9 - Davenport

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Schedule B of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 925, Permit Parking, to incorporate a revised map of permit parking area "3J", as attached in Appendix A to the report (May 30, 2019) from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking, Transportation Services.


(May 30, 2019) Report from Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 30, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking, Transportation Services - Realignment of Permit Parking Area 3J to Exclude the Development Located at 1200 Dundas Street West

TE7.77 - Realignment of Permit Parking Area 5C to Exclude the Development Located at 861 St. Clair Avenue West

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
9 - Davenport

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend Schedule B of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, Chapter 925, Permit Parking, to incorporate a revised map of permit parking area "5C", as attached in Appendix A to the report (May 30, 2019) from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking, Transportation Services.


(May 30, 2019) Report from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 30, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Manager, Permits and Enforcement, Parking, Transportation Services - Realignment of Permit Parking Area 5C to Exclude the Development Located at 861 St. Clair Avenue West

TE7.88 - Parking Amendments - Danforth Avenue, between Woodbine Avenue and Moberly Avenue

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
19 - Beaches - East York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council rescind the existing parking prohibition at all times on the north side of Danforth Avenue, between Woodbine Avenue and a point 61 metres west.


2. City Council rescind the existing maximum one-hour parking in effect from 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., on the north side of Danforth Avenue, between a point 52 metres east of Woodington Avenue and a point 61 metres west of Woodbine Avenue.   


3. City Council prohibit stopping at all times on the north side of Danforth Avenue, between Woodbine Avenue and a point 30.5 metres west.


4. City Council prohibit standing at all times on the north side of Danforth Avenue, between a point 30.5 metres west of Woodbine Avenue and a point 25 metres further west.


(June 4, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 4, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-3 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Parking Amendments - Danforth Avenue, between Woodbine Avenue and Moberly Avenue

TE7.89 - Parking Amendments - Kingston Road

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
19 - Beaches - East York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council rescind the existing stopping prohibition in effect from 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Monday to Friday, except public holidays, on the west and north side of Kingston Road, between a point 126 metres west of Main Street and a point 18 metres further west.


2. City Council rescind the existing parking prohibition in effect from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, except public holidays on the west and north side of Kingston Road, between a point 126 metres west of Main Street and a point 18 metres further west.


3. City Council prohibit stopping at all times on the north side of Kingston Road, between a point 126 metres west of Main Street and a point 18 metres further west.


(June 6, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 6, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Parking Amendments - Kingston Road

TE7.91 - Traffic Control Signals - Yonge Street and Price Street/Marlborough Avenue

Decision Type:
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the installation of traffic control signals on Yonge Street and Price Street/Marlborough Avenue.


(May 30, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(May 30, 2019) Report and Attachment 1 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Traffic Control Signals - Yonge Street and Price Street/Marlborough Avenue

Communications (Community Council)

(June 18, 2019) Letter from Robert Lantos (TE.Supp.TE7.91.1)

TE7.93 - Right-Turn-on-Red Prohibition - Queen Street West and Peter Street

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council prohibit right-turns on a red signal at all times for northbound traffic on Peter Street at Queen Street West.


(June 5, 2019) Report from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 5, 2019) Report and Attachments 1-2 from the Acting Director, Traffic Management, Transportation Services - Right-Turn-on-Red Prohibition - Queen Street West and Peter Street

TE7.122 - Endorsement of Toronto International Film Festival Events for Liquor Licensing Purposes

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council endorse the request for 4:00 a.m. extensions to licensed hours for indoor spaces only, for those businesses listed in Revised Attachment 1 to the letter (June 10, 2019) from Councillor Cressy, and advise the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario that it has no objection, with Revised Attachment 1 amended by deleting the following establishment:


- Casa Loma.


2. City Council request the City Clerk to notify the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario and the event coordinator for the Toronto International Film Festival, that temporary patio extensions are not endorsed through this decision and that each establishment must apply individually through the City's temporary liquor licence application process. 


(June 10, 2019) Report from Councillor Joe Cressy, Ward 10 Spadina-Fort York

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 10, 2019) Letter from Councillor Joe Cressy, Ward 10 Spadina-Fort York - Endorsement of Toronto International Film Festival Events for Liquor Licensing Purposes
(June 10, 2019) Revised Attachment 1
(June 10, 2019) Attachment 1

TE7.123 - Closure of a Portion of Westbound Fleet Street, Between Bathurst Street and Iannuzzi Street to Improve Road Safety and Public Realm

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the permanent closure to vehicular traffic the northerly westbound lane on Fleet Street, between Bathurst Street and Iannuzzi Street, as shown in Attachment 1, Layout Plan, to the report (June 17, 2019) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.


2. City Council authorize the amendments to traffic regulations set out in Attachment 2 to the report (June 17, 2019) from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services.


3. City Council authorize and direct the appropriate City Officials to take the necessary action to give effect to City Council's decision, including the introduction of any Bills that may be required.

Public Notice Given


(June 17, 2019) Report from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 17, 2019) Report and Attachments 1 - 2 from the Director, Project Design and Management, Transportation Services - Closure of a portion of westbound Fleet Street, between Bathurst Street and Iannuzzi Street to Improve Road Safety and Public Realm

Communications (Community Council)

(June 14, 2019) Letter from Tim Kocur (TE.Supp.TE7.123.1)

TE7.124 - Appointment of Public Members to the Moss Park Arena Board

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


2. City Council waive the two-term limit provision of the Public Appointments Policy and appoint the following candidate to the Moss Park Arena Board, at pleasure of Council, for a term of office ending June 26, 2023 and until a successor is appointed:


· Jo Gladding

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointee's biography:


Jo Gladding


My background is as an Administrator, Project Coordinator and Program Director. All required a high level of responsibility including financial management and supervisory skills. Currently I am a member of Toronto Island Canoe Club Executive and was a member of the Algonquin Island Association on Toronto Island for 13 years, holding various positions including Treasurer and the role of President for 6 years.  Convener of the Women's Hockey Club of Toronto for 19 years.


(June 17, 2019) Report from the City Clerk

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 17, 2019) Report from the City Clerk - Appointment of Public Members to the Moss Park Arena Board
(June 17, 2019) Attachment 1

TE7.125 - Parking Amendments on Vaughan Road

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council rescind a portion of the existing school bus loading zone in effect from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., daily, on the northeast side of Vaughan Road between a point 15 metres southeast of Alameda Avenue and a point 14 metres further southeast.


(June 25, 2019) Letter from Councillor Josh Matlow, Ward 12 St. Paul's

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 25, 2019) Letter from Councillor Josh Matlow, Ward 12 St. Paul's - Parking Amendments on Vaughan Road

TE7.126 - Extending the Road Alteration and Parking Amendment Pilot Project - Avenue Road

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:

1. City Council amend the previously approved lane configuration on Avenue Road, between Lynwood Avenue and Balmoral Avenue, adopted by City Council on July 4, 5, 6 and 7, 2017 under Item TE25.88 headed "Road Alteration and Parking Amendment Pilot Project – Avenue Road", generally as shown in the attached Drawing 421G-3393, dated April 2019.


2. City Council authorize the continuation of the Road Alteration and Parking Amendment Pilot Project on Avenue Road, between Lynwood Avenue and Balmoral Avenue, adopted under Item TE25.88 on July 4, 5, 6 and 7, 2017 for an additional period of one year; the commencement of the new one-year trial period will begin upon the installation of the new lane configuration set out in Part 1 above under Drawing 421G-3393.


(June 25, 2019) Letter from Councillor Josh Matlow, Ward 12 St. Paul's

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 25, 2019) Letter and Attachment 1 from Councillor Josh Matlow, Ward 12 St. Paul's - Extending the Road Alteration and Parking Amendment Pilot Project -Avenue Road

TE7.129 - Leslie Street and Lake Shore Boulevard - Intersection Safety

Decision Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council prohibit southbound right-turn-on-red movements on Leslie Street at Lake Shore Boulevard East.


(June 24, 2019) Letter from Councillor Paula Fletcher, Ward 14 Toronto-Danforth

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 24, 2019) Letter from Councillor Fletcher, Ward 14 Toronto - Danforth - Leslie Street and Lake Shore Boulevard - Intersection Safety

TE7.137 - Naming of a Public Laneway, South of Elm, between Bay and Yonge

Decision Type:
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council express its support for the naming the existing public lane located west of Yonge Street, extending southerly from Elm Street the "Harry Barberian Lane". 


(June 25, 2019) Letter from Councillor Mike Layton, Ward 11 University-Rosedale

Background Information (Community Council)

(June 25, 2019) Letter from Councillor Mike Layton, Ward 11 University-Rosedale - Naming of a Public Laneway, South of Elm, between Bay and Yonge

Background Information (City Council)

(July 9, 2019) Supplementary report from the Director, Engineering Support Services, Engineering and Construction Services on Naming of an Existing Public Lane located west of Yonge Street, extending southerly from Elm Street (TE7.137a)

New Business - Meeting 9

CC9.1 - Report Regarding the Conduct of Former Councillor Justin J. Di Ciano

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council receive the report (July 9, 2019) from the Integrity Commissioner for information.


(July 9, 2019) Report from the Integrity Commissioner

Background Information (City Council)

(July 9, 2019) Cover report from the Integrity Commissioner on the Conduct of Former Councillor Justin J. Di Ciano (CC9.1)
(July 9, 2019) Integrity Commissioner Report Regarding the Conduct of Former Councillor Justin J. Di Ciano

CC9.2 - Ombudsman Toronto Enquiry Report: Review of the Toronto Transit Commission's Investigation of a February 18, 2018 Incident Involving Transit Fare Inspectors

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the Ombudsman Toronto Report and request the Toronto Transit Commission to implement all of the recommendations in the Enquiry Report (July 9, 2019) from the Ombudsman.


Ombudsman Recommendations:


Ensure that Unit Complaints Coordinator Investigations are Independent and Impartial

1.  The TTC should develop a plan to structurally strengthen the independence of its internal investigations of the Transit Enforcement Unit. This plan should include moving the Unit Complaints Coordinator away from the unit's physical location and reducing or eliminating personal and professional ties between the Unit Complaints Coordinator and support staff on one hand and the unit on the other.

2.  The TTC should strengthen its documentation of the Unit Complaints Coordinator's terms of reference and their role and mandate. It should include what kind of information, if any, the Unit Complaints Coordinator will exchange with TTC management and/or the TTC legal department and for what purpose(s).

3.  The TTC should also consider creating a protocol for retaining external investigators in appropriate cases, for example where there is intense public interest or where senior staff members are involved in the incident(s) under investigation.

Clarify the Standard of Proof


4.  All relevant TTC policies and training should clearly state that the standard of proof that applies in investigations of complaints about Transit Fare Inspectors is proof on a balance of probabilities.

Use Expert Opinions Appropriately


5.  The TTC should document in its investigation policies and procedures that: 


a.  As a best practice, when the TTC engages an expert to provide an opinion in an investigation, it should select someone without ties to the TTC.


b.  The TTC should also require any expert witness to provide written confirmation that they understand they are being asked for a fair, objective and non-partisan opinion.


c.  The TTC should provide all relevant evidence to the expert witness for their review and should have the witness prepare the opinion without assistance from investigators. The opinion itself should reflect that these steps were taken.


Investigator Training


6. The TTC should develop a plan to provide additional training to its internal investigators, in particular with respect to:


a.  identifying the issues and the facts in dispute


b.  procedural fairness


c.  preventing unconscious confirmation bias


d.  investigating unconscious bias/racial profiling


e.  making and explaining factual findings by considering and weighing all relevant evidence


f.  the standard of proof


g.  effectively communicating the results of an investigation in a report


2. City Council forward the Toronto Action Plan to Confront Anti-Black Racism to the Toronto Transit Commission Board for adoption.

3. City Council request the Toronto Transit Commission Board to direct the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission and appropriate Toronto Transit Commission staff to work with the Confronting Anti-Black Racism Unit; specifically, to work with the Confronting Anti-Black Racism Unit to address anti-black racism through ongoing learning and development initiatives for all staff, and to review transit enforcement policies and practices using the City of Toronto's Anti-Black Racism Analysis Tool.


4. City Council request the Toronto Transit Commission Board to direct the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission to report back to the Executive Committee during the first quarter of 2020 on the status of the Toronto Transit Commission's adoption of the Toronto Action Plan to Confront Anti-Black Racism and an update of the progress of their work with the Confronting Anti-Black Racism Unit.

5. City Council request the Toronto Transit Commission Board to direct the Chief Executive Officer, Toronto Transit Commission to report to the Executive Committee during the first quarter of 2020 on the steps taken to address the recommendations outlined in the report (July 9, 2019) from the Ombudsman.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

The Ombudsman gave a presentation to City Council on the Review of the Toronto Transit Commission's Investigation of a February 18, 2018 Incident Involving Transit Fare Inspectors.


(July 9, 2019) Report from the Ombudsman

Background Information (City Council)

(July 9, 2019) Cover report from the Ombudsman on Review of the Toronto Transit Commission's Investigation of a February 18, 2018 Incident Involving Transit Fare Inspectors (CC9.2)
(July 9, 2019) Ombudsman Toronto Enquiry Report: Review of the Toronto Transit Commission's Investigation of a February 18, 2018 Incident Involving Transit Fare Inspectors
Presentation from the Ombudsman on Enquiry Report: Review of the TTC's Investigation of a February 18, 2018 Incident Involving Transit Fare Inspectors

CC9.3 - Appointment of Public Members to the Administrative Penalty Tribunal

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:  


1. City Council appoint the following candidates to the Administrative Penalty Tribunal, who will serve as public members for a term of office ending on June 20, 2023, and until successors are appointed:


Natasha Bronfman

Ben Drory

Suzanne Graves

Jenny Gumbs

Larry Swartz

Helen Walsh


2. City Council direct that Confidential Attachments 1, 2 and 3 to the report (May 27, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential in their entirety as they relate to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Administrative Penalty Tribunal.


Confidential Attachments 1, 2 and 3 to the report (May 27, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential in their entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they relate to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Administrative Penalty Tribunal.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointees' biographies:


Natasha Bronfman


Natasha Bronfman is an experienced adjudicator with Ontario’s Consent and Capacity Board and holds a Certificate in Adjudication for Administrative Agencies, Boards and Tribunals and a Certificate in Mental Health Law from Osgoode Hall Law School. She is Secretary to the Board of a children’s charity and also sits on the Board of the Canadian Mental Health Association, Toronto Branch and is Chair of its QA committee. Natasha is also a member of the Downtown Toronto Human Service and Justice Coordinating Committee.


Ben Drory


An experienced adjudicator and mediator who has conducted many hearings, pre-hearings, mediations, and investigations. Accredited as a Chartered Arbitrator and Chartered Mediator by the ADR Institute of Canada – Canada’s highest ADR designations. Works skillfully in diverse subject matters. Smart, impartial, and efficient, with sound judgment and tact. A director of the ADR Institute of Ontario, and a coach in York University’s Certificate in Dispute Resolution program.  


Suzanne Graves


Ms. Graves holds a Juris Doctor from Osgoode Hall Law School, a Master of Public Administration from Queen’s University and a Bachelor of Arts from the University of York in the United Kingdom. She is a member of the Law Society of Ontario and practiced law at the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General for over 20 years. Most recently she served as a part-time member of the Social Security Tribunal of Canada. 


Jenny Gumbs


A graduate of Ryerson University, Jenny has combined an active and successful career with a deep commitment to family and volunteerism. A former diplomat accredited to Canada, she proudly served her community while fulfilling a varied and challenging mandate. She is very actively involved with many community organizations, including Tropicana Community Services, Tarragon Theatre, The Sickle Cell Disease Association of Canada and BBPA.


Larry Swartz


Larry Swartz is a lawyer and CFA Charterholder with several professional financial designations. His practice includes governance, compliance, insurance, tax, trusts, mergers and acquisitions. He is a winner of the Award of Excellence from the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association Ontario and the Ontario Bar Association. Larry received the Canadian Bar Association National Sections Council Award of Excellence during his term as Chair of the Canadian Bar Association Pensions and Benefits Law Section.


Helen Walsh


Helen Walsh has over 25 years’ experience in civil litigation and employment law and has advocated before Ontario and Federal Courts and various tribunals. Most recently she was a mediator with the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. She has spoken and written on a variety of topics relating to her areas of practice and teaches and coaches in the area of dispute resolution.  Ms. Walsh holds a B.A. (Hons.) from the University of Toronto and a LL.B and LL.M. (ADR) from Osgoode Hall Law School.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the Administrative Penalty Tribunal


(June 3, 2019) Letter from the Nominating Panel, Administrative Penalty Tribunal, transmitted by the City Clerk.

Background Information (City Council)

(June 3, 2019) Decision Letter from the Nominating Panel - Administrative Penalty Tribunal (CC9.3)
(May 27, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Appointment of Public Members to the Administrative Penalty Tribunal (NM2.1)
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Candidates, Qualifications, Confidential Diversity Information Summary, and Applications for Appointment to the Administrative Penalty Tribunal (previously distributed with item NM1.2)
Confidential Attachment 2 - Interview questions for June 3, 2019 (previously circulated under separate cover)
Confidential Attachment 3 - Interview schedule for June 3, 2019 (previously circulated under separate cover)

CC9.4 - Appointment of Public Members to the Committee of Adjustment

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council appoint the following candidates to the Committee of Adjustment for a term of office ending November 14, 2022 and until successors are appointed:


Etobicoke York Panel:


Laura Alderson

Danny Bellissimo

Michael Clark

Douglas Colbourne

Stan Kumorek

Michi McCloskey

Neil Palmer

Donald Taylor


North York Panel:


Nazila Atarodi

Giuseppe Bartolo

Denise Graham

Ron Hunt

Asif A. Khan

Paul Kidd

Thomas Klassen

Isaac Lallouz

Nadini Sankar-Peralta

Allan Smithies


Scarborough Panel:


Amy Emm

Hena Kabir

Anne McCauley

Gary McKay

Muhammad Saeed


Toronto and East York Panel:


Zaheer Bhyat

Yim Chan

Aaron Cheng

Larry Clay

Donald Granatstein

Carl Knipfel

Kathleen Larsen

Bruce Mullock

Nancy Oomen

Peter Reed

Nimrod Salamon

Lisa Valentini


2. City Council direct that Confidential Attachments 1 to 7 to the report (May 29, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential in their entirety as they relate to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Committee of Adjustment.


Confidential Attachments 1 to 7 to the report (May 29, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential in their entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they relate to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Committee of Adjustment.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointees' biographies:


Etobicoke York


Laura Alderson


A long-time community activist, Laura has served on the Boards of UrbanArts, Farmers' Markets Ontario, the Clean Train Coalition (Finalist, Green Toronto Award, 2012) and the Weston Village Residents' Association. An EDCO Award winner for Innovative Marketing Practices for the Film Resource Guide "Lights...Camera...York!", she currently sits on the Artscape Weston Common Steering Committee, is a member of the ABC Residents' Association and a Director of the Toronto Association of Business Improvement Areas.


Danny Bellissimo


Danny Bellissimo's interest in the relationship of people to buildings and open space started in the School of Architecture in Toronto with a focus on sociology and community development. As a Community Improvement Planner for the City of Toronto, he oversaw numerous Neighbourhood Improvement Plans which included community facilities, public square, streetscape, and public art. He also initiated the City's Commercial Facade Improvement Programs in numerous City neighbourhoods.


Michael Clark


Michael Clark has resided in the City of Toronto for 35 years. He graduated from Osgoode Hall Law School in 1983 and was called to the Ontario Bar in 1985. As an executive and in-house lawyer, Michael has over 25 years of experience in real estate development and property management. He was first appointed to the Committee of Adjustment for the former City of York in 1994 and subsequently served on the Midtown and Toronto/East York panels following amalgamation from 1998 to 2006.


Douglas Colbourne


Doug Colbourne has extensive experience as an arbitrator and mediator through years of conducting hearings for Municipal, Provincial and federal Governments, Boards, Commissions and Committees. He has extensive experience involving Ontario Provincial Planning Act policies and procedures as well as City requirements. He has a background in the construction and real estate business and as a Certified Professional Accountant.


Stan Kumorek


A life-long resident of Toronto, Stan is a recently retired manager of real estate and facilities from the Catholic Children's Aid Society of Toronto.  He holds a degree in Urban Planning and Public Administration and is a former Metro Toronto Hydro Commissioner and former board member of the Toronto Parking Authority. He is active in a number of community organizations and boards and is currently a local leader with Scouts Canada.


Michi McCloskey


Michi McCloskey has a background in urban planning and interdisciplinary design. As a Planner, Michi has worked on complex development and policy projects across Ontario and has assisted with the design and facilitation of numerous community engagement initiatives. Michi has worked in both urban and rural municipal settings, where she has gained valuable insights on community visioning, land use policy, zoning, and real estate acquisition and expropriation processes.


Neil Palmer


Neil has been active in the planning industry at both the public and private sector since 1990.  He has unique experience in dealing with Committee of Adjustment matters at the Ontario Municipal Board, processing active appeal cases at the Board, ensuring relevant material was before the Board for hearing, representing clients at the Committee of Adjustment while employed at a law firm, representing his employer before Committees of Adjustment for minor variances, severances and easements.


Donald Taylor


Don retired in 2017 after 43 years in public service.  Hired by the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing as a planner in 1974, Don went on to become a Chief Negotiator with the Ministry's Municipal Boundaries Branch.  In this position, Don successfully led major municipal amalgamation projects, including London/Middlesex and South Simcoe County. Don joined the City of Markham in 2005, where he served as Manager, Executive Operations in the office of the Chief Administrative Officer.



North York


Nazila Atarodi


Nazila Atarodi is an architectural and urban design professional with over 14 years of Canadian and international experience. Nazila received her Master of Urban Design from the University of Toronto, where she was a recipient of the Gordon Cressy Leadership Award. She also holds a Master of Architecture from Tehran Azad University. Nazila works as a Director of the Architecture and Design Department at C-Living Inc.


Giuseppe Bartolo


Giuseppe Bartolo holds an undergraduate and master’s degree in urban planning from the University of Waterloo and is a reserve army officer in the Canadian Army.  He has resided in Toronto for the past five years and wants to improve his community through the dedication of time and effort.  He has managed many construction and development projects for the private sector and brings a strong professional background to the role. His desire is to ensure strong community-led and sustainable development in Toronto.


Denise Graham


Denise Graham is a Registered Professional Planner who retired from the City of Toronto in 2011. She was a Senior Planner in the City Planning Division and holds a Bachelor of Applied Arts (Applied Geography) from Ryerson. She is a Member of the Canadian Institute of Planners and Ontario Professional Planners Institute. Denise continues to serve her community as a member of the Board of Directors of the Fairlawn Neighbourhood Centre and co-coordinates a lunch program for seniors.


Ron Hunt


Ron Hunt is a University graduate with over 35 years of land development experience. He has had extensive experience with quasi-judicial committees in the areas of municipal appeals to Zoning By-law decisions and the resolution of disputes regarding property-related issues and is an objective and well-reasoned contributor to tribunals.


Asif A. Khan


Asif Khan is a retired Civil Engineer who was employed for 28 years as a Senior Building Official with the City of Toronto and former City of Scarborough. He has extensive knowledge on By-laws, zoning, planning and other building development issues. Asif has gained community service experience at the Municipal, Provincial and Federal levels including as chair of the Committee of Adjustment, Property Standard, Advisory Council on Multiculturalism and Citizenship. Asif is recipient of Ontario Medal of Good Citizenship.


Paul Kidd


Paul Kidd has lived in Toronto since 1963 and ran a land surveying business in downtown Toronto until his retirement in 2018. He graduated from the University of Toronto with Bachelor of Science degree with a specialty in Land Surveying and has certification in GIS. He has also been an active neighbourhood volunteer.


Thomas Klassen


Thomas Klassen earned a MSc in Urban and Regional Planning, University of Toronto. He has worked for the Ontario Ministry of Housing and was member of the Canadian Institute of Planners. He is currently a professor of public policy and administration at York University. He has lived in Toronto for more than 40 years, and currently resides in North York. He has been involved in community organizations for many years, particularly in co-operative housing.


Isaac Lallouz


Mr. Lallouz is a professional engineer who previously led the Department of Engineers for a national insurance corporation. He has experience conducting committee/commission hearings in the City of Toronto as well as at the provincial level. He has sat on the boards and contributed to fundraising for charity organizations, and is a member of numerous professional organizations including the Professional Engineers of Ontario and the Society of Ontario Adjudicators and Regulators.


Nadini Sankar-Peralta


Nadini has worked in both federal and provincial governments in senior positions advising and negotiating on policy, programs and government resources. Nadini is also an experienced, multi-lingual accredited mediator in good standing with the ADR Institute of Ontario and the Ontario Association of Family Mediation. She has a Masters Education and volunteers within her community, serving as Vice Chair on the Board of Directors for the a local Community Health Centre and mediating youth justice cases.


Allan Smithies


Allan Smithies graduated from Sheridan College's Transportation Planning program in 1978, and was employed by the former City of Etobicoke in a number of positions including Transportation Planner and Manager of Transportation Planning. Most recently, Allan served as Manager of Traffic Planning/Right of Way Management for the City of Toronto from 1999 until his retirement in March 2014.





Amy Emm


Amy is a MCIP, RPP Senior Planner with over 12 years of private and public sector professional planning and development experience. She provides a full range of planning services working towards the securing of approvals for land development or redevelopment. From the due diligence stages to the final registration of plans, she offers expertise in all applications under the Planning Act.


Hena Kabir


Hena Kabir is an architectural graduate and a Registered Professional Planner with almost 20 years of professional experience in architectural design, urban planning, urban design and municipal management. She is a strong advocate of citizen participation in city and community building and believes residents should have the opportunity to engage with and contribute towards creating beautiful and livable neighborhoods. Hena is passionate about City building and making neighborhoods safe and attractive to live, work and play in.


Anne McCauley


Anne McCauley is a professional land use planner with over 40 years of experience of working in the municipal sector.  She has also been involved in numerous advisory committees, associations, and community initiatives.


Gary McKay


Gary McKay is a lawyer with many years of experience in municipal, planning and land use law.  He has conducted many hearings before Administrative Tribunals throughout Ontario. He holds a B.A. from the University of Toronto, and a law degree from Queen's University in Kingston.


Muhammad Saeed


Muhammad Saeed has been involved for over fifteen years in project management, group facilitations partnerships and community engagement. He has worked on different positions and has strong skills in proactively managing important and time sensitive projects, developing innovative solutions to critical problems, balancing stakeholder’s expectations and working collaboratively with the team members for achievement of desired goals. He has Master’s in Public Administration.



Toronto and East York


Zaheer Bhyat


Zaheer Bhyat has served as a teacher and Administrator with the Toronto District School Board for over 20 years. He entered the University of Toronto and York University where he completed his BA, B.Ed., M.E.S, M.A. and Doctorate degrees. He has also been an entrepreneur, Urban Planner in Alberta, and CIDA in Lesotho. His eclectic background and experiences have afforded him a global perspective. He brings leadership, entrepreneurial and educational skills, and strategic thinking. He currently practices as a mediator.


Yim Chan


A member of the Ontario Architects Association since 1995, Yim has a portfolio of a large variety of projects, ranging from residential to institutional, health-care, large-scale theme parks and high-rise commercial towers. She has in-depth knowledge of City Planning, construction principles and practices including project management, the Ontario Building Code, and regulatory approval process. She is an active member in the community and has been doing volunteering work for many years.


Aaron Cheng


Aaron Cheng is an architect and founder of C& Partners Architects Inc. which designs and provides architectural solutions to clients primarily in the healthcare and childcare sectors. Aaron has also been involved in numerous community boards and committees.


Larry Clay


Larry Clay was Assistant Deputy Minister of the Ontario Growth Secretariat. As Assistant Deputy Minister, Larry oversaw the Places to Grow Act and Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe, designed to guide and shape growth across the entire Greater Golden Horseshoe. Prior to joining the Ontario Growth Secretariat, Larry was Director of the Central Municipal Services Office at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing where he oversaw municipal service delivery, governance issues, and land use planning approvals in the Greater Toronto Area.


Donald Granatstein


Donald L. Granatstein is an investigator with ADR Chambers Banking Ombudsman, a mediator with ADR Chambers, and practices law full-time. Don has a LLB and BA from University of Toronto, an LL.M. from Osgoode Hall and certificates in Dispute Resolution from Harvard Law, University of Toronto, the LSUC and the University of Windsor. Don has appeared before courts at all levels and before many tribunals.


Carl Knipfel


Carl is a creative architect, planner and marketing expert with extensive municipal planning experience. He has been involved in the design of housing , education, recreation  and government projects. He has authored municipal urban design guidelines, official plan design policies and worked on the redevelopment of the core areas of many Ontario municipalities. He assisted with initiating design partnerships for OCAD University.


Kathleen Larsen


Kathleen Larsen moved to Toronto from Vancouver BC in 2017 where she was employed as a Development/Heritage Planner for 27 years. She has an educational background in urban planning and design and a wealth of experience in municipal government planning.  Ms. Larsen is passionate about the planning process and since arriving has enthusiastically familiarized herself with Toronto’s many diverse neighbourhoods, and policy and planning framework.


Bruce Mullock


Bruce Mullock has served on the City of Toronto Committee of Adjustment since 2015. Formerly, he was appointed to the Borough of East York Planning Board, prior to municipal amalgamation. Bruce holds a B.A. from York University. He advanced through a full-term career in Toronto with Ian Martin Group. There, Bruce worked in close relationship with government and industry clients, providing engineering staffing services. He brings broad governance experience, having served on executive teams and on the boards of industry associations.


Nancy Oomen


Nancy is an accomplished government and community-relations professional who spent almost two decades with the City of Toronto where she worked with diverse stakeholders to achieve objectives using solid judgement and effective mediation. Nancy has been involved with her local ratepayers' association for about 30 years and she has served several terms as president. She is a highly effective project coordinator and chair of the "Blossom" fundraising event which raises funds for local charities.


Peter Reed


Peter Reed is an urban planner with more than 15 years experience in the public and private sectors, having worked extensively in Toronto, throughout Ontario, in the United States and overseas.  He most recently directed the Land Use Planning group at Infrastructure Ontario, an agency of the Provincial government, in protecting and enhancing the value of public land and building assets.  Peter now raises his three young children full time in Toronto’s west end.


Nimrod Salamon


Nimrod Salamon is an urban planner with 30 years of experience who retired from the City of Toronto as a Senior Planner in 2015. He has worked as an urban planner with experience in community planning, development review, policy and Zoning By-law review.


Lisa Valentini


Lisa Valentini is a lawyer and long-time resident of the City of Toronto. She received her undergraduate and law degrees from Queen's University before articling in Toronto and being called to the bar in 2000. Her professional career has been exclusively with provincial and municipal governments, including significant experience advising municipal councils, departments and committees during her nine years as an in-house lawyer for municipalities in and around the Greater Toronto area.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the Committee of Adjustment


(July 4, 2019) Letter from the Nominating Panel - Committee of Adjustment, transmitted by the City Clerk

Background Information (City Council)

(July 4, 2019) Decision Letter from the Nominating Panel - Committee of Adjustment (CC9.4)
(May 29, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Appointment of Public Members to the Committee of Adjustment
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Candidates, Qualifications, Confidential Diversity Information Summary, and Applications for Appointment to the Committee of Adjustment (previously circulated with Item NA1.2)
Confidential Attachment 2 - Interest in Reappointment from Current Members of the Committee of Adjustment (previously circulated with Item NA1.2)
Confidential Attachment 3 - Diversity Information Summary for Current Public Members of the Committee of Adjustment (previously circulated with Item NA1.2)
Confidential Attachment 4 - Interview schedule for June 4 and 6, 2019 (previously circulated under separate cover)
Confidential Attachment 5 - Interview schedule for July 4, 2019 (previously circulated under separate cover)
Confidential Attachment 6 - Interview questions for June 4 and 6, 2019 (previously circulated under separate cover)
Confidential Attachment 7 - Interview questions for July 4, 2019 (previously circulated under separate cover)

CC9.5 - Appointment of Public Members to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Board

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:  


1. City Council appoint the following candidates to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Board, at pleasure of Council, for a term of office ending July 16, 2022 and until successors are appointed:


Nikki Holland

Stephen Smith


2. City Council direct that Confidential Attachments 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the report (June 26, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential in their entirety as they relates to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Board.


Confidential Attachments 1, 2, 3 and 4 to the report (June 26, 2019) from the City Clerk remain confidential in their entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they relates to personal matters about identifiable individuals being considered for appointment to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Board.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

Appointees' biographies:


Nikki Holland


Nikki Holland is the President and CEO of Jewish Federations of Canada -UIA, manages two global offices and works with the Federations and Councils across Canada to promote Jewish life and run national programs. She is a seasoned communications and public affairs executive with extensive leadership expertise, having previously worked at the Carpenters Union District Council, Invest Toronto, Insurance Bureau of Canada, and the Provincial Government.  Nikki, a mom, lives and plays in Toronto.


Stephen Smith


Stephen has made significant contributions to the Board and guided several financial-related situations where his experience as CFO of Cara and Loblaw was invaluable. Stephen's hospitality and retail industry experience and background as a Chartered Accountant provide a solid base for a Board member who can add value to the oversight of the Metro Toronto Convention Centre on behalf of the community.

Confidential Attachment - Personal matters about identifiable individuals who are being considered for appointment to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Board


(July 9, 2019) Letter from the Corporations Nominating Panel, transmitted by the City Clerk

Background Information (City Council)

(July 9, 2019) Decision Letter from the Corporations Nominating Panel (CC9.5)
(June 26, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Appointment of Public Members to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Board
Confidential Attachment 1 - List of Candidates, Qualifications, Confidential Diversity Information Summary, and Applications for Appointment to the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Board (previously circulated with Item NC4.1)
Confidential Attachment 2 - Diversity Data for Current Public Members on the Metro Toronto Convention Centre Board (previously circulated with Item NC4.1)
Confidential Attachment 3 - Interview schedule for July 9, 2019 (previously circulated under separate cover)
Confidential Attachment 4 - Interview questions for July 9, 2019 (previously circulated under separate cover)

CC9.6 - Council direction regarding payment of legal fees related to a Code of Conduct Investigation

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:  


1.  City Council direct that no further legal costs be covered for the former Councillor related to this matter.


2.  City Council request the City Clerk to report to City Council on the appropriateness of the $20,000 legal fee limit and on the possibility of a mechanism which enables Members of Council seeking reimbursement of fees over the limit to obtain pre-approval from Council once there is a prospect of high fees.


(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Clerk

Background Information (City Council)

(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Clerk on Council direction regarding payment of legal fees related to a Code of Conduct Investigation (CC9.6)
Attachment 1 - Letter dated June 27, 2019 from Gardiner Roberts re: Claim for Reimbursement of Legal Fees

CC9.7 - More Homes, More Choice Act - Budgetary Considerations

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:  


1.  City Council request the Province of Ontario to repeal Bill 108.


2.  City Council request the Province of Ontario to consult directly with the City of Toronto on Bill 108 regulations if the Act is not repealed.


3.  City Council receive the report (July 8, 2019) from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer for information.


(July 8, 2019) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Report from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer on More Homes, More Choice Act - Budgetary Considerations (CC9.7)
Attachment 1 - Letter from the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing dated June 7, 2019

CC9.8 - Minister's Approval of Official Plan Amendments 405 (Yonge-Eglinton) and 406 (Downtown) with Modifications and Staff's Preliminary Assessment of Potential Impacts of Bill 108

Decision Type:
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence, 10 - Spadina - Fort York, 11 - University - Rosedale, 12 - Toronto - St. Paul's, 13 - Toronto Centre, 15 - Don Valley West

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to revert back to the City Council-approved version of Official Plan Amendment 405 which will provide a higher quality of life for Midtown residents.


2.  City Council request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to revert back to the Council-approved version of Official Plan Amendment 406 which will build liveable and vibrant communities in the downtown. 


3.  City Council direct that the Zoning By-law for Official Plan Amendment 405 be completed in coordination with the City Planning Division's Midtown Multi-Modal Access Study and the Toronto Transit Commission's Surface Transit Operational Improvement Study.


4.  City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to initiate and expeditiously advance a review of the zoning by-law(s) permissions in the Yonge-Eglinton Secondary Plan Area to ensure zoning permissions are able to be supported by existing and planned infrastructure among other matters.


5.  City Council receive the report (July 12, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning for information.


(July 12, 2019) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning

Background Information (City Council)

(July 12, 2019) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on the Minister's Approval of Official Plan Amendments 405 (Yonge-Eglinton) and 406 (Downtown) with Modifications and Staff's Preliminary Assessment of Potential Impacts of Bill 108 and Attachment 5 (CC9.8)
Attachment 1 - OPA 405 Redline
Attachment 2 - Final in-force OPA 405
Attachment 3 - OPA 406 Redline
Attachment 4 - Final in-force OPA 406
(July 8, 2019) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on Minister's Approval of Official Plan Amendments 405 (Yonge-Eglinton) and 406 (Downtown) with Modifications and Staff's Preliminary Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Bill 108 - Notice of Pending Report (CC9.8)

Declared Interests (City Council)

The following member(s) declared an interest:

Mayor John Tory - as his mother's home, his own property, and his wife's business are within the boundaries of the cited report.
Written Declaration:

CC9.9 - 240 Markland Drive - Zoning By-law Amendment Applications - Request for Direction

Decision Type:
2 - Etobicoke Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the City Solicitor to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing for 240 Markland Drive in opposition to the proposed Zoning By-Law Amendment application.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to enter into negotiation with the applicant to reduce the overall mass and impact of the building, and to enter into minutes of settlement as deemed appropriate by the City Solicitor, in consultation with Planning staff and the Ward Councillor.


3.  City Council direct that Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendix A to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential in their entirety as they contain advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


4.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and necessary City staff to take such steps as may be necessary to implement City Council's decision.


Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendix A to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential in their entirety in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they contain advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege. 

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City of Toronto and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege


(July 5, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 5, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 240 Markland Drive - Zoning By-law Amendment Applications - Request for Direction (CC9.9)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Appendix A

CC9.10 - 3429 Bloor Street West - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor and direct that the balance of the Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council direct the City Solicitor, together with City Planning and other appropriate staff to appear before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to oppose the rezoning application in its revised form.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.  The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege


(July 5, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 5, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 3429 Bloor Street West - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions (CC9.10)
Public Attachment 1- Settlement Offer Letter from Aird & Berlis, dated June 17, 2019
Public Attachment 2 - Revised With Prejudice Architectural Drawings dated June 14, 2019
Confidential Attachment 1

CC9.11 - 995-1005 Broadview Avenue and 2 and 4 Mortimer Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing

Decision Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor and the confidential instructions to staff attached to motion 1 by Councillor Paula Fletcher.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor and the confidential instructions to staff attached to motion 1 by Councillor Paula Fletcher.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege and City Council direct that Confidential Attachments 2 and 3 remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor and the confidential instructions to staff attached to motion 1 by Councillor Paula Fletcher were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the Settlement Offer dated July 5, 2019 from Goodmans LLP, attached as Confidential Attachment 2 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing of these matters to advise that City Council supports a settlement in principle of the Official Plan Amendment 343 and site specific Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment applications related to 995-1005 Broadview Avenue and 2-4 Mortimer Avenue, as generally shown in the architectural plans dated June 28, 2019 attached as Confidential Attachment 3 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor, subject to the following:


a.  a minimum of 15 percent of the dwelling units in the development shall be 2 bedroom units or larger and a minimum of 10 percent of the dwelling units shall be 3 bedroom units or larger, with a majority located within the base building as per the Growing Up Guidelines;


b.  loading requirements and vehicular parking ratios shall be addressed in a Transportation Impact Report Addendum, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services;


c.  stormwater management, functional servicing and hydrogeological issues shall be addressed in revised engineering reports, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and


d.  prior to the issuance of the final Orders from the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal on the related appeals:


i.  the Official Plan Amendment 343 for the site shall be finalized and in a form acceptable to the City Solicitor;


ii.  the site specific Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment reflecting City Council's decision shall be finalized to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor;


iii.  the Owner shall address all outstanding issues from Engineering and Construction Services, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


iv.  the Owner shall prepare a revised Functional Servicing Report, a revised Stormwater Management Report and revised Hydrogeological Assessment, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


v.  the Owner shall enter into a financially secured agreement for the construction of any improvements to the municipal infrastructure, should it be determined that upgrades are required to support the development, according to the Functional Servicing Report accepted by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


vi.  the Owner shall address all outstanding issues from Transportation Services, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services; and


vii.  the Owner shall prepare a revised Transportation Impact Assessment Addendum to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services.


3.  City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to take the necessary action to give effect to Parts 1 and 2 above.


4.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to review the intersection of Broadview Avenue and Mortimer Avenue for safety and operation as it relates to the existing traffic congestion at that intersection as well as the traffic impact to be generated by the development and to report to the Toronto and East York Community Council on any recommended changes to improve the safety and operation of that intersection if required.


5.  City Council direct the Applicant to amend its application to convert a minimum of one and up to three residential parking spaces to a car share or commercial/retail spaces or visitor parking spaces, to the satisfaction of and in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the General Manager, Transportation Services, and City Council authorize the City Solicitor to reflect this change in the settlement at the hearing before the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal.


6.  City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, together with the Applicant, to consult with the Toronto Public Library on the potential of leasing the proposed ground floor retail space to locate or relocate a library branch.


7.  In the event that the appeals for 995-1005 Broadview Avenue and 2-4 Mortimer Avenue are allowed at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services to report to the Toronto and East York Community Council on excluding the property located at 995-1005 Broadview Avenue and 2-4 Mortimer Avenue from Permit Parking Area 7K to ensure no future resident of 995-1005 Broadview Avenue and 2-4 Mortimer Avenue may obtain a parking permit in this permit parking area and to report on this exclusion by the October 10, 2019 meeting of the Toronto and East York Community Council.


8.  In the event that the appeals for 995-1005 Broadview Avenue and 2-4 Mortimer Avenue are allowed at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal and prior to the issuance of the first building permit and in support of the future site plan control application, City Council require the applicant to submit a Construction Management Plan to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, and implement the plan during the course of construction; the Construction Management Plan will include, but not be limited to, details regarding size and location of construction staging areas, dates of significant concrete pouring activities, measures to ensure safety lighting does not negatively impact adjacent residences, construction vehicle parking locations, refuse storage, site security, site supervisor contact information and any other matters deemed necessary.


9.  In the event that the appeals for 995-1005 Broadview Avenue and 2-4 Mortimer Avenue are allowed at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, City Council direct that a local Construction Liaison Committee be established by the developer, in consultation with the Ward Councillor.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.  Confidential Attachments 2 and 3 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor. The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege and information regarding potential litigation


(July 5, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 5, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 995-1005 Broadview Avenue and 2 and 4 Mortimer Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing (CC9.11)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Attachment 2
Confidential Attachment 3

CC9.12 - 2779, 2781 Yonge Street and 15-17, 19-21 Strathgowan Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Further Directions Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Appeal

Decision Type:
15 - Don Valley West

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


4.  City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to install a No Right Turn restriction preventing right turn movements out of the driveway entrance of the proposed development onto Strathgowan Avenue as part of the Site Plan approval process.


5.  City Council direct City Planning staff to consult with the Ward Councillor during the Site Plan approval process about any comments and concerns of local area stakeholders.


6.  City Council direct City Planning staff to require as a condition of Site Plan approval that the Applicant provide a Construction Management Plan to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services, the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and the Ward Councillor.


7.  In addition to the community benefits already authorized to be secured pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act by City Council's decision on Item CC12.12 at its meeting held on February 3 and 4, 2016 and the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal's decision dated June 8, 2016 regarding Case PL141372, City Council further authorize the City Solicitor to enter into an agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act as follows:


a.  the Applicant shall provide to the City an additional indexed cash contribution of $250,000.00 to be paid prior to first building permit to be directed to community benefits in the form of capital improvements, including park improvements, in the vicinity of the property at 2779, 2781 Yonge Street and 15-17, 19-21 Strathgowan Avenue at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Ward Councillor; and


b.  the Applicant shall design and construct at its sole cost and expense an extension of the public sidewalk along Strathgowan Avenue between Yonge Street and St. Hilda's Avenue, including the portions of the sidewalk that are beyond the property at 2779, 2781 Yonge Street and 15-17, 19-21 Strathgowan Avenue, with the location, design, and construction of such sidewalk to be fully compliant with City standards, including the preservation and maintenance of existing City trees, and all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, and the Applicant shall further provide a letter of credit to the City prior to Site Plan approval securing the cost of the design and construction works related to the sidewalk in an amount and form to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to support the Revised Design as shown in the Architectural Plans by Rafael + Bigauskas Architects dated May 2, 2019 for the property at 2779, 2781 Yonge Street and 15-17, 19-21 Strathgowan Avenue in connection with Ontario Municipal Board/Local Planning Appeal Tribunal File PL141372 and to prepare the final form of zoning by-law amendments reflecting the Revised Design.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.  The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 5, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege and information regarding potential litigation


(July 5, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 5, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 2779, 2781 Yonge Street and 15-17, 19-21 Strathgowan Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Further Directions Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Appeal (CC9.12)
Public Attachment 1 - Applicant's Letter
Public Appendix A to Public Attachment 1 - Architectural Plans
Confidential Attachment 1

CC9.13 - Dundas Street West and Roncesvalles Avenue Built Form Study - Official Plan Amendment 421 and 421 Roncesvalles Avenue Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions

Decision Type:
4 - Parkdale - High Park

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor as amended by the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of:


a. the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendix A to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor, as amended; and


b. the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendices A and B to the supplementary report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice and information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


4. City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice and information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor as amended by the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the “with prejudice” settlement offer described in Public Attachments 1 and 2 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor as revised by the “without prejudice” settlement offer contained in Confidential Appendices A and B to the supplementary report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council instruct the City Solicitor and Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to require revised plans, drawings and elevations demonstrating the decrease in overall height as described in Confidential Appendices A and B to supplementary report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor prior to attending a Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing in support of the proposed development.


3.  City Council accept the Settlement Offer regarding Official Plan Amendment 421 in Confidential Appendix A to Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


4. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing on this matter in support of the revised proposed development illustrated in the Plans and Drawings prepared by Superkul Architects, dated May 7, 2019, and attached as Public Attachment 2 (the “Revised Proposal”).


5.  City Council instruct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order on the Zoning By-law Amendment until such time as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


a.  the proposed Zoning By-law amendment is in a final form satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


b.  the owner has provided a cash payment directed to the Municipal Parking Fund in lieu of the seventeen (17) parking spaces shortfall on-site, from the Zoning By-law requirement for parking, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services;


c.  the owner has addressed the outstanding items outlined in the memorandum from the Acting Manager, Engineering and Construction Services, dated June 3, 2019, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and


d.  the owner has secured the necessary upgrades and/or improvements to municipal infrastructure, should it be determined that improvements to such infrastructure are required to support this development arising from the accepted Functional Servicing Report.


Confidential Appendix A to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor and Confidential Appendices A and B to the supplementary report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor are now public and can be accessed under Background Information (City Council).


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege and it pertains to potential litigation.  The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege and it pertains to potential litigation.  The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the supplementary report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege and information regarding potential litigation


(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on Dundas Street West and Roncesvalles Avenue Built Form Study - Official Plan Amendment 421 and 421 Roncesvalles Avenue Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions (CC9.13)
Public Attachment 1 - Letter from Ritchie, Ketcheson, Hart & Biggart LLP dated May 8, 2019 regarding 421 Roncesvalles Avenue
Public Attachment 2 - Zoning By-law Amendment Plans and Drawings dated May 7, 2019 prepared by Superkul Architects
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Appendix A - made public on July 26, 2019
(July 15, 2019) Supplementary report from the City Solicitor on Dundas Street West and Roncesvalles Avenue Built Form Study - Official Plan Amendment 421 and 421 Roncesvalles Avenue Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions (CC9.13a)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Appendix A to Confidential Attachment 1 to the Supplementary Report - made public on July 26,2019
Confidential Appendix B to Confidential Attachment 1 to the Supplementary Report - made public on July 26, 2019

CC9.14 - 2150-2194 Lake Shore Boulevard West and 23 Park Lawn Road - Appeal of Official Plan Amendment 231 - Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor and the confidential instructions to staff attached to motion 1 by Councillor Mark Grimes.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of:


a.  the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor;


b.  Confidential Attachment 3 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor; and


c.  the confidential instructions to staff attached to motion 1 by Councillor Mark Grimes.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1, and Confidential Attachment 2 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential, as they contain advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor and the confidential instructions to staff attached to motion 1 by Councillor Mark Grimes were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the without prejudice offer to settle site-specific Appeal No. 127 (with respect to 2150-2194 Lake Shore Boulevard West and 23 Park Lawn Road) to Official Plan Amendment 231 dated July 4, 2019 as set out in Confidential Attachments 2 and 3 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor and City Council direct the City Solicitor and other staff to attend at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in support of the settlement.


2.  Should the settlement be approved by the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal, City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the local Councillor, to resume the City's Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan and integrate the work with the upcoming Secondary Plan process.


Confidential Attachment 3 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor is now public and can be accessed under Background Information (City Council).


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1, and Confidential Attachment 2 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they contain advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council recessed its public session and met as Committee of the Whole in closed session on July 18, 2019 to consider confidential information on this Item as it pertains to litigation or potential litigation that affects the City of Toronto or one of its agencies or corporations and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City or one of its agencies or corporations and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 2150-2194 Lake Shore Boulevard West and 23 Park Lawn Road - Appeal of Official Plan Amendment 231 - Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing - Request for Directions (CC9.14)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Attachment 2
Confidential Attachment 3 - made public on July 26, 2019

CC9.15 - Mimico-Judson Secondary Plan (East of Royal York Road) Appeal and 25 Audley Street, 23 Buckingham Street, 1, 2 and 10 Audley Street, 8 Newcastle Street, and 29, 31, 59 and 71 Portland Street Site Specific Appeals - Request for Further Direction

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor and City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential, and that Confidential Attachments 2 and 3 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor be released only at the discretion of the City Solicitor.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


Block D and E Block plan to facilitate consolidated parkland


1.  City Council authorize the conveyance, for nominal consideration, of Parts 4, 5 and 6 on R Plan 66R-30597 to the City as onsite parkland dedication for the approved development on the lands municipally known as 25 Audley Street, in accordance with the City's current Policy for Accepting Potentially Contaminated Lands to be Conveyed to the City.


2.  Effective as of the date that the City acquires ownership of Parts 4, 5 and 6 of R Plan 66R-305897, City Council declare the property surplus, with the intended manner of disposal to be by way of a land exchange with the owner of 1 Audley Street for Parts 10 and 11 of R Plan 66R-305897 for park purposes at no cost to the City.


3.  Upon completion of the City’s real estate disposal process as set out in Chapter 213 of the City of Toronto Municipal Code, City Council authorize the Director, Real Estate Services to approve the related land exchange transaction and any related or ancillary agreements, and to execute the documents necessary to implement the transaction on behalf of the City, in reliance on the delegated authority contained in Item EX27.12, as adopted by City Council on October 2, 3 and 4, 2017, notwithstanding that the values of the exchanged parcels may exceed the monetary limits otherwise set out in that Item.


4.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to complete the land exchange transaction on behalf of the City, including amending the closing and other dates, and amending and waiving terms and conditions, on such terms as the City Solicitor considers reasonable.


5.  City Council authorize a development charge credit against the Parks and Recreation component of the Development Charges for the design and construction by the owners of 23 Buckingham Street, 1x, 2 and 10 Audley Street, 8 Newcastle Street, and 29, 31, 59 and 71 Portland Street of the above-base park improvements to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation; the development charge credit shall be in an amount that is the lesser of the cost to the owners of designing and constructing the above-base park improvements, with the design and cost estimates to be approved by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Parks and Recreation component of development charges payable for the developments at the sites noted within this recommendation in accordance with the City's Development Charges By-law, as may be amended from time to time.


6.  City Council direct the City Solicitor to request that the owner of 1x, 2 and 10 Audley Street, 8 Newcastle Street, and 29, 31, 59 and 71 Portland Street amend plans to show an unstratified road to be conveyed to the City and in exchange:


a.  City Council approve a development charge credit against the Roads and Related component of the Development Charges for the design and construction by the owner of 1x, 2 and 10 Audley Street, 8 Newcastle Street, and 29, 31, 59 and 71 Portland Street of the new public road (inclusive of the multi-use trail); the development charge credit shall be in an amount that is the lesser of the cost to the owner of designing and constructing the new public road (including the multi-use trail), with detailed designs and cost estimates to be submitted by the owner, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services and the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, and the Roads and Related component of the development charges payable for the development in accordance with the City's Development Charges By-law, as may be amended from time to time; and


b. City Council authorize and direct appropriate staff to acquire an easement for the existing sanitary sewer located within 2 and 10 Audley Street, 8 Newcastle Street, and 29, 31, 59 and 71 Portland Street using Toronto Water's regular program and budget identified in the Approved 10-Year Capital Plan; should the costs of the easement for the existing sanitary sewer exceed what is available in the approved budget, financial adjustments will be handled through the regular budgeting and reporting process.


Home Ownership Assistance Program


7.  City Council approve the deferral of development charges for up to 5 percent or up to 125 affordable housing units to be developed by the owners of 23 Buckingham Street and 1x, 2 and 10 Audley Street, 8 Newcastle Street, and 29, 31, 59 and 71 Portland Street at those sites, under the terms of the City's Home Ownership Assistance Program.


8.  City Council authorize the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat to negotiate, enter into and execute, on behalf of the City, all development charges deferral agreements, and any security, financing or other documents required with the owners of the properties currently known municipally as 23 Buckingham Street and 1x, 2 and 10 Audley Street, 8 Newcastle Street, and 29, 31, 59 and 71 Portland Street, or related corporations, and any other parties deemed necessary to facilitate the development charges deferral outlined in the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.


9.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to execute, postpone, confirm the status of and discharge any City security documents registered as required by normal business practices.


10.  City Council authorize and direct appropriate City officials to take the necessary action to give effect to City Council's decision.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.


Confidential Attachments 2 and 3 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they are subject to solicitor-client privilege.  Confidential Attachments 2 and 3 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege


(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on Mimico-Judson Secondary Plan (East of Royal York Road) Appeal and 25 Audley Street, 23 Buckingham Street, 1, 2 and 10 Audley Street, 8 Newcastle Street, and 29, 31, 59 and 71 Portland Street Site Specific Appeals - Request for Further Direction (CC9.15)
Public Attachment 1 - Block D and E Block Plan
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Attachment 2
Confidential Attachment 3

CC9.16 - Murray Road Regeneration and Land Use Study - City Initiated Official Plan Amendment and City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendments - Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Appeal - Request for Direction

Decision Type:
6 - York Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of:


a.  confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor, and


b.  Confidential Appendix 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendix 2 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential as they contain information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the Settlement Offer dated June 28, 2019 from Innocon Inc. (Innocon) and direct the City Solicitor and staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in support of the revised Official Plan Amendment 208.


2.  City Council refuse the Settlement Offer dated July 3, 2019 from 2094528 Ontario Ltd. and HGT Holdings Limited (HGT) and direct the City Solicitor and staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in opposition to HGT's proposed amendments to Official Plan Amendment 208.


3.  City Council direct City staff to continue discussions with HGT, and authorize the City Solicitor, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Ward Councillor, to accept further revisions to Official Plan Amendment 208 from HGT that are consistent with the goals and vision for the Official Plan Amendment 208 area as described in the (October 26, 2017) report from the Acting Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


4.  City Council direct City staff to oppose the appeals of By-laws 1468-2017 and 1469-2017 and City Council direct the City Solicitor and staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in opposition to the appeals.


5.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and City staff to take any necessary steps to implement City Council's decision.


Confidential Appendix 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor is now public and can be accessed under Background Information (City Council).


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendix 2 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they contain information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Confidential Attachment - Advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege


(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on Murray Road Regeneration and Land Use Study - City Initiated Official Plan Amendment and City Initiated Zoning By-law Amendments - Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Appeal - Request for Direction (CC9.16)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Appendix 1 - made public on July 26, 2019
Confidential Appendix 2

CC9.17 - 128, 130 and 132 Gorman Park Road and 795, 797 and 799 Sheppard Avenue West - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Direction

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
6 - York Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendix A to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the Settlement Offer dated June 18, 2019 in Confidential Appendix A  to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor and City Council direct the City Solicitor and other appropriate staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in support of the settlement.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to enter into an agreement pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act as follows:


a.  the community benefits recommended to be secured in the Section 37 Agreement are as follows:


i.  a cash contribution in the amount of $997,000.00, such funds to be used by the City for local parkland and/or community facility improvements in the area as determined by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor; the improvements will be secured in the Amending By-law as well as other matters referred to in City Council's decision and the report from the City Solicitor;


ii.  in the event the cash contribution referred to in Part 2.a.i. above has not been used for the intended purpose within three (3) years of the Amending By-laws coming into full force and effect, the cash contribution may be redirected for another purpose within the boundaries of the existing Ward 6, at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, provided that the purpose is identified in the Official Plan and will benefit the community in the vicinity of the lands; and


iii.  the $997,000.00 cash contribution is to be indexed upwardly in accordance with the Statistics Canada Non-Residential Construction Price Index for Toronto, calculated from the date of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal decision to the date of payment; all cash contributions will be payable prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit.


3.  City Council instruct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order on the Amending By-laws until such time as the City Solicitor has advised the Tribunal that:


a.  the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendments are in a form satisfactory to the City;


b.  the City has received an executed Section 37 Agreement, satisfactory to the City Solicitor, securing the benefits outlined in Part 2 above and the Section 37 Agreement has been registered on title to the Subject Property;


c.  the applicant must resolve all outstanding issues identified in the Engineering and Construction memo dated October 11, 2016 to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


d.  due to outstanding servicing issues, a holding provision ("H") has been included in the Zoning By-law Amendment until such time as an acceptable sanitary system solution is constructed and operational as determined by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services which may include the applicant upgrading the existing municipal infrastructure off site; and


e.  the applicant confirms that there are no Rental Housing Replacement issues as a result of the additional lands incorporated into the development to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


Confidential Appendix A to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor is now public and can be accessed under Background Information (City Council).


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 128, 130 and 132 Gorman Park Road and 795, 797 and 799 Sheppard Avenue West - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Direction (CC9.17)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Appendix A - made public on July 26, 2019

CC9.18 - 55 Erskine Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions

Decision Type:
15 - Don Valley West

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff, paragraphs 1 through 5 inclusive, in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor, as amended by motion 1 by Councillor Jaye Robinson.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff, paragraphs 1 through 5 inclusive, in Confidential Attachment 1, as amended by motion 1 by Councillor Jaye Robinson, and Confidential Appendices A and B to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential.


4.  City Council request the City Solicitor and appropriate staff to work with the property owner, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, to consider the development of a revised plan relocating the proposed driveway entrance for the proposed development to provide vehicular access only from Erskine Avenue for the purpose of a possible consolidation of green space with neighbouring properties.


5.  City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, the Ward Councillor and other appropriate staff, to consider the property municipally known as 55 Erskine Avenue as part of a potential consolidated park within a block study area of the properties known as 14 Broadway Avenue, 28 Broadway Avenue, and 40-44 Broadway Avenue.


The confidential instructions to staff, paragraphs 1 through 5 inclusive, in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor,  as amended by motion 1 by Councillor Jaye Robinson, were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the without prejudice Settlement Offer submitted by the applicant/appellant on May 30, 2019, attached as Confidential Appendix A to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing on this matter in support of the revised proposed development set out in the Settlement Offer dated May 30, 2019 and City Council authorize the City Solicitor to support a voluntary increase to the owner's voluntary contribution of community benefits as described in Part 3.c. below provided that further discussions with the owner prior to the hearing result in the owner agreeing to voluntarily increase the community benefits described in Part 3.c. below.


3.  City Council instruct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its final Order on the Zoning By-law Amendment until such time as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor in writing that:


a.  the proposed zoning by-law amendments are in a form and content required to permit only the proposed development as shown in Confidential Appendix B to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor, satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


b.  the owner has entered into and registered in priority against title to the subject lands an agreement with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, to secure the owner's provision of the following matters as a legal convenience to support the development:


i.  the rental tenure of the existing rental building on site containing 188 existing rental dwelling units, without application to convert or demolish for at least 20 years commencing from the date the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal issues its final Order for the Zoning By-law Amendments;


ii.  access for residents of the existing rental building to all indoor and outdoor amenities within and adjacent to the proposed development, with no cost pass-through to existing tenants and residents within the existing rental dwelling units;


iii.  improvements to the existing rental building to be secured through Site Plan Approval to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate with no cost pass-through to existing tenants and residents within the existing rental dwelling units, including:


A.  permanent outdoor furniture, barbecque cooking appliances within the existing 1385 square metre outdoor amenity area surrounding the existing swimming pool;


B.  new programming within the 70 square metre amenity space located on the ground floor of the existing building (to be determined at site plan application review);


C.  introducing at least five (5) new short-term visitor bike parking spaces located at the rear of the existing building, near the secondary building entrance;


D.  centralizing garbage storage, staging and pickup within the new building for waste associated with the existing and new building; and


E.  locating a hand delivered refuse drop-off area for kitchen waste and recycling within the existing building;


iv.  prior to Site Plan Approval of the proposed development, provide a construction mitigation and tenant communications plan to lessen adverse impacts on tenants due to the redevelopment proposal, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate;


v.  prior to Site Plan Approval of the proposed development, design an at-grade privately-owned publicly accessible open space reflective of the vision for the Park Street Loop abutting the Broadway Avenue frontage of the subject lands to a minimum depth of 7.5 metres from the Broadway Avenue property line starting at the west property line of the subject lands and terminating at the future boundary of the on-site parkland dedication to be provided by the owner, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate, and construct the improvements as approved through the design process prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit for the proposed development, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate; and


vi.  prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit for the proposed development, register a grant of a privately-owned publicly accessible open space easement to the City, for nominal consideration and free and clear of all physical encumbrances, save and except those permitted by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate, upon and over the subject lands abutting Broadway Avenue, to a minimum depth of 7.5 metres from the Broadway Avenue property line starting at the west property line of the subject lands and terminating at the future boundary of the on-site parkland dedication to be provided by the owner, for the purpose of the public's pedestrian use, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or designate; and


c.  the owner has entered into and registered in priority against title to the subject lands an agreement with the City pursuant to Section 37 of the Planning Act, to secure the owner's voluntary contribution of community benefits by payment of $300,000 to the City to be used for the purpose of local parks improvements in the vicinity of the site, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, and the owner's voluntary contribution of this community benefit will be paid prior to the issuance of the building permit for the proposed development.


4.  City Council accept an on-site parkland dedication of 284.2 square metres, in satisfaction of the applicant's required parkland contribution pursuant to Section 42 of the Planning Act, generally as shown in Confidential Appendix B to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor, with the final location and configuration of the on-site parkland to be to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with the Ward Councillor; the on-site parkland to be transferred to the City shall be free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances and encroachments, and is to be conveyed to the City prior to the issuance of the first above-grade building permit to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the City Solicitor. 


5.  City Council approve a development charge credit against the Parks and Recreation component of the development charges for the design and construction by the owner of above base park improvements to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation; the development charge credit shall be in an amount that is the lesser of the cost to the owner of designing and constructing the above base park improvements, as approved by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Parks and Recreation component of development charges payable for the development in accordance with the City's Development Charges By-law, as may be amended from time to time.


Confidential Appendices A and B to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor are now public and can be accessed under Background Information (City Council).


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it pertains to litigation or potential litigation that affects the City of Toronto and it contains advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City of Toronto and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege


(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 55 Erskine Avenue - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions (CC9.18)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Appendix A - made public on July 26, 2019
Confidential Appendix B, Part 1 - made public on July 26, 2019
Confidential Appendix B, Part 2 - made public on July 26, 2019

CC9.19 - 2433 Dufferin Street - Zoning Amendment Application and Site Plan Control Application - Request for Directions

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the Settlement Offer dated May 28, 2019 in Public Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing on this matter in support of the revised proposed development set out in the Settlement Offer dated May 28, 2019 in Public Attachment 1 and Public Appendix A to Public Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council instruct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order on the Zoning By-law Amendment application until such time as the Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


a.  the proposed Zoning By-law Amendments are in a form satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


b.  the owner has submitted an updated Transportation Demand Management plan, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the General Manager, Transportation Services;


c.  the owner has submitted  a revised Hydrogeology Report and Functional Servicing Report to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services; and


d.  the owner has entered into a financially secured agreement for the construction of any required improvements to the municipal infrastructure, should it be determined that upgrades are required to support the development based on the report in Part 3.c. above, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, in consultation with the General Manager, Transportation Services.


4.  City Council instruct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order on the Site Plan Approval application until such time as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


a.  the list of conditions of Site Plan Approval have been finalized in a form satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


b.  the Applicant has provided revised plans to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services that show the curb extension to the east of the site to straighten Hopewell Avenue and formalize on-street parking on the north side of the street; and


c.  the Applicant has satisfied all pre-approval conditions of Site Plan Approval, and the execution and registration of a Site Plan Agreement with the City pursuant to Section 41 of the Planning Act and Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.  The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City or one of its agencies or corporations and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege


(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 2433 Dufferin Street - Zoning Amendment Application and Site Plan Control Application - Request for Directions (CC9.19)
Public Attachment 1 - Without Prejudice "public" Settlement Offer dated May 28, 2019
Public Appendix A to Public Attachment 1 - Revised Plans dated May 27, 2019
Confidential Attachment 1

CC9.20 - 579-585 Lawrence Avenue West - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice and information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the "with prejudice" settlement offer as described in Public Attachment 1 and Public Attachment 2 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor, subject to Parts 2 and 3 below.


2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing on this matter in support of the Settlement Offer.


3.  City Council instruct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order on the Zoning By-law Amendment until such time as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


a.  the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is in a final form satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


b.  a Rental Housing Demolition application under Chapter 667 of the Municipal Code pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act has been submitted by the owner to demolish the 5 existing rental housing units at 579 to 585 Lawrence Avenue West and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, under delegated authority, has dealt with such Rental Housing Demolition application;


c.  the owner has submitted a revised Functional Servicing Report, including confirmation of water and fire flow, sanitary and storm water capacity, Storm Water Management Report and Hydro-geological Report (“Engineering Reports”) to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, in consultation with the General Manager, Toronto Water;


d.  the owner pays for and constructs any improvements to the municipal infrastructure in connection with the Engineering Reports, to be submitted for review and acceptance by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, should it be determined that improvements to such infrastructure are required to support this development arising from the accepted Engineering Reports; and


e.  the owner has withdrawn its Official Plan Amendment appeal filed in support of the proposed development on the site, municipally known as 579-585 Lawrence Avenue West, on the condition that Official Plan Amendment 433 and Site and Area Specific Policy 559 are not appealed and come into full force and effect:


i.  should the owner not withdraw or be unable to withdraw its Official Plan Amendment appeal, the City Solicitor will request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order on the Official Plan Amendment pending satisfaction of the matters in Part 3.a. to d. above.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice and information that that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.  The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege and information regarding potential litigation


(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 579-585 Lawrence Avenue West - Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions (CC9.20)
Public Attachment 1 - Letter from Davies Howe LLP dated July 5, 2019 regarding 579-585 Lawrence Avenue West, Toronto
Public Attachment 2 - Plans and Drawings: architectural plans dated June 26, 2019 prepared by Varacalli Architect Inc., and landscape plans dated June 26, 2019 prepared by Quinn Design Associates Inc - Part 1
Public Attachment 2 - Plans and Drawings: architectural plans dated June 26, 2019 prepared by Varacalli Architect Inc., and landscape plans dated June 26, 2019 prepared by Quinn Design Associates Inc. - Part 2
Confidential Attachment 1

CC9.21 - 57 Linelle Street - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications - Request for Directions

Decision Type:
18 - Willowdale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor, as amended by motion 1 by Councillor John Filion.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1, as amended by motion 1 by Councillor John Filion, and Confidential Appendices A and B to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice and information that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor, as amended by motion 1 by Councillor John Filion, were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the “without prejudice” settlement offer as described in Confidential Appendices A and B (the “Settlement Offer”) to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor and subject to Parts 2 to 8 below.


2. City Council direct that the Settlement Offer be reviewed to address a 45-degree angular plane measured from the northern property line adjacent to the proposed development, so as to maintain the intent and purpose of the Townhouse and Low Rise Apartment Guidelines, with permitted minor projections, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


3.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing on this matter in support of the Settlement Offer.


4.  City Council accept, should the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal approve the proposed Official Plan and Zoning by-law Amendments, an on-site parkland dedication that is a minimum of 539 square metres pursuant to Section 42 of the Planning Act and Chapter 415, Article III, of the Toronto Municipal Code (the “Statutory Parkland”), in the general location identified as the Park Block, as identified in Confidential Appendix B to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor, to be dedicated to the City at no cost to the City, free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances and encroachments and in acceptable environmental condition, all to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in addition to the following below:


a.  City Council also accept an on-site dedication of land for park purposes, provided by the owner, in-kind to the City, of approximately 248 square metres, to be combined with the Statutory Parkland forming part of the Park Block as identified in Confidential Appendix B to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor to create a combined Park Block, to be dedicated to the City, at no cost to the City, free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances and encroachments and in acceptable environmental condition, all to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation; and


b.  City Council approve a development charge credit against the Parks and Recreation component of the Development Charges for the design and construction by the owner of the Above Base Park Improvements to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation; the development charge credit shall be in an amount that is the lesser of the cost to the owner of designing and constructing the Above Base Park Improvements, as approved by the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and the Parks and Recreation component of development charges payable for the development in accordance with the City's Development Charges By-law, as may be amended from time to time.


5.  City Council accept the land dedication for Public Street A, constructed by the owner, as an extension of Linelle Street, as identified in the general location identified in Confidential Appendix B to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor, for public right-of-way purposes, in the approximate amount of 0.107 hectares, to be dedicated to the City at no cost to the City, free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances and encroachments and in acceptable environmental condition, all to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services and Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, and secured where appropriate, and that the owner enter into a subdivision agreement, securing same.


6.  City Council instruct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order on the Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment until such time as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


a.  the proposed Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-law Amendment is in a final form satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


b.  the owner has submitted a revised Functional Servicing Report, including confirmation of water and fire flow, sanitary and storm water capacity, Storm Water Management Report and Hydro-geological Report (the “Engineering Reports”) to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, in consultation with the General Manager, Toronto Water;


c.  the owner has designed and provided financial securities for any upgrades or required improvements to the existing municipal infrastructure identified in the accepted Engineering Reports to support the development, all to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, should it be determined that improvements or upgrades are required to support the development;


d.  the implementation of the Engineering Reports that are accepted by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services either does not require changes to the proposed amending By-law or any such required changes have been made to the proposed amending By-law to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the City Solicitor and the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


e.  that the owner has submitted a revised Transportation Impact Study and Functional Design Report to address matters such as the alignment of the new public street and other connections, acceptable to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services;


f.  the owner has submitted a revised subdivision plan, site servicing report, Natural Heritage Impact Study, Ravine Stewardship Plan, amongst other plans noted in the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority memorandum (November 9, 2018) to the satisfaction of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority, including proper land compensation for lost ecosystem services in accordance with Toronto and Region Conservation Authority Guidelines for Determining Ecosystem Compensation;


g.  the owner submits a revised Draft Plan of Subdivision, Ravine Stewardship Plan, arborist report, tree protection plan, tree planting plan, grading plan as noted in the Ravine and Natural Feature Protection memorandum (October 25, 2018) to the satisfaction of the City’s Ravine and Natural Feature Protection By-law Office;


h.  the owner has submitted a revised Draft Plan of Subdivision addressing the Settlement Offer for review by the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


i.  Townhouse Block 1 and Townhouse Block 2 shall be revised, where necessary, to address the fire access issue to the satisfaction of Toronto Fire Services, the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


j.  the owner agrees to provide confirmation from the Ministry of Transportation or other confirmation, that there is no easement in the lands generally shown as the “Park Block” to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and the City Solicitor; and


k.  the owner confirms that it is prepared to move the existing storm sewer pipe within the proposed Park Block and such existing storm sewer pipe shall be moved to the northern boundary of the site and the Park Block will be delineated commencing from the southern boundary from the trenching line required for excavation of the pipe as necessary for upgrades, improvements and/or maintenance, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services.


7.  City Council direct the following matters be secured either through Zoning By-law amendment, subdivision process and/or site plan approval process, as appropriate:


a.  the owner agrees to secure the all-way stop control measures recommended in the site plan agreement and as a condition of site plan approval to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services;


b.  the owner agrees to provide for noise mitigation measures for the outdoor amenity areas that shall be secured in the site plan agreement, and as a condition of site plan approval, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


c.  the outdoor amenity area for each townhouse, shall be the lesser of 40 percent of the total roof area or 4 square metres, and the townhouses shall not exceed three (3) storeys in height;


d.  the owner agrees to provide for privacy and/or overlook mitigation measures in the outdoor amenity areas and in particular, as they relate to the residential properties to the north of the Site, that shall be secured in the site plan agreement and as a condition of site plan approval to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and


e.  the owner agrees to provide for a noise wall five (5) metres in height, or such lesser height, along the Park Block boundary adjacent to the Ministry of Transportation’s 14 metre right-of-way setback and/or the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority lands, all to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


8.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to take such necessary steps, as required, to implement City Council's decision.


Confidential Appendices A and B to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor are now public and can be accessed under Background Information (City Council).


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice and information that that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.  The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 8, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege and information regarding potential litigation


(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 57 Linelle Street - Official Plan Amendment, Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Applications - Request for Directions (CC9.21)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Appendix A - made public on July 26, 2019
Confidential Appendix B - made public on July 26, 2019

CC9.22 - 3000 Dufferin Street - Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application - Request for Further Direction Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council refuse the with prejudice Settlement Offer dated July 5, 2019.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in opposition to the Zoning By-law Amendment and draft plan of subdivision applications in their current form, and to retain outside consultants as necessary.


3.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to continue discussions with the Applicants to reach a resolution of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal appeal, and to report back to City Council on the outcome of the discussions, if necessary.


4. In the event that the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal allows the appeal, in whole or in part, City Council direct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its final order on the Zoning By-law Amendment and draft plan of subdivision applications until such time as it has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


a.  the draft Zoning By-law Amendments are in a form satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


b.  the owner has entered into an Agreement under Section 37 of the Planning Act with the City for the purpose of securing community benefits to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, in consultation with City Planning staff and the Ward Councillor, and the agreement has been executed and registered on title to the lands to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor;


c.  all engineering matters, including the necessary revisions to the Functional Servicing Report and Stormwater Management Report, have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


d.  the owner has submitted a revised draft plan of subdivision to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning; and


e.  a list of draft plan of subdivision conditions has been prepared in a form satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.  The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City or one of its agencies or corporations and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege


(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 3000 Dufferin Street - Zoning By-law Amendment and Draft Plan of Subdivision Application - Request for Further Direction Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing (CC9.22)
Public Attachment 1 - Settlement Offer dated July 5, 2019
Public Appendix A to Public Attachment 1 - Architectural Plans dated July 2, 2019
Confidential Attachment 1

CC9.23 - 193-195 McCaul Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for further Direction Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege and City Council direct that Confidential Attachments 2, 3 and 4 remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the Settlement Offer dated July 9, 2019 in Confidential Attachment 2  to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor, subject to the Parts set out below.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing on this matter in support of the revised proposed development set out in the Settlement Offer in Confidential Attachment 2 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor and as shown on the revised materials in Confidential Attachment 3  to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor, subject to the Parts set out below.


3.  City Council instruct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order on an implementing Zoning By-law Amendment until such time as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


a.  noise mitigation matters have been secured to the satisfaction of the City through an executed tripartite Section 37 Agreement, a Zoning By-law Amendment with a holding provision, or in such other from satisfactory to the City Solicitor;


b.  the proposed Zoning By-law Amendment is in a form satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


c.  a Section 37 Agreement has been executed by the parties securing a contribution of $1,375,000 allocated towards streetscape improvements in the vicinity of the site and/or affordable housing in the local ward to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, and;


i.  the $1,375,000.00 cash contribution is to be indexed upwardly in accordance with the Statistics Canada Non-Residential Construction Price Index for the Toronto Census Metropolitan Area, reported quarterly by Statistics Canada in Building Construction Price Indexes Publication 327-0058, or its successor, calculated from the date of the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal decision to the date of payment; all cash contributions will be payable prior to issuance of the first above-grade building permit; and


ii.  in the event the cash contribution referred to in Part 3.c. above has not been used for the determined purpose within three years of the amending Zoning By-law coming into full force and effect, the cash contribution may be redirected for another purpose, at the discretion of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the Ward Councillor, provided the purpose will benefit the community in the vicinity of the lands; and


d.  a Construction Management Plan has been prepared to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


4.  City Council classify the Subject Site being the properties municipally known as 193-195 McCaul Street as a Class 4 Area pursuant to Publication NPC-300 (Ministry of the Environment and Climate Change Environmental Noise Guideline- Stationary and Transportation Sources - Approval and Planning).


5.  City Council endorse the principle of equitable distribution of tower setbacks to achieve an appropriate tower facing distance along the relevant property lines of the Subject Site should be considered for any future redevelopment of the Sinai Health System lands at 40 Murray Street.


6.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and any other City staff to take such actions as necessary to give effect to City Council's decision.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.  Confidential Attachments 2, 3 and 4 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor. The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Attachments 2, 3 and 4 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City or one of its agencies or corporations and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege


(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 193-195 McCaul Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for further Direction Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing (CC9.23)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Attachment 2
Confidential Attachment 3
Confidential Attachment 4

CC9.24 - 400 - 420 King Street West - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Appeal - Request for Direction

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of:


a. the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor; and


b.  Confidential Attachments 2 and 3 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3. City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the Settlement Offer dated July 9, 2019 in Confidential Attachment 2 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor, subject to the Parts set out below.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to advise the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal that City Council supports a settlement in principle for the Zoning By-law Amendment appeal for the property at 400-420 King Street West, as generally shown in the plans (the "Revised Plans") by Hariri Pontarini Architects, dated July 4, 2019, subject to modifications to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and subject to the following:


a.  the building have a maximum total gross floor area of 43,200 square metres, comprised of a maximum residential gross floor area of 39,850 square metres, and a minimum of 3,335 square metres of non-residential uses, including 930 square metres of office use on the second floor, and that the total number of dwelling units not exceed 633, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


b.  a minimum of 34 percent of the dwelling units in the development will be 2 bedrooms or larger, and a minimum of 10 percent of the dwelling units will be 3 bedrooms or larger;


c.  indoor amenity space will be provided at a rate of at least 1.5 square metres per dwelling unit and outdoor amenity space will be provided at a rate of 2.6 square metres per dwelling unit;


d.  a minimum of 930 square metres of office space be provided within the first two storeys of the building, which will be conveyed to the City of Toronto as the Section 37 contribution, be provided in accordance with Parts 3.g. and h. below, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, and the Director, Real Estate Services;


e.  a minimum of 105 vehicle parking spaces be provided for residential uses;


f.  the Owner agrees to sell to the City of Toronto freehold space within the building, together with appurtenant Easements for access/egress, support, and operations, containing not less than 22 constructed parking spaces and not more than 25 constructed parking spaces (the "Public Parking Garage") to be operated by the Toronto Parking Authority; the Public Parking Garage will be situate on the first parking level of the building below-grade, as shown on the Revised Plans, with all parking spaces (including accessible spaces) constructed  in accordance with Zoning By-law 438-86 for the former City of Toronto, at a price of $75,000 per parking space payable upon the Public Parking Garage turnover; the parking spaces being purchased by the City/Toronto Parking Authority would neither be designed nor built to Toronto Parking Authority standards; the Public Parking Garage, however, will include City ownership of a service elevator, ground level lobby and stairwell providing direct street access to the Public Parking Garage at the southeast corner of the building fronting on King Street West, or if it is not physically possible to utilize the King Street West frontage, the Charlotte Street frontage could be chosen, subject to the final location being acceptable to Toronto Parking Authority; access to shared areas (entrance/exit ramps, stairwells, elevators, lobbies, corridors, walkways, mechanical areas) will be granted by the Owner to the City under registered Easements;  any cost-sharing and maintenance/repair obligations in respect of shared areas of the building will be set out in a Reciprocal Agreement entered into on the Public Parking Garage turnover, concurrent with the transfer of the Public Parking Garage and Easements; the Public Parking Garage will not include any ancillary gross floor area space, such as storage rooms or washrooms; and the full particulars of the transaction will be set out in an Agreement of Purchase and Sale, subject to Toronto Parking Authority Board and City approval processes;


g.  in the event that the first parking level of the building, as currently depicted in the Revised Plans, cannot accommodate a minimum of 22 constructed parking spaces (as a result of the provision of a City-owned service elevator, ground level lobby and stairwell) City Planning staff will work with the Owner to move bicycle lockers currently shown on the Revised Plans on the first parking level to accommodate opportunities for additional vehicle parking spaces, to ensure that the minimum 22 constructed parking spaces are provided on the first parking level of the building;


h.  acceptance of the Settlement Offer is conditional on the entering into of an Agreement of Purchase and Sale between the Owner and the City of Toronto, as described in Part 2.f. above; if an Agreement of Purchase and Sale is not entered into, then the City Solicitor is directed to report back to City Council with alternate recommendations, if necessary;


i.  the parkland dedication requirement will be provided as cash-in-lieu of parkland, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation; and


j.  bicycle parking will be provided in accordance with the standards in Zoning By-law 569-2013 or the Toronto Green Standard, whichever is higher.


3.  City Council instruct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order on the Zoning By-law amendment until such time as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


a.  the proposed Zoning By-law amendment is finalized to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, the City Solicitor and the Owner;


b.  the Owner has addressed any outstanding items in Part A of the Engineering and Construction Services' memorandum dated June 26, 2018, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


c.  the Owner has submitted a revised Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report to the City for review and acceptance by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, with such report to review and determine whether the municipal water, sanitary and storm sewer systems can support the development proposed in the Revised Plans and whether upgrades or improvements to the existing municipal infrastructure are required;


d.  the Owner has entered into a financially secured agreement for the construction of any improvements to the municipal infrastructure, should it be determined that upgrades are required to support the development, according to the approved Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, for review and acceptance by the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services;


e.  the Owner has withdrawn its appeal of Official Plan Amendment 352 and Zoning By-laws 1106-2016 and 1107-2016;


f.  the Owner has submitted a revised Noise Impact Study, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture;


g.  the Owner and the City have entered into a Section 37 agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor to secure the following benefits:


i.  the conveyance of 930 square metres of office space for cultural uses, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture and the Director, Real Estate Services;


h.  the Section 37 Agreement will also secure the following matters as a legal convenience to support the development:


i.  the Owner will comply with the City's Tree By-laws to the satisfaction of the Supervisor, Tree Protection and Plan Review, Urban Forestry, Parks, Forestry and Recreation;


ii.  the Owner will provide and maintain a Privately-Owned and Publicly-Accessible Space with an approximate area of 115.9 square metres at the southwest corner of the property, with the specific location, configuration and design secured in a Site Plan Agreement with the City to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor, pursuant to Section 114 of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as amended and as applicable, Section 41 of the Planning Act, as amended; and


iii.  prior to the issuance of Site Plan Approval, the Owner shall convey to the City for nominal consideration a public pedestrian easement over the three-metre unobstructed pedestrian clearways along both King Street West and Charlotte Street, to the satisfaction of the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District, and registered to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.


4.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and any other City staff to take such actions as necessary to give effect to City Council's decision.


Confidential Attachments 2 and 3 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor are now public and can be accessed under Background Information (City Council).


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City or one of its agencies or corporations and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client


(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 400 - 420 King Street West - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Appeal - Request for Direction (CC9.24)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Attachment 2 - made public on July 26, 2019
Confidential Attachment 3 - made public on July 26, 2019

CC9.25 - Designation of the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Conservation District under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act - Request for Direction

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of:


a. the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor; and


b.  Confidential Attachments 2 and 3 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3. City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council direct the City Solicitor and other Staff to attend at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal in support of the proposed revised policies to the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Heritage Conservation District and St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Heritage Conservation District Plan (the "St. Lawrence HCD") as set out in and substantially in accordance with Confidential Attachment 3 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council direct the City Solicitor to continue negotiations with other appellants to the St. Lawrence HCD appeal in an effort to resolve all outstanding issues under appeal and to take all necessary steps to bring resolution to the matter, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


Confidential Attachments 2 and 3 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor are now public and can be accessed under Background Information (City Council).


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 9, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City or one of its agencies or corporations and advice that is subject to solicitor client privilege


(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on Designation of the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Conservation District under Part V of the Ontario Heritage Act - Request for Direction (CC9.25)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Attachment 2 -made public on July 26, 2019
Confidential Attachment 3 - made public on July 26, 2019

CC9.26 - 504 Wellington Street West - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Further Directions Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the Settlement Offer dated July 4, 2019 in Public Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor and as shown on the plans dated April 26, 2019 in Public Attachment 2 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor in principle, subject to the Applicant submitting revised plans showing increased setbacks from the east side lot line to the proposed building between floors 6 and 10 that match or exceed the building setbacks achieved on the west side lot line of the existing building at 500 Wellington Street West and include bicycle parking spaces in accordance with the Toronto Green Standards, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and further subject to the Applicant agreeing to the conditions set out in Part 3 below.


2.  City Council, in the event that the Applicant provides the revised plans as described in Part 1 above and agrees to the conditions set out in Part 3 below, authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing on this matter in support of the Revised Proposed with the further changes described above.


3.  City Council instruct the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold its Order on the Zoning By-law Amendment application until such time as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


a.  the proposed Zoning By-law Amendments are in a form satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the City Solicitor;


b.  all engineering and transportation matters outlined in their memorandum dated June 20, 2019, including the necessary revisions to Functional Servicing Report and Stormwater Management Report, have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services and the General Manager, Transportation Services;


c.  all Metrolinx matters outlined in the their comments dated May 17, 2019, including the provision of a Noise Study, the inclusion of warning clauses, and the provision of an environmental easement for operational emissions, have been addressed to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with Metrolinx; and


d.  a restrictive covenant satisfactory to the City Solicitor has been registered on title to the property at 482-488 Wellington Street West restricting the redevelopment of that property unless such development includes a minimum of 1,591.5 square metres of office floor area replacing the office floor area that will be removed as part of the redevelopment of 504 Wellington Street West to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.  The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege and information regarding potential litigation


(July 15, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 504 Wellington Street West - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Further Directions Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing (CC9.26)
Public Attachment 1 - Settlement Offer Letter dated July 4, 2019
Public Attachment 2 - Architectural Plans dated April 26, 2019
Confidential Attachment 1 - Confidential Information
(July 8, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 504 Wellington Street West - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Further Directions Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing - Notice of Pending Report (CC9.26)

CC9.27 - 135-143 Portland Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing

Decision Type:
Adopted on Consent
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential recommendations in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the public release of the confidential recommendations in Confidential Attachment 1, and Confidential Appendices A and B to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


3.  City Council direct that the balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at the discretion of the City Solicitor, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.


The confidential recommendations in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor were adopted by City Council and are now public, as follows:


1.  City Council accept the settlement offer attached as Confidential Appendices A and B to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor (together, the "Revised Proposal") and City Council direct the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to support the Revised Proposal, subject to Parts 2 to 8 below.


2.  City Council accept cash-in-lieu of a parkland contribution pursuant to Section 42 of the Planning Act and Chapter 415, Article III of the Toronto Municipal Code.


3.  City Council authorize the introduction of a By-law authorizing the entering into of a Heritage Easement Agreement for the properties at 139, 141 and 143 Portland Street.


4.  In the event that the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal allows the appeal in whole or in part, City Council authorize the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to withhold the issuance of any Order(s) until such time as the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal has been advised by the City Solicitor that:


a.  the final form of the Zoning By-law Amendments are to the satisfaction of the Director, Community Planning, Toronto East York District and the City Solicitor;


b.  the owner has provided a revised Heritage Impact Assessment, prepared by a qualified heritage consultant, that is consistent with the without prejudice plans and drawings dated July 12, 2019, prepared by CoreArchitects and the Settlement Offer dated July 12, 2019 for the development site, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


c.  the owner has provided a Conservation Plan, prepared by a qualified heritage consultant, that is consistent with the conservation strategy set out in the required Heritage Impact Assessment for the properties at 139, 141 and 143 Portland Street, to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services;


d.  the owner has entered into a Heritage Easement Agreement with the City for the properties at 139, 141 and 143 Portland Street in accordance with an approved Conservation Plan, all to the satisfaction of the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, including execution and registration of such agreement to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor;


e.  the Toronto Preservation Board has considered and City Council has made a decision on whether to designate the heritage properties at 139, 141 and 143 Portland Street, under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act; in the event that any of properties are designated under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Order will also be withheld until City Council, in consultation with the Toronto Preservation Board, approves the required alterations to the designated heritage properties pursuant to Section 33 of the Ontario Heritage Act to permit construction of the proposed development of the site;


f.  the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning has dealt with a future Rental Housing Demolition application under Chapter 667 of the Municipal Code pursuant to Section 111 of the City of Toronto Act to demolish the existing rental dwelling units at 135-143 Portland Street and such matters arising from the future Rental Housing Demolition Application have been secured in a Section 111 Agreement to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and registered on title to the site to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor;


g.  the owner has provided a revised Functional Servicing and Stormwater Management Report, Hydrogeological Report and supporting documents, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, in consultation with the General Manager, Toronto Water; and


h.  the owner has designed and provided financial securities for any upgrades and/or required improvements to the municipal infrastructure in connection with the accepted Functional Servicing Report, to the satisfaction of the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, should it be determined that improvements or upgrades to such infrastructure are required to support this development.


5.  Upon issuance of a final Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Order, City Council direct that the owner be required to immediately withdraw:


a.  its appeal(s) of the King-Spadina Heritage Conservation District Plan, as they relate to 135-143 Portland Street, and if not an appellant, but rather a party to such appeals, the owner shall withdraw as a party and not seek any party or participant status on the appeals; and


b. its appeals of Official Plan Amendment 352, and By-laws 1106-2016 and 1107-2016 as they relate to 135-143 Portland Street.


6.  City Council direct that the following matters be resolved in the Site Plan Approval: 


a. the owner will secure the required 0.56 metre conveyance of land for a lane widening to be dedicated to the City at no cost to the City, free and clear, above and below grade, of all easements, encumbrances and encroachments and in acceptable environmental condition, all to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services;


b. the owner will be required to secure screening and other mitigation measures for the loading facilities at grade, to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning;


c.  the owner will be required to articulate the blank walls on the north and south sides of the building and the soffit around the heritage properties to soften their appearance and provide visual interest to the satisfaction of the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services; and


d. the owner will provide a construction management plan satisfactory to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, in consultation with the local Ward Councillor.


7.  City Council direct staff to take such action as may be necessary to provide relief from the King Spadina Heritage Conservation District, Official Plan Amendment 352 and By-laws 1106-2016 and 1107-2016 as may be required to permit the Proposed Development, or otherwise provide for necessary relief from such instruments in order to permit the Proposed Development to be constructed in a manner that implements the terms of this settlement.


8.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and necessary City staff to take such necessary steps, as required, to implement City Council's decision.


Confidential Appendices A and B to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor are now public and can be accessed under Background Information (City Council).


The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor remains confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as it contains advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege.  The balance of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.

Confidential Attachment - Advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege and information regarding potential litigation


(July 15, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 135-143 Portland Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions Regarding Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Hearing (CC9.27)
Confidential Attachment 1
Confidential Appendix A - made public on July 26, 2019
Confidential Appendix B - made public on July 26, 2019
(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 135-143 Portland Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Direction - Notice of Pending Report (CC9.27)

CC9.28 - 6020 and 6030 Bathurst Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions

Decision Type:
6 - York Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor, in the City Solicitor's sole discretion, to disclose the contents of Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendices C and D to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor and direct that Confidential Appendices A and B to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential subject to the owner's consent to release those documents in whole or in part.


Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendices A, B, C and D to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they pertain to litigation or potential litigation that affects the City of Toronto and they contain advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege . The contents of Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) will be made public at the City Solicitor's sole discretion. Confidential Appendices C and D to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public at the discretion of the City Solicitor.  Confidential Appendices A and B  to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public subject to the owner's consent to release those documents in whole or in part.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City of Toronto and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege


(July 15, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 6020 and 6030 Bathurst Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions (CC9.28)
Confidential Attachment 1 - Confidential Information
Confidential Appendix A - Confidential Information
Confidential Appendix B - Confidential Information
Confidential Appendix C - Confidential Information
Confidential Appendix D - Confidential Information
(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 6020 and 6030 Bathurst Street - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Direction - Notice of Pending Report (CC9.28)

CC9.29 - 6040 Bathurst Street and 5 Fisherville Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Directions

Decision Type:
6 - York Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council adopt the confidential instructions to staff in Confidential Attachment 1 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor, in the City Solicitor's sole discretion, to disclose the contents of Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendices C and D to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor and direct that Confidential Appendices A and B to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor shall remain confidential subject to the owner's consent to release those documents in whole or in part.


Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendices A, B, C and D to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor remain confidential at this time in accordance with the provisions of the City of Toronto Act, 2006, as they pertain to litigation or potential litigation that affects the City of Toronto and they contain advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege. The contents of Confidential Attachment 1 and Confidential Appendices C and D to the report (July 15, 2019) will be made public at the City Solicitor's sole discretion. Confidential Appendices A and B  to the report (July 15, 2019) from the City Solicitor will be made public subject to the owner's consent to release those documents in whole or in part.

Confidential Attachment - Litigation or potential litigation that affects the City of Toronto and advice or communications that are subject to solicitor-client privilege


(July 15, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor

Background Information (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 6040 Bathurst Street and 5 Fisherville Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Direction (CC9.29)
Confidential Attachment 1 - Confidential Report from City Solicitor
Confidential Appendix A - Confidential Information
Confidential Appendix B - Confidential Information
Confidential Appendix C - Confidential Information
Confidential Appendix D - Confidential Information
(July 9, 2019) Report from the City Solicitor on 6040 Bathurst Street and 5 Fisherville Road - Zoning By-law Amendment Application - Request for Direction - Notice of Pending Report (CC9.29)

Member Motions - Meeting 9

MM9.1 - Accepting a Donation from Bloordale Baseball League for Refurbishments to Ball Diamond #2 at Millwood Park - by Councillor Stephen Holyday, seconded by Councillor Mark Grimes

Decision Type:
2 - Etobicoke Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to accept a donation of $73,000 from Bloordale Baseball League for the capital project work relating to the refurbishments to Diamond #2 at Millwood Park in compliance with the City's Policy on Donations for Community Benefits.

2.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to negotiate and sign a donor agreement for the $73,000 donation from Bloordale Baseball League, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.

3.  City Council amend the Approved 2019 Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget to create a new capital sub-project known as Millwood Park Ball Diamond #2 Refurbishments in the Outdoor Recreation Centre Project, with a total project cost and 2019 cash flow of $73,000, funded by the donation.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.1
(July 16, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.2 - Release of Section 45(9) Funds from the Development at 4726-4728 Yonge Street to the Toronto Community Housing Corporation Property at 415 Willowdale Avenue for Basketball Court Upgrades - by Councillor John Filion, seconded by Councillor Shelley Carroll

Decision Type:
18 - Willowdale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council increase the Approved 2019 Operating Budget for Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on a one-time basis by $31,000.00 gross, $0 net, fully funded by Section 45(9) (Planning Act Reserve Funds) community benefits from 4726-4750 Yonge Street, 9-31 Bogert Avenue, 2-28 Poyntz Avenue and 49 Bogert Avenue (Source Account: XR3028-4500139) for transfer to the Toronto Community Housing Corporation in order to undertake basketball court upgrades at the Toronto Community Housing Corporation building located at 415 Willowdale Avenue (Cost Centre: FD5101).  

2.  City Council direct that the $31,000.00 be forwarded to the Toronto Community Housing Corporation, subject to the Toronto Community Housing Corporation signing an Undertaking governing the use of the funds and the financial reporting requirements.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.2
(July 16, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.3 - 34 Green Valley Road - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body - by Councillor Jaye Robinson, seconded by Councillor Brad Bradford

Decision Type:
15 - Don Valley West

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body hearing to oppose the variances requested in Application A0254/19NY respecting 34 Green Valley Road.

2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to negotiate a settlement of the appeal of the decision in Application A0254/19NY respecting 34 Green Valley Road and settle the matter on behalf of the City at the City Solicitor's discretion after consultation with the Ward Councillor and with the Director, Community Planning, North York District.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.3
Committee of Adjustment North York Panel Notice of Decision on application for Minor Variance/Permission for 34 Green Valley Road
(May 28, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on 34 Green Valley Road

MM9.4 - Toronto Municipal Code Building Construction and Demolition Review - by Councillor Ana Bailão, seconded by Councillor Paula Fletcher

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the Chief Building Officer and Executive Director, Toronto Building to undertake a review of the Vibration Control provisions contained within Chapter 363-3.6 of the Toronto Municipal Code in order to determine whether further updates or amendments are required.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.4

MM9.5 - Amendment to the 2019 Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget for Falstaff Park Basketball Court Improvements - by Councillor Frances Nunziata, seconded by Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong

Decision Type:
5 - York South - Weston

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend the 2019 Council Approved Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget to create a new capital sub-project known as Falstaff Park Basketball Court Improvements in the Outdoor Recreation Centre project, with a total project cost and 2019 cash flow of $80,000, funded by the donation from Maple Leafs Sports and Entertainment.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.5
(July 16, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.6 - Revisiting the 2017 Memorandum of Understanding signed between the City of Toronto and the District of Jaffna - by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, seconded by Mayor John Tory

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council revive the existing Memorandum of Understanding of March 19, 2017 between the City of Toronto and the District of Jaffna.

2.  City Council resume its commitment to the collaborative advancement of the four main pillars of Good Governance, Education, Library Systems, and Economic Development, as outlined in the 2017 Memorandum of Understanding, and hold another workshop to identify actions for each pillar.

3.  City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to investigate the potential for an urban planner from the City of Toronto to participate in an exchange exercise with the District of Jaffna; this includes amending the original March 2017 Memorandum of Understanding, as necessary, to include the District of Jaffna as a signatory and reporting back on feasibility and next steps.

4.  City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to investigate the potential for a Tamil scholar from Sri Lanka to participate in an exchange exercise with Tamil Studies at the University of Toronto at Scarborough and report back on feasibility and next steps.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.6

MM9.7 - 1039 Weston Road - City Solicitor Attendance at the Toronto Local Appeal Body regarding Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision (A0161/19EYK) - by Councillor Frances Nunziata, seconded by Councillor Brad Bradford

Decision Type:
5 - York South - Weston

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the City Solicitor to appeal the Decision of the Committee of Adjustment, Etobicoke York Panel to oppose the approval of the Revised Application for 1039 Weston Road (A0161/19EYK).

2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City staff to attend the Toronto Local Appeal Body to oppose the Decision and to retain outside consultants, as necessary.

3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attempt to negotiate a resolution of the appeal and, if a resolution is reached, to settle the appeal at the City Solicitor's discretion after consulting with the Ward Councillor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.7
Committee of Adjustment, Etobicoke York Panel Notice of Decision on application for Minor Variance/Permission for 1039 Weston Road

MM9.8 - 37 Blue Springs Road - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body - by Councillor Frances Nunziata, seconded by Councillor Brad Bradford

Decision Type:
5 - York South - Weston

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the City Solicitor, and any other appropriate City Staff, to attend the Toronto Local Appeal Body in respect of 37 Blue Springs Road to uphold the Committee of Adjustment’s refusal of the Applicant’s proposed development (Committee of Adjustment Applications A0871/17EYK, A0872/17EYK, A0873/17EYK and B0090/17EYK).

2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to retain outside consultants, as necessary.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.8
Committee of Adjustment, Etobicoke York Panel Notice of Decision on Consent for 37 Blue Springs Road
Committee of Adjustment, Etobicoke York Panel Notice of Decision on application for Minor Variance/Permission for 37 Blue Springs Road - Part 1
Committee of Adjustment, Etobicoke York Panel Notice of Decision on application for Minor Variance/Permission for 37 Blue Springs Road - Part 2
Committee of Adjustment, Etobicoke York Panel Notice of Decision on application for Minor Variance/Permission for 37 Blue Springs Road - Part 3
(November 20, 2017) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District on 37 Blue Springs Road
Correspondence from Community Planning Staff to the Committee of Adjustment, dated April 2, 2019

MM9.9 - 2 Gibbs Road - To Permit Applications for Minor Variances - by Councillor Stephen Holyday, seconded by Councillor Brad Bradford

Decision Type:
2 - Etobicoke Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council, pursuant to Subsection 45(1.4) of the Planning Act, permit applications for minor variances with respect to the property municipally known as 2 Gibbs Road for relief from the Zoning Code and site-specific By-laws in order to amend the associated development standards as they relate to gross floor area.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.9
(June 28, 2019) Letter from the Director, Edilcan Development Corporation

MM9.10 - Temporary Delegation of Authority During the Summer Recess to Direct Attendance on Appeals of Committee of Adjustment Decisions - by Councillor Ana Bailão, seconded by Councillor Paula Fletcher

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the City Solicitor to attend at hearings on appeals of Committee of Adjustment decisions or to appeal a Committee of Adjustment decision on behalf of the City of Toronto at the request of the Ward Councillor after consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, or designate, during the period from the completion of City Council's July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 meeting to the start of City Council's October 2 and 3, 2019 meeting; the delegation shall include the authority to direct appropriate City staff to attend at the hearing and for the City Solicitor to retain outside consultants as necessary; the City Solicitor is authorized to take all steps necessary to bring resolution to the matter in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.10

MM9.11 - Request to amend the 2019 Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget for the "Ward 3 Park Improvements Project" to Broadacres Park Basketball Court - by Councillor Stephen Holyday, seconded by Councillor Brad Bradford

Decision Type:
2 - Etobicoke Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend the 2019 Council Approved Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget to change the project scope for the Ward 3 Park Improvements sub-project, in the Park Development project to Broadacres Park Basketball Court.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.11
(July 16, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.12 - Reallocation of Section 37 funds by the York-Eglinton Business Improvement Area for the production of a mural at 1669 Eglinton Avenue West - by Councillor Josh Matlow, seconded Councillor Mike Colle

Decision Type:
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the reallocation, by the York-Eglinton Business Improvement Area, of $5,000.00 in Section 37 funds for the production of a mural at 1669 Eglinton Avenue West, subject to the Business Improvement Area signing an Undertaking governing the use of the funds and the financial reporting requirements.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.12

MM9.13 - Supporting Wastewater Energy Transfer in Toronto - by Councillor Mike Layton, seconded by Mayor John Tory

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the General Manager, Toronto Water, in consultation with the Director, Environment and Energy and the City Solicitor to report back to City Council on October 2 and 3, 2019, through the Infrastructure and Environment Committee with recommendations on how to advance strategic pilot projects for wastewater energy transfer in the fourth quarter of 2019.

2.  City Council request that information from these pilot projects be used to develop recommendations for a wastewater energy transfer policy, and that staff report back to City Council through the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the third quarter of 2020.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.13

MM9.14 - Protecting Seniors Housing in Toronto - by Councillor Mike Layton, seconded by Mayor John Tory

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the City Manager, in consultation with the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat to report back to City Council through the Planning and Housing Committee in the fourth quarter of 2019 with recommendations on how to ensure that seniors-specific housing in Toronto is protected in perpetuity.


2.  City Council request the Ontario Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing and the Ontario Minister of Seniors and Accessibility to review policies related to the protection of tenants at assisted living facilities, in particular when those facilities cease operation.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.14

MM9.15 - Protecting the Great Lakes - the proposed Canada-Ontario agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health - by Councillor Mike Layton, seconded by Councillor Joe Cressy

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the City Manager, in consultation with the Director, Environment and Energy and the General Manager, Toronto Water to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee on September 9, 2019, regarding the proposed changes to the Canada-Ontario agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health and how it would impact City policy, costs and programs as they relate to water quality, storm water management, ecosystem health, parkland and watercourse management.

2.  City Council request the City Manager to prepare any comments on the proposed Canada-Ontario agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health for inclusion on the Environmental Registry of Ontario.

3.  City Council direct the City Manager to request the Minister of Environment, Conservation and Parks to extend the deadline for the City of Toronto to comment on the Environmental Registry of Ontario regarding the proposed Canada-Ontario agreement on Great Lakes Water Quality and Ecosystem Health beyond September 4, 2019.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.15

Communications (City Council)

(July 12, 2019) Letter from Tim Kocur, Executive Director, The Waterfront Business Improvement Area (MM.Supp.MM9.15.1)
(July 15, 2019) E-mail from N. Corrado (MM.Supp.MM9.15.2)

MM9.16 - Representation at a Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing for 20 Sandringham Drive - by Councillor Mike Colle, seconded by Councillor James Pasternak

Decision Type:
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the City Solicitor and any other appropriate City staff to attend the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing for 20 Sandringham Drive in opposition to the appeal of the Committee of Adjustment decision.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to retain outside consultants, as necessary.


3.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attempt to negotiate a resolution of the appeal and, if a resolution is reached, to settle the appeal at the City Solicitor's discretion, and in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.16

MM9.17 - An Inspection and Enforcement Action Plan on Problematic Establishments Serving Alcohol - by Councillor Josh Matlow, seconded by Councillor Mike Colle

Decision Type:
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the Executive Director, Municipal Licensing and Standards, the Chief Building Official and Executive Director, Toronto Building, and the Fire Chief and General Manager, Toronto Fire Services to consult with the Toronto Police Service and the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario to develop and implement a cross-jurisdictional action plan to respond, manage and resolve negative community impacts created by problematic establishments serving alcohol, and to report to the General Government and Licensing Committee in the fourth quarter of 2019 on the plan's successes and needed improvements.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.17

MM9.18 - Connecting the York Beltline Trail and the Kay Gardner Beltline Trail - by Councillor Mike Colle, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Decision Type:
8 - Eglinton - Lawrence

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to review opportunities to better connect the York Beltline Trail, west of Allen Road with the Kay Gardner Beltline Trail, east of Allen Road, with consideration for the feasibility of an active transportation bridge at this location or through improvements to the existing bridge 50 metres north of the trail on Elm Ridge Drive.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.18

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Nicole Corrado (MM.New.MM9.18.1)

MM9.19 - East York Hall of Fame - by Councillor Paula Fletcher, seconded by Councillor Brad Bradford

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the Toronto Office of Partnerships to work with the East York Hall of Fame Association and identify the feasibility of a public space to be used as the site for the East York Hall of Fame and bring recommendations back to the Economic and Community Development Committee in the first quarter of 2020.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.19

MM9.20 - Making Home Renovations Safer - requesting changes to the Ontario Building Code based on the Inquest into the death of Ryan Pearce - by Councillor Brad Bradford, seconded by Councillor Ana Bailão

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council request the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing to implement changes to the Ontario Building Code that will require all underpinning and bench footing work to be undertaken under the general review of a supervised person, and City Council advise the Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing that the City of Toronto is prepared to assist with evaluating the regulatory changes needed to accomplish Recommendation 1 from the Office of the Chief Coroner's Inquest into the death of Ryan Pearce.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.20

MM9.21 - Diverting Textiles from Toronto's Waste Stream - by Councillor Jaye Robinson, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services to develop an implementation plan for a City-wide textile waste diversion program, in consultation with potential providers, and report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the first quarter of 2020.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.21

Communications (City Council)

(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Nicole Corrado (MM.New.MM9.21.1)

MM9.22 - Heritage Evaluation Request for "The Oculus" in South Humber Park - by Councillor Mark Grimes, seconded by Councillor Frances Nunziata

Decision Type:
3 - Etobicoke - Lakeshore

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the Senior Manager, Heritage Preservation Services, in consultation with the Director, Parks Development and Capital Projects, to evaluate the Oculus Park Pavilion in South Humber Park, Etobicoke for designation under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act and report to the Toronto Preservation Board and the Etobicoke York Community Council.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.22

Communications (City Council)

(July 12, 2019) E-mail from Brian Mooney, Chair, Etobicoke York Community Preservation Panel (MM.Supp.MM9.22.1)

MM9.23 - Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area Victoria Street Parklet - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16 and 17, 2019 adopted the following:


1. City Council approve an exemption from Municipal Code Chapter 743, Streets and Sidewalks to permit within the Downtown Yonge Business Improvement Area, parklets in the northbound, east curb lane of Victoria Street, within existing street parking spaces in front of 249 and 251 Victoria Street, between the dates of July 25, 2019 and October 31, 2019, including set-up and take-down.

2. City Council direct the General Manager, Transportation Services to issue a street occupation permit from July 25, 2019 to October 31, 2019 in the northbound, east curb lane of Victoria Street in front of 249 and 251 Victoria Street to facilitate the implementation of parklets and a complimentary greening strategy subject to terms and conditions to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.23

MM9.24 - Training on lock-down procedures for City of Toronto and City Council Members’ staff - by Councillor Brad Bradford. seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council request the Director, Corporate Security to make available training opportunities and resource materials on emergency response procedures for all City of Toronto and City Council Members’ staff, including but not limited to:

a. simplified, plain-language instructions on lock-down, hold and secure, and shelter-in-place procedures tailored to the specific work environments of staff;

b. conducting annual drills to enhance emergency preparedness;

c. incorporating training into required new employee training packages;

d. information on where and how to receive City of Toronto real-time updates on lock-downs and other emergency situations; and

e. access to City of Toronto resources and opportunities for drills on the procedures and best practices outlined above. 

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.24

Communications (City Council)

(July 12, 2019) Letter from David Mitchell, President, Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 79 (MM.New.MM9.24.1)

MM9.25 - Confirmation of the City's Interest in 155 Falstaff Avenue (formerly Nelson A. Boylen Collegiate Institute) - by Councillor Frances Nunziata, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Decision Type:
5 - York South - Weston

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council confirm to the Toronto Catholic District School Board the City's interest in constructing a new swimming facility at 155 Falstaff Avenue as part of the construction of the new St. Fidelis Catholic School.

2. City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to report to the Economic and Community Development Committee in the fourth quarter of  2019 on the feasibility of co-locating a future aquatic facility at 155 Falstaff Avenue as part of the construction of the new St. Fidelis Catholic School, including the capital funding sources and timelines that would be required to advance this project.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.25

MM9.26 - Reviewing North St. James Town for Potential Inclusion as a Neighbourhood Improvement Area - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the Executive Director, Social Development, Finance and Administration to determine the suitability for the North St. James Town neighbourhood, focusing on the neighbourhood east of Sherbourne Street, to be identified as a Neighbourhood Improvement Area when the next City-wide review to identify Neighbourhood Improvement Areas is complete and report back to the Economic and Community Development Committee in the fourth quarter of 2020 as part of this process.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.26

Communications (City Council)

(July 12, 2019) Letter from Suze Morrison,MPP, Toronto Centre (MM.Supp.MM9.26.1)
(July 12, 2019) Multiple Communications from Robb Johannes, St. James Town Service Providers' Network (MM.Supp.MM9.26.2)
(July 15, 2019) E-mail from Linda Brett (MM.New.MM9.26.3)
(July 15, 2019) Letter from Norm Di Pasquale, Ward 9 Toronto Catholic District School Board (MM.New.MM9.26.4)
(July 16, 2019) Petition from approximately 842 persons to designate North St. James Town a Neighbourhood Improvement Area, submitted by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, Ward 13, Toronto Centre, filed during the Routine Matters portion of the meeting. (MM.New)

MM9.27 - Authority to enter into an Agreement with 1630 Queen Developments Limited and MSI Management Limited to design and construct Streetscape improvements on Queen Street East from Coxwell Avenue to Orchard Park Boulevard - by Councillor Brad Bradford, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

Decision Type:
19 - Beaches - East York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the General Manager, Transportation Services to negotiate, enter into and execute an agreement, or separate agreements, with 1630 Queen Developments Limited and MSI Management Limited and/or their design consultants and/or construction contractors as the case may be, to design and/or construct streetscape improvements on the north side of  Queen Street East from Coxwell Avenue to the westerly property line of 1630 Queen Street East, and from the easterly property line of 1630 Queen Street East, eastward to just west of Orchard Park Boulevard, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Transportation Services, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, including the following:

a. in designing the streetscape improvements any party identified by the General Manager, Transportation Services to be consulted shall be consulted;

b. the improvements shall be constructed in accordance with the City's construction standards and with detailed plans approved by the General Manager, Transportation Services;

c. all relevant City policies as applicable, including the City’s Fair Wage Policy, the Labour Trades Construction Obligations in the Construction Industry Policy and the Declaration of Compliance with Anti-Harassment/Discrimination Legislation Policy, if applicable, shall be complied within the design and construction of the streetscape improvements; and

d. the negotiated fees and costs for all Agreements to design and construct the streetscape improvements shall be fair and reasonable in the opinion of the General Manager, Transportation Services based on the work involved to implement the improvements and costs for similar work completed in the past.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.27
(July 16, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.28 - Authorize approval to accept Federal Funding for the Indigenous Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.   City Council authorize the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, in anticipation of a favourable Indigenous Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship funding grant announcement by the Federal Economic Development Agency for Southern Ontario (FedDev Ontario), to enter into and administer a funding agreement with FedDev Ontario for up to $5,000,000 in federal support, via a non-repayable contribution, for the period April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2024.


2.   City Council increase the 2019 Approved Operating Budget for Economic Development and Culture and associated service levels by $1,150,000.00 gross and $0 net; future year allocations will be included in future year budget submissions for Economic Development and Culture.


3.   City Council delegate authority to the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture to seek and receive future funding from the federal government for the Indigenous Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and to receive and expend those funds as specified through the funding agreements accompanying the funding.


4.   City Council direct the City Manager, working with the Manager, Indigenous Affairs Office, and the General Manager, Economic Development and Culture, to report back to the Economic and Community Development Committee by second quarter of 2020 on the progress of the Indigenous Centre for Innovation and Entrepreneurship project.

Background Information (City Council)

Revised Member Motion MM9.28
(July 16, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.29 - Improving Pedestrian Safety on Sherbourne Street Between Bloor Street East and Howard Street - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council request the General Manager, Transportation Services, in conjunction and in consultation with the Toronto Transit Commission, adjacent resident associations and other divisions as required, to review pedestrian and traffic safety on Sherbourne Street between Bloor Street East and Howard Street, including reviewing the Sherbourne Street intersection at Selby Street and Howard Street, potential two-way operation on Selby Street and the southbound 75 Sherbourne Toronto Transit Commission bus route at Bloor Street East and Sherbourne Street and to report back with changes to improve pedestrian safety to the December 3, 2019 meeting of the Toronto and East York Community Council.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.29

MM9.30 - Bringing Basketball to the Bay by Mitigating Local Recreational Opportunities Lost Due to Construction - by Councillor Paula Fletcher, seconded by Councillor Shelley Carroll

Decision Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the development, design and construction of a public basketball court on the Ashbridges Bay Park property at a location determined by and suitable to Toronto Water.


2. City Council request the General Manager, Toronto Water, in consultation with the local Ward 14 and 19 Councillors and the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to finalize the design of a basketball court to be located on the Ashbridges Bay Park property. 


3. City Council direct that funds for the work be allocated from the contingency allowances included in the existing Don River and Central Waterfront Contract 1 and/or the Ashbridges Bay Treatment Plant Integrated Pumping Stations Contracts 1 and 2.

4. City Council authorize the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services to execute the necessary change orders to implement the project.


5. City Council request the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to develop a Master Recreation Plan for the park, in consultation with General Manager Toronto Water, the local Ward 14 and 19 Councillors, other stakeholders and the local community, to be ready upon completion of the construction activities related to the Don River and Central Waterfront Tunnel system as well as the new Integrated Pumping Station.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.30
(July 16, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.31 - Coordinating Construction and Infrastructure Between Yonge Street, King Street East, Church Street and Wellington Street East - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Joe Cressy

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council request the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, through the Major Capital Infrastructure Coordination Office, to immediately form a monthly working group with membership to include Engineering and Construction Services, Transportation Services, Toronto Hydro, the Toronto Transit Commission, the St. Lawrence Neighbourhood Association, the St. Lawrence Market Neighbourhood Business Improvement Area, Carttera Developments Inc., Enbridge Gas, the Ward Councillor and any additional stakeholders as required to facilitate the timely coordination of planned and future infrastructure and development between the area bounded by Yonge Street, King Street East, Church Street and Wellington Street East.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.31

MM9.32 - Building the Chinatown Gates - by Mayor John Tory, seconded by Councillor Joe Cressy

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the General Manager, Economic Development to initiate a working group composed of staff from Transportation Services, the Toronto Transit Commission and the Economic Development and Culture Division, to work with the Toronto Chinatown Gate Heritage Association on a feasibility and implementation strategy for the Chinatown Gates.

2. City Council direct that any cost implications of the feasibility study for the Chinatown Gates be considered as part of the 2020 budget process.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.32

MM9.33 - 11 Polson Street - Powerhouse Corporation currently operating as Rebel Nightclub/Cabana Pool Bar - Liquor Licence 804501 - by Councillor Paula Fletcher, seconded by Councillor Joe Cressy

Decision Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the City Solicitor to determine from the Registrar of Alcohol, Cannabis and Racing if the conditions attached to the liquor licence for Maya Corp. at 11 Polson Street are being enforced by the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario, and if any disciplinary action has been brought forward to Maya Corp. for violations of section 46 of Regulation 719, or for a breach of the conditions attached to the liquor licence.

2.  City Council direct the City Solicitor to report on the response of the Registrar of Alcohol, Cannabis and Gaming directly to the October 2 and 3, 2019 meeting of City Council.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.33

MM9.34 - Request to Investigate the Feasibility of Renaming Woodsy Park located at 80 McMahon Drive and the Renaming of the Adjacent Woodsy Lane, to Ethennonnhawahstihnen’ [et-hen-nonn-ha-wah-stih-nen’] - by Councillor Shelley Carroll, seconded by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie

Decision Type:
17 - Don Valley North

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, in consultation with the Manager, Indigenous Affairs Office, to investigate the feasibility of renaming Woodsy Park located at 80 McMahon Drive to Ethennonnhawahstihnen Park and report back to the North York Community Council with a recommendation based on the criteria and process outlined in the Property Naming Policy.

2.  City Council waive Section 3.3.5 of the Property Policy which says City properties that have been named or renamed in the previous ten years will not be renamed.

3.  City Council direct the Chief Engineer and Executive Director, Engineering and Construction Services, in consultation the Manager, Indigenous Affairs Office, to investigate the feasibility of renaming Woodsy Park Lane to Ethennonnhawahstihnen Lane and report back to the North York Community Council with a recommendation based on the criteria and process outlined in the Street Naming Policy.

4.  City Council express its support for the renaming of "Woodsy Park Lane", extending between Sheppard Avenue East and McMahon Drive, to "Ethennonnhawahstihnen Lane".

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.34

MM9.35 - 2135 Sheppard Avenue East and 299 Yorkland Boulevard - Authority to Amend Section 37 Agreement - by Councillor Shelley Carroll, seconded by Councillor Josh Matlow

Decision Type:
17 - Don Valley North

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to amend the Section 37 Agreement for 2135 Sheppard Avenue East and 299 Yorkland Boulevard to permit an alternative phasing of development which would permit the construction of either of Building A or Building B (including the associated podium), prior to the issuance of an Above-Grade Building Permit for Building C and, where the Owner elects to do so, to require the cash contribution of the outstanding community benefits identified in the Section 37 Agreement not yet provided, prior to the issuance of the first Above-Grade Building Permit for the second Building.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.35
Attachment 1 - Schedule C1(142) to Zoning By-law 1182-2016

MM9.36 - Expanding Housing Options in Toronto- Tackling the Missing Middle and the ‘Yellowbelt’ - by Mayor John Tory, seconded by Councillor Ana Bailão

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to report to the Planning and Housing Committee in the fourth quarter of 2019 on options and a timeline to increase housing options and planning permissions in areas of Toronto designated as Neighbourhoods in Toronto’s Official Plan and that Planning staff consult with registered community associations prior to submitting their report.


2. City Council request the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning to include in the report back in Part 1 above opportunities for a missing middle pilot area in Ward 19, Beaches-East York, in consultation with the local Councillor.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.36

MM9.37 - Restoration and Revitalization of the Ossington Avenue Clock Tower - by Councillor Joe Cressy, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council request the General Manager, Real Estate Services to work with Toronto Fire Services and Toronto City Archives to conduct a thorough search for the clock previously located at Fire Hall No. 9 at 16 Ossington Avenue.


2. City Council request the Chief Executive Officer, CreateTO, and direct the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning and the General Manager, Transportation Services to explore opportunities to revitalize the land at 18 Ossington Avenue as public space, in collaboration with plans to revitalize the space at 16 Ossington Avenue, in consultation with the Ward Councillor.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.37

MM9.38 - Interim Housing Assistance Program for Refugee/Asylum Claimants Arriving in Toronto - by Mayor John Tory, seconded by Councillor Michael Thompson

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the Mayor and the City Manager to enter into an agreement with the Federal Government in order for the City to:


a. receive funding to provide services to refugee/asylum claimants as part of the local plan referred to in the report (July 12, 2019) from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services, such agreement to be in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor; and


b. allocate funding in accordance with the agreement and the local plan.


2.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, or designate to:


a. allocate funds received from the Federal Government and enter into agreements with community agencies, hotels or other service providers, in or outside of the City of Toronto, in support of the local plan, such agreements to be on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor;


b.  allocate funds received from the Federal Government and enter into agreements with other participating municipalities in support of the local plan, such agreements to be on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Shelter, Support and Housing Administration, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor; and


c. allocate funds received from the Federal Government and enter into other agreements as may be necessary to provide services to refugee/asylum claimants in support of the local plan.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.38
(July 12, 2019) Report from the Deputy City Manager, Community and Social Services on Interim Housing Assistance Program for Refugee/Asylum Claimants Arriving in Toronto

MM9.39 - 1977 Dundas Street West - Liquor Licence Application - Tommys Wine Club - by Councillor Gord Perks, seconded by Councillor Joe Cressy

Decision Type:
4 - Parkdale - High Park

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the City Clerk to advise the Registrar of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario that the issuance of a liquor licence for 1977 Dundas Street West operating under the name Tommys Wine Club (the “Premises”) is not in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents, and that the Registrar should issue either a Proposal to Review or a Proposal to Refuse the liquor licence application.

2. City Council request the Licence Appeal Tribunal to provide the City of Toronto with an opportunity to be made party to any proceedings with respect to the Premises.

3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attend all proceedings before the Licence Appeal Tribunal in this matter and direct the City Solicitor to take all necessary action so as to give effect to this Motion, including determining whether the application ought to be refused outright or whether the application can be supported with conditions to the liquor licence, all in consultation with the Ward Councillor.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.39

MM9.40 - 100 Edward Street - Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision - by Councillor Mike Layton, seconded by Councillor Joe Cressy

Decision Type:
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend at the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal hearing to support the Committee of Adjustment's decision in Application A0454/18TEY respecting 70 and 100 Edward Street and 636 Bay Street.

2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to negotiate a settlement of the appeal of the decision in application A0454/18TEY respecting 70 and 100 Edward Street and 636 Bay Street and authorize the City Solicitor to settle the matter on behalf of the City in the City Solicitor's discretion after consultation with the Ward Councillor and with the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.40
Committee of Adjustment, Toronto and East York Panel Notice of Decision on application for Minor Variance/Permission for 100 Edward Street
(April 10, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Toronto and East York District on 70 and 100 Edward Street and 636 Bay Street Committee of Adjustment Application

MM9.41 - 32 Oxton Avenue - Representation at Toronto Local Appeal Body Appeal Hearing - by Councillor Josh Matlow, seconded by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam

Decision Type:
12 - Toronto - St. Paul's

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the City Solicitor, and any other appropriate City staff, to attend the Toronto Local Appeal Body hearing in respect of 32 Oxton Avenue to oppose the Committee of Adjustment’s approval of the applicant’s proposed development (Application A0160/19TEY).


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to retain outside consultants as necessary and at the City Solicitor's discretion.


3.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attempt to negotiate a resolution of the appeal and, if a resolution is reached to settle the appeal at the City Solicitor’s discretion, and in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.41
Committee of Adjustment, Toronto and East York Panel Notice of Decision on application for Minor Variance/Permission for 32 Oxton Avenue

MM9.42 - Authorization of an Agreement to continue funding the Muslim Youth Fellowship Internship Program in Council Member's Offices for 2020 - by Councillor Jennifer McKelvie, seconded by Mayor John Tory

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the City Clerk to enter into an agreement with Urban Alliance on Race Relations to receive funding for up to fifteen Councillor's Aide positions in Council Member Offices.


2. City Council direct staff to explore possibilities of expanding the program with the Urban Alliance on Race Relations to youth from other diverse, under-represented communities with the goal of expanding the program as a year-round initiative at City Hall starting Fall 2020 and to report back on progress before the fourth quarter of 2019.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.42

MM9.43 - Authorization to Release a Portion of Section 37 Contribution to Transportation Services for Capital Improvements to the Sheppard Bridge over Highway 404 - by Councillor Shelley Carroll, seconded by Councillor Gary Crawford

Decision Type:
17 - Don Valley North

City Council Decision

Motion MM9.43 was withdrawn at City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.43

MM9.44 - Authorization to Release Section 37 (Planning Act) Funds from Various Developments for Capital Improvements to Toronto Community Housing Corporation Properties in Ward 10, Spadina-Fort York - by Councillor Joe Cressy, seconded by Councillor Ana Bailão

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council increase the 2019 Approved Operating Budget of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration on a one-time basis by $1,994,677.68 gross, $0 net, for transfer to Toronto Community Housing Corporation for capital improvements to various Toronto Community Housing Corporation properties in Ward 10 (Cost Centre: FD5101), fully funded by Section 37 and Section 45(9) (Planning Act Reserve Fund) community benefits from the following developments:

a.  500 Lake Shore Boulevard West, secured for capital improvements to affordable housing in former Ward 20, in the amount of $570,175.44 (Source Account: XR3026-3700976);

b.  40, 46, 48, 50, 52 and 60 McCaul Street and 10 Stephanie Street, secured for capital repairs to existing Toronto Community Housing buildings in former Ward 20, in the amount of $101,905.13 (Source Account: XR3026-3700889);

c.  19 Duncan Street, 219-223 Adelaide Street West, secured for capital improvements to existing rental housing units provided by Toronto Community Housing Corporation in former Ward 20, in the amount of $336,141.04 (Source Account: XR3026-3700983);

d.  15-35 Mercer Street, secured for capital fund for repairs to Toronto Community Housing Corporation housing in former Ward 20, in the amount of $583,923.95 (Source Account: XR3026-3700921);

e.  306-322 Richmond Street West, secured for public housing improvements in former Ward 20, in the amount of $40,290.00 (Source Account: XR3028-4500209);

f.  290 Adelaide Street West, secured for capital improvements to Toronto Community Housing Corporation buildings in former Ward 20, in the amount of $50,981.17 (Source Account: XR3028-4500185);

g.  56 Blue Jays Way, secured for capital improvements to social housing in former Ward 20, in the amount of $50,981.17 (Source Account: XR3028-4500184);

h.  219 Queen Street West, secured for capital improvements to affordable housing in former Ward 20, in the amount of $343.75 (Source Account: XR3026-3700662);

i.  576, 578 and 580 Front Street West, 25 and 27 Bathurst Street, 33, 35 and 49 Niagara Street, secured for capital improvements to Toronto Community Housing Corporation properties located in former Ward 20, in the amount of $196,604.48 (Source Account: XR3026- 3700809);

j.  578-580 Front Street West, secured for capital improvements to Toronto Community Housing Corporation properties located in former Ward 20, in the amount of $11,160.93 (Source Account XR3028-4500195); and

k.  602-622 King Street West, 499-505 Adelaide Street West, 1 and 11 Adelaide Place, secured for repairs to Toronto Community Housing Corporation housing in former Ward 20, in the amount of $52,170.62 (Source Account: XR3026-3700806)

2.  City Council direct that the $1,994,677.68 be forwarded to the Toronto Community Housing Corporation, subject to the Toronto Community Housing Corporation signing an Undertaking governing the use of the funds and the financial reporting requirements.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.44
(July 17, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.45 - 16 Kenrae Road - Request for City Solicitor to Attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body - by Councillor Jaye Robinson, seconded by Councillor Brad Bradford

Decision Type:
15 - Don Valley West

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and appropriate City Staff to attend at the Toronto Local Appeal Body hearing to oppose Application B0055/18NY, A0796/18NY and A0797/18NY respecting 16 Kenrae Road.

2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to negotiate a settlement of the appeal of the decision in Application B0055/18NY, A0796/18NY and A0797/18NY respecting 16 Kenrae Road and authorize the City Solicitor to settle the matter on behalf of the City at the City Solicitor's discretion after consultation with the Ward Councillor and with the Director, Community Planning, North York District.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.45
Committee of Adjustment, North York Panel Notices of Decisions on application for Minor Variance for 16 Kenrae Road
Committee of Adjustment, North York Panel Notice of Decision on Consent for 16 Kenrae Road
(May 14, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on 16 Kenrae Road

MM9.46 - Accepting a Donation from Georgia Walsh Memorial Playground Project for Trace Manes Community Centre Playground Improvements - by Councillor Jaye Robinson, seconded by Councillor Brad Bradford

Decision Type:
15 - Don Valley West

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, to negotiate and sign a donor agreement for the $916,151.00 donation from Georgia Walsh Memorial Playground Project, on terms and conditions satisfactory to the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.

2.  City Council authorize the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation to accept donations of $916,151.00 from the community group Georgia Walsh Memorial Playground Project and apply them to the budgeted capital project work relating to playground improvements at Trace Manes Community Centre in compliance with the City's Policy on Donations for Community Benefits.

3.  City Council amend the 2019 Approved Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget for the Trace Manes Community Centre Playground Donation sub-project in the Community Centre project by $61,151.00, increasing the total project cost from $1,169,000.00 to $1,230,151.00 and 2019 cash flow from $915,572.00 to $976,723.00, based on a higher amount of donation funds raised since initial project assessment in 2017.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.46
(July 17, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.47 - Diverting Coffee Pods from Landfills - by Councillor Michael Ford, seconded by Councillor Joe Cressy

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, referred Motion MM9.47 to the General Manager, Solid Waste Management Services for consideration.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.47

Communications (City Council)

(July 17, 2019) E-mail from Nicole Corrado (MM.New.MM9.47.1)
(July 18, 2019) Letter from Councillor Michael Ford, Ward 1 Etobicoke North (MM.New.MM9.47.2)

MM9.48 - 1032 Queen Street West and 1034 Queen Street West - Review of Liquor Licence - Apt. 200 - by Councillor Joe Cressy, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the City Solicitor to request that Registrar of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario to issue a Notice of Proposal to suspend or revoke the liquor licence for 1032 Queen Street West and/or 1034 Queen Street West, operating under the name of Apt. 200 (the “Premises”) on the grounds that the past and present conduct of the Licensee affords reasonable grounds that the business will not be operating in accordance with the law, the Licensee is carrying on activities that are in contravention of the Liquor Licence Act or its regulations, and the operation of the business is not in the public interest with regards to the needs and wishes of the residents in which the Premises is located.

2. City Council request the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario and the Licence Appeal Tribunal to provide the City of Toronto with an opportunity to be made party to any proceedings with respect to the Premises.

3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attend all proceedings before the Licence Appeal Tribunal in this matter and direct the City Solicitor to take all necessary action so as to give effect to this Motion.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.48

MM9.49 - 19 Duncan Street and 219-225 Adelaide Street West - To Permit Application for Minor Variances - by Councillor Joe Cressy, seconded by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council, pursuant to Subsection 45(1.4) of the Planning Act, permit applications for minor variances with respect to the property municipally known as 19 Duncan Street and 219-225 Adelaide Street West, for relief from By-laws 170-2018 (OMB) and 171-2018 (OMB), in order to vary development standards related to lot line setbacks, building height, outdoor amenity space and parking space rates.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.49

MM9.50 - 90 Eastdale Avenue and 2 Secord Avenue - Implementation of City Council approved Local Planning Appeal Tribunal Settlement - by Councillor Brad Bradford, seconded by Councillor Ana Bailão

Decision Type:
19 - Beaches - East York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council declare the Eastdale Parkette, shown as Part 1 on Sketch PS-2019-014 as surplus, with intended manner of disposal by land exchange with 2 Secord Inc. and 90 Eastdale Inc.

2.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services to enter into a Land Exchange Agreement with 2 Secord Inc. and 90 Eastdale Inc. for the disposal of the Eastdale Parkette, shown as Part 1 on Sketch PS-2019-014 in Appendix B to Motion MM9.50, in exchange for the replacement park lands identified as Part 2 on Sketch PS-2019-014, substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Appendix A to Motion MM9.50, and such other terms as may be approved by the Director, Real Estate Services in consultation with the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.

3.  City Council direct the Deputy City Manager, Corporate Services to enter into a Lease Agreement to lease back the replacement park lands, identified as Part 2 on Sketch PS-2019-014, to 2 Secord Inc. and 90 Eastdale Inc. for nominal consideration for 46 months, substantially on the terms and conditions outlined in Appendix A to Motion MM9.50, and on such other terms as may be approved by the Director, Real Estate Services in consultation with the General Manager, Parks, Forestry and Recreation, and in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor.

4.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to request the Local Planning Appeal Tribunal to amend the Official Plan Amendment before the Tribunal to accommodate the 46 month delay between the disposal of the existing park and the construction of the park on the Replacement Park lands, by way of a site specific exemption from the Official Plan Policy 4.3.8.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.50
Appendix A - Terms of Land Exchange
Appendix B - Sketch PS-2019-014

MM9.51 - 1211 St. Clair Avenue West - Liquor Licence Application - Kaito Sushi - by Councillor Ana Bailão, seconded by Councillor Shelley Carroll

Decision Type:
9 - Davenport

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the City Clerk to advise the Registrar of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario that the issuance of a liquor licence for 1211 St. Clair Avenue West operating under the name Kaito Sushi (the “Premises”) is not in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents, and that the Registrar should issue either a Proposal to Review or a Proposal to Refuse the liquor licence application.

2.  City Council request the Licence Appeal Tribunal to provide the City of Toronto with an opportunity to be made party to any proceedings with respect to the Premises.

3.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attend all proceedings before the Local Appeal Tribunal in this matter and direct the City Solicitor to take all necessary action so as to give effect to this Motion, including determining whether the application ought to be refused outright or whether the application can be supported with conditions to the liquor licence, all in consultation with the Ward Councillor.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.51

MM9.52 - Authorization to Release Section 37 funds from the development at 70 The Esplanade to fund the Production and Installation of a Heritage Plaque to Commemorate the 110th anniversary of Hotel Victoria - by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Decision Type:
13 - Toronto Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council increase the approved 2019 Operating Budget for Heritage Toronto on a one-time basis by $2,200.00 gross, $0 net, fully funded by Section 37 community benefits obtained from the development at 6-18 Church Street and 51-63 Front Street East (70 The Esplanade) (Source Account: XR3026-3700344), for the production and installation of a heritage plaque at 56 Yonge Street to commemorate the 110th anniversary of Hotel Victoria (Cost Centre HG 0001).

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.52
(July 17, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.53 - Authorization to Release Section 42 Funding to Support Renovations to the Fieldhouse in Leslie Grove Park, 1158 Queen Street East - by Councillor Paula Fletcher, seconded by Councillor Michael Ford

Decision Type:
14 - Toronto - Danforth

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council amend the 2019 Approved Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget, sub-project CAMP (SGR) ORC Facilities,  account CPR116-48-01, by $0.075 million gross, fully funded by the Section 42 Above Five Percent Cash-in-lieu from 140 Boulton Avenue (Source Account: XR2213-4201082), for the purpose of renovating the Leslie Grove Park Fieldhouse.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.53
(July 17, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.54 - 9 Tippett Road Land Conveyance Relief - Site Plan Control Application - by Councillor James Pasternak, seconded by Councillor Mike Colle

Decision Type:
6 - York Centre

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve, in principle, the conditions set out in Attachment 3 to the report (July 15, 2019) from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning, for the proposed mixed-use development at 9 Tippett Road, subject to removing all of the conditions related to the transfer of the future road and corner rounding from A – PRE-APPROVAL CONDITIONS, and placing them in B - POST APPROVAL CONDITIONS, and adding the requirement that the conveyance of the future public road and the corner rounding be completed prior to condominium registration, and adding the following two new conditions to A – PRE-APPROVAL CONDITIONS:


1.  Provide adequate securities, in the form of a Letter of Credit or certified cheque, to be submitted to the City by the Owner, to cover the estimated future cost of bringing the future 9.25 metre public road and the 6.1 metre corner rounding lands into compliance with the City's policy to remediate contaminated land, to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Transportation Services.


2. Submit a cost estimate from the Owner’s environmental consultant, which is to be peer reviewed at the Owner’s expense within fifteen (15) days of submission of the cost estimate by the Owner failing which the cost estimate shall be deemed to be acceptable, confirming the cost of remediating the contaminated future road conveyance and corner rounding in order to determine an appropriate amount for the securities required under Condition 1, above.


2. City Council delegate back to the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning or his designate the authority to issue final Site Plan Approval.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.54
(July 15, 2019) Report from the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning on 9 Tippett Road - Site Plan Control Application - Final Report

MM9.55 - Representation at a Toronto Local Appeal Body Hearing for 38 Lorraine Drive - by Councillor John Filion, seconded by Councillor Gord Perks

Decision Type:
18 - Willowdale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor, and any other appropriate City staff to attend the Toronto Local Appeal Body hearing for 38 Lorraine Drive to uphold the Committee of Adjustment's refusal of the minor variances requested through Application A0168/19NY.


2.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to retain outside consultants, as necessary.


3.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attempt to negotiate a resolution of the appeal and, if a resolution is reached, to settle the appeal at the City Solicitor's discretion, and in consultation with the Ward Councillor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.55
Committee of Adjustment, North York Panel Notice of Decision on Minor Variance/Permission for 38 Lorraine Drive
(April 30, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, North York District on Representation at a Toronto Local Appeal Body hearing for 38 Lorraine Drive
Transportation Memo dated April 26, 2019

MM9.56 - Authorization to Release Section 45(9) Funds from the Development at 861-863 St. Clair Avenue West to the Toronto District School Board for the Rawlinson Community School Outdoor Area Restoration Project - by Councillor Ana Bailão, seconded by Councillor Paula Fletcher

Decision Type:
9 - Davenport

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council approve the release to the Toronto District School Board (NP2161) of $0.155 million of Section 45 funds from the development at 861 St. Clair Avenue West for the Rawlinson Outdoor Area Restoration Project to improve the green space for school and community use, such payment to be made upon the receipt of this Section 45 agreement payment by the City.

2.  City Council request City staff from the Management Services Branch of Parks, Forestry and Recreation to participate in the preparation of the Community Access Agreement and City Council request the City Solicitor to draw up the Agreement for a term of 10 years, in consultation with the Ward Councillor and Community Planning staff.

3.  City Council authorize the execution of a Community Access Agreement with the Toronto District School Board for the outdoor improvements at Rawlinson Community School, to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.

4.  City Council direct that the funds be forwarded to the Toronto District School Board once the Toronto District School Board has signed a Community Access Agreement with the City, governing the purpose of the funds, the financial reporting requirements, and addressing community access to the playground facilities satisfactory to the City Solicitor, and prepared in consultation with the General Manager, Parks Forestry and Recreation and the Ward Councillor.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.56
(July 17, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.57 - 35-53 and 101-113 Valley Woods Road and 1213-1229 York Mills Road - Construction Timing - by Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong, seconded by Councillor Mike Colle

Decision Type:
16 - Don Valley East

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council authorize an amendment to the Section 37 Agreement between the City and Alit Don Valley Property Inc., dated August 20, 2013 and Section 111 Agreement dated December 30, 2013 between the City and Alit Don Valley Property Inc., to permit the issuance of a building permit for two of Buildings A, B, or C prior to Building E being ready for occupancy provided that the 140 replacement rental units to be located in Building E (Parcel A) shall be ready and available for residential use and occupancy prior to the issuance of any above-grade building permit for the last building on Parcels A or B, being Building A, B, C, or D.

2.  City Council authorize an amendment to the Section 37 Agreement between the City and Alit Don Valley Property Inc., dated August 20, 2013, to allow the issuance of a conditional above grade structural permit in advance of the required sanitary sewer upgrades being installed and operational, provided that the owner has fulfilled the following conditions:

a.  executed a subdivision agreement;

b.  posted security,  in an amount to be determined by the General Manager, Toronto Water,  to secure the installation of the sanitary sewer upgrade;

c.  completed all necessary approvals for the sanitary sewer upgrade to the satisfaction of the General Manager, Toronto Water; and

d.  commenced construction of the sanitary sewer upgrade.

3.  City Council authorize and direct the City Solicitor to prepare such amendment agreement as is required and to register the same on title to the subject lands in priority to other interests to the satisfaction of the City Solicitor.

4.  City Council authorize the appropriate City Officials to take necessary steps to implement Parts 1, 2 and 3 above, including execution of an amending Section 37 and/or Section 111 Agreement.

5.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor and any other necessary staff to take the necessary steps to carry out City Council’s decision.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.57

MM9.58 - Authorization to Release Section 37 and 45(9) Funds from Various Developments for the Construction of New Affordable Housing as part of the Alexandra Park Revitalization - by Councillor Joe Cressy, seconded by Councillor Michael Ford

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council increase the 2019 Approved Operating Budget of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration (FH5795) on a one-time basis by $1,092,909.34 gross, $0 net, for transfer to the Capital Revolving Reserve Fund for Affordable Housing (XR1058), for the purpose of creating new affordable housing and/or home ownership opportunities in Phase 2 of the Alexandra Park Revitalization, fully funded by Section 37 community benefits in the following developments:


a. 40, 46, 48, 50, 52 and 60 McCaul Street and 10 Stephanie Street, secured for the provision of new affordable housing in Ward 20 in the amount of $101,905.13 (Source Account: XR3026-3700888);

b. 295 Adelaide Street West and 100 to 104 John Street, secured for the provision of affordable housing in Ward 20, in the amount of $36,584.02 (Source Account: XR3026-3700313);

c. 335, 355 King Street West and 119 Blue Jays Way, secured for the provision of affordable housing in Ward 20, in the amount of $429.71 (Source Account: XR3026-3700748);

d. 324, 326, 328 and 332 Richmond Street West, secured for capital improvements to/or development of new Toronto Community Housing Corporation units in Ward 20, in the amount of $224,622.03 (Source Account: XR3026-3700972);

e. 283 Adelaide Street West, secured for the maintenance of or the provision of new affordable housing in Ward 20, in the amount of $144,881.16 (Source Account: XR3026-3700927).

f. 15-35 Mercer Street, secured for the maintenance of or the provision of new rental housing units as part of the Alexandra Park and Atkinson Housing Co-operative Revitalization, in the amount of $583,923.95 (Source Account: XR3026-3700920);

g. 318 Richmond Street West, to be allocated toward affordable housing in Ward 20, in the amount of $360.98 (Source Account: XR3028-4500189); and

h. 604-618 Richmond Street West, to be allocated for capital improvements to and or the provision of new affordable housing units in Ward 20, in the amount of $202.36 (Source Account: XR3026-3700786).

2. City Council authorize the Executive Director, Housing Secretariat to provide $1,092,909.34 in funding from the Capital Revolving Reserve Fund (XR1058) to the Toronto Community Housing Corporation for the purpose of creating new affordable housing and/or home ownership opportunities in Phase 2 of the Alexandra Park Revitalization in Ward 10 fully funded from the Section 37 (Planning Act Reserve Fund) community benefits, subject to the following conditions:


a. the transfer of the designated funds from XR3026 to XR1058; and


b. Toronto Community Housing Corporation signing an assignment of the municipal capital facility agreement governing the use of the funds and the financial reporting requirements.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.58
(July 17, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.59 - Request to Amend the 2019 Capital Budget for Heritage Lighting of the Great Hall at Union Station - by Councillor Joe Cressy, seconded by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council increase the 2019 Council Approved Capital Budget of Corporate Real Estate Management for the Union Station Revitalization Project by $154,638 gross, $0 net, with $0 debt impact, for the installation of interior lighting for the Great Hall of Union Station (WBS Element: CCA911-08), fully funded by Section 16 funds secured from the development agreement for 15 York Street (Source Account: XR3031).

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.59
Attachment 1 - Great Hall Lighting Design
(July 17, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.60 - Request to Amend the 2019 Parks Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget for the York Street Park project (Ward 10) - by Councillor Joe Cressy, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council amend the 2019 Approved Parks, Forestry and Recreation Capital Budget for the York Off-ramp Construction sub-project in the amount of $2,000,000.00, increasing the total project cost from $10,000,000 (excluding taxes) to 12,000,000.00 and 2020 cash flow from $3,000,000.00 (excluding taxes) to $5,000,000.00, with funding from the following Section 42 Above five percent Cash-in-lieu for 90 Harbour account $1,188,000 (Source Account: XR2213-4200793), and 120 Harbour $812,000.00 (Source Account: XR2213-4200474) for updated construction estimate.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.60
(July 17, 2019) Fiscal Impact Statement from the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer

MM9.61 - Extension of the Term of the Integrity Commissioner - by Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong, seconded by Councillor Gord Perks

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council extend the term of the Integrity Commissioner, on the same terms and conditions, to November 29, 2019 or until the recruitment process for a new Integrity Commissioner is completed, and City Council approves the appointment of a new Integrity Commissioner, whichever comes first.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.61
(July 16, 2019) Report from the Chair, Integrity Commissioner Selection Panel on Extension of the Term of the Integrity Commissioner

MM9.62 - Potential Acquisition of 1240 Bay Street - by Councillor Mike Layton, seconded by Councillor Kristyn Wong-Tam

Decision Type:
11 - University - Rosedale

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the Director, Real Estate Services, and any other appropriate City staff, to investigate and report back on the benefits, costs, and options for the City to acquire the property interest in the property municipally known as 1240 Bay Street.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.62

MM9.63 - 7-15 Ingram Drive - City Solicitor Attendance to the Toronto Local Appeal Body - Appeal of Committee of Adjustment Decision (A00275/19EYK) - by Councillor Frances Nunziata, seconded by Deputy Mayor Denzil Minnan-Wong

Decision Type:
5 - York South - Weston

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council direct the City Solicitor, and any other appropriate City Staff, to attend the Toronto Local Appeal Body in respect of 7-15 Ingram Drive to uphold the Committee of Adjustment’s approval with condition of Application A0275/19EYK.

2. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to retain outside consultants, as necessary.

3. City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attempt to negotiate a resolution of the appeal and, if a resolution is reached, to settle the appeal at the City Solicitor's discretion after consulting with the Ward Councillor and the Chief Planner and Executive Director, City Planning.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.63
Committee of Adjustment Etobicoke York Panel Notice of Decision on application for Minor Variance/Permission for 7-11 Ingram Drive
(June 13, 2019) Report from the Director, Community Planning, Etobicoke York District on 7-15 Ingram Drive

MM9.64 - Providing Support to Northern Ontario Communities Evacuations - by Mayor John Tory, seconded by Councillor Michael Thompson

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. In respect of the current request to assist in being a "host community", in the event that there is an evacuation due to northern forest fires, and all similar future requests in respect of emergency evacuations, and subject to receiving a commitment that City expenses will be reimbursed, City Council authorize the City Manager, and the Mayor if required, in consultation with the Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer, to:


a. negotiate with the Province of Ontario and the Government of Canada, and implement, the City's hosting arrangements, if any, including the services and facilities the City may provide as part of such a hosting arrangement;

b. enter into and execute all necessary agreements including any amendments with the Province of Ontario, the Government of Canada, and any other required parties, in a form satisfactory to the City Solicitor, to provide the hosting arrangement, including funding agreements to secure intergovernmental funding opportunities to recover the City hosting-related costs; and

c. receive and allocate any funds obtained for services provided as a result of hosting.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.64

MM9.65 - Request to the Government of Canada to halt the Sale of 200 Queens Quay West and Commit the Site for New Affordable Housing - by Councillor Joe Cressy, seconded by Councillor Shelley Carroll

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 adopted the following:


1.  City Council request the City Manager to write to the Minister of Public Services and Procurement, with copy to all Members of Parliament representing the City of Toronto, to request that the market sale of 200 Queens Quay West be paused until a requirement is applied to the site ensuring it is used to create new affordable housing.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.65

MM9.66 - 619 King Street West - Liquor Licence Application - Goldie - by Councillor Joe Cressy, seconded by Councillor Mike Layton

Decision Type:
10 - Spadina - Fort York

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1.  City Council direct the City Clerk to advise the Registrar of the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario that the liquor license application for 619 King Street West operating under the name Goldie (the “Premises”) is not in the public interest having regard to the needs and wishes of the residents, and that the Registrar should issue either a Proposal to Review or a Proposal to Refuse the liquor licence application.

2.  City Council request the Licence Appeal Tribunal to provide the City of Toronto with an opportunity to be made party to any proceedings with respect to the Premises.

3.  City Council authorize the City Solicitor to attend all proceedings before the Licence Appeal Tribunal in this matter and direct the City Solicitor to take all necessary action so as to give effect to this Motion, including determining whether the application ought to be refused outright or whether the application can be supported with conditions to the liquor licence, all in consultation with the Ward Councillor.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.66

MM9.67 - Addressing Flooding Issues in the Rockcliffe Area - by Councillor Mike Colle, seconded by Councillor Frances Nunziata

Decision Type:
5 - York South - Weston, 8 - Eglinton - Lawrence

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16, 17 and 18, 2019, adopted the following:


1. City Council request the Deputy City Manager, Infrastructure and Development Services to investigate flooding issues in the vicinity of Caledonia Road and Bowie Avenue, adjacent to the Canada Goose Plant, and within the Rockcliffe area to identify any possible short and long-term remedies and to report back to the Infrastructure and Environment Committee in the fourth quarter of 2019.

Background Information (City Council)

Member Motion MM9.67

Bills and By-laws - Meeting 9

BL9.1 - Introduction and Enactment of General Bills and Confirming Bills

Decision Type:

City Council Decision

City Council on July 16 and 17, 2019 enacted By-laws 1096-2019 to 1212-2019.

City Council Decision Advice and Other Information

City Council adopted a resolution that Committee and Council considered submissions in making a decision on Zoning By-laws and Official Plan Amendments.

Background Information (City Council)

Consolidated By-law Index for July 16, 17 and 18, 2019 City Council meeting

Meeting Sessions

Session Date Session Type Start Time End Time Public or Closed Session
2019-07-16 Morning 9:35 AM 12:23 PM Public
2019-07-16 Afternoon 2:09 PM 5:57 PM Public
2019-07-17 Morning 9:41 AM 12:24 PM Public
2019-07-17 Afternoon 2:12 PM 6:24 PM Public
2019-07-18 Morning 9:43 AM 12:29 PM Public
2019-07-18 Afternoon 2:12 PM 3:54 PM Public
2019-07-18 Afternoon 3:59 PM 4:11 PM Closed
2019-07-18 Afternoon 4:17 PM 6:40 PM Public


Members were present for some or all of the time period indicated.
Date and Time Quorum Members
9:35 AM - 12:23 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
2:09 PM - 5:57 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
3:20 PM - Roll Call
Present Present: Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Jaye Robinson, John Tory
Not Present: Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata, Anthony Perruzza, Michael Thompson, Kristyn Wong-Tam
9:41 AM - 12:24 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
2:12 PM - 6:24 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata, James Pasternak, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
9:43 AM - 12:29 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Michael Ford, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Not Present: James Pasternak
2:12 PM - 3:54 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Not Present: Michael Ford, James Pasternak
3:59 PM - 4:11 PM
(Closed Session)
Present Present: Paul Ainslie, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Mike Colle, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Jennifer McKelvie, Frances Nunziata, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Not Present: Ana Bailão, Michael Ford, Josh Matlow, Denzil Minnan-Wong, James Pasternak, Michael Thompson
4:17 PM - 6:40 PM
(Public Session)
Present Present: Paul Ainslie, Ana Bailão, Brad Bradford, Shelley Carroll, Gary Crawford, Joe Cressy, John Filion, Paula Fletcher, Mark Grimes, Stephen Holyday, Jim Karygiannis, Cynthia Lai, Mike Layton, Josh Matlow, Jennifer McKelvie, Denzil Minnan-Wong, Frances Nunziata, Gord Perks, Anthony Perruzza, Jaye Robinson, Michael Thompson, John Tory, Kristyn Wong-Tam
Not Present: Mike Colle, Michael Ford, James Pasternak
Source: Toronto City Clerk at